首页 农业科技知识玉米种植技术



农业科技知识玉米种植技术农业科技知识玉米种植技术 鱼洞乡银厂村基督教活动点农业科技培训材料二 ——玉米种植技术 主讲人:常义 1.玉米抗旱播种技术 干旱地区或干旱年份常采用,1,抢墒播种,2,提墒播种,3,深开沟浅覆土播种,4,明沟深种,5,开沟等雨,6,催芽坐水等抗旱播种法。 2.玉米贴茬免耕播种技术 ,1,浇好麦黄水,2,贴茬机播,3,播种后出苗前喷施化学除草剂,4,手提苗,5,加强田间管理。 3.玉米高产栽培的施肥要点 玉米一生需要的营养元素很多~以氮、磷、钾需求量最大~要通过施肥补足~高产栽培中基肥施用量占70%~...

农业科技知识玉米种植技术 鱼洞乡银厂村基督教活动点农业科技培训材料二 ——玉米种植技术 主讲人:常义 1.玉米抗旱播种技术 干旱地区或干旱年份常采用,1,抢墒播种,2,提墒播种,3,深开沟浅覆土播种,4,明沟深种,5,开沟等雨,6,催芽坐水等抗旱播种法。 2.玉米贴茬免耕播种技术 ,1,浇好麦黄水,2,贴茬机播,3,播种后出苗前喷施化学除草剂,4,手提苗,5,加强田间管理。 3.玉米高产栽培的施肥要点 玉米一生需要的营养元素很多~以氮、磷、钾需求量最大~要通过施肥补足~高产栽培中基肥施用量占70%~追肥占30%~磷肥全部底施于上季作物上~氮肥施用原则供秆肥占总追肥量的60,70%~攻穗肥占30,40%~攻粒肥于吐丝前施用~不超过10%~钾肥底施。追肥提倡棵间或行侧深施掩埋~施后浇水。 4.玉米高产栽培的灌溉要点 玉米生育期内一般以浇4,5次水为好。,1,播前造墒40方/亩,2,拔节孕穗水35,40方/亩,3,抽雄开花水50方/亩,4,灌浆水于吐丝后10天左右~保持土壤中有充足的水分。 all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel aregoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply withgoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply with 5.低产玉米区关键性增产技术 ,1,增施肥料培养地力,2,加大密度提高群体产量,3,适时播种。 6.地膜玉米栽培要点 ,1,选择无霜期在130天以下地区,2,选择肥力中等产量较高的地块,3,基肥充足,4,整地质量好~盖膜严、紧、实~用超薄膜,5,盖膜前地表喷化学除草剂,6,膜下5厘米地温稳定超过8度时按留苗密度打孔播种,7,品种选择生育期较长~抗逆性强高产稳产型品种,搞好田间管理,。 7.提高玉米产量的辅助性技术 ,1,使用玉米健壮素~玉米拔节前每亩用30ml健壮素兑水40斤~均匀喷施于植株上部叶征可防止玉米倒伏、促进根系发育提高结实率~提早生育期,2,叶面喷施叶面肥如磷酸二氢钾、爱农,六,人工辅助授粉,4,人工去雄。 8.玉米锌肥的施用技术 玉米缺锌早期出现“白叶病”、生育迟缓、果穗秃尖、减产严重。施锌一般每亩产可产30公斤玉米。方法?基施、每亩2公斤硫酸锌拌细土15公斤撒施翻耕入土。?拌种、每公斤种子用硫酸锌4-6克~制成溶液拌种~阴赶不上干后播种。?喷施 在苗期~拔节期各喷一次深度为0.1-0.3%的码酸锌溶液。 9、玉米粗缩病的防治技术 't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashingthes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight donte butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clofighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigaret-he appropriate uses and a certain number of fireset t erence. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites mustd workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future refjobs for new workers, education professional, traine-for-vely, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complexaccident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respecti all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious firec security on the construction site, comply withntation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of publimplemembining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest iuarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and coand g on site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils,he installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Constructiwith tl equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electricajobs, a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take dling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe see-lity system of construction safety, established a fullthe procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibi beforeth construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure tion waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance winstrucw of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply withgoods and coion site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention lastructy, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal conular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th dato reged to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject nt and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, requirquipme, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical erity check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely mannera secuy signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through y officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safettime safet-n achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a fulltion organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project cahe entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construcconstruction personnel aregoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that t-ing of everyone, nonthink n a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp thehe construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned withiembers of tfighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and m-ability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fireperme2 ?春揪玉米提前到4月份播种~使幼苗秃病期避开第一代灰飞虱成出盛期。?选择耐病技术?药剂防治 玉米王叶前喷乐果、1605等药剂除出于发病前期喷绿风95、病毒A、病毒灵等。 玉米如何栽培 因地制宜~选用良种~平原、丘陵地区推广掖单13、西玉3号~搭配华玉4号、中单32、澄海1号、远征808,棉田套种选用矮秆、生育期短的掖单22、掖单51,城郊以鲜食为主~可种植中糯1号等糯玉米。 施足底肥~巧施追肥 科学试验结果表明~玉米亩产500公斤以上~需要底施2500公斤左右的农家肥、30公斤碳酸氢铵、40公斤过磷酸钙、8公斤钾肥、1公斤硫酸锌,追肥看苗巧施~早追攻苗肥~每亩施尿素4,5公斤~对小弱苗重施~促进平衡生长,10,11叶展开时~重追一次攻穗肥~每亩施碳酸氢铵40公斤~打洞施肥,抽雄期补施攻粒肥~每亩喷施尿素3,4公斤。 规范栽培~合理种植 玉米种植制度有净种和套种间作。净种玉米厢宽120厘米~厢中间栽培两行玉米~行距40厘米~株距25厘米~每亩4400株,与小麦、油菜套种~厢宽170厘米~在预留行中间条播,栽,两行玉米~行距40厘米~株距20,23厘米~每亩3500株,与棉花间作~在厢边种植一行~每亩种植1200株左右。