首页 2014-2015上学期海湾中学初三英语第五单元测试



2014-2015上学期海湾中学初三英语第五单元测试2014-2015上学期海湾中学初三英语第五单元测试 编写 王殿友 审核 徐建明 2014.10.29 班级__________ 姓名____________ 完成情况___________ 家长签名_________ I、从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(15) ( )1 There were only five seconds to go before the train left. A. leave B. came C. left ( )2 Tom was unpre...

2014-2015上学期海湾中学初三英语第五单元测试 编写 王殿友 审核 徐建明 2014.10.29 班级__________ 姓名____________ 完成情况___________ 家长签名_________ I、从下面每小 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(15) ( )1 There were only five seconds to go before the train left. A. leave B. came C. left ( )2 Tom was unprepared for the exam, he failed at last A. unhelpful B. useless C. not ready ( )3. Carol didn’t follow his teacher, he raised her hand high in the English class. A. put up B. put on C. put off ( ) 4.Mo Yan has been many hard experiences,to cut a long story short, his success is from hard work. A. in a word B. in the world C.a short story ( ) 5. When she knew her son was out of danger, she was relaxed. A. not sad B. not nervous C. not still ( ) 6.Please keep still while I take your photo. A. don’t move B. don’t talk C. don’t smile ( ) 7 Chinese Team beat Japanese Team in the last competition. A. did worse than B. won against C. won ( ) 8 Tonny can manage his job alone, It’s a piece of a cake for him. A.easy B.happy C. hard ( ) 9. You are amazing today ,_____________!You got the first place in the competition. A Work hard B What fun C Well done ( ) 10. Jasmine was hit by a car badly, he __________. A. broke out B. carried out C. passed out ( ) 11. We have to work _________and we’ll meet on Sunday. A. on weekdays B.at the weekend C. every day He is a__________ man, and he lives alone. ( ) 12. A. alone B. only one C. single ( )13 I have two more questions to ask for help. A another two questions B two many questions C two questions again ( ) 14 Emergency exit a stairway where _________ A animals live in the case of fire or other danger B children play in the case of fire or other danger C people leave in the case of fire or other danger ( )15 Talent show is a program that ___________ A people who have special skills are offered a chance to perform an act on stage B people who love singing or dancing perform an act on stage C people who are artistic are offered a chance to perform II、根据短文情景,用词的适当形式填空(10) Today I took part in a quiz show at a TV studio. When I arrived, a woman put make-up ____1___ my face, and _____2___(brush) my hair.Then the director came. He told me to stay _____3____(relax) and not to worry. It was really kind of him ______4______ that. The hot lights shone down upon _____5_____(we). One of the ________6________(contest) passed out before the show started, so the director______7______( choose) another girl. The girl was _________8_____(call )Angela. She knew a lot of things. She beat me and another contestant and______9_____ (final) won the prize. All of us were happy for Angela. I was sorry I didn’t win, but I’ll do _____10_____(well) next time. 1 III. 完形填空.从短文后每小题所给的A、B、C、选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题, 每小题1.5分) I had a really good Christmas holiday although I worked from Monday to Friday. I went skating a few __21__ during the holiday. My wife, Lily, gave me a present which was a scarf(围巾) she made __22__ herself. I loved it. On Christmas Eve, I __23__ on the sofa in the children's bedroom, so I could wake up on Christmas morning with the__24__. They no longer believe in Santa Claus. I made __25__ for everyone and after breakfast we went to my parents' house. We were very __26__ because this was the only time all of my family members __27__. We talked, laughed and ate delicious food. I__28__ the night at the hotel with Lily like before. I got a gift from my aunt, and that made me very happy. I also got a new camera which I was really__29__ about and some clothes. I saw The Family Stone with Lily and my mom. I saw the movie twice. However, every time I saw it, I could get something new from it. What a (an) __30__ Christmas I had! I am looking forward to the next Christmas. ( ) 21. A. weeks B.times C. months ( ) 22. A. for B. and C. by ( ) 23. A. stood B. slept C. put ( ) 24. A. kids B. father C. mother ( ) 25. A. supper B. lunch C. breakfast ( ) 26. A. happy B. bored C. surprised ( ) 27. A. got up B. got together C. got through ( ) 28. A. took B. cost C. spent ( ) 29. A. excited B. amazed C. confused ( ) 30. A. boring B. wonderful C. annoying IV(阅读理解(35分)阅读下列短文,选择最佳选项。