首页 备战英语专八--汉语常见句型翻译



备战英语专八--汉语常见句型翻译第六章 汉语常见句型翻译 第一节 汉语主动语态和被动语态的翻译 一、汉语主动语态翻译成英语被动语态 汉语多主动语态,英语多用被动语态。概括起来,主要有以下几种情况: (一)强调受事,突出被动状态 1) “财神爷”这个词,不是我的用语,是农民的发明。 That term, the “gods of wealth”, was invented not by me but by the peasants. 2) 我国各族人民每年都要热烈庆祝十月一日的国庆节。 National Day is enth...

第六章 汉语常见句型翻译 第一节 汉语主动语态和被动语态的翻译 一、汉语主动语态翻译成 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 被动语态 汉语多主动语态,英语多用被动语态。概括起来,主要有以下几种情况: (一)强调受事,突出被动状态 1) “财神爷”这个词,不是我的用语,是农民的发明。 That term, the “gods of wealth”, was invented not by me but by the peasants. 2) 我国各族人民每年都要热烈庆祝十月一日的国庆节。 National Day is enthusiastically celebrated on Oct.1 by the Chinese people of all nationalities every year. 3)中美已经建立了外交关系。 Diplomatic relations have been established between China and the United States of America. (二)使句子结构匀称,加强上下文的连贯性 1) 他出现在台上,观众给予热烈鼓掌。 He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience. 2) 口试时,问了十个问题,她全都答对了。 She was asked ten questions in the oral exam and answered every one of them correctly. (三)不知道或无须说出施事者 1) 这种书是给儿童写的。Such books are written for children. 2) 这本书已经翻译成中文了。This book has already been translated into Chinese. (四)为了使措辞得当,语气委婉 英语常常为了表示礼貌,不说出施事者,特别是施事者为第一人称时。因而往往使用被动语态。汉译英时也往往将汉语的主动语态翻译成英语的被动语态,多见于讲话、 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 、请帖等。 1)请你给我们表演一个节目。 You are requested to give a performance. 2)今天晚上七点钟开教学会,全体教师务必参加。 There will be a Teaching Symposium at 7:00 p.m. today. All the faculty is expected to attend. (五)某些汉语句子可借助于英语的一些固定搭配或词组来表达。 1)他坚持不懈地从事着科研工作。He was engaged in scientific researches perseveringly. 2)有经验者不易上圈套。An old bird is not to be caught with chaff. 3)他天生适合做水手。He is cut out for a sailor. (六)汉语中某些习惯用语或泛指主语的主动句的翻译 一般用英语形式主语格式翻译:it + be + past-participle +that…。 1)可以有把握地说,会议会如期召开的。It may be safely said that the meeting will be held on schedule. 2)大家都认为这样做不妥当。It is generally considered not advisable to act that way. 3)有人给你打电话。You are wanted on the telephone. 4)据谣传,那场事故是由于玩忽职守而造成的。 It is rumored that the accident was due to negligence. 5)人们(有人,大家)认为…… it is considered (or thought) that… 6)普遍(一般,通常)认为…… it is generally(usually)accepted (or agreed, recognized) that…。 7)有人(人们,大家)相信……it is believed that…。 8)据说(闻、推测、估计/预计、报道) ……。It is said(learned; supposed; estimated, predicted, calculated; reported) that… 9)必须(应该) 承认 (指出)……It must (should) be admitted (pointed) out that… 10)可见/可以看出(由此可见)……It will be seen (from this) that… 11)不用说/ 谁都知道 It is understood that… 12)无/不可否认…… It cannot be denied that… 13)已经证明…… It had been proved (or demonstrated) that… 14)可以肯定…… It may be confirmed that… 15)可以有把握地说……It may be safely said that… 16)人们有时会问…… It is sometimes asked that… 17)人们希望…… it is expected (hoped) that… 二、汉语被动语态的翻译 (一)被动语态的概念 在汉语里,由于动词没有语态(voice),所以被动语态并不像英语那样一定有明确的形式标志。只要主语代表动作的受事,句子就可以叫被动语态。所以,被动语态也可以叫受事主语句。 (二)汉语被动语态的分类 汉语被动语态根据是否有标记,可以分为:有标记被动语态和无标记被动语态。有标记被动语态又可以分为五种格式: 1.受事+被(叫/让/给)+施事+动词 2.受事+被(给)+动词 3.受事+被(叫/让/为)+施事+所+动词 4.受事+被(叫/让)+施事+给+动词 5.受事1 + 被(叫/给/让/为) + (施事) + 动词 + 受事2 从以上五种格式看,除了第二种没有引进施事以外,其余都引进了施事,虽然略有不同,但都可以译为英语的被动语态。 汉语被动句翻译总原则是:确定英语的动词,根据所确定的英语动词的构句原则来翻译。 (三)有标记被动语态的翻译 1.受事+被(叫/让/给)+施事+动词 他的鞋子被尖利的石头咬破了,被海水浸湿了。 His shoes have been gnawed open by sharp stone, and soaked by the seawater. 2.受事+被(给)+动词 1)门好像被推开了。 The door seemed to be opened by someone. 2)他的辫子给剪掉了。 His braid (pigtail) was forced to be cut. / He had to have his pigtail cut. 3.受事+被(叫/让/为)+施事+所+动词 1)我们确信,一切困难将被全国人民的英勇奋斗所战胜。 We are certain that all difficulties will be overcome by the heroic people of the whole country. We are certain that the heroic people of the whole country will overcome any difficulty. 