首页 [物理]高二物理知识点总结



[物理]高二物理知识点总结[物理]高二物理知识点总结 第八章 电场 一、三种产生电荷的方式: 1、摩擦起电: (1)正点荷:用绸子摩擦过的玻璃棒所带电荷; (2)负电荷:用毛皮摩擦过的橡胶棒所带电荷;(3)实质:电子从一物体转移到另一物体; 2、接触起电: (1)实质:电荷从一物体移到另一物体;(2)两个完全相同的物体相互接触后电荷平分;(3)、电荷的中和:等量的异种电荷相互接触,电荷相合抵消而对外不显电性,这种现象叫电荷的中和; 3、感应起电:把电荷移近不带电的导体,可以使导体带电;(1)电荷的基本性质:同种电荷相互排斥、异种电...

[物理]高二物理知识点 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 第八章 电场 一、三种产生电荷的方式: 1、摩擦起电: (1)正点荷:用绸子摩擦过的玻璃棒所带电荷; (2)负电荷:用毛皮摩擦过的橡胶棒所带电荷;(3)实质:电子从一物体转移到另一物体; 2、接触起电: (1)实质:电荷从一物体移到另一物体;(2)两个完全相同的物体相互接触后电荷平分;(3)、电荷的中和:等量的异种电荷相互接触,电荷相合抵消而对外不显电性,这种现象叫电荷的中和; 3、感应起电:把电荷移近不带电的导体,可以使导体带电;(1)电荷的基本性质:同种电荷相互排斥、异种电荷相互吸引; (2)实质:使导体的电荷从一部分移到另一部分;(3)感应起电时,导体离电荷近的一端带异种电荷,远端带同种电荷; 4、电荷的基本性质:能吸引轻小物体; 二、电荷守恒定律:电荷既不能被创生,亦不能被消失,它只能从一个物体转移到另一物体,或者从物体的一部分转移到另一部分;在转移过程中,电荷的总量不变。 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 三、元电荷:一个电子所带的电荷叫元电荷,用e表示。 1、e=1.6×10-19c; 2、一个质子所带电荷亦等于元电荷; 3、任何带电物体所带电荷都是元电荷的整数倍; 四、库仑定律:真空中两个静止点电荷间的相互作用力,跟它们所带电荷量的乘积成正比,跟它们之间距离的二次方成反比,作用力的方向在它们的连线上。电荷间的这种力叫库仑力, 1、 计算公式 六西格玛计算公式下载结构力学静力计算公式下载重复性计算公式下载六西格玛计算公式下载年假计算公式 :F=kQ1Q2/r2 (k=9.0×109N.m2/kg2) 2、库仑定律只适用于点电荷(电荷的体积可以忽略不计) 3、库仑力不是万有引力; 五、电场:电场是使点电荷之间产生静电力的一种物质。 1、只要有电荷存在,在电荷周围就一定存在电场; 2、电场的基本性质:电场对放入其中的电荷(静止、运动)有力的作用;这种力叫电场力;3、电场、磁场、重力场都是一种物质 六、电场强度:放入电场中某点的电荷所受电场力F跟它的电荷量Q的比值叫该点的电场强度; 1、定义式:E=F/q;E是电场强度;F是电场力;q是试探电荷; 2、电场强度是矢量,电场中某一点的场强方向就是放在该点的正电荷所受电场力的方向(与负电荷所受电场力的方向相反) 3、该公式适用于一切电场; 4、点电荷的电场强度公式:E=kQ/r2 七、电场的叠加:在空间若有几个点电荷同时存在,则空间某点的电场强度,为这几个点电荷在该点的电场强度的矢量和;解题方法:with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 分别作出表示这几个点电荷在该点场强的有向线段,用平行四边形定则求出合场强; 八、电场线:电场线是人们为了形象的描述电场特性而人为假设的线。 1、电场线不是客观存在的线; 2、电场线的形状:电场线起于正电荷终于负电荷;G:\用锯木屑观测电场线.DAT (1)只有一个正电荷:电场线起于正电荷终于无穷远;(2)只有一个负电荷:起于无穷远,终于负电荷; (3)既有正电荷又有负电荷:起于正电荷终于负电荷; 3、电场线的作用: 1、表示电场的强弱:电场线密则电场强(电场强度大);电场线疏则电场弱电场强度小); 2、表示电场强度的方向:电场线上某点的切线方向就是该点的场强方向; 4、电场线的特点: 1、电场线不是封闭曲线; 2、同一电场中的电场线不向交; 九、匀强电场:电场强度的大小、方向处处相同的电场;匀强电场的电场线平行、且分布均匀; 1、匀强电场的电场线是一簇等间距的平行线;2、平行板电容器间的电是匀强电场;场 十、电势差:电荷在电场中由一点移到另一点时,电场力所作的功WAB与电荷量q的比值叫电势差,又名电压。 