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权力的游戏 中英剧本第二集


权力的游戏 中英剧本第二集孩子你得喝水呀You need to drink, child. 也要吃东西And eat. 没有别的食物可吃吗Isn't there anything else? 多斯拉克人有两样东西最多The Dothraki have two things in abundance: 青草和马人可不能吃草Grass and horses. People can't live on grass. 据说在亚夏彼方的阴影之地In the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai, 有一片鬼草海they s...

权力的游戏 中英剧本第二集
孩子你得喝水呀You need to drink, child. 也要吃东西And eat. 没有别的食物可吃吗Isn't there anything else? 多斯拉克人有两样东西最多The Dothraki have two things in abundance: 青草和马人可不能吃草Grass and horses. People can't live on grass. 据说在亚夏彼方的阴影之地In the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai, 有一片鬼草海they say there are fields of ghost grass 那草的茎杆雪白如奶夜间熠熠发光with stalks as pale as milk that glow in the night. 这种草会杀死其余的草It murders all other grass. 多斯拉克人认为有朝一日The Dothraki believe that one day 鬼草将覆盖一切世界就是这么完蛋的it will cover everything-- that's the way the world will end. 你会适应的It'll get easier. 卡丽熙Khaleesi! 您的手Your hands. 陛下我们离开潘托斯还不算远We're still not far from Pentos, your Grace. 伊利里欧总督热情慷慨Magister Illyrio has extended his hospitality. 您在那儿会舒适得多You'd be more comfortable there. 我现在不管什么舒不舒适I have no interest in hospitality or comfort. 我要跟着卓戈I'll stay with Drogo 直到他完成交易帮我夺回王冠until he fulfills his end of the bargain and I have my crown. 如您所愿陛下As you wish, your Grace. 莫尔蒙虽说流亡生活很艰苦Well, Mormont, as brutish as this life is, 但我觉着总比掉脑袋强I suppose it is preferable to beheading. 奈德·史塔克为什么通缉你What did Ned Stark want you for? 从奴隶贩子手里买奴隶Buying from a slaver? 是向他们贩卖Selling to one-- 在我领地上抓到的几个盗猎者some poachers I caught on my land. 倘若是我掌权绝不会因这等小事惩罚你Under my reign, you won't be punished for such nonsense. 你尽可放心You can rest assured of that. 这些母狗比你以前搞的可好看多了舅舅Better-looking bitches than you're used to, Uncle. 我母亲一直在找你My mother's been looking for you. 我们今日就启程回君临We ride for King's Landing today. 走之前你要去拜见史塔克公爵和夫人Before you go, you will call on Lord and Lady Stark 表达你的同情and offer your sympathies. 我向他们表达同情有什么用What good will my sympathies do them? 一点用都没有但这是应尽的礼数None. But it is expected of you. 大家已经注意到你缺席了Your absence has already been noted. 那史塔克小孩算什么东西The boy means nothing to me. 我可不想去听老女人哭哭啼啼And I can't stand the wailing of women. 你敢再说一句我就再赏你一记耳光One word and I'll hit you again. 我要去告诉妈妈I'm telling mother! 尽管去告吧Go! Tell her. 但你首先去乖乖地拜见史塔克公爵夫妇But first you will get to Lord and Lady Stark 我要你在他们面前跪下and you will fall on your knees in front of them 说你对此感到非常遗憾and tell them how very sorry you are, 并随时愿意为他们效劳that you are at their service, 最后献上最虔诚的祈祷你听懂了没有and that all your prayers are with them. Do you understand? 你没资格You can't-- 你听懂了没有Do you understand? 大人王子可不会轻易忘记The prince will remember that, little lord. 他记得最好I hope so. 哪天要是他忘了你这条狗可要好好提醒他If he forgets, be a good dog and remind him. 啊该去吃早餐了Ah. Time for breakfast. 我要面包两条这种小鱼Bread. And two of those little fish. 再配上一杯上好的黑啤酒And a mug of dark beer to wash it down. 还要培根记得煎焦一点And bacon, burned black. -弟弟-亲爱的哥哥姐姐- Little brother. - Beloved siblings. 布兰会死吗Is Bran going to die? 看来是不会了Apparently not. 你这话什么意思What do you mean? 老学士说那孩子活下来的机会很大The Maester says the boy may live. 老天真残忍竟让一个孩子苟延残喘It's no mercy, letting a child linger in such pain. 这就只有诸神才知道了Only the gods know for certain. 