首页 污水化验操作规程[1]



污水化验操作规程[1]污水化验操作规程[1] 目 录 1、污水COD的测定方法 2、污水悬浮物的测定方法 3、污水PH值的测定方法 4、出水氨氮的测定方法 5、污水碳酸氢盐碱度和VFA的测定方法 6、污水溶解氧的测定方法 7、好氧池出水30分钟沉降比的测定方法 8、污水硫酸盐的测定方法 9、 污水五日生化需氧量 10、总悬浮物和挥发性悬浮物的测定 11、总固体和挥发性固体的测定 12、二氧化硫的测定 13 化验室安全注意事项 practices. The development of various underta...

污水化验操作规程[1] 目 录 1、污水COD的测定方法 2、污水悬浮物的测定方法 3、污水PH值的测定方法 4、出水氨氮的测定方法 5、污水碳酸氢盐碱度和VFA的测定方法 6、污水溶解氧的测定方法 7、好氧池出水30分钟沉降比的测定方法 8、污水硫酸盐的测定方法 9、 污水五日生化需氧量 10、总悬浮物和挥发性悬浮物的测定 11、总固体和挥发性固体的测定 12、二氧化硫的测定 13 化验室安全注意事项 practices. The development of various undertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute working style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the ability 化学需氧量的测定(COD) 1.测定原理 在强酸性溶液中,一定量重铬酸钾氧化水样中还原物质,过量的重铬酸钾以试亚铁灵作指示剂,用硫酸亚铁铵 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 溶液回滴。根据用量算出水样中还原性物质消耗氧的量。 2.干扰及消除 酸性重铬酸钾氧化性很强,可氧化大部分有机物,加入硫酸银作催化剂时,直链脂肪族化合物可完全被氧化,而芳香族的有机物却不易被氧化,挥发性直链脂肪族化合物、苯等有机物存在于蒸气相,不能与氧化剂液体接触,氧化不明显。氯离子能被重铬酸盐氧化,并且能与硫酸银作用产生沉淀,影响测定结果,故在回流前向水样中加入硫酸汞,使成为络合物以消除干扰。氯离子含量高于2000mg/L的样品应先作定量稀释、使含量降低于2000mg/L 以下,再进行测定。 3.方法的使用范围 用0.25moI/L浓度的重铬酸钾溶液可测定大于50mg/L的COD值,用0.025moI/L浓度的重铬酸钾溶液可测定大于5-50mg/L的COD值,但准确度较差。 4 .仪器 4.1 回流装置:带250ml锥形瓶的全玻璃回流装置若干套 4.2 加热装置:COD加热器 4.3 25毫升或50毫升酸式滴定管 ork assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityg style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete wworkinmplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute dertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exepractices. The development of various un2 5.试剂 5.1 重铬酸钾标准溶液:12.258克重铬酸钾(120度烘干两小时)溶于1000mI。 5.2 亚铁灵指示剂:邻菲罗啉 1.485克、硫酸亚铁0.695克溶于100毫升水中。 5.3 硫酸亚铁铵标准溶液:39.5克硫酸亚铁铵溶于水,再加入30毫升浓硫酸,冷却后移入1000毫升容量瓶,用前标定。 标定方法:10.00毫升重铬酸钾标准溶液加水稀释至110毫升,加入30毫升浓硫酸,冷却后加3滴是试亚铁灵指示剂,用硫酸亚铁铵标准溶液滴定,溶液颜色由黄色经黄绿色至红褐色即为终点。计算公式C=0.2500*10.00/V 5.4 硫酸-硫酸银溶液:5克硫酸银溶于500毫升浓硫酸 5.5 硫酸汞:结晶或粉末 6.操作步骤 6.1 取20.00毫升混合均匀的水样(或稀释后)置于250毫升磨口的回流管中,准确加入10.00毫升重铬酸钾标准溶液及数粒小玻璃珠或沸石,连接磨口回流冷凝管,从冷凝管上口慢慢加入30毫升硫酸-硫酸银溶液,轻轻摇动加热管时溶液混合均匀,加热回流2小时(自开始沸腾计时)。 6.2 废水中氯离子含量超过30mg/L时,应先把0.4克硫酸汞加入到加热管中,再加入20.00毫升废水(或稀释后)摇匀,以下操作同上。 6.3 冷却后,用90ml蒸馏水冲洗冷凝管壁,取下加热管,溶液再度冷却后,加3滴是亚铁灵指示剂,用硫酸亚铁铵标准溶液滴定,溶液颜色由黄色经黄绿 e work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityking style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete worxemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolutundertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and e practices. The development of various3 色至红褐色即为终点,记录硫酸亚铁铵标准溶液的用量。 6.4 测定水样的同时,以20.00ml蒸馏水,按同样操作步骤作空白试验,记录滴定空白时硫酸亚铁铵标准溶液的用量。 6.5 计算 COD=(V-V1)*C*8*1000/V 7.