首页 剧本生活大爆炸第三季剧本S3E10



剧本生活大爆炸第三季剧本S3E10莱纳德 看我的 Hey, Leonard, check this out. 莱纳德 她又来了 Leonard, she's doing it again. 我觉得你调戏食物会让谢尔顿郁闷 I think it upsets Sheldon when you play with the food. 不 应该是她从碗里随便拿起食物 No. It upsets Sheldon when she willy-nilly takes it 而不顾还要平均分配的问题时 from the containe...

莱纳德 看我的 Hey, Leonard, check this out. 莱纳德 她又来了 Leonard, she's doing it again. 我觉得你调戏食物会让谢尔顿郁闷 I think it upsets Sheldon when you play with the food. 不 应该是她从碗里随便拿起食物 No. It upsets Sheldon when she willy-nilly takes it 而不顾还要平均分配的问题时 from the containers without regard 让谢尔顿很郁闷 for its equitable distribution. 这就是印度有饥荒的根本原因 This is essentially why you have famine in India. 你要我吐回去吗 You want me to put it back? 莱纳德 Leonard. 当你调戏谢尔顿时会让谢尔顿郁闷 It upsets Sheldon when you play with the Sheldon. 怎么样啊 我亲爱的呆瓜们 What's up, my nerdizzles? 拉杰 谢尔顿 Raj, Sheldon, 我想将我的女朋友伯纳黛特引见与你们 I want you to meet my girlfriend Bernadette. 你好 莱纳德 佩妮 Hello. Leonard, Penny, 你们认识我的女友伯纳黛特的 you know my girlfriend Bernadette. -嗯 -嗨 - Yeah. - Hey. 伯纳黛特 跟呆瓜们说绝对的 Bernadette, say fo'shizzle to my nerdizzles. 我不能这么说 I don't think I can. 我没有霍华德那种街头痞子风 I don't have Howard's street cred. 我希望这没造成问题 I hope it's all right-- 我跟我的女朋友伯纳黛特说 I told my girlfriend Bernadette 她可以跟我们共进晚餐 she could join us for dinner. 当然可以 人多乐趣多 Sure. The more, the merrier. 不对 这是个错误的对等关系 Wa-- no, that's a false equivalency. 人多不等于乐趣多 More does not equal merry. 如果这公寓里现在有两千人 If there were 2,000 people in this apartment right now, 那我们会很开心吗 不 我们会窒息而死 would we be celebrating? No, we'd be suffocating. -谢尔顿 -别郁闷我 - Sheldon... - Don't "Sheldon" me. 我们定的是五人份 不是六人 We ordered for five people, not six. 来不 没事儿的 Oh, come on, it's fine. 我们全部摊在桌上分享就好 就像家庭聚餐式的 We'll just put it all on the table, you know, family style. 噢 那是 当我们家庭聚餐时 Oh, sure. And while we're at it, 为什么不把手背到背后 why don't we put our hands behind our backs, 来个老式的进食大赛呢 have an old-fashioned eating contest? 放轻松 没事儿的 Relax, it'll be fine. 做吧 你们 Sit down, you guys. 别 别 别 No! No! No! 怎么了 What?! 对了 你不能坐那儿 Oh, yeah, you can't sit there. 为什么不能 Why not? 那是谢尔顿的专属座位 That's where Sheldon sits. 他不能坐其他地方吗 He can't sit somewhere else? 不 不 不 你看啊 在冬天呢 No, no, no-- you see, in the winter, 这个座位与暖气片的距离足够让他保持温暖 that seat is close enough to the radiator so that he's warm, 但又不会太近以至于出汗 yet not so close that he sweats. 而在夏天 这个位置又正好处在 In the summer, it's directly in the path of 由这个和那个窗口之间对流所产生的微风之中 a cross-breeze created by opening windows there and there. 这儿的角度并不是直接面朝电视 It faces the television at an angle that isn't direct, 所以他还能跟所有人交谈 so he can still talk to everybody, 同时又不会太偏导致画面失真 yet not so wide that the picture looks distorted. 看来你还是有那么点指望的嘛 Perhaps there's hope for you after all. 喔 我喜欢你的鞋子 Ooh, I love your shoes. 谢谢 Oh, thanks. 很可爱 不是吗 They are cute, aren't they? -你在哪儿买到的 -实惠鞋店 - Where'd you get them? - Shoes for Less. 