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初萌英语09词汇特训 知识改变命运,学习创造未来! 词汇讲义 词汇特训 英语教材 ---- SUCCESS教你一起背单词 中国培训领域辅导专家 网 址:中国MBA备考网(www.mbaschool.com.cn) 邮 箱:successmba@126.com 报名地址:北京市海淀区清华大学东门外华清嘉园6号楼603室(五道口城铁站旁) 咨询电话:010-89175222 89175229 (24h) 826...

知识改变命运,学习创造未来! 词汇讲义 词汇特训 英语教材 ---- SUCCESS教你一起背单词 中国 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 领域辅导专家 网 址:中国MBA备考网(www.mbaschool.com.cn) 邮 箱:successmba@126.com 报名地址:北京市海淀区清华大学东门外华清嘉园6号楼603室(五道口城铁站旁) 咨询电话:010-89175222 89175229 (24h) 82621297\82623253\82865279\82865312转13/14/18/24 乘车方式:630、726、825、331、809、951、743、749、375、307、731、小16、小71公交车五道口车站下车即到;或乘地铁13号线五道口车站下车向西走200米即到。 企业文化 企业文化与人力资源环保科技有限公司介绍企业调查企业文化企业文化体系构建框架高职企业文化管理 我们的宗旨:打造中国培训领域的辅导专家 我们的使命:辅助莘莘学子,共铸人生辉煌 我们的校训:敦品修学,厚积薄发 我们的核心价值观: (员工):好人品、好素质、好服务! (学员):我们对未来的投资,学校因你而精彩! (企业):企业与员工和学员共同成长! 我们的承诺: 真正洞悉考试规律的名师; 经历实践检验的备考方法; 注重细节尽力完美的服务。 我们的誓言:专业实力做证,100%上线! 我们的赠言:知识改变命运,学习创造未来! 用一年的辛苦,做青春最后一搏, 换取人生重大转机! 内部成本参考:50元 前 言 MBA联考大纲中明确列出了所要求的词汇,要求考生能根据具体语境,句子结构或上下文理解一些非常用词的词义。单就词汇题而言,MBA考试的要求其实很低,但编写此讲义,主要是想帮助考生为阅读、翻译与写作打好基础。MBA考生已毕业数年, 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 面英语已荒废多时,同时,记忆力的下降也使单词的记忆难度明显增加,因此,背单词损耗掉学员们大量的时间,他们本来可以用这些时间来做更多更有用的背考复习,词汇的复习是考生的一大难题。 本讲义围绕如何帮助考生有效快速地记忆单词这一主旨,采用了词根、词缀记忆法。词根、词缀组成了英语中80%的词汇,不熟悉词根、词缀,背单词必定事倍功半。本讲义收集了联考中2500个重要词汇,由词根、词缀扩展到4000左右,词汇以字母顺序排列,分为10个单元,每单元后配详细词根词缀解析与扩展。本讲义配有词汇老师讲课 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 ,讲解内容与讲义环环相扣,形成老师与考生一起背单词的良好记忆效果。 词汇的复习是英语备考的基础,大家一定要结合课件来记忆单词。建议大家在复习前期集中一段时间,如每日2~3小时,进行词汇课件的密集记忆。在备考中期,考生主要借助阅读与翻译来巩固词汇,这一阶段要注意方法,先做阅读与翻译,然后再查询并记录印象模糊的单词与词组(这部分词汇要抽空经常复习),一边阅读一边翻词汇手册是最糟糕的复习方式。备考后期,特别是考前,考生一定要重新过几遍词汇没,力求留下清晰印象,避免因词汇的不熟练而影响阅读速度。 本讲义为初萌英语词汇小班专用教材! 第一部分:词汇学习的意义 1、 词汇在Vocabulary题中的考察 1. Oil is an important ___________ material which can be processed into many different products including plastics.(3单元60题) A. raw B. bleak C. flexible D. Fertile 2. The high living standards of US cause its present population to ___________ 25 percent of the world’s oil.(4单元3题) A. assume B. consume C. resume D. Presume 3. _________widespread belief, cockroaches(蟑螂)would not take over the world if there were no one around to step on them. (4单元58题) A. In view of B. Thanks to C. In case of D. Contrary to 2、 词汇在完型填空中的考察 There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financial standpoint alone, safety __8__. The fewer the injury __9__, the better the workman’s insurance rate. This may mean the difference between operating at __10__ or at a loss. 8. A) comes off B) turns up C) pays off D) holds up 9. A) claims B) reports C) declarations D) proclamations 10. A) an advantage B) a benefit C) an interest D) a profit 考察:__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 3、 词汇在阅读中的考察 You can begin to think of yourself as truly intelligent on the basis of how you choose to feel in the face of trying circumstances. The life struggles are pretty much the same for each of us. Everyone who is involved with other human beings in any social context has similar difficulties. Disagreements, conflicts and compromises are a part of what it means to be human. Similarly, money, growing old, sickness, deaths, natural disasters and accidents are all events which present problems to virtually all human beings. But some people are able to make it, to avoid immobilizing depression and unhappiness despite such occurrences, while others collapse or have an N. B.D. Those who recognize problems as a human condition and don’t measure happiness by an absence of problems are the most intelligent kind of humans we know; also, the most rare. 1. According to the passage, what kind of people are rare? A) Those who don’t emphasize bookish excellence in their pursuit of happiness. B) Those who are aware of difficulties in life but know how to avoid unhappiness. C) Those who measure happiness by absence of problems but seldom suffer from N. B. D.s. D) Those who can secure happiness though having to struggle against trying circumstances. 考察:__________________________________________________________________________ 4、 词汇在翻译写作中的考察 考察:_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5、 总结 1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________ 第二部分:词汇学习的方法 1、 记忆方法 1. 叠加记忆法:____________________________________________________________ 2. “零售”PK“批发” 1)零售:______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2)批发:思想误区 _____________________________________________________________ A. 词根词缀法 conference suffer (from) reference transfer different differentiate preferable defer infer confer offer refer to 1、 conference ____________ 是把(意见)都带来,也就是开会讨论的意思 2、 suffer ____________ 是把(意见)收起来,忍着 3、 reference ____________ 是把(内容)再拿出来看看 4、 transfer ____________ 是把(内容)送过去 5、 different ____________ 是把(事物)区分分开的 6、 differentiate ____________ 是把(事物)区分分开 7、 preferable ____________ 能够优先带走的 8、 defer ____________ 不让(按时)带走 9、 infer ____________ 再往下一步 10、 confer ____________ 一起把(意见)带来 11、 offer ____________ 向前拿过来 12、 refer to ____________ 重新拿来看看 B. 形近词口诀法 1) 借来__________狭窄__________一只箭__________,麻雀_________悲伤_________到明天______________。 2)伙伴__________跟随__________空洞__________转,药片__________枕头__________黄色__________,都__________低__________允许__________溅__________浅滩,死__________喂__________燕子__________吞咽__________搀。 3)摔倒__________是因绊__________,集合__________相似者__________颤__________,赌博__________卑贱者喊__________。 C. 联想记忆法: Forget_________, Target___________, budget_____________ Investigate ______________, register ___________________ D. 阅读语境法: The best nation should be like steel: combine the great strength and flexibility. 2、 记忆程度 1. 词汇的掌握程度:____________________________________________________________ 2. 第一遍:____________________________________________________________________ 3. 在使用中记忆:______________________________________________________________ 1) _________________________________________________________________________ 2) _________________________________________________________________________ 4. 循环记忆:__________________________________________________________________ 3、 本系列课程的目标 1. 识记:_____________________________________________________________________ 2. 语境:_____________________________________________________________________ 3. 使用:_____________________________________________________________________ 第一讲 以P为开头的核心词汇 pace potential panic practical partial paradox participate precaution particularly Parallel to partner precious passion precise passive predict peculiar prejudice peer preliminary penalty prescribe penetrate presence pension preserve perceive presumably perception pretend performance prevail permanent previous permission prime persist primitive personnel principal perspective principle pessimistic prior phase priority phenomenon privilege philosophy procedure physical proceed physician process physicist procession pill produce plot profession poisonous profile polish profit poll progressive pollute prohibit portable prominent portion promote portrait prompt pose proof positive property possess proportion postpone protest provoke publish possession punch provided punctual provision purchase psychological purpose publication pursue publicity puzzle 补充:重点词根、词缀 1.port portable _________ import _________ export _________ support _________ passport _________ portion _________ opportunity _________ proportion _________ transport _________ 2. part partner _________ partial _________ participate _________ 3. pend pension _________ depend _________ suspend _________ expenditure _________ 4. vail avail _________ invalid _________ prevail _________ 5. sume presume _________ resume _________ assume _________ consume _________ 6. press depress _________ express _________ impress _________ oppress _________ compress _________ pressure _________ 7.pose compose _________ deposit _________ dispose _________ expose _________ impose _________ oppose _________ purpose, _________ suppose _________ 8.spect perspective _________ aspect _________ prospect _________ suspect _________ respect _________ 9. gress progress _________ congress _________ aggressive _________ 10. ceed Succeed _________ proceed _________ exceed _________ 11. cede precede _________ recede _________ concede _________ 12. sue issue _________ pursue _________ tissue _________ 13. per permission _________ persist _________ perceive _________ percent _________ permit _________ 14. pre preface, _________ previous _________ prevail _________ pretend _________ preserve _________ prescribe _________ 15. pro produce _________ progress _________ project _________ proceed _________ promote _________ prospect _________ prominent _________ prohibit _________ 16. pri prime _________ primary _________ privilege _________ principle _________ prince _________ 题目语境: 1.The reading section of the tests contain five _______, each of which followed by five questions. A. messages B. paragraphs C. statements D. passages 2. The elderly of Russians find it hard to live on _______ there in the state. A. pensions B. earnings C. salaries D. donations 3. This is a new model of ______ typewriter especially to meet the needs of traveling business. A. mobile B. flexible C. portable D. active 4. While nuclear weapons present grave ________ dangers, the predominant crisis of overpopulation with us today. A. inevitably B. constant C. overwhelming D. potential 5. My time is very ________, I can only spare you minutes for a interview. A. previous B. scare C. dear D. precious 6. It is believed that a good breakfast is __________ a big supper. A .more preferable than B. more preferable to C .preferable to D. preferable for 7. The ________estimate of gains in gross national product suggest a fast recovery from economic recession. A. introductory B. prime C. primary D. preliminary 8. Some people criticize family doctor for ______ too many medicines minor illness. A. prescribing B. ordering C. advising D. delivering 9. He gave his _________ for new marketing procedures. A .presentations B. representations C. comments D. memoranda 10. He adjusted his hat ________. A. prior of leaving B. prior to leaving C. prior to leave D. prior leave 11. The food we eat through the whole _______ of digestion, absorption and elimination. A. procedure B. procession C .proceeding D. process 12. Chinese customers regulations ______ taking precious works of art out of China. A .prohibit B. forgive C. avoid D. repel 13. Mr. Bloom is not _________ now, but he used to be an excellent doctor. A. significant B. dominant C. magnificent D. prominent 14. Weight is an inherent __________ of matter. A. propriety B. prosperity C. property D. privilege 15. He _________ that the house be repaired. A proposed B imposed C opposed D composed 16. The office says there is little __________ of rain in the near future. A .perspective B. foresight C. prospect D. outlook 17. In a time of social reform, their state of mind tends to keep _______ with the rapid changes of society. A. step B. progress C. pace D. touch 18. The newly built railway runs ________ the Expressway 808. A. parallel to B. line with C. according to D. parallel with 19. It is said that the Math teacher seems __________ towards bright students. A .partial B. beneficial C. preferable D. liable 20. The summer here is very hot, ________ at noon. A. Specially B. particularly C. particular D. peculiar 21. Tom seems very ___________ about his food. A. Specially B. especial C. particular D. peculiar 22. They will be married next month and promised to be each other life _______ A. bosom friend B. colleague C. partner D. secretary 23. He is a little hot-tempered and will get into a _______ if you contradict him. A. angry B. love C. feeling D. passion 24. In India, they mounted a campaign of _______ resistance with no arms against the British colonists. A .passive B. positive C. active D. constructive 25. He is a man with a strong will and can be patient ________ all kinds of sufferings. A. with B. of C. to D. in 26. He dressed up and had a false beard on, but soon we ________ his disguise. A. saw B. penetrated C. observed D. concentrated 27. ________ are a special kind of money, which are often paid because of long service, special merit, or injures received. A. pensions B. penetrations C. cash money D. reward 28. What ______ of the students pass the Band-4 English Test in your college? A .per cent B. percent C. speed D. percentage 29. He hated wandering about and expected to find a _______ position in the Civil Service of government. A. permissive B. perceptive C. permanent D. perpetual 30. If you ________ causing troubles, the company has to dismiss you. A. persevere B. persist in C. insist in D. insist with 31. We must learn to see things in their right _______ , avoid making mistakes. A. prospective B. prosperity C. perspective D. permissive 32. There must be a _______ explanation for these strange happenings, which have made us restless all these days. A. physical B. mental C. practical D. natural 33. Coal is a ________ source of energy compared with other forms of energy such as oil. A. plenty B. enough C. sufficient D. plentiful 34. The servants _________ the silver tableware before the guests arrived. A. polished up B. polished out C. pointed out D. polished with 35. If you decrease the _________ of alcohol in this solution, it would be less dangerous. A. part B. portion C. section D. share 36. The English language ________ a vivid saying to describe this sort of situation. A. owns B. contains C. holds D. possesses 37. According to the facts ________, he can not be possibly guilty. A. in my possession B. in my profession C. in the procession D. in the provision 38. Since the situation has changed, we have to _________ making a decision. A. defer B. postpone C. delay D. announce 39. The answer is 8.625, a ________ of calculation. A. correct B. right C. precious D. precise 40. We prefer to discuss the fully ________ it in practice hurriedly. A. than put B. to put C. rather than put D. to putting 41. It is the duty of the police to ________ the public order. A. prevent B. present C. preserve D. prepare 42. When we meet in the street we pretended _______ each other. A. not to know B. to not know C. knowing not D. not knowing 43. Some of the traditional customs still _______ among members of the older generation. A. prevent B. prevail C. existence D. widespread 44. There were no women committee _______ 1976, but now women are in a majority. A. prior to B. previous C. before to D. ago 45. The _______ problem is how to unite all the members and go on with our cause. A. principal B. principle C. primarily D. chiefly 46. Mr. Green can be very sad _______, though in public he is extremely cheerful. A. by himself B. in person C. in private D. as individual 47. Only guests in the hotel enjoy the _______ of bowing on the 9th floor. A. favor B. possibility C. privilege D. advantage 48. Do you know the _______ for obtaining a new passport? A. process B. procedure C. proceeding D. proceedings 49. After looking through the students homework, he ______ to give the history class. A. preceded B. proceeded C. procedure D. processed 50. Mary made steady _______ in English after she put her heart in it. A. advance B. improvement C. progress D. program 51. The _______ of establishing a new national park seemed to be very attractive. A. plan B. project C. item D. progress 52. The government is trying to do something to _______ better understanding between the two countries. A. raise B. promote C. heighten D. increase 53. Your kindness in giving ____ to the consideration of the above problem will be highly appreciated. A. importance B. advantage C. priority D. authority 54. Have you got any _______ that you own the luxury car? A. prove B. proof C. fact D. details 55. The company belongs to Mrs. Green, so it is private ________. A . proper B. properly C. property D. possess 56. The _______ of men to women in the city has changed a lot since 1950. A. portion B. proportion C. rate D. ratio 57. John has insured all his properties to protect them _________ losses from damage A. at B. against C. with D. on 58. They had no sense of saving things, spent all their money and made no _______ for future. A. provide B. provision C. proportion D. profession 59. Let us talk in other places, it is too _________ here. A. private B. public C. publicity D. publish 60. I came here for nothing else but to see you __________. A. purpose B. propose C. to the purpose D. on purpose Keys: 1 D 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 D 6 C 7 D 8 A 9 A 10 B 11 D 12 A 13 D 14 C 15 A 16 C 17 C 18 A 19 A 20 B 21 C 22 C 23 D 24 A 25 A 26 B 27 A 28 D 29 C 30 B 31 C 32 A 33 C 34 A 35 B 36 D 37 A 38 B 39 D 40 A 41 C 42 A 43 B 44 A 45 A 46 C 47 C 48 B 49 B 50 C 51 B 52 B 53 C 54 B 55 C 56 B 57 B 58 B 59 B 60 D 第二讲 以R为开头的词汇 radical remote ratio removal rational render raw repetition readily represent rebel representative recall reputation receipt request reception rescue recession resemble reckon reservation recognition resident recommend resign recommendation resist recovery resolve recreation resort recruit respectively reference respond refine responsibility reflect responsible reform restless refresh restore refugee restrain refusal restraint register restrict regulate resume reinforce retail reject retain release reveal relevant revenue reliable revise relief reward relieve ridiculous religious rival reluctant roar remain rotate remark routine remarkable rumor remedy rural remind 重要词根 1. tion rational __________ emotional ________ notion __________ 2. cede precede __________ recede __________ concede __________ precession __________ recession __________ concession __________ 3.mend amend __________ commend __________ recommend __________ 4. fer confer __________ refer __________ differ __________ conference __________ reference __________ difference __________ infer __________ prefer __________ inference __________ preference __________ 5. fine finish __________ finite __________ confine __________ refine __________ 6. lect select __________ collect __________ elect __________ neglect __________ intellect __________ reflect __________ 7.form inform __________ deform __________ transform __________ reform __________ conform __________ formation __________ information __________ formula __________ 8.reg region __________ regime __________ register __________ regulate __________ regulation __________ 9.ject inject __________ Project __________ reject __________ 10.lief brief __________ thief __________ belief __________ chief __________ grief __________ relief __________ 11. med medicine __________ medical __________ remedy __________ 12. mble tumble __________ stumble __________ assemble __________ resemble __________ tremble __________ gamble __________ humble __________ 13. serve deserve __________ reserve __________ preserve __________ observe __________ conserve __________ 14. side president __________ resident __________ subsidy __________ 15.sign significant __________ resign __________ 16.sist persist __________ insist __________ consist __________ sister __________ resist __________ assist __________ assistance __________ assistant __________ 17.spect respect __________ perspective __________ prospect __________ inspect __________ aspect __________ respective __________ respectful __________ respectable __________ 18. sume presume __________ resume __________ assume __________ consume __________ 19. rain rain __________ train __________ strain __________ restrain __________ 20. tail tailor __________ detail __________ retail __________ 21. tain retain __________ attain __________ contain __________ sustain __________ maintain __________ stain __________ 22. vis visit __________ visible __________ revise __________ advise __________ devise __________ 23. ward reward __________ award __________ forward __________ backward __________ inward __________ outward __________ awkward __________ 24. oar oar __________ roar __________ soar __________ 语境题目 1. When she was criticized, she claimed that it was outside her ________ of responsibility. A. field B. limit C. extent D. range 2. New York _______ second in the production of apples, producing 850,000 pounds this year . A. ranked B. occupied C. arranged D. classified 3. The ________of currency of many Asian countries to US dollar greatly lowered in the recent financial crisis. A. rate B. speed C. degree D. price 4. We divided it in the ________2:1. A. ration B. ratio C. rate D. scale 5. Man is a _________ being. A. raw B. ration C. rational D. ratio 6. The price of commodity should be determined by the _________ of supply and demand. A. principle B. rule C. law D. regulation 7. How did he __________to the news? A. function B. perform C. operate D. react 8. We thought they had come to repair the phone, but in _______ they were robbers. A. reality B. addition C. future D. vain 9. You are not very _________ if you expect a child to behave like a grown-up. A .reasonable B. true C. reality D. rational 10. I haven’t heard from her _________ A. recently B. lately C. presently D. nowadays 11. Leave your key at _______ A. receive B. receiver C. receipt D. reception 12. The movement of moon conveniently provided the unit of moon, which was ________ from one new moon to the next. A. measured B. reckoned C. judged D. assessed 13. The place has changed beyond ____________. A. recommendation B. recognition C. reception D. realization 14. Your plan has very little to ____________. A. recognize B. reckon C. record D. recommend 15. As soon as Charles had ________ a little from his surprise, his one thought was to get away. A. recovered B. discovered C. dissolved D. absorbed 16. During the war, the government _____many soldiers from workers and farms. A. adopted B. collected C. recruited D. integrated 17. As long as you own the VIP card, you could buy these books at a _________ of 10 percent. A. reduction B. recreation C. reflection D. relation 18. I didn’t know the word; I had to _______ the dictionary. A. look out B. make out C. refer to D. go over 19. A man’s actions _________ his thoughts. A. refine B. reform C. reflect D. refresh 20. He knows nothing ________ the case . A. regard B. regarding C. regardless D. regain 21. Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to, ______the color of his skin. A. with the exception of B. in the light of C. by virtue of D. regardless of 22. There are strict rules _________the use of chemical in food . A. reforming B. relating C. regulating D. registering 23. The same factors push wages and price up together, the one ________ the other . A. emphasizing B. reinforcing C. multiplying D. increasing 24. The government ________ the diplomatic note from Japan for its unclear attitude to the trade between two countries. A. denied B. refused C. rejected D. objected 25. The energy ________ by the chain reaction is transformed into heat. A. transferred B. released C. delivered D. conveyed 26. To our _________, Geoffrey’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared A. anxiety B. relief C. view D. judgment 27. She is _________ to leave that job, but another company has offered her a high salary. A. willing B. reluctant C. hesitant D. determined 28. He _________upon the prosperous look of the countryside. A. make B. say C. remark D. speak 29. No effective________ has been found for this fatal disease which claims thousands of lives each year . A. settlement B. method. C. remedy D. prescription 30. He is ___________ and cold in his manner. A. remove B. remote C. render D. renew 31 .The picture __________ the batter of Waterloo. A. draws B. reads C. represents D. reveals 32. She attained a world-wide ________with her pioneer research in chemistry and physics. A. repetition B. resignation C. name D. reputation 33. He will agree to do what you require __________ him. A. of B. from C. to D. for 34. The boys ________ each other in that they both have ginger hair and round faces. A. rescue B. resemble C. alike D. similar 35. After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to _______ A. retire B. retreat C. withdraw D. resign 36. The goods were displayed so well that she couldn’t ________the temptation to buy it . A. pull B. miss C. deny D. resist 37. The transplanted seedling are ________ to cold weather. A. resistance B. resist C. resistant D. resident 38. The lawyer’s advice led to the ________ to all our difficulties. A. resolving B. solving C. resolution D. reputation 39. I would never have _________ to a court of a law if I hadn’t been so desperate. A. sought for B. accounted of C. turned up D. resorted to 40. Please accept this gift with our _______. A. respects B. expects C. minds D. greets 41. He announced immediate action .The _________ was instantaneous. A. resort B. response C. respect D. resistance 42. It does not after the factor that he was the man _________ for the death of the little girl. A. accounting B. guilty C. responsible D. obliged 43. A notice in the library reads: _________the book to its place on the shelf. A. return B. restore C. rescue D. resign 44. The ______ of airplane engines announced a coming air raid. A. roar B. exclamation C. whistle D. scream 45. The wise man exercises ________ in his behavior and enjoyments. A. limitation B. interested C. restriction D. restraint 46. The supply of electric power to Madrid and neighboring districts has to be __________. A. weakened B. omitted C. restricted D. lowered 47. Supermarket can afford to ________ cigarettes at a couple pence below the price charged by most tobacconists A. export B. bargain C. trade D. retail 48. I guess the whole paper has to be re written; only the first paragraphs may be ________. A. sustained B. contained C. retained D. maintained 49. The defeated army had to ________ from their fortress to seaside. A. retreat B. retire C. advanced D. draw 50. I hate people who __________ the end of the film that you haven’t seen before. A. reveal B. rewrite C. revise D. reverse 51. I have to _________ my doctorial as there are some parts that I am not satisfied. A. rehearse B. revise C. renew D. retell 52. None of us can _________ him in strength. A. compete B. rival C. beat D. win 53. I had to shake him several times to _________ him from his sleep. A. stimulate B. rouse C. motivate D. prompt 54. Please do it according to _________. A. row B. route C. routine D. rouse 55. Oil is an important ___________ material which can be processed into many different products, including plastic. A. raw B. bleak C. flexible D. fertile 56. Voices were ________ as the argument between the two men became more bad-tempered. A. roused B. developed C. increased D. raised 57. Our hopes __________ and fell in the same instant. A. aroused B. arose C. raised D. rose 58. We should concentrate on sharply reducing interest rates to pull the economy out of ________. A. rejection B. restriction C. retreat D. recession 59. All their attempts to _________ the child from the burning building were in vain. A. regain B. recover C. rescue D. reserve 60. You should try to __________ your ambition and be more realistic. A. reserve B. restrain C. retain D. replace Keys: 1 D 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 D 7 D 8 A 9 D 10 A 11 D 12 B 13 B 14 D 15 A 16 C 17 A 18 C 19 C 20 B 21 D 22 C 23 B 24 C 25 B 26 B 27 B 28 C 29 C 30 B 31 D 32 D 33 A 34 B 35 D 36 D 37 C 38 C 39 D 40 A 41 B 42 C 43 A 44 A 45 D 46 C 47 D 48 C 49 A 50 A 51 B 52 B 53 B 54 C 55 A 56 D 57 D 58 D 59 C 60 B 第三讲 以S为开头的词汇 sacrifice speculate sake subsequent sample substance sanction substantial scandal substitute scarce succeed scare succession scatter sufficient scenery suicide schedule summit scheme superficial scope superior section supplement sector surgery secure surplus security surrender seek surround segment survey sensible suspect sensitive suspend sequence suspicion session sustain shallow survive shelter swallow shield sway shift swear shrink swift significant swing sincere switch sketch symbol slender sympathetic slice sympathize slide sympathy slight symptom smash systematic soar strain solar structure sole stuff solve subject to somehow submit somewhat spill sophisticated spoil sore sponsor sorrow stable sour stain source statistic span status spark steady specialist steer species sticky specific stiff specify stimulate specimen stir spectacular stock 重要词根 1. eme theme _________ extreme _________ scheme _________ 2. sequence subsequence _________ consequence _________ 3. ssion session _________ passion _________ mission _________ 4. sign significant _________ resign _________ 5. spect respect _________ perspective _________ prospect _________ inspect _________ aspect _________ suspect _________ respectful _________ respectable _________ respective _________ spec species _________ specify _________ spectacular _________ specimen _________ 6. ulate calculate _________ regulate _________ speculate _________ accumulate _________ stimulate _________ 7. stance distance _________ instance _________ substance _________ constancy _________ circumstance _________ stant distant _________ instant _________ constant _________ substantial _________ 8. stitute constitute _________ institute _________ substitute _________ 9. ceed succeed _________ exceed _________ proceed _________ success _________ succession _________ procession _________ excess _________ cede recede _________ concede _________ precede _________ recession _________ concession _________ precession _________ 10. ficient efficient _________ proficient _________ sufficient _________ 11. mit commit _________ committee _________ admit _________ submit _________ transmit _________ omit _________ limit _________ permit _________ emit _________ 12. vey survey _________ convey _________ voyage _________ 13. tain retain _________ contain _________ attain _________ obtain _________ maintain _________ sustain _________ stain _________ 14. viv revive _________ survive _________ 15. ject inject _________ Project _________ reject _________ subject _________ object _________ 16. us bonus _________ campus _________ genius _________ status _________ promiscuous _________ illustrate _________ sustain _________ 17. struct structure _________ construct _________ destruct _________ instruct _________ 18. pend pension _________ depend _________ suspend _________ expenditure _________ 记忆口诀 1. 一届会议_____________大家定,激情_____________过后领使命_____________。代表团_____________里小姐_____________俊,为了使命_____________拼死命。 2. 伙伴_____________跟随_____________空洞_____________转,黄色_____________叫喊_____________枕_____________药丸_____________。都_____________低_____________允许_____________洗浅滩_____________,死_____________喂_____________燕子_____________吞咽_____________馋。 3. 举_____________礼物_____________,飘动_____________转换_____________,要快速_____________ 4. 向上_____________呈报_____________交出_____________是投降_____________,嫩弱温柔_____________苗条_____________是细长_____________。 5. 碰撞_____________撞毁_____________再粉粹_____________,只剩一堆灰_____________。 6. 划浆橹_____________,奇高呼_____________,共高飞_____________ 7. 借来_____________狭窄_____________一把箭_____________,麻雀_____________悲伤_____________在明天_____________。 8. 我们的_____________酸味_____________灌注_____________你们的_____________旅行_____________ 9. 细看_____________天鹅_____________的跨度_____________。细看_____________是死看_____________,天鹅_____________快死完_____________ 10. 火花_____________死_____________在公园_____________发,小心遇见大白鲨_____________。 11. 全体委员_____________承认_____________屈从_____________传播_____________媒体,犯了_____________忽略_____________界限_____________、允许_____________发射_____________这一错误。 12. 下雨_____________踢_____________一锻炼_____________,死_____________劲锻炼_____________一紧张_____________,紧张_____________的相反_____________一抑制_____________。紧张_____________少了_____________生污点_____________,污点_____________美国_____________忍和撑_____________。 13. 原料_____________塞满_____________不透气_____________,全体人员_____________僵直的_____________。 14. 作坊_____________像小山_____________,账单_____________来充满_____________,直到_____________问遗愿_____________,杀死_____________用药丸_____________。技能_____________能让静静地_____________溅_____________,激动_____________能往寒冷_____________里钻_____________。 15. 用油_____________煮沸_____________的土壤_____________损坏_____________成卷_____________ 16. 同辈_____________小鹿_____________,喝完啤酒_____________,驾驶_____________车送她回家,我们是志愿的_____________,不是为了纯粹_____________的快乐_____________,而是为了彼此的事业_____________。 语境词汇题目 1. The clothes a person wears may express his _______ or social position. A. curiosity B. status C. determination D. significance 2. If this kind of fish becomes _______, future generations may never taste it at all. A. minimum B. short C. seldom D. scarce 3. According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life __________: 77.2 year A. scope B. rank C. span D. scale 4. Their products are frequently overpriced and ______ in quality. A. influential B. inferior C. superior D. subordinate 5. Many people like white color as it is a ______ of purity. A. symbol B. sign C. signal D. symptom 6. I was about to ______a match when I remembered Tom's warning. A. rub B. hit C. scrape  D. strike 7. Some plants are very ________ to light; they prefer the shade. A. sensible B. flexible C. objective D. sensitive 8. Mrs. Morris's daughter is pretty and , and many girls envy her. A. slender B. light C. faint D. minor 9. Can you give me even the clue as to where her son might be? A. simplest B. slightest C. least D. utmost 10. We took _________ under the trees when it rained. A. shelter B. roof C. screen D. refuge 11. The children should learn to be independent,for it is impossible for a parent to _______ his children from every danger. A. field B. relieve C. shield D. conserve 12. There has been a gradual ________ of workers away from manufacturing towards the service industries. A. shift B. move C. lift D. gift 13. The woolen sweater _________ after the wash. A. has shrunk B. has shrunken C. has been shrunk D. shrink 14. They started to quarrel and she _________ him on the cheek. A. beat B. smashed C. slapped D. attacked 15. They won the election but only with a very ________ majority. A. thin B. slender C. slighter D. thick 16. John says that his present job does not provide him with enough _______for his organizing ability. A. scope B. space C. capacity D. range 17. The plate dropped on the floor and ________ into little pieces. A. smashed B. threw C. cracked D. melted 18. Their _______ fault was a failure to recognize all the factors involved. A. maximum B. usual C. initial D. sole 19. We introduced two teachers, and it was the _______ to all our problems. A. solve B. salute C. solution D. settle 20. Richard was very bright and _________ the crossword in ten minutes. A. solution B. solved C. settled D. ended 21. I think her ideas are right, but _________ I’m not completely sure. A. somewhat B. somehow C. somewhere D. sometime 22. Ballet is _________ restricted in the number of movements that are used, but almost any type of motion is acceptable in modern dance. A. puzzlingly B. somewhat C. intermittently D. still 23. Generally, a material with _______ taste, such as vinegar or lemon juice, contains an acid. A. a sour B. an oily C. a fruity D. a bland 24. The _________ of the Mississippi River is located two thousand miles from its mouth. A. seaport B. source C. purest water D. longest tributary 25. The action in James Baldwin’s novel Go Tell It on the Mountain _________ two days in the lives of several members of a strict religious section. A. comments on B. predicts C. begins with D. spans 26. W. C. Handy, a composer and musician, _________ considerable interest in blues-style music with songs such as “St. Louis Blues’’. A. sparked B. favored C. highlighted D. restored 27. The address you said is on this block; can you be a bit more _________? A. special B. specific C. additional D. spare 28. Electrical energy may be divided into two components _________ as positive and negative. A. confused B. specified C. accumulated D. separated 29. Many people are impressed by the _________ display of fireworks on New Year’s Eve. A. spectacular B. artistic C. decorative D. harmonious 30. Arizona’s rapid population growth and wealth ________ the movement for statehood at the end of the nineteenth century. A. spurred B. financed C. spanned D. disrupted 31. She tried to ________ the conversation away from such a dangerous topic. A. drive B. steer C. steal D. stay 32. Shoes are often _______ when they are new. A. staff B. stuff C. stiff D. stuffy 33. The story ________ her sympathy for those who were suffering from the flood. A. excited B. stirred C. moved D. stuck 34. It will ________ your eyes to read in the dim light. A. train B. strain C. stain D. restrain 35. His pocket was _______ full of cards written in English which he used to remember words. A. stuffed B. stiff C. suffered D. staff 36. Parades can be held ________ ratification of the government. A. object to B. subject to C. tend to D. ready to 37. All these topics should _______ the committee for a discussion. A. be subject to B. be stumbled C. be submitted D. be submitted to 38. It is wise for you to _______ well-trained workers ______ untrained ones in the assembly line. A. substitute, for B. substitute, with C. replace, by D. replace, with 39. On the basis of his great experience, Byrd had _______ developing an entirely new method of polar exploration. A. succeeded in B. won for C. had victory to D. won in 40. The person spent twenty minutes drinking up eight bottles of beer _________ . A. in essence B. in conclusion C. in succession D. in substance 41. We have not ________ information to state the exact damage. A. equal B. sufficient C. satisfied D. efficient 42. You should ________ your products ______ the market, which is a correct way to earn money. A. suit, to B. add up, to C. subject, to D. ask, to 43. Many climbers have reached the _________ of Mount Everest. A. target B. surface C. valley D. summit 44. The reason why the company is successful is that they produce ________ materials. A. superior B. expensive C. quantity D. a lot of 45. Japan has a big trade _________ with the rest of the world, which is a matter of great concern for many of its trading partners. A. deficit B. balance C. dispute D. surplus 46. Finally, the murderers __________ themselves to the police. A. surrounded B. suspended C. surrendered D. survived 47. The house is in beautiful ____________. A. surrounding B. surroundings C. environments D. circumstances 48. The market ________ shows that the new products have enormous potential if they are well developed. A. symbol B. support C. survey D. inspection 49. He was _________ of selling state secrets and arrested last month. A. doubted B. suspected C. respected D. inspected 50. Mail service will be _________ during the postal workers’ strike. A. inspected B. delayed C. uninterrupted D. suspended 51. The future ________ of the bald eagle is still an important American ecological concern. A. migration B. population C. survival D. evolution 52. With great efforts of the peace-loving people all over the world, Iraq ________ the war. A. survived B. survived from C. survival D. survived to 53. He was in such a hurry that he ________ some bread and milk and went to work. A. ate B. drank C. bit D. swallowed 54. To accomplish the task, you’d better ________ the ideas not related to it and pay more attention to the point. A. sweep off B. sweep aside C. break off D. sweep down 55. My heart _________ with pride as I watched my daughter win the competition. A. swelled B. swore C. swept D. increased 56. I used to cook with electricity, but I’ve _______ to gas. A. changed B. exchanged C. switched D. transformed 57. The tree in the picture is the _______ of life and the snake is the _______ of evil. A. symbol, sign B. sign, symbol C. symbol, symbol D. sign, sign 58. She was so kind-hearted that when the little boy told her what had happened she felt _______ towards him. A. sympathetic B. sympathy C. sympathized D. synthetic 59. The first _______ of a cold is often a sore throat. A. diagnosis B. symptom C. prescription D. treatment 60. Before the advent of _______ fibers, people had to rely entirely on natural products for making fibers. A. bleak B. flexible C. raw D. synthetic Keys 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 D 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 A 11 A 12 A 13 A 14 C 15 C 16 A 17 B 18 D 19 C 20 B 21 B 22 B 23 A 24 B 25 D 26 A 27 B 28 B 29 A 30 A 31 B 32 C 33 B 34 B 35 A 36 B 37 D 38 A 39 A 40 C 41 B 42 A 43 D 44 A 45 D 46 C 47 B 48 C 49 B 50 D 51 C 52 A 53 D 54 B 55 A 56 C 57 C 58 A 59 B 60 D 第四讲 以C为开头的核心词汇 calculate conceal career concede capacity concentrate cancel concept candidate concession capture concrete casual condemn catalogue conduct category conference cautious confess cease confident certificate confine chain confirm challenge conflict chaos confront charity confuse chase conquer chief conquest chill conscience chop conscious circle consent circulate consequence circumstance consequently cite conservative civil considerable clarify considerate clash consist classic consistent classical constant classification constitute classify construct client consult clue consume collapse contact collision contain column contemporary combat content comedy contest comfort context command continue comment contract commerce contradiction commission contrary commit contrast commitment contribute community controversy companion convenience comparable convenient comparative convention compass convey compete conviction competent convince competition crazy competitive create complain credit complete critical complex crucial complicated crush component cue compose cultivate comprehensive curiosity compress current compromise curse 重要词根 1.ulate calculate _________ regulate _________ speculate ________ accumulate _________ stimulate _________ circulate ________ 2. logue catalogue _________ dialogue _________ 3.caution caution _________ precaution _________ 4. ease ease _________ easy _________ cease ________ 5. chair clarity _________ charity _________ chair ________ 6. chase purchase _________ chase _________ court ________ hooligan _________ hooker _________ 7. lief brief _________ thief _________ belief ________ chief _________ grief _________ relief ________ 8. ill mill _________ hill _________ bill ________ fill _________ till _________ will ________ kill _________ pill _________ skill ________ still _________ spill _________ thrill ________ chill _________ drill _________ 9. circle circulate _________ bicycle _________ circumstance ________ 10.stance distance _________ instance _________ substance ________ constancy _________ circumstance _________ 11.ash clash _________ crash _________ smash ________ ash _________ 12.mand demand _________ command _________ 13.mend amend _________ commend _________ recommend ________ 14. mit commit _________ committee _________ admit ________ submit _________ transmit _________ omit ________ limit _________ permit _________ emit ________ 15.pose compose _________ dispose _________ deposit ________ impose _________ expose _________ oppose ________ propose _________ purpose _________ suppose ________ 16.press compress _________ impress _________ express ________ pressure _________ oppress _________ 17.cede recede _________ concede _________ precede ________ recession _________ concession _________ precession ________ 18.ceed succeed _________ exceed _________ proceed ________ success _________ succession _________ procession ________ excess _________ 19.center centre _________ concentrate _________ 20.ceive perceive _________ receive _________ conceive ________ deceive _________ perception _________ reception ________ concept _________ deception _________ 21.duct product _________ conduct _________ induct ________ 22. fer confer __________ refer __________ differ ________ conference __________ reference __________ difference ________ infer __________ prefer __________ inference __________ preference __________ 23.fess confess _________ profession _________ professor ________ 24.fine finish __________ finite __________ confine ________ refine __________ 25.fuse refuse _________ confuse _________ fuse ________ 26.quest request _________ conquest _________ 27. consequence _________ subsequence _________ sequence ________ 28.serve observe _________ preserve _________ reserve ________ conserve _________ deserve _________ conservative ________ 29.sist persist __________ insist __________ consist ________ sister __________ resist __________ assist ________ 30.stant distant _________ instant _________ constant ________ substantial _________ 31.stitute constitute _________ institute _________ substitute ________ 32.struct structure _________ construct _________ destruct ________ instruct _________ 33.Sult consume _________ insult _________ result ________ 34.sume presume _________ resume _________ assume ________ consume _________ 35.tain attain _________ contain _________ obtain ________ retain _________ sustain _________ maintain ________ stain _________ 36. contact _________ contract _________ contrast ________ 37.tract attract _________ contract _________ tractor ________ abstract _________ 38.dict dictionary _________ predict _________ contradict ________ contradiction _________ indicate _________ 39tribute attribute _________ contribute _________ distribute ________ 40 convention _________ invention _________ intervention ________ adventure _________ 41. vey survey _________ convey _________ voyage ________ 42. vince province _________ convince _________ 语境练习: 1. Without a whole hearted to a keen forward-looking vision and a deep insight, you cannot be a leader. A. determination B. resolution C. commitment D. obligation 2. It is our ___________ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means. A. consistent B. continuous C. considerate D. continual 3. In Britain people _____________ four million tons of potatoes every year. A. swallow B. assume C. consume D. exhaust 4. Young people are not __________ to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in. A. conservative B. content C. confident D. generous 5. Eating too much fat can __________ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A. contribute to B. attribute to C. attend to D. devote to 6. Mobile telecommunications ________ is expected to double in Shanghai this year as a result of a contract signed between the two companies. A. capacity B. potential C. possession D. impact 7. John doesn’t believe in _______ medicine; he has some remedies of his own. A. standard B. regular C. routine D. conventional 8. It is very _________ of you not to talk aloud while the baby is asleep. A. concerned B. careful C. considerable D. considerate 9. The university has launched a research center to develop new ways of _______ bacteria which have become resistant to drug treatments. A. regulating B. halting C. interrupting D. combating 10. Though she began her by singing in a local pop group, she is now a famous Hollywood movie star. A. employment B. career C. occupation D. profession 11. Our new house is very _________ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes. A. adaptable B. comfortable C. convenient D. available 12. The sports meeting has been _________ because of weather. A. abolished B. missed C. returned D. cancelled 13. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full _________ A. capacity B. strength C. length D. possibility 14. The wife was _________ by the police at the railway station A. mounted B. minded C. carpet D. captured 15. I have no ______ with me, may I pay by cheque? A. cash B. currency C. cast D. current 16. She was complaining that the doctor was ______ too much for the treatment he gave her. A. expending B. offering C. costing D. charging 17. The dog ________ the rabbit but could not catch it. A. follow B. chatted C. chattered D. chased 18. Do not ________ in the exam, it will do you no good. A. cheat B. disaster C. trick D. deceive 19. The smoke almost _________ me. A. chilled B. choked C. chopped D. clapped 20. We must not touch this switch under any _________. A. situation B. giant C. circumstance D. civilization 21. A ________ war is one between people of the same country. A. civil B. nation C. race D. choice 22. From a financial standpoint alone, safety programs pay off. The fewer the injury ________, the better the workman’s insurance rate A. claims B. reports C. declarations D. proclamations 23. She likes _________ literature and music. A. domestic B. feature C. existence D. classical 24. The incident evoked some ________ in the press. A. comments B. commands C. committees D. commissions 25. The government has ________ itself to improving health education. A. committed B. done C. made D. commissioned 26. John and I have nothing _________. A. in like B. in alike C. in usual D. in common 27. I used to have a _________ to that vase, but I broke it. A. company B. accompany C. companion D. community 28. She was interested in _________ literature. A. comparatively B. comparison C. comparable D. comparative 29. The poet _________ the woman he loves to a rose. A. contrasts B. compels C. compares D. companies 30. What he said was too ______ for me to understand. A. complex B. completive C. complain D. complementary 31. Water is _________ of hydrogen and oxygen. A. composed B. consisted C. made D. complicated 32. Water, for example is a ______ of hydrogen and oxygen. A. comprehend B. compromised C. composer D. compound 33. He could not _________ the crime any longer. A. conceive B. conceal C. herd D. herb 34. A small body has no ________ of right and wrong. A. thought B. idea C. concept D. notion 35. The peace negotiations were successfully ________. A. condemned B. concluded C. conducted D. confessed 36. His proposal is very ________ .We do not need any explanation. A. abstracted B. faithful C. loyal D. concrete 37. The judge ________ him for fraud. A. denounced B. condemned C. charged D. accuse 38. You may borrow the book, _________ you don not lend it to anyone. A. in good condition B. on condition that C. in no condition to D. in condition 39. They will hold a _________ regarding some European problems. A. conversation B. conference C. reference D. inference 40. The captive was _________ in a dungeon. A. restricted B. confined C. controlled D. restrained 41. I am always __________ John and Paul, which one is John? A. confronting B. conflicting C. confusing D. confining 42. I must __________ you on a successful interview. A. remark B. approve C. appreciate D. congratulate 43. This wire connects _________ that one. A. with B. to C. with D. of 44. They _________ he southern part of kingdom with ease. A. conquered B. vanquished C. overcame D. conquest 45. The rain was heavy, ________ the land was flooded. A. consequently B. however C. whatever D. but 46. He had a _________ respect for Mr. Green. A. valuable B. extraordinary C. worthwhile D. considerable 47. A university _________ teachers, administrators and students. A. consists B. composes C. includes D. comprises 48. She became a _________ customer of the bookshop. A. continuous B. constant C. content D. consent 49. A club is a place to make frequent _________ with friends. A. contrast B. contact C. contract D. content 50. Pig iron may _________ 4% of carbon. A. contain B. comprise C. embrace D. cover 51. Dickens was ______ with Thackeray. A. modern B. contemporary C. temporary D. temptation 52. Show me the ______ of your suitcase. A. container B. refill C. contents D. contest 53. How many people are ______ the seat on the council? A. contesting B. converting C. matching D. gambling 54. Our journey was slow because the train stopped ______ at different village. A. unceasingly B. gradually C. continuously D. continually 55. He expand when they are heated and ______ when cooled. A. contrasted B. reduced C. contract D. eliminate 56. Your statements today are in ______ with what you said yesterday. A. conversation B. contradiction C. conversation D. contribution 57. The train ________ over three hundred passengers everyday. A. transmits B. ships C. conveys D. ferries 58. _________widespread belief, women are stronger than men. A. In view of B. Thanks to C. In case of D. Contrary to 59. About 20 of the passengers who were injured are said to be in ________condition. A. decisive B. urgent C. vital D. critical 60. Petrol is refined from the __________ oil we take out of the ground. A. fresh B. original C. rude D. crude Keys 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 A 7 D 8 D 9 D 10 B 11 C 12 D 13 A 14 D 15 A 16 D 17 D 18 A 19 B 20 C 21 A 22 A 23 D 24 A 25 A 26 D 27 C 28 D 29 C 30 A 31 A 32 D 33 B 34 C 35 C 36 D 37 B 38 B 39 B 40 B 41 C 42 D 43 B 44 A 45 A 46 D 47 D 48 B 49 B 50 A 51 B 52 C 53 A 54 D 55 C 56 A 57 C 58 D 59 D 60 D 第五讲 以A为开头的核心词汇 abandon annual aboard anticipate absent anxiety absolute anyhow absorb anyway abstract apparent abundant appeal abuse appliance academy application accelerate apply accent appoint access appointment accommodate approach accomplish appropriate accordingly approve Account arbitrary accumulate architect accurate arise accuse arouse accustomed arrest acknowledge artificial acquaintance aspect acquire assemble acquisition assess acute asset adapt assign addition assist adequate associate adjust association admire assume advocate assumption affect assure affection astonish afford atmosphere agency attach agenda attack agent attain aggressive attempt alarm attend alert attitude alliance attract allowance attraction ally attractive alter attribute alternative audience altitude authority amateur automatic amaze available ambition average amuse avoid analysis award ancient aware anniversary awful annoy awkward 重点词根 1. sent absent _________ consent _________ present ________ resent _________ 2. solute solution _________ absolute _________ 3. tract attract _________ contract _________ tractor ________ abstract _________ 4. cent percent _________ innocent _________ incentive ________ accent _________ 5. ulate calculate _________ regulate _________ speculate ________ accumulate _________ stimulate _________ circulate ________ 6.custom custom _________ accustom _________ 7. quire require _________ acquire _________ inquire ________ adapt _________ adopt _________ 8. voc vocabulary _________ advocate _________ vocation ________ provoke _________ evoke _________ 9. fect affect _________ effect _________ infect ________ perfect _________ defect _________ 10.gress congress _________ progress _________ aggressive ________ 11.arm farm _________ charm _________ alarm ________ arm _________ harm _________ arms ________ warm _________ swarm _________ 12.titude attitude _________ altitude _________ longitude ________ aptitude _________ 13.ann annual _________ anniversary _________ 14.cipate anticipate _________ participate _________ 15.sign resign _________ assign _________ significant ________ Signature _________ 16.sist persist __________ insist __________ consist ________ sister __________ resist __________ assist ________ 17.sume consume _________ presume _________ assume ________ resume _________ 18.sure ensure _________ assure _________ insure ________ 19.nish furnish _________ astonish _________ punish ________ vanish _________ 20.tain attain _________ contain _________ obtain ________ retain _________ sustain _________ maintain ________ stain _________ 21tribute contribute _________ distribute _________ attribute ________ 22. ward reward _________ award _________ forward ________ backward _________ awkward _________ inward ________ outward _________ 语境题目 1. He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he is a man of considerable ______. A. ability B. future C. possibility D. opportunity 2. Most people agree that the present role of women has already affected U.S. society. __________ it has affected the traditional role of men. A. Above all B. In all C. At most D. At last 3. She was so ________ in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door. A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn D. concentrated 4. The author was required to submit an _________ of 200 words together with his research paper. A. edition B. editorial C. article D. abstract 5. There is no ________ to there house from the main road. A. access B. avenue C. exposure D. edge 6. Only a few people have ________ to the full facts of the incident. A. access B. resort C. contact D. path 7. We aim to ensure that all candidates are treated fairly and that they have equal ______to employment opportunities. A. entrance B. entry C. access D. admission 8. Over a third of the population was estimated to have no _________ to the health service. A. assessment B. assignment C. exception D. access 9. It’s disturbing to note how many of crimes we do know about were detected __________, not by systematic inspections or other security procedures. A. by accident B. on schedule C. in general D. at intervals 10. Tomorrow the mayor is to _________ a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city. A. coordinate B. cooperate C. accompany D. associate 11. I’d _____________ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan. A. take into account B. account for C. make up for D. make out 12. In calculating the daily calorie requirements for an individual, variations in body size, physical activity and age should be _________. A. brought into practice B. taken into account C. thrown light on D. looked down upon 13. The fruit _________ more than half the country’s annual exports, according to a recent report. A. accounts for B. stands for C. provides for D. makes for 14. ________ energy under the earth must be released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake. A. Accumulated B. Gathered C. Assembled D. Collected 15. The statistical figures in that report are not ________. You should not refer to them. A. accurate B. fixed C. delicate D. rigid 16. The shop assistant was dismissed as she was ________ of cheating customers. A. accused B. charged C. scolded D. cursed 17. The author of the report is well ________ with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years. A. informed B. acquainted C. enlightened D. acknowledged 18. It was in the United States that I made the ________of Professor Jones. A. acknowledgement B. acquaintance C. recognition D. association 19. I suggested he should _______ himself to his new conditions. A. adapt B. adopt C. regulate D. suit 20. By law, when one makes purchase, he should have _______ opportunity to change his mind. A. accurate B. urgent C. excessive D. adequate 21. The Adult Vocational College is an opportunity to gain the right qualifications for various careers, for it offers an ________ range of subjects and courses. A. additional B. excessive C. adequate D. extensive 22. As a teacher you have to _________ your methods to suit the needs of slower children. A. adopt B. adjust C. adapt D. acquire 23. If people feel hopeless, they don’t bother to ________ the skills they need to succeed. A. adopt B. acquire C. accumulate D. assemble 24. Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has _________the quality of the programs. A. lessened B. declined C. affected D. effected 25. Norman Davis will be remembered by many with _________ not only as a great scholar but also as a most delightful and faithful friend. A. kindness B. friendliness C. warmth D. affection 26. Only those who can ___________ to lose their money should make high-risk investments. A. maintain B. sustain C. endure D. afford 27. My brother’s plans are very ________; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is sixteen. A. arbitrary B. aggressive C. ambitious D. abundant 28. Tom placed the bank notes, _________the change and receipts, back in the drawer. A. more than B. but for C. thanks to D. along with 29. In Africa, educational costs are very low for those who are _______ enough to get into universities. A. ambitious B. fortunate C. aggressive D. substantial 30. Thomas Jefferson died on July 4th, 1826, the fiftieth _________of American Independence. A. ceremony B. occasion C. occurrence D. anniversary 31. Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply _________. A. appreciated B. approved C. appealed D. applied 32. The pianist played beautifully, showing a real __________ for the music. A. feeling B. understanding C. appreciation D. sense 33. A completely new situation will _______ when the examination system comes into existence. A. arise B. rise C. raise D. arouse 34. Everybody _______ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary. A. assembled B. accumulated C. piled D. joined 35. He asked us to ________ them in carrying through their plan. A. provide B. arouse C. assist D. persist 36. Science and technology have __________ in important ways to the improvement of agricultural production. A. attached B. assisted C. contributed D. witnessed 37. He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he ________us that he would try as hard as possible.  A. insured B. guaranteed C. assumed D. assured 38. I ___________ you that the goods will be delivered next week. A. insist B. confirm C. assure D. ensure 39. In my opinion, he’s ______ the most imaginative of all the contemporary poets. A. in all B. at best C. for all D. by far 40. It may be necessary to stop ________ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons. A. at a distance B. at intervals C. at case D. at length 41. The team played hard because the championship of the state was_________. A. at hand B. at stake C. at large D. at best 42. This is the nurse who ______to me when I was ill in hospital. A. accompanied B. attended C. entertained D. shielded 43. Niagara Falls is a great tourist ___________, drawing millions of visitors every year. A. attention B. attraction C. appointment D. arrangement 44. Tryon was very angry, but cool-headed enough to ________ storming into the boss’s office. A. prevent B. prohibit C. turn D. avoid 45. The shy girl felt quite ________ and uncomfortable when she could not answer the interviewer’ s question. A. amused B. sensitive C. curious D. awkward 46. It has been revealed that some government leaders ________ there authority and position to get illegal profits for them. A. employ B. take C. abuse D. overtook 47. Their political action _________ the fall of the government. A. promoted B. accelerated C. hastened D. advanced 48. In those days,I _________ take a short walk before breakfast. A. was used to B. was accustomed to C. am used to D. was familiar to 49. Man’s first walk on the moon was a stunning technological ______. A. success B. achievement C. succession D. accomplishment 50. It is through learning that the individual _____many beautiful ways of reacting to situations. A. retains B. gains C. achieves D. acquires 51. The old couple decided to _____a boy and a girl though three of there own. A. adapt B. bring C. receive D. adopt 52. Science has made great ___________during the past 30 years. A. progresses B. increase C. advances D. development 53. There was not many teachers who strong _________ traditional methods in English teaching. A. sponsor B. contribute C. advocate D. performer 54. We are interested in the weather because it ________us so directly—what we wear, what we do, and how we feel. A. affection B. influences C. affects D. effects 55. His argument does not suggest that mankind can _______ to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources. A. resort B. grant C. afford D. entitle 56. Since we have no objection to this item, let’s pass on to the next one on the ________. A. action B. agenda C. agency D. agent 57. Teaching as a career ______ to many people because of the long holidays. A. attracts B. calls C. appeals D. pulls 58. There is supposed to be a safety ________which makes it impossible for trains to collide. A. appliance B. accessory C. machine D. mechanism 59. Today housework has been made much easier by electrical ______. A. instruments B. appliances C. applications D. equipment 60. Your failure in the final examination is due to the fact that you didn’t _____enough importance to your English. A. attend B. attack C. attach D. obtain 61. Free medical service is _______ to nearly all the college students in China.   A. favorite B. available C. convenient D. average 62. If you want to see the chairman of the department, you’d better make an _______ with his secretary first. A. admission B. agreement C. appointment D. alphabet 63. This university has _______ a great deal since our last visit. A. appeared B. altered C. approached D. admired 64. Her father will never _______ of her going to study in the United States alone. A. prove B. agree C. admit D. approve 65. Our teacher was _______ by the funny story. A. naked B. yielded C. amused D .expanded 66. The question then ________: What are we going to do when we graduate from the university? A. raises B. arouses C. arises D. rises 67. What we need to learn is how to put theory into _______ when we begin our fieldwork here. A. appearance B. application C. accomplish D. achievement 68. Jack is _______ of stealing the books from the library. A. accused B. witnessed C. strained D. found 69. In order to _______ a good knowledge of English, he gave up his job and went to study in an English school. A. require B. inquire C. acquire D .address 70. This supermarket developed rapidly under his _______. A. administration B. suggestion C. approach D. appearance 71. Greater efforts are needed before we can _______ our goal. A. dozen B. attain C. avenue D. reward 72. He _______ his success to the good education he has received. A. distributes B. contributes C. attributes D. owns 73. This is a purely _______ problem, not a political one. A. additional B. advantage C. announce D. academic 74. This is what I could do. There is no other _______ for me. A. sleeve B. residence C. burden D. alternative 75. This is a very big hotel and it can _______ more than 1,000 people. A. accommodate B. display C. faint D. loaf 76. She likes the ________flower instead of the natural one. A. imitative B. fake C. false D. artificial 77. He has invested five percent of his ________ in gold. A. assets B. asset C. treasure D. liabilities 78. The university ______him an honorary degree. A. drained B. awarded C. approached D. glimpsed 79. A good dictionary is a/an. _______on the meanings of the words. A. right B. authority C. way D. author 80. On the _______, we work five days a week. A. average B. available C. greatest D. refreshing 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 A 6 A 7 C 8 D 9 A 10 C 11 A 12 B 13 A 14 A 15 A 16 A 17 B 18 B 19 A 20 D 21 D 22 B 23 B 24 C 25 D 26 D 27 C 28 D 29 A 30 D 31 A 32 C 33 A 34 A 35 C 36 B 37 D 38 C 39 D 40 B 41 B 42 B 43 B 44 D 45 D 46 C 47 B 48 B 49 D 50 D 51 D 52 A 53 C 54 C 55 C 56 B 57 C 58 A 59 B 60 C 61 B 62 C 63 B 64 D 65 C 66 C 67 B 68 A 69 C 70 A 71 B 72 C 73 D 74 D 75 A 76 D 77 A 78 B 79 B 80 A 第六讲 以E为开头的核心词汇 ease essential economical establishment effect estimate effective evaluate efficiency eventually efficient evidence elaborate evident elegant evolution elementary evolve eliminate exaggerate embarrass exceed embrace exchange emerge exclaim emergency exclude emit exclusive emotion execute emphasis exhaust employ exhibit enclose existence encounter exit endure expand enforce expectation engage expense enhance expert enormous exploit ensure explore entertain explosion entitle export envy expose episode exposure equate extend equip extent equivalent extraordinary erect extreme 重要词根 1. fect effect _________ affect _________ infect ________ defect _________ perfect _________ 2. ficient proficient _________ efficient _________ sufficient ________ 3. lab labor _________ elaborate _________ 4. mit commit _________ committee _________ admit ________ submit _________ transmit _________ omit ________ limit _________ permit _________ emit ________ 5. tion motion _________ emotion _________ notion ________ 6. dur during _________ endure _________ enduring ________ 7. gage gage _________ engage _________ luggage ________ baggage _________ mortgage _________ 8. norm normal _________ abnormal _________ enormous ________ 9. sure assure _________ ensure _________ insure ________ 10.tain attain _________ contain _________ obtain ________ retain _________ sustain _________ maintain ________ stain _________ entertain _________ 11.rect erect _________ correct _________ direct ________ 12.timate intimate _________ estimate _________ ultimate ________ 13.volve involve _________ evolve _________ revolve ________ volume _________ 14.ceed proceed _________ succeed _________ exceed ________ procession _________ succession _________ excess ________ 15.claim proclaim _________ exclaim _________ 16.hibit prohibit _________ exhibit _________ 17.port import _________ export _________ portion ________ proportion _________ opportunity _________ portable ________ 18.pose compose _________ dispose _________ deposit ________ impose _________ expose _________ oppose ________ propose _________ purpose _________ suppose ________ 19.tend contend _________ intend _________ extend ________ tender _________ slender _________ pretend ________ 20.eme theme _________ extreme _________ them ________ 语境题目 1. His few personal belongings make it possible for him to move from place to place _______ A. in ease B. at ease C. with ease D. with easiness 2. Up to now there has been response to the government’s new _________ policy. A. economic B. economical C. saving D. sparing 3. The car is quite _______ of petrol. A. economic B. economical C. saving D. sparing 4. They took ________ measure to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. A. fruitful B. beneficial C. valid D. effective 5. Our profits will not increase unless we introduce more _________ techniques. A. effective B. efficient C. sufficient D. elegant 6. One reason for the successes of Asian immigrants in the U.S. is that they have taken great _____________ to educate their children. A. efforts B. pains C. attempts D. endeavors 7. Many birds and insects can build _________ nests to provide shelter for their young. A. glorious B. elaborate C. splendid D. advanced 8. The speaker ________ on the topic of evolution A. evaluated B. elaborated C. emphasized D. explained 9. The lower is the order of animal; the more _______ is its brain A. elaborate B. elementary C. elegant D. elder 10. The lady dressed in the latest fashion is _______ in her appearance but rude in her speech. A. elaborate B. excessive C. elegant D. exaggerated 11. She once again went through her composition carefully to _______ all spelling mistakes from it before handing it. A. withdraw B. eliminate C. abandon D. diminish 12. She looked very much ______when she made speeches in public for the first time A. bewildered B. embarrassed C. disappointed D. discouraged 13. In the past two years, millions of Americans have suddenly ________ bicycle as if it were a starling new invention. A. upheld B. resumed C. repelled D. embrace 14. Many important facts ________ as a result of their deep-going investigation. A. came B. found C. emerged D. discovered 15. ________ in air service has been made available through modern technology. A. efficiency B. emergency C. sufficiency D. proficiency 16. A fire engine must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of _________. A. precaution B. crisis C. emergency D. urgency 17. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express those thoughts on words, which appeal powerfully to our minds and ________. A. sensations B. passions C. emotions D. moods 18. Because of the _______emphasis placed on classroom work. The instructor will report your absence to the adviser. A. large B. strong C. hard D. high 19. Now much more emphasis has been put _______ developing the students’ productive skills. A. over B. onto C. in D. on 20. The group of technicians are engaged in a study which ______ all aspects of urban planning. A. inserts B. grips C. performs D. embraces 21. In preparing the report, he ________many difficulties. A. energized B. enhanced C. encountered D. entertained 22. To prevent such accidents, officials meant to ______ strict safety regulations. A. insist B. press C. abolish D. enforce 23. Long long ago, most foresters have been men, but today, a number of women ________this field is climbing. A. registering B. pursuing C. devoting D. engaging 24. Strangely, these two closed-knit neighbors were engaged _____ a fierce verbal fight. A. of B. in C. of D. toward 25.The opportunity to explore and play and the encouragement to do so can ________the performance of many children. A. withhold B. prevent C. enhance D. justify 26. The republications of the poet’s most recent works will certainly _____ his national reputation A. magnify B. strengthen C. enlarge D. enhance 27. A/An ________ number of small missiles were launched to cut through the path of the attacking missiles A. enormous B. extensive C. vast D. immense 28. We must _______ that the experiment is controlled as rigidly s possible A. assure B. secure C. ensure D. issue 29. The law which was passed last year applies to theatres, cinemas, and other places of public_______ A. amazement B. encouragement C. entertainment D. interest 30. These overseas students show great ______ for learning a new language. A. enthusiasm B. authority C. convention D. faith 31. Sometimes the fall in the value of the dollar _____ American businesses to export more goods. A. makes B. enables C. entitles D. credit 32. The ticket ____you to a free meal in our new restaurant A. gives B. grants C. entitles D. racism 33. A season ticket __________ the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period of time. A. grants B. promises C. entitles D. presents 34. Everyone should be _______ to a decent standard of living and an opportunity to be educated. A. attributed B. entitled C. identified D. justified 35. It ______ you to 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both. A. presents B. entitles C. credits D. tips 36. He was charged with trying to gain illegal _________in to the building A. exit B. doorway C. gate D. entry 37. Both a person’s heredity and his ________ help to shape his character. A. settings B. surroundings C. circumstances D. environment 38. All his friends ____________ him on account of his brilliant success. A. despised B. prided C. envied D. worshipped 39. The little boy asking for “more” is one of the most famous _______ in Dickens’s Oliver Twist. A. episodes B. prefaces C. prelude D. appendices 40. There is a fully _____ health center on the ground floor of the main office building. A. installed B. equipped C. provided D. projected 41. Several experts have been called in to plan ________ for boating, tennis, refreshments and children’s games in the projected town park. A. instrument B. implements C. facilities D. equipment 42. Physics is _______ to the science which was called material philosophy in history. A. alike B. equivalent C. likely D. uniform 43. Before you _______ a small business in your home, you must be sure that you are acting in compliance with the zoning laws. A. establish B. erect C. construct D. build 44. The building of the subway cost much more than their original ________. A. judgment B. plan C. estimate D. consideration 45. In order to show his boss what a careful worker, he took _______ trouble over the figures. A. extensive B. spare C. extra D. supreme 46. The project was _______ for its usefulness, feasibility and easiness of execution. A. weighed B. measured C. estimate D. evaluated 47. These teachers try to be objective when they ________ the integrated ability of their students A. justify B. evaluate C. indicate D. reckon 48. In the _______ of the project not being a success, the investors stand to lose up to $30 million. A. face B. time C. event D. course 49. On New Year’s Eve, New York City holds an outdoor _______ which attracts a crowd of a million or more people. A. incident B. event C. case D. affair 50. All the _______ points to the fact that he has been deeply involved in the crime. A. evidence B. factors C. facts D. causes 51. In early time people believe that the ________of gods could be found in trees, in rivers and in other places. A. evidence B. occurrence C. existence D. consequence 52. In the process of _______, some birds lost the power of flight. A. revolution B. evolution C. construction D. destruction 53. Like many other things, language is constantly ________; some words come in and others go out with time passing by. A. revolving B. evolving C. reforming D. constructing 54. The machine is very useful, but he’s _______when he calls it the greatest invention ever made. A. enlarging B. exaggerating C. strengthening D. overcome 55. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is _______. A. granted B. implied C. exaggerated D. remedied 56. Mr. Smith says: “The media are very good at sensing a mood and then ________ it.” A. overtaking B. enlarging C. widening D. exaggerating 57. Lightning has been the second largest storm killer in the US over the past 40 years and is ________only by flood. A. exceeded B .excelled C. excluded D. extended 58. When you take medicine, be careful not to _______that amount printed on the bottle. A. exceed B. substitute C. surpass D. overcome 59. When he heard his son failed his lessons again, he was _______ angry and said, “I will kill him.” he didn’t mean to, though. A. moderately B. slightly C. exceedingly D. enormously 60. It is obvious that this new rule is applicable to everyone without ___________. A. exception B. exclusion C. modification D. substitution 61. These two areas are similar _________ they both have a high rainfall during this season. A. to that B. besides that C. in that D. except that 62. He was charged with a/an _______ of $10 over the amount stated on the bill. A. excursion B. further C. additional D. excess 63. ________quantities of water are being used nowadays with the rapid development of industry and agriculture. A. Excessive B. Extensive C. Extreme D. exclusive 64. In many countries, those under the age of eighteen are _______from voting in public election. A. excluded B. derived C. eliminated D. excused 65. This publishing house has the ________ right to print Mr. John’s books. A. exclusive B. flexible C. virtual D. overall 66. Being ignorant of the law is not accepted as an ______for breaking the law. A. excuse B. intention C. option D. approval 67. The salaries of _______ have been raised, but the salaries of subordinate officers have not been raised. A. existence B. exhibition C. excursion D. executives 68. His wife has been _______a lot of pressure on him to change his job. A. taking B. exerting C. giving D. pushing 69. You will really have to ________ every effort to make the work you missed. A. place B. exert C. send D. use 70. Operations which left patients _______ and in need of long periods of recovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable. A. exhausted B. abandoned C. injured D. deserted 71. As he has _________ our patience, we’ll not wait for him any longer. A. torn B. wasted C. exhausted D. consumed 72. The girls _______ great powers of endurance during the climb. A. exercised B. exhibited C. exhausted D. exerted 73. In its 14 years of ________, the European Union has earned the scorn of its citizen and skepticism from the United States. A. endurance B. emergence C. existence D. Eminence 74. The board of the company has decided to ________ its operation to include all aspects of the clothing business. A. extend B. enlarge C. expand D. amplify 75. The information industries are rapidly _______ in china. A. expending B. expanding C. spending D. stretching 76. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _________ knowledge. A. extensive B. expansive C. intensive D. expensive 77. It was said that she was going abroad at her own _________. A. money B. expense C. fund D. cost 78. His business was very successful, but it was at the ________ of his family life. A. consumption B. credit C. exhaustion D. expense 79. All the experts ____this subject agree that this disease is closely associated with personal diet. A. of B. with C. for D. on 80. During the 60’s, there was a population _______in our country. A. explosion B. exploration C. exposure D. extension 81. They are trying to _____ the waste discharged by the factory for profit. A. expose B. exhaust C. exhibit D. exploit 82. We must ____all possibilities in detail before we make the decision. A. explode B. explore C. explicit D. expose 83. It is feared that people living near the power station may have been _________ to radiation. A. displayed B. released C. explored D. exposed 84. The soldiers in the open field were ________ to the enemy’s gunfire. A. revealed B. disclosed C. uncovered D. exposed 85. The doctor told Penny that too much _____ to the sun is bad for the skin. A. exposure B. extension C. exhibition D. expansion 86. The railway connecting Shanghai and Beijing _____for over one thousand kilometers. A. reaches B. covers C. totals D. extends 87. The newspaper did not mention the ________of the damage caused by the fire. A. range B. level C. extent D. quantity 88. The British constitution is _______ a large extent a product of the historical events. A. within B. to C. by D. at 89. We can be conscious or unconscious of our feelings or intentions, which are internal, mental events—not ____ones. A. domestic B. external C. invisible D. interior 90. It is estimated that, currently, about 50, 000 species become _____every year. A. extinct B. instinct C. distinct D. intense Keys 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 A 6 A 7 B 8 B 9 B 10 C 11 B 12 B 13 D 14 C 15 D 16 C 17 C 18 B 19 B 20 D 21 C 22 D 23 D 24 B 25 C 26 D 27 A 28 C 29 C 30 A 31 C 32 B 33 A 34 B 35 B 36 D 37 D 38 C 39 A 40 B 41 C 42 B 43 A 44 C 45 C 46 D 47 B 48 C 49 B 50 A 51 C 52 B 53 B 54 B 55 C 56 D 57 A 58 A 59 C 60 A 61 C 62 D 63 A 64 A 65 A 66 A 67 D 68 B 69 B 70 A 71 C 72 B 73 C 74 C 75 B 76 B 77 B 78 D 79 D 80 A 81 D 82 B 83 D 84 D 85 A 86 D 87 C 88 B 89 B 90 A 第七讲 以OI开头的核心词汇 objection indicate objective indifferent obligation indispensable oblige individual observe inevitable obstacle infect obtain infer obvious inferior occasion inflation occasional influence occupation influential occupy inform occur ingredient occurrence inhabitant odd inherit offend initial offensive initiative omit injure operate innocent oppose insert innovation opportunity insight opposite inspect optical inspire optimistic install option instance organism instant origin instinct outcome overcome institute outlet instruction outline insult outlook insure output integrate outstanding intellect owe to intelligence overall intend identical intense identify intensity identity intensive ignore intention illustrate interaction image interfere imagination interpret imagine interrupt imitate interval immense interview impact intimate implement invade implication invent imply invest impose investigate impress invitation improve involve inquire isolate incident issue incline 重要词根 1. ject reject _________ inject _________ project ________ subject _________ object _________ objective ________ subjective _________ subjection _________ objection ________ 2. serve conserve _________ reserve _________ preserve ________ observe _________ deserve _________ 3. tain attain _________ contain _________ obtain ________ retain _________ sustain _________ maintain ________ stain _________ 4. vis visible _________ visit _________ advise ________ devise _________ supervise _________ obvious ________ 5. fend defend _________ offend _________ fence ________ 6. mit commit _________ committee _________ admit ________ submit _________ transmit _________ omit ________ limit _________ permit _________ emit ________ 7. pose compose _________ dispose _________ deposit ________ impose _________ expose _________ oppose ________ propose _________ purpose _________ suppose ________ 8. gin begin _________ virgin _________ origin ________ 9. out outlook _________ outline _________ outcome ________ outlet _________ output _________ outstanding ________ 10. strate demonstrate _________ strategy _________ illustrate ________ 11. press compress _________ oppress _________ depress ________ impress _________ express _________ 12.prove prove _________ approve _________ improve ________ 13.quire inquire _________ require _________ acquire ________ 14. dic dictionary _________ predict _________ contradict ________ indicate _________ 15. fect perfect _________ defect _________ Infect ________ affect _________ effect _________ 16. fer confer __________ refer _________ differ ________ conference __________ reference _________ difference ________ infer __________ prefer _________ inference __________ preference _________ 17. form inform _________ transform _________ Conform ________ perform _________ deform _________ formula ________ 18. spect respect _________ inspect _________ aspect ________ perspective _________ suspect _________ respective _________ respectful _________ respectable ________ 19stance distance _________ instance _________ substance ________ constancy _________ circumstance _________ 20 stitute constitute _________ institute _________ substitute ________ 21struct structure _________ construct _________ destruct ________ instruct _________ 22 sult consult _________ insult _________ result ________ 23. sure assure _________ ensure _________ insure ________ 24. lect select _________ collect _________ intellect ________ reflect _________ neglect _________ 25. inter interrupt _________ interfere _________ interpret ________ interval _________ interview _________ interact ________ 26.timate intimate _________ ultimate _________ estimate ________ 27. vent convention _________ invention _________ intervention ________ 28.volve revolve _________ involve _________ evolve ________ volume _________ 29.sue pursue _________ issue _________ tissue ________ 语境题目 1. Cancellation of the flight ________ many passengers to spend the night at the airport. A. resulted B. obliged C. demanded D. recommended 2. Not having a good command of English can be a serious _________ preventing you from achieving your goals. A. obstacle B. fault C. offense D. distress 3. The police ________ the evidence by legal means that he murdered his wife. A. achieve B. gains C. obtained D. contained 4. When we fill in a form, we will usually write down our name, address, ________,etc. A. job B. occupation C. employment D. profession 5. Mary is ________ a translation of a French novel. A. engaged with B. busy in C. absorbed to D. occupied with 6. It suddenly ________ to me that we could ask our neighbors to help us. A. thought B. considered C. come D. occurred 7. That sound doesn’t ___________ in his language, so it’s difficult for him to pronounce it. A. happen B. occur C. have D. take place 8. The objective of this popular consultation is to determine, ____________, the final political status of the region, whether to remain of the country as a special district, or to part from it. A. once upon a time B. once and again C. all at once D. once and for all 9. In writing the investigation report, I have _______ all unnecessary details to make it clearer. A. omitted B. left out C. forgot D. lost 10. Beating all the ________, he won the medal for the 200-meter race in the Asian game. A. oppositions B. opponents C. opposes D. opportunity 11. Where do you live? I live in the _______ house. A. opponent B. rival C. opposed D. opposite 12. Many _______will be opened up in the future for those with a university education. A. probabilities B. realities C. necessities D. opportunities 13. The _________ choice for a consumer, therefore, is the choice among the available ones that will enable him or her to maximize utility. A. optimal B. optional C. optical D. optimistic 14. He is __________ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year. A. optimistic B. optional C. outstanding D. obvious 15. The _______ of the flood, which caused thousands of people to lose their houses, was 3 weeks of torrential rain. A. source B. origin C. root D. originate 16. In no country ___________ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day. A. other than B. more than C. better than D. rather than 17. This crop does not do well in soils ___________ the one for which it has been specially developed. A. outside B. other than C. beyond D. rather than 18. Five minutes from the end, the ________ of the match was still in doubt. A. outcome B. output C. outlet D. outbreak 19. Reading is not a kind of relaxation for him but an ________ for his feelings. A. outlet B. outline C. output D. origin 20. Since he did not prepare for the entire story before class, he read an ____ of the plot instead. A. idea B. outline C. output D. origin 21. The factory hired a night shift in order to increase ________ because their products are in great need by the market. A. quantity B. profit C. efficiency D. output 22. The ______ goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching, particularly between researchers and teachers. A. intensive B. concise C. joint D. overall 23. Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling ________ heavy schedules. A. with regard to B. as to C. in relation to D. owing to 24. The two pictures are _______. We don’t know which is the copy. A. identical B. likely C. limited D. resemble 25. The police matched the fingerprints and found they were _______, so the man was arrested. A. identical B. similar C. equal D. equivalent 26. Can you _______ the man who robbed you of your watch? A. illustrate B. exhibit C. damage D. identify 27. The basic causes are unknown, although certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been __________. A. identified B. guaranteed C. notified D. conveyed 28. He was driving very fast because he was _______ of the fact that there was a speed limit. A. innocent B. aware C. ignorant D. sure 29. We can’t _______ the fact that we are still a developing country. A. ignore B. negative C. imagine D. impress 30. The best way to deal with an impolite person is to ________ him. A. ignore B. neglect C. omit D. overlook 31. “I will give you an example to ______ my point,” said the speaker. A. illustrate B. reveal C. expose D. display 32. During the lecture, the speaker occasionally ______ his point by relating his own experiences. A. illustrated B. hinted C. cite D. displayed 33. His essay is______ with 120 photographs that depict the national park in all seasons. A. contained B. illustrated C. exposed D. strengthened 34. At yesterday’s party, Elizabeth’s boyfriend amused us by ________ Charlie Chaplin. A. copying B. following C. imitating D. modeling 35. To call the music of another music-culture “primitive” is _______one’s own standards on a group that does not recognize them. A. putting B. emphasizing C. forcing D. imposing 36. Professor True _______ all his students with his great knowledge of history. A. pressed B. stirred C. impressed D. touched 37. This hypothesis states that environments that are too clean may actually make the ________ system develop oversensitive responses. A. mental B. nervous C. immune D. physical 38. Professor Taylor’s talk has indicated that science has a very strong ________ on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists. A. motivation B. perspective C. impression D. impact 39.The interactions between China and the US will surely have a significant _______on peace and stability in the Asia—Pacific region and the world as a whole. A. importance B. impression C. impact D. implication 40. The audience, hostile at first, were greatly ________ by her excellent performance. A. annoyed B. encouraged C. impressed D. depressed 41. Heavy taxed are _______ on wines imported from the other countries. A. imposed B. registered C. splashed D. thundered 42. He always did well at school _______ having to do part-time jobs every now and then. A. in spite of B. regardless of C. on account of D. in case of 43. The work is not very profitable ________ cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it. A. in the light of B. according to C. on the basis of D. in terms of 44. _________recent developments, we do not think your scheme is practical. A. In view of B. In favor of C. In case of D. In memory of 45. Arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the _____ , which occurred in his dormitory. A. occasion B. matters C. incidents D. issues 46. I am _______ to believe that he won’t come back to see his wife again.   A. inclined B. puzzled C. accompanied D. performed 47. The economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries are on the______. A. improve B. addition C. increase D. raise 48. The international situation has been growing ______ difficult for the past few years. A. simply B. mainly C. potentially D. increasingly 49. Some children display an _______ curiosity about every new thing they encounter. A. incredible B. infectious C. incompatible D. inaccessible 50. Your excuse that an elephant fell on you and made you late is just _______. A. inevitable B. indispensable C. incredible D. incurable 51. Language, culture, and personality may be considered _______ of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact. A. indistinctly B. separately C. irrelevantly D. independently 52. Whether their football team will win is a matter of ______ to me. A. indifference B. discrimination C. deviation D. interests 53. Water is as _______ to fish as air is to man. A. obvious B. basin C. indispensable D. constant 54. In the household, grandparents and other relatives play ________ roles in raising children. A. incapable B. indispensable C. insensible D. infinite 55. First published in 1927, the charts remain an _______ source for researchers. A. identical B. indispensable C. intelligent D. inevitable 56. We are _______ faced with the necessity to recognize that having more people implies a lower standard of living. A. readily B. smoothly C. inevitably D. deliberately 57. I ________ from these comments that the income tax would be increased. A. inferred B. implied C. suggested D. hinted 58. We should understand the importance of the industrial revolution and by _______, the coming computer revolution. A. reference B. inherence C. preference D. inference 59. He never arrives on time and my ________ is that he feels the meetings are useless. A. preference B. conference C. inference D. reference 60. Their products are frequently overpriced and _______ in quality. A. influential B. inferior C. superior D. subordinate 61. What _______do you need for this cake besides flours and sugar? A. components B. ingredients C. constituents D. elements 62. She _______a large sum of money from her father when he died. A. received B. accepted C. inherited D. succeeded 63. After his uncle died, the young man ________ the beautiful estate with which he changed from a poor man to a wealthy noble. A. inhabited B. inherited C. inhibited D. inhaled 64. Our _______ talks promise a good future for our cooperation. A. interior B. insurance C. initial D. invisible 65. The ______ talks between China and the United States were the base of the later agreement. A. original B. primary C. initial D. primitive 66. Two decade ago a woman who shook hands with men on her own _________ was usually views as too forward. A. endeavor B. initiative C. motivation D. preference 67. If you want to know the train schedule, please _______ at the booking office. A. acquire B. inquire C. request D. require 68. Mr. Smith asked his secretary to ________ a new paragraph in the annual report she was typing. A. inject B. install C. invade D. insert 69. The film provides a deep _______ into a wide range of human qualifies and feelings. A. insight B. imagination C. fancy D. outlook 70. The changing image of the family on television provides _______ into changing attitudes toward the family in society. A. insights B. presentations C. revelations D. specifications 71. All factories and mines are _______ by government officials. A. examined B. surveyed C. inspected D. investigated 72. His speech _______ the young people to continue their study. A. glanced B. delayed C. inspired D. created 73. The leader of the expedition ________ everyone to follow his example. A. promoted B. reinforced C. sparked D. inspired 74. They have already ________ the telephone in their new home. A. parceled B. spun C. installed D. retained 75. Central heating has been _________ in our house. A. equipped B. mounted C. installed D. fixed 76. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas the behavior of an animal depends mainly on _________. A. consciousness B. impulse C. instinct D. response 77. A plow is a farm ______ used to break the soil before seeds are planted. A. instrument B. appliance C. device D. implement 78. This is an _______ that will not be easily forgotten.  