2)我深深地被他的话所感动,心理激动不已。 I was deeply touched and inspired by his words. 3)新官上任,必为众目所瞩。 People’s close attention (eyes) must be paid to the newly appointed official. The new appointed official will surely arouse people’s general concern. 新官上任三把火。A new official applies strict measures; a new broom sweeps clean. 4.受事+被(叫/让)+施事+给+动词 1)过桥时我的帽子叫风给吹跑了。My cap was blown off by the wind while I was crossing the bridge. 2)地上的水让太阳给晒干了。 The water on the ground dried in the sun. 晒棉被 dry a quilt in the sun/ air a quilt 晒衣服 dry clothes in the sun / air clothes 晒谷子 dry grain in the sun (使爆晒Insolate) 晒太阳 sunbathe, bask in the sun, enjoy the sunshine 5.受事1+被(叫、给、让)+(施事)+动词+受事2。 这种被动句的翻译要仔细 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 ,受事1与受事2之间的语义关系,才能确定英语中用哪里一个受事作英语被动句的主语。汉语受事1与受事2之间的语义有如下几种: 1) 受事1与受事2之间是领属关系: 到底如何翻译取决于在英语中所选用的动词的特点。领属有所属关系、整体与部分的关系、总数与分数的关系。试比较: 1)他被敌人打死了爸爸。 His father was killed by the enemy. 2)他被敌人打(刺)伤了腿。He was shot in the leg by the enemy. 3)三只小猪被抓走了两只。Two of the three pigs were snatched away. 英语中有些动词要接两个动作的承受者;一个是人;一个是人的身体部位。人作动作的直接承受者,直接放在动词之后,身体部位作动词的间接承受者,用介词加以连接。在变成被动语态时,只能是直接承受者即人,作被动句的主语。具体句式如下: 主动句:Agent + Verb +Receiver as a man + Prep. + Part of body. 被动句:Receiver as a man+Be+Past-participle+ Prep.+ Part of body. 如: hit sb 介词+身体部位He hit her on the head with a bottle. Slash sb 介词+身体部位Slash sb on the back用鞭子抽打某人的背。 2) 受事2表示句中动词的结果 1)他被打得失去了知觉。He was beaten senseless. 2) 不一会儿,他就被剃了一个大光头。Very soon, he has had his head fully shaven. 3) 受事2表示接受事物对象,相当于主动句中的间接宾语。 1)那本书叫我送给别人了。 I have given that book to others./ That book has been given to others. 2)连八岁的妹妹都被卖给了人家。Even my eight-year-old sister was already sold. 4)受事2表示动作所借以进行的材料工具。 1)墙壁被刷上了一层深蓝色。 The wall was painted dark blue. 2) 灌木丛上覆盖一层雪。The bush was varnished with snow. 可见,如果宾语是具体的物质名词,翻译时多半可以用with 来连接宾语。 5.受事2与动词组成一个整体,形成一个惯用语。 1)她已经结了婚,丈夫被抓了壮丁。 She was already married, but soon his husband was pressganged into the KMT’s army. 2)脚肚子一软,植物学者竟像被点了穴,迈不动步了。 Suddenly his leg felt weak, the botanist could not step forward as if his vital points were touched. (四)无标记被动语态的翻译 在英语中,主语是动作的发出者还是动作的承受者,往往是用动词的拼写形式或组合形式来表示的,其基本结构为: Subject + BE+PASTPARTICIPLE。 需要说明的是,英语的被动语态并非英语语言一开始就是这样的。在语言发展的初期,任何民族的语言,一个动词既具有主动意义又具有被动意义。英语也不例外。也就是说,英语中也可以用主动形式表被动意义。不过,在英语中,这种既可表主动又可表被动的动词在日趋减少。多属那些及物动词变为不及物动词使用,用动作来表示性质、状态时,动词才用主动表示被动。汉语动词由于没有“时”和“态”的变化形式,因此,在表示主语和动词的语义关系时只能凭借人的意会,在不产生歧义的情况下,一般不用有标记的被动语态。同时,即使是有标记的被动语态也是带有很强的情感色彩在里面。因此,翻译时,既要注意是否符合英语的习惯,又要注意译成被动语态后,上下文语义是否连贯,衔接是否自然,同时还要注意汉语有标记被动语态的情感色彩。 汉语语义被动语态有三种形式: (1)主动形式的被动句 (2)主语+挨(遭、受)+宾语 (3)话题+主语+动词 (其中的“话题”是“动词”的受事,见主谓谓语句的翻译) 1汉语语义被动语态译成英语的语义被动语态 1) 他的科学论文读起来象小说。 His scientific papers read like novels. 2)西瓜尝起来很香甜。 Watermelons taste sweet. 2.汉语的语义被动语态翻译成英语有标记被动语态。 1) 他的脸晒黑了。 His face was tanned. 2)教学大楼提前建成了。 The class building has been completed ahead of schedule. 3. 汉语中“主语+挨(遭)+宾语”结构搭配及其翻译 挨: 1)他挨了骂不算,还挨了一顿打。 On top of a tongue-lashing, he got a beating as well. 2)侵略军一进入山地,就处处挨打。 Once they got into the mountainous area, the invaders took a beating wherever they went. 遭 遭到严重破坏be seriously damaged (by) 遭人白眼 be treated with disdain 1)你遭她骗了。 You have been taken in by him. 2)这个工厂在地震中遭到严重破坏。 This factory was seriously damaged during the earthquake. 受 四面受敌 be attacked on all sides 受罚 be punished 1)这种新产品很受市场欢迎。 This new product has been well received in the market. This new product sells well in the market. 2)这次霜冻,冻死不少的庄稼。 A lot of crops were damaged by the frost. (五)汉语被动语态的语义色彩的翻译 汉语的被动句多数情况下含有不如意,不愉快的含义;这种不如意,不愉快主要是针对主语而言的,有时是针对说话人而言的。