我们能做的也就是祈祷了All the rest of us can do is pray. 你好像对北境的魅力无动于衷啊The charms of the north seem entirely lost on you. 我真想不通你是怎么打算的I still can't believe you're going. 即便是你也不该如此荒唐It's ridiculous even for you. 你的好奇心哪儿去了Where's your sense of wonder? 史上最伟大的人造建筑The greatest structure ever built, 勇猛无畏的守夜人军团the intrepid men of The Night's Watch, 阴森恐怖的白鬼徘徊之地the wintry abode of the White Walkers. 别告诉我你也想当个黑衣弟兄Tell me you're not thinking of taking the black. 然后打一辈子光棍吗And go celibate? 那怎么成全国的妓女都会抗议的No, the whores would go begging from Dorne to Casterly Rock. 放心我不过是想爬上长城No, I just want to stand on top of the wall 对着世界的边缘撒泡尿罢了and piss off the edge of the world. 别当着孩子们的面说这种粗话The children don't need to hear your filth. 我们走Come. 那孩子就算活下来也是跛子畸形的怪胎Even if the boy lives, he'll be a cripple, a grotesque. 我宁可干脆利落地死Give me a good clean death any day. 说到畸形怪胎不是我多嘴Speaking for the grotesques, I'd have to disagree. 死了可什么都没了而活着Death is so final, whereas life... 活着就有无限的可能Ah, life is full of possibilities. 我真心希望那孩子活过来I hope the boy does wake. 很有兴趣听听他知道些什么I'd be very interested to hear what he has to say. 亲爱的弟弟My dear brother, 有时候我还真不知道你站在哪一边there are times you make me wonder whose side you're on. 亲爱的哥哥你伤了我的心My dear brother, you wound me. 你难道不知我最爱家人了吗You know how much I love my family. 不用多礼Please. 早知您来我会换装的陛下Oh, I would have dressed, your Grace. 这是您家我是客人This is your home. I'm your guest. 他真漂亮啊Handsome one, isn't he? 我第一个儿子夭折了是个黑发小帅哥I lost my first boy, a little black-haired beauty. 他也是个斗士He was a fighter too-- 一直跟高烧斗争到最后tried to beat the fever that took him. 抱歉Forgive me. 你现在肯定不想听到这些It's the last thing you need to hear right now. 我从未听说这事I never knew. 陈年往事了It was years ago. 劳勃疯狂地以手击墙血流不止Robert was crazed, beat his hands bloody on the wall, 任谁都能看出他伤心欲绝all the things men do to show you how much they care. 那孩子跟他长得极像The boy looked just like him. 漂亮的小宝贝Such a little thing... 没长羽毛的小雏鸟A bird without feathers. 他们送他去下葬劳勃抱住了我They came to take his body away and Robert held me. 我拼命地哭打但他抱住我不放I screamed and I battled, but he held me. 我的小可怜That little bundle. 他就这样被带走我再没见过They took him away and I never saw him again. 我不忍去墓窖看他从没去过Never have visited the crypt, never. 我日日夜夜向圣母祈祷[七神之一]I pray to the mother every morning and night 让你的孩子苏醒康复that she return your child to you. 我很感激I am grateful. 也许这次神会听到Perhaps this time she'll listen. 打把剑好去长城吗A sword for the wall? -我已经有一把了-很好- I already have one. - Good man. -使过没有-当然- Have you swung it yet? - Of course I have. 我是说沾过血没At someone, I mean. 很奇怪当你第一次杀人It's a strange thing, the first time you cut a man. 就会明白人不过是血肉皮囊You realize we're nothing but sacks of meat and blood 再就是有副骨架支撑着罢了and some bone to keep it all standing. 我提前向你道谢Let me thank you ahead of time 感谢你抵御来自长城外的威胁for guarding us all from the perils beyond the wall-- 使我们免遭野人异鬼等怪物的攻击Wildlings and White Walkers and whatnot. 很高兴有你这样强壮的好人保护我们We're grateful to have good, strong men like you protecting us. 我们已守护王国长达八千年We've guarded the kingdoms for , years. 这就"我们"啦Is it "we" already? 你发过誓言了吗Have you taken your vows then? 快了Soon enough. 替我向守夜人致敬Give my regards to The Night's Watch. 在如此精锐的部队服役想必很令人激动吧I'm sure it will be thrilling to serve in such an elite force. 