首页 《资本论》第二卷



《资本论》第二卷《资本论》第二卷 《资本论》第二卷概述 • 本卷是由马克思写作、恩克斯整理出版的,出版于1885年。由于马克思先后留下了八分手稿,但都残缺不全,故本卷的一些节、段落之间联系不太紧密。 《资本论》第二卷结构 • 本卷研究资本的流通过程,分别从宏、微观角度考察产业资本运动的形态变化和实现条件。共包括三篇21章。 • 第一、二篇从微观角度分析资本运动;第三篇分析宏观资本运动。 • 第一篇:资本形态变化及其循环。包括1-6章。 • ?(1-3章考察三种资本形态变化及其循环; • ?(第四章综合分析三种形态变化及...

《资本论》第二卷 《资本论》第二卷概述 • 本卷是由马克思写作、恩克斯整理出版的,出版于1885年。由于马克思先后留下了八分手稿,但都残缺不全,故本卷的一些节、段落之间联系不太紧密。 《资本论》第二卷结构 • 本卷研究资本的流通过程,分别从宏、微观角度考察产业资本运动的形态变化和实现条件。共包括三篇21章。 • 第一、二篇从微观角度 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 资本运动;第三篇分析宏观资本运动。 • 第一篇:资本形态变化及其循环。包括1-6章。 • ?(1-3章考察三种资本形态变化及其循环; • ?(第四章综合分析三种形态变化及实现条件; • ?(第5-6章考察资本的流通时间,分析了流通费用问题。 • 特征:个别资本的运动过程 个别资本的形态变化 资本运动与流通费用 第二篇:资本周转 • 包括7-17章,可分四部分。 ?(第7章为导论部分,对资本周转作基本介绍; ?(第8-11章考察固定资本和流动资本 的周转方式及对资本周转的影响,并分析了古典学派的有关理论; • ?(第12-14章研究生产时间和流通时间对资本周转的影响; • ?(第15-17章从不同角度分析资本周转速度对剩余价值生产的影响。 • 特征:以动态分析为基础 • 具体——抽象 第三篇:社会总资本的再生产和流通 -21章。 包括第18 • ?(第18章分析研究对象及研究的主要内容; requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause • ?(第19章批判古典学派的再生产理论; 《资本论》第二卷结构 • ?(第20章阐述社会总资本简单再生产的实现条件; • ?(第21章阐述社会总资本扩大再生产的实现条件。 • 特征:以社会总资本为研究对象 以均衡分析为主要方法 研究方法 • 1、微观和宏观相结合 企业资本运动——社会总资本 • 2、均衡分析 微观与宏观均衡相统一 • 3、动态分析 以资本的持续运动为基础 研究方法 同主流经济学的比较: 目标:当事人经济利益最大化 过程:经济当事人的行为及判断 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 一般标准:社会福利最大——帕累托最优 特征:不同市场条件下的不同标准 缺陷:垄断、外部性等 资本循环 1、资本循环 个别资本运动首先 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现为资本的循环过程。即从货币资本出发,经过不同 阶段的运动,以更大数量的货币资本返回的运动过程。 资本运动理论的基本内容 资本运动的三个阶段: ?(购买阶段:G----W 资本运动的起始阶段,也是剩余价值生产的准备阶段。 货币既执行流通手段的职能,也执行资本的职能。 ?(生产阶段:W----P-----W` 劳动者和生产资料相结合,资本采取生产资本的形式。 生产剩余价值的过程。 生产资料的所有制决定剩余价值归资本家所有。 perty, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a writtennd proing group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured areporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leadfree prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-ion cell phone 8 and fireunicatXu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, comme: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, our arthe scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labng of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect scue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dorequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency reand handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause reatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigationncy trecord, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emerge 2 资本运动理论的基本内容 ?(售卖阶段:W`----G` 资本采取商品资本的形式。 商品资本的职能是实现剩余价值。 实现剩余价值的速度和规模对资本的运动具有重要意义。 资本运动的总过程: 货币资本——生产资本——商品资本 G----W----P----W`----G` ※资本的运动过程是以增殖为目的; ※在不同阶段资本执行不同的职能; ※只有在不断的运动过程中才能实现价值增殖。 2、资本循环顺利进行的条件 ※产业资本在空间上的并存性 ——货币资本、生产资本、商品资本并存 ※产业资本在时间上的继起性 ——三种职能形式的资本依次转化过程 对资本的理解: “资本作为自行增殖的价值,不仅包含着阶级关系,包含着建立在劳动作为雇佣劳动而存在的基础上的一定的社会性质。它是一种运动,是一个经过各个不同阶段的循环过程,这个过程本身又包含着循环过程的三种不同形式。因此,它只能理解为运动,而不能理解为静止物” 比较:西方主流经济学的资本含义 资本正常运动的条件 3、“价值革命”的影响 ※价值变动对资本投入量的影响。 价值变动—生产要素价值降低— 资本的最低投资界限下降。 ※价值变动对资本再生产规模的影响。 ※对货币资本储备的影响。 4、资本周转理论 含义:周而复始的资本循环过程。 