我正有此意要去那儿 I've been meaning to go over there. 东西很多 价格也便宜 Oh, great selection, great prices. 我娘说的对 确实有地狱 My mother was right. Hell is real. 别这样 谢尔顿 Come on, Sheldon. 让妇女们聊吧 Let the womenfolk chat. 妇女 Womenfolk? 少女 Gals? 妞儿 Chicks? 有子宫的美国人 Utero-Americans? 吃你的饭吧 Just eat your dinner. 别太跟他较真儿 Don't take him too seriously. 他说的很多话本是故意为了幽默一下的 A lot of what he says is intended as humor. 是啊 但我一点也不觉得有趣 Yeah, well, I don't think it's very funny. 我也是 但是我一笑他就灿烂了 Me neither, but he just lights up when I laugh. 霍华德 不能让她跑了 Howard, never let her go. 莱纳德 霍华德说你正在进行 So, Leonard, Howard says you're working on 一些量子力学的基本测试 fundamental tests of quantum mechanics. 没错 I am. 你对物理感兴趣吗 Are you interested in physics? 我觉得很很吸引人 Oh, I find it fascinating. 如果我没有选择微生物学的话 If I hadn't gone into microbiology, 我也许就会进军物理了 I probably would have gone into physics. 或者冰舞 Or ice dancing. 事实上 我对于阿哈伦诺夫-博姆的 Actually, my tests of the Aharonov-Bohm 量子干涉效应实验已经到达了一个很有趣的阶段 quantum interference effect have reached an interesting point. 现在 我们正在测试基于电势的 Right now, we're testing the phase shift 相位偏移 due to an electric potential. 真是太棒了 That's amazing. 那是 莱纳德的工作几乎就跟 Yes. Leonard's work is nearly as amazing 三 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 生用湿毛巾种青豆一样棒 as third graders growing lima beans in wet paper towels. 虽然我很欣赏你的 "喔 又损人了" While I appreciate the "Oh, snap," 但你那温湿的口气飘进我的耳中令我很不舒服 I'm uncomfortable having your moist breath in my ear. 你会用 Are you going to try 穿隧结合来设定电压吗 to set up the voltages using tunnel junctions? 是的 Yes, I am. 你要看我笔记本上的模拟情况吗 You want to see a simulation on my laptop? 好啊 给我看看 Oh, yeah, show me. 在微生物学中 我做过的最激动人心的事情 In microbiology, the most exciting thing 也就是跟酵母玩玩 I get to work with is yeast. 霍华德 Howard? 怎么了 Yeah? 你的鞋子真漂亮 Your shoes are delightful. 你在哪儿买的 Where did you get them? 什么 What? 逗你玩儿 我才不关心呢 Bazinga. I don't care. 哈 吃灰吧你 Ha! Eat my dust, 万年不变的古板水管工 racially stereotypical plumber. 这不公平 That's not fair. 我被一棵树卡住了 I got stuck behind a tree. 外加一只母牛和企鹅 And a cow and a penguin. 认了吧 兄弟 Face it, dude, 不管是现实的车还是虚拟的卡通车 whether it's a real car or a virtual cartoon car, 你都不能驾驭 you can't drive. 只需要点练习而已 Just need a little more practice. 你需要的是金手指 驾驶技巧和一盏神灯 What you need is cheat codes, motor skills and a magic genie 来帮马里奥赛车小废柴实现愿望 who grants wishes to little boys who suck at Mario Kart. 谢尔顿 我能跟你说两句话吗 Hey, Sheldon, can I talk to you for a second? 这跟鞋没关系 对吧 It's not about shoes, is it? 我不想再聊鞋子了 I don't think I could go through that again. 跟鞋子无关 It's not about shoes. 那就说吧 Then speak. 我们能私下谈吗 Um, actually, can we do it in private? 好吧 All right. 走开 Go away. 我知道很无礼 但她要私下谈 I agree, it's rude, but she asked for privacy. 谢谢 拉杰 Thanks, Raj. 事情是这样的 Okay, so here's the thing: 我想请你教我一点物理学 I was wondering if you could maybe teach me a little physics? 