首页 小学生心理健康教育知识讲座材料



小学生心理健康教育知识讲座材料小学生心理健康教育知识讲座材料 上尤各庄小学 小学生心理健康教育知识讲座 主讲人:刘玉茹 我们知道~种子萌芽生长~必须经过黑暗中的挣扎才会有破土而出时的第一缕光亮,蛹破茧而出~必须经过苦苦挣扎才会有彩蝶的翅膀美丽如画。21世纪的小学生~必须排除人生道路上的种种困惑~克服前进道路上的种种困难~才能在学习、工作与生活中乘风破浪~勇往直前。“未来社会也日益要求个人在社会中具有健康的自我和主动发展的意识与能力。”当今社会竞争日益激烈~而且这种竞争也被移植到学校。刚结束一天紧张的学校生活~学生们拖着疲惫的身体回到家中...

小学生心理健康教育知识讲座材料 上尤各庄小学 小学生心理健康教育知识讲座 主讲人:刘玉茹 我们知道~种子萌芽生长~必须经过黑暗中的挣扎才会有破土而出时的第一缕光亮,蛹破茧而出~必须经过苦苦挣扎才会有彩蝶的翅膀美丽如画。21世纪的小学生~必须排除人生道路上的种种困惑~克服前进道路上的种种困难~才能在学习、工作与生活中乘风破浪~勇往直前。“未来社会也日益要求个人在社会中具有健康的自我和主动发展的意识与能力。”当今社会竞争日益激烈~而且这种竞争也被移植到学校。刚结束一天紧张的学校生活~学生们拖着疲惫的身体回到家中~还没来得及吃饭就开始伏案做作业了。周末~悠闲的大人们在家中看电视~学生们却在忙碌着大人为他们准备的各种补习。他们只能透过窗户凝视着蔚蓝的天空~数着天空飘过的白云~看电视更成了他们遥不可及的奢望。在这种紧张的学习生活里~他们会表现出各种各样的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。时下~孩子们的心理问题越来越受人关注~心理健康教育也随之受到了重视。 一、常见的心理问题 ,1,学习和升学竞争导致的过度焦虑。 望子成龙,望女成凤~已经成了一些家长的愿望。一些孩子刚刚入学~其家长就把注意力放在孩子是不是能考“双百”上。一旦成绩不理想~就连吓带逼、连骂带损~给他们造成巨大的心理压力~致使学生视学习如畏途。 ,2,交往中的心理矛盾与冲突。现在的小学生~绝大部分都是独生子女~许多人从小养成了自我为中心~不关心他人~依赖性强、不容他人等不良倾向。而且孤僻、不合群的情况也很严重~这使他们在处理人际关系方面~面临很大的问题。小学生因为人际关系冲突苦恼的比例相当大~由于同学关系紧张和冲突而患病~比如学校恐惧症~或出走、自杀的情况也屡有发生。 ,3,与父母、师长缺乏理解和沟通导致的心理矛盾和冲突。 与父母、师长难以沟通~相互间缺乏必要的理解也是造成他们心理问题的一个重要因素。这种冲突随着年龄的增长~使他们普遍感到压抑、苦闷、无助和烦躁。一方面孩子们特别希望父母、老师理解他们的想法和做法,在教育实践中教师经常遇到因与家长和教师难以沟通而苦恼的学生前来寻求帮助~一些学生甚至痛哭流涕~足见其心理上压力之大。我们现在许多学生在情绪情感方面主要的心理问题有:抑郁、焦虑、易怒、羞怯、 嫉妒、恐惧等心理问题。在行为方面存在的主要问题一般是:过失行为、说谎行为、偷窃行为、攻击行为、破坏行为、逃学行为等等。 有这样的一个案例:洛虹是独生女~12岁~父母都是知识分子~视其为掌上明珠~爱护备至~期望极高。洛虹生性活泼~聪明伶俐~上学后成绩一直十分优秀~不仅父母~老师同学也都非常欣赏她~对她很是推崇~洛虹本人也意识到自己的出色~很自负。然而~正当大家都对洛虹满怀信心时~她却遇到了一个不小的麻烦~六年级上学期期中考试时~她正好重感冒~为了不耽误考试~她仍坚持来校参加了全部考试。由于身体不好~复习准备不足~加上心情紧张~结果考试成绩很不理想~不仅史以来第一次掉下前十名~而且数学甚至才七十几分~给她以一记学生打击。这次前所示有的失利使洛虹变得沉默寡言、定神萎靡、情绪低落、食量也大大减少~逐渐怕见老师和同学。后来发展至整天躺在床上~再不愿去上学了。家长开始还没怎么在意~只是一般地安慰她几句。直到后来见她不愿去上学~他们才着急起来。问孩子究竟怎么了。洛虹说不清楚~只是一味地流眼泪。父母把她带到医院作检查并无身体异常。其实~她的这种行为表现可以判断是抑郁症了。直接原因是由于是她考试失败后自觉大失面子~精神受到严重挫折而造成的。而促发其发病的根源还在于她人小在赞扬声中长大~生活一帆风顺~以至意志薄弱承受挫折能力太差。造成的。可见~情商也可以说是心理健康成度对一个人的影响多么重要。 由此可以联想到学生的自杀、出走等等事件。其实这些都是心理的问题。造成这些心理问题的原因是多种多样的~有的是环境千万的~有的是教育方法千万的。有的是社会影响的等等。比如一个小孩长期在棍棒下长大的。就有可能造成孩子胆小懦弱的性格或造就有爆力倾向的性格。其实每一个问题学生~造成这个样子都是有一定原因的。其实大多是心理因素造成的。今天我想说的是我们的学生~普照遍存在的问题。一个是自信心的培养的问题。另一个就是注意力的培养。其实这不属于心理辅导的范围而属于心理训练的范围。希望能有点用。 有个小故事《一块钢板的价值》 在经济学上曾经有一个著名的希尔顿价值说~大意是~一块普通的钢板值5美元~如果把这块钢板制成马蹄掌~它就值10.5美元~如果做成钢针~就值3550.8美元~如果把它做成手表的指针~价值就可以攀升到25万美元。那么~一块钢板值多少钱呢,纽约州第一任黑人州长罗杰〃罗尔斯的故事或许可以回答这个问题。罗尔斯出生在纽约州的一个贫民窟~这里的孩子逃学、打架成风~有的还偷窃、吸毒~非常难管~长大了也鲜有能找到体面工作的。而罗尔斯则幸运地遇到了皮尔〃保罗――他的小学校 cked out by culture medium contamination, should be discarded. ium preparation done, should be carefully examined again, if cracks are found, water immersion, abnormal color, cotton was pi, placed into proper falls to natural coagulation. 