而英语之所以使用被动句的理由有以下几条:1)着重被动的动作;2)突出动作的承受者(人或事物)的重要性;3)不知道或无须说出动作的执行者;4)便利上下文的连贯、衔接。因此,英语被动句没有汉语被动句所含有的色彩意义。汉语被动句的色彩语义翻译时只能融入英语动词之中或整个句子中。因此,在汉译英时,要特注意汉语被动句的色彩意义的翻译。 1)陶医生,我们被发配到山西哪儿? 你知道吗? Doctor Tao, it was said that we would be sent into exile, do you know wherever we would be banished? 2)昨晚一阵大风,教室的玻璃被打碎了两块。 It blew in gust last night and two pieces of window glass were unexpectedly broken. 汉语有标记被动语态表示的这种“不如意”、“不愉快”的色彩意义,只有 “被”字和“受”字逐渐地在淡化,也就是说, “被” “受”也可以表示“如意”、 “愉快”的含义。如 3)一批优秀的高中级知识分子被吸收入党。 A group of higher or middle rank intellectuals have been admitted into the Party. 第二节 无主句的翻译 一、无主句的概念 分不出主语和谓语的单句称为无主句。无主句又分为:动词性无主句、形容词无主句、 名词性无主句和叹词句。 动词性无主句通常用来说明自然现象、生活情况、祈望、有的是口号。 形容词无主句通常是用形容词或形容词短语形成,通常用于对话中,表示对某个事情,观点,表示自己是赞成还是不赞成、发表感叹等等。 名词性无主句通常是由一个名词或名词性偏正短语形成,用于剧本说明时间、地点,或者表示赞叹;表示突然发现的事物,表示称呼,呼唤。 叹词句由叹词形成,主要用于发表感叹。 二、无主句的翻译 无主句的翻译,主要是动词性无主句的翻译比较难一点。 (一)动宾结构的无主句可以翻译成被动语态。 1)没有安定的政治环境,干什么都不成。 Nothing can be accomplished without a stable political environment. 2)没有爱心,就无法了解人生。 Life cannot be understood without much charity. 3)用科学的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 来分析,才能更好地解决问题。 Only by using scientific approach to analyze problems, can we solve the problems in a better way. Only being scientifically analyzed, can the problems be solved in a better way. (二)翻译成英语的存在句(There + be + NP结构) 汉语中的格言、谚语、哲理、经验往往用无主句来表达,以表示它们所表达意义具有广泛性、客观性。因此,可以用英语的 “there + be +NP ” ,“it + be …+ to … ” 来翻译。 1)活到老,学到老。 One is never too old to learn. 2)没有改革开放,就没有今天的经济发展。 Without reform and opening to the outside world, there would be no economic development of today. (三)翻译成英语的祈使句 1)宁为鸡首,不为牛后。 Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse. 2)量体裁衣,看菜吃饭。 Fit the dress to the figure and fit the appetite to the dishes. (四)翻译成英语的形式主语句 1)百闻不如一见。 It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Seeing for oneself is better than hearing from others.) 2)十年树木,百年树人。 It takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred to rear people. (五)翻译时增添适当的主语 1)只许州官放火,不准(许)百姓点灯。 The magistrates are free to burn down the houses, while the common people are forbidden even to light lamps. One may steal a horse, while another may not look over the hedge. 2) 4)不经一事,不长一智。 You can’t gain knowledge without practice. Wisdom comes from experience. 第三节 存现句的翻译 一、概念 表示什么地方存在、出现或消失什么人或事物的句式叫存现句。根据表达功能和语法特点。存现句虽然也是一种动词谓语句,但它的作用不在于叙述,而在描写。 二、汉语存现句的英译 存现句翻译的总原则是:分析存现句中 “动词”和“名词(短语)”之间的语义关系。 如果是 “有”字存在句和 “是”字存现句,则可以运用英语表存现的“there be”结构;如果“是”字句类中的 “是”带有很强的判断性,则可以倒装句形式,具体如下: “介词短语+be +名词短语”,与汉语句式相同。 如果是 “行为动词+名词短语类”,则要分析存现句中 “动词”和“名词(短语)”之间的语义关系,即 “动作+施事”的关系呢还是“动作+受事”的关系。如果是“动作+施事”的关系,则可以翻译成主动句(主语用汉语存现句中动词后的名词短语来充当),翻译成主动句可以用正常语序也可用倒装语序,到底用哪一种,取决于上下文的衔接。如果是“动作+受事”的关系,则翻译成被动形式(主语用汉语存现句中的名词短语充当)。分述如下: 1. 类型1存现句的翻译,多采用英语“there be”结构。 1)姥姥家门口有一棵老槐树。 There is an old Chinese scholar-tree in front of my grandma’s gate. In front of my grandma’s gate (there) stands an old Chinese scholar-tree. 2. 类型2存现句,可以用英语 “there be”句型的变体结构即: “P.P. + Be +NP” 1)桥下面是那条日夜奔流的扬子江。Under the bridge is the Yangtse River, which surges eastward day and night. 2)村子周围是一片肥田沃野。Around the village are the fertile fields.The village is surrounded by the fertile fields. 3. 类型3存现句,有以下两种方法翻译 A: “动作+施事”的翻译: 翻译成主动句。可以用正常语序,也可以用倒装语序,视上下文而定。 (1) 床上躺着一个人。A man is sleeping on the bed. (2)在游廊的最左端,靠近一道门,却坐有一位将近三十岁的男子。(茅盾《子夜》) Close by a door at the extreme left of the veranda sat a man of about thirty. B:“动作+受事”的翻译:翻译成被动句。可以用正常语序,也可以用倒装语序,视上下文而定。 1)黑板上写着五个字:“向雷锋学习”。Written on the blackboard were five words (characters):Llearn From Comrade Lei feng. 2)地下埋藏着大量的金、银、铜、铅和锌。