一点物理学 A little physics? 没有这个说法 There's no such thing. 物理学包含整个宇宙 Physics encompasses the entire universe, 从量子粒子到超新星 from quantum particles to supernovas, 从自旋电子到旋转星系 from spinning electrons to spinning galaxies. 行 Yeah, okay, cool. 不用说得像广播特别报导一样 I don't need the PBS special. 只要了解到 I just want to know enough 能和莱纳德谈他的工作就行 so I can talk to Leonard about his job. 就像伯纳黛特那样 You know, like Bernadette does. 干嘛不叫莱纳德教你 Why can't Leonard teach you? 我想给他个惊喜 'Cause I want to surprise him. 就不能以其他方式给他惊喜吗 Can't you surprise him in some other way? 比如 你要是打扫一下房间 For example, I'm sure he'd be delightfully taken aback 我肯定他又惊又喜 if you cleaned your apartment. 拜托 谢尔顿 这对我很重要 Come on, Sheldon, this is important to me. 佩妮 Penny, 教你可是艰巨的任务 this would be a massive undertaking, 我的时间既有限又宝贵呢 and my time is both limited and valuable. 你整天都坐着玩电子游戏呢 You're sitting here playing video games all day. 被你说中了 Okay, point. 你学了哪些 基础知识 税务基础知识象棋入门,基础知识常见鼠类基础知识常用电子元器件基础知识电梯基础知识培训资料 What sort of foundation do you have? 学校教过什么科学课吗 Did you take any science classes in school? 有 我做过青蛙的实验 Sure. I did the one with the frogs. 青蛙的实验 The one with the frogs. 对 其实挺好玩的 Yeah, actually, it was pretty cool. 很多女生都吐了 但我把小青蛙像鹿一样宰了 A lot of the girls threw up, but I gutted that thing like a deer. 抱歉 佩妮 I'm sorry, Penny. 恕我无能为力 I don't think so. 别这样嘛 Oh, come on! 你这么聪明 就当挑战一下 A smart guy like you, it'll be a challenge. 当成实验来做嘛 You can make it like an experiment. 有意思 Interesting. 既然别人能教 I suppose if someone could teach sign language KoKo大猩猩学手语 to KoKo the gorilla... 我也能教你基本物理学 I could teach you some rudimentary physics. 太好了 Great! 虽然有点侮辱人 但很好 It's a little insulting, but great. 我就做KoKo吧 I'll be KoKo. 不见得吧 Not likely. KoKo学会了超过两千个单词 KoKo learned to understand over 2,000 words, 没有一个跟鞋子有关呢 not one of which had anything to do with shoes. 伙计们好 Hey, fellas. 这是在下的女友伯纳黛特 This is my girlfriend Bernadette. 在下的女友伯纳黛特 My girlfriend Bernadette. 他们都是谁 Who are all those people? 不知道 Have no idea. 好啊 莱纳德 Hey, Leonard. 好 瞧瞧 Hi. Hey, look, 这不是霍华德的女友伯纳黛特嘛 it's Howard and his girlfriend Bernadette. 带这位小美人逛逛这老盐矿 Thought I'd give the little woman a tour of the old salt mines. 他说的不是盐矿 He doesn't mean salt mines. 他说的是工作地点 He means where he works. 对 我知道 Yeah, no, I got it. 你的实验进展如何 So, how's your experiment going? 很顺利 Ah, terrific. 我们正在准备电子加速器 We're getting the electron accelerator set up. 后天就能准备好 We should be ready to go day after tomorrow. 真想见识一下 Boy, I'd love to see that. 欢迎你来 You're welcome to come. 真的吗 太好了 Really? Oh, that'd be great. 多兴奋啊 How exciting is that? 简直就像七月过光明节一样 Like Hanukkah in July. 七月有光明节吗 Do they have that? 没有 No. 又被你糊弄了 You got me again. 这不是脱脂酸奶 This isn't non-fat yogurt. 简直全是脂肪 This is fatty fat fat. 失陪一下 Excuse me. 