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走遍美国-词汇手册-初级 Microsoft Word 文档


走遍美国-词汇手册-初级 Microsoft Word 文档走遍美国 词汇手册 (初级) UNIT One 46 Linden Street ACT I NEW WORDS ferryboat:渡船 photographer: a person whose job is to take pictures with a camera 摄影师 album:影集;相册 E.g. a family album 一本家庭相册 reflector:反光板 terrific: 非常好!太棒了! E.g. The scenery is really terrif...

走遍美国-词汇手册-初级 Microsoft Word 文档
走遍美国 词汇手册 (初级) UNIT One 46 Linden Street ACT I NEW WORDS ferryboat:渡船 photographer: a person whose job is to take pictures with a camera 摄影师 album:影集;相册 E.g. a family album 一本家庭相册 reflector:反光板 terrific: 非常好!太棒了! E.g. The scenery is really terrific there. banker:银行家 vendor:小贩;摊贩 ambulance:救护车 toy: 玩具 foghorn:雾角;雾笛 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS What’s it for? 做什么用? I appreciate your help: Thank you for helping me. Just a second.请等一下 similar expressions: Just a minute. Wait a moment. Hold on. Etc. exchange student :交换学生 photo album:相册 steel worker:钢铁工人 street vendor:街头小贩 ambulance driver:救护车驾驶员 high school:高中 what about…:tell me about… E.g. What about your father? What does he do for a living? Greek-American希腊裔美国人;希腊裔美国人的 It was nice meeting you=It was a pleasure meeting you.很高兴认识你。(与人初次见面后分手时的告别语) I’ve got to go.: I must go. PROPER NAMES New York Harbor:纽约港 the Statue of Liberty:自由女神雕像 Richard Stewart:理查得。斯图尔特 (男子名) Martha Vann: 玛莎.范(女子名) Gerald:杰拉尔德(男子名) Alexandra:亚历山德拉(女子名) Greece: 希腊(国名) Family Album, U.S.A: 走遍美国(书名) Ellen :艾伦(女子名) Robbie: 罗比(男子名) Susan:苏姗(女子名) Florida:佛罗里达州(美国州名) Marilyn :玛丽琳(女子名) Thessaloniki: 塞萨洛尼基(希腊北部城市) Bronx: one of the five boroughs, or areas, of New York City. The other boroughs are Manhattan, Brooklyn ,Queens, and Staten Island.纽约市的五个行政区之一 Hispanic:Spanish-speaking 西班牙语系的,拉丁美洲的 ACT II NEW WORDS subway: 地铁 anytime:=My pleasure.不用谢 E.g. A: “Thank you very much for your help.” B: :Anytime.” platform: 平台;月台 boutique: 时装店 customer: 顾客 sweater: 毛衣 dial:拨号 E.g. You must dial 119 if a fire breaks out. canvas:帆布 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS name tag: 名牌 try…on:试穿 E.g. Please try this pair of shoes on to see if they are comfortable. lost-and-found office:失物招领处 hang up :挂断电话 E.g. Before I could answer him, he hung up. PROPER NAMES Linden Street: 林登大街 Riverdale : 里弗戴尔(地名) Van Cortlandt Park: 范. 考特兰公园 uptown platform: the place to wait for trains going north.北线月台。在纽约,地铁线分为uptown(向北驶) 和down-town (向南驶), 在每个地铁站口都有标志。 Staten Island: 斯塔藤岛 J.F. Kennedy Ferry:约翰.肯尼迪号渡船 ACT III NEW WORDS teaspoon: 茶匙,咖啡匙 pasta: 通心粉;通心面 dessert: 甜点 vanilla: 香草香精 scoop: (一)勺 serve: 给人端食物或饮料 E.g. They served a wonderful meal to more than 50 guests. stuff:a number of different things E.g. Can you put all that stuff in this box? mathematics: 数学 数学高考答题卡模板高考数学答题卡模板三年级数学混合运算测试卷数学作业设计案例新人教版八年级上数学教学计划 pediatrician: a children’s doctor儿科医生 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS I’ll get it. 我去开门 take the time and trouble to do something:不惜花时间和麻烦去做某事 E.g. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to send me this important message. Take it easy. 别急;别紧张;沉住气。 E.g. Take it easy. Things will get better soon. iced tea: 冰茶 drive somebody home:开车送某人回家 save the day for someone: help someone a lot 给某人帮了个大忙 E.g. You really saved the day for me by lending me the book I need. PROPER NAMES Philip :菲利普(男名) Alexandra Pappas:亚历山德拉. 派巴斯(女子名) the Bronx High School of Science:布朗克斯科学中学 UNIT TWO THE BLIND DATE ACT I NEW WORDS date: 男女之间的)约会 E.g. Susan is going to have her first date. She is very excited. downtown:闹市区 block: a building or group of buildings built between two streets 街,街区 yeah: =(informal)yes grocery: 食品杂货店 ma’am:对妇女的尊称 buzzer: 门铃(蜂音/鸣器) intercom:=intercommunication system 对讲机 parking: 泊车 reservation:预定(席位,火车,飞机,旅馆房间等) sister-in-law:嫂子;大/小姑子;大/小姨子;弟媳 baby-sitter:临时保姆 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS blind date: an arranged meeting between a man and woman for the first time.男女双方经他人安排的第一次约会 make a left/right turn: 向左/右拐 traffic light: (交通)红绿灯 hot dog: 热狗(面包夹香肠) dinner date:晚餐约会 pay phone:公用付费电话 Excuse the mess: I’m sorry that things are not neat.抱歉(屋里)很乱。 Have fun: Have a good time. After you.=I’ll go after you. PROPER NAMES Manhattan:曼哈顿 Harry Bennett:哈里.贝内特(男子名) Wooster Street:伍斯特大街 Michelle: 米歇尔(女子名) Betty:贝蒂(女子名) ACT II NEW WORDS Thai: 泰国的;泰国人的 Thailand: 泰国 greet: to say hello to sb or to welcome them向…打招呼;欢迎;迎接 E.g. He greeted all the guests warmly as they arrived. ginger: 姜 ale: 麦芽啤酒 chablis: 干白葡萄酒 crispy: dry and easily broken 酥脆的 E.g. Try these biscuits .They are so crispy! petal:花瓣 starving: very hungry E.g. The children were so starving that they all cried loudly. vice-president: 副总统;副总经理 stomachache: 胃痛;肚子痛 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS Ginger ale: 姜味汽水 Mee krob: crispy fried noodles 酥脆炒面条(泰国一种家常餐点) rose-petal salad:玫瑰花瓣色拉 CPA:certified public accountant 注册会计师 PROPER NAMES Somsak: 索姆萨克(男子名) Universe Toy Company: 宇宙玩具公司 Smith and Dale:史密斯戴尔会计事务所 ACT III NEW WORDS Delicious: pleasing to the taste; good to eat 可口的;美味的 E.g. This dish is really delicious. I really appreciate it. peephole: 门镜;窥孔;猫眼 tummy: stomach (often used by small children)肚子 close: very friendly with each other.亲密的;关系好的 E.g. They are close friends. midnight: twelve o’clock at night.午夜,晚上12点 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS You won’t believe it.=You can’t imagine it.你简直无法相信。 E.g. You won’t believe it. I got full marks in my math test. bonsai tree:盆景;盆栽 I’m going to excuse myself.=Sorry, I have to leave对不起,我失陪了。 fashion show:时装 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演 Is there anyone else in your life?=Do you have a special man/woman or boyfriend/girlfriend in your life?你的生活中还有别的男/女人么? speak of: 谈起;提及 E.g. Speaking of fishing, Mike is an expert. Where did the time go?=The time passed very quickly./How time flies!时间过得真快。 You know something?=Do you know something? 你知道么?