Hidden underground is a wealth of gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc. 3)从警察背后突然跳出一个黑麻子来,怒声喝打。(茅盾《林家铺子》)A swarthy pock-marked man jumped out from behind the policemen and howled for them to attack. 4. 类型4存现句的翻译:名词(短语)1 +名词(短语)2 NP1+ NP2 NP1+ NP2结构的作用既不在于叙述,也不在于判断,而是表示一种描写。它主要出现在文学作品的描写段落中。因此,在翻译时,要特别注意,句子描写的是什么样的形象,要作整体把握,要特别注意选择动词,因为动词决定了句型的选择。翻译时还要注意 “言、象、意、情”四者结合。 1)远处山谷里一片青青的森林。In the distance, the valley is coated with the thick green forest. 2)屋外一片月光。Outside the house, the moon sheds lights. 3)脸上一团孩子气。He wears the childish countenance. 4)河边绿柳垂杨。Willow tendrils hangs low over the bank of a stream. 5)窗外一片绿色的春天。Spring is very much in the air outside the window.Outside the window, spring is very much in the air. 三、译文赏析: 1)大娘听到这话,苍白瘦削而且满是细碎皱纹的脸上,忽然闪过一丝喜悦的光辉,仿佛昏黑的天空中猛然打过的闪电。这是一个人消逝了的幸福一瞬间又在心上闪过的征兆;也是一个母亲长久埋藏在心底的爱情的再现。大娘脸上这种喜悦的只是一闪就消逝了,接着却是深深的悲哀---- 绝望的悲哀使得她的声音颤抖起来。(杨沫《青春之歌》) The thin, wrinkled face lit up with joy for a second. A fleeting symbol of lost happiness, the glimmer of a love long hidden in a mother’s heart flashed across her face. It was rapidly replaced by a mood of hopeless grief and despair, which made her old voice tremble. (Tr. By Yang xianyi & Glady yang ) 2)铁纱窗内,就是那陈设富丽的吴公馆的小客厅。(茅盾《子夜》) Inside the wire-screened windows was the Wu’s luxuriously furnished drawing-room. (Tr.by Xu meng xiong) 3)此时骤然吹来了一阵凉风。(同2)A cool breeze sprang up. 4)没有风。淡清色的天幕上停着几朵白云,月亮的笑脸从云罅中探视下界的秘密。黄浦像一条发光的灰黄色带子,很和,很快乐。一条小火轮缓缓地冲破那光滑的水面,威风凛凛地叫了一声。船面甲板上装着红绿小电灯的灯彩,在那清凉的夜色中和天空的繁星争艳。这是一条行乐的船。(同2) There was no wind. Scattered white clouds hung motionless against the pale blue curtain of the sky, and a smiling moon peeped down between the clouds at the secrets of the world below. The Whangpoo was a glistening ribbon of drab yellow; it flowed with a quiet contentment. A steam-launch pushed its leisurely way through the smooth waters of the river with an occasional majestic hoot. Its deck was ablaze with a galaxy of red and green lights which vied in the cool stillness of the night with the stars shimmering overhead. It was evidently a pleasure-boat. 5)杨庄是个荒凉的沿海小村,周围沙丘,青翠的树木是很少的。但是当她走着走着,沿海滩走出了几里路之后,情况就渐渐变了:葱郁的树林,鲜艳的结着累累苹果、李子的果树,一簇簇整齐地出现在山巅、在低洼的小峡谷里。1合欢树上飘着清香的娇羞的花朵,2就在这些美丽的绿树中间葳蕤地到处盛开。极目望去,3在这些绿树鲜花中间还迤逦地出现了一幢幢各式各样精美的小洋楼。4那些白色的、黄色的、绿色的、蓝色的或者红色的楼顶,在大海旁边的树丛中间猛一出现时,真使她惊奇极了。过去,她除了见过北平的灰尘滚滚的街道,就是跟徐凤英到古北口外收租时见过那险峻的山峦和穷僻的乡村。5而今,在阳光下面,在这魅人的大海旁边闪着光彩夺目的美丽的别墅,她可从不会想到过会这样的美。 Yangchuang was a desolate seaside village, with little vegetation except for sparse grass on the sand dunes. But when she had walked a few li along the beach, she noticed a change. There were now green plantations, rows of fruit-laden apple and plum trees which covered the hillsides and valleys. (1)The mimosa bushes were a mass of delicate, fragrant flowers. (2)Between these verdant trees and fresh blossoms, (3) and partly hidden by them, were groups of foreign-style houses and bungalows. (4)(5) Their bright multi-coloured roofs rising sharply between the trees close to the sea were a thrilling sight to Tao-ching, accustomed to the dusty streets of Peiping or the rugged mountains and poverty-stricken villages near Kupeikou where she used to go with her stepmother to collect rents. In the brilliant sunshine of this enchanting coast, the splendid villas which flashed into view were lovelier than anything she had imagined. 6)这明明是一间富有人家的书房兼客房。1明亮的大玻璃窗挂着丝质的湖色窗帘;琳琅满目的图书,整齐地排列在一排排的玻璃书柜里;2屋子当中有一张小圆桌,桌子上面有一个古磁花瓶---3花瓶里还查着鲜艳的步步高花,4花瓶周围则摆着好几瓶好酒---茅台、大曲、白兰地,等等。