心肝儿 能帮我拿张餐巾吗 Could you grab me another napkin, sweetie? -当然可以 -谢谢 宝贝 - Sure. - Thanks, honey. 说 你打什么如意算盘 All right, what is your deal? 你说什么 Excuse me? 邀请我女朋友 Inviting my girlfriend 去看你的电子加速器 to come see your electron accelerator? 怎么了 Yeah? So? 你真有两下子 You really are a piece of work. 舞会皇后 It's not enough 被你弄到手还不满意 you get the prom queen, you have to get 你还想抢走陪衬头牌呢 the head of the decorating committee, too? 你在说什么呢 What are you talking about? 别跟我装无辜 Don't play innocent with me. 用神奇实验设备勾引女人 I practically invented 这招是我发明的 using fancy lab equipment to seduce women. 成功过吗 Has it ever worked? 目前没有 重点不是这个 Not so far, but that's not the point! 霍华德 别紧张 Howard, relax. 我对你女朋友没兴趣 I'm not interested in your girlfriend. 最好如此 I hope not. 你不会想跟我瞎搅和 Because you don't want to mess with me. 我可是疯子 I'm crazy. 我相信你 I believe you. 实验日志 第一篇 Research journal, entry one. 我准备开展 I'm about to embark on one of 科学生涯中的巨大挑战之一 the great challenges of my scientific career: 教佩妮物理学 teaching Penny physics. 我称之为大猩猩工程 I'm calling it Project Gorilla. 好啊 谢尔顿 Hey, Sheldon. 请进 坐吧 Come in. Take a seat. 实验目标已到 Subject has arrived. 我亲切地欢迎她 I've extended a friendly casual greeting. 准备好开始了吗 Ready to get started? 稍等 One moment. 目标气色很好 也很热情 Subject appears well-rested and enthusiastic. 显然 无知是福 Apparently, ignorance is bliss. 好吧 我们开始 All right, let us begin. 你的笔记本呢 Where's your notebook? 我没笔记本 Um, I don't have one. 那你咋记笔记 How are you going to take notes without a notebook? 还得记笔记吗 I have to take notes? 不然你怎么考试 How else are you gonna study for the tests? 最好还要考试吗 There's gonna be a test? 可不止一次考试 Test-sss. 给 Here. 这是大学规定 It's college-ruled. 希望没吓着你 I hope that's not too intimidating. 多谢你的体贴 Thank you. 不客气 You're welcome. 现在开始讲物理学入门 Now, Introduction to Physics. 什么是物理 What is physics? 物理这个词来源于古希腊语中的"physika" Physics comes from the ancient Greek word "physika." 你该记笔记了 It's at this point that you'll want to start taking notes. "Physika"是指自然科学 "Physika" means the science of natural things. 而就在那遥远的古希腊 我们的旅程开始了 And it is there, in ancient Greece, that our story begins. -靠 古希腊 -嘘 - Ancient Greece?! - Hush. 有问题 先举手 If you have questions, raise your hand. 那是在大约公元前600年的一个仲夏夜 It's a warm summer evening, circa 600 BC. 当你从集市[古希腊圣贤集会所]购物归来 You've finished your shopping at the local market, or Agora... 抬头仰望夜空 ...And you look up at the night sky. 突然 你发现星星在游弋 There you notice some of the stars seem to move, 于是 你将他们命名为"行星"或"漫游者" So you name them "planetes," or "wanderer". 佩妮同学 有问题吗 Yes, Penny? 这和莱纳德的研究有什么关系 Um, does this have anything to do with Leonard's work? 这是一个历时2600年的旅程 This is the beginning of a 2,600-year journey 我们慢慢讲 不急 We're going to take together 追溯到古希腊 From the ancient Greeks 从艾萨克·牛顿到尼尔斯·玻尔[原子理论和量子力学的创始人] Through Isaac Newton to Niels Bohr 再到埃尔文·薛定谔[创立波动力学] To Erwin Schrodinger 再到荷兰研究学派 To the Dutch researchers 莱纳德近来就在重复他们的研究呢 That Leonard is currently ripping off. 