9, medium quality tests each batch of med?60 -?lization, cooling at the time 55 ned in after cooling of about 50 degrees Celsius in the medium. Agar slant medium should be taken out immediately after steriBlood, body fluids and antibiotics and the aseptic technique extraction and joi atin medium using low temperature sterilization. to filter or intermittent sterilization sterilization, again using aseptic technique and quantitative increases in media. Gel r hot ingredients, such as sugar, separate into 20% or a more concentrated solutionIn a variety of preparation methods, in the absence of special provisions, you can use this method of sterilization. Some fea ure steam sterilization method of 15 minutes. press media and sterilization to determine the final pH of the medium used. 8, sterile medium 121 c can be used for medium and highains bile salts, lactose and neutral Red. Bile salts inhibit the intestinal bacteria other than ... In a small jar, with the on. Such as macconkey medium commonly used in food testing is one example. It conteosin methylene blue medium is the identification of a common medium. Medium has a double function selection and identificati-intestinal pathogenic bacteria of dairy productsFor example, to check the water and the presence of t not pour dirt bucket or sink should be collected within the specified container. 9. waste, especially in the strong acid anture. 8. the residue of inflammable and easy explosive substance (such as sodium metal, white phosphorus, the match head) musmperabath operation should be carefully heated, constantly measured with a thermometer, that the temperatures do not exceed oil te-ware as well as in high temperature heating equipment such as gas, water, electricity ... Pour into glass bottle. 7. use oil celainoratory, often are quite toxic, corrosive, flammable and explosive chemical direct contact often use of fragile glass and porer and cool to room temperature. Laboratory safety and protection in the fifth section, laboratory safety in the chemical labng watr, testing water unless otherwise specified, refers to the purification of water. The pH check the water, means a new boili shall prevail. Fou? ? 2 ?rature; temperature has significant influence on test results, except where otherwise provided, 25 tempe by consumption titration liquid volume (ML) of poor for calculation. 4. test temperature, does not indicate the means at roomt correction", Department refers to by for try products by consumption titration liquid of volume (ML) and blank test in the nk teson Xia, by with method operation proceeds of results; content determination in the of "and will titration of results with blalank test", Department refers to in not added for try products or to equivalent solvent alternative for try liquid of situatiof "b n the of take dosage by check items Xia measuring have of dry weightlessness (or water, or solvent) deduction. 