研究资本周转问题,主要是分析资本运动速度对剩余价值生产的影响。 资本运动速度主要受资本周转方式和周转时间的影响。 ?(资本周转方式 固定资本:价值逐步转移——货币资金积累——固定资本更新 流动资本:一次全部转移——一次全部更新 • 特点 ——转移方式不同 ——转移速度不同 ——价值预付和回收方式不同 not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving th etent,free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the compighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a f-firethe site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for spar with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the woundeding group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, lead up: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescueformulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading gro requirements is8.8.2.4, after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the causetimely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents. t in arial evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatmenpanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant matets exe report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent acciden3 ——使用价值更新的频率不同 • 影响 预付资本周转是固定资本的平均周转,与固定资本的比重成反比,与流动 资本的比重成正比。这是其一般规律。 • 两种资本比例不同,运动速度不同。 ※悖论:比例变化——技术进步 资本运动理论的基本内容 ?(资本周转时间 ※周转时间 = 生产时间 + 流通时间 ※周转次数 = 1年时间 ? 资本周转一次的时间 前者与周转速度成反比,后者与周转速度成正比。 生产时间:劳动时间——创造价值 非劳动时间 流通时间:购买时间 售卖时间——实现价值 资本运动理论的基本内容 5、资本周转速度的影响 ※预付资本的数量:生产规模的大小 追加资本数量 ※年剩余价值的数量:主要是通过可 变资本的运动实现的。 ※影响社会总资本的再生产 热点问题讨论 1、经济增长方式的转变 扩大再生产的形式:外延的扩大再生产 内涵的扩大再生产 马克思:“如果生产场所扩大了,就是外延上扩大;如果生产资料的效率提高 了,就是在内涵上扩大”(192) 理论界的争论: 外延: ——生产资料增加,生产规模扩大 ——增加劳动者人数和劳动量,使产量增加 ——追加投资,生产规模扩大 内涵: ——生产资料效率提高 ——提高劳动生产率 record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emerge perty, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a writtennd proing group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured areporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leadfree prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-ion cell phone 8 and fireunicatXu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, comme: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, our arthe scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labng of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect scue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dorequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency reand handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause reatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigationncy t4 ——不追加投资而扩大生产规模 应综合考虑扩大再生产的两种方式。 联系实际: 我国经济增长方式:粗放型——集约型 任何经济增长都是通过生产要素的有机结合实现的,而生产要素的结合方式在很大程度上受技术水平、经济体制的制约和影响。 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 经济体制和市场经济体制对经济增长方式产生不同的要求。 2、资本运动的现实作用 货币是发动社会再生产整个过程的第一推动力和持续的动力。 第一,它是每个单个资本登上舞台,作为资本开始其运动过程的形式。因此,它表现为发动整个过程的第一推动力。 第二,由于周转时间的长短不同,必须不断以货币形式推动的生产资本数量不同,即连续进行的生产规模之间的比例也就不同。 第三,货币资本是在生产正常进行的必要条件。 马克思:“无论是社会地考察还是个别地考察,要求货币形式的资本或货币资本作为每一个新开办的企业的第一推动力和持续的动力。特别是流动资本,要求货币资本作为动力经过一段短时间不断地反复出现。 ” 现实性: ※创业贷款的提出 市场经济的不断发展和完善,使致力于自我创业的城乡人口增长,但新开办企业最需要的就是启动资金,在这种情况下,货币的这种“第一推动力”的作用会越来越清楚地显现出来。 