居然有2600年 2,600 years? 没错 可能有些许误差 Yeah, give or take. 正如我之前所说 在那遥远的古希腊 As I was saying, it's a warm summer evening 一个氤氲的仲夏夜 In ancient Greece... 怎么了 佩妮同学 Yes, Penny? 我要去洗手间 I have to go to the bathroom. 你就不能憋一下吗 Can't you hold it? 我可憋不了2600年 Not for 2,600 years. 大猩猩实验 日志2 Project Gorilla, entry two. 我被榨干了 I am exhausted. -霍华德 -怎么 - Howard? - Huh? 这个要从前面解开的 It unhooks in the front. 难怪啊 Oh, that explains a lot. 霍华德 我回来了 Howard, I'm home! 整栋楼都听到了 Of course. 老年健身取消了 Senior fitness was cancelled. 我发现原来还真会忘了怎么骑车 It turns out you can forget how to ride a bike. 我是没啥 但山姆·哈普蒂安摔了个嘴啃泥 I'm fine, but, oy, did Sam Harpootian eat gravel. 太棒了 娘 That's great, Ma! 80多的亚美尼亚老人摔断了半边下巴 What's great about an 80-year-old Armenian man 有什么可棒的 With half his chin scraped off?! 我想我得走了 I guess I should go. 不 别动 No, no, don't move. 娘 晚饭我想吃炖羊肉 Hey, Ma, can I have lamb stew for dinner? 炖羊肉 那我还得去超市买 Lamb stew? I'd have to go to the supermarket. 帮帮忙啦 Please? 我真的很想吃嘛 I got a real hankering. 噢 我最疼我家小屁脸宝贝了 Oh, I can't say no to my little tushy face. 我很快回来 I'll be back soon. 多谢啦 娘 Thanks, Ma. 你要家常豌豆还是拉素豌豆[豌豆的一种] Do you want the regular peas or the Le Seur? 平时不都是加拉素豌豆的吗 Always Le Seur peas with lamb stew! 好吧 你总是说得有理 You're right! When you're right, you're right! 如果拉素豌豆卖完了咋办 What if they're out of the Le Seur? 那就买家常的啊 Then get the regular! 好吧 你别冲我吼啊 All right! You don't have to yell! 抱歉 Sorry about that. 我来调成震动 Let me just put that on vibrate. 我早就调好啦 I'm already on vibrate. 这个我可听懂了 You know, that one I got. 霍华德 你和莱纳德说起我什么了吗 Howard, did you say something to Leonard about me? 什么意思 Uh, what do you mean? 他说我要是明天去看他的实验 He says if I go see his experiment tomorrow 可能你会感觉不好 It might weird you out. 是吗 他这样说吗 Really? He said that? 你不是在吃莱纳德的醋吧 You're not jealous of Leonard, are you? 我 才没有呢 Me? No. 我只是说 在没和别人商量的情况下 I may have mentioned that it's a little inappropriate 邀请别人的女友去看他的实验 To be asking another man's girlfriend to his experiment 这样有点不太合适 Without first discussing it with said man. 你的意思是 我和莱纳德一起还要经过同意 Are you saying I need to ask your permission to hang out with Leonard? 我可没这么说 I didn't say anything like that. 我是说莱纳德必须经过我同意 I said Leonard has to ask my permission. 拜托 我可不想和我娘共进炖羊肉啊 Come on, I don't want to eat lamb stew with my mother. 可恶 我差点就解开bra了 Damn, I was this close on the bra. 记住 牛顿发现亚里士多德的理论是错的 Now, remember, Newton realized that Aristotle was wrong 运动不需要靠力来维持 And force was not necessary to maintain motion. 所以 加上a = 9.8平方米每秒 So let's plug in our 9.8 meters per second squared 我们能得到 As "A" and we get 万有引力乘以质量 Force-- Earth gravity- equals mass times 9.8 meters 等于9.8米每秒的平方 Per second per second. 从而得到ma = mg So we can see that "ma" equals "mg" 我们可以推算出什么 And what do we know from this? 我们能推算出 Uh, we know that... 