3. test in thees outside, should take without dry (or not to water, or not to solvent) of for try products for test, and will calculation i constantprovid?All media at 36 ? 1 And determine the final pH. ng base cannot directly down to the tank should bed stro2 长。皮尔〃保罗想尽办法劝孩子们回到课堂~劝他们不要打架~劝他们要有理想~但都无济于事。最后他想到了给孩子们看手相。当罗尔斯伸着小手走向讲台时~皮尔〃保罗展开他的小手~说:“我一看你修长的小拇指就知道~将来你是纽约州的州长。”这句话在罗尔斯幼小的心灵里发生了一次大爆炸。因为从小到大~只有奶奶让他振奋过一次~有一天奶奶说他可以成为一艘五吨重的船的船长。从此后~罗尔斯记下了这句话~并坚信它。他的衣服不再沾满泥土~他不再产污言秽语~他总是挺直腰杆走路~他成了班长。在以后的四十多年里~他没有一天不是按照一个州长的 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 要求自己。五十一岁时~他真的成了州长。 一块钢板值多少钱呢,就看你把它看成什么~马蹄掌还是指针。 还有一个故事。有一个学校请来了著名教育学家来学校指导工作。这个教育学家非常厉害的就是他指导过的学生都很有出息。被教育界奉若神明。学生也以见他一面为荣。这所学校有一个班以问题学生和学困生出名。学校很头疼。就对这个教育学家说~您来看看这个班的学生怎么办吧。 于是教育学家就来到这个班~见了一班的学生。摸摸这个头对所有人说~这小伙不错一定可以成为大企业家。看一个小女孩安静坐在哪说你可是个好公关的料……以此他夸讲了许多学生。这几个学生在他走后高兴极了。连教育学家都这么说那我一定是块好料。从此真的越来越好了。许多年以后~他又来。校长说~你真是神了你说的那几个孩子差不多都成才了。他们可都是差生呢你是怎么看出来的。结果教育学家说~我什么也没看出来呀。我甚至没有好好看他们。我只是故意这么说的。 其实~这两个故事~就是我要说的所谓的“贴标签效应。” 它可以帮助孩子形成良好的自我意识~要经常对孩子说你真行~是个聪明的~有主见的~有能力的~可爱的孩子。让他觉得他就是这样的孩子在心里上认可自己。就会在心理上按这样的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 要求自己让自己做这样的孩子。其实这和我们现在所说的赏识教育有点象。如果你总说一个孩子笨、是个淘气的捣乱的不关心集体的。长了他也会觉得自己真的是这样的~反正也这样了~那就这样吧。而让孩子失去了进步的机会。其实在影响学生方面老师的力量是大于家长的。有时一句话就是孩子的一生。所以我想说无论对于我们自己的孩子还是我们的学生一定要给它们贴好标签。每个班都有所谓的差生~这些差生是一开始就那么差吗,是智力不行吗,为什么好学生会越来越好~差生会越来越差~什么都差。他脸上贴的就是差的标签。谁都认为他差~连他自己都这么认为。他能不差吗, 对于学困生的问题本不是我今天想说的主要的问题即然提到了就多说两句~对不对的大家多提 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 。我也许太理论话~太理想话了。因为我没 3 真正做过~也许没有说话的权力但我总认为学困生还有救。造成学困的原因是长期的过程主要应该是学习习惯不好~学习方法不行~学习动机不明确或肯本不有动机。使成绩慢慢排在班级的后面。然后学生会瞧不起他~他自己没有在这方面了找不到成就感所以失去兴趣然后越来越差。学习不好~精力用在其它上了~所以纪律也不好。最后导致失去自信。如果能让他们找到自信~养成好的学习习惯~用好的学习方法。给他们贴好标签我想会有效果的。大家不防回忆回忆咱们学校的好学生和学困生是不是我说的标签效应还有点道理。 第二个问题是我们的孩子和学生最常见的问题那就是马虎。我们总说的是这孩子不是不会就是马虎。这话听起来其实没有太多责备的意味。我们虽然知道马虎不好~但并不认为他有多严重~以为大了就好了。学习这么久之后我才知道马虎不是小事~它是一种习惯~当一个毛病成为习惯就比较可怕了。什么是马虎,不认真是马虎:为什么不认真,因为注意力不集中呀~不一心一意呀。马虎即然是习惯那就可以养成不马虎的习惯。我们可以要求学生必须养成作题或作业后检查的习惯~在学校如此在家也必须如此。自己先检查然后老师家长再检查有错时不告诉他具体错哪了。划定范围让他自己的再查。另外在学习时不能让孩子有分心的因素。由其在家别把水果呀小食品呀放他旁边。别开电视~小声说话~别有事没事地问一句饿吗,渴吗,难吗,心理学上说一个习惯的养成最少要六天。可这个习惯可能需要很长时间。 除此之外马虎的孩子通常注意力是不集中的。这表现在上课时有时不注意听讲~常做小动作~老走神。注意力有专门的训练方法如果有兴趣我就说说我知道的。 一、听觉集中训练法: 闭上眼睛~用心来听闹钟的滴嗒声~并要求他伴随着这种声音默念“嘀嗒。。。嘀嗒。”要求:环境安静~可以是一两个孩子。也可以是全班或小组。每天五次每次两分钟左右~坚持六天。 二、视觉想象训练: 要求环境安静~闭目静坐~先在头脑中想象出一个黑点~再想象由这个点向右无限延长的黑线。每天练习三次。每次五分钟。隔两天后再想象~由黑点起无限旋转的螺旋线形。疗程为7天。然后减少量坚持2周。,巩固, 怎样克服“走神儿”的毛病。 1、自我提示法:找几张小卡片~上面写专心听讲、不要走神、等放在平时常看得见的地证词如文具合时书桌上~家里的写字台上墙上等这样无论上课听讲还是回家做作业都可以提醒自己别走神。 