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《罗马书》查经大纲《罗马书》查经大纲 绪论: 1、罗马书的写作概况: (1)作者:保罗 (1:1) (2)对象:在罗马的众圣徒(1:7) (3)时间:主后57年—58年 (15:25) (4)地点:哥林多 2、罗马书的写作背景 (1)政治背景:罗马的治理、法律 (2)文化背景:希腊、罗马的传统(哲学传统、英雄传统) (3)宗教背景:民间宗教、犹太宗教 3、罗马书的主题:神的义(1:16,17) 4、罗马书写作的目的:(1)阐明基督福音的真谛(2)教导信徒生活的原则(3)反驳及预防犹太 人错误的教训(4)鼓励信徒...

《罗马书》查经大纲 绪论: 1、罗马书的写作概况: (1)作者:保罗 (1:1) (2)对象:在罗马的众圣徒(1:7) (3)时间:主后57年—58年 (15:25) (4)地点:哥林多 2、罗马书的写作背景 (1)政治背景:罗马的治理、法律 (2)文化背景:希腊、罗马的传统(哲学传统、英雄传统) (3)宗教背景:民间宗教、犹太宗教 3、罗马书的主题:神的义(1:16,17) 4、罗马书写作的目的:(1)阐明基督福音的真谛(2)教导信徒生活的原则(3)反驳及预防犹太 人错误的教训(4)鼓励信徒服事及传福音 神的义(1:16-17) 一、绪论(1:1,17) 1、保罗的职分——仆人(1:1) 2、保罗所传的福音——主耶稣基督(1:2,4) 2)时间:从前 (1)来源:神 ( (3)媒介:先知(申18:15、赛7:14、哈2:4) (4)地点:圣经 (5)根据:应许 (6)职分:基督(按肉体和按圣善的灵说,从神人二性不同的角度来分析他的职分) 3、保罗的使命——宣教(1:5,6) (1)受托——主耶稣基督 (2)职分——领受恩惠和使徒 (3)责任——叫世人信服真道 (4)范围——在万国中 (5)凭借——因主耶稣基督之名 (6)保罗与罗马人 4、保罗给罗马教会写信致意(1:7,15) (1)祝愿(1:7) A、祝愿对象——在罗马的圣徒(为神所爱、奉召作圣徒) B、祝愿内容——恩惠和平安(源头:父神和主耶稣基督) (2)感恩(1:8/9) A、感恩的原因 B、见证神在他们身上的恩典 (3)心愿(1:10/12) a.祷告和神的旨意 b.对罗马教会的负担 A、保罗到罗马的心愿: B、真正的目的——分享属灵的恩赐;信心得以坚固 C、在患难中得到安慰 (4)拦阻(1:13) A、保罗的意愿——得些果子 B、道路的阻隔 (5)欠债(1:14,15) A、保罗对宣教的认识:a.宣教的对象——所有的人 b.基本的责任——欠债 B、对罗马人的宣教态度——尽力 5、保罗对福音的认识(1:16,17) (1)宣告(1:16) A、福音是保罗最高的荣耀——我不以福音为耻 B、福音是神的大能 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 2 C、福音要拯救一切相信的人 D、福音拯救世人的次序——先是犹太人,后是希腊人 (2)原因(1:17) A、神的义藉福音显明 B、神的义借人的信 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达:a.本于信;b.以致于信 (3)经训(1:17)——“义人必因信得生”(谷2:4) A、义人——指那些以信为本的人 B、因信——信是表达神的义,所以因信就是因神的旨意(指福音的本身) 、得生——得到拯救(或永生) C 二、世人的罪恶(1:18,3:20) (原来神的忿怒从天上显明在一切不虔不义的人身上,就是那些行不义阻挡真理的人 1:18) 1、外邦人的罪(1:18,32) (1)神的普遍启示,否认真神(1:19,20) A、内在启示:人的心灵有认识神的本能(1:19)(诗19:1,4) a.道德律法;b.宗教性能;c.完美理念 B、外在启示:万物的受造证明神的存在(1:20)(诗19:1,4) a.宇宙定律;b.生命现象;c.人类历史 (2)外邦人的无知及神的忿怒(1:21,32) A、第一种情况(1:21,24) 人的无知:1)无知的原因:不荣耀神、不感谢神;2)无知的结果:思念?虚妄?无知;自a. 称为聪明,反成了愚拙;将神的荣耀变为偶像 b.神的忿怒:任凭(浪子的比喻) 1)淫乱;2)玷污自己的身体 B、第二种情况(1:25,27) a.人的无知:不敬拜神反而拜偶像 b.神的忿怒:任凭1)同性恋;2)身上得到报应 C、第三种情况(1:28,32) a.人的无知:故意不认识神 b.神的忿怒:任凭1)存邪僻的心,行不合理的事;2)虽然知道神的审判是可怕的,但是,自 己还是去犯罪,且喜欢别人去犯罪。 2、神审判人的原则(2:1,16) A、一般原则(2:1,11) a.