牛顿真是个聪明绝顶的小甜饼 ...Newton was a really smart cookie. 哇 所以才有了牛顿打滚吗[一种点心 很像驴打滚] Oh! Is that where Fig Newtons come from? 不 牛顿打滚得名于马萨诸塞州的一个小镇 No, Fig Newtons are named after a small town in Massachusetts. -别光顾着记这个啊 -抱歉 - Don't write that down! - Sorry. 好 如果ma = mg 我们可以推算出什么 Now, if "ma" equals "mg," what does that imply? 我不知道 I don't know. 你怎么可以不知道 How can you not know? 我都告诉你了啊 I just told you. 你最近脑子被敲过了吗 Have you suffered a recent blow to the head? 你这也太刻薄了吧 Hey! You don't have to be so mean! 抱歉 I'm sorry. 你最近脑子被敲过了吗 Have you suffered a recent blow to the head? -你这个老师真是烂透了 -是吗 - No, you just suck at teaching. - Really? 你觉得这两种解释哪个更靠谱点呢 Of those two explanations, which one seems the most likely? 天哪 Oh, God... 谢尔顿 我也很想听懂 Sheldon, I'm trying to understand, 但你说得太快了 but you're going too fast. 能不能倒回去一点 Can you just back up a little bit? 好吧 All right. 在那个古希腊的仲夏夜 It's a warm summer evening in ancient Greece... 别倒回那么多 Not that far back! 好吧 Okay! 你到底哪点开始听不懂的 At what point did you begin to feel lost? 我不知道 I don't know. 我们抬头仰望星空是在哪里 Where were we looking up at the night sky? -希腊 -见鬼 - Greece. - Damn it! 用不着灰心 There's no need to get frustrated. 总有人学得快 有人学得慢 People learn at different rates. 不像漂浮在真空中的物体 在那里 Unlike objects falling in a vacuum, which...? ma=mg "ma" equals "mg"...? 平方? Squared? 不对 No. 亚里斯多德 Aristotle? 不对 No. 等于五 Five? 那我不知道了 Then I don't know. 你哭什么 Why are you crying? 我哭我自己蠢啊 Because I'm stupid! 那也没理由哭啊 That's no reason to cry. 人只有悲伤的时候才该哭 One cries because one is sad. 比如说 其他人都太蠢我感到悲伤 For example, I cry because others are stupid 所以我才哭 and it makes me sad. 好了 能不能先不扯这些题外话 Okay, can we just please forget about all this extra stuff 就告诉我莱纳德平常在做的那些 and can you just tell me what Leonard does? 好吧 All right. 莱纳德正致力于研究出为何亚原子粒子 Leonard is attempting to learn why sub-atomic particles 会像现在这样运动 move the way they do. 真的 就这样 Really? That's it? 这听起来并不是很复杂嘛 Well, that doesn't sound so complicated. 是不复杂 It's not. 所以莱纳德才干这个 That's why Leonard does it. 我只有一个问题 Okay, I just have one question. 亚原子粒子 到底是什么 What exactly are sub-atomic particles? 问得好 A good question. 谢谢 Thank you. 要回答这个问题 我们首先必须自问 And to answer it, we first must ask ourselves: 物理是什么 "What is physics?" 又绕回来了 Oh, balls. 在那个古希腊的仲夏夜 It's a warm summer evening in ancient Greece... 我有事要找你算账 Okay, I got a bone to pick with you. 这回我又怎么了 What did I do now? 我和伯纳黛特正要做爱做的事 被你的短信搅了 I was in bed with Bernadette, and you text-blocked me. 什么 What?! 我们都脱光光了 正要水乳交融的时候... We were completely naked, about to devour each other when, 你发短信告诉她 我对她跟你出来有 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 you text her that I have a problem with her hanging out with you. 你确实对她跟我出来有意见 You do have a problem with her hanging out with me. 对 但你不该对她说的 Yeah, but that's not what you tell her. 那我该跟她怎么说 What was I supposed to tell her? 