就算不高兴And if not? 你也没得选择了It's only for life. 谢谢你娜梅莉亚Thank you, Nymeria. 茉丹修女让我重新整理Septa Mordane says I have to do it again. 她说我的衣服没有摺整齐My things weren't properly folded, she says. 谁管它有没有摺好Who cares how they're folded?! 反正迟早也要乱成一团的嘛They're going to get all messed up anyway. 还好你有帮手It's good you've got help. 看好了Watch. 娜梅莉亚去拿手套Nymeria, gloves. -真厉害-闭嘴- Impressive. - Shut up. 娜梅莉亚去拿手套Nymeria, gloves! 我有东西给你I have something for you. 必须把它妥善藏好And it has to be packed very carefully. 给我的礼物吗A present? 去把门关起来Close the door. 这可不是玩具This is no toy. 小心不要伤到自己Be careful you don't cut yourself. -剑身好细-跟你一样- It's so skinny. - So are you. 我请铁匠特别打造了这把剑I had the blacksmith make it for you special. 虽然无法砍人头颅It won't hack a man's head off, 但只要动作够快就能将他刺得千疮百孔but it can poke him full of holes if you're quick enough. 我动作很快的I can be quick. 你以后要天天练习You'll have to work at it every day. 感觉如何How does it feel? 还顺手吗Do you like the balance? 我觉得蛮不错I think so. 第一课用尖的那端去刺敌人First lesson: Stick them with the pointy end. 我知道该用那一边刺人啦I know which end to use. 我会想你的I'm going to miss you. 小心Careful. 大凡好剑都有自己的名讳All the best swords have names, you know. 珊莎有她的缝衣针Sansa can keep her sewing needles. 这就是我的缝衣针了I've got a needle of my own. 我是来跟布兰道别的I came to say goodbye to Bran. 现在你道过别了You've said it. 真希望你醒来时我能在这里I wish I could be here when you wake up. 我要跟班扬叔叔北上I'm going north with Uncle Benjen. 穿上黑衣I'm taking the black. 以前我们常说要一起去看长城I know we always talked about seeing the wall together, 等你好些了but you'll be able to come visit me 可以来黑城堡看我at Castle Black when you're better. 那时候我已经熟稔周遭地形I'll know my way around by then. 成为守夜人的誓言兄弟I'll be a sworn brother of The Night's Watch. 如果你不怕我们可以去长城外走走We can go out walking beyond the wall, if you're not afraid. 我要你走I want you to leave. 十七年前你与劳勃·拜拉席恩策马离去years ago you rode off with Robert Baratheon. 一年后抱回了另一个女人的儿子You came back a year later with another woman's son. 现在你又要走And now you're leaving again. 我别无选择I have no choice. 荣誉召唤时男人总把这话挂在嘴上That's what men always say when honor calls. 你们用"别无选择"来搪塞家人和自己That's what you tell your families, tell yourselves. 其实你有选择You do have a choice. 你已经做出了选择And you've made it. 凯特Cat... 奈德我做不到I can't do it, Ned. -我真的做不到-你可以做到- I really can't. - You can. 你必须做到You must. 跟布兰道别了吗You've said goodbye to Bran? 他不会死的我知道He's not going to die. I know it. 你们史塔克命硬着呢You Starks are hard to kill. 我母亲她...My mother? -她待我很亲切-那就好- She was very kind. - Good. 下次再见你就一身黑衣了Next time I see you, you'll be all in black. 黑色本来就很配我It was always my color. -雪诺多保重-史塔克你也一样- Farewell, Snow. - And you, Stark. 加入守夜人是很高的荣誉There's great honor serving in The Night's Watch. 数千年来史塔克家始终有人驻守长城The Starks have manned the wall for thousands of years. 你也是史塔克And you are a Stark. 虽然没有我的姓氏You might not have my name, 但你有我的血脉but you have my blood. 我母亲还活着吗Is my mother alive? 她知道我的事吗我的所在我的去向Does she know about me? Where I am, where I'm going? 她在意我吗Does she care? 下次我们再见面The next time we see each other, 我会跟你讲你母亲we'll talk about your mother. 我保证I promise. 诸神在上这才是好地方Gods, this is country! 我可真想丢下他们策马远走I've half a mind to leave them all behind and keep going. 我真想跟你同去I've half a mind to go with you. 