首页 科研先进个人事迹材料



科研先进个人事迹材料科研先进个人事迹材料 教研基地开鲜花、励精图治见硕果 -----------教研先进个人事迹材料 ***单位 ****职务 本人经过长期的学习实践、经验积累和自我提高,具备了较高的政治素养和良好的职业道德,主动参与承担了“****县双语教育发展的实践研究”课题研究任务,在全体教师中起到了引领和楷模的作用。在课题研究活动中勤于钻研、善于积累、敢于实践、勇于探索,具备一定的教科研能力,是幼儿园领导的得力教科研骨干。2012年被****地区教育局评聘为幼教专干。2013年新和县教育局评聘为兼职教研员。 在二十几...

科研先进个人事迹 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 教研基地开鲜花、励精图治见硕果 -----------教研先进个人事迹材料 ***单位 ****职务 本人经过长期的学习实践、经验积累和自我提高,具备了较高的政治素养和良好的职业道德,主动参与承担了“****县双语教育发展的实践研究”课题研究任务,在全体教师中起到了引领和楷模的作用。在课题研究活动中勤于钻研、善于积累、敢于实践、勇于探索,具备一定的教科研能力,是幼儿园领导的得力教科研骨干。2012年被****地区教育局评聘为幼教专干。2013年新和县教育局评聘为兼职教研员。 在二十几年的教育教学工作中,我一直都能加强自身的学习,始终把能够成为一名科研型教师作为自己的奋斗目标。为了提高自己的教科研工作水平,不断更新自己的教育教学观念,积极参加各级各类的教育科研活动,设置规划幼儿园的园本 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 和园本教研活动。积极外出参加科研名师培训学习的机会,虚心学习,为****县农村双语幼儿园的教师做各类培训。在教育教学工作中及时反思。利用业余时间,阅读各种教育刊物从中汲取营养,融会贯通,随时作好摘抄笔记。2012年,****县幼儿园有幸与援疆姊妹幼儿园****第一幼儿园)结缘,经常进行教研交流学习经验,去年10月我带了5名教师到****跟班学习,参与市幼construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the ****儿园的园长研修班学习交流,主动参与家长座谈会的组织过程,提升自己的教研水平。 近年来,在我区教科研的全面铺开之时,我有幸成为我园教科研的带头人之一,课改的第一批弄潮儿。去年****幼儿园被教育局授予“教研基地”的示范园,我作为幼儿园保教主任,主动承担教研基地的建设规划工作。制定教研基地的培训发展计划,每年培训双语教师任务,示范基地的自身教师队伍建设规划等工作。在园本教研活动中,每年暑假组织基地教师做教材园本化的大量工作,利用本土新疆资源为幼儿园创建走廊文化、角色游戏、音乐剧、艺术班等校园特色文化。并推广到双语幼儿园,我园一年一度的幼儿音乐剧评比,幼儿在音乐剧的表演中得到全县家长和上级领导的好评。2012年我带的年轻教师***、****获地区教学能手二等奖;2013年12月我组织的首届教学管理参赛中,我园****、****写的教案在全国分别获二等奖、三等奖。我们的教研基地处处盛开鲜花,激励教师对教科研的兴趣倍增,形成教研工作特有奖励的机制,小见教研成果。 几年来,我实践并真切地感受着教研的真谛,并在实践中不断地思考着、探索着。全新的学前教育理念,全新农村双语教材教材,给学前教育带来了崭新construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 的面貌。作为一名骨干教研教师,我非常重视理论学习,平时认真阅读教学杂志上有关新课程改革的文章,学习教科研专著,认真聆听各类讲座,通过一系列的学习,促使我的教学理念不断更新,对新课程理念的感悟不断加深。我深深知道:只有学习,不断地学习,才能跟上时代的步伐。不学习则落伍,不进步则退步。 在过去的几年中,我一直在坚持主持或参与各项教育课题的研究工作。在县教研室以及园领导的带领和指导下,我与其他几位青年教师积极参与学习活动,为了提高自己的教育教学水平,我积极参加各类公开课的教学活动,虚心向同行们学习,不断吸收营养,以适应现代化教学的需要,使自己的课堂教学跟上时代发展的脉搏,业务能力和科研水平都有很大程度的提高。 在 “十二五”期间,我积极投身于我园科研课题的研究,经过三年多的潜心研究,探索总结出了“英语角色游戏”“心情变变变”“音乐情景剧”等有效教学模式与 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。在小课题中强调幼儿心理健康及游戏教法,从而使教学效果达到优化,注重培养幼儿的独立性和自主性,引导幼儿快乐的入园,让每位幼儿园得到全面综合发展。三个小课题在县教育局课题组备案,2013年9月申报自治区课题组评审。2011年指导construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 教师 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 比赛《美丽的新疆》荣获自治区二等奖。我本人于2013年撰写了《浅谈教师队伍的阶梯建设》,荣获全国首届学前教育管理教学 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 一等奖。作为一名骨干教师,我尽心尽责,尽其所能地参加地、县、校举行的丰富多彩的教研活动。多年来,我都能以科研为抓手,以课题为引领,在课堂教学、新课程教学改革等工作中刻苦钻研,奋发努力,勇于实践,并取得了丰硕的成绩。 在教科研工作上,我们虽然做出了一些成绩或者说取得了一些成果,但只能说是一种起步,一种开端。面向未来,我们将倡导全新的教育科研理念,开拓办学新思路,多找差距,多作研究,群策群力,在市、县教研室的亲切关怀下,更好地带领全体教师认真进行教育科研,不断做出新的成绩。。 教育科研需要有耐心和恒心。我坚信,只有持之以恒地走科研之路,我们的教育才会有希望。我愿意成为科研之路上的铺路石,为科研事业贡献自己的微薄之力! 教学无止境,研究无止境。十几年的教学与研究工作,我努力用学习研究指导教学,用实践验证研究,用不断的努力充实人生。 我将凭着自己的满腔热血和坚持不懈的研究,在课程改革中大显身手,实现教育发展的新目标。让基地建设更加牢固,基地之花越开越艳丽,教研成果大家分享。 construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the
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