我不知道 说些别让我显得 I don't know. Something that doesn't make me come off 猥琐又吃醋的脑残的话 as a petty, jealous douche. 那该怎么说才好 And what would that be? 拜托 我得帮你想好一切吗 Come on, do I have to think of everything? 你好 莱纳德 Hey, Leonard. 我来太晚了吗 还能看实验不 Am I too late to see the experiment? 你来这干嘛 What are you doing here? 跟你一样 Same thing you're doing here. 来看莱纳德的实验 I came to see Leonard's experiment. 才怪 No, you didn't. 你说过莱纳德的实验很蠢 You said Leonard's experiment was stupid. 你跟她说我的实验很蠢 You told her my experiment was stupid? 我只是复述谢尔顿的话 I was just repeating what Sheldon said. 我们别再转移话题了吧 Let's not get off topic. 伯纳黛特 我得跟你道歉 Bernadette, I need to apologize. 我错了 不该对你跟谁交友指手划脚的 I was wrong to tell you who you should be friends with. 我该留你们俩独处吗 Should I, um, leave you two alone? 不用 莱纳德 你也该听听 No, Leonard, you should hear this. 好 反正我也没想走 Okay, good, 'cause I wasn't really gonna go. 我知道我看上去自信满满 老于世故 但 Look, I know I come off as confident and worldly, but... 其实我并不是这样的 the truth is I'm not. 好雷人 We're shocked. 所以我容易感到受到其他人的威胁 Which is why I tend to feel threatened by other guys. 或噪音 或围观群众 Or loud noises, clowns and nuns. 但我已经知道 这样做有多蠢 But I now realize how foolish that is. 他有次就因为头卡在毛衣里 He had a panic attack once 就恐慌了 when he got his head stuck in a sweater. 那可是件高领套头毛衣 It was a full turtleneck. 你为什么不帮帮我 Why aren't you helping me? 我不知道 I don't know. 也许因为 我疯了 Maybe because I'm... crazy?! 伯纳黛特 求你再给我一次机会吧 Bernadette, please, I'm asking you to give me another chance. 你怎么想 莱纳德 What do you think, Leonard? 我该再给他一次机会吗 Should I give him another chance? 你自己做主 It's up to you. 反正他也没说你的实验蠢 He didn't call your experiment stupid. 过来吧 屁屁脸 Come here, tushy face. 屁屁脸 "Tushy face." 这话一定得立马推上微博 That is going on Twitter right now. 拉杰 你真该去看看莱纳德的实验 Raj, you should've seen Leonard's experiment. 电子束发射后产生的干涉图样 The interference pattern was so cool 实在太酷了 when the electron beam was on. 很高兴你喜欢 Glad you enjoyed it. 多数人对我的工作都不那么感兴趣 Most people aren't that interested in what I do. 莱纳德 其实你这么说不对 Actually, that's not true, Leonard. 事实上 最近我一直在琢磨 In fact, recently I've been thinking that 考虑到你实验中的各项参数 given the parameters of your experiment, 通过你那纳米级装备的螺线管 the transport of electrons through the aperture 所进行的电子干涉实验 of the nano-fabricated metal rings is qualitatively no different 跟荷兰已成功进行的实验 没有任何不同 than the experiment already conducted in the Netherlands. 他们通过螺线管干涉电子 Their observed phase shift 观测到的周相移动 in the diffusing electrons inside the metal ring 已成功地用电子模拟的形式证明了 already conclusively demonstrated the electric analogue 阿哈罗诺夫-玻姆的量子干涉效应 of the Aharonov-Bohm quantum-interference effect. 就这样 我也就知道这些 That's it. That's all I know. 等等还有 Oh, wait...! "牛顿打滚"是以马萨诸塞一城市命名的 Fig Newtons were named after a town in Massachusetts, 而不是那科学家 not the scientist.
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