还有那些大大小小的丝绒沙发,5雪白墙壁上挂着的各色字画,也都那么耀眼地闪现在他眼前。这一切,不仅使他惊奇。(同2) It was obviously the study-cum-siting-room of a wealthy family. (1) Pale green silk curtains hung at the large windows; books filled the glass-door bookcase lining the wall. (2), (3)An antique porcelain vase, with immortelles in it, stood on a table in the centre of the room, (4) surrounded by bottles of choice wines and spirits----Maotai, white wine and brandy. (5) Tai Yu was particularly struck by the number of comfortable sofas and armchairs, and the scrolls of calligraphy and painting on the white walls. The whole place baffled and amazed him. 7)篱笆上挂满了丝瓜,豆荚。(同2) Gourds and beans were trained over the trellis. (描绘:形象具体) 比较 Over the trellis hung gourds and beans. (写实:无形象性) 第四节 “得”字句的翻译 一、“得”字句的概念 得字句是由“得”字放在动词前或者“得”附在动词或形容词后面构成的句子。动词前的 “得”主要表示必须的含义。放在动词或形容词后面的 “得”可以表示:1.表示能力或可能性的 “得”字句;2.表示结果或程度的 “得” 字句3.表示必须。根据 “得”的含义, “得”字句的翻译现分述如下: 二、“得”字句的翻译 (一)表示 “必须”的 “得”字句的翻译:肯定句翻译成 “must(should, have to) + verb”;否定句( “不得”) 翻译成 “mustn’t + verb”或用正反翻译法。 1)这事放松不得。 This matter must be paid close attention. 2)天要下雨了,我得走了。 It’s going to rain, and I must (have to) be off now. (二) 表示 “能力” 或 “可能性” 的 “得”字句,可以利用下列结构来翻译 1. 翻译成英语的情态动词 “can (could)”或“to be able to Verb” 1)他看得出两者的区别。 He was able to see the difference between the two. 2)这个礼堂坐得下1500人吗? Can this auditorium hold 1500 people? 2. 翻译成英语带后缀“-able”, “-ible”的形容词。例如: 1)这种蘑菇吃得。 Such mushroom is edible. 2)远处地平线上,还隐隐约约看得见一艘船。 In the distance, a ship is barely visible on the horizon. 3. 翻译成英语带 “to be capable of” 结构。例如: 1)那个恶棍什么事情都干得出来。 That scoundrel is capable of anything. 2)杀人越货这种事,他都干得出来。 He was capable of robbing and killing. (三)表示结果或程度的 “得”字句的翻译。 英语中表示结果或程度的方式很多,因此,汉语中表示结果或程度的 “得”字句可以用英语的表示程度或结果的方式来翻译。具体如下: 1. 用 “so … that” 来翻译。如: 1)听到这好消息,他们高兴得载歌载舞。 At this good news, they were so glad that they can’t help (refrain from) dancing and singing. 2)他说得太快了,他说的什么呀? He spoke so fast that I cannot catch his words. 2. 用 “ so … as to …”来翻译,如: 1)他书念得很好,能得好成绩。 He studied so hard as to get good marks. 2)他壮得象头牛,而我却瘦得象根竹竿。 He is so strong as to look like a horse and I am as thin as a lath (so thin to look like a lath). 3. 用 “Such … that ”来翻译,如: 1)天气热得大家喘不过气来。It was such a hot weather that people were out of breath. 2)她在排演中搞得太过分了,两名南男演员退出不干了。 She went to such lengths in rehearsal that two actors walk out./ To such lengths did she go in rehearsal that two actors walk out. 4. 用 “too … to…”来翻译,如: 1)太阳羞得遮住了脸。 The sun is too shy to shine. 2)恐怕事情已经闹得不可收拾了。 I’m afraid things have gone too far to be set right. 5.用 “too… for …”翻译,如: 1)这些苹果酸得不能吃。 These apples are too sour for eating. 2)她半信半疑地对自己说着,声音低得差不多只有她自己才听得见。She said dubiously to herself, her voice too low for anyone else to hear. 6. 用 “enough to…”, “enough for…”来翻译,如: 1)天气冷得手指都僵了。 It was cold enough to freeze our fingers. 2)超人的速度太快了,快得火车都跑不赢他。 The superman runs fast enough to outrun the rain. 7. 用 “and”连接的并列结构,但连接的两个并列项在语义上,其中一项表示结果。 他的歌声引起了听众的哄笑,便羞愧得赶忙离开了比赛会。 His singing made the audience burst out laughing. He felt ashamed and left the competition hurriedly. 8. 用英语的 “SVOC”句型的被动结构来翻译。 1)昨晚,他被打得遍体鳞伤。 Last night, he was beaten black and blue. 2)他的衣服被强盗剥得精光。 He was stripped stark naked by the bandits. 9. 用英语的 “S + linking-Verb +Adjective”句型来翻译,如: 1)今天的路显得特别的漫长。 The way home seemed extremely long today. 2)酒的颜色红得像血一样。 The wine is as red as blood. 10. 用英语的 “V + POST ADVERBIAL”结构来翻译,如: 1)噩耗传来,她哭得那样伤心。 On hearing the bad news, she wept so bitterly. 2)他不住校,却总是来得早,去得晚。 Though he was not a boarder, he always arrived early and left late. 11. 用英语的 “V + NP(ADJ.