注意事项 7.1使用0.4克硫酸汞络合氯离子的最高量可达40 mg,如取用20.00ml水样即最高可络合1000mg/L氯离子浓度的水样,若氯离子浓度较低,也可少加硫酸汞,若出现少量氯化汞沉淀,并不影响测定。 7.2 水样取用体积按表进行调整,可得到满意的结果。 水量取用量和试剂用量表 水样 0.25moI/L重铬酸 硫酸-硫酸 硫酸汞 硫酸亚铁 滴定前 体积 钾标准溶液(ml) 银溶液(ml )( g) 铵溶液 总体积(ml) 10.0 5.0 15 0.2 0.050 70 20.0 10.0 30 0.4 0.100 140 30.0 15.0 45 0.6 0.150 210 40.0 20.0 60 0.8 0.200 280 50.0 25.0 75 1.0 0.250 350 7.3对于化学需氧量小于50mg/L的水样,应改用0.025moI/L重铬酸钾标准溶液,回滴时用 0.01moI/L硫酸亚铁铵标准溶液。 7.4水样加热回流后,溶液中重铬酸钾剩余量应为加入量的1/5-4/5为宜。 7.5 测定结果应保留三位有效数字。 7.6每次试验时,应对硫酸亚铁铵标准溶液进行标定,室温较高时尤其注意其 ork assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityg style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete wworkinmplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute dertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exepractices. The development of various un4 浓度的变化。 103-105?烘干的总不可滤残渣(悬浮物) 1. 方法原理 总不可滤残渣(悬浮物)是指不能通过滤器的固体物,当用滤纸法测定时,由于滤孔大小对测定结果有很大影响,所以 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 结果时应注明测定结果。从总残渣减去总不可滤残渣也可得到总不可滤残渣的量。 滤纸法方法原理:用滤纸过滤水样,经103-105?烘干后得到总不可滤残渣(悬浮物)含量。 2. 仪器 2.1 称量瓶:内径30-50mm。 2.2 孔径为0.45um的滤纸及相应的滤器。 3.操作步骤 3.1 将一张滤纸放在称量瓶中,打开瓶盖,每次在103-105? 烘干2小时,取出,冷却后盖好瓶盖称重,直至恒重为止(两次称量相差0.0005g)。 3.2 分取除去漂浮物后,振荡均匀的适量水样(使含总不可滤残渣大于2.5mg),通过上面称至恒重的滤纸过滤,用蒸馏水冲洗残渣3-5次。如样品中含油脂,用10 ml石油谜分两次淋洗残渣。 3.3 小心取下滤纸,放入原称量瓶内,在103-105?烘箱中,打开瓶盖,每次烘 e work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityking style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete worxemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolutundertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and e practices. The development of various5 2小时取出,冷却后盖好瓶盖称重,直至恒重为止。 4.计算 总不可滤残渣(mg/L)=(A-B)*1000*1000/V A:总不可滤残渣+滤纸及称量瓶(g) B:滤纸及称量瓶重(g) V:水样体积(ml) 5.注意事项 5.1 树枝、水草、鱼等杂质应从水样中去除。 5.2 废水黏度较高时,可加2-4倍蒸馏水稀释,振荡均匀,待沉淀物下降后再过滤。 5.3 用中速定量滤纸时,用前应先用蒸馏水洗滤纸,以除去可溶性物质,再烘干至恒重。 PH值的测定 1. 仪器 1.1 PH值计 1.2 100ml的烧杯 2.操作步骤 2.1用蒸馏水仔细冲洗电极,用滤纸擦干电极,将电极侵入水样中,小心摇动使其均匀,待读数稳定后记录PH值。 ork assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityg style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete wworkinmplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute dertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exepractices. The development of various un6 3.注意事项 3.1 电极在使用前应在电极液中浸泡24小时以上,探头保持湿润。 3.2 测定时,玻璃电极的球泡应全部侵泡入溶液中。 3.3 注意电极的出厂日期、存放时间过长的电极将性能变劣。 氨氮的测定 1. 原理 氨氮以游离氨或铵盐形式存在于水中,两者的组成比取决于水的PH值。当PH值偏高时,游离氨的比例较高,反之,则铵盐的比例为高。 2. 仪器 2.1氨氮测定仪 2.2比色管 2.3刻度吸管 3.操作步骤 3.1取3支洗净专用比色管,分别加入5ml待测水样,然后在其中的2支比色管中加入2滴氨氮试剂1号,摇匀后加入3滴氨氮试剂2号。未加试剂的水样作为空白。 3.2将3支专用比色管擦拭干净后静置5分钟后等待测量。 