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[欧盟英语口译训练系列].EU.English.Interpretation.training.1005091 www.cemachina.com 1 本资料仅供英语口译学习交流之用 气候与能源 美国墨西哥湾泄油事故, 路易斯安那州, 奥巴马, BP, 环境灾难, 深水地平线 2010.05.03 美国各级政府应对墨西哥湾泄油事 故 奥巴马总统(中)5月 2日与路易斯安那州州长博比•金德尔(右)等人乘坐直升机查看了墨西哥湾泄油现场。 美国国务院国际信息局《美国参考》 Merle David Kellerhals Jr. 华盛顿——美国联邦、州及地方政府官员正在大力...

www.cemachina.com 1 本资料仅供英语口译学习交流之用 气候与能源 美国墨西哥湾泄油事故, 路易斯安那州, 奥巴马, BP, 环境灾难, 深水地平线 2010.05.03 美国各级政府应对墨西哥湾泄油事 故 奥巴马总统(中)5月 2日与路易斯安那州州长博比•金德尔(右)等人乘坐直升机查看了墨西哥湾泄油现场。 美国国务院国际信息局《美国参考》 Merle David Kellerhals Jr. 华盛顿——美国联邦、州及地方政府官员正在大力采取行动,控制因一座深水石油 钻井台坍塌而导致的美国墨西哥湾沿岸重大泄油事故。X泄漏的原油威胁着当地的 海滩、湿地和港湾。 奥巴马总统 5月 2日前往路易斯安那州东南海岸,向那里的居民和渔民保证,联邦 政府在竭尽全力帮助缓解正向美国海岸漂移的大面积漏油带来的影响。政府和环境 专家预计,这次事故将给环境带来巨大影响,破坏力有可能是美国前所未有。 总统会晤了州和地方官员并听取了已达近48公里宽的最新泄漏状况。随后,奥巴 马对新闻记者 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示:“我们正在处理一场巨大而且可能是前所未有的环境灾难。油井 石油外泄可能会严重损害经济,破坏我们海湾沿岸各州的环境,而且有可能持续很 长一段时间。” 4月 20日爆炸的“深水地平线” (Deepwater Horizon)钻井台为英国石油公司 (BP)所租赁使用。引起钻井台爆炸的具体原因尚不清楚。两天后,钻井台倒塌在 墨西哥湾的密西西比峡谷(Mississippi Canyon)海域,并开始出现三个泄油处。 英国石油公司正在与一些政府机构和私营公司合作,但尚未能控制油井泄油。作为 石油工业巨头,英国石油公司 2009年的销售额为 2390亿美元,它是从另一公司 ——跨洋有限责任公司(TransOcean Ltd)租用的该钻井台。 www.cemachina.com 2 本资料仅供英语口译学习交流之用 英国石油公司首席执行官托尼•海沃德(Tony Hayward)在一项声明中说:“英国 石油公司致力于全力以赴,采取一切可能 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 控制泄油蔓延。” 奥巴马总统说,在石油钻井台起火后,联邦政府官员立即开始与州和地方政府官员 以及英国石油公司的管理人员协调作出反应,并大力展开搜救工作,疏散平台上的 115人,寻找 11名至今仍然下落不明的人。 奥巴马对新闻界说:“在井台星期四倒塌时,我们立即通过遥控机动设备对海底全部 5000英尺长管道进行了仔细检查,结果发现 3处漏油,其中最新一处是在上星期 三(4月 28日)晚上发现的。” 目前已向海湾派出船只 70多艘,运送浮漂障碍数十万尺,以阻止漏油蔓延。当地 渔民也加入了在沿岸一带投放这种橙色拦油障碍的行动。 美国海岸警卫队(U.S. Coast Guard)司令萨德•艾伦(Thad Allen)上将 5月 3 日对一家有线新闻电视频道表示,可能需要长达 3个月之久才能制止油扩散。 美国国家海洋与大气层管理局(The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)说,目前看来,除了路易斯安那州海岸以外,浮油正朝亚拉巴马 和佛罗里达两州海岸漂移。 奥巴马说:“尽管我们作了大力准备和反应,但在泄漏源被堵住、墨西哥湾的浮油获 得控制并清污完毕、在当地人民能够回复正常生活与谋生之前,我不会罢休……不 会满足。” 奥巴马总统说:“我们正在使用最先进的技术设法堵住距离水面 5000多英尺(1524 米)深的泄漏。这次泄漏情况很特殊,前所未遇,因此可能需要很多天才能奏效。” 美国国家海洋与大气层管理局发布了在路易斯安那州、密西西比州、亚拉巴马州和 部分佛罗里达州海岸附近的联邦水域实行预防性关闭措施。当地的海鲜业业主出于 保护消费者利益的考虑,决定暂停在联邦水域内捕鱼以示支持。这个决定不涉及州 属水域或墨西哥湾其他水域。 美国国家海洋与大气层管理局在 5月 2日说,浮油面距离路易斯安那州海岸大约 14.5 公里,但由于受墨西哥湾的海风和海潮影响,无法对这一大面积浮油的动向 作出精确预测。 来自海岸警卫队、国土安全部、国内资源部和各州政府部门的官员在现场向奥巴马 作了简短汇报并提出下一步的建议措施;与此同时,英国石油公司的工程人员在一 面设法减缓浮油扩散速度,一面开始采取措施盖住油井顶部,制止三处泄油。采取 的措施包括:使用化学分解剂,虽然它对深水的生态系统会造成何种影响还无法得 知;在近陆地处放置橙色巨型栏栅阻挡浮油; 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 志愿人员,在浮油抵达沿岸海滩 时采取最有效措施减小影响。英国石油公司的工程人员正计划设法把三个漏油处中 的一个用关闭阀门盖封、对其余两处放下封拦罩。上述手段可望通过连接在后勤船 上的机器人潜水器深入到 5000英尺水下作业,在一星期至 10天内到位。 www.cemachina.com 3 本资料仅供英语口译学习交流之用 英国石油公司的工作人员向新闻媒体表示,英国石油公司还计划钻两口减压井,协 助抽取流入墨西哥湾的石油,但这个过程可能需耗时数星期之久。 海上钻井的未来 漏油事件发生在奥巴马总统宣布不再延长有关在美国沿海钻油的禁令一个月之后。 总统顾问戴维•阿克塞尔罗德(David Axelrod)4月 30日在接受美国广播公司 (ABC)"早安美国"节目(Good Morning America)的采访时表示,任何新地区的海 上钻井都要等到目前的危机得到充分调查和分析后才会获得批准。 国务卿克林顿(Hillary Rodham Clinton)在 5月 2日说,继续海上钻井需要具 有平衡性的措施。她在美国全国广播公司(NBC)电视节目《面对媒体》(Meet the Press)中说:“这是一项出于国家安全考虑的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,因为我们必须更加减少对外国 石油的依赖。但这项工作必须做得很安全,不能冒着耗资几十亿美元清理泄油的风 险来进行。” 白宫新闻秘书罗伯特•吉布斯(Robert Gibbs)在奥巴马总统赴路易斯安那州的途中 说,奥巴马已命令国内资源部部長肯•萨拉查(Ken Salazar)对墨西哥湾泄油事件作 彻底调查,并在 30天内向他汇报。 (完) Facebook(脸谱) Twitter(推特) Youtube(优兔) 美国国务院国际信息局 www.cemachina.com 4 本资料仅供英语口译学习交流之用 Topics: Energy & Climate, Energy & Environment Keywords: Gulf oil spill, President Obama, Louisiana oil spill, BP, offshore oil drilling 03 May 2010 Governments Respond to Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico President Obama, center, walks with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (right) and others after touring the oil spill by helicopter May 2. By Merle David Kellerhals Jr. Staff Writer Washington — Federal, state and local officials are working aggressively to contain a major oil spill from a collapsed deep-water oil rig that is threatening beaches, marshlands and estuaries along the U.S. coast of the Gulf of Mexico. President Obama traveled to the southeastern Louisiana coast May 2 to reassure residents and fishermen that the federal government was doing all it can to help mitigate the impact of a huge oil spill that is drifting toward the U.S. coastline. The environmental impact is expected to be massive, potentially the most damaging in U.S. history, according to government and environmental experts. After meeting with state and local officials and receiving an update on the status of the nearly 30-mile-wide (48-kilometer-wide) oil spill, Obama told reporters that “we’re dealing with a massive and potentially unprecedented environmental disaster. The oil that is still leaking from the well could seriously damage the economy and the environment of our Gulf states and it could extend for a long time.” BP, the oil giant with 2009 sales of $239 billion, was leasing the Deepwater Horizon oil rig that exploded April 20. The exact cause of the explosion has not been determined. Two days later, the offshore rig collapsed into the Gulf in a section known as the Mississippi Canyon, and oil began leaking from three places. BP has been working with an array of government agencies and private companies, but has been unable to stop the flow of oil from the well. BP leased the oil rig from TransOcean Ltd., a separate company. www.cemachina.com 5 本资料仅供英语口译学习交流之用 “BP is fully committed to taking all possible steps to contain the spread of the oil spill,” BP Group Chief Executive Tony Hayward said in a statement. President Obama said that as soon as the oil rig fire started, federal officials began a coordinated response with state and local officials and officials from BP. An aggressive search-and-rescue mission was undertaken to evacuate the 115 people on the rig and to find 11 crew members who have not yet been found. “When the drill unit sank on Thursday [April 22], we immediately and intensely investigated by remotely operated vehicles the entire 5,000 feet of pipe that’s on the floor of the ocean,” Obama told reporters. “In that process, three leaks were identified, the most recent coming just last Wednesday evening [April 28].” More than 70 vessels and hundreds of thousands of feet of floating barriers have been sent to the Gulf to contain the spill. Local fishermen have also joined in laying the orange spill-containment barriers along the coast. Admiral Thad Allen, commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, told a cable news channel May 3 that it could take as long as three months to halt the spill. