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景点英文名称北京各个旅游景点的英文名称 长城 the Great Wall 八达岭长城 Great Wall at Badaling or Badaling Great Wall 居庸关 Juyongguan Pass or Juyonguan Great Wall 慕田峪长城 Great Wall at Mutianyu 天安门广场 Tian'anmen Square 人民大会堂 the G...

北京各个旅游景点的英文名称 长城 the Great Wall 八达岭长城 Great Wall at Badaling or Badaling Great Wall 居庸关 Juyongguan Pass or Juyonguan Great Wall 慕田峪长城 Great Wall at Mutianyu 天安门广场 Tian'anmen Square 人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People 人民英雄纪念碑 Monument to the People's Heros 琉璃厂 Glass Street 昆明湖 Kunming Lake 北海公园 Beihai Park 白马寺 White Horse Temple  天坛 Temple of Heaven 颐和园 the Summer Palace 紫禁城 the Forbidden City 故宫博物院 the Palace Museum 太和殿 the Hall of Supreme Harmony 中和殿 the Hall of Central Harmony 保和殿 the Hall of Preserving Harmony 祈年殿 the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest 乾清宫 Palace of Heavenly Purity 金水桥 the Golden Devine Might 神武门 the Gate of Devine Might 午门 the Meridian Gate 司马台 Simatai Fort 烽火台the Beacon Tower 御花园 the Imperial Garden 回音壁 Echo Wall 圜丘 the Circular Mound Altar 万寿山 Longevity Hill  清东陵 Eastern Royal Tombs of the Qing Dynasty 避暑山庄 the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort 毛主席纪念堂 Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall 革命历史博物馆 the Museum of Revolutionary History 少年宫 the Children's Palace 紫金山天文台 Purple and Gold Hills Observation okky 民族文化宫 the Cultural Palace for Nationalities 劳动人民文化宫 Working People's Cultural Palace 北京工人体育馆 Beijing Worker's Stadium 周口店遗址 Zhoukoudian Ancient Site 全国名胜景点 仙人洞 Fairy Cave 黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Falls 西山晴雪 the Sunny Western Hills after Snow 龙门石窟 Longmen Stone Cave 苏州园林 Suzhou Gardens 庐山 Lushan Mountain 天池 Heaven Pool 蓬莱水城 Penglai Water City 大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda 华山 Huashan Mountain 峨嵋山 Emei Mountain 石林 Stone Forest 白云山 White Cloud Mountain 布达拉宫 Potala Palace 大运河 Grand Canal 滇池 Dianchi Lake 杜甫草堂 Du Fu Cottage 都江堰 Dujiang Dam 鼓浪屿 Gulangyu Islet 观音阁 Goddess of Mercy Pavilion 归元寺 Guiyuan Buddhist Temple 甘露寺 Sweet Dew Temple 黄花岗七十二烈士墓 Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs 华清池 Huaqing Hot Spring 昭君墓 Zhaojun's Tomb 毛泽东故居 Mao Zedong's former Residence 周恩来故居 Zhou Enlai's former Residence 越秀公园 Yuexiu Park 岳阳楼 Yueyang Tower 南湖公园 South Lake Park 中山公园 Zhongshan Park 武侯祠 Temple of Marquis 漓江 Lijiang River 寒山寺 Hanshan Temple 静心斋 Heart-East Study 黄鹤楼 Yellow Crane Tower 黄山 Huangshan Mountain 天下第一关 the First Pass Under Heaven 桂林山水 Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters 秦始皇兵马俑 Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines  上海著名旅游景点的英文名称 不夜城 sleepless city 沧海桑田 ups and downs of time 长江三角洲 the Yangtze River Delta 磁悬浮列车 maglev train (magnetically levitated train); magnetic suspension train 大都市 metropolis; cosmopolis; metropolitan city; cosmopolitan city 东方明珠塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower 东海之滨的明珠 the pearl on the coast of the East China Sea 高架公路 elevated highway; overhead highway 高架立交桥overhead viaduct 国际展览局 BIE International Bureau of Exhibitions 历史文化名城 a famous historic and cultural city 龙华寺 Longhua Temple 内环线 the inner ring; the inner belt way; the inner loop 浦东新区 Pudong New Area 轻轨火车 light rail train; elevated rail train 上海合作组织 SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization 上海五国第六次峰会 the sixth summit of “Shanghai Five” 上海五国机制 the Shanghai Five mechanism 上海合作组织Shanghai Cooperation Organization (a six-member group founded in 2001 that includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan). 