首页 大家学英语2007-05



大家学英语2007-05 ~=-△= ∶= s^∷∶i冖l石:彳}「∷i=叨 :。冫 冖 rˇ/冫 Ιt∷Ⅱ ∷ ⋯ -ˇ ˉ ^ ' ^冫 -~ 冫 ˉ 冫 冫 氵 冫 .~⋯ ~冫 ~0ˇ ˉ ˇ ~冫 'ˇ '' 丿 0ˇ∶丿~冫 〓? 〓? ?? ????? ? ?? ? 〓?? ?? ? ? ?〓??? ' 5榭扬 ˉ 鳎 ⒅ 0咖 `cⅡ ?? 〓 ? ? ? ∷ .∷ ●Ⅱ壤留”衤魏矿冂 △⒎∴薮蔓%蛾△礴锶憎△⒎ ∴薮蔓%蛾 △礴锶憎 扰踽l搜躐婴蠲⒈ ??? ...

~=-△= ∶= s^∷∶i冖l石:彳}「∷i=叨 :。冫 冖 rˇ/冫 Ιt∷Ⅱ ∷ ⋯ -ˇ ˉ ^ ' ^冫 -~ 冫 ˉ 冫 冫 氵 冫 .~⋯ ~冫 ~0ˇ ˉ ˇ ~冫 'ˇ '' 丿 0ˇ∶丿~冫 〓? 〓? ?? ????? ? ?? ? 〓?? ?? ? ? ?〓??? ' 5榭扬 ˉ 鳎 ⒅ 0咖 `cⅡ ?? 〓 ? ? ? ∷ .∷ ●Ⅱ壤留”衤魏矿冂 △⒎∴薮蔓%蛾△礴锶憎△⒎ ∴薮蔓%蛾 △礴锶憎 扰踽l搜躐婴蠲⒈ ??? ?? 幻ζ ∵∶i|,爿甘创 睽∷∵i胥菅愚 ∷ 颛枫 餐 融 撺 脚 ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? 丿 ∷b ouse(n) 丨bkuJ、 k川J|∶^∷high hee|s(np) Ⅱ|"1|⒈ ∷ath|etc sh0es(nρ) 辶:力 |⒈ ·styIe(n) 卜1al l 丿x1i宀: i⊥屮 ∷s|acks(np) 丨` kck`| ↓t‘| ∷return(V) l′J nl i‘i丕 .Comfo吐ab e(adl)|k`mⅡ tobll 仃∫ "k"Ⅱ n∶闸 丿 ∷jazz〈n) lcl阝"'l ri |∶∷il ∷song(n) |、。l)l ∶|∶ i musc(n) 1nu/【 I 饣Γ ip°ρ(n) )u)| ii∶ `∫ |∫’ ^∷ star(n) 丨、11ni -川’ ∴ ∷perform(V) ri l。m| 人Ⅱi| Ⅱ music video(n) ii勹l丬1∫幺{" 一 丿 bet(v) )εt l/Ji’‘; |∫ "秆 message(n) Ⅱur、d5 "| ; i△u aˉ bum(n) 1cb。ml 々屮i ta|ented(adj) |t`rIontId| 亻|刁亻冖 "1: 亻I丿(|卜 "勹·prOm se(V) |pium^1 4hI ∷throW(V) 10IoI 丢;扌女{"∶ ∷keeρ(v) lkⅡl 纠卡纟女||/(亠t刂j丿 丿 ∷⒎sh吐(n) tⅡJ′ 1| ∷impossib|e(adj) Ⅱn11x`"\"l ∷carrot(n) | krl。1 ∷brocco"(n) 丨l)l℃lkδhl ∷wad on(V) ∷Can(n) 丨k∶rn| ∷aisIe(n) 11I" ● "|,1""1尢氵:召△ "1: 亻′ "∫ k ∶1"勺 ∫丿j,卜 △ ‘氵L郁},西∷柁 u(饣;Ⅱ "丿 t i∶ f∶l|∶J· |二i⊥; |uj i△ 一 ip。s tive(adj) l pc/n、| ∫’11丿女 "勺 : "∶ "i"1 ∷p。pular(adj) lp(1I”t"Jl Ⅰ矽(刂 "勺∷stalle(n) 1`】cd61 妒:丫 i ∷pe汀。rmeΓ(n) lp。1。n.1o| 冖.||宀 ·C|ap(V) lk trl)↓ 1∫ 「; Ⅱ攴l: ∷chee「(V) t∫"| ""么∫, 卩朽丬饣 ∷messa9e(n) |mr、m3 i陡凵:o1t 丿 Ⅱshe f(n) I∫dq ∷刂∫∴ ∷beef(n) l birJ ∴△勹 ∷h创pf ladll H们 "d| ‖∴ 趾 的:础 ∷Compa n(V) 1k→m pcn| 他怨 ∷se冖ous(adl) l MI o`l 丿Ⅱ "l的 : 认Jr"9 ∷better(adj) | br1al !刂么∫ "勹beSt〈adj) ):`1 |t么∫ "勹 丿 ·Waste〈V) I\ve`】l 氵泱"Ⅱ useIess(adj) |1t】`bs| 氵生亻]丿 J∫|’ ∷resu m0(n) I△ZU n、C ″k”j汰 Ⅱ qu砍(v) lkw"| 诈丨 "Ⅱ∷f re(∨) 1′ 1r| 丿rl巧: ∷app|y(v) 丨·,'pk1| Ⅱ `彳"∶ ; "|hj eXpe冖once〈n) Ik`pIr。nsl 纟∮刂) 一 ·Voice(n) 丨v。j`l 丿 i氵i o int「oduce(V) I In1v du`| 饣i纟∫亻 ∷dance(n) l(l1cn`l 忉F矿舀; 狎f步 Ⅱ conVenient(adj) lkoi1vi:刂。n1 `丿亻!t"勹 ∷S㈨p(v) Ⅱp ml竹;运辽 ∷cance|(V) 丨【1vn`o" ↓k氵/i ∷outΠt(n) 丨a△t Ⅱtl ‘t"陡|k ??? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?〓?? ? ? ?? 〓 ? ? 〓? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? q肀 'j块 艹JJ氵△JJ ΙJ△J△丿刈刂讣 啻 Ι 咭 ∷ i| ? ? ? ? ? 冁 ∴ 簿《每 ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?