3、现代市场经济条件下的资本运动 资本流动方向——行业选择 资本运动形式——重建、收购等 资本运动手段——实物、金融产品 资本运动过程——生产、整合等 案例:三九集团的成功 1996年以900万控股兼并了四川雅安制药厂,当年赚2000万,97年追加投资800万,又赚了近5000万,98年又追加部分投资,赚了9000万。三九雅安年产销量约6亿元、年出口量达2000万美元,是个竞争力很强的大型企业。 成功经验: 知名品牌的竞争力; 资金的推动力; 销售网络的转化能力; 管理机制的灵活性; 案例:北京裕兴 ※行业:北京裕兴现有主要产业是VCD。 该产业处于过度竞争状态, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving th etent,free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the compighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a f-firethe site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for spar with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the woundeding group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, lead up: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescueformulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading gro requirements is8.8.2.4, after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the causetimely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents. t in arial evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatmenpanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant matets exe report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent acciden5 ※资本运行:裕兴在香港创业板上市,拿回几个亿现金。 ※资本流向:裕兴决定进行产业调整,从 VCD转向电脑。 ※资本运行方式:收购方正科技的流通股,成为第一大股东,然后改组董事会,接管方正科技的经营,将裕兴的科技、生产、销售网络等装进方正科技。 ※结局:仅成为方正一个大股东 4、没有积累的扩大再生产 ※由于科技进步而出现效率更高的机器设备 ※劳动生产率提高使原有固定资本的价值降低 ※折旧基金利息用作积累,扩大再生产 ※通过折旧基金再投资而扩大再生产 资本周转 一、研究对象及结构 对象:研究社会总资本的周转方式和周转速度问题。资本周转是指预付资本的价值周转,是周而复始的资本循环过程。 结构:由7——17章共十一章组成,可分为四部分。 1、第七章 导论部分。提出了资本周转的一般性定义,及衡量资本运动的两个 指标。 2、第8---11章 考察固定资本和流动资本的周转方式,及其对资本周转的影响, 着重考察固定资本的周转。 3、第12---14章 研究生产时间和劳动时间对资本周转的影响,主要是考察流动 资本。 、第15----17章 资本周转对剩余价值生产的影响。 4 该篇采用了由一般到特殊的叙述方法。 二、主要理论 1、资本周转的内涵 资本周转是周而复始的资本循环过程。研究资本周转的目的是考察资本周转速度对剩余价值生产的影响。资本周转速度可由资本周转时间和资本周转次数表示。 周转时间 = 生产时间 + 流通时间 周转次数 = 1年时间 ? 资本周转一次的时间 perty, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a writtennd proing group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured areporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leadfree prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-ion cell phone 8 and fireunicatXu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, comme: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, our arthe scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labng of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect scue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dorequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency reand handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause reatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigationncy trecord, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emerge 6 前者与周转速度成反比,后者与周转速度成正比。 2、资本周转方式 资本周转受多种因素的影响。首先是生产资本构成的影响。生产资本按其价值转移方式可分为固定资本和流动资本,这两部分资本的比重不同直接影响预付总资本的周转速度。 固定资本:使用价值不参加流通,始终在生产领域中发挥作用;价值随使用价值的磨损逐步转移。 固定资本的磨损:使用价值的磨损和价值的磨损。 固定资本的更新:固定资本的更新是物质替换和价值补偿的统一。主要受两方面因素的制约:一是固定资本的价值尚未转移完毕,资本家不愿提前更新。这是新技术推广的一个障碍;一是由于竞争的加剧,迫使资本家提前进行更新,这是技术进步的动力。 流动资本:使用价值一次投入、一次耗费;价值随使用价值的消失一次全部转移。 