(共25小题,每小题1.5分) A God created this wonderful world. He made it beautiful, happy and green. There were large green fields with grass and colorful flowers. Then God made birds and animals live in the grasslands, the fields, the woods and the forests. They lived happily on Earth. After that, God created humans to take care of this wonderful world. He made humans as the most intelligent and best of all the creatures. But then, God had some questions in his mind. He wondered if humans would really take good care of the world. So he warned humans, "You must keep Earth as green and beautiful as I have created it. Do not make any mistakes when you go to Earth. Or as a punishment the Earth will lose its beauty and will turn into a large desert. After some time in peace, humans forgot God's warning. They started stealing, lying and making other mistakes. Soon Earth turned into a large desert. When humans realized their mistakes, God forgave them. That is why there are still some green plants left on the Earth. ( ) 31. God never created ________. A. humans B. deserts C. fields D. birds and animals ( ) 32. God created humans in order to ______. A. produce the desert B. damage the world C. take care of the Earth D. punish birds and animals ( ) 33. After God created humans, he asked them not to___________. A. make mistakes B. protect the environment C. hunt for animals D. live in the wild ( ) 34.According to the passage, there are still some green plants left on the Earth because_____. A. humans planted a lot of trees B. God protected them well 2 C. humans need the green plants D. God forgave humans' mistakes ( ) 35. From the passage, we know that __________. A. God created humans first B. there were no birds and animals on the Earth after humans made mistakes C. humans didn't realize their mistakes D. God was kind to all creatures on the Earth B England will soon ban smoking in cars with children. England's government wants to reduce the harm that cigarette(香烟) smoke does to children. New laws will cut the chances of children passive(被动) smoking. This is when someone breathes in the smoke from a cigarette. Many studies say passive smoking can almost be as harmful as actually smoking a cigarette. The British government(政府) said the research found that children who sat in smoke-filled cars had health problems. Britain's leader David Cameron said the problem is really bad in cars because there is so little space, so the car is filled with smoke very quickly. The new law will make it illegal(违法) for anyone to smoke in a car that has a child in it. Not everyone agrees with the new law. Some lawmakers said it took away the freedom for people to smoke in their own car. They believe people should be able to smoke in their car because there are so many public places where smoking is not allowed. A few lawmakers said they were worried the government might make the ban wider in the future, so no one could smoke in a car. However, Britain's health officer said the health of children was more important than the freedom to smoke. He told reporters: "The liberty(自由) to smoke in your car in front of a child doesn't seem to me that important and protecting a child's health does seem to me to be quite important." ( ) 36. New laws will prevent___________. A. children eating unhealthy food B. children passive smoking C. children playing with pets D. children studying ( ) 37. Why is the car filled with smoke very quickly? A. Because it has few windows. B. Because it has large space. C. Because there is little space in the car. D. Because the driver likes smoking in the car. ( ) 38. What do some people think the law takes away? A. Safety. B. Health. C. Money. D. Freedom. ( ) 39. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The UK government wants to reduce the harm that passive smoking does. B. Passive smoking is worse than really smoking. C. Britain's health minister said children's health was quite important. D. There are many public places in Britain where you cannot smoke. ( ) 40. Which of the following is the best title for this passage? A. UK will ban smoking in cars with kids. B. UK will ban smoking in the room. C. The protection for students. D. Why do people smoke? C People in Beijing cannot see the sun. The air is full of smog (a mixture of smoke and fog). The smog is so thick that it blocks the sun all day. People really miss seeing the sun. Beijing's leaders decided to do something so people could see the sunrise. They put giant LED screens across the city. People stand in front of the screens and watch the sunrise. The screen in Tiananmen Square also had a special message on it. It was a public announcement(宣布) that read: "Protecting the atmosphere and environment is everyone's responsibility." The live, digital(数字) sunrise is already a hit with tourists. Ricardo Hernandez from Mexico said: "It looks like science