+NOUN)”来翻译,如: 1)中国人民的生活过得很幸福。 The Chinese people are leading (living) a happy life. 2))他法语讲得很流利。 He speaks fluent French. 12. 用英语 “till (until) + 结果状语从句”来翻译,如: 1)他笑得肚子痛。 He laughed till his sides split. 2)他逗得孩子乱叫。 He teased the child until he began howling. 13. 用英语 “动词 + 表原因的介词短语”来翻译,如: 1)她冷得直打哆嗦。 She shivered with cold. 2)听到这个好消息,他高兴得跳了起来。At this good news, he jumped for joy. 14.把汉语中的 “得”字补语翻译成谓语。 1)他热得满头大汗。 He was sweating all over. 2)人和马都被雨水淋得湿透了。 Both men and horses were drenched with the rain. 15. 用英语“动词+名词+动词不定式” 1)他的话说得我想哭。 What he said made me feel like weeping. 2)阳光把海水照得像缎子一般。 The sunshine made the sea gleam like satin. 第五节 “把”字句的翻译 一、“把”字句的概念 汉语把字句是指用介词“把”或“将”使得谓语动词的受动成分即宾语置于动词之前的一种句式。其结构如下: 主语+把+宾语+动词+其它。 1)请您把话说清楚。Speak clearly, please. 2)我们把困难踩在脚下。We regarded the difficulty as beneath our notice. 二、“把”自句的翻译 翻译把字句,首先要分析“把字宾语”、“动词”和“其它”三者之间的语义关系,其中动词的最为关键,因为动词决定了英语句子结构: 1.如果三者构成整体表达一个意思,可以采用意译,不必纠缠于其位置,如上例2;如果相应的英语动词已经含有宾语在内,翻译是“把”字宾语则不必翻译。如上例1。否则,作如下处理: 2.主语+把+宾语+动词+了(时态标志)。直接译为英语句型:SVO。 1)为了赶作实验,老刘把午饭也误了。 In order to finish his experiment, old Liu missed his lunch. 2)周超同志为了给大家治病,把休息也放弃了。 Zhou chao gave up his rest (holiday) to cure the sickness for everybody. 3)要时刻把党的教导记在心上。 We should always bear in mind our party’s instructions. 3. 主语+把+直接宾语+动词+间接宾语+其它。译为:SvoO及其变式SVO+to+o句型 1)大家立刻把这个令人振奋的好消息告诉了刚从前线回来的同志。As soon as he came back from the front, all told him this exciting news at once. 2)省委将本省认真贯彻中央一号文件精神的情况报考了中央。 Our provincial committee reported to the CCCPC that we shall firmly and conscientiously act in the spirit of the Central Document 4.主语+把+宾语+结果动词+其它。 其中的动词本是兼语式省略兼语而成,如:“我们要化悲痛为力量”(兼语式)可以用“把”或“将”使宾语“悲痛”置于动词前就变成了“我们要把悲痛化为力量”。这类动词还有:把……(当、看、认、叫)作;把……(变、认、称)作为;把……当(当、看、分、缩、造)成…… 而英语中有这么一种句式:主语+动词+名词(代词)+介词短语。其中的介词取决于动词的意义。如: A: regard sb/sth as noun (adj,verb+ing)    We regarded him as a world-class tennis player.  类似的动词还有: describe、recognize、designate、accept、diagnose、dismiss challenge、praise B: owe (ascribe, attribute) sth to sb(sth) 把……归功(因,咎)于…... devote…to… 将……献给(奉献给)…… 白求恩大夫把一生都献给了中国革命。 Doctor Baiqiuen (?) devoted life to the Chines Revolutionary Cause. C: clear(rig, purge) sb/sth of sth. 把……从 ……清除出去。 类似结构还有: rob sb of sth 把……抢走了。  Deprive sb of sth. 把……剥夺了。 1)卖主把这车说成是一辆古色古香的名贵轿车。 The seller described it as a vintage car. 2)我们都把他当作语言学权威。 We all recognize him as a leading authority on linguistics. 5.主语+把+宾语+形容词谓语+程度补语。 此种把字句的“把”含有“致使”的含义,汉译英时使用英语中含有“致使”的动词,构成SVOC句型,或者用“S+be+形容词化的过去分词+程度补语”句式来翻译。如: 1)这项研究把他累坏了。This research tired him out. 2)你去哪里了,真把我急得要死。You are not here. I am worried to death. 6. 主语+把+处所或范围宾语+不及物动词+动量补语。 1)他把成都逛了个遍。He paid a visit to almost everywhere of Chengdu city. 2)把里里外外再搜一遍。Make a thorough search to the house again. 7. 表示不如意的“把”字句。 这种把字句前往往没有主语而且“把”字可以省略,因此,翻译时“把”字省略不译。 1)正需要打字员,偏偏(把个)打字员病了。 Badly in need, the very typist fell ill. 2)真是不幸,把个独生子死了。 It is unfortunate that the very only son was dead. 第六节 连动句的翻译 一、连动句的概念: 汉语连动句是指几个动词连用,共同来陈述同一个主语。基本格式是: 主语+动词1()+动词2()+动词3()+动词4()….. 各个动词之间的语义关系较为复杂,有表并列,有表先后,也有表其他关系:条件,方式,承接,因果,假设和目的等。各动词之间的排列顺序是按照逻辑先后顺序来组句的。而英语是按句意中心先确定谓语动词。 英语中也有几个动词陈述同一个主语的现象,基本格式是: S+V1()+v2()+v3()+v4()… 各动词之间的语义关系也比较复杂,有并列式;有偏正式。 二、连动句的翻译 (一)并列式连动句的翻译 并列式连动句中的几个动词,表示动作时间的先后或同时关系。表示先后动作的连动句常常译成两个英语谓语动词,并用并列连词连接。表示两个动作的同时或几乎同时关系时,常将其中比较次要的译作英语的非谓语动词或其他表伴随的手段。 1)寻章摘句,世之腐儒也,何能兴邦立事? Those who spend time to select passages and choose phrases are pedants. How can such men make their states strong and do great deeds? 2)他的朋友阻止道: “不可性急。” His friend checked him and said: “Be patient.” 需要注意的是,汉语中有些词组看似并列式,其实不然,翻译时需要看该词组的意思是各字词的意思组合呢还是,表达一个整体意思。