你我两个匹马仗剑What do you say, just you and me 沿国王大道闯下去你觉得怎样 on the Kingsroad, swords at our sides, 晚上找两个酒店侍女帮咱暖床a couple of tavern wenches to warm our beds tonight. 你该早二十年问我You should have asked me years ago. 二十年前有仗要打娶妻成家There were wars to fight, women to marry... 你我都没有年少轻狂的机会we never had the chance to be young. 我记得还是有几次的I recall a few chances. 我想起来了她叫什么名字来着There was that one... Oh, what was her name? 你那小妞儿That common girl of yours? 蓓卡奶子大得可以把脸埋进去Becca? With the great big tits you could bury your face in. 蓓茜她是你的Bessie. She was one of yours. 蓓茜感谢诸神造了蓓茜Bessie! Thank the gods for Bessie 和她的巨乳and her tits. 你那个叫雅莉娜Yours was... Aleena? 不对你跟我提过一次梅莉儿No. You told me once. Meryl? 你私生子的娘Your bastard's mother? -薇拉-就是她- Wylla. - That's it. 能让艾德·史塔克公爵暂时忘却荣誉She must have been a rare wench 她一定不是个简单的姑娘to make Lord Eddard Stark forget his honor. 你一直没告诉我她生什么模样You never told me what she looked like. 以后也不会Nor will I. 那是战争时期We were at war. 没人知道自己还能不能回返家乡None of us knew if we were gonna go back home again. 你律己太严了你老是这德行You're too hard on yourself. You always have been. 倘若我不是国王你现在一定要揍我了I swear if I weren't your King, you'd have hit me already. 你加冕为王的坏处就是The worst thing about your coronation... 我再没机会揍过你I'll never get to hit you again. 信我的话这可不是最糟的Trust me, that's not the worst thing. 昨晚有人送信来There was a rider in the night. 丹妮莉丝·坦格利安嫁了个多斯拉克马王Daenerys Targaryen has wed some Dothraki horselord. 那又如何我们还要送她结婚贺礼不成What of it? Should we send her a wedding gift? 或许该送把刀子一把锐利的好刀A knife perhaps, a good sharp one, 拿在一个有胆量的人手里and a bold man to wield it. 她不过是个孩子She's little more than a child. 这个"孩子"过不了多久就会张开双腿Soon enough that child will spread her legs 繁殖恶龙遗毒and start breeding. 这种令人发指的事不要说了Tell me we're not speaking of this. 怎么这也算令人发指Oh, it's unspeakable to you? 她父亲对你家人做的那些事才叫令人发指What her father did to your family... that was unspeakable. 雷加·坦格利安对你妹妹的所作所为...What Rhaegar Targaryen did to your sister... 她是我的挚爱啊the woman I loved. 我要亲手宰掉每一个坦格利安家的人I'll kill every Targaryen I get my hands on. 但你没法亲手宰掉这一个对吧But you can't get your hands on this one, can you? 传说这个卓戈卡奥This Khal Drogo, 手下有十万大军it's said he has , men in his horde. 只要多斯拉克人待在狭海对岸Even a million Dothraki are no threat to the realm, 纵有百万大军又有何惧as long as they remain on the other side of the Narrow Sea. 他们没有船劳勃They have no ships, Robert. 可到现在七国里还有人叫我篡夺者There are still those in the Seven Kingdoms who call me usurper. 倘若坦格利安男孩带着多斯拉克大军渡海If the Targaryen boy crosses with a Dothraki horde at his back, -这些叛徒一定会拥护他-他渡不了海- the scum will join him. - He will not cross. 就算他真来了我们也能把他赶回去And if by chance he does, we'll throw him back into the sea. 战争就要打响了奈德There's a war coming, Ned. 我不知道什么时候开始也不知道对手是谁I don't know when, I don't know who we'll be fighting, 但就要开打了but it's coming. 坐下Sit. 吃饭了You'll be fed. 松绑Untie them. 强奸犯Ah, rapers. 毫无疑问他们有两个选择阉刑或去长城They were given a choice no doubt-- castration or the wall. 大多数都选择从戎Most choose the knife. 怎么不待见你的新弟兄吗Not impressed by your new brothers? 守夜人的妙处在于Lovely thing about the watch-- 你可以舍弃原有的家庭获得新的生活you discard your old family and get a whole new one. 你读那么多书干嘛Why do you read so much? 看着我告诉我你看到了什么Look at me and tell me what you see. 耍什么把戏Is this a trick? 你看到的是个侏儒What you see is a dwarf. 我若出生在农家If I'd been born a peasant 早就被丢到林子里等死了they might've left me out in the woods to die. 