fiction(功能). It’s kind of cool, but it's also worrying. The smog is 3 terrible." The air quality(质量) in China's cities often becomes bad in winter. People burn more coal(煤) for heating in the winter months. This makes more pollution. Beijing's mayor(市长) promised to make the air cleaner. He said the city would spend a lot of money this year to' improve the air quality. Many workers wear face masks (面罩)on their way to work. They do not want to breathe the poisonous air. One man told reporters, "I couldn't see the tall buildings across the street this morning. The smog has become worse in the last two or three years." He said the smog usually made him feel bad. The US embassy advised people to avoid all physical activities outdoors. ( ) 41. Why can't people in Beijing see the sun? A. Because they seldom walk out of their houses. B. Because it always rains. C. Because the smog is so thick that it blocks the sun all day. D. Because it is in winter and it snows a lot. ( ) 42. Why does the air quality in China's cities become so bad in winter? A. Because people like to drive to work in winter. B. Because the strong wind in winter brings a lot of sand. C. Because people drop litter everywhere. D. Because people bum more coal for heating in winter and it makes more pollution. ( ) 43. Many workers wear _________on their way to work. A. perfume B. face masks C. jewellery D. more clothes ( ) 44. The underlined word "avoid" means "_____". A. keep B. accept C. try to do D. keep away from ( ) 45. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The air quality in China actually gets better. B. People in Beijing don't like to watch the sunrise. C. A man could not see the tall buildings across the street in Beijing because of the smog. D. A tourist said there was nothing cool about watching the sunrise on TV. D You'll leave the high school and have to create a new life. For a better future, you ought to know the things which will be useful to you. Carry a small notebook at all times and note down any sudden ideas you get about your possible questions! It is the most helpful to you. Ideas can come when you least expect them. Make sure you have a pen and a piece of paper by your bed as you even might wake up with a bright thought. You need a computer. Notebook computers are convenient and fun, but expensive and also more likely to be stolen. In fact, a desktop computer is best. When you have your own computer, you do not have to wait in a computer room. Get hold of a copy of the rules in your university and be aware of things you are allowed to do and not. I know they are boring, but you will have to follow them. Have a careful look at a few good books in your university library, which are helpful to your research. Whenever you need any of them, you'll probably find it in a short time. And make a list of all the journals (学术期刊) that may contain articles connected with your needs. A computer search is good idea, but first talk to the library staff. It is ore effective! ( ) 51. According to the passage, what is the most helpful when you have some sudden ideas? A. A notebook. B. A computer. C. A mobile phone. D. A library book. ( ) 52. The underlined word "likely" means "_________". A. lovely B. difficult C. useful D. possible 4 ( ) 53. Why do you have to get hold of a copy of the rules in your university? A. Because it can help you answer all your possible questions. B. Because you'll be able to use the copy to help with your research. C. Because it will help you buy a better desktop computer. D. Because it will make you know what to do and what not to do in your university. ( ) 54. According to the passage, _______ will help you find the library book most quickly. A. a computer B. the library staff C. a university rule D. a careful look ( ) 55. What is the main idea of the passage? A. You should know how to feel relaxed at college. B. Some useful things will help you live a happy life. C. Some things which are useful in your university. D. You are supposed to follow some rules in your university. V 作文:为了进一步丰富校园文化生活,你校最近将举行校园达人秀才艺展示。作为本次大赛的主持人,请 你根据下面所给出的部分节目单,写一篇主持人的台本。 1.开场 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演是由Alice献歌一首。她从小对音乐感兴趣,曾经参加比赛获第一名。 2.欣赏由Julia, Angela,Jenny带来的舞蹈,她们的现代舞充满活力. 3.最后,Jack Bird 钢琴表演,他五岁开始学习钢琴。他参加很多比赛。 要求: 1. 所有要点必须全部用到; 2. 请不要逐字翻译,可适当添加细节,使行文连贯,意思完整,符合逻辑; 3. 词数:80左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our talent show.I’m your host Parky.____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks ,everyone.That’s tonight’s show.Good night! 5 II. 21-25BCBAA 26-30ABCAB III. 31-35 BCADD 36-40BCDBA 41-45CDBDC 46-50CCBAD 51-55 ADDBC 6
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