〓? 〓? 〓? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? 暂 Ⅱ ∷ i 癸 鑫 蘧 --ˉ—— — '∷educauon(n) |εd3°ktJonl 扌攵☆;教 订i甲∷1 ∷graduate(v) 丨εΓ£d3ue11 +业 ∷un versdy(n) [juno v3`“ " 人∷t ∷cheok(v) 丨刂εkl l命住 rˉefe蹿nce(n) “hOnsl ‖柠丿` ∷n cha咱e odom) 伍Jt ˉˉˉ ⋯丿∷Wood(n) 丨wud 木头 ∷nc ude(v) Ⅱ丫kludl (●命 。pe汀orm ance(n) 丨pa η Dr△lθn、l 大 ".·trad tiona|(adj) 1r。 `lI「 θno" 亻1 L"勺 ∷d£ancer(n) 丨densJl ":扦 Ⅱb丨anket(n) 丨bl£Dl(1tl L毯 ˉˉ 一 丿·mpress(v) "n】'ρlEs Ⅱ useful(Qdj) 丨刂u`1。I ·p|eased(Qdj) f1)li7dl Ⅱe×ce‖ent(adj) l cks°lont Ⅱmpress on(n) [m prLrθnl ·encoura9ing(gdl)fεn'k3°d31Dl ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? 〓?? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? 〓 ???? ?? ? ?????? ? ? 〓 ? ︱?? ? ? ? ?? 〓? 〓? ? ?? ?? 〓? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ¨ ˉ ˉ ˉ 丿∷display(n) |dI`pIe丨 1tⅡ“|: |妫:'刂 l∴ Ⅱcanoe(n) |k。'nu1 1"木‘J ·ch ef(n) I刂fl 宀( ∷custom(n) lk^s1°ml “1∫佾: `J仟; ·be"ef(n) brlf 丿叩念:亻汴仰 Ⅱtou冖st(n) 丨tU"`凵 Ι切!)L杏 ˉ-vⅡ discuss(v) ldI sk^s1 |廿J仑 Ⅱ embgrrass(v) εm baro、 亻Ⅱ 不1∫ 刂|J ·ρreρare〈v) p"pε叫 氵 "∶ 钚 ·v"age〈n) 1v"Id阝l 丨刂丿l∶ ∷h ke(n) halk 布L步iR行 tˉra"(n) [ttCll (∫|"∫)`卜r扦 一ˉ———丿∷journey(n) ld33n" Ⅱ伐:|! Ⅱ disapp°inted(adj)[dIs°p3In"d| 丿(l:"勹 Ⅱask out(v) 纟勹(宀1人丿J"J( Ⅱgr°up(n) lg·upl "f休; l彳 "木Ⅱ embarrassed〈adl) 云 "· "1;|匝 尬闸 leη b1c∶vs1 Ⅱ surpnse(v) 卜a ptaIz ∫” !d分刂△〃卜 — — 丿∷so far(adv) 分刂l湔为 : ∷ca m era(n) 丨krma。l Ⅱ{{""儿 ∷scenery(n) 丨` "1θ ril ×1→∶ △旧sh(n) 卜l拄∫l JⅡ圾 ·h ke(v) ha1k “L步订k衍 ∷nature(n) |nc刂。i 人闸然;火然 丿 ·e×ρens ve(adj) Ik`pcns〗vl 氵匕何(乡饣k"勺: h|丿r"勹 eˇvent〈n) Ⅱ Ⅴεn凵 押l功;△什 ·shy(adl) |∫aIl i叮 'i"1 eˇ×ouse(n) I【 ``iuZl 什l|| ·be I。nese冂(v) 做r己 `coup e(n) 1k^po凵 (l丿J攵 -叮 sTAt姆噔拶翠瞍ε ∷Ⅱ,il搦薅菡诲舌膂铒 ?〓?? ? ? 〓 ? ?? ? ? ∷t心 ~丿 H|GH l:vieⅡ/D△∵ R营vieV∫ˉl创V l台vie,ff D¤y ‘¤VIe\wE,σy Th¤rs sm¤汁 这样做很聪明。 rm seri°v$ 我是认熹的 . Who knows? 谁知道呢? Ic¤n’丨do lh¤丨 我做不到 . Idon’I core Wh¤丨yoV Ihink 我才不管你怎么 想 . rd I°ˇe Ihol 我很乐意. ThoI1sIoo bod 真糟糕 . r"see yov Io扌er 待会见猡Ⅱ 丁his is Wonde亻VI neWs∶ 真是好消息! Hurry up 动作怏点。 How do you know? 你怎么知道? ThoI’s no【 Irvel 才不是呢 | ΥoV Iook greo【 你很好看 . Thol’s eosy 这很简单。 Th¤I’ s righⅡ 对啊 ! Think oboVI iⅠ 考虑一下嘛。 YoV never knoW 说不定喔 . 挞屮my 我会尽力而为 . Idon’Ic¤re 这不关我的事。 WhoI do yov meon? 什么意思? lneed lo go 我该走了. IIhovghI yov kneW 我以为你早就知 道 . WhoIi$"? 什么事? LLJcy ze¢ D|i丿°u ln;i y●v` ooon? 0h no||nood1●go |o th●‖b巾∫lo"i1e `"yi‘ p。ir }‖ "y1刂 卩!|l‘。