申博成功 successful bid for World Expo 投资热点 a hot/ popular investment destination 万国建筑博览 exhibition / gallery of International Architecture 外滩 the Bund 信息港 infoport 黄浦江游cruise along the Huangpu River 玉佛寺 Jade Buddha Temple 豫园 Yu Yuan Garden 直辖市 municipality directly under Central Government 外高桥保税区 Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone/ Free-trade Zone 张江高科技园区 Zhangjiang High-tech Park 金桥出口加工区 Jinqiao Export Processing Zone 陆家嘴金融贸易中心 Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone 金贸大厦 Jinmao Tower 城隍庙 Town God’s Temple 上海国际会议中心 Shanghai International Convention Center (南浦,杨浦,徐浦,卢浦)大桥 Nanpu/ Yangpu/ xupu/ lupu (suspension) Bridge 交通一卡通 Metro pass (浦东)滨江大道 Riverside Promenade 外滩观隧道 Sightseeing Tunnel at the Bund (浦东) 世纪公园 Century Park 上海体育馆Shanghai Stadium 上海大剧院 Shanghai Grand Theater 上海科技馆 Shanghai Science & Technology Museum [扩展] 科普教育基地 a base for science education 休闲旅游场所 a venue for leisure and tourism 展区 exhibition area 地壳探秘 Earth’s Crust Exploration 生物万象 Wide Spectrum of life 智慧之光 Light of Wisdom 视听乐园 AV Paradise 儿童科技园 Children’s Technoland 科普商场 popular science shopping mall 多功能厅multi-al hall 虹口足球场 Shanghai Hongkou Football Stadium 上海植物园Shanghai Botanical Garden 水族馆 aquarium 松江大学城 Songjiang College Town 上海星级酒店 star-rated hotels in Shanghai [扩展] Peace Hotel 和平饭店 Holliday Inn 假日酒店 Pudong Shangri-la 香格里拉 Renaissance shanghai Pudong 上海淳大万丽 Portman Ritz-Carlton 波特曼丽嘉酒店 the Grand Hyatt 金贸凯悦 Hilton Shanghai 希尔顿 Four Seasons 四季大酒店 Equatorial Shanghai 赤道大酒店 Regal International East Asia 富豪 Marriott 万豪 Radisson 雷迪森、瑞迪森 Sheraton 喜来登 Ramada 华美达 Inter-Continental 洲际 Sofitel Hyland 索菲特 Westin 威斯汀 St. Regis 瑞吉 巴黎圣母院英文介绍notre dame de paris Notre Dame de Paris, known simply as Notre Dame in English, is a Gothic cathedral on the eastern half of the ?le de la Cité in Paris, France, with its main entrance to the west. It is still used as a Roman Catholic cathedral and is the seat of the Archbishop of Paris. Notre Dame de Paris is widely considered one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture. It was restored and saved from destruction by Viollet-le-Duc, one of France's most famous architects. Notre Dame translates as "Our Lady" from French.    Notre Dame de Paris was one of the first Gothic cathedrals, and its construction spanned the Gothic period. Its sculptures and stained glass show the heavy influence of naturalism, giving them a more secular look that was lacking from earlier Romanesque architecture.   Notre Dame de Paris was among the first buildings in the world to use the flying buttress. The building was not originally designed to include the flying buttresses around the choir and nave. After the construction began and the thinner walls (popularized in the Gothic style) grew ever higher, stress fractures began to occur as the walls pushed outward. So, naturaly, they built supports around the building and later additions continued as such.   At the end of the 18th century, during the French Revolution, many of the treasures of the cathedral were either destroyed or plundered. The statues of biblical kings of Judea (erroneously thought to be kings of France) were beheaded. Many of the heads were found during a 1977 excavation nearby and are on display at the Musée de Cluny. Only the great bells avoided being melted down, and the cathedral was dedicated first to the Cult of Reason, and to the Cult of the Supreme Being. The church interior was used as a warehouse for the storage of forage and food.  