(隐含意:我想告诉你一件事) Have a safe trip home: 一路平安,走好 umbrella stand:伞架 Unit Three A Piece of Cake ACT I NEW WORDS NEW WORDS exhausted: very tired 筋疲力尽的,很累的 advanced :高级的,高难度的 E.g. John goes to advanced class in French. instructor: 教员,教练 nonstop: without stopping 连续不停的 tease: to make fun of 取笑,跟……逗趣 lift weights: 举重 No problem. =It’s easy. 没问题,小事一桩 aerobics: exercise for good breathing and a strong heart有氧健身操,健美操 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS without a doubt: sure; of course当然,毫无疑问 It’s a snap 小菜一碟.snap 原意是打响指,一般表示毫无问题. NO sweat. 不成问题,一点也不费劲. a piece of cake: easy 不费吹灰之力 E.g. Mike thought learning swimming was just a piece of cake. You want to bet?=Do you want to bet?你想打赌? right now: immediately 立刻,马上 Oh, fine, fine.好哇,好哇 on my way over: leaving for a place (我)这就过来) Don’t you forget 你自己别忘喽。 ACT II NEW WORDS nope=No 不,没有.这是一个很不正式的词. subject: 创作题材 advertising: 广告 sunrise: 双手合抱上举; 日出 twist: to turn from side to side 扭摆 side: 侧面 ideal : perfect 再好不过的 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS What do you do for a living?=What is your job?你是干哪一行的 The American scene= Pictures showing the American way of life 美国风情. Maybe you can…= How would you like the idea of..? 此处Jack Davis 用Maybe you can…这一句型婉转的请求Richard 帮忙. I can give you…free= I can give you…without having you pay for them. How about today? = Can I photograph a class today? 今天拍,你看行不? We’re going to go left first .先伸左手. Ok, hold to the right .好,停在右手 stretch it out 尽量伸直 flat back.水平拉回 You are in good condition= You do have a very strong and healthy body. 你身体太好了。 ACT III NEW WORDS steak :牛排 salad :色拉(一种凉拌菜) lettuce: 莴苣(一种绿色的蔬菜),可以生吃 cucumber:黄瓜( 也常加在色拉中) scissor:原意是 剪刀,但此处指一种健身操的花式. pony :原意是“小马驹”,此处指“垫步” barely: almost not at all 简直不 E.g. I can barely finish the work before dark. PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS I knew it! 我早就料到了! Instead of exercising, I photographed the class.= I didn’t really exercise ,but rather photographed the class.我没有参加锻炼,而是给他们班拍照来着. to exercise to music: 随着音乐做操,在音乐的伴奏下跳健身操. This is fun. 真好玩. pick up the pace= move more quickly 加快动作. How are you doing, Richard? 你还行吧,Richard? Now we’re going to run it off.好,我们加快跑动. That’s it for today. = That’s the end of today’s training. in great shape:(informal) in good physical condition 身体状况非常好. for the full hour= for a whole hour 整整一个小时. UnitFour Thanksgiving ACT I NEW WORDS ingredient: 配料 walnuts: 核桃 cinnamon : 桂皮粉 cabinet: a place to keep things such as dishes and food 橱柜,壁橱 spice 调味品 rack :搁物架 pepper : 胡椒粉 garlic powder :大蒜粉 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS get to work: start to work 开始工作 There is much more to be done=We have a lot more to do.我们有很多事情要做. last but not least: last but also as important as those mentioned above.最后但也是最重要的一点. It is possible that …=Maybe …有可能,大概. That’s my boy!=You are a good son. 好儿子! slam the door: to close the door with force, making a loud noise.砰的一声关上门. make you feel better= It will make you feel better.这会使你舒服些. What’s gotten into him?=What’s bothering him? 