A. impact B. academic C. insult D. alternative 79. In case of damage, the museum had all the paintings __________. A. insured B. ensured C. assured D. guaranteed 80. As one of the world’s highest paid models, she had her face ________ for five million dollars. A. deposited B. assured C. measured D. insured 81. The patient’s health failed to such an extent that he was put into __________ care. A. tense B. rigid C. intensive D. tight 82. Where do you _________ going for your holidays this year? A. intend B. expect C. want D. mean 83. The leaders concerned will make an _______search for causes of the _______fire. A. intense …intensive B. intensive …intense C. intense …intent D. intent …intense 84. Comparison and contrast are often used ______in advertisement. A. intentionally B. pertinently C. incidentally D. tiresomely 85. Our guide gave us a detailed _______ of this painting but we still do not understand. A. authority B. interpretation C. instruction D. institution 86. The _______ between the two playing periods of a football game is only a few minutes. A. internal B. reserve C. interval D. radium 87. He said he is my _______ friend but I don’t think so. A. intensive B. onion C. intimate D. occasion 88. They establish and maintain more ________and confiding relation with us. A. imitate B. initiate C. intimate D. intimidate 89. When the teacher asked the pupil why he had not come to class the day before, he ________ an excuse. A. creased B. invented C. discovered D. explored 90. Some people say that education is the best _______ for children. A. investigation B. organization C. investment D. origin 91. He _______ a lot of time in trying to develop the education system in this area. A. involved B. investigated C. invested D. interfered 92. Putting in a new window will _______ cutting away part of the roof. A. include B. involve C. contain D. comprise 93. There has been a collision ___________ a number of cars on the main road to town. A. composing B. consisting C. involving D. engaging 94. Most laboratory and field studies of human behavior ________ taking a situational photograph at a given time and in a given place. A. involve B. compose C. enclose D. attach 95. Medical care reform has become this country’s most important public health ________. A. question B. stuff C. matter D. issue Keys: 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 D 6 D 7 B 8 D 9 A 10 B 11 D 12 D 13 A 14 A 15 B 16 A 17 B 18 A 19 A 20 B 21 D 22 D 23 D 24 A 25 A 26 D 27 A 28 C 29 A 30 A 31 A 32 A 33 B 34 C 35 D 36 C 37 C 38 D 39 D 40 C 41 A 42 A 43 D 44 A 45 C 46 A 47 C 48 D 49 A 50 C 51 D 52 A 53 C 54 B 55 B 56 C 57 A 58 D 59 C 60 B 61 B 62 C 63 B 64 C 65 C 66 B 67 B 68 B 69 A 70 A 71 C 72 C 73 D 74 C 75 C 76 C 77 A 78 C 79 A 80 D 81 C 82 A 83 B 84 A 85 B 86 C 87 C 88 C 89 B 90 C 91 C 92 B 93 C 94 A 95 D 第八讲 以BD开头的核心词汇 badly delicate bankrupt delight banner deliver bare democracy bargain demonstrate barrier deny bearing deposit behalf depress behave depression belong derive beloved descend bend deserve beneficial despair blame desperate blast despite bleed destruction blend detail bloom detect boast determination boil devise bold devote bomb dimension boom diplomatic boost directly border discipline bore discover boring discuss bound disguise boundary dismiss breed display breeze disposal broadcast dispute budget dissolve bump distinct burden distinguish burst distress data disturb dawn diverse deadline divorce deal document debate domestic debt dominant decay dominate deceive donation decent draft declaration drag decline drain decorate dramatic defeat drift defect drip defend dump definitely durable delegate dynamic delete yawn deliberate yield 重要词根 1. rupt interrupt __________ corrupt __________ bankrupt ________ 2. bed bed __________ debt __________ debate ________ 3. cline incline __________ decline __________ 4. feat eat __________ feat __________ defeat ________ feast __________ 5. fect perfect __________ defect __________ Infect ________ affect __________ effect __________ 6. fend offend __________ fence __________ defend ________ 7. fine refine __________ confine __________ define ________ finish __________ finite __________ 8. strate illustrate __________ demonstrate __________ strategy ________ 9. pose compose __________ dispose __________ deposit ________ impose __________ expose __________ oppose ________ propose __________ purpose __________ suppose ________ 10.press compress __________ oppress __________ depress ________ impress __________ express __________ 11.river river __________ derive __________ thrive ________ deprive __________ 12.serve observe __________ deserve __________ conserve ________ preserve __________ reserve __________ 13.struct construction __________ instruction __________ destruction ________ structure __________ 14.tail tailor __________ detail __________ retail ________ cocktail __________ 15.tect protect __________ detect __________ 16.vise revise __________ advise __________ devise ________ visible __________ television __________ 17.rect direct __________ correct __________ erect ________ 18.stinct extinct __________ instinct __________ distinct ________ 19.verse universe __________ diverse __________ reverse ________ converse __________ 20. ield shield __________ field __________ yield ________ 语境题目 1. It is reported that Uruguay understands and _________ China on human rights issues. A. grants B. changes C. abandons D. backs 2. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still ________. A. bare B. vacant C. blank D. hollow 3. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful _________ in the market. A. batteries B. bargains C. baskets D. barrels 4. In the market, the merchants ________ and joked with their friends and neighbors. A. disputed B. debated C. quarreled D. bargained 5. Eye contact is important because wrong contact may create a communication ________. A. tragedy B. vacuum C. question D. barrier 6. Deserts and high mountains have always been a _______ to the movement of people from place to place. A. barrier B. fence C. prevention D. jam 7. _____ I agree with your proposals, but there are a few small points id like to discuss. A. Basically B. Completely C. Prominently D. Mainly 8. We cannot judge a person simply on the ________ of his education. A. condition B. basis C. principle D. theory 9. My husband could not be here tonight, but I want to thank you on his _________. A. behalf B. benefit C. interest D. welfare 10. Some people do not ________ normally when they are worried. A. do B. conduct C. behave D. react 11. Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will ______from the new training facilities.  A. derive B. acquire C. benefit  D. reward 12. He considered that the change would be __________ to his health. A. beneficial B. profitable C. advantageous D. favorable 13. The reader who has spent serious effort on a problem may _________ from the effort even if he does not succeed in solving the problem. A. benefit B. conclude C. derive D. deviate 14. Reading ________ the lines, I say that the Government are more worried than they will admit. A. behind B. between C. along D. among 15. We take our skin for granted until it is burned _________ repair. A. beyond B. for C. without D. under 16. My boss insists on seeing everything in __________ before be makes a decision. A. black and blue B. red and blue C. black and white D. green and yellow 17. Could you take a ________ sheet of paper and write your name at the top? A. bare B. vacant C. hollow D. blank 18. This rock has to be ________ in order to build a road. A. blasted B. hired C. explored D. maintained 19. This fuel gas, if _______ some air, would burn rapidly. A. involved in B. blended with C. joined in D. connected with 20. The garden is __________ with spring flowers. A. growing B. blinding C. blending D. blooming 21. He’s always ________ about his children’s success at school. A. complaining B. declaring C. boasting D. despairing 22. All the key words in the article are printed in _______ type so as to attract readers’ attention. A. dark B. dense C. black D. bold 23. Terrorists placed a 50-pound ________ in the railway station. A. missile B. bullet C. shell D. bomb 24. The trade agreement helped to strengthen the _______ between the two countries. A. dependence B. derivation C. bond D. bearing 25. California _____when gold was discovered there. A. developed B. advanced C. made progress D. boomed 26. I’m very sorry to have _______ you with so many questions on such an occasion. A. interfered B. offended C. impressed D. bothered 27. Children are _______ to have some accidents as they grow up. A. obvious B. indispensable C. bound D. doubtless 28. Mrs. Smith ________ tears when she heard her daughter had died in the road accident. A. broke in B. broke up C. broke through D. broke into 29. The border incident led to the two countries __________ their diplomatic relations. A. breaking out B. breaking in C. breaking through D. breaking off 30. When a fire ____ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed. A. broke off B. broke out C. broke down D. broke up 31. There is not much time left; so I’ll tell you about it ________. A. in detail B. in brief C. in general D. in all 32. Computer technology will _____ a revolution in business administration. A. bring around B. bring about C. bring out D. bring up 33. The Finance Minister will introduce a new ________ in April. A. estimate B. prediction C. budget D. calculation 34. The education ______ for the coming year is about $4 billion, which is much more than what people expected. A. allowance B. reservation C. budget D. finance 35. In a sudden _____________ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach. A. attack B. burst C. split D. blast 36. Not that John doesn’t want to help you, _______ it’s beyond his power. A. but that B. for that C. and that D. in that 37. Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas visitors expanded _________27%. A. by B. for C. to D. in 38. “Next Monday is the _____ for handing in this essay,” said the professor to his class, “Be sure to meet it.” A. clothesline B. deadline C. timetable D. date 39. Some people are _________ into thinking that they like to store up energy. A. measured B. coaxed C. deceived D. delivered 40. An inexperienced person is easily ________. A. received B. tricked C. deceived D. checked 41. The secret agent concealed her real mission; therefore many local people were _____ into thinking that she was good person. A. betrayed B. driven C. deceived D. convinced 42. Poor people can’t always live in _____ conditions. A. decent B. recent C. accent D. debate 43. This movie is not _______ for children to see: it contains too much violence and too many love scenes. A. profound B. valid C. upright D. decent 44. He was afraid he would have to _______ her invitation to the party. A. refute B. refuse C. ignore D. decline 45. There’s the living room still to be ________, so that’s my next project. A. abandoned B. decorated C. dissolved D. assessed 46. They spent quite a large sum of money ________ the Christmas tree. A. masking B. decorating C. declining D. defining 47. The spokesman of the government has announced that the unidentified flying object approaching the city has been _____ identified as being a satellite. A. completely B. definitely C. deliberately D. highly 48. The teacher asked the students to _____ all the unnecessary words, sentences and even paragraphs in their compositions. A. delete B. delegate C. elaborate D. define 49. Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was _______. A. mature B. deliberate C. meaningful D. innocent 50. Some people _____ avoid questions of right and wrong or remain neutral about them. A. deliberately B. sincerely C. carefully D. enthusiastically 51. During the process, great care has to be taken to protect the ______ silk from damage. A. sensitive B. tender C. delicate D. sensible 52. To speed up the ______of letters, the Post Office introduced automatic sorting. A. treatment B. delivery C. transmission D. departure 53. We guarantee prompt _____ of goods. A. delivery B. arrival C. carriage D. service 54. International pressure have made the military government promise to restore _____ in that country within one year and all the citizens should enjoy free speech. A. control B. order C. democracy D. president 55. The fireman _____ great courage in saving the child. A. displayed B. demonstrated C. exhibited D. revealed 56. Britain has the highest ______ of road traffic in the world—over 60 cars for every road. A. popularity B. density C. intensity D. prosperity 57. American women were _____ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle. A. ignored B. neglected C. refused D. denied 58. Generally speaking, we hold the meetings in public. But on special occasions we will _____ from our normal practice and hold meetings in private. A. separate B. depart C. derive D. prevent 59. Promotion is _____ upon your record of success. A. restrain B. royal C. department D. dependent 60. You can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually you'll have to pay a _________. A. deposit B. deal C. fare D. fond 61. He got this house by installment, and had to _____ some money in the bank regularly. A. draw B. deposit C. dispose D. deprive 62. When business is _____for many reasons, there is usually an increase in unemployment. A. vanished B. strained C. fragment D. depressed 63. Many people lost their jobs during the business _____. A. desperation B. decrease C. despair D. depression 64. Men _____ their knowledge _____ experience. A. desire…to B. derive…from C. design…on D. deprive…of 65. The prisoners became _____ in their attempts to escape. A. despite B. discard C. desperate D. desolate 66. He came to the meeting _____ his serious illness. A. despite B. through C. past D. despise 67. The total _____ of the city by the earthquake was beyond all imagination. A. damage B. wreckage C. destruction D. hurt 68. I seemed to _____ some anger in his voice. A. invent B. detach C. create D. detect 69. His _____ to carry out the plan was not weakened by the difficulties he met with. A. preparation B. determination C. restriction D. admiration 70. The scientists _____ an instrument for measuring the distance between stars. A. dedicated B. detected C. devised D. dictated 71. The price of beer _______ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season. A. altered B. ranged C. separated D. differed 72. Meat _____ much more easily than vegetables. A. digests B. stores C. decays D. sells 73. “This light is too ______for me to read by. Don’t we have a brighter bulb some where”; said the elderly man. A. mild B. dim C. minute D. slight 74. More an more people are becoming aware of the fact that time is and should be the fourth _____ besides length, breadth and height. A. donation B. dimension C. division D. digestion 75. He was such a _______ speaker that he held our attention every minute of the three-hour lecture. A. specific B. dynamic C. heroic D. diplomatic 76. Many a player who had been highly thought of has _________ from the tennis scene. A. disposed B. disappeared C. discouraged D. discarded 77. Tony is very disappointed _______ the results of the exam. A. with B. for C. toward D. on 78. She felt very _____ when her mother forgot her birthday. A. deserted B. desperate C. deceived D. disappointed 79. Parental love should include _________, and so the teen-ager who is truly loved will receive guidance. A. discipline B. acceptance C. allowance D. principal 80. The _____ at the military academy is so rigid that students can hardly bear it. A. convention B. confinement C. principle D. discipline 81. The soldiers showed perfect _____ under the fire of the enemy. A. check B. flame C. discipline D. entrance 82. She couldn’t help showing her thorough _____ at his dishonesty. A. disgust B. disguise C. disposal D. dispute 83. It was a quite impressive _____ of skill and many people were much impressed. A. display B. displease C. displace D. disturbance 84. The rest of the day was entirely at his _______ for reading or recreation. A. dismissal B. survival C. disposal D. arrival 85. How to dispose _____ the nuclear waste is a pressing problem for scientists and politicians. A. of B. behind C. through D. with 86. The test results are beyond ______; they have been repeated in labs all over the world. A. negotiation B. conflict C. bargain D. dispute 87. All human beings have a comfortable zone regulating the _______ they keep from someone they talk with. A. distance B. scope C. range D. boundary 88. People who can not ________ between different colors are said to be color-blind. A. separate B. distinct C. distinguish D. divide 89. She will be angry if you ________ her while she is sleeping, because she always stay up. A. distress B. disturb C. district D. distribute 90. A culture in which the citizens share similar religious beliefs and values is more likely to have laws that represent the wishes of its people than is a culture where citizens come from ______backgrounds. A. extensive B. influential C. diverse D. identical 91. New York is referred to as a melting-pot because its citizens come from _____ cultures. A. adverse B. diverse C. diligent D. domestic 92._____ of labor is important in industry today and prevails throughout the world. A. Divinity B. Diviner C. Division D. Vision 93. A good newspaper publishes both _____ and foreign news precisely and quickly. A. domestic B. strain C. murder D. purchase 94. Tennessee’s population is nearly two-fifths rural, and no single city or group of cities _______ the state. A. dominates B. manages C. manipulates D. controls 95. Even as a child he showed an inclination to_____ over the other children. A. dominate B. rule C. govern D. inspect 96. Many residents in this area made generous _____ to the relief fund. A. gifts B. presents C. donations D. domination 97. The rain was _____ from the trees, which could be seen through the window. A. drifting B. dripping C. dreaming D. floating 98. John planned to take part in the competition but had to _______ on account of the car accident. A. drop out B. hold out C. get out D. run out 99. Excuse me, but would you please tell me where I can _____ this rubbish? A. dump B. damp C. heap D. pour 100. If you want a raincoat which will last for a long time it is best to pursue one which is made of _____ material. A. reliable B. durable C. flexible D. feasible Keys 1 D 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 D 6 A 7 A 8 B 9 A 10 C 11 C 12 A 13 A 14 B 15 A 16 C 17 D 18 A 19 B 20 D 21 C 22 D 23 D 24 C 25 D 26 D 27 C 28 D 29 D 30 B 31 B 32 B 33 C 34 C 35 B 36 A 37 A 38 B 39 C 40 C 41 C 42 A 43 D 44 D 45 B 46 B 47 B 48 A 49 B 50 A 51 C 52 B 53 A 54 B 55 B 56 B 57 D 58 B 59 D 60 A 61 B 62 D 63 D 64 B 65 C 66 A 67 C 68 D 69 B 70 C 71 D 72 A 73 B 74 B 75 B 76 B 77 A 78 D 79 A 80 D 81 C 82 B 83 A 84 C 85 A 86 D 87 A 88 C 89 B 90 B 91 B 92 C 93 A 94 A 95 A 96 C 97 B 98 A 99 A 100 B 第九讲 以TUV开头的核心词汇 tackle ultimate tag uncover talent undergo tame unique target unity technique universal tedious upright temper upset temporary up-to-date temptation urban tend urge tendency urgent tender utility tense utilize terminal utmost terror utter textile vacant theme vacuum