唉我又偏生在凯岩城的兰尼斯特家Alas, I was born a Lannister of Casterly Rock. 众人对我万般期待Things are expected of me. 我父亲干了二十年的御前首相My father was the Hand of the King for years. 结果你哥把国王杀了Until your brother killed that King. 是啊结果我老哥把国王宰了Yes, until my brother killed him. 人生就是这样变幻无常Life is full of these little ironies. 我老姐嫁给了新国王My sister married the new King 我那可恶的外甥有朝一日会继任王位and my repulsive nephew will be King after him. 担着家族名誉我总得尽点心力I must do my part for the honor of my house, 你说对吧wouldn't you agree? 但该怎么做呢But how? 老哥有他的宝剑Well, my brother has his sword 我则有我的脑袋瓜and I have my mind. 好脑筋需要书本就如同宝剑需要磨刀石And a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone. 这就是我不停看书的原因琼恩·雪诺That's why I read so much, Jon Snow. 那你呢And you? 你的故事呢私生子What's your story, bastard? 好好问我或许我会告诉你侏儒Ask me nicely and maybe I'll tell you, dwarf. 不就是一个没有继承权的私生子A bastard boy with nothing to inherit, 跑来加入古老的守夜人军团off to join the ancient order of The Night's Watch, 与他英勇的战友相依为伴alongside his Valiant brothers-in-arms. 守夜人是保护领土不受...The Night's Watch protects the realm from... 对对对不受你小时候ah, yes yes, against grumpkins and snarks 奶妈提到的各种古灵精怪的侵犯and all the other monsters your wet nurse warned you about. 你是个聪明孩子You're a smart boy. 不会相信这种无稽之谈吧You don't believe that nonsense. 美酒下肚一切都会好起来的Everything's better with some wine in the belly. 夫人我们该清点账目了It's time we reviewed the accounts, my lady. 这样您才知道这次招待王室的开销You'll want to know how much this royal visit has cost us. 这种事跟普尔说去Talk to Poole about it. 普尔随老爷南下了夫人Poole went south with Lord Stark, my lady. 我们需要一个新的总管We need a new steward, 还有好些职务要请您and there are several other appointments that require -立刻决定-职务任命我不管- our immediate attention-- - I don't care about appointments! 我来安排I'll make the appointments. 我们明天一早就商议此事We'll talk about it first thing in the morning. 好的大人Very good, my Lord. 夫人告退My Lady. 你有多久没踏出这房间了When was the last time you left this room? 我得照顾他I have to take care of him. 他不会死的母亲He's not going to die, mother. 鲁温师傅说危险期已经过了Maester Luwin says the most dangerous time has passed. 万一他错了呢What if he's wrong? -布兰需要我-需要你的是瑞肯- Bran needs me. - Rickon needs you. 他才六岁He's six. 他根本搞不清事态成天跟着我He doesn't know what's happening. He follows me around all day, -抱着我的腿又哭又闹-关上窗子 - clutching my leg, crying-- - Close the windows! 我受不了让它们别叫了I can't stand it! Please make them stop! 失火了Fire. 您留在这儿我一会回来You stay here. I'll come back. 你不该在这儿You're not supposed to be here. 这里不该有人No one is supposed to be here. 这是为他好反正他跟死人没两样It's a mercy. He's dead already 不No! -你们见过龙吗-卡丽熙龙已经绝迹啦- Have you ever seen a dragon? - Dragon gone, Khaleesi. 到处都一样连东方也是Everywhere? Even in the east? 没有龙了勇者屠龙No dragon. Brave men kill them. -大家都知道-大家都知道- It is known. - It is known. 有个魁尔斯商人说龙是从月亮里钻出来的A trader from Qarth told me that dragons come from the moon. 从月亮来的The moon? 他告诉我月亮是颗蛋卡丽熙He told me the moon was an egg, Khaleesi, 天上原本有两个月亮that once there were two moons in the sky. 但其中一个运行得太靠近太阳But one wandered too close 受不住高热就爆炸了to the sun and it cracked from the heat. 成千上万只龙从中涌出Out of it poured a thousand thousand dragons 吸收了太阳的火焰and they drank the sun's fire. 月亮才不是什么蛋Moon is no egg. 月亮是女神太阳的妻子Moon is goddess-- wife of sun. -大家都知道-大家都知道- It is known. - It is known. 