首页 出租汽车客运服务规范



出租汽车客运服务规范出租汽车客运服务规范 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority ag...

出租汽车客运服务规范 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of 出租汽车客运服务规范 , 总则 ,(, 为加强出租汽车客运管理~不断提高客运服务质量~使出租汽车客运服务工作逐步向 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化、规范化发展~根据《中华人民共和国交通部出租汽车旅游汽车客运管理规定》~特制定《出租汽车客运服务规范,试行,》,以下简称“规范”,。 ,(, 本规范由各级交通主管部门负责组织监督实施。 , 经营服务规范 ,(, 出租汽车客运经营者及全体从业人员必须坚持全心全意为人民服务的宗旨~努力钻研业务技术~为乘客提供安全、及时、方便、舒适的运输服务。 ,(, 出租汽车客运经营者及全体从业人员必须认真学习和贯彻执行党和国家制定的各项方针政策~遵守国家有关法规~接受交通主管部门的监督、检查和指导。 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of ,(? 出租汽车客运经营者在经营服务过程中~必须严格执行交通、物价部门制定的运价~使用统一印制的出租汽车客票和票据~按章收费。 ,(, 出租汽车客运经营者必须服从交通主管部门的管理。在紧急 情况下~听从调度~按时完成外事、抢险救灾等紧急运输任务。 ,(, 出租汽车客运经营者必须建立健全安全行车制度和治安防范 措施~做好各项治安保卫和安全预防工作。 ,(, 出租汽车客运经营者及有关从业人员在工作时必须讲普通话 ~使用十字文明用语,请、您好、对不起、谢谢、再见,~做到语言文明 、语气可亲、态度和蔼、微笑服务。大中型城市、重点旅游区的经营者和 有关从业人员还应会用简单的日常外语会话,少数民族地区的经营者和有 关从业人员还应会讲当地民族语言。 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of ,(, 出租汽车客运企业应根据有关行业管理规章建立和完善企业 内部的服务质量标准、规范、工作人员守则、车辆维修保养、安全行车、 费收管理等各项 规章制度 食品安全规章制度下载关于安全生产规章制度关于行政管理规章制度保证食品安全的规章制度范本关于公司规章制度 ~并认真贯彻执行。 ,(, 出租汽车客运企业应加强对本企业职工的法制教育、职业道 德教育和业务 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 ~努力提高职工的素质~对工作作风差、服务态度恶劣 的职工要坚决调离面向乘客服务的岗位。 ? 车容、仪容规范 ?(, 出租汽车客运车辆在正常营运期间必须保持车辆技术状况良 好~各项技术性能指标符合部颁标准~并备有以下安全、服务设施, ?(,(, 车门上喷有所属企业或代管单位的名称。 ?(,(, 车顶上装有出租标志灯。 ?(,(? 车内装有待租显示器。 ?(,(, 车内装有里程计价器。 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of ?(,(, 车内装有安全隔离护网。 ?(,(, 前排座位备有安全带。 ?(,(, 张贴有里程票价表和费收规定。 ?(,(, 车上配备有有效灭火器。 ?(,(, 车上张贴或喷有明显、清晰的监督举报电话号码。 ?(, 出租汽车客运车辆车容标准。 ?(,(, 设施、设备齐全有效~卫生清洁无异味~后备箱内无杂 物。 ?(,(, 车身外观保护良好~无脏物、无严重锈斑和脱漆,前后 车辆牌照号整洁、清晰,车门、车窗开闭自如、锁止可靠~玻璃齐全明净 。 ?(? 出租汽车客运驾驶员及有关从业人员仪容标准。 ?(?(, 驾驶员及有关从业人员在营运服务过程中必须衣帽整洁 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of ~仪容端庄~对旅客热情礼貌~说话和气~举止庄重~服务周到。 ?(?(, 驾驶员在营运时必须携带《道路运输证》、《驾驶证》 等证件~并佩带由交通主管部门发放的有本人照片、姓名、编号及单位名 称、电话号码等内容的服务监督卡。 , 业务受理及调度规范 ,(, 出租车站的调度员在受理预约租车业务时必须根据乘客的要 求~合理调度安排车辆~做到有车必供、及时派车,如站内车辆已经派完 暂时无车时~要向乘客耐心解释~并要根据乘客的要求~妥善地作出安排 。 ,(, 出租车驾驶员要了解本省、本市、本地区的地理环境,熟悉 本地道路、街巷及通往外地公路线路情况,熟知本地机场、汽车站、火车 站、港口客运站地点及公路、水路、铁路、民航等不同的旅according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of 客运输方式售 票点位置~熟知本地的涉外宾馆及其他知名度较高的旅馆、饭店、招待所 、影剧院、医院等公共场所和党政机关办公地点~熟知本地名胜古迹及风 景区等旅游景点。 ,(? 