固定资本和流动资本周转方式的差别: ————周转形式不同 ————周转时间不同 ————价值预付和回收方式不同 ————使用价值更新的频率不同 预付资本周转是固定资本的平均周转,与固定资本的比重成反比,与流动资本的比重成正比。这是其一般规律。 3、资本周转时间 资本周转时间是由生产时间和流通时间构成。它们对资本周转都会产生重要影响。 生产时间:资本停留在生产领域的时间,又分为劳动时间和非劳动时间。 劳动时间,即生产一件产品所需要的工作时间。首先是影响资本周转速度,其次是影响预付资本的数量。 非劳动时间包括三部分,在资本周转中起不同作用: ——产品受自然力作用时间 ——生产资料的储备时间 ——停工时间 非劳动时间尽管是客观需要,但在这一时间生产资本并不发挥作用,资本呈闲置状态,所以要尽可能缩短非劳动时间,提高资本的使用效率。 流通时间:资本在流通领域停留的时间,包括购买时间和售卖时间。 购买时间,即货币资本转化为生产资本的时间。 售卖时间,资本实现价值和剩余价值的时间,是流通时间中有决定意义的部分。 流通时间受下述因素的影响 ——商品产地与市场的距离 ——交通运输条件 ——市场因素 timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents. t in arial evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatmenpanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant matets exe report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidennot later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving th etent,free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the compighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a f-firethe site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for spar with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the woundeding group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, lead up: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescueformulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading gro requirements is8.8.2.4, after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause7 4、资本周转的影响 资本周转对资本运动和剩余价值的影响表现在: ——影响预付资本的数量 ——影响年剩余价值率和年剩余价值量 年剩余价值率 = 年剩余价值量 / 预付可变资本的数量 ——影响社会总资本的再生产 三、值得研究和思考的问题 1、扩大再生产的形式:外延和内涵的扩大再生产 马克思:“如果生产场所扩大了,就是外延上扩大;如果生产资料的效率提 高了,就是在内涵上扩大”(192) 理论界的争论: 外延: ——生产资料增加,生产规模扩大 ——增加劳动者人数和劳动量,使产量增加 ——追加投资,生产规模扩大 内涵: ——生产资料效率提高 ——提高劳动生产率 ——不追加投资而扩大生产规模 应综合考虑扩大再生产的两种方式。 联系实际:我国经济增长方式的转变,粗放型——集约型 任何经济增长都是通过生产要素的有机结合实现的,而生产要素的结合方式在很大程度上受经济体制的制约和影响。计划经济体制和市场经济体制对经济增长方式产生不同的要求。 2、固定资本更新是经济危机周期性爆发的物质基础 马克思:“这种由若干相互联系的周期组成的包括若干年的周期(资本被它 的固定组成部分束缚在这种周期之内),为周期性的危机造成了物质基础”。 原因:固定资本更新 ? 对生产资料的需求增加 ? 生产规模扩大 ? 就业人数增加 ? 市场需求增加 ? 生产膨胀,矛盾加剧 问题:随着固定资本更新速度的加快,经济危机的爆发是否更加频繁, 3、如何理解没有积累的扩大再生产, ——由于科技进步而出现效率更高的机器设备 ——劳动生产率提高使原有固定资本的价值降低 ——折旧基金利息用作积累,扩大再生产 ——通过折旧基金再投资而扩大再生产 perty, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a writtennd proing group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured areporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leadfree prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-ion cell phone 8 and fireunicatXu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, comme: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, our arthe scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labng of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect scue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dorequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency reand handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause reatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigationncy trecord, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emerge 8 第三篇 社会总资本的再生产和流通 一、研究对象及结构 研究对象:社会总资本的运动,即社会总资本的再生产及流通。