她留下你们都退下吧Leave me with her. 为什么魁尔斯商人跟你说起这些Why did the trader from Qarth tell you these stories? 男人兴奋时就会滔滔不绝Men like to talk when they're happy. 在你哥哥把我买下献给你前Before your brother bought me for you, 我的工作就是讨男人欢心it was my job to make men happy. -你当时多大-我九岁时- How old were you? - I was nine 就被母亲卖到妓院去了when my mother sold me to the pleasure house. 九岁Nine?! 起初的三年我都没碰过男人卡丽熙I did not touch a man for three years, Khaleesi. 你必须先要学First you must learn. 你能教我如何取悦卡奥吗Can you teach me how to make the Khal happy? -遵命-会花上三年吗- Yes. - Will it take three years? 当然不用No. 欢迎Welcome. 当下我要告诉你们的事绝对不许外传What I am about to tell you must remain between us. 我认定布兰并非失足坠楼I don't think Bran fell from that tower. 而是被抛下去的I think he was thrown. 那孩子以前从没出过事The boy was always sure-footed before. 有人两次想取布兰性命Someone tried to kill him twice. 为何对一个无辜的孩子下手呢Why? Why murder an innocent child? 除非他看见了不该看的东西Unless he saw something he wasn't meant to see. -看见了什么夫人-我不知道- Saw what, my lady? - I don't know. 但我敢拿性命作赌这与兰尼斯特家有关But I would stake my life the Lannisters are involved. 我们已经有理由怀疑他们对国王的忠诚We already have reason to suspect their loyalty to the crown. 您有否注意到刺客行凶用的匕首Did you notice the dagger the killer used? 他的身份不足以使用这么精良的武器It's too fine a weapon for such a man. 刀刃乃瓦雷利亚钢刀柄是龙骨The blade is Valyrian steel, the handle dragonbone. 一定是有人交给他的Someone gave it to him. 他们进我家来想取我弟弟的性命They come into our home and try to murder my brother? 倘若他们想打仗If it's war they want-- 如果真有战事我听任差遣If it comes to that, you know I'll stand behind you. 怎么神木林里面要打仗了吗What, is there going to be a battle in the Godswood? 草草言战必将酿成战祸Too easily words of war become acts of war. 我们还不知道真相We don't know the truth yet. 一定要通报史塔克大人Lord Stark must be told of this. 我不放心信鸦I don't trust a raven to carry these words. -我去君临-不- I'll ride to King's Landing. - No. 无论如何临冬城都要有史塔克家的人当家There must always be a Stark in Winterfell. -我亲自去-母亲你不能去- I will go myself. - Mother, you can't. 我非去不可I must. 我叫哈尔带一队守卫随您去I'll send Hal with a squad of guardsmen to escort you. 大队人马只会惹来不必要的注意Too large a party attracts unwanted attention. 我不希望让兰尼斯特家知道我要南下I don't want the Lannisters to know I'm coming. 那么起码让我跟您一道去Let me accompany you at least. 国王大道很危险您一个女人家不方便The Kingsroad can be a dangerous place for a woman alone. 布兰怎么办What about Bran? 我已经向至高七神祈祷了一个多月I have prayed to the Seven for more than a month. 布兰的性命就交给他们了Bran's life is in their hands now. 不是这样的卡丽熙No, Khaleesi. 你必须一直看着他的眼睛You must look in his eyes always. 爱从眼出Love comes in at the eyes. 据说里斯的爱格娜单凭眼神It is said that Irogenia of Lys could finish a man 就能让男人完事儿with nothing but her eyes. 完事儿Finish a man? 王侯们不远万里只为与爱格娜享一夜之欢Kings traveled across the world for a night with Irogenia. 总督们不惜卖掉宫殿Magisters sold their palaces. 卡奥们为她烧死仇敌只求享用她几个小时Khals burned her enemies just to have her for a few hours. 据说曾有一千人向她求爱They say a thousand men proposed to her 而她全都拒绝了and she refused them all. 听上去是个挺有趣的女人Well, she sounds like an interesting woman. 我我认为I-- I don't think 卓戈不会喜欢我骑在上面的that Drogo will like it with me on top. 您会让他喜欢的卡丽熙You will make him like it, Khaleesi. 男人们总是图个新鲜Men want what they've never had. 多斯拉克人操奴隶如同猎犬干母狗And the Dothraki take slaves like a hound takes a bitch. 难道您是奴隶吗卡丽熙Are you a slave, Khaleesi? 