如果是表达一个整体意思就不能按以上方法来翻译。如:“披头散发”的意思不是 “披头”和 “散发”组合而成,应译为“wear one’s hair loose”。类似还有“穿针引线”(act as a go-between) (二)偏正式连动句的翻译 偏正式连动句中的几个动词之间有主次之分,主要动词与次要动词之间的关系有:条件,方式,承接,因果,假设和目的等。因此,汉译英时,必须确定好句中的主要动词,一般而言,用句意中心所在的动词作谓语动词。主要动词译成英语谓语动词,其他动词译成非谓语方式、介词短语或用偏正关系词语对次要动词进行连接。如: 1)我买份报纸看。(方式\ 目的关系) I bought a piece of paper to read. 2)你抓住树枝爬上去。(方式\目的关系) Catch a branch of a tree and climb it up. (三)链式连动句的翻译 链式连动句由两个或两个以上有逻辑关系的主谓结构并列而成。有并列式和偏正式。表先后的链式连动句翻译时可以用并列连词连接,偏正式链式连动句翻译成英语时,应仔细分析各动词之间的关系,找出主要动词,并根据英语习惯进行翻译。如: 1)你下了班骑车去姐姐家。 (You) ride to your sister’s after your work, 2)你坐在这儿看看报等我一会儿。 (You can)Sit here to read the paper and I will be soon back. 3)你回家放了书包来我这儿玩儿。 Go back and put down your bag before coming here for play. (四)汉语连动句中,主语和第一个动词之间常常带有状语,状语有时管第一个动词的,有时是管后一个动词的,有时管好几个动词;因此,必须弄清楚状语的管辖范围,特别是当有两个或两个以上的状语时,尤其要弄清其语义上的管辖范围。 1)我正扫院子迎接你嘛!I’m cleaning the yard to greet with you. 2)他向我借钱买书。He borrowed money from me to buy a book. 第七节 兼语句的翻译 一、兼语句的概念 谓语中含有兼语成份的句子叫兼语句,特点是 “兼语”成份兼做前边动词的宾语,同时兼做后边词语的主语。与前边动词构成 “动宾”关系,与后边的词语构成 “主谓”关系。前边动词往往包含有 “使令”意义的动词。 二、兼语句的翻译 1根据英语的SVOC(主语+谓语+宾语+补语) 句型把汉语兼语句的第二个供词译作英语的宾语补足语(不定式,介词短语,形容词、介词,副词、分词或名词来充当)。 1)近几年中国政府一直鼓励外商参与重点经济建设项目和现有企业的技术改造。 In recent years China has been encouraging foreign businessmen to actively participate in China’s key economic construction projects and the technological transformation of some existing enterprises 2)突然的事变使他改变了原来的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。The unexpected emergency had him change his original plan. 2利用英语中表示“致使”,“促成”意义的动词,翻译汉语语句。 1)经济的腾飞使中国在国际事物中发挥着越来越重要的作用。 The boosting economy enables China to play a more and more important role in the world affairs. 2她优美的歌声令听众如醉如痴。The singer’s beautiful voice enraptured the audience. 3 兼语句的第一个动词为“表扬”、“称赞”、“埋怨”、“责备(怪)”、“批评”等时,往往可将第二个动词译成英语中表示原因状语从句或状语性短语。 1)那位评论家指责该书作者有剽窃行为。The critic criticized the author of the book for plagiarism. 2)联合国粮农组织的高级官员在世界粮食大会上盛赞中国致力于解决十二亿人口的温饱问题。 On the World Food Conference, senior officials from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization highly praised China for its endeavours in solving the problem of feeding and clothing its 1.2 billion population. 4 注意辨别兼语式。表层结构象兼语,其实不是兼语式。误判会导致误译。 1)我讨厌人们整天进进出出这里。I don’t want people coming in and out all day. 2)他不喜欢人家批评他。He hates criticism. 5复杂兼语句的翻译:兼语连动交替出现的句子。如: 1)你回去请张总工程师来工地开会。You go back and invite General Engineer Zhang to the construction site for a meeting. 2)我要求总理代我请主席给少石写几个字。What I want is that Premier Zhou, for my sake, asks (invites) Chairman Mao to write a few characters for Shaoshi. 3)陈外长打电话通知我派一个老同志去香山请正在北京访问的日本友人带他们的孩子到工人文化宫参加春节国际儿童联欢会。 The minister of the Foreign Affairs,Chenyi, on the telephone, requested me to send an old comrade to invite to the International Children Party the Japanese Friends and their children who were visiting Beijing. 6灵活翻译 1)我劝你还是投案自首,以求宽大处理。 You’d better surrender yourself to the police, in the hope of being accorded lenient treatment. 2)当局禁止该影片上映。 The film came under the ban of censor. 三、兼语句翻译综述 汉语兼语句的翻译,关键是兼语前的动词的英译,只要确定了该动词的英译,再根据该英语动词的用法,进行构架或用英语中特有的表达方法。决不能死搬动以上所提供的方法。如: 1)医生嘱咐他按时吃药。 The doctor told him to take medicine on time. 2)领导嘱咐他要保守秘密。The leader enjoined him to secrecy. 第八节 主谓谓语句的翻译 一、概念 由主谓词组充当谓语的句子叫主谓谓语句。结构为: NP1(名词词组) + NP2(名词词组)+AdjP / VP(形容词短语/动词短语)。如: 1.我们老师性情平和。 “我们老师”为NP1; “性情”为NP2; “平和”为Adj. P.。 2.小王,我通知过了。 “小王”为NP1; “我”为NP2; “通知 (过了)”为VP。 二、主谓谓语句的翻译 (一)NP1(名词词组) + NP2(名词词组)+AdjP / VP(形容词短 语)的翻译 翻译原则是:确定谓语动词。 1.首先看能否把 “NP2+AdjP”当作一个整体即能否在英语当作一个具有形容词性词或词组。