1、定义式:UAB=WAB/q; 2、电场力作的功与路径无关; 3、电势差又命电压,国际单位是伏特; with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 十一、电场中某点的电势,等于单位正电荷由该点移到参考点(零势点)时电场力作的功; 1、电势具有相对性,和零势面的选择有关;2、电势是标量,单位是伏特V; 3、电势差和电势间的关系:UAB= φA -φB;4、电势沿电场线的方向降低; 时,电场力要作功,则两点电势差不为零,就不是等势面; 4、相同电荷在同一等势面的任意位置,电势能相同;原因:电荷从一点移到另一点时,电场力不作功,所以电势能不变;5、电场线总是由电势高的地方指向电势低的地方; 6、等势面的画法:相临等势面间的距离相等; 十二、电场强度和电势差间的关系:在匀强电场中,沿场强方向的两点间的电势差等于场强与这两点的距离的乘积。 1、数学表达式:U=Ed; 2、该公式的使适用条件是,仅仅适用于匀强电场; 3、d是两等势面间的垂直距离; 十三、电容器:储存电荷(电场能)的装置。 1、结构:由两个彼此绝缘的金属导体组成; 2、最常见的电容器:平行板电容器; 十四、电容:电容器所带电荷量Q与两电容器量极板间电势差U的比值;用“C”来表示。 1、定义式:C=Q/U; 2、电容是表示电容器储存电荷本领强弱的物理量; 3、国际单位:法拉 简称:法,用F表示 4、电容器的电容是电容器的属性,与Q、U无关; 十五、平行板电容器的决定式:C=εs/4πkd;(其中d为两极板间的垂直距离,又称板间距;k是静电力常数,k=9.0×10 9N.m2/c2;with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure ε是电介质的介电常数,空气的介电常数最小;s表示两极板间的正对面积;) 1、电容器的两极板与电源相连时,两板间的电势差不变,等于电源的电压; 2、当电容器未与电路相连通时电容器两板所带电荷量不变; 十六、带电粒子的加速: 1、条件:带电粒子运动方向和场强方向垂直,忽略重力; 2、原理:动能定理:电场力做的功等于动能的变化:W=Uq=1/2mvt2-1/2mv02; 3、推论:当初速度为零时,Uq=1/2mvt2; 4、使带电粒子速度变大的电场又名加速电场; 九章 恒定电流 一、电流:电荷的定向移动行成电流。 1、产生电流的条件: (1)自由电荷; (2)电场; 2、电流是标量,但有方向:我们规定:正电荷定向移动的方向是电流的方向; 注:在电源外部,电流从电源的正极流向负极;在电源的内部,电流从负极流向正极; 3、电流的大小:通过导体横截面的电荷量Q跟通过这些电量所用时间t的比值叫电流I表示;(1)数学表达式:I=Q/t;(2)电流的国际单位:安培A (3)常用单位:毫安mA、微安uA;(4)1A=103mA=106uA 二、欧姆定律:导体中的电流跟导体两端的电压U成正比,跟导体的电阻R成反比; 1、定义式:I=U/R; 2、推论:R=U/I; 3、电阻with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 的国际单位时欧姆,用Ω表示; 1kΩ=103Ω,1MΩ=106Ω; 4、伏安特性曲线: 三、闭合电路:由电源、导线、用电器、电键组成; 1、电动势:电源的电动势等于电源没接入电路时两极间的电压;用E表示; 2、外电路:电源外部的电路叫外电路;外电路的电阻叫外电阻;用R表示;其两端电压叫外电压; 3、内电路:电源内部的电路叫内电阻,内点路的电阻叫内电阻;用r表示;其两端电压叫内电压;如:发电机的线圈、干电池内的溶液是内电路,其电阻是内电阻; 4、电源的电动势等于内、外电压之和; E=U内+U外;U外=RI;E=(R+r)I 四、闭合电路的欧姆定律:闭合电路里的电流跟电源的电动势成正比,跟内、外电路的电阻之和成反比; 