他怎么了,出什么事了? ACT II NEW WORDS parade: 游行 balloon: 气球 band : 乐队 float: 游行时用的模型彩车 clown: 小丑,丑角 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS Maybe so.= Maybe that’s true.也许是这样,或许是吧。 get over it : to stop feeling bad about it 恢复平静情绪。 look forward to: to wait for with pleasure 期待着,盼望着。 turkey dressing: 火鸡填料 to help serve: to help to serve 帮忙分菜,帮忙端菜上桌。 come on : to begin 开始(专指电视或广播节目的开始)。 E.g. The football match will come on at 20:00. ACT III NEW WORDS Pilgrim: 原意是“朝圣者”P大写时,特指1620年移居美国的英国清教徒. settler: people who come to live in a new place 移居者 harvest : the grains, fruit, and vegetables of the season收获,收成. patient: calm and not complaining 耐心的 touchdown: (橄榄球)攻到底线得分 oven: 烘箱,烤箱 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS in that spirit : with the same kind of feeling 基于同样的心情,怀着同样的心情 give thanks : to say thank you 感谢,致谢,感恩. That was very kind of you. 你真周到. pour coffee :倒咖啡. Unit Five Man’s best friend ACT I NEW WORDS absolutely: 绝对的,确实的 thoughtful: kind 考虑周到的 index finger :食指 springer spaniel :长毛垂耳狗 cute : pretty or attractive , like a child 聪明的,伶俐的,逗人喜爱的 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS I can tell. = I can see.我能感觉到,我知道有什么事,我能看出来. What’s up? = What’s happing 怎么了?出什么事了?相当于 What’s the matter? Is something wrong?等,这是一种非常口语化的表达方式. cheer you up: to make you feel happier 让你舒畅些,让你高兴起来. E.g. I hear you’ve been sad recently, so I’ve come to cheer you up. complain about:抱怨,发牢骚 or else: if not 要不然,否则.此处,这个短语的意思是 “如果我不关灯的话”. make yourself at home. 别拘束,随便些,就像在自己家里一样. no longer service : not working anymore 不在再使用,(电话)空号. You’ve lost= You have lost 你找不到… ACT II NEW WORDS paw : 爪子 branch: 树枝,叉 shelter: 收容所,避难所 a building or an area with a roof over it that protects you from the weather or from danger over: to that place 去,到 E.g. I’ll take my son over by ten. Please wait for us. adopt : to take into one’s family 收容,收留 E.g. Many childless couples adopt children. 许多无子女的夫妇收养孩子。 affection :a gentle, caring feeling 关怀 E.g. He has a deep affection for his old friend. 他对老朋友感情很深 poochie: dog狗。 口语,pooch 比 poochie 更常用一些。 collar:a leather band for a dog’s neck 皮项圈 claim: 认领,要求(应得的权利) E.g. I claim payment from my friend. 我要求我的朋友付款。 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS well trained 受过很好训练的 How late are you open? : Until what time are you open? 你们几点下班?你们开门到几点种? Atta girl! =That’s a good girl! 真是个好女孩! Atta girl! 和 Atta boy ! 都是很口语化的表达法。用这些词句来称赞小动物,小孩干得好,好样等。 We’re off= We’re going; we’re on our way. 我们出发,上路。 ID:identification 身份证的缩写形式 I’m serious :我是认真的。 也可以说:I mean business. ACT III NEW WORDS reference : 证明人,证明人所提供的资料(有关某人人品,能力等情况) E.g. Does he have references from former employers? 他有以前的雇主写的证明吗? unfortunately: I am sorry to say. 很遗憾  cuddle: to hold in a gentle, loving way 爱抚的拥抱 pet : an animal that one usually keeps at home 宠物 pal :a close friend 好友,伙伴 folk :伙伴,朋友,诸位。这是在非正式场合,表示友好的称呼,很口语化。 medium rare: 偏嫩一些,五分熟的 well done---- 很熟的 medium well ---- 偏老的, 偏烂一些的 medium---- 适中的 rare---- 颇生的 raw : not cooked 生的,未煮的。 