e yotl |ato●! le iav冖to wⅡe a 陀ρ。nh`[ig‖sn c|旮‘‘ ||ho1gil you k"eⅡ ‘ — — ˉ 丿 ? ? ?? ?? ??? 丿 ● ● 泗班 屮处 Ⅱ =Ι ? ? 跏 助 幽田 讶tFt H怀:}习谈沦古乐和订名歌手 , 1 嘏:1∶吉:荀扌s°"g MΠl/1 、nbcc3 已 媪童g star洫'J″gm ⑨ 蟊雪nc°rt M四y鸳5 、为恳f】2 ① cou"try ⅡⅡusIc /l四sf】4 幽 ω 4辊碥篝锃”Ⅱne M叩:′嗯邛 G 劣;菇罹曷嘉;↓帛lrcI°thes lIIny s】0`n琴召】7 Work:"g at The COr"er market M四y】】` 】 2〃n8P】9 在 “街角超市”工作 HOw Do Vou shop?/,F‘;c,I 6旺"职 ∷i∷ ∷∷∷∷∷ ∷∷i Educatio"EX卩er‘s Dods BlOvθham Ruth DeV"n Amy Ken Jess|e∨Oge| Jam n B Okd C㈤⒃飞钔 Bl丨y LeOnald 1|nda VVay Radio&TV Teachers Andlea BlOdelsen Campbe"Chang Thomas Young 特碧数学专家 彭豪息(美 ) 荪姗诗(美 ) 际爱晷|蒉) 魏忌敏{美| !∶ |∶ ∶|u耕(::::∶ ) 蔡明颖(美 ) "氤 藁(姜 } 魏 ll|美) 广播及电视老师 自 雪(莫 ) 张}斟白{蒉) 杨{申崇(妻 ) 7 8 9 ∷i zack′sBad Day ∷ 扎克倒霉的一天 zack WFites a Resum查 扎克写履历表 Th骨superintende"】 督学来访 ⑦ F愚nding a Job ∷ ∷| ∷∷ ∷ 1自 型乌圣晷r。m陶 助巾讹洲bm中文简体版 Ed“oⅡln·Chief 总编辑 BruCe凵u 9刂 杉 ? ? ? ? ?? ? ??10 My Favorite PIace Execu1ive Editor Law。On Gao markefiⅡg DepElrtme"t Mht Wang Hux n Chen ma"agi"g Edi1°r 主 缟 she”Wu 昊雪擅 Ed"ors 编 辐 Ydanda L。θ 荸礓媛 Y~Gu。 郭 盂 De荀g"Editor 美术编瑁 ×bo s" 刂|石 ⒔、,"`n、 `‘ 、 "‖ ● ∷∷| (1c、 ’ ‘、 ∷ ∷ "1``【t、 ∷Ⅱ i Ⅱ | ‘` 、、,l`c、i●、、 ∷∵i ∷∶ ``.|i: l||ilc 1∷ ∵ "!||il| i∷ l ` (〈 iⅡ∶ Kc、 、V‘ "i、 | Ⅱ "∫ | ·Ou Sc1"1c lliCnd、phⅡ卜d`ch= =" |= · l●c1c an(I lCn111 i1Cl、i、|、、 c 111`)、iC | ∶●| i ·、v("king()u1、、id) 1t、、1u讠11(l|un1 presideⅡ1 Wu、Vθnge Publisher 0heng Yuhua ? ? ? ? 〓 ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? LEt s TALκlN ENGL|sH 7 彳Ⅰ 丿 丨 !丨 t 1冫庐 Today’s missi° " Whatis Jenna’s favo"te kind of musio? Read it: Eve is vvorking at The Corner Market she is oleaning the store she is singing a jazz song* Jenna comesin she sees a鲤er The f|yeris forthe oonCert at1he co丨ηmunity center Jenna is excted aboutthe concerl she hears Eve‘s song Jenna doesn’t"ke the song Jenna doesnt"ke jazz 护κey Wo汨s jazz ll) [叱εZ] 爵士乐 劝召 `沁 招″s,·o扣zz s。ng(n) [sOo] 司欠 砀曰 `· s曰莎幽 f″%′ s@″g llllo s氵″gs″ ` 拿more I"f°rmat∶om nycr(n) 传单 ●bv泥‘宙o Vog钏 。aso do奄♀oby Ma"a0h⒇ Ⅲvuoa⒒。n9oy Amo0臼● Co" eˇrsat:o"^ Jenna∶ Hi EVe Thatis a sad song Eve∶ Yes,but tis beautful Jenna∶ ls it forthe conced? Eve∶ R aybe "is Ca"ed“The End°f Love’ Jenna∶ ls it a jazz song? Eve∶ Yes Jazz is my faVorte kind of musiC* Jenna: "is a good song But tis s{o,。,and sad Can you sIng a pop s。ng? κ0y、″ords mus;c(n) rmJuzkl 音乐 s``氵t,`氵s`c`ls r. `″I(sJC n`Iro厂攵 pop(n) [pαp) 流彳了干筝∮采 ^`】'`F‘ z`氵k召sP.,p`″lls氵c 8 LET s tALK|N ENG1|sH VsefⅡl se"te"ce Patter" ..。 