如果能,可以直接采用英语的 “SVC”句型来翻译;主语一般用NP1来充当;V用 系动词BE充当,ADJP 充当主语补足语(NP2已经融合到ADJP中去了)如:例1); 也可以用 “NP1 +have/has +adj + NP2”来翻译,关键取决于NP2的搭配用法,如:例2中的处理。 1)我们老师性情平和。Our teacher is in a good temper. / Our teacher has a good temper. 2)他身心都很健康。He is strong in mind and body. 2. “NP2+AdjP”当作整体后,还必须考虑入句效果,即英语句子的谓语动词的确立。因为动词决定了英语句型的构 金沙江波涛汹涌。Jin sha River is wavy. (SVC) 效果就不如:Jin sha River surges turbulently. (二) NP1(名词词组) + NP2(名词词组) + VP(动词短语)的翻译 翻译原则是:1.VP的确定。2.分析NP1与NP2 的语义关系。 1.NP1与NP2之间有领属关系。 我的两个妹妹,一个上大学,一个正上高中。I have two sisters. One is a college student. The other is a senior Middle school student 2.NP1与NP2之间有整体与部分的关系。 1)我们班只有几个外省人。Only a few students come from other provinces. 2)敌人活着的全部缴械投降。All the rest of the enemies have laid down their arms and surrendered. 3.NP1是VP的施事、受事、工具或与事。 1)他普通话说得不错。(NP1 “他”是VP “说”的施事,NP2 “普通话”是受事)He speaks standard Chinese very well. Or his Standard Chinese Pronunciation is very good. 2)你说的那个人,我们一起打过球。As for the man you’re talking about, he and I played the ball together. 第九节 外位语的翻译 一、概念 汉语的外位语,又称外位成分、复指成分。外位语结构由外位语和本位语构成。外位语即具体提示成分, 本位语是指代具体揭示成分的代词, 且充当一定的句子成分。外位语的作用有两个: 强调外位语所代表的人或事物; 二是使句子结构严谨, 条理清楚, 表意简洁。外位语的结构有两个。即 1) 外位语+本位语 (称代式) 2) 本位语+外位语(总分式) 二、汉语外位语的英译 汉语外位语的翻译,首先要分析本位语在句中的位置,然后分析外位语与本位语之间的关系。外位语可以用以下几种方法翻译。 1.零移位法:所谓零移位法,就是保持原文的句子成分的位置。 1)外位语+本位语 (1) 一分为二,这是个普遍的现象,这就是辩证法。One divides into two—this is a universal phenomenon, and this is dialectics. (2)国家的统一,人民的团结,国内各民族的团结,这是我们的事业必定要胜利的基本保证。 The unification of our country, the unity of our people and the unity of our various nationalities —— these are the basic guarantees for the sure triumph of our cause. (3)老太太的两个儿子---- 一个当兵、一个教大学。Mrs. Wang has two sons – one is a soldier, the other is a college teacher. 2)(介词)外位语,+本位语。英语中介词有of ,as for , as to, as regards (1)我们可能停留一两天。耽搁一星期之久,那是不可能的。  I could stay for one or two days, but as for staying for a week, it would be out of the question. (2)曾经留恋过别的东西的人们,有些人倒下去了,有些人觉悟过来了,有些人正在换脑筋。  Of the people who hankered after those ways, some have fallen, some have awakened and some are changing their ideas. (3)剩下的帝国主义的经济事业和文化事业,可以让他们暂时存在,由我们加以监督和管制,以待我们全国胜利以后再去解决。  As for the remaining imperialist economic and cultural establishments, they can be allowed to exist for the time being, subject to our supervision and control, to be dealt with by us after country-wide victory. 2. 刈分法:如果外位语能刈分成一个主谓结构,那么可以在外位语与本位语刈分成两个独立的句子。 (1) 太的两个儿子---- 一个当兵、一个教大学。Mrs. Wang has two sons. One i a soldier, the other is a college teacher. (2) 遇事想争个第一,而且能挣到第一,这就不简单。  He not only wants to excel —— he does excel. That's not easy. 3. 依并法:如果主句是“这(那)是+“形容词”+的”,翻译时则可以把外位语和主句依并在一起,把主句部分依并为“形容词+ly”,但前提条件是主句中形容词是修饰整个句子。 中国人民为他们60年取得的成就而自豪,这是合乎情理的。The Chinese people are justifiably proud of their achievements of the past 60 years. 4.遗词法:遗弃代词本位语。   (1)冰箱、电视机、录音机,这些她都买了。    He has bought a refrigerator, a television and a tape-recorder.   (2)大势所趋,人心所向,这已无可阻止。   The general trend of events and the will of the people had become irresistible. 5.句型变易法:把主句变易为it形式主语句,而把外位语处理成动词不定式或主语从句。 (1)一个人坐在房子里孤陋寡闻,这样不行。    It's no good for us to shut ourselves up in a room, remaining ignorant and uninformed.   (2)敌人的武力是不能征服我们的,这点已经得到证明了。    It has been proved that the enemy cannot conquer us by force of arms. 6.成分移位法:将原文中主语指代的外位语译成表语。   (1) 实现四个现代化,这是我们今后相当长时间的中心工作。    For a relatively long period ahead, the focus of our work is to realize the four modernizations.   (2) 工厂、铁道、枪炮等,这些是物质条件。    The material conditions are factories, railways, fire-arms, artillery, and the like.
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