diet cola:健怡可乐(不含糖) scratch: 抓,刨 E.g The dog is always scratching. 那只狗老是搔痒。 Stewart residence= This is the home of the Stewarts. Stewart 公馆宅邸。这是打电话时的正式用语。 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS Fill out = fill in 填表 受过很好训练的 family background : family history and information 家庭背景情况。 man’s best friend 人类最好的朋友。这一句是指狗可以成为一个人的最亲密的伙伴  be back. 回来 order dinner :要菜,点菜 ginger ale: 姜汁无酒精饮料 chef’s salad :主厨色拉。 通常包括莴苴,西红柿,火鸡,火腿和奶嗠。 salad dressing: 色拉(酱)调料 sound system :音响设备 This is he. = This is Robbie Stewart. 我就是。 电话用语。 或是speaking . Who is this? 您是那位? It’s Linda from the animal shelter. 是Linda 从动物收容所来的电话。 PROPER NAMES Linda : 琳达 Stewart residence:Stewart 公馆宅邸 Levinson: 莱文森 Unit Six It’s Up to You ACT I NEW WORDS paper : newspaper 报纸. 口语中经常有这种缩略词,如dorm=dormitory, perm=permanent 等 scared: afraid, frightened 害怕的 champion: the first-prize winner 冠军 cheering : shouting approval 欢呼,喝彩 applicant : 申请入学的人 E.g. As the wages were low, there were few applicants for the job. 因为工资低, 没有什么人申请这份工作。 opportunity :机会 E.g. He sought opportunities of doing her little service. 他寻找机会为她尽一点力。 appointment : 约好了要与人见面 E.g. I have an appointment with him at four o'clock. 我和他四点钟有个约会。 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS Come on in = come in 快进屋来 chicken sandwich : 鸡肉三明治 What are you working on? : 你在忙什么呢? turn it in : 交(稿),交作业 What is it about? = What is the topic? 是关于什么的 I felt the same way. : 我当年也是这中感觉。 The scary part’s… : 让人发怵的是… E.g. The scary part’s he seems never to get along with anybody. I don’t mind. = It doesn’t bother me. 我不在乎。 You will be OK :你不会有问题。 hail to …  向…致敬 Who is this? 您是那位? victors valiant: 英勇的胜利者,斗勇之师 conquering heroes: 勇于征服的英雄们 it turns out : 没想到的是 on the tennis team: 在校网球队 fit you into his schedule: to find time to meet with you 安排你与他见面 Not exactly: 不是特别想(当医生) University club: 校友俱乐部。 很多大学在各称好似都有聚会地点,这些俱乐部成员都是毕业于同一个学校。 But the interview will be good experience for you. 可这次面试对你来说是一次有益的经历。 in that case = if that’s true, 要是那样的话 Like your Grandpa suggested: 照你爷爷的话去做。 That sounds fine. 这话听来不错。 I want you to know something . Son. 孩子,我想告诉你一句话。 Is something still wrong…? 还有什么觉得不对的地方么? I guess so . 我想是吧。 PROPER NAMES University of Michigan song : Michigan 大学校歌 The west:美国西部 Dean of Admissions: 新生注册办公室主任 Engineering School : 工学院 ACT II NEW WORDS frankly : honestly, truthfully 坦率的说 transcript: 成绩单 editorial : 社论 Hmmm: 相当于“嗯嗯”, 标示赞许 journalist:reporter 新闻记者 professional : 职业的 reservation: 态度上有保留, 不很赞同 E.g. I still have some reservations about this suggestion. PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS Thank you for hearing me out. 感谢你能听取我的意见 hear sb out:耐心听取某人的意见 And thanks for being such an understanding father : 谢谢您,您真实一个能理解人的好父亲。 as young as ever: as young as you always looked 看上去还是那么年轻 Doesn’t show = You don’t look as if you’ve been working too hard 到是看不出。 love every minute of it : 对…乐此不疲 speak of: 说起来… Right here= It is right here , 在这儿呢! theater review: 戏剧评论 not until recently. 最近才想到。 one piece of advice. 给你一句忠告。 