is/are my favorite kind(s)of. ·Popis my hvo"tc kjnd of musiC ·Pizza is〗ηy favoritc kind of food ·、Vrite your Own! Co"Versa臼o口B Eve∶ A pop song?Vm l don trea"y "ke pop musioJenna∶ Rea"y?lrs my favo门te kind of music!"makes me dance!Q Eve∶ But many people‖ke jazz,too Jenna∶ l knoVV Butfas1happy songs are be让er Eve∶ We"_ Jenna∶ Do y。u Ⅱke Justn Ti丨ηberake?l loVe him!Can you sing one of his songs atthe conCert? Eve Vm ¨maybe Jenna∶ Great!Thanks,EVe!lηI see you late门〃ea eˇsl 〓? More I"formatio" Justlll Timbt。rlake 贾舆i汀(流行歌手 ) @° oestiom。fthe Day l/Vhatis yourfaVorte kind of musiC? llVhy do y°u"ke it? 罾 "makes me dance 它使我起舞 make在这里是 ″使役动词¨ 有使 叫 令¨¨ ll勹意思 重点是后面的勋词耍闻原形幄 ! 例如 | ·You make me augh 你使我发笑 · "makes me s ng 它使我歌u昌 a涩‰t/%3 2 Today’s Missio" llVhere s Darγlfrom? Co"Versatio"A r乃ss心vyo l/·ga扌0ceant/e lI/G叼砬 Comes加丿 Gfant `、s$!lhaVe good neˇvs!Great neˇvs! Ⅵ¢onde亻ul news! Tess∶ Vrvhat is it? Grnnt A b g star w"perform at our concert! Tes⒏ l knoW EVe WⅢ perform G旧吐 Yes EVe治perfoming Q Tess∶ 's【ar But so丨ηeone else is,too! V√ho? Her na丨ηe s Darryl^泅organ she s frolη NeVV York she s a great singer Darryl V organ?l’Ve heard of her Mc乃“c`洳`` 口 ″o″灬 ″ vor`Pˇ@厂‘ s`夕∷ perform(v)[p⒊fD1m] 大汩【 rc,` , NeW Yo钛 (美 网 )卸l约市 氵s`'Ⅱγ `″ 氵″8d〃“″cc/f`△fs More I"formatiom 宀Jo刂iVJJl Conversatio"B Gran⒈ Rea"y? Tess Yes!l savv her music video!Do you knovˇ her? Grant No,but myf冖end Krsta knoWs her K冖sta gaVe me her CD "ked her music,so Krista ca"ed her and asked herto perform! Tess∶ But Grant,ˇVe cant pay her any money Grant |knoˇV But Krista told her about hoVV our com|ηun ty center helps people in the com|ηunty she thought tˇVos great and said she VVould sing for free! 'D κey w。rd muslC lIdOo(n)击乐永像i宀 T/'s冖lεc` 氵″//,‘ `扌 ``Ills′ C l`‘氵frk‘l`氵‘′“″cc、c`o 、r‘′′ 《少 vsefuI se"te"ce Patter" .¨can’t。 a¨ny, ¨ C ∶漩ⅢFl狩:;扌n霹当 Conversatio"C Tess∶ Grant,this is VVonderful neˇVs!But Gran⒈ But What? ess∶ l bet tvv"I make Eve rea"y nervous Gran⒈ ReaⅡy? Tess∶ Did y°u te"EVe yet? Grant l ca"ed heG butshe didn’t ansVVer l left her a message ~=四rl ns mio llle cor,m凵冖F/Ce冖 `e凵Eve∶ Granu ljust gotyour message s" true? '9κ ey1″。rds bCt(v) 「bεtj ●1Ⅱt; F∫〔抒 `乃 c`⒎,″ `"″ ″I′氵人c`″、″f"/l‘l冖r〃 ` Pc dr,召 s`i`″攵c sl·@```7a冖: lnessage(n) f lntsId31 留宀; 讯息 ,J/`〉″″ρrr/lc`?"乃f″yρ〃cn```″s· lc“v召〃l,css四g召 Tess∶ Gront Key Words (n)[stg刂 叫饣 ●by u°$劲合、bgol 卩。