那就别像奴隶一样做爱Then don't make love like a slave. 做得很好卡丽熙Very good, Khaleesi. 在外面他是强大的卡奥Out there he is the mighty Khal, 但在这帐篷里他是属于您的but in this tent, he belongs to you. 我觉得I-- I don't think 这不是多斯拉克人的风格that this is the Dothraki way. 如果他想要多斯拉克风格If he wanted the Dothraki way, 还娶你干什么why did he marry you? 不No. 不No! 今晚我要看着你的脸 对不起爵士Pardon me, Ser. 我有那么可怕吗小妹妹Do I frighten you so much, girl? 还是他把你吓得发抖Or is it him there making you shake? 连我见了他也会怕呢He frightens me too. 看看他那张脸Look at that face. 如有冒犯我向您道歉爵士先生I'm sorry if I offended you, Ser. 他为何不跟我说话Why won't he speak to me? 这二十年来他都不怎么爱讲话He hasn't been very talkative these last years. 疯王叫人用烧红的火钳把他舌头给拔了Since the Mad King had his tongue ripped out with hot pincers. 如今他改用剑说话溜得很呢He speaks damn well with his sword though. 他是国王的御前执法官王家刽子手Ser Ilyn Payne, the King's Justice. 伊林·派恩爵士The royal executioner. 你怎么了亲爱的小姐What is it, sweet lady? 猎狗吓到你了吗Does the hound frighten you? 滚远点你这只狗Away with you, dog. 你吓到我未婚妻了You're scaring my lady. 我可不想看到你担惊受怕I don't like to see you upset. 天终于晴了The sun is finally shining. 陪我走走吧Come walk with me. 别乱跑淑女Stay, Lady. 我不应该再喝了I probably shouldn't have any more. 父亲大人只准我们在宴会上喝一杯Father only lets us have one cup at feasts. 我的未婚妻爱喝多少就喝多少My princess can drink as much as she wants. 有我在你不用怕Don't worry-- you're safe with me. 我要抓住你I'll get you! -艾莉亚-好痛- Arya! - Ow! 你们来这里做什么What are you doing here? -走开-这是你妹妹- Go away. - Your sister? -你又是谁小子-我叫米凯大人- And who are you, boy? - Mycah, my Lord. -他是屠夫的学徒-他是我朋友- He the butcher's boy. - He's my friend. 杀猪小弟也想当骑士是吗A butcher's boy who wants to be a Knight, eh? 屠夫小弟把你的剑捡起来Pick up your sword, butcher's boy. 咱们来瞧瞧你够不够格Let's see how good you are. 是她逼我这么做的大人是她逼我的She asked me to, my Lord. She asked me to. 你应该称我王子殿下I'm your prince, 而不是大人not your lord, 我让你把剑捡起来and I said pick up your sword. 王子殿下这不是剑只是根棍子罢了It's not a sword, my prince. It's only a stick. 你也不过是个杀猪小弟And you're not a Knight. 根本不是骑士Only a butcher's boy. 刚才你打的是我未婚妻的妹妹知道吗That was my lady's sister you were hitting, do you know that? -住手-艾莉亚你别插手- Stop it! - Arya, stay out of this. 我不会把他伤得...I won't hurt him... 太厉害Much. 艾莉亚Arya! 你个肮脏的小贱人Filthy little bitch! 住手你们都不要打了No no, stop it, stop it, both of you. 你把事情搞砸了统统都搞砸了You're spoiling it. You're spoiling everything! 我要捅死你小婊子I'll gut you, you little cunt! -艾莉亚-娜梅莉亚- Arya! - Nymeria! -艾莉亚-娜梅莉亚- Arya! - Nymeria! 不No. 不求你不要伤害我No. Please don't. 艾莉亚别欺负他Arya, leave him alone. 我的王子可怜的王子My prince, my poor prince, 看看他们都做了什么啊look what they did to you. 你别动我这就回旅馆找人来帮忙Stay here, I'll go back to the inn and bring help. 那就滚吧Then go! 还有不准碰我Don't touch me. 那只狼不在这儿看看溪水那边The wolf's not here. Look down by the stream. 你得走了你伤了乔佛里他们会杀了你You've got to go. They'll kill you for what you did to Joffrey. 快走跑呀Go on-- run. 走啊现在就走Go! Leave! Now! -是冰原狼-我找找这边- It's a direwolf. - I'll check down here. 我好像听到它的声音了I think I heard a noise. 走啊Go! 艾莉亚Arya! -艾莉亚-艾莉亚- Arya! - Arya! 艾莉亚Arya-aa! 艾莉亚Arya! 艾莉亚Arya! 大人My lord! 大人已经找到她了My lord! They found her. 她安然无恙She's unharmed. 她在哪儿Where is she? 她被直接带到国王那里去了She's been taken directly before the King. 谁带走的Who took her? 兰尼斯特家的人先找到她The Lannisters found her. -艾莉亚-好吧回去- Arya-aa! - Right, get back. 王后命令他们一找到她就带去见国王The Queen ordered them to bring her straight to him. 