原则——论断人的,必被论断,论断人的必定自己的罪(2:1) b.因由——自己所行的与别人一样 c.共识——我们知道神公义的审判,论断人的必受真理的判断(2:2) d.保罗的责备:1)你以为能逃脱神的审判吗,2)或者是藐视神的恩慈、宽容、忍耐;神恩慈 的目的——领人悔改;3)责备他们的不悔改:刚硬的心 e.神的审判:1)积蓄忿怒;2)神显公义的日子;3)各人的行为;4)神必报应各人 f.基本方法:1)报赏永生;2)不义的报应忿怒;3)作恶的常加患难;4)加给平安 g.神的公平——神不偏待人 D、神审判的标准,有律法与没有律法的审判(2:12 ,16) a.基本原则——按律法审判世人 b.怎么处理没有律法的外邦人呢? 1)律法的意义不在于听而在于行;2)本性(良心)就是律法; 3)律法的功用是显然的;4)总结:外邦人也是在律法之下 c.福音的真意:1)福音所言——神公义的审判;2)神审判的日子——就是神藉基督耶稣审判 人隐秘事的日子;3)福音与律法 3、犹太人的罪(2:17,29) ires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connecd other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requmade for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel an section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be-of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching crosshoice d have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the cto the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used shoulrding n concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be accomplate design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used oes. Te, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfacand smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attachedcoated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood check the template, especially the template Panel connection ss, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, tooothnetting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smust be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cution m2 3 (1)犹太人的夸口(2:17,20):a.犹太人;b.有律法;c.有独一神的信仰;d.明白神的旨意; e.能分辨是非;f.在律法上有真理和知识的模范 (2)犹太人的罪是明知故犯的(2:21,24):a.教人不教己;b.偷窃;c.奸淫;d.亲近偶像; e.玷污神;f.神名受损 (3)犹太人与割礼(2:25,29):a.若行割礼而犯律法有什么用处,(25)b.若未受割礼而遵守 律法岂不等于受了割礼,(26)c.若未受割礼的人守了全律法, 岂不是要审判受割礼的人么,(27)d.真割礼的意义(28,29) 4、全人类的罪(3:1,20) 1,8) (1)几个问题(3: 问一:犹太人有什么长处,割礼有什么益处,(3:1,4) 答:1、凡事大有好处——神的圣言已经交托犹太人;2、人的不信实,不能废掉神的信实;3、这 一切只能证明神的真实性,人的虚妄性;4、圣经的见证 问二:人的不义若显出神的义,那么神降怒于人是神不义吗,(3:5,6) 答:1、神是真实的(圣洁、公义、信实);2、神若不真实,神怎能审判世界呢? 