3.3首先取没加试剂作为空白的专用比色管插入测定仪的比色孔,盖好遮光帽,按测定仪的“功能”键加4,显示“P”,输入曲线编号后按“确定”,进入水样 e work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityking style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete worxemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolutundertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and e practices. The development of various7 测量状态,如果显示E10说明曲线丢失,需要重新校准或输入曲线。正常应显示“AO”,按“确定”键开始清零,显示:A=0.000,稳定后按“确定”键,仪器显示“N1”。 3.4取另外2支装有水样的专用比色管中的一支,放入比色孔中按“确定”,仪器显示:A=0.000,稳定几秒钟后按“确定”键,显示C=*.***,数值即时为第一个水样的氨氮数值,然后再按“确定”键,显示“N2”;放入第二个水样其它操作与第一个水样,仪器显示“N3”后按“.”结束测量。将两个水样的测量值取平均,即为水样的氨氮测量结果。 VFA的测定方法 1. 原理 水样先以0.1000moI/L的盐酸标准滴定至PH=3,在这一PH值下,所有HCO3,被完全转化为H2CO3 ,VFA也几乎完全的转化为其非离子形式。此后,已被滴定至PH=3的水样在带有回流冷凝器的烧杯中煮沸,所有转化为H2CO3 的HCO3,将分解为CO2和H2O ,其中CO2 完全由其中逸出,而VFA则因为有回流冷凝器而保留在水样中。然后水样以0.1000moI/L的氢氧化钠标准溶液滴定至PH=6.5,在这一PH值下,所有的VFA和其他弱酸将被转化为其离子形式。由使用的盐酸和氢氧化钠标准溶液的量,即可计算出VFA的浓度。 2. 药品和仪器 ork assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityg style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete wworkinmplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute dertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exepractices. The development of various un8 2.1 0.1000moI/L的盐酸标准溶液 2.2 0.1000moI/L的氢氧化钠标准溶液 2.3 250ml烧瓶,250ml烧杯、移液管 2.4 回流冷凝装置 2.5 电子酸度计 3.操作步骤 3.1 安装酸度计 3.2 将水样离心(或过滤),准确取上清液Vml加入到250ml烧杯中。 3.3 在PH计上滴定水样至PH=3,消耗的0.1000moI/L的HCL标准溶液计作Zml。 3.4 将此水样转移至磨口烧瓶,加入沸石或玻璃珠少许,并安装回流冷凝器。开冷却水,加热沸腾并维持3分钟以上,撤离酒精灯并等待2分钟,将溶液转移回250ml烧杯。 3.5 以0.1000moI/L的氢氧化钠标准溶液滴定至PH=6.5。消耗的溶液计作bml。 4. 计算结果 VFA=(b*0.1000/v)*1000 碳酸氢盐碱度=(z-b)*1000/v e work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityking style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete worxemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolutundertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and e practices. The development of various9 污水溶解氧的测定方法 1. 膜电极法的方法原理 氧敏感薄膜电极由两个与支持电解质相接触的金属电极及选择性薄膜组成。薄膜只能透过氧和其他气体,水和可溶解物质不能透过。透过膜的氧气在电极上还原,产生微弱的扩散电流,在一定温度下其大小和水样溶解氧含量成正比。 2.仪器 溶解氧测定仪 3.步骤 3.1 测试前的准备 使用仪器时按说明书装配探头,并加入所需电解质。使用过的探头,要检查探头膜内是否有气泡或铁锈状物质。必要时,需取下薄膜重新装配。 3.2 水样的测定 将探头侵入水体中,尽可能避免探头上的盖膜碰到溶液中的尖锐物,以免割破盖膜.不要让气泡出现在探头周围.待仪器稳定后读数即可。 污水30分钟沉降比的测定方法 1. 仪器 100ml量筒 ork assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityg style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete wworkinmplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute dertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exepractices. The development of various un10 定时器 2. 操作步骤 取均匀的水样100ml,倒入干净的量筒中静止30分钟,30分钟后观察水样的沉淀情况,污泥沉淀的刻度,即为此水样的30分钟沉降比。 