cked out by culture medium contamination, should be discarded. ium preparation done, should be carefully examined again, if cracks are found, water immersion, abnormal color, cotton was pi, placed into proper falls to natural coagulation. 9, medium quality tests each batch of med?60 -?lization, cooling at the time 55 ned in after cooling of about 50 degrees Celsius in the medium. Agar slant medium should be taken out immediately after steriBlood, body fluids and antibiotics and the aseptic technique extraction and joi atin medium using low temperature sterilization. to filter or intermittent sterilization sterilization, again using aseptic technique and quantitative increases in media. Gel r hot ingredients, such as sugar, separate into 20% or a more concentrated solutionIn a variety of preparation methods, in the absence of special provisions, you can use this method of sterilization. Some fea ure steam sterilization method of 15 minutes. press media and sterilization to determine the final pH of the medium used. 8, sterile medium 121 c can be used for medium and highains bile salts, lactose and neutral Red. Bile salts inhibit the intestinal bacteria other than ... In a small jar, with the on. Such as macconkey medium commonly used in food testing is one example. It conteosin methylene blue medium is the identification of a common medium. Medium has a double function selection and identificati-intestinal pathogenic bacteria of dairy productsFor example, to check the water and the presence of t not pour dirt bucket or sink should be collected within the specified container. 9. waste, especially in the strong acid anture. 8. the residue of inflammable and easy explosive substance (such as sodium metal, white phosphorus, the match head) musmperabath operation should be carefully heated, constantly measured with a thermometer, that the temperatures do not exceed oil te-ware as well as in high temperature heating equipment such as gas, water, electricity ... Pour into glass bottle. 7. use oil celainoratory, often are quite toxic, corrosive, flammable and explosive chemical direct contact often use of fragile glass and porer and cool to room temperature. Laboratory safety and protection in the fifth section, laboratory safety in the chemical labng watr, testing water unless otherwise specified, refers to the purification of water. The pH check the water, means a new boili shall prevail. Fou? ? 2 ?rature; temperature has significant influence on test results, except where otherwise provided, 25 tempe by consumption titration liquid volume (ML) of poor for calculation. 