与个别资本 相比具有如下特征: 1、社会总资本运动不仅包括生产消费,而且包括个消费 2、社会总资本运动不仅包括资本流通,而且包括商品流通 3、社会总资本运动不仅包括价值补偿,而且包括物质补偿 结构:本篇包括第18—21章,分为四个部分。 1、第18章:导言 阐述研究对象及主要内容 2、第19章:前人对这个问题的阐述 批判古典学派再生产理论的错误 3、第20章:简单再生产 分析社会总资本简单再生产的实现条件 4、第21 章 积累和扩大再生产 分析扩大再生产的实现条件 方法论:宏观分析方法 对社会总资本运动进行总体考察,揭示社会总资本 运动的规律。 数量分析方法 分析社会总资本再生产的比例及平衡条件。 抽象分析法 从抽象到具体。 二、主要理论 1、社会总资本再生产的理论基础 社会总资本是相互联系、相互依存的个别资本的总和。马克思考察社会 总资本的运动是以商品资本为对象,所以社会总资本的运动就表现为社会总 商品资本的循环运动。社会总商品资本即社会总产品。 社会总产品的构成 按其最终用途,社会总产品可分为生产资料和生 活资料,与此相适应,社会物质生产部门也分为两大部类:生产生产资料的 部门(?)和生产生活资料的部门(?)。社会总产品从价值上可分为C.V.M 三个组成部分。 社会总资本再生产的核心问题 即社会总产品的实现问题,包括价值 补偿和实物补偿。 前面考察个别资本的运动主要研究价值补偿的问题,至于物质补偿的问 题是作为生产的外部条件,并不加以考察;而研究社会总资本的再生产问题, 就必须将物质补偿作为内在条件进行分析。这是因为: 1)物质补偿是社会总资本的内在活动。 2)价值补偿和实物补偿相互联系、相互依存。 因此社会总资本的再生产就要求社会总产品各组成部分之间保证一定 的比例关系。 货币资本在社会再生产中的作用 货币资本是社会总资本再生产的第 一推动力和持续推动力。 2、社会总资本的简单再生产 简单再生产是指在原有规模上重复进行的再生产,它不是人类社会再生 产的典型形式,但却包含了人类社会再生产的基本规律。这是因为:1)简单 再生产包含了社会总资本再生产实现条件和比例关系;2)简单再生产是扩大 再生产的基础。所以,研究社会总资本再生产要从简单再生产开始。 not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving th etent,free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the compighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a f-firethe site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for spar with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the woundeding group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, lead up: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescueformulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading gro requirements is8.8.2.4, after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the causetimely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents. t in arial evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatmenpanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant matets exe report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent acciden9 简单再生产的实现条件 马克思根据社会总产品从价值上分为C+V+M,从物质上分为两大部类的基本理论,设计了如下图式: 假定 剩余价值率m’=100% 资本有机构成C/V=4/1 ?4000C+1000V+1000M=6000 ?2000C+500V+500M=3000 要使社会总资本再生产顺利进行,实现产品的价值补偿和实物补偿,就必须进行交换。马克思认为存在着三大交换关系 第?部类内部的交换 4000C 第?部类内部的交换 500V+500M 两大部类之间的交换 1000V+1000M与2000C 从上述交换过程可以总结出简单再生产的实现条件: ?(V+M)=?C ?(C+V+M)=?C+?C ?(C+V+M)=?(V+M)+?(V+M) 如果上述交换条件不相等,必然会有部分产品的价值无法实现,使再生产过程中断。 第?部类内部的比例关系 马克思认为生活资料的生产可分为生活必需品和奢侈品。在上述?(500V+500M)中,假定生活必需品和奢侈品的比例是4:1,剩余价值中用于购买生活必需品和奢侈品的比例为3:2,则?(500V+500M)就会分割为: a 400V + 240M + 160M 必需品 ? ?b 100V + 60M + 40M 奢侈品 通过交换,?b的工人和资本家用100V + 60M换会必需品,?a的资本家用160M换到奢侈品,因而第二部类内部的交换得以完成,产品在价值和物质两方面得到补偿。第二部类内部的比例关系对社会再生产有决定性的作用。马克思在这里强调社会需求结构对社会生产结构的决定性影响。同样,第一部类内部也存在着重要的比例关系。 固定资本补偿中的比例关系 上述分析是假定固定资本价值在一年内全部转移完毕,全部进行更新。但在现实的经济活动中,固定资本价值是随着磨损而逐步转移的。由于固定资本的使用年限和投入使用的时间各不相同,固定资本的更新时间必然不同。因此,当一部分固定资本的使用寿命终结,需要进行物质替换时,另一部分正处于使用之中,进行价值折旧。只有当这两部分固定资本不仅在价值量上保持平衡,而且在使用价值上得到满足时,固定资本的补偿才能实现。但在实际经济运行中,平衡只是一种偶然现象,当固定资本中需要物质更新的部分大于需要价值补偿的部分时,市场上的生产资料就会出现短缺;反之就会出现剩余。对外贸易可以使这种状况得到缓解,但不能根本解决。 3.