巴黎圣母院(notredamedeparis)建成于1345年。不仅因雨果的同名小说而出名,更因为它是巴黎最古老最宏伟的天主教堂。这座哥特式的巨石建筑物,历经两百年,由mauricedesul-ly所设计。她是巴黎最古老、最大、建筑最出色的天主教堂,在欧洲建筑史上具有划时代的意义。   教堂形体方正,仪态庄严。正面朝西分三层,高69米,底层并排三座桃形大门洞,左为圣母门,右为圣安娜门,中为最后的审判。门上布满了雕饰,描述圣经的故事。门卷上是长条壁龛,一字排着28座雕像。   圣母院后殿始建于137o年,它不但是整组建筑的终端,而且它本身还创造了一种影响到每一部位结构的动感,从高低脚拱到肋状构架,都体现了这种动感。高低脚拱半径达15米左右,别具一格的后殿建筑不愧为歌特建筑的杰出之作。   从圣母院塔上可观赏到塞纳河(laseine)上的风光及庞比度假中心。星期天晚上圣母院内不时有风琴演奏。 中国五大魅力城市英文介绍 Beijing   If your visions of Beijing are centred around pods of Maoist revolutionaries in buttoned-down tunics performing t’ai chi in the Square, put them to rest: this city has embarked on a new-millennium roller-coaster and it’s taking the rest of China with it.   The spinsterish Beijing of old is having a facelift and the cityscape is changing daily. Within the city, however, you’ll still find some of China’s most stunning sights: the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven Park, the Lama Temple and the Great Wall, to name just a few.   Hong Kong   Hong Kong has the big city specials like smog, odour, 14 million elbows and an insane love of clatter. But it’s also efficient, hushed and peaceful: the transport network is excellent, the shopping centres are sublime, and the temples and quiet corners of parks are contemplative oases.   Hong Kong has enough towering urbanity, electric streetscapes, enigmatic temples, commercial fervour and cultural idiosyncrasies to utterly swamp the senses of a visitor, and enough spontaneous, unexpected possibilities to make a complete mockery of any attempt at a strictly organised itinerary.   Macau   Macau may be firmly back in China’s orbit, but the Portuguese patina on this Sino-Lusitanian Las Vegas makes it a most unusual Asian destination. It has always been overshadowed by its glitzy near-neighbour Hong Kong - which is precisely why it’s so attractive.   Macau’s dual cultural heritage is a boon for travellers, who can take their pick from traditional Chinese temples, a spectacular ruined cathedral, pastel villas, old forts and islands that once harboured pirates. A slew of musuems will tell you how it all came about.   Shanghai   Although the lights have been out for quite some time, Shanghai once beguiled foreigners with its seductive mix of tradition and sophistication. Now Shanghai is reawakening and dusting off its party shoes for another silken tango with the wider world.   In many ways, Shanghai is a Western invention. The Bund, its riverside area, and Frenchtown are the best places to see the remnants of its decadent colonial past. Move on to temples, gardens, bazaars and the striking architecture of the new Shanghai.   Xi’an   Xi’an was once a major crossroads on the trading routes from eastern China to central Asia, and vied with Rome and later Constantinople for the title of greatest city in the world. Today Xi’an is one of China’s major drawcards, largely because of the Army of Terracotta Warriors on the city’s eastern outskirts. Uncovered in 1974, over 10,000 figures have been sorted to date. Soldiers, archers (armed with real weapons) and chariots stand in battle formation in underground vaults looking as fierce and war-like as pottery can. Xi’an’s other attractions include the old city walls, the Muslim quarter and the Banpo Neolithic Village - a tacky re-creation of the Stone Age. By train, Xi’an is a 16 hour journey from Beijing. If you’ve got a bit of cash to spare, you can get a flight. 