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起重指挥司索习题起重指挥司索习题 判断题: 1. 钢丝绳切断时,应有防止绳股以及钢丝 绳松散的措施。 2. 用交流电流表测交流电流测得的是平均 值。 3. 司索、指挥人员的工作在实际作业中体 现,而不参与作业前的准备工作。 4. 一个出厂时没有防脱钩装置的吊钩,可 以通过焊接的方法增设吊钩所需的防脱钩 装置。 5. 空中翻转多用于重要或精密的工作及部 件中。 6. 起重机驾驶员对任何人发出的危险信号 都应紧急停车。 7. 线接触钢丝绳承载能力大,耐磨性高。 挠性好,在重要场合中优先选用。 8. 钢丝绳在相同直径时,每...

起重指挥司索习题 判断题: 1. 钢丝绳切断时,应有防止绳股以及钢丝 绳松散的措施。 2. 用交流电流表测交流电流测得的是平均 值。 3. 司索、指挥人员的工作在实际作业中体 现,而不参与作业前的准备工作。 4. 一个出厂时没有防脱钩装置的吊钩,可 以通过焊接的方法增设吊钩所需的防脱钩 装置。 5. 空中翻转多用于重要或精密的工作及部 件中。 6. 起重机驾驶员对任何人发出的危险信号 都应紧急停车。 7. 线接触钢丝绳承载能力大,耐磨性高。 挠性好,在重要场合中优先选用。 8. 钢丝绳在相同直径时,每股钢丝越多, 钢丝直径越细,则钢丝绳的挠性越好,容 易弯曲。 9. 当多人绑挂时,应在多人指挥信号统一 后再起吊。 the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the 10.起重机额定起重量中包括起重电磁吸盘的重量。 11.吊钩扭转变形超过5?时应报废。 12.凡是能使用机具搬运的,尽量不使用肩抬。 13.吊钩有上、中、下三个危险截面,最上端危险截面受拉应力。 14.合力一定比分力大。 15.滑轮直径与钢丝绳直径的比值h2不应小于16. 16.手势信号通常左手持绿旗指挥吊钩,右手持红旗指挥吊臂。 17.起重机的工作级别大小主要是由它的工作载荷程度和利用等级所决定的,所以工作负荷较高时,其工作级别就越高。 18.物体处于稳定状态的基本条件是:重心位置低,支承面大。 19.白棕绳受潮后将影响其安全系数。 20.指挥人员对起重机械要求微微移动时,可根据需要重复给出信号。 21.点接触钢丝绳承载能力大,耐磨性高,挠性必好,在重要场合中优先选用。 the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the 22.手势信号包括通用手势和旗语手势。 23.在高温环境中工作的起重机,不能选用蔴芯钢丝绳,而应选用石棉绳芯或金属绳芯的钢丝绳。 24.吊钩是用于散装物料的装卸。 25起重机操作人员应严格遵守“十不吊”的规定。 26.当捆扎被吊物件的钢丝绳不够长时,可以采用打结的方法接长。 27.用两根钢丝绳起吊物件时,其夹角一般在120?被认为是理想的。 28.在调整吊起货物位置时,必须用安全司索钩。 29.为了使起吊工作平稳,不发生打转的现象,一般应采用同向捻钢丝绳。 30.钢丝绳端部用绳卡连结时,绳卡数量不得少于2个。 31.撬棒一般起重量在2,3吨。 32.力的三要素即:大小、方向、作用点。 33.起吊重物时,两根钢丝绳的夹角越大,钢丝绳的受力不变。 34.物体翻身要经过四种状态是:稳定状态、the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the 稳定倾覆状态、不稳定状态和倾覆状态。 35.若改变力的三要素中得一个要素,其作用效果会发生变化。 36.起重机斜吊不会增大钢丝绳的受力程度,但将导致机械零部件的受损、钢丝绳脱离轮槽等。 37.卸扣在使用中任何方向均可受力。 38.吊环严禁横向受力。 39.两根捆绑用钢丝绳间的夹角越大,其所受张力越大。 40.指挥人员对起重机要求微微移动时,可根据需要重复给出信号。 41.作用力和反作用力是作用在两个不同物体上。 42.限位装置是起重机防止事故的安全装置。 43.使用两个吊环螺钉工作时,两个吊环间的夹角不得大于120? 44.吊钩磨损后出现的沟槽缺陷应焊补后使用。 45.金属铸造的滑轮出现裂缝应报废。 46.起重作业人员有权拒绝任何人的违章指挥和违章操作。 the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the 47.有尖锐棱角和易滑动货物无衬垫不吊。 48.在调整起吊货物位置时,必须用安全绳、司索钩,不得用手拽。 49.吊钩有上、中、下三个危险截面,最下端危险截面受拉应力。 50.摩擦力的方向始终与物体相对运动的方向相反。 单选题: 1. 电流通过人体时对人伤害程度有关的主 要是( ). A.电压大小 B电流大小 C.电阻大小 2.力矩的国际单位是( )。 A.kg.m B.kgf.m C.t.m D.N.m 3.杠杆平衡的条件是( )。 A.合力为零 B.合力矩为零 C.合力相等 D.合力矩相等 4.吊运物体时,为保证吊运过程中物体的稳定性,应使( )。 A.吊钩吊点与被吊物重心在同一铅垂线上 B.吊钩吊点与被吊物重心尽可能近些 5.起重机械,是指用于垂直升降或者垂直升降并水平移动的机电设备,其范围规定为额the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the 定起重量大于或者等于0.5t的升降机;额定起重量大于或者等于( ),且提升高度大于或者等于2m的起重机和承重形式固定的电动葫芦等。 A.2t B.0.5t C.3t D.1t 6.当吊物降落时一定要使吊钩停在指挥人员的前方( )以上处。 A.50cm B.1m C.1.5m D.2m 7.关于作用力和反作用力的说法,正确的是( )。 A.作用力和反作用力分别作用在两个相互作用的物体上。B.