1、数学表达式:I=E/(R+r) 2、当外电路断开时,外电阻无穷大,电源电动势等于路端电压;就是电源电动势的定义; 3、当外电阻为零(短路)时,因内阻很小,电流很大,会烧坏电路; 五、半导体:导电能力在导体和绝缘体之间;半导体的电阻随温升越高而减小; 六:导体的电阻随温度的升高而升高,当温度降低到某一值时电阻消失,成为超导; with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 第十章 磁场 一、磁场: 1、磁场的基本性质:磁场对放入其中的磁极、电流有磁场力的作用; 2、磁铁、电流都能能产生磁场; 3、磁极和磁极之间,磁极和电流之间,电流和电流之间都通过磁场发生相互作用; 4、磁场的方向:磁场中小磁针北极的指向就是该点磁场的方向; 二、磁感线:在磁场中画一条有向的曲线,在这些曲线中每点的切线方向就是该点的磁场方向; 1、磁感线是人们为了描述磁场而人为假设的线; 2、磁铁的磁感线,在外部从北极到南极,内部从南极到北极;3、磁感线是封闭曲线; 三、安培定则: 1、通电直导线的磁感线:用右手握住通电导线,让伸直的大拇指所指方向跟电流方向一致,弯曲的四指所指的方向就是磁感线的环绕方向; 2、环形电流的磁感线:让右手弯曲的四指和环形电流方向一致,伸直的大拇指所指的方向就是环形导线中心轴上磁感线的方向; 3、通电螺旋管的磁场:用右手握住螺旋管,让弯曲的四指方向和电流方向一致,大拇指所指的方向就是螺旋管内部磁感线的方向; 四、地磁场:地球本身产生的磁场;从地磁北极(地理南极)到地磁南极(地理北极); with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 五、磁感应强度:磁感应强度是描述磁场强弱的物理量。 1、磁感应强度的大小:在磁场中垂直于磁场方向的通电导线,所受的安培力F跟电流I和导线长度L的乘积的比值,叫磁感应强度。B=F/IL 2、磁感应强度的方向就是该点磁场的方向(放在该点的小磁针北极的指向) 3、磁感应强度的国际单位:特斯拉 T, 1T=1N/A。m 六、安培力:磁场对电流的作用力; 1、大小:在匀强磁场中,当通电导线与磁场垂直时,电流所受安培力F等于磁感应强度B、电流I和导线长度L三者的乘积。2、定义式F=BIL(适用于匀强电场、导线很短时) 3、安培力的方向:左手定则:伸开左手,使大拇指根其余四个手指垂直,并且跟手掌在同一个平面内,把手放入磁场中,让磁感线垂直穿过手心,并使伸开四指指向电流的方向,那么大拇指所指的方向就是通电导线所受安培力的方向。 七、磁铁和电流都可产生磁场; 八、磁场对电流有力的作用; 九、电流和电流之间亦有力的作用;(1)同向电流产生引力; (2)异向电流产生斥力; 十、分子电流假说:所有磁场都是由电流产生的; 十一、磁性材料:能够被强烈磁化的物质叫磁性材料:(1)软磁材料:磁化后容易去磁的材料;例:软铁;硅钢;应用:制造电磁铁、变压器、(2)硬磁材料:磁化后不容易去磁的材料;例:碳钢、钨钢、制造:永久磁铁; with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 十二、磁场对运动电荷的作用力,叫做洛伦兹力 1、洛仑兹力的方向由左手定则判断:伸开左手让大拇指和其余四指共面且垂直,把左手放入磁场中,让磁感线垂直穿过手心,四指为正电荷运动方向(与负电荷运动方向相反)大拇指所指方向就是洛仑兹力的方向; (1)洛仑兹力F一定和B、V决定的平面垂直。 (2)洛仑兹力只改变速度的方向而不改变其大小 (3)洛伦兹力永远不做功。 2、洛伦兹力的大小 (1)当v平行于B时:F=0 (2)当v垂直于B时:F=qvB 、 电阻定律:导体两端电阻与导体长度、横截面积及材料性质有关。 R=pl/S(电阻的决定式) P只与导体材料性质有关。 R与温度有关。 2、 伏安特性曲线:描述电压与电流之间的函数关系的图象。 3、 二极管:单向导电性;正极与电源正极相连。 4、串联特点:?总电压等于各部分电压之和。 ?电流处处相等 ?总电阻等于各部分电阻和 ?总功率等于各部分功率和 5、并联特点:?总电压等于各支路电压 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure ?总电流等于各支路电流和 ?总电阻的倒数等于各支路电阻倒数之和 ?总功率等于各支路功率和 6、伏安法:(1)限流式;(2)分压式。 7、等效图的接法:(1)节点搭桥法;(2)等电势法(拉扯法)。 8、电动势:(1)定义:非静电力对电荷所做的功与被移送的电荷量之比。 (2)物理意义:反映电源提供电能的本领。 (3)公式:E电动势=W其/q (4)电动势只与电源性质有关 (5)电动势、内阻是电源性质的衡量指标。电动势以大为好,内阻以小为好。 9、闭合电路欧姆定律:E=U外+U内 10、外阻与路端电压成正比。 11、测量电源电动势与内阻的方法:伏安法、伏箱法、安箱法。 12、外接、内接的原则:观察分压、分流效果哪个明显。 外接、内接的口诀:小外偏小、大内偏大。 13、表头改装电压表须串联大电阻 表头改装电流表须并联小电阻 14、多用电表?闭合电路欧姆定律?标欧姆表的刻度 15、功率 16、纯电阻电路:电能全部转化为热能的电路。 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 17、电源总功率:EI=IU外+IU内 18、与门电路、或门电路、非门电路(我只了解了解) 19、电学黑箱问题(我也了解一下) 20、I=Q/t=nqvS„„„„„„„„„S指电荷通过的截面;V指电荷定向移动的速度 给你个顺口溜吧 电源有个电源力, 推动电荷到正极, 正负极间有电压, 电路接通电荷移。 直流电路等效图 无阻导线缩一点,等势点间连成线; 断路无用线撤去,节点之间依次连; 整理图形 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化,最后还要看一遍。 安培定则歌 导线周围的磁力线,用安培定则来判断。 判断直线用定则一,让右手直握直导线。 电流的方向拇指指,四指指的是磁力线。 判断螺线用定则二,让右手紧握螺线管。 电流的方向四指指,N极在拇指指那端。 磁体周围有磁场,N极受力定方向; 电流周围有磁场,安培定则定方向。 BIL安培力,相互垂直要注意。 洛仑兹力安培力,力往左甩别忘记。 电磁感应磁生电(电动势), 产生条件磁通变, 回路闭合有电流, 回路断开是电源, 感应电动势大或小, 磁通变化的快和慢, 楞次定律定方向, 阻碍变化是关键, 导体切割磁力线, 右手定则更方便。 匀强磁场(中)线圈转,旋转产生交流电, 电流电压电动势,变化规律是弦线, 中性面计时是正弦,平行面计时是余弦, NBSω是最大值,有效值用热量来计算。 自行发光是光源,同种均匀直线传。 若是遇见障碍物,传播路径要改变。 反射折射两定律,折射定律是重点。 光介质有折射率,它的定义是正弦(比值)。 还可运用速度比,波长比值也使然。 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 全反射,要牢记,入射光线在光密。 入射角大于临界角,折射光线无处觅。 物在无穷远,成像在焦点; 千里迢迢物追像,物快像慢有希望; 追到二倍焦距处,像在等距把它望; 追过二倍焦距处,像却比物跑得忙; 追到一倍焦距处,物在焦点像渺茫; 追过一倍焦距处,物要看像回头望; 好事多磨难,镜心得团圆 光照金属能生电, 入射光线有极限。 光电子动能大和小, 与光子频率有关联。 光电子数目多和少, 与光线强弱紧相连。 光电效应瞬间能发生, 极限频率取决逸出功。 分析电路的口诀 分析电路有方法:先判串联和并联;电表测量然后断。 一路到底必是串;若有分支是并联。 A表相当于导线;并时短路会出现。 如果发现它并源;毁表毁源实在惨。 若有电器被它并;电路发生局部短。 V表可并不可串;串时相当电路断。 如果发现它被串;电流为零应当然。 连接电路口诀 连接电路怎么办: 串联很简单,各个元件依次连; 并联有点难,连干路,标节点; 支路可要条条连,连好再检验。 还有电表怎样连: A表串其中;V表并两端。 线柱认真接;正(进)负(出)不能反。 量程不能忘;大小仔细断。 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure
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