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said the oil spill appears to be drifting toward the Alabama and Florida coasts in addition to the Louisiana coastline. “While we have prepared and reacted aggressively, I’m not going to rest … or be satisfied until the leak is stopped at the source, the oil on the Gulf is contained and cleaned up, and the people of this region are able to go back to their lives and their livelihoods,” Obama said. “The most advanced technology available is being used to try and stop a leak that is more than 5,000 feet under the surface,” the president added. “Because this leak is unique and unprecedented, it could take many days to stop.” NOAA issued a precautionary closure of the federal waters off the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and part of Florida for 10 days. Local seafood-industry executives offered their support of the temporary halt to fishing in the federal waters in the interests of protecting consumers. The decision does not affect state waters or the remainder of the Gulf. NOAA indicated May 2 that the oil slick was about nine miles (14.5 kilometers) off the Louisiana coastline, but the movement of the massive slick is not completely predictable because it is controlled by the wind and tides in the Gulf. While officials at the scene from the Coast Guard, Homeland Security, Department of the Interior, and state agencies briefed the president and consulted on next steps, BP engineers were working to slow the spread of the oil spill while work was beginning on measures to cap the wellhead and halt the three leaks. Measures include using chemical dispersants, though it is unknown what the impact might be on the deepwater ecology; placing huge orange booms closer to land to block the oil slick; and training volunteers on how best to minimize the impact of oil as it reaches beaches along www.cemachina.com 6 本资料仅供英语口译学习交流之用 the coast. BP engineers are working on plans to cap one of the three leaks with a shut-off valve and lower containment domes over the other two. All of these measures could be put in place over the next week to 10 days using robotic submersibles tied to support ships 5,000 feet (1,524 meters) above on the surface. BP was also planning to sink two relief wells to help siphon off the oil that is leaking into the Gulf, but that could take several weeks, company officials told the news media. FUTURE OF OFFSHORE DRILLING The oil spill comes a month after the president announced that he would not continue a moratorium blocking offshore drilling along the United States coastline. Presidential adviser David Axelrod told ABC Television’s Good Morning America on April 30 that no offshore drilling in new areas will be permitted until a full investigation and analysis of the current crisis is completed. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said May 2 that moving ahead on offshore drilling will require a balancing act. “That is a national security concern because we have to do better to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. But it has to be done safely. It can’t be done at the risk of having to spend billions of dollars cleaning up these spills,” she said on NBC Television’s Meet the Press. Obama ordered Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to conduct a complete investigation of what happened in the Gulf oil spill and report back to him in 30 days, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said as the president was en route to Louisiana. This is a product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. 美国各级政府应对墨西哥湾泄油事故 Governments Respond to Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico �À+òø‚ßÄpÎ�6¯ˆó!¶˘i|XýÉ�[WÑ–põµ/
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