4. test temperature, does not indicate the means at roomt correction", Department refers to by for try products by consumption titration liquid of volume (ML) and blank test in the nk teson Xia, by with method operation proceeds of results; content determination in the of "and will titration of results with blalank test", Department refers to in not added for try products or to equivalent solvent alternative for try liquid of situatiof "b n the of take dosage by check items Xia measuring have of dry weightlessness (or water, or solvent) deduction. 3. test in thees outside, should take without dry (or not to water, or not to solvent) of for try products for test, and will calculation i constantprovid?All media at 36 ? 1 And determine the final pH. ng base cannot directly down to the tank should bed stro4 2、记录法:准备一个小本~专门用来记录走神儿的内容。比如~今天数学课中你想昨天的足球赛来着~那就要在本上记录:数学课足球赛约2分钟。。这样记录几天后认真看一遍会发现自己胡思乱想的东西多无聊~浪费了多少时间。想信用不过多久本上的记录会越来越少的 3、自我奖惩法:就是在每次写作业或复习功课之前。先给自己定个时间表~从几点几分到几点几分完成什么内容。如果在规定时间完成了学习 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ~并且始终专心致志的。那么就奖励一下自己:看会儿电视或听一段音乐,相反~如果由于分神而使计划落空~那你就该毫不留情地惩罚自己做不愿做的事~如干家务或跑楼梯等。这样长此以往就会为了奖励避免惩罚而渐渐养成集中注意力的好习惯了。 这是几个训练注意力的方法。如果有兴趣可以试一下。 二、如何克服心理障碍: 1、学会建立理性的价值观念 (1)了解人的基本心理需求及期望。 (2)增加对价值的察觉:理解价值如何影响人的抉择和行为。 (3)学习多侧面、多角度地看待学习和生活。 2.学会建立良好的自我观念 (1)增进自我体察:自我观察并认知有哪些心理需求和感受,学习描述自我感受,认识思想、感受与反应之间的关系。 (2)学会自我接纳:以己为荣,认知自己的优、缺点。 (3)建立积极的自我概念:发展自信心和自身能力~成为独立的、信任自己的人,提高与周围人交往的自信心,坚持自我努力~体验成功的喜悦。 (4)增强自我监控:敢于自我肯定~善于自我激励,对他人对自己的认识态度反应适度,能反省自己的不足~并以积极的态度处之。 3.学会建立和发展良好的人际关系 (1)了解人的交往心理需求。 (2)熟悉与人沟通的技巧:学会运用同情心,学习非语言沟通技巧:眼神接触、表情、体姿、声调、手势。学习语言沟通技巧:了解交往中开诚布公和相互信任的重要性,选择适当时机谈论感情问题,谈论感情问题时懂得倾听和发问,勇于表达~清晰地表达自己的感受和立场~不卑不亢,不轻易责怪他人,面对批评做适当的反应~避免消极的影响,能区别某人的真正言行与你、对他言行的反应或判断是否相同。 (3)学会处理人际冲突:学习如何作不失理智的争辩,学会互惠互利的协商技巧。 (4)学习与人合作:懂得合作的重要性,知道何时挺身出来带头~何时 5 追随别人,学会正确地分析和对待自己的情绪变化。 4.学会提高调控情绪的能力 (l)了解体察情绪的多样性情绪自觉:对自己情绪的认识和辨别~倾听内在的自我对话。 (2)学习分析不同情绪状态的前因后果情绪监察:留意是否有自我贬抑的消极信息~了解情绪的真正原因。 (3)学习情绪状态下的控制和疏导方法情绪管理:延迟满足,衡量情绪的强度~克制冲动~减轻压力。 (4)学习分析情绪与行为的差距情绪决策:了解别人的观点,了解哪些行为是可以被接受的~恰如其分地表达情绪,对人生抱有积极的态度。 5.学会增强耐挫能力 增强耐挫意识。认识到遭遇挫折是正常的。学会耐挫方法。学习接受和适应遭到的反对和不成功,学会给予和接受有益的批评,学会响应指示和接受社会生活中的种种限制。 ?60 -?lization, cooling at the time 55 ned in after cooling of about 50 degrees Celsius in the medium. Agar slant medium should be taken out immediately after steriBlood, body fluids and antibiotics and the aseptic technique extraction and joi atin medium using low temperature sterilization. to filter or intermittent sterilization sterilization, again using aseptic technique and quantitative increases in media. Gel r hot ingredients, such as sugar, separate into 20% or a more concentrated solutionIn a variety of preparation methods, in the absence of special provisions, you can use this method of sterilization. Some fea ure steam sterilization method of 15 minutes. press media and sterilization to determine the final pH of the medium used. 8, sterile medium 121 c can