香港维多利亚港英文简介 Victoria Harbour is the harbour between the Kowloon Peninsula and the Hong Kong Island of Hong Kong, China. With an area of about 41.88 km2 as at 2004, its natural depth and sheltered location enticed the British to occupy the island of Hong Kong during the First Opium War, and subsequently establish the colony as a trading post. The harbour is famous for its spectacular panoramic views, and is in itself a top tourist attraction. It is a natural focal point of the territory, and considered a crucial natural geographical element for city dwellers. This sense of geographical attachment is most notably demonstrated in recent years, when the Hong Kong government’s efforts to undertake reclamation projects in the harbor were met with widespread popular protests, despite the fact that such work had taken place in the harbor for the past century and a half.   维多利亚港(简称维港)是位于香港的香港岛和九龙半岛之间的海港。由于港阔水深,为天然良港,香港亦因而有“东方之珠”、“世界三大天然良港”及“世界三大夜景”之美誉。早年,维多利亚港已被英国人看中有成为东亚地区的优良港口的潜力,不惜藉战争从满清政府手上夺得香港,发展其远东的海上贸易事业。香港的殖民地史随即展开。事实上,维多利亚港的确一直影响香港的历史和文化,亦主导香港的经济和旅游业发展,是香港成为国际大城市的关键之一。 埃及英文介绍Egypt 埃及英文导游词 Travellers have marvelled at Egypt's archaeological wonders for centuries, ever since the Ancient Greeks visited the pyramids. Today, millions of tourists are attracted each year to the pyramids, temples, mosques and great monuments of the Nile Valley, as well as the stunning diving resorts of the Red Sea. In 430 BC, when Greek historian Herodotos visited the magnificent monuments in Egypt, many of them were already 2,500 years old. Most, from the pyramids of Giza to the astonishingly beautiful temples of Karnak or Philae, or the painted tombs in the Valley of the Kings, can still be visited today. The sheer age of this great civilisation is mind-blowing. The life-giving Nile runs north through the country to the Mediterranean, feeding an emerald ribbon of irrigated fields adjacent to villages shaded by date palms. Whether on a cruise ship or traditional felucca boat, life on the water is a constant visual feast, while the few huge, dusty cities - Cairo, Alexandria, Aswan and Luxor - are a babble of exotic sounds and smells. Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheik, on the Red Sea coast, are doors to a magical underwater world of technicolour fish and coral that draws divers from around the world, while other adventurous travellers head inland. Here, you can discover monasteries amid the arid mountains of Sinai or the distant desert oases, home to the hardy nomads whose camel trains still wander the Saharan sands. Egypt is at the centre of the Arab world and has played a central role in the region's political situation in modern times. After three wars in 1948, 1967 and 1973, peace was achieved with Israel in 1979 leading to Egypt's expulsion from the Arab League (they were restored in 1991). Egypt has since played a vital role in the Middle East Peace Process. 埃及是个有着七千年历史的文明古国,与黄河流域的中国、恒河流域的印度、两河流域的巴比伦同为世界四大文明古国。古埃及人很崇拜狮子,因此把狮身人面像放在墓穴外面作为守护神。 阿斯旺是埃及南部的重要城市,位于首都开罗以南900公里的尼罗河东岸,是埃及南方的大门。历史上阿斯旺曾是非洲贸易的货物集散地,因为尼罗河的运输到此就为岩石所打断,所有货物要由走水路改为走陆路。 PAGE 2
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