g●d||膏|ε|,by shao●L●|● 10 LET s TALK|N ENGLsH ? ? ? ? Time :The May song T me W"be p ayed onthe May2ρrogram ∶ P怡asetum to pa9e42forthe song而me Words Eve is perform ng EVe白勹耒槁将要进彳亍 怎么闻观在进行0js pe汀orm ng呢? 真实珈在进行时也可以闯来表达已经妾排好 近 期内就耍发生的事 例如 | ·she is coming t。the parly 她会耒参力uWK对 ·Heis graduaung th s summer 他今年夏天将要毕业 Today’s MissIo" What does Darryl have? Co" oˇrsatio"^ Gran← Yes,"s廿ue!YOu and Darryl can both pe汗orm atthe concert 【ve∶ No,Granu lf she’s pel亻orming l"|be so nerVous! But EVe-ˉ Darry"s famous!she has铷oˇ aIbums!l can’t peI亻onηˇvith hen Yes,you oan You are a veγ taIented singe1Eve No one wⅢ wantto"sten to me They WⅢ on y come to hear Darryl MAˇ 泛007 Conversation B Tess Thars n。ttruo Peop丨e in the oolηmun"y knoˇv you Grant Thars冖ght They wantto hear you sIng Eve∶ fyou have DarγIR organ,you don’t need me Id°n1have to sing Gran⒈ |Want you to sing,Eve l knoˇv you’re good! Eve∶ ThereˇV"Ibe so many peop|e |η|be so nervous! Tess: Just believe in yourseIf,EVe This couId be your bi¤break!〓? More I"formatiom blg bleak(idi°m)习自旨带来成J力自勺大好+J1会 0 VsefuI se"te"ce patter" If you have。..,you don’t need,, ·If you havc a Ca‘you don’t need a sCoote⒈ ·If y。u havc your Coat,you don’t need my Coat ·Write your o、vn! Conversatio"C Eve∶ lreaⅡy don1knoVV/ fl oan do this Tess∶ lbe"eve in you,Eve Gran1 so dol Eve 0h,you guys YOu make"hard to say no so say yes! oK!r"d° " But p|ease pr° mise me something What? Don’tlet anyone throW★anything at me,0K? 0h,Eve! κey Words promise(v)1prQmIsl 答应 砀 r”〃u″I沁召d″c″o“Jrl肠lJ,fl召W氵rlI Jll, 乃D`·l召 ",ε rk throw(v)【θro〕 丢;投掷 Ⅵ0lI P曰〃 肠 Ⅱ crl″·/I汨wr/lg,rl``〃夕lJ,冫〃 @Q。 estiom。fthe Day Did you oVer have to do something you Were a仃aid to do?l/Vhat Was吐?蚤 Gran⒈ Eve∶ ?????? @Question。fthe Day Whois y°ur favo冖te singer? qd分。ρ·q Grant EVe∶ Tess∶ Eve∶ Key、″ords all,uⅢ lll)rε⒗om〕 专辑 冫〃 `沱 犭DJJgJl/〃2‘ `泠 fa侈″l,, faIen‘ed(adJ)rtεlontId] 有才华的;有天分的 y抄〃εr召夕v召r, 勿 `召 /l'〃日 '″ s` LEt s TA1K|N ENGLlsH " Df伢γ呜5 〓? 9∶’官{∶l‘:|dk:‘ε;On by shaun Lu‘∶, More l"formatio" throw up(v)"-"⒈ usefⅡI$e"】ence Patter" 蘸 `∷ ' :4∴ today’s 、冖¢hat did M∶ss∶o1, Jenna"sten to last night? Co口versa1io"A 〃r心ll·e day of晌e Co刀Ce″ Jtfall/ρeop`e are ar 0Cea冖忉ell εVe ls l,lhe ga,le rOor,gerlllg ea¢/rO ρe而0刀刀丿 Grant 〃ookmg ll··o lhe o拘er roO,ll l/V°w,there 臼re¤lot of people here! Eve∶ There are Tess∶ H0VV do you feel,EVe? EVe∶ 、/ery nerv°us! Gran⒈ Y0u"be Πne κeeρ*thinking p°sitive th。