作用力和反作用力作用在同一物体上。C.作用力和反作用力可以看成一平衡力系而相互抵消。D.作用力和反作用力不一定作用在一条直线上。 8.吊钩危险断面的磨损量达到原尺寸的( )时应报废。 A.7% B.15% C.10% D.20% 9.用两根钢丝绳起吊货物时,其夹角在( )之间为好。 A.30,60?B. 60,90? C.90,120? D.120,150? the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the 10.常用指挥信号有手势信号、旗语信号和( )等三种。 A.指挥棒 B.吹哨 C.音响信号 11.依据《安全生产法》与《特种设备安全监察条例》规定,特种设备作业人员无证上岗,可以处( )元罚款。 A.2000,20000 B.2000,5000 C.2000,10000 D.1000,10000 12.紧急停止信号是( )。 A.急促的长声 B.断续短声 C.二短声 D.一长声 13.如果要将重物向前或向后略为移动,一般采用( )方法。 A.迈 B.顶 C.推 D.拨 14.能够省力,但不能够改变方向的是( )。 A.定滑轮 B.动滑轮 C.导向滑轮 D.以上都是 15.一吨重量可视为( )。 A.1000千克 B.1000千克力 C.1000牛顿 16.物体翻身经历四种状态,当重心最高时物体处于(A)。 A.不稳定状态 B.稳定平衡状态 C.稳定状态 D.倾覆状态 17.物体转动的效应与( )。 A.力的大小成反比、力臂的大小成正比 B.力的大小成正比、力臂的大小成反比 C.力、力臂大小成正比 D.力、力the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the 臂大小成反比 18.三角形薄板的重心在( )。 A.三条垂直平分线的交点 B.三条中心线的交点 C.三条角分线的交点 D.两条边垂线的交点 19.在起吊物体时,为使物体稳定,不倾斜、不翻倒、就必须做到( )。 A.指挥信号准确无误 B.稳吊稳放 C.用麻绳捆扎牢固D.正确选择吊点 20.指挥人员使用旗语信号,均以指挥旗的( )表示吊钩、臂杆和机械位移的运动方向。 A.旗杆和旗头 B.旗杆 C.旗头 D.都不是 21.滑轮组的倍率等于( )。 A.承载的分支数 B.绕入卷筒的分支数C. 承载的分支数乘以绕入卷筒的分支数 D.承载的分支数除以绕入卷筒的分支数 22.电动葫芦( )吊运融熔金属及其它易燃易爆品。 A.条件允许时 B.限制 C.限量 D.禁止 23.两台起重机抬吊重物,应使每台起重机实际承受的起重量低于额定起重量( ) A.10% B.25% C.80% D.100% 24.吊钩不在物品( )上方,不准起吊。 A.表面 B.重心 C.几何中心 the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the 25.起重机在输电线路电压为1-35KV的高压线下或两侧作业时,与输电线路保持最少距离为(C)。 A.1.5米B.2.5米 C.3米 D.5米 26. 物体稳定状态是指重力与支反力 。 A、大小相等、方向相反; B、大小相等、作用线相同;C、大小相等、通过物体支承面中心;D、大小相等、方向相反、作用线相同、通过物体支承面中点; 3327. 铁的比重是 ×10kg/m。 A.7.8; B.8.9;C.13.6;D.2.3 28. 吊运物体时必须把起吊物品提升到安全高度,一般从地面到物品底端 米,才能作水平运动。 A、1;B、2;C、4;D、0.5 29.通用手势信号规定:小臂向侧上方伸直,五指自然伸开,高于肩部,以腕部为轴转动表示 。 A、要主钩 B、要付钩 C、吊钩上升 D、吊钩下降 30.高空作业规定是指 。 A、在1.5米以上作业 B、在2米以上作业、 C、在3米以上作业 D、在5米以上作业 31.吊装方形物体时,一般采用( )个吊点。 A、2 B、3 C、4 D、5 32.杠杆平衡的条件是( )。 A.合力相等 B.合力为零 C.合力矩相等 D.合力矩为零 33.两根绳索长短不一,在起吊中受力不一样,其受力大小通过吊绳与重物重心的铅垂线夹角来判定,与铅垂线夹角大的绳索( )。 A.受力大 B.受力小 C.受力相同 D.无法确定的 34.现在有一根,18mm钢丝绳,用近似公式计算其允许吊载( C )。10×D平方 A. 2240kg B.3420kg C.3240kg D.2420kg 35.起重机在吊物体时,停留在空中与加速起吊时钢丝绳的受力为( )。 A.一样大 B.停留时大 C.加速起吊时大 36.手拉葫芦是人力拉其( )驱动链轮传动而工作。 A.钢丝绳 B.环链 C.吊钩 37(钢丝绳采用编结法连接时,编结长度不应小于钢丝绳直径的( )倍,且不得小于300mm. the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the A.12 B.13 C.14 D.15 38. 起重机安全作业的三大重要构件是指 ( )。 A. 车轮、卷筒、制动器B. 制动器、钢丝绳、吊钩C.制动器、滑轮、吊钩 39.一个物体如果安放位置不同,它的重心在物体内部的位置是( )。 A.变化的 B.不变的 C.有时要变化的 D.无法确定的 40.钢丝绳的绳芯被挤出,造成结构破坏,这时钢丝绳应( )。 A.修理 B.视损坏程度而定 C.降低等级使用 D.报废 50.现有一根,20的环链链条,安全系数取8,用近似公式计算其允许吊载(A)。 A.2000kg B.2420kg C.2800kg D.3220kg . the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the
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