PROPER NAMES School of Journalism : 新闻学院 Charley Rafer: 查理.拉夫 ACT III NEW WORDS personality : 性格,品行 Indecision =I can’t decide 下不了决心 tuition : the cost of education at a college or private school 学费 complicated :difficult to understand 复杂的 impress : 留有深刻的印象  accept :to permit to enter 录取 doubt : uncertainty; reservation 举棋不定 upset : 不安的, 心里不好受的 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS I figure = I guess 我估计 You sound excited about… : 听起来你对… 感兴趣 follow in you father’s fathers’ footsteps =to become like your father 走你父亲的路。 That’s OK= That doesn’t matter 没关系 I suppose : I guess 我猜 You never know : 那就说不准了。 You are something . 你真了不起。 When I was your age = When I was at your age 当年我像你这么大的时候 I said exactly the same thing. 我说的话 跟你现在的一摸一样。 PROPER NAMES Columbia University : a private university in New York City 哥伦比亚大学 NYU:New York University. 纽约大学, 这事纽约的另一所私立大学。 Unit Seven Smell the Flowers ACT I NEW WORDS schedule:时间表;议事日程 doll: 玩偶;玩具娃娃 sketch:草图 sketch sth in 补充说明 e.g. You need to sketch in his character a little more spaceship:太空船 mystery: 神秘的事物 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS Have an appointment with sb: 和某人有约会 conference room: 会议室 Will do.=sure, I’ll do it .我会去办的,没问题。 Right .=I’ll do it. 好的,行。 When was your last day off?:你上一次休假是什么时候? take time off:休息 smell the flowers:轻松一下 I have a feeling:=I think我觉得 reception room:接待室 production staff:生产人员 solve a mystery:解开一个谜 PROPER NAMES Sam:萨姆(男子名) Universe Toy Company:宇宙玩具公司 Manhattan :曼哈顿 FAO Schwarz: 纽约的一家著名的玩具公司 Zaskey: 扎斯基(男子名) Bill Levine:比尔,莱文(男子名) the Toytown Stores:“玩具城”连锁商店 Rossano:罗萨诺饭店 Ozawa:小泽(日本人名) Priscilla Smith: 普里西拉,史密斯(男子名) ACT II NEW WORDS bouquet: flowers picked and fastened together in a bunch 花束 fountain: =drinking fountain 喷泉式饮水机 embarrassing:令人为难的 appreciate: to be thankful or grateful for 感谢 pitcher: 水罐 lemonade:柠檬汁 E.g. a pitcher of lemonade celery: 芹菜 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS pick out: 挑选 What’ll it be?:=what would you like 你们想点什么 a big hit: very popular 很受欢迎的 help yourself to…:请吃….. E.g. Help yourself to some fruit. There you go :=This is for you.这是你要的。服务生也可以说Here you are ice-cold: very cold 冰凉 take ones place:=act instead of or replace代替某人的位置 girl talk:=conversation between girls or women 女人或女孩之间的谈话 PROPER NAMES The Biltmore: Manhattan的一家饭店 the South Street Restaurant:南大街餐馆 Fire Island:火岛。该岛在纽约州,长岛南方海外,是著名的度假胜地 ACT III NEW WORDS accounting: 会计;记账 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS take sb for: =lead sb out on (a ride, walk.ect.)带(某人)去(乘车,散步) E.g. We’ll take the children for a swim this afternoon. It’s so nice out:=The weather is so beautiful 外面天气真好 fill in for someone: to take someone’s place 暂时代替某人处理某事 E.g. Please ask Mr. Smith to fill in for me to host the meeting. I can’t come back because of the heavy traffic. Good for you:=I’m glad to hear it; congratulations为你高兴 PROPER NAMES Center Park: 中央公园。纽约市的中央公园位于 Manhanttan 中心,是名美国最有名的公园之一 26
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