3月中旬播种育苗~4月初移 fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and m-combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Firelity r", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeabithe site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "fou te butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4,fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigaret-priate uses and a certain number of fireappro 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set thes, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. jobs for new workers, education professional, trained worker-for-btained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complext occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, oall fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accidenty on the construction site, comply withof the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public securition revention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementaits safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining p ranteesafety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guallation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site insta ent; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with theat the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipmund th; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, foould be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmettime safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling sh-stem of construction safety, established a fullcedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility syhe proruction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before tte from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with constn wasc measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply withgoods and constructiofire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basi n siteientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal constructiopection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscar inst up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regulacilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to seand fmanagement and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment ck, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, experty chewarning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a securit r on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs,time safety office-e excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a fullanization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achievhe entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction orgconstruction personnel aregoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that t-veryone, nong of eified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinkinruction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specembers of the const3 栽,地膜覆盖3月下旬播种,科学种田水平高的地区~推广营养钵育苗~3叶期移栽大田~再覆盖地膜。 科学管理~培育壮苗 一是缺苗补栽~提早育好预备苗~发现缺苗及早移栽。二是防治病虫害~幼苗期用毒饵防治地老虎和虫害~如喇叭口期~用呋南丹拌细土制成毒土颗粒剂~施到玉米心叶内~每株施3,4粒~防治玉米螟虫,后期施井岗霉素防治纹枯病~剥除基部叶,三是培土壅蔸~拔节期结合追肥培土10厘米~促进气生根生长。四是清沟排渍~水田玉米要做好开沟排渍工作~防止渍害。五是辅助授粉。棉田间作玉米~种植密度小~株间相互授粉率低~抽雄吐丝期应进行人工辅助授粉~以提高结实率~夺取高产丰收。 其技术要点: 1、选用早熟品种。秋玉米生长期所处气候条件特殊:前期高温~后期低温、阴雨。故应选用苗期耐高温~后期籽粒灌浆成熟快且抗性好的高产早熟品种。我省种植的秋玉米品种有石单三号、黄七单交等。 2 选择排灌方便、肥力高的地块。秋玉米前期多遇伏旱~后期秋雨多~又是早稻或春玉米茬口种植~故必须选择排灌方便、土壤肥沃、土层深厚、保水保肥的地块种植。如稻沟槽地、一、二台地等。 3 适时育苗移栽和适宜的种植密度。秋玉米要保证不影响前作~同时其散粉期要赶在秋雨来临之前。我省早稻和春 ing of everyone, nonthink n a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp thehe construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned withiembers of tfighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and m-ability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fireperme 't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashingthes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight donte butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clofighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigaret-he appropriate uses and a certain number of fireset t erence. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites mustd workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future refjobs for new workers, education professional, traine-for-vely, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complexaccident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respecti all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious firec security on the construction site, comply withntation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of publimplemembining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest iuarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and coand g on site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils,he installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Constructiwith tl equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electricajobs, a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take