回去回旅馆Back! Back to the inn. 都回去All back! 对不起对不起对不起I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. -你有没有受伤-没有- Are you hurt? - No. 没事了Oh, it's all right. 你这是什么意思What is the meaning of this? 找到我女儿为什么不通知我Why was my daughter not brought to me at once? 你竟敢用这种语气对国王说话How dare you speak to your King in that manner? 臭女人闭嘴Quiet, woman. 奈德不好意思我没有吓她的意思Sorry, Ned. I never meant to frighten the girl. 只是想早点了结这桩事比较好But we need to get this business done quickly. 你这野丫头和那杀猪的Your girl and that butcher's boy 联手攻击我的宝贝儿子attacked my son. 她那只野狼差点就咬断他一条胳膊That animal of hers nearly tore his arm off. 才不是这样That's not true! 她...只咬了他一下She just... Bit him a little. 是因为他先欺负米凯He was hurting Mycah. 乔佛里已经讲了事情的经过Joff told us what happened. 你和那小子一边用棍子打他You and that boy beat him with clubs -你一边放狼咬他-事情不是这样的- while you set your wolf on him. - That's not what happened! 明明就是这样Yes it is! 他们一起围攻我They all attacked me 她还把我的剑丢进河里and she threw my sword in the river. -你说谎-闭嘴- Liar! - Shut up! 够了Enough! 他说的是一回事He tells me one thing, 而她说的是另一回事she tells me another. 七层地狱呀这我如何决断Seven hells! What am I to make of this? 奈德你家还有一个闺女呢Where's your other daughter, Ned? 她休息了In bed asleep. 没有She's not. 珊莎亲爱的过来Sansa, come here, darling. 孩子Now, child... 你现在把事情经过告诉我Tell me what happened. 原原本本老老实实地告诉我Tell it all and tell it true. 欺骗国王可是滔天大罪It's a great crime to lie to a King. 我不知道I don't know. 我不记得了事情发生得好快I don't remember. Everything happened so fast. -我没看见-骗子- I didn't see. - Liar! -骗子骗子骗子-艾莉亚- Liar liar liar! - Arya! -住手够了-骗子骗子- Hey, stop it! That's enough of that. - Liar liar liar! 艾莉亚住手Stop! Arya! 这丫头和那野东西一个德行She's as wild as that animal of hers. 她非受罚不可I want her punished. 你要我怎么办打她几鞭游街示众吗What would you have me do, whip her through the streets? 该死不过是小孩打架现在没事了Damn it, children fight. It's over. 小乔手上一辈子都会留着疤痕Joffrey will bear these scars for the rest of his life. 你居然让个小姑娘打得丢盔弃甲You let that little girl disarm you? 奈德好好管教你女儿Ned, see to it that your daughter is disciplined. 我也会好好管教我儿子I'll do the same with my son. 乐意之至国王陛下Gladly, your Grace. 那只冰原狼怎么办And what of the direwolf? 那只蹂躏你儿子的禽兽该如何处置What of the beast that savaged your son? 我倒是把那头该死的狼给忘了I'd forgot the damned wolf. 陛下那只狼一点影子都没有We found no trace of the direwolf, your Grace. 找不到那就算了No? So be it. 不过还有一只狼We have another wolf. 随你便As you will. -你不是说真的吧-冰原狼野性难改- You can't mean it. - A direwolf's no pet. 帮她弄条狗她会快乐点Get her a dog. She'll be happier for it. 他不是指淑女是不是He doesn't mean Lady, does he? 不不要杀淑女淑女从来不咬人No no, not lady! Lady didn't bite anyone! -她最乖-淑女当时根本不在场- She's good! - Lady wasn't there! 你不要欺负她You leave her alone! 叫他们住手不能这样做Stop them. Don't let them do it. 求求你咬人的不是淑女Please please, it wasn't Lady! 这是命令吗Is this your command, 陛下your Grace? -那野兽在哪里-王后陛下就栓在城门外- Where is the beast? - Chained up outside, your Grace. 伊林爵士速去执行吧Ser Ilyn, do me the honor. 不No. 乔里Jory... 带女孩们回房去Take the girls to their rooms. 倘若她非死不可If it must be done, 我要亲自动手then I'll do it myself. 你想耍什么把戏Is this some trick? 她来自北方The wolf is of the north. 绝不能死在区区一个屠夫手里She deserves better than a butcher. 这是那个屠夫学徒The butcher's boy-- 你骑马追杀他you rode him down? 谁叫他跑He ran... 只可惜跑得不够快Not very fast.
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