污水硫酸盐的测定方法 1. 方法原理 硫酸盐在盐酸溶液中,与加入的氯化钡形成硫酸钡沉淀,通过光波 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 ,测定污水中硫酸盐含量。 2. 仪器 硫酸盐测定仪 3. 试剂 硫酸盐试剂 4.操作步骤 准确量取水样10mL,注入比色瓶中,放入仪器比色管中,打开仪器开关,按清零,取出比色瓶加入硫酸根试剂一包,盖好瓶盖,振摇一分钟,再次放入仪器比色管中,消解5分钟后测定,直接读取结果。 e work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityking style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete worxemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolutundertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and e practices. The development of various11 污水五日生化需氧量的测定方法 1.方法原理 生化需氧量是指在规定条件下,微生物分解存在水中的某些可氧化物 质、特别是有机物所进行的生物化学过程中消耗溶解氧的量 。此生物氧 化全过程进行的时间很长,如在20?培养时,完成此过程需100天。目 前国内外普遍规定于20?1?培养5d,分别测定样品培养前后的溶解氧, 二者之差即为BOD5值,以氧的毫克/升(mg/l)表示。 2.仪器 2.1 恒温培养箱(20?1?) 2.2 5—20L细口玻璃瓶 2.3 1000-2000ml量筒 2.4 玻璃搅棒:棒的长度应比所用量筒高度长200mm。在棒的底端固定一个直径比量筒小、并带有几个小孔的硬橡胶板。 2.5溶解氧瓶:250ml—300ml之间,带有磨口玻璃塞并具有风口的钟形口。 2.6 虹吸管,供分取水样和添加稀释水用。 3.试剂 3.1磷酸缓冲溶液 3.2硫酸镁溶液 ork assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityg style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete wworkinmplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute dertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exepractices. The development of various un12 3.3氯化钙溶液 3.4氯化铁溶液 3.5盐酸溶液(0.5moI/L) 3.6氢氧化钠溶液(0.5moI/L) 3.7亚硫酸钠溶液(1/2Na2SO3=0.025 moI/L) 3.8葡萄糖-谷氨酸标准溶液 3.9稀释水 3.10接种稀释水 4.操作步骤 4.1水样的预处理 4.1.1 水样的PH值若超出6.5-7.5范围时,可用盐酸或氢氧化钠稀溶液调节PH值接近7,但用量不要超过水样体积的0.5%。若水样酸度和碱度很高,可改用高浓度的酸和碱进行中和。 4.1.2 水样中含有铜、铅、锌、铬、砷、氰等有毒物质时,可使用经驯化的微生物接种液的稀释水进行稀释,或提高稀释倍数以减少毒物的浓度。 4.1.3 含有少量游离氯的水样,一般放置1-2小时,游离氯即可消失。对于游离氯在短时间内不能消散的水样,可加入亚硫酸钠溶液,以除去之。 4.1.4 从水温较低的水域或富营养化的湖泊中采集的水样,可遇到含有过 e work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityking style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete worxemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolutundertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and e practices. The development of various13 饱和溶解氧,此时应将水样迅速升温至20? 左右,在不是满瓶的情况下,充分振摇,并时时开塞放气,以赶出饱和的溶解氧。 5.不经稀释水样的测定 溶解氧含量较高、有机物含量较少的地面水,可不经稀释,直接用虹吸法,将约20?的混匀水样转移入两个溶氧瓶内,转移过程中应注意不产生气泡,以同样的操作使两个溶解氧瓶充满水样后溢出少许,加塞。瓶内不应留有气泡。其中一瓶随即测定溶解氧,另一瓶的瓶口进行水封后,放入培养箱中,在20?1?培养5d,在培养过程中注意添加封口水。 从开始放入培养箱中计算起,经过五昼夜后,弃去封口水,测定剩余的溶解氧。 6.须经稀释的水样的测定 6.1一般稀释法 按照选定的稀释比例,用虹吸法沿筒壁先引入部分稀释水,于1000毫升的量筒中,加入需要量的均匀水样,再引入稀释水至800毫升,用带胶板的玻璃棒小心上下搅匀,搅拌时勿使胶棒的胶板露出水面放止产生气泡。 按不经稀释水样的测定相同的步骤,进行瓶装、测定当天溶解氧和培养5天后的溶解氧。 