be used for medium and highains bile salts, lactose and neutral Red. Bile salts inhibit the intestinal bacteria other than ... In a small jar, with the on. Such as macconkey medium commonly used in food testing is one example. It conteosin methylene blue medium is the identification of a common medium. Medium has a double function selection and identificati-intestinal pathogenic bacteria of dairy productsFor example, to check the water and the presence of t not pour dirt bucket or sink should be collected within the specified container. 9. waste, especially in the strong acid anture. 8. the residue of inflammable and easy explosive substance (such as sodium metal, white phosphorus, the match head) musmperabath operation should be carefully heated, constantly measured with a thermometer, that the temperatures do not exceed oil te-ware as well as in high temperature heating equipment such as gas, water, electricity ... Pour into glass bottle. 7. use oil celainoratory, often are quite toxic, corrosive, flammable and explosive chemical direct contact often use of fragile glass and porer and cool to room temperature. Laboratory safety and protection in the fifth section, laboratory safety in the chemical labng watr, testing water unless otherwise specified, refers to the purification of water. The pH check the water, means a new boili shall prevail. Fou? ? 2 ?rature; temperature has significant influence on test results, except where otherwise provided, 25 tempe by consumption titration liquid volume (ML) of poor for calculation. 4. test temperature, does not indicate the means at roomt correction", Department refers to by for try products by consumption titration liquid of volume (ML) and blank test in the nk teson Xia, by with method operation proceeds of results; content determination in the of "and will titration of results with blalank test", Department refers to in not added for try products or to equivalent solvent alternative for try liquid of situatiof "b n the of take dosage by check items Xia measuring have of dry weightlessness (or water, or solvent) deduction. 3. test in thees outside, should take without dry (or not to water, or not to solvent) of for try products for test, and will calculation i constantprovid?All media at 36 ? 1 And determine the final pH. cked out by culture medium contamination, should be discarded. ium preparation done, should be carefully examined again, if cracks are found, water immersion, abnormal color, cotton was pi, placed into proper falls to natural coagulation. 9, medium quality tests each batch of medng base cannot directly down to the tank should bed stro6
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