问三:这样,为什么我们还受审判好象罪人呢,为什么不说我们可以作恶以成善呢,(3:7,8) 答:1、这是毁谤我们的话;2、说这话的人是该受审判的 (2)关乎普世人都已犯罪的判断(3:9,20) A、全人类的堕落(3:9):a信徒也在堕落之内;b、前面的见证:犹太人和希腊人都在罪恶之下 B、全人的堕落(3:10,18): a(人性的堕落(3:10,12):1)法性的堕落 2)理性的堕落 3)宗教性的堕落 4)德性的堕落 b.堕落之人光景(3:13,18)1)人内心的光景2)行动上的光景3)人生道路迷茫4)真信仰的丧失 (3)律法的意义(3:19,20) 好塞住各人的口 b.叫普世之人都伏在神的审判之下 A、律法是对律法以下之人说的 a. B、律法本是叫人知罪 a.凡有血气的没有一个因行律法称义 b.律法是叫人知罪 三、神在基督里对信徒的怜恤:称义(3:21,8:39) [但如今神的义在律法以外已经显明出来,有律法和先知为证,就是神的义,因信耶稣基督加给 一切相信的人,并没有分别。(3:21/22)] 1、神称罪人为义(3:21,5:21) (1)神义的显明(3:21,31) A、神义的显明(3:21,24) a.显明的时间——如今 b.显明的内容——神的义 c.显明的地方——律法以外 d.显明的见证——律法和先知 e.显明的凭借——藉着基督的救赎 f.显明的对象——一切相信的人 g.显明的原因——人亏缺神的荣耀,即为犯罪没有义 h.显明的目的——称罪人为义 B、恩典举措(3:25,26) a.方法——设立耶稣为挽回祭(耶稣的血和人的信) b.目的——显明神的义 c.过程——宽容人先时所犯的罪 ?显明他的义 ?使人知道他的义 ?也称信耶稣的人为义 C、因信称义(3:27,31) a.因信而得——不在乎遵行律法 b.信与律法——信是坚固律法 (2)称义的先例(4:1,25) good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 4 A、亚伯拉罕的称义(4:1,16) a.他的行为并无可夸(1,2) b.因信称义的论据(3,8) 1)(创:15:6) 2)作工的比喻 3)大卫的见证 C.因信称义的论证(9,12) 1)他的称义在割礼之前 )他受割礼是称义的印证 2 3)他成为一切因信称义之人的父 d.因信称义的应许(4:13,16) 1)神的应许 2)律法是惹动忿怒的发 3)恩典成全律法 B、亚伯拉罕的信心(4:17,22) a.信神叫死人复活——生命的主 b.信神使无变有——万物的主 c.信心之父 C、我们的称义(4:23,25) a.耶稣的受死 b.耶稣的复活 (3)称义的真实(5:1,11) 、与神和好(5:1) A B、进入恩典(5:2) C、欢喜盼望(5:2,8) a.盼望神的荣耀(2、) b.患难中的操练(3,4) c.盼望里的保证(5,8) 1)圣灵 2)神爱 D、免去忿怒(5:9) E、得到拯救(5:10) F、以神为乐(5:11) 为神而活,在苦难中仍然有喜乐(太5:) (4)称义的根据(5:12,21) A、亚当的犯罪是众人定罪的根据(5:12,14) a.亚当犯罪=众人犯罪?犯罪=死亡?死临到众人 b.律法因亚当犯罪而定众人的罪 B、亚当与基督(5:14,17) a.亚当是基督的预像, b.过犯与恩赐 1)亚当过犯?众人死亡——神的恩典,基督的赏赐?众人得恩典和赏赐 2)亚当犯罪?众人定罪——神的恩赐(许多过犯)?众人被称义 3)亚当过犯?死权临到众人——神的洪恩、称义?基督在众人生命中作王 C、耶稣的恩赐是众人称义的根据(5:18,19) a.基督一次义行=众人义行?众人被称义得生命 (亚当一次过犯?众人都被定罪) b.基督一人顺服=众人顺服?众人也就成为义 (亚当一人悖逆?众人成为罪人) D、律法的意义(5:20,21) section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be-of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching crosshoice d have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the cto the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used shoulrding n concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be accomplate design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used oes. Te, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfacand smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attachedcoated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood check the template, especially the template Panel connection ss, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, tooothnetting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smust be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cution mires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connecd other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requmade for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel an4 5 a.律法是外添的 b.律法叫过犯显多 c.律法也显明恩典 d.叫人因基督得永生 2、称义之人的美福(6:1,8:39) [本段紧接上文。(5:12,21)可称本段的序言] (1)脱离罪的辖制(6:1,23) A、受洗真义(6:1,14) ,2) a.不可犯罪(1 b.受洗的意义(3、)——归入他的死 c.受洗的目的(4、)——新生的样式 d.与主联合(5,8) 1)旧人与基督同钉?死亡?脱离罪 2)新人与基督同活?不再死?脱离罪 e.表明向罪死向神活(9,11) 1)对罪来说我们已死[基督死是向罪死(只有一次)] 2)对神来说我们是活[基督活是向神活(永远活着)] f.活在恩典之下(12,14) 1)不容罪作王、不献身犯罪 2)献己于神、献身行义 B、奴仆之喻(6:15,23) a.不可犯罪(15、) ) b.罪仆与义仆(16 c.因基督成为义仆(17,18) * 罪的奴仆?获救?成为义的奴仆?脱离了罪 d.义仆的本分(19,23) 1)要献己给义?成圣?在基督里是永生 2)不要献己给不义?不法?死 (2)脱离律法的捆绑(7:1,25) A、律法局限(7:1,6) a.婚约的比喻(1,3) b.基督的代死(4,6) 1)借基督我已死 2)结果子归于神 3)按心灵的新样,不按仪文的旧样 B、律法与罪(7:7,13) a.律法之功(7:7,13) 1)律法不是罪 2)律法显明罪 (罪早在?神赐律法?罪利用诫命?律法是圣洁的?显明罪真是罪) b.罪之恶(7:7,13) 1)原罪 2)借诫命引诱我、杀我 C、两律之战(7:14,24) a.律法与“老我”(7:14,20) 1)律法是属灵的 2)我是属肉体的 3) 罪是主人---(我所作的我自己不明白;我所愿意的我并不作;我所恨恶的我倒去作。) 4)罪是主犯 b.道德律与罪的律(7:21,24) 1)永远失败 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 6 2)人生愁苦 D、基督成全(7:25) a.基督的死和基督的活 b.基督义的生命是顺服神的律 c.亚当罪的生命是顺服罪的律 (3)脱离死亡的诅咒(8:1,30) [如今,那些在基督耶稣里的,就不定罪了。(8:1)] A、圣灵的律(8:2,6) 在基督里释放(8:2,4) a. 1)脱离罪和死的律[原来人是完全受罪的捆绑(见第七章)] 2)基督的代赎 3)基督里义的成就 b.体贴圣灵(8:5,6) 1)两种生命 2)两种结果 B、圣灵的内住(8:7,11) a.属灵的人(8:7,9) 1)属肉体的本质——* 与神为仇——因为不服神的律法、也是不能服。 * 不能得神的喜悦 2)属灵的本质——* 基督的灵内住 b.心灵复活(8:10,11) 1)身体因罪而死 心灵因义而活 2) 3)身体因灵复活(指身体可以用作行善) C、圣灵的引导(8:12,14) a.不必顺从肉体活着——因不欠肉体的债 b.顺从圣灵的引导——神的儿子 1)顺从肉体活着的必要死 2)靠着圣灵治死身体恶行的必要活着 D、圣灵的印证(8:15,17) a.奴仆与儿子(8:15,16) 1)奴仆——心灵仍旧害怕 2)儿子——心灵呼叫“阿爸” 3)圣灵的见证——神的儿子 b.与基督同为后嗣(8:17) 1)后嗣——承受基业 2)荣耀——与基督一同受苦 E、圣灵的安慰(8:18,25) a.苦楚与荣耀(8:18、) b.受造物的等候(8:19,22) ——神众子的显明 c.儿子的名分——就是身体得赎(8:23,25) 1)圣灵