ughts Eve∶ ls Darryl here yet? Gran⒈ Not yet Butthe concerfis stading s00n ″en刀a,ta汝sLo⒑E√e丿 Jenna∶ Hi,EVe You|ook nep¢ou3 ∈ve |am lth nk|might throw凹ρ 'Key words keep(v) 丨kipl l 纩: f ( %1j∫冖 炀 〃,s`〃外咖Ιg E`‘ `沁 乃 D″″冫8`vf I``∫ posi刂w QtJ)Γptl囚。vl 积极的 ;irj而i的 ``?“` o.``kc L冖 1′“ s乃f卩 `"Jl‘ s‘。s Pρs″氵v召〃氵氵″8s 亻2 1ETs TA1K|N ENGt sH 。.。 Is.。。soon。 ·The cl∶1ss is endillg`oon ·My birthday i`coming`oon ·、Vritc your own! Co"versatiom B Jenna∶ l"stened to Darryrs CD last night |rea"y"ke iu Eve∶ A tot of people"ke it she’s very ρopuIa冖in Ta wan ρa〃/wa拓s加丿 Gran⒈ Danγ " rs greatt° see you!Thanks so much for coming ″e冖na runs。Ver·O Ela″y‘丿 Jenna∶ Darry lloVe y°ur musio!Can I have your autograph? Darp,Ⅱ sure!My pleasure! Gran⒈ We",EVe,Ithink tis timo to stad Eve∶ Do l haVe to? Gfant Yes!YOu re on!Go on stage! 'κ 叩words popuIar←1dJ)rpαpJa1剑 受欢迎的 Cou∶1ncy is thc most popular girlin scbool sta莎(n) 咐ed3 l△台 M[1ny pcopIc get ncrv°us on stagc , ∫ 口虏莨写胄I合 v+In9鹦 More I"formation jJl纱 you’rc on(phr) j亥你 I∶ 了 Comversat:o"C rGran厶Tess a冖d El/e go on肋e sfage丿 Grant Ladies and gentlemen,vˇe are so happyt°vˇeIcomθ y°u to oceanview’sc。ncerl! Tess∶ Thars Hghu ournrst pe汀ormer tonight is so丨ηeone you a"knoˇv andIove she’s a san Diego gir| Gran⒈ Let‘Welcome M ss Eve Lh! Eve∶ H1eVery°ne "‘ um "℃ good to be here Iˇaˇntto sing a song for you ca"ed“so丨ηeWhere overthe Ra nb°w” rEt/e srarrs ro s功g丿 Key Word performer rn)[pa“m⒊j 演出者 E沥召ck II,ns f,I召3召 Jf P召Jr’J/,l召r夕″ /lε∞ ″“ 〃 爹 ladi舔and gcntIcmen(phr)各位女士 各位先生 MAY 2oo7 Tess∶ EVeγ0ne loved it!Didn’t you hear them cIapping and cheehng? Eve∶ Did you"ke it,Jenna? Jenna∶ I丨oVed itlˇVas that rea"y ajazz song? Eˇe∶ Yes Jenna∶ Then I guess l do Ⅱkejazz,because l|oved your song! Key l″ords (” [k1epl 拍手;鼓掌 汩 cJaP ltn纟″/s氵ilg rv·)[tfl门 叫好;喝彩 srIl冖V″rs河 `c乃 召召ng'JcfIdrxJ。jr/n召r m°reI"formatio" 【somCbod刃rock(sl lplrl 〈某人 )真厉害 Co"Ψersat:o"B rDa〃waJks tfp b Elre丿 DafryⅡ I rea"y"ked your song, Eve∶ Thank you so much! Da:刀Ⅱ It’s an oId song but a great one It has a rea"y posⅡive message Eve∶ Yes lhope my music can encourage people Danγ⒈ My managerrea"y"ked y°ur voice, too He wants to talkto you Eve Rea"y?About what9 DaI”Ⅱ lthink he wan‘to talk about a record deaI! ?? ???? 〓? m°re Inf。