theoretical vague therapy vain thirst valid thrive valuable tissue value toast vanish tolerate variable torture variety tough vary trace vast tragedy vehicle trail verify transfer version transform via translation vibrate transmission victim transmit vigorous transparent violate transport violence trash virtual treatment virtue treaty virus tremble visible tremendous visual trend vivid triumph volume troop voluntary tropical volunteer twin vote twist voyage typical 重要词根 1. tend intend __________ pretend __________ contend ________ tendency __________ tender __________ extend ________ 2. tense intense __________ intensive __________ extensive ________ 3. eme extreme __________ theme __________ them ________ 4. rive river __________ thrive __________ derive ________ deprive __________ 5. sue Issue __________ pursue __________ tissue ________ 6. oast Toast __________ coast __________ 7. ough cough __________ tough __________ rough ________ 8. trans transfer __________ transit __________ transmit ________ transplant __________ transform __________ transport ________ translate __________ 9. emble tumble __________ stumble __________ assemble ________ resemble __________ tremble __________ gamble ________ humble __________ 10.timate ultimate __________ intimate __________ estimate ________ 11.vac vacuum __________ vacation __________ vacant ________ 12. voc advocate __________ provoke __________ vocabulary ________ 13.nish vanish __________ furnish __________ punish ________ 14.vio violin __________ violence __________ silence ________ violate __________ 15.vol involve __________ evolve __________ revolve ________ volume __________ Voy=vey survey __________ convey __________ voyage ________ 语境题目 1. This little boy is a rare _______ as a pianist. A. expert B. authority C. skill D. talent 2. ________ elephants are different from wild elephants in many aspects, including their tempers. A. Cultivated B. Regulated C. Civil D. Tame 3. It took him several months to ________ the wild horse. A. tend B. cultivate C. breed D. tame 4. Within two days, the army fired more than 200 missiles at military ________in the coastal city. A. goals B. aims C. targets D. destinations 5. This is not a good plan; it will become the _________ of many opposition attacks. A. object B. target C. ambition D. mark 6. The lecture was so _________ that the audience couldn’t help yawning. A. tedious B. bored C. clumsy D. tired 7. Professor Jin is a knowledgeable scholar, but her lectures are quite ________. A. excellent B. interesting C. tedious D. meaningful 8. The violent ________ of his youth was directed not only at the army, but at his wife as well. A. impatience B. character C. temper D. quality 9. The cultures of China and Japan have shared many features, but each has used them according to its national __________ A. personality B. temperament C. interest D. destiny 10. Salaries for __________ positions seem to be higher than for permanent ones. A. legal B. optional C. voluntary D. temporary 11. Jim is sick, but he should be able to camp with us next week, because his illness is only _____. A. continual B. temporary C. contemporary D. final 12. We should resist the ________ of her sexy lips? A. attraction B. temptation C. fascination D. charm 13. We have every reason to believe that our business has shown a _______ to improve. A. direction B. orientation C. currency D. tendency 14. She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _____________ enough to eat. A. mild B. slight C. light D. tender 15. Love and death are two eternal _______ of literary works. A. topics B. books C. authors D. themes 16. Hearing this news, he looked _______ for a moment and went away. A. careful B. thinking C. thoughtful D. thought 17. The robber _______ to shoot me if I didn’t give him all my money. A. promised B. refused C. begged D. threatened 18. Now that the highway is finished, the shopping center should ________. A. thrive B. grow C. thrash D. lubricate 19. After the guests left, she spent half an hour _________ the sitting-room. A. ordering B. arranging C. tidying up D. clearing away 20. I wondered how he could make himself so ______ while his own room was totally in disorder. A. comfortable B. tidy C. dirty D. pleasant 21. The young girl fell in love with the Duke only because of his ________. A. name B. rank C. title D. crown 22. The host proposed a ________ to the friendship and cooperation between the two neighboring countries. A. tissue B. beer C. wish D. toast 23. Politics and religion are always interesting _____ of conversation. A. ideas B. titles C. topics D. questions 24. The steak was so _____ that the guests refused to eat it. A. rough B. tough C. durable D. solid 25. Jessica was ______from the warehouse to the accounting office, which was considered a promotion. A. delivered B. exchanged C. transferred D. transformed 26. Our customer required to ______ the money to the specified account within three days after the shipment. A. transport B. transform C. transfer D. turn 27. Modern manufacturing has ________ a global river of materials into a array of new products. A. translated B .transformed C. transferred D. Transported 28. The coming of the railways in the 1830s _____ our society and economic life. A transformed B transported C transferred D transmitted 29. This place, originally a small town, has been ______ into a giant commercial city. A. transferred B. transmitted C. transported D. transformed 30. He didn’t know much English, so he had to read Shakespeare’s plays in ________ . A. translation B. original C. earnest D. name 31. The news _____ service in our country has been greatly improved in the recent years. A. message B. transmission C. communication D. show 32. American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised _______ from the United States A. transfer B. deliveries C. transportation D. transmissions 33. The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political, economic and cultural ________. A. tradition B. transportation C. transmission D. transformation 34. Power from the generator is _____ through cables to every house all over the country. A. transported B. transplanted C. transmitted D. translated 35. Some diseases are ______________ by certain water animals. A. transplanted B transformed C transported D transmitted 36. It took three days to ______ goods to the inner land. A. transfer B. convey C. transport D. transmit 37. Areas where students have particular difficulty have been treated _______particular care. A. by B. in C. under D. with 38. The two countries signed a _____ in which they agreed to help each other. A. name B. treaty C. signature D. book 39. Crime is increasing worldwide, and there is every reason to believe the ______will continue into the next decade. A. emergency B. trend C. pace D. schedule 40. There is an increasing _____ to make movies describing violence harmful to the child. A. strength B. direction C. tradition D. trend 41. The winning candidate’s _____ at the polls was overwhelming. A. conquest B. triumph C. defeat D. popularity 42. He couldn’t bear the cold in the north and yearning for his previous life in _____ region. A. moderate B. remote C. sunny D. tropical 43. The old paper mill has been ______to make way for a new shopping centre. A. held down B. kept down C. cut down D. turn down 44. As you can see by yourself. Things _________to be exactly as the professor had foreseen. A. Turned in B. Turned out C. Turned up D. Turned down 45. Everything we eat and drink contains some salt; we can meet the body’s need for it from natural sources without turning _______ the salt bottle. A. up B. to C. on D. over 46. He doesn't seem to be able to _______ any interest in his studies. A. make up B. work up C. turn up D. use up 47. None of us expected the chairman to ________ at the party. We thought he was in hospital. A. turn in B. turn over C. turn up D. turn down 48. I waited for him half an hour, but he never ______. A. turned in B. turned down C. turned off D. turned up 49. During winter holidays, a lot of parents come to universities to find _____ for their children. A. workers B. teachers C. tutors D. friends 50. If you _____ the handle to the right, the box will open. A. wind B. bend C. wrap D. twist 51. Smoking has become a _____ problem among middle school students. A. popular B. typical C. daily D. traditional 52. The _____ products of this kind of education are people who think alike, dress alike, and have no ideas of their own. A. ultimate B. uncommon C. uncertain D. interesting 53. After a careful investigation the conspiracy behind the serious murder case was finally _____. A. undergone B. uncovered C. undertaken D. unloaded 54. Before we can let you pass, you will have to _____ a number of medical tests. A. suffer B. endure C. undergo D. undertake 55. In most of the universities _____ are required to take more courses than postgraduates. A. undergraduates B. freshmen C. seniors D. juniors 56. The mayor’s _____ transactions with drug dealers were exposed by a reporter from Paris. A. business B. open C. economic D. underground 57. This album is _____ as it was the only one ever signed by the President. A. unusual B. unique C. rare D. singular 58. The quarrel spoiled their former _____. A. split B. unity C. division D. disagreement 59. There is no language in the world that is completely _____. A. universal B. unfortunate C. unusual D. upright 60. Judging from his unusual clothes and polite talks, the old man must come from _____ class. A. lower B. upper C. high D. above 61. Professor Wang is remembered by all his students for his extensive knowledge and _____ personality. A. high B. upright C. vertical D. characteristic 62. _____ living is much more crowded and noisy than rural living nowadays. A. Urban B. Modern C. Primitive D. Countryside 63. The spectators were _____ to move to the other end of the ground. A. urged B. said C. designated D. delegated 64. While I am on holiday, don’t call me unless there are any _____ messages for me . A. hasty B. valuable C. early D. urgent 65. You didn’t realize the _____ value of a dishwasher, which saves you much time and energy. A. utility B. material C. equal D. respectable 66. The party decides to try its _____ to help their own candidate win out in the election. A. utmost B. means C. most D. effort 67. The neighborhood boys like to play basketball on that ______ lot. A. valid B. vain C. vacant D. vague 68. The girl wanted a job and asked if there were any _____ positions in the factory. A. vacant B. unused C. free D. unemployed 69. So many years have passed, now I only have a (n) _____ impression of this childhood playmate. A. clear B. vague C. unconscious D. puzzled 70. She appealed to him in _______. No one can move his stone heart. A. time B. turn C. vain D. haste 71. The train ticket is _____ for four days. A. valuable B. serviceable C. valid D. functional 72. Most people would tell you that the weather in Britain is rather _____ and you have to take an umbrella even though it looks fine. A. changeless B. variable C. various D. differing 73. Farther from the sea, the _____ in temperature is greater. A. variable B. venture C. variation D. vessel 74. The hopes, goals, fears and desires __________ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor. A. alter B. shift C. transfer D. vary 75. Features such as height, weight, and skin color _______ from individual to individual and from face to face. A. change B. vary C. alter D. convert 76. Estimates of the value of his property _____ from 500 million RMB to 800 million RMB. A. exchange B. count C. form D. vary 77. I don’t know if the story is true, but I’ll try to _____ it. A. identify B. fortify C. verify D. conform 78. Many thousands of animals have been _____ of this strange new disease. A. victims B. vinegar C. patients D. outcome 79. It is important to try to understand other people’s _____ and this will help towards a better cooperation. A. outlooks B. viewpoints C. manners D. factors 80. William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, _________ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion. A. peculiarly B. indifferently C. vigorously D. inevitably 81. The middle-aged man doesn’t look that old at all. He keeps himself _____ by taking exercise after work. A. crazy B. weak C. vigorous D. sensitive 82. A country won’t be respected if it ______ an international agreement. A. violates B. ventilates C. dissolves D. damages 83. The manager speaks highly of such _______ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees. A. virtues B. features C. properties D. characteristics 84. In the past, Chinese women hardly had any access knowledge, because people believed that ignorance was women’s _________. A. genius B. talent C. virtue D. vice 85. The computer _____ is a headache to many users, because it destroys computers without notice. A. software B. hardware C. system D. virus 86. Williams had not been there during the ___________moments when the kidnapping had taken place. A. superior B. rigorous C. vital D. Unique 87. At the break, the teacher gave his students a _____ description of his journey to Beijing. A. bare B. vivid C. useless D. encouraging 88. There are not enough ambulance drivers, so ambulances are being driven by some _____. A. bridegrooms B. volunteers C. enemies D. firefighters 89. The poor countries are extremely _______to international economic fluctuations A. inclined B. vulnerable C. attracted D. reduced 90. Did you read the whole novel in English or only a ________ with Chinese translation? A. publish B. publication C. version D. vision Keys 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 C 5 B 6 A 7 C 8 C 9 B 10 D 11 B 12 B 13 D 14 D 15 D 16 C 17 D 18 A 19 C 20 B 21 C 22 D 23 C 24 B 25 C 26 C 27 B 28 A 29 D 30 A 31 B 32 D 33 C 34 A 35 D 36 C 37 D 38 B 39 B 40 D 41 B 42 D 43 D 44 B 45 B 46 C 47 C 48 D 49 C 50 D 51 B 52 A 53 B 54 C 55 A 56 D 57 B 58 B 59 A 60 B 61 B 62 A 63 A 64 D 65 A 66 A 67 C 68 A 69 B 70 C 71 C 72 B 73 C 74 D 75 B 76 D 77 C 78 A 79 B 80 C 81 C 82 A 83 A 84 C 85 D 86 C 87 B 88 B 89 B 90 C 第十讲 以FMW开头的核心词汇 wage formula wander fragment weep frame welfare freight whereas frequency whistle frustrate wipe fulfill withdraw function withstand fund witness fundamental worship furnish worth machinery worthwhile magnificent worthy maintain wound manual wrap manufacture wreck margin facility marvelous factor massive faculty mature fade maximum faint mechanic faith mechanism faithful media fantastic medium fascinating membership fasten mental fatal mend fatigue mention faulty mercy favorable mere favorite merit feasible mess feature mild feedback minority fertile miracle fiction mirror fierce miserable figure mislead file mission finance mobile flame mode flash moderate flexible modest flourish modify fluent motion focus motivate fond motive forbid mount forge multiple forgive mutual format myth 题目语境 1. Owing to _______ competition among airlines, travel expenses have been reduced greatly. A. fierce B. strained C. ease D. critical 2. Last night he saw two dark ________ enter the building, and then there was the explosion. A. features B. Figures C. sketches D. images 3. Thank you for applying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at this time, but we shall keep your application on _______for two months. A. pile B. segment C. sequence D. file 4. Consciously or not, ordinary citizens and government bureaucrats still _________ the notion that Japanese society is a unique culture. A. fit in with B. look down on C. turned up D. turned down 5. His wife is constantly finding _______ with him, which makes him very angry. A. errors B. shortcomings C. fault D. flaw 6. We can visit you on Monday or Tuesday; our plans are fairly________. A. feasible B. flexible C. moveable D. loose 7. We have arranged to go to the cinema on Friday, but we can be _______and go another day. A. reliable B. probable C. feasible D. flexible 8. When we became the manager of the firm, the dry-cleaning business really________. A. flowed B. flushed C. flourished D. floating 9. Many people in Europe are ________ in several languages. A. fluent B. fluid C. flexible D. fruitful 10. Though he was born and brought up in America, he can speak __________ Chinese. A. smooth B. fluent C. fluid D. flowing 11. Public attention at the moment is focused ________the problem of industrial relations. A. into B. towards C. about D. on 12. All her energies are ________ upon her children and she seems to have little time for anything else. A. guided B. aimed C. directed D. focused 13. We've bought some _______ chairs for the garden so that they are easy to store away. A. adapting B. adjusting C. bending D. folding 14. Britain might still be part of France if weren’t _______ a disastrous flood 200,000 years ago , according to scientists from Imperial College in London. A. upon B. with C. in D. for 15. According to the weather ______, it’s going to be fine today. A. prediction B. indication C. announcement D. forecast 16. ____she was not in the office when the bomb exploded. A. Essentially B. Desirably C. Necessarily D. Fortunately 17. We rarely perceive more than a minute _______of the sights and sounds that fall upon our sense organs; the great majority passes us by. A. fiction B. function C. fraction D. friction 18. I don’t believe him at all. There is not even the smallest _______ of truth in what he says! A. fragile B. friction C. fragment D. fertile 19. A bridge was constructed over the river so that _______ could be shipped directly by trains. A. flight B. freight C. fright D. fleet 20. Learning depends partly on the number and _______ of repetitions. A. fragment B. frame C. frequency D. freight 21. The prisoner was _______ in his attempt to escape by a watchful guard. A. fractured B. frustrated C. flushed D. fluctuated 22. It proved to be a (n) ______ meeting. A. fundamental B. fruitful C. effective D. resulting 23. To ______his dream of becoming a professional athlete, tom kept training for three years. A. fulfill B. finish C. achieve D. complete 24. I had been a university student for three years,but not until this afternoon had I felt the thrill of _______. A. confusion B. disappointment C. sensation D. fulfillment 25. The brain performs a very important ________; it controls the nervous system of the body. A. function B. duty C. usage D. obligation 26. The computer revolution may well change society as ______ as did the Industrial Revolution. A. certainly B. insignificantly C. fundamentally D. comparatively 27. This room is partly _______ with a few old armchairs. A. proved B. decorated C. beautified D. furnished 28. Everything has to be in perfect order to please Morgan; he always _______ over all things. A. fusses B. presides C. dominates D. gambles 29. The destruction an earthquake causes depends on its _______ and duration, or the amount of shaking that occurs. A. altitude B. magnitude C. multitude D. aptitude 30. The ability of banks to create deposits is determined by the ratio of liquid assets which they _______. A. mount B. contain C. remain D. maintain 31. When he realized the police had spotted him, the man _______ the exit as quickly as possible. A. made for B. made out C. made up to D. made way 32. There was no light on the way and for a second she hesitated,unable to _______ the dim figure awaiting her. A. set out B. make out C. pick up D. clear up 33. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could _______. A. stand up to B. make up for C. come up with D. put up with 34. In Britain today women ______ 44% of the workhorse, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work. A. build up B. stand for C. make up D. conform to 35. The rapid development of communications technology is transforming the _______ in which people communicate across time and space. A. route B. transmission C. vision D. manner 36. The ships’ generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated ________ instead of mechanically. A. manually B. artificially C. automatically D. synthetically 37. You shouldn't have written in the ______ since the book belongs to the library. A. interval B. border C. margin D. edge 38. There are _______ of people in the dining hall. A. lot B. many C. masses D. few 39. He was very shy and had never _______ the art of public speaking. A. caught B. got C. grasped D. mastered 40. Vitamins are complex _______ that the body requires in very small mounts. A. matters B. materials C. particles D. substances 41. When a film is restricted to a ____ audience, it usually means people over the age of eighteen. A. limited B. popular C. matter D. mature 42. I didn’t _______ to take a taxi but I had to as I was late. A. assume B. suppose C. mean D. hope 43. Take a plane is the quickest ____ to get to Tibet. A. mode B. manner C. means D. method 44. This research has attracted wide ______ coverage and has featured on BBC television’s Tomorrow’s World. A. message B. information C. media D. data 45. Radio, television, newspapers and magazines are known as the mass _______. A. media B. games C. entertainments D. publications 46. The temperature in this area is low enough to allow falling snow to________ and slowly transform into ice. A. preserve B. accumulate C. melt D. spread 47. In memory of the died soldiers, a grand _______ was built on the spot of the great campaign. A. memory B. memorial C. membership D. member 48. We had expected him to discuss the new project in his speech, bur he hardly even _______ it. A. told B. mentioned C. said D. talked 49. He was awarded a certificate of _______ for his piano playing. A. glory B. distinct C. praise D. merit 50. What’s the _______ amount of wine you are allowed to take through customs duty-free. A. big B. minimum C. great D. maximum 51. His survival after the severe accident is a ________. A. surprise B. marvel C. mirror D. miracle 52. The manager urged his staff not to _____ the splendid opportunity. A. drop B. miss C. escape D. slide 53. In order to make things convenient for the people, the department is planning to set up some ______ shops in the residential area. A. flowing B. drifting C. mobile D. unstable 54. I moved into this hotel because it is _______ in its prices. A. cheap B. expensive C. modern D. moderate 55. They were very _______ in their demands but tremendous in their offer. A. moderate B. modern C. model D. modest 56. She uses her car _______ for driving to work. A. most B. more C. much D. mostly 57. In a case of murder, the police question everyone who might have a _______. A. relation B. impulse C. incentive D. motive 58. The two countries achieved some progress in the sphere of trade relations traditionally a source of __________ irritation. A. mutual B. optional C. neutral D. Parallel 59. He takes his _____ home to his wife every Friday. A. salaries B. wages C. incomes D. savings 60. His attention often _____ at lectures, No wonder he failed the exam. A. branched B. wondered C. wandered D. went out 61. Mother told him not to _____ the streets after school. A. wander B. wonder C. move D. go 62. When you are writing a paper, please remember not to _____ off the point. A. wander B. stroll C. drop D. interrupt 63. I _____ him of the opposition he would meet. A. warned B. threatened C. treated D. threaded 64. Jerry was scolded by his teacher by his teacher because he got sleepy and began to _____ in the class. A. weep B. swear C. yawn D. shudder 65. This performance was held to raise money for the social _____. A. farewell B. welfare C. benefits D. profits 66. I am _______ aware of the need to obey the rules of the competition. A. greatly B. far C. much D. well 67. Some sufferers will quickly be restored to perfect health, _____ others will take a longer time. A. which B. where C. when D. Whereas 68.. The test is easy for an advanced learner, _____ it is very difficult for a beginner like me. A. whereas B. or C. as to D. as long as 69. Tom was regarded by his teachers as a _____ boy because of his misbehavior. A. clever B. playful C. wicked D. polite 70. As unemployment was _____, the discontent of the people was felt everywhere. A. moderate B. comprehensive C. widespread D. dense 71. They are _____ to prefer the better when the best is unattainable. A. like B. willing C. will D. anxious 72. Member states had the option to _________from this agreement with one year’s notice. A. deny B. object C. suspect D. Withdraw 73. The US government threatened that it would _____ all its investment from that country if the country didn’t reduce the custom duties. A. take B. move C. withdraw D. draw 74. In their common struggles against the interference of the Superpowers, the friendship between the two countries has _____ a severe test. A. witnessed B. withdrawn C. withstood D. welded 75. Although there are many _____ programs on television, I think people should not be spending so much of their time in front of the TV sets. A. worthwhile B. interesting C. good D. worth 76. The defense lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the ______of the murder committed last month. A. observers B. witnesses C. audiences D. viewers 77. In the primitive society, people couldn’t find answers to many natural phenomena, so they _____ the great power of God. A. worshipped B. respected C. followed D. abused 78. If you think your child’s request is ________, give him a chance to earn the money to buy the item. A. worth B. worthwhile C. worthy D. worthless 79. This problem is so insignificant compared with other more important ones that it is not ________ of discussion at all. A. worth B. worthy C. conscious D. envious 80. The ship was ________ in a storm off Jamaica. A. arrested B. wounded C. wrecked D. interfered Keys: 1 A 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 D 8 C 9 A 10 B 11 D 12 D 13 D 14 D 15 D 16 D 17 C 18 C 19 B 20 C 21 B 22 B 23 A 24 D 25 A 26 C 27 D 28 A 29 B 30 B 31 A 32 B 33 B 34 C 35 D 36 A 37 C 38 C 39 D 40 B 41 D 42 C 43 C 44 C 45 A 46 C 47 B 48 B 49 D 50 B 51 D 52 D 53 C 54 D 55 D 56 D 57 D 58 A 59 B 60 C 61 A 62 A 63 A 64 A 65 B 66 D 67 D 68 A 69 C 70 C 71 B 72 D 73 C 74 C 75 A 76 B 77 A 78 C 79 B 80 C 第十一讲 以GHLN开头的核心词汇 jealous germ joint gesture junior glance journal glimpse justice glow justify govern keen grab label gradual lag graduate landscape grant launch halt laundry handle leak handy lease harmony legislation harness leisure harsh lest haste liable hatred license hazard limitation heading literary headline loan heal local hedge logic heel loose hesitate lower highlight loyal hostile luxury humble grasp namely grateful nationality gratitude neglect greedy negotiate grind nest grip neutral gross nevertheless guarantee normal guidance noticeable guideline notify guilty notion gain qualification gap qualify gaze quality gene quantity generate quotation generous novel genuine numerous 附录:高中2000基础词汇 a again and artist basis able against angel as basket about age angry ashamed basketball above angel animal Asia bath accident ago announce Asian bathe ache agree another ask bathroom achieve agreeable answer asleep be across agriculture ant assist beach act aim anxiety assistance bean action air anxious assistant bear active aircraft any attack beat actor airline anybody attain beautiful actress airmail anyhow attend beauty ad ( =adver- airport anyone attendant because tisement) alike anything attention become add alive anyway attract bed address all anywhere August bedroom admire allocate apologize aunt bee admit allow (=apologise) author beef advance almost apology autumn beer adventure alone appear average before advice along apple awake beg advise aloud April away begin aeroplane/ already Arabian baby behalf airplane also area bad behind affair although argue badly belief afraid always arm bag believe Africa am/AM army bake bell African America around ball belong After American arrival banana below Afternoon among (st ) arrive base bench afterward ( s ) ancient art basic bend beside boss bus ceiling church besides both bush cent cigarette best bother business center cinema better bottle busy central circle between bottom but certain citizen beyond bow butter certainly city bicycle bowl button chain class bid box buy chair classmate big boy cafe chairman classroom bike brain cage chalk clean Bill brave cake chance clear billion bread call change clerk bird break camera chat clever birth breakfast camp cheap climb biscuit breast can cheat clinic bit breath Canada cheek clock black breathe Canadian cheer clockwise blackboard bridge cap cheese close blame bright capital chemist cloth blind bring captain chemistry clothe blood Britain car cheque clothes blow British care chess clothing blue broad careful chest cloud board broom carpet chicken cloudy boat brother carrot chief club body brown cart child coast boil brush cash childhood coat boiler build cat chimney cock bone building catch Chinese code book bull cattle chocolate coffee born burn cause choice coin borrow bury cave choose cold collar cost date dictation downstairs collect cottage daughter dictionary dozen college cotton dead die draw color cough deaf difference drawing come could deal different dream comfort countryside death difficult drink comfortable county debt difficulty drop common courage December dig drown communism course decide dinner drug companion cousin decision dip dry company cover declare direct duck compare cow deed direction during complete cream deep director dust composition credit deepen dirty duty computer crop deeply disagree dying comrade cross defeat discover each condition crowd defense discovery eager connect cruelty defend discuss ear conquest crust degree disease early contain cry delay dish earn content cup delicious dislike earth continue cure delight distance ease control curtain deliver distant easily convenient customer demand do east conversation dad depend doctor eastern cook daily depth dog easy copy dam describe dollar eat corn damage desert door eclipse corner dance design dot edge corporation danger desk double education correct dare develop doubt effect correspondent dark diamond down effort egg envelope explain field food eight equal explanation fifteen fool eighteen error express fifth foolish eighty etc expression fifty foot either Europe extend fight football elder European eye fill for eldest eve face film force elect even factory final foreign electric evening fairly find forest electricity event faith fine forever electron ever familiar finger forget electronic every family finish fork electronics everybody fan fire form elementary everyday farm firm forty elephant everyone farmer first found eleven everything farther fish four eleventh everywhere fast fit fourteen employ exact fat five fox empty examination father fix free enable examine fax flag freedom end example fear flat freeze endanger excellent feather flight fresh engineer except February flood Friday England excite feed floor friend English exciting feel flour friendly enjoy excuse feeling flow- friendship enjoyment exercise fellow flower from enough exhibition female fog front ensure exist fence fold fry enter expect fetch folk full (of) entrance expensive fever following fire entry experiment few fond funny furniture goose hardly hire illness future government harm his imagine game grandmother harvest history immediate gap grant hat hit importance garage grass hate hobby important garden gray/grey have hold impossible gas great he hole improved gate Greek head holiday inch gather green headache home income gay greet headmaster homework increase general greeting health honest indeed generator grocer heath horse India gentle ground hear hot Indian gentleman group heart hotel industry German grow heat hour information get guard heaven house ink gift guess heavy how inside gift guest height however resist give gun hello huge install glad habit help human instead glass hair helpful hundred instruction glow half her hungry- intend go hall here hunt interesting goal hand hero hurry international goat handbook hers hurt into god handful herself husband introduce gold handkerchief hi/hey ice invent gotten handsome hide ice-cream invite good hang high icy Iron goodby ( e ) happen hill idea island goodnight happy him if Italian goods hard himself ill its itself lack lie manage might jacket ladder life manager mile January lady lift many milk Japan lake light map million Japanese lamp like march mind job land likely March mine join language limit market mineral joy large line marry minister July last lion mass miss jump late lip mate mistake June lately listen material mode just later little matter monkey justify laugh live may month keen law lock May moon kick lay lonely maybe more kid lazy long me morning kill lead lose meal most kilogram leaf lost meaning mother kilometer league lot meantime motor kind learn loud meanwhile mountain kindness least love measure mouth king lecture lovely meat move kiss left low medical movement kitchen leg luck medicine much kite length lunch meet murder knee less machine meeting museum knife lesson mad member music knock let madam memory musical know letter magazine mental must knowledge level mail mention my lab(=lai)oratory) lever male menu myself labour library man middle nail name noisy operate paragraph piano narrow none operation pardon pick nation nor opinion parent picnic national north or park picture native northern order part piece natural northwest ordinary partly pig nature nose other party pile near not ought pass pilot nearby nothing our passenger pink nearly notice ours past pity neat now ourselves path place necessary nowadays out patient plan neck nowhere outdoor pay plane need number outdoors peace plant needle nurse outside peaceful plate Negro nursery overcoat peasant play neither nut oversea pen pleasant nervous oak overtime pencil please net obey owe penny pleasure never ocean own people plenty new o'clock ox perfect plus news October pack performance pocket newspaper off packet period poem next office page permit poet nice officer pain persist police niece okay paint person policeman night old painting persuade polite no once pair pervert political noble one palace pet poor nobody only pale phone popular nod onto pan photograph pork noise open paper physics port position pulse reduce robber scream possess punish refer rock search possible pupil refuse roll season possibly pure region roof seat postman push regret room second pot put regular root secret potato quality relate rose secretary power quantitative relation round see practice(=practise) quarter remain row seed praise queen remind rubber seize prefer question remove rubbish seldom prepare quick repair rude sell president quiet repay rule send pretend quite repeat run sense pretty race reply rush sentence price radio report sad serious pride rail rest safe servant print rain restaurant sail serve prison raise result sale service prize rapid retire salt set problem read return same settle production readily review sand settlement professor ready revolution satisfy seven program (me) real reward Saturday several progress realize (:realise) rice save sex prolong really rich say shade promise reason ride scene shadow pronoun rebel right school shall protect receive ring science shame proud recent river scientific shape prove record road scientist share public red roll score shark she sir somebody square such sheep sister somehow stamp suck sheet sit someone stand sudden shelf situation something star suffer shine six sometime start sugar ship size sometimes state suggest shirt skill somewhat station suit shock skin somewhere stay suitable shoe skirt son steal summer shoot sky song steam sun shop slave soon steel Sunday shore sleep sorry stem super short slow sort step supper shot small soul still supply should smart soup stomach support shoulder smell south stone sure shout smile southern stop surface show smoke Soviet store surprise shut smooth space story sweep shy snake spare straight sweet sick snow speak strange swim side so special stranger table sign soap speech street tail silence socialism speed strength tailor silent society spell strike tale silk sock spend strong talk silly soft spirit student tall silver soil splendid study tap simply soldier spoon struggle tape since solid sport succeed task sing solve spring success tax sink some spy successful taxi tea thick top unless want teach thin total until war teacher thing tour up warm team think tourist upon warn tear though tower upset wash technical thought town upstairs waste technique thousand toy upward watch telegram thread track us water telephone through traffic use wave television/TV throughout train used way tell thus training useful we temperature ticket translate usual weak ten tiger travel usually wealth tent till treat vacation wear term timber tree valley wedding terrible home trick valuable Wednesday test tin trip value week text tip trouble various weekend than tire truck very weep thank tired true village weigh that tobacco trust violent weight the today truth visit welcome theatre (:theater) together try visitor well their toilet Tuesday voice what theirs tomato twice voyage whatever them tomorrow two wage wheat themselves ton type wait wheel then tongue tyre (=tire) waiter when there tonight under wake whenever therefore too uniform waken where these tool unite walk wherever they tooth university wall whether which will within worse young while willing without worst your whip wm wolf worth yours whirl wind woman would yourself who window wonder write youth whole wine wonderful wrong zeal whom wing wood yard zero whose winter wooden year zone why wipe word yellow zoo wicked wire work yes wide wise world yesterday wife wish worldwide yet wild with worry you 联系我们 北京总校 总校地址:北京市海淀区清华大学东门外华清嘉园6号楼603室(五道口城铁站旁) E-mail:successmba@126.com 联系人:刘老师、王老师、杜老师 招生热线:010-89175222 89175229 82621297-16\17\18 82623253-16\17\18 兰州分校 联系人:李云 分校地址:兰州市城关区黄楼20楼2005室(兰州大学正门对面)  招生热线:0931-4810040 金校长:13919094839 E-mail:mbaschool@163.com 沈阳分校 联系人:陈磊 分校地址:沈阳市市中心火炬大厦2楼 招生热线:024-62238985、22791955 (8:30-17:00) 13352418855(24H) 电子邮箱:E-mail: sy-success@126.com 深圳分校 联系人:木众慧 13430473520 分校地址:广东省深圳市东门中路宏基-东港大厦(宏基座)12H 招生热线:0755-21597001 E-mail:318452652@163.com 广州分校 联系人: 林云 电 话: 020-31992298、38252737、38253266、 88599340 电子邮箱: gz-success@163.com 分校地址:广东邮电职业技术学院(中国广州中山大道西191号 广东邮电职业技术学院 东莞分校 联系人 徐龙生 13580896211 0769—22501697 地址:东莞市莞太大道106号金马大厦三楼 咨询电话:0769—22501697、22504305 惠州分校 联系人 叶成林 13531635285 地址:惠州市鹅岭南路60号市委党校 北京交通大学惠州教学点 咨询电话:0752—2560270、2560271 佛山 :陈一平 13702916161 0757-82220641 佛山市禅城区人民路99号佛山广播电视大学 杭州分校 联系人:吴舒彬13600529857 地址:杭州市保俶路32号2号楼505室 咨询电话: 0571-87969716 传真: 0571- 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