dling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe see-lity system of construction safety, established a fullthe procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibi beforeth construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure tion waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance winstrucw of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply withgoods and coion site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention lastructy, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal conular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th dato reged to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject nt and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, requirquipme, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical erity check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely mannera secuy signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through y officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safettime safet-n achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a fulltion organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project cahe entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construcconstruction personnel aregoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that t-4 玉米一般是7月上中旬收获~秋玉米播期安排在收获前10,12天~采用肥团育苗~2至3叶移栽。以有机肥为主。一般每667m2植3000,4000株~采用双行留双株种植~行距80,90厘米~窝距40,50厘米。每窝双株分开~错窝定植~减轻阴蔽。 4 加强田间管理 4.1 科学施肥。秋玉米温度高、生长发育快~故应“重底早追”。每667m2(下同)用30公斤磷肥和1500公斤左右的清粪水作底肥,4叶期(返青后)施纯氮3.5,4.0公斤~对清粪水1500公斤左右提苗~视旱情灌水抗旱,6-7叶期施纯氮4.0,4.5公斤~对清粪水1500公斤左右壮秆~结合中耕除草,在大喇叭口期施纯氮6.0,6.5公斤~同时培土上厢。 4.2 及时治虫。秋玉米处于高温多湿季节~虫害严重~在4叶期、6叶期和大喇叭口时期用敌杀死、菊马乳油等杀虫剂对成800,1000倍液喷施~防治玉米螟、蝗虫等害虫。 4.3 人工辅助授粉。秋玉米散粉期气温不稳定~雌雄往往不协调~加之秋雨较多~自然授粉不理想~应加强人工授粉。减少秃尖~夺取高产。在大多数植株花丝吐出后~收集混合花粉进行人工授粉两次。提高结实率。同时~不定期摘掉已散粉雄花~增强光照和通透性~减轻病虫害。 combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Firelity r", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeabithe site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "fou te butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4,fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigaret-priate uses and a certain number of fireappro 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set thes, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. jobs for new workers, education professional, trained worker-for-btained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complext occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, oall fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accidenty on the construction site, comply withof the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public securition revention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementaits safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining p ranteesafety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guallation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site insta ent; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with theat the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipmund th; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, foould be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmettime safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling sh-stem of construction safety, established a fullcedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility syhe proruction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before tte from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with constn wasc measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply withgoods and constructiofire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basi n siteientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal constructiopection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscar inst up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regulacilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to seand fmanagement and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment ck, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, experty chewarning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a securit r on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs,time safety office-e excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a fullanization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achievhe entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction orgconstruction personnel aregoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that t-veryone, nong of eified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinkinruction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specembers of the constfighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and m-5
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