rmatiom 0QⅡ est:o"of the Day Do you"ke to perform in饣ont of peoρIe? Why orˇhˇy not? △ Today’sm:ssI° "VVhat kind of song does Eˇe sing? Co" eˇrsat:o"^ lEve″冂Jshes hersong Ever/body cfaps*and cheers`丿 Jenna∶ EVe,Vou rock! Eve: Thank you,everybody! rEt/ev/aJks o/r fJle s伯ge丿 Tess∶ That Was great,Eve! Eˇe∶ Do you think people"ked it? LEssoN THREE∶The Concerl 窃pκey、″。rds message ll)「mε⒏d引 信息 ;寓意 Ι刀rl,‘乃。°″乃舀s舀g@@l,’″9召ss日8`丿V'c乃氵姒沼l, voice(n) 【v。Is] 芦音 Wl〃yo“s切8舀 s@″8Fc’rl’l召P肠″乃¢怊 四沙召日Ir·lFfl` VOIC召 圹more Imf°rmation £cold deal(n)唱片合约 ovs°fuI se"temce Pattern I hope my。。.can.。。 ·Ih°pc Iηy dreams Can Come true ·I hopc my fiiend can visit mc ·Wlite your0、vn! .、骀觯珥全r置哔.¨¨¨¨¨¨ Comversatio"C ∈ve∶ You’re kidding A record deaI? DarrV⒈ l think$o Ta kto him Evo∶ But r丨η st"lin sohool And l have to Work at The Corner Market My parents need me Jenna∶ But being a singeris your droam Think aboutit,Eve ‘GranΙ a冖d Tess go o冖sfage丿 Gran⒈ And novv,vt/e are happyto introduce our seGond pe汗ormer Tess∶ she Came a"the way from New YorkI Gran廿 Ladi0s and genuemen,Darryl Morgan! rDal l/smσs丿 沪 Key1″°rd iIltrrlduce(v)1mtlo dusl 介绍 C口″ yoⅡ冖:·lP沅lc召″F汩 ya″ `'c`l″ Ps乃f‘沼 σ `9 cJfr召 ` ‘DQⅡestio"of tho Day l/Vhat|s your dream?琶 Word Ba"k country(n)rk^ntⅡ] 乡祠 prefer(v)lpΠ'路] 比较菩欢,偏好 c【assicaI(adl)I kl£sIkθIj 卩典的 sound(n)fsaUndl 啬丿剑; |蜘1削 honest ladl)1ol⒖闸 坦诚的;直率的 more l"f°rmatiom the south 关|△l南方各丿 "∪n ted stotes 美国 Ga汶h Brooks葛斯 布鲁克斯 shania Tlvain 咱 "V它 △L 丿蕾″头 : Country△Iusic ●by B1丨y Loona●d Do you "ke coIf刀″y music? Mony pe°pIe dont They p'eFer pop 丨ηusic 0thers"ke jazz or cJassJca`mus c l am from the south in the Vnted states Many peop|o there "ke country music Country music has a speoal s0Ⅱ刀d The Words aro veγ f,onesf They taIk about da"y life some popu ar country music stars are Garth Brooks and shanIa TWaIn The r丨ηusic is good Buy ther albums at a music store and Ⅱsten to them YOu : might enl。y oountγ music! ■ ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●by R“ho。ˇl" 镏勰 龆糯护 Today’s Miss1o" Why is Josie having a good time? Read it: Josie is in The Bookshe f There are no people in the stofe Josie is using her laptop she is order ng1hings on"ne sheis looking atIots of Web ste$ she finds lots of fun things she spends aIot of money she is haVing a Veγ g°。