出租车驾驶员在受理乘客租车业务时要做到招手即停、有客 即载~乘客电话约车时要迅速答复~对乘客要一视同仁~不挑客~不无故 拒载乘客。 ,(, 运送长途乘客或乘客包车要求在外地逗留过夜时~出租汽车 客运企业的车辆必须报企业批准,个体车辆则必须到交通主管部门或代管 单位开具路单、登记乘客身份~以确保驾驶员和车辆安全。 , 运行服务规范 ,(, 乘客乘车时~驾驶员应主动开启车门~照顾乘客上车~帮助 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of 乘客提拿放置行包~提醒坐在前排的乘客系好安全带~注意乘车安全。 ,(, 乘客上车后~驾驶员要准确、耐心地解答乘客提出有关的问 题~做到有问必答。 ,(? 开车前~驾驶员应检查车门是否关牢~问清乘客的去向及乘 车要求~同时开启计价器。如乘客不知目的地的详细地址时~要主动热情 地帮助查找,如乘客单程去郊区、外地需加收空驶费、过路和过桥费时应 事先向乘客说明情况~使乘客心中有数。 ,(, 驾驶员在营运过程中~要正确使用计价器~不得私自调校计 价器和里程表。 ,(, 驾驶员要主动关心和帮助乘客~对老、弱、病、残、孕等特 殊乘客要服务热情~照顾周到。 ,(, 行车时~驾驶员要根据乘客要去的地点选择最近的路线行驶 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of ~不得舍近求远无故绕道~如因道路改造或其他原因确需绕道时~应主动 向乘客说明情况~如乘客不同意绕行要求下车时~应按实乘里程收费~不 得拒绝乘客下车或多收车费。 ,(, 出租车在营运途中如计价器发生故障~驾驶员应立即向乘客 说明情况~并提醒乘客按里程表显示里程计收车费~乘客下车后应立即向 有关部门报修~不得继续营运。 ,(, 出租车在营运途中如发生故障不能行驶时~应向乘客说明原 因~请乘客等候~及时检修排除故障~如故障一时无法排除~应请乘客改 乘其他车辆~少收或免收车费。 ,(, 出租车在营运途中~未经乘客同意~驾驶员不得再招揽他人 同乘。 ,(,, 乘客要求留车等候时~如无预约租车任务和其他事情~一 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of 般不应拒绝~可先收前段车费和预约等时费~与乘客对好时间~未到约定 时间不得擅自开车离开。 ,(,, 出租车在运行时~驾驶员要严格遵守交通 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf 和操作规程 ~集中精力~谨慎驾驶~礼貌行车~确保安全。 ,(,, 出租车在营运中一旦发生事故时~驾驶员应按规定保护好 现场~及时组织抢救受伤乘客~并立即报告公安、交通、保险等有关部门 ~以便及时妥善处理善后事宜。 ,(,? 出租车驾驶员应自觉维护行业信誉~不得向乘客索要物品 和小费~不违章使用票据。 ,(,, 出租车驾驶员营运中如与乘客发生矛盾和纠纷时~态度要 冷静~要虚心听取乘客的批评意见~做到以理服人~得理让人~不强词夺 理。如双方不能协商解决时应请有关部门出面调解~妥善处理。 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of ,(,, 出租车驾驶员在营运时应根据乘客的要求使用空调、音响 等设备~不得无故拒绝。 ,(,, 出租车载客到达目的地时~驾驶员应按乘客要求~在规定 允许停车的地段内就近停车。 ,(,, 出租车驾驶员在与乘客结算车费时应报计价器显示车费数 额~唱收唱付~将客票和找补零钱同时交到乘客手中~并向乘客致谢。 ,(,, 乘客下车时~驾驶员应主动向乘客道别~并提醒乘客拿好 随身携带物品和注意安全。 ,(,, 乘客下车后~驾驶员应立即检查车内有无乘客遗失的物品 ~发现有时~应及时归还给失主,如一时找不到失主~则应送交主管部门 或公安部门协助查找~不得私自留用。 , 附则 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of ,(, 各省、自治区、直辖市交通厅,局,可根据本 规范~结合本 地区具体情况~制定实施细则或补充规定~并报中华人民共 和国交通部备 案。 ,(, 本规范由中华人民共和国交通部负责解释。 ,(? 本规范自发布之日起执行。 according to the specific conditions set materials, vehicle entrances, and arrange assigned duty. Writing slogans outside the walls, installation work at the entrance sign, construction entrance set Billboard; field managed to sign the Authority agreed to ensure measures. 1.3 games and road: road construction and social traffic road layout, free of
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