6.2直接稀释法 ork assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityg style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete wworkinmplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute dertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exepractices. The development of various un14 直接稀释法是在溶解氧瓶内直接稀释,在已知两个容积相同的溶解氧瓶内,用虹吸法加入部分稀释水,再加入根据瓶容积和稀释比例计算出的水量,然后用稀释水使其刚好充满,加塞,勿留气泡与瓶内,其余操作与上述一般稀释法相同。 在BOD5测定中,一般采用叠氮化钠改良法测定溶解氧,如遇干扰物质,应根据具体情况采用其他测定法。 7.计算 7.1 不经稀释直接培养的水样 BOD5(mg/l)=C1-C2 式中:C1—水样在培养前的溶解氧浓度(mg/l) C2—水样在培养后的溶解氧浓度(mg/l) 7.2 经稀释后培养的水样 BOD5(mg/l)={(C1-C2)-(B1-B2)*F1/F2 式中:B1—稀释水样在培养前的溶解氧浓度(mg/l) B2—稀释水样在培养后的溶解氧浓度(mg/l) F1—稀释水在培养液中所占的比例 F2—水样在培养液中所占的比例 8.精密度与精确度 三个化验室 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 5 mg/l葡萄糖的统一分发标准液的BOD5值,实验室 e work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityking style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete worxemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolutundertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and e practices. The development of various15 内相对标准偏差为5.6%,实验时间相对标准偏差为32.0%。 三个化验室分析300 mg/l葡萄糖的统一分发标准液的BOD5值,实验室内相对标准偏差为2.1%,实验时间相对标准偏差为2.1%。 污水总悬浮物和挥发性悬浮物的测定方法 1.仪器 1.1 离心机、过滤用的滤杯、滤纸 1.2 恒温干燥箱 1.3 马弗炉 1.4 瓷坩埚 1.5 干燥器 1.6 分析天平 2.操作步骤 2.1 将定量滤纸放入干净的过滤用的铝杯,放入105?干 燥至恒重,质量记作ag。 2.2 将坩埚在马弗炉内灼烧至恒重,质量记作bg。 2.3 取Vml水样置于离心管内,于5000转/min离心10min然后将定量滤纸在铝杯中放置好,以蒸馏水湿润,在抽吸的作用下将离心管内的上清液过滤后,将离心管内的沉淀转移至滤纸上,并用蒸馏水少许洗涤离心 ork assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityg style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete wworkinmplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute dertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exepractices. The development of various un16 管,使沉淀全部经滤纸过滤。 2.4 将带有沉淀物和滤纸的铝杯在105?2?下,干燥至恒重,质量记作cg。 2.5 将铝杯中的滤纸连同沉淀物全部转移至瓷坩埚,在通风橱内小心燃烧至不再冒烟,然后置于马弗炉,在600?下灼烧2h,待马弗炉温降至100?后,取出坩埚,在干燥器中冷却后称重,质量记作dg。 3.计算 TSS=(c-a)*1000/V (g/l) 灰分=(d-b)*1000/V (g/l) VSS=TSS-灰分 污水总固体和挥发性固体的测定方法 1. 仪器 1.1恒温干燥箱 1.2马弗炉 1.3瓷坩埚 1.4干燥器 1.5分析天平 2. 操作步骤 e work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityking style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete worxemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolutundertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and e practices. The development of various17 2.1 将瓷坩埚洗涤后在600?马弗炉灼烧1h,带炉温降至100?后,取出瓷坩埚于干燥器中冷却,称重,重复以上操作至恒重,计作ag。 2.2 取Vml水样(约25ml或1-2g污泥)置于坩埚,如果样品为污泥可将其与坩埚一起称重记作bg。 2.3 将干燥后的样品的坩埚在通风橱里燃烧至不再冒烟,取出瓷坩埚并与干燥器中冷却后称重,质量记作cg。然后放入马弗炉,在600?下灼烧2h,带炉温降至100?时,取出坩埚并与干燥器干燥后称重,质量记作dg。 3.计算 TS=(c-a)*1000/V (g/l) 灰分=(d-a)*1000/V (g/l) VS=TS-灰分 二氧化硫的测定方法 1.仪器与药品 硫代硫酸钠标准溶液 碘标准溶液 重铬酸钾 淀粉 2.操作步骤 量取100ml蒸馏水与250ml锥形瓶中,加入20ml 水样均匀摇动后加2ml 淀粉指示剂,立即用碘标准溶液滴定至出现浅蓝色30秒不变为终点。 