d ti丨ηe she does a Ⅱtue dance* Pete oomes into The Bookshef He sees Josie Jρ Key、″ord dance(n) [dTnsl 舞蹄; 舞步 Ct,/Iyαf do腕“f do″c召 ``c〃 ″ ⊥D)冫 Co"vorsatio"A Pete∶ YOu look happy Aunt Josie Jos e∶ 0h,h1p°te!Yes,Iam happy Pete∶ lll/hat are you doing? Josie∶ lam0rdeHng things on"ne "i$so conVenient* Pete∶ Yes,k is But tis eXpensive,too Josie∶ Rea"y?、 '`hy? Pete∶ the sites shiρ things to you That oosts a lot Josle 0h 驴 Key1″°rds convenlen‘(a刂) lk°n“llθn刂 方便的 Sα厂夕乃 `氵 vcs`】召口r/,召r sc几c,¤ ` f·` sv召 ry cr/″vc″氵g`I` yor乃召汪 ship(v) LfIpl 邮寄:运送 T/汕o@ks〃冫〃 s乃”s乃o@尔·f,`召c,Pk l/l9乃召r`@″″s F0LL0WJ0sIE’s sTEps T0sH0P0NLINE: ∷ Get y°ur credit card, i Go to Web sites Iike | W-‘amazon Com or ∷ 唧 ·ebay c°m, ComVersat∶o"B Pete∶ What are you ordeHng? Josie∶ I am ordering this coat lt’s Very nIce ltis Do you need it? No 0K,look atthis cha r!Don1you "ke it?Pete∶ Yes But do you need it? Jo由e∶ rsJglll No°K,I can CanCeIthe orders Pete; That、sma" Jo创e∶ r"just window shoo I can Iook and not buy! Υou’re done! m°re]"format:o" window sllop(v) 橱窗购物,表示只看不买 丽D》 vs°fuI se"te"ce Patter" ,.,order【ng.,. ·We’re orde】inga DVD ·she is oldeong some food ·WⅡte y。ur o、vn! 抄 Pete∶ Josie∶ @° "esti°"°fthe Day cnncel←) 【△an叼n 取消 T/l召勃 ss js“″C纟Jlflg功召昭 召召彷 昭 № @刀召c夕刀 Co/Jl召 type In a search Add it to theshopping Enter yourinformation Check out! r烈泽骂u Do you shop on"ne?、冖 `hy or Why not?露 J11t:叮【1`frJ∶ ●by pago Today’s Mission V¢hero vvⅡ|Jenna take Pete a段er sohoo丨? Comversat£o"A ‘Jen刀aC0rnes ·ro r沟es扌凵d′0丿 Pete∶ HⅡ Jenna Hurry up l/Ve need to start the program Jenna 0h,We haVe a few minutes “u"s ao凵nrl、 '√ hat do you think? P欲e∶ About What? Jenna∶ Ab0ut my new outfit Pete∶ You’re VVea"ng a neVV outft? Jenna Yes justgot汰 Pele oh⒒ooks0K 'ack c。 mes o.er lo·he用丿 zack l Ⅱke that bIouse,Jenna The color looks good on you Jenna∶ Thanks,lv/lr Lee! 赀Key words ou‘nt(n)[aU1nt〗 一套川艾装 T/,ε `s而 ″f⒍″d`四〃s`″Π庀召n″氵cc口Jl∮ ` bIo刂se(n) [blausl 女丿11|△衣 ll/c,rˉ rl WJt`扌召”f/,J‘ski 、r′fl ′”〃 `s攵``` Co"versa1ion B zaCκ∶ Y0u VVore a neW outft yesterday, too Jenna∶ Yes,ldid And|ηl Nj/ear one ∴J幺 吐i刂jlJ tomorroXl/,too!l gotthree nevv oufits Pete∶ Y0ub0ught a lot of clothes Jenna∶ Yes And I got shoes,too!see these high heeIs? Pei° Yes l Wou dn1Wantto wearthem l"ke athIetlc shoes Jenna∶ I kn0 vˇ But athleto shoes|ook sloooV they do not! Key Wor凼 h:gh heeIs(n pl) o订丿R"+ T· r`,“hr〃ys lvf″s乃巾乃”cc^"″乃“t″?、 、 ath1et:C shoes(n pl) j运·J|1 y氵″ `氵 Δ‘耐″:冫 J`″″′″8 sρ ``c`Ⅳ l|((`厂冖:l’ ‘ ``乃` '``r‘
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