社会总资本的扩大再生产 perty, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a writtennd proing group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured areporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leadfree prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-ion cell phone 8 and fireunicatXu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, comme: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, our arthe scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labng of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect scue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dorequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency reand handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause reatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigationncy trecord, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emerge 10 社会总资本的扩大再生产,是一部分剩余价值转化为资本,生产规模在扩大的基础上重复进行。资本积累的实现必须满足一定的条件。 资本积累的条件 实现资本积累必须满足两方面的条件:货币积累和实际积累。货币积累是指不断将剩余价值资本化,直至扩大再生产所必须的资本数量。技术水平和产品的性质决定了货币资本积累的最低数量界限。实际积累是指货币积累达到最低数量界限后,用来购买一定的生产资料,在物质上保证扩大再生产的进行。进行货币积累只卖而不买,从流通中取出货币;而实际积累则只买而不卖,向流通领域投入货币。因此,积累的正常进行必须使这两种积累方式保持平衡,在商品经济中这种平衡主要是靠市场调节实现的。如果平衡无法保持,必然造成过剩。 扩大再生产的前提条件 马克思认为,扩大再生产不取决于货币的数量,而是一国生产要素的数量,即可供追加的生产资料和生活资料。用公式表示如下: ?(V+M)>?C 社会总产品中有可供追加的生产资料 ?(C+V+M)>?(V+M/X)+ ?(V+M/X) 社会总产品中有可供追加的生活资料。 因此,要进行扩大再生产,就必须在积累一定数量货币资本的同时,保证具有相应的物质资料的剩余,从而使货币资本积累和物质资料的剩余之间保持平衡。 扩大再生产的实现条件 根据上述前提条件,马克思举例说明了扩大再生产的实现过程。 扩大再生产的实现条件 假定?部类资本有机构成为4/1,?部类资本有机构成为2/1,Mˊ=100%,剩余价值中用于资本积累的比重为50%。扩大再生产的进程如下: ?4000C+1000V+1000M=6000 ?1500C+750V+750M=3000 这是第一个生产周期结束后社会总资本扩大再生产开始前的社会总产品结构。 根据假定条件,社会总资本扩大再生产按如下方式进行。 ?4000C+400ΔC+1000V+100ΔV+500M/X=6000 ?1500C+100ΔC+750V+50ΔV+600M/X=3000 第二个生产周期结束后社会总产品的构成如下: ?4400C+1100V+1100M=6600 ?1600C+800V+800M=3200 社会总产品由9000增长到9800,扩大再生产得以实现。据此可以计算第二、第三等以后各周期的再生产规模。 社会总资本扩大再生产的实现条件如下: ?(V+ΔV+M/X)=?(C+ΔC) 这一实现条件反映了社会总资本扩大再生产过程中两大部类间相互制约、互为条件的平衡关系。 etent,free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the compighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a f-firethe site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for spar with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the woundeding group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, lead up: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescueformulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading gro requirements is8.8.2.4, after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the causetimely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents. t in arial evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatmenpanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant matets exe report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidennot later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving th11 ?(C+V+M)=?(C+ΔC)+?(C+ΔC) ?(C+V+M)=?(V+ΔV+M/X)+?(V+ΔV+M/X) 上述条件说明,两大部类的积累和生产规模的扩大要同步进行,对生产资料和生活资料的供求也要维持平衡。 三、值得研究和思考的问题 1、如何认识马克思再生产理论中的供求均衡思想 马克思的宏观经济分析是社会总产品为出发点,研究社会总资本再生产过程正常进行所必须满足的实现条件,包含着丰富的均衡思想。 总量均衡 即总供给和总需求的均衡。根据再生产理论,社会总资本运动过程中,第一部类生产资料的生产要与第二部类对生产资料的需求相适应;第二部类生活资料的生产要与第一部类对生活资料的需求相适应。只有两大部类之间保持均衡,社会总资本的运动才能正常进行。从社会总产品的角度来考察,可以表述为: ?(C+V+M) +?(C+V+M) = ?C+?C+?