3. 计算 ork assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityg style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete wworkinmplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute dertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exepractices. The development of various un18 二氧化硫(mg/l)=C*V1*32*1000/V 注:C—碘标准溶液浓度(moL/l) V1—滴定水样时碘标准溶液的用量(ml) V—水样体积(ml) 32—碘的摩尔质量(g/moL) e work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityking style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete worxemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolutundertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and e practices. The development of various19 化验室安全注意事项 化验室工作因其特殊性,需要格外注意安全。日常工作中的几个问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,需要从事水质分析工作的同仁予以重视。 一、要认真检查和正确使用加热设备 ?( 经常检查电热设备所用电源的导线是否完整无损,垫板是否合适;经常检查蒸馏设备的冷却用胶管是否完好,各接口部位是否连接牢固。 ?( 开启电源开关时,不能用湿手或者眼睛旁视不注意地进行操作,以免发生意外时因没有注意而造成伤害。 ?( 当进行加热、蒸馏及有关用火或电热工作时,不得随意离开,谨防无冷却水热蒸馏的情况出现。 二、仪器的安全使用及正确使用 ?( 仪器应放置在平稳且牢固的工作台上,具备必要的防尘措施,并且要注意防止阳光直射仪器。仪器不许接近加热火源。 ?( 掌握仪器的性能和使用方法,开启前注意检查所用电源的电压是否正常。 ?( 标准量器如砝码、滴定管、移液管、容量瓶等要特别爱护,务必轻拿轻放,防止磕碰,尤其是砝码要用专用镊子拿取,严禁用手直接抓取。 ?( 称量时,严禁将称量物直接放在称量盘上,要使用称量皿或称量瓶。 ?( 一般玻璃器皿应当分门别类地安置在专门的橱柜内,以避免意外碰破。 ork assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityg style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete wworkinmplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolute dertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and exepractices. The development of various un20 三、化学试剂的安全存放及安全使用 ?( 剧毒化学试剂应存放在保险柜中,保险柜钥匙及密码分别由两位保管员掌握,实行双人双锁管理。 ?( 挥发性有机试剂应放在通风良好的仓库中,酸碱性试剂分开存放,氧化剂和还原剂要间隔放置,易吸潮性试剂要存放于干燥通风处或干燥器内。 ?( 取用硝酸、氢氟酸等液体试剂时,必须带上橡皮手套。开启氨水等易挥发的试剂瓶时,决不可使瓶口对着自己或他人的脸部,尤其在夏季,以防大量气体喷出造成伤害。 ?( 一些涉及有毒的气体和蒸汽的操作,必须在通风橱中进行。 ?( 稀释硫酸时必须缓慢将硫酸加到水中,不能将水加到硫酸中。 ?( 可燃性物质如乙醇等有机溶剂,不可放在电炉或其他火源附近,因为易燃性有机溶剂的蒸汽大都比空气重,能在地面或工作台上流动,而在远的地方被点燃。 ?( 化验室应放置适量灭火器、灭火沙或其他灭火器材,以备急用。 当然实际工作还有许多需要注意的地方,这就要求我们工作中认真执行操作规范,时刻牢记安全生产。 e work assigned by the superior party. Third, focus on improving service, the abilityking style, good at policy advocacy, and to perform good decisions of party committees and Governments, determined to complete worxemplary role of party members is unworthy party members. Both staff members and no staff members, both vigorous and resolutundertakings, requires each party to pay and hard work. No free ride thing under the Sun, if you cannot play a vanguard and e practices. The development of various21
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