(V+M)+?(V+M) 等式左边表示总供给,右边表示总需求。所以,再生产的实现条件实际上就是社会总产品的总供给与总需求均衡。马克思对总量均衡的分析主要表现为价值形式上的均衡。 结构均衡 即两大部类之间及各部类内部的均衡。马克思将社会总产品的供求概括为三大均衡体系: 两大部类之间的结构均衡 两大部类内部的结构均衡 固定资本更新与价值折旧间的均衡 结构均衡是总量均衡的基础,所以,马克思的再生产理论是结构均衡和总量均衡的统一。 2、关于生产资料优先增长的问题 如果考虑到技术进步的因素,社会总资本运动从长远来看具有明显的生产资料优先增长的发展趋势。列宁在此基础上明确提出生产资料优先增长的理论。 第一年:?4000C+1000V+1000M=6000 ?1500C+750V+750M=3000 第二年:假定第一部类的资本有机构成由4/1提高到9,第二部类由2/1提高到5/1。 ?4000C+450ΔC+1000V+50ΔV+500M/X ?1500C+50ΔC+750V+10ΔV+690M/X 到第二个生产周期结束时,社会总产品构成如下: ?4450C+1050V+1050M=6550 ?1550C+760V+760M=3070 ncy trecord, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emerge perty, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a writtennd proing group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured areporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leadfree prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-ion cell phone 8 and fireunicatXu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, comme: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, our arthe scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labng of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect scue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dorequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency reand handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause reatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation12 第三年: 假定第一部类的资本有机构成由9/1上升到20/1,二部类由5/1上升到10/1。 ?4450C+500ΔC+1050V+25ΔV+525M/X ?1550C+50ΔC+760V+5ΔV+705M/X 到第三个生产周期结束时,社会总产品的构成如下: ?4950C+1075V+1075M=7100 ?1600C+765V+765M=3130 仅从上述两年的增长可以看到,生产生产资料的生产资料由4000增至4950,增幅为123%;生产生活资料的生产资料由2000增至2150,增幅为107%;增长最慢的是生活资料,增幅为104%。社会总产品的平均增幅为113%。 从论述中可以看出,生产规模的扩大必须改进技术,采用更先进的机器设备,从而要求生产资料的优先增长。列宁据此提出了生产资料优先增长的理论,对后来的社会主义国家的经济建设有着严重影响。 3、学习《资本论》?卷的现实意义 马克思的再生产理论,不仅揭示了社会总资本的流通规律,而且揭示了一般商品流通规律,对指导我国的经济建设具有重要意义。 对微观经济活动的指导意义: 1)企业经济活动的动力 2)企业经济活动的连续性 3)企业经济活动的效果 企业资本运动正常进行的必要性、条件、措施,及评价标准。 对宏观经济活动的指导意义 : 1)保证国民经济的综合平衡 2)建立合理的经济结构 3)构筑适宜的经济体制 理论来自实践,更重要的是指导实践。对马克思经济理论的认识和掌 握,必须和中国经济改革的具体实践相结合,在具体的经济活动中深化对马克思经济理论的认识。 free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the compighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a f-firethe site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for spar with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the woundeding group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, lead up: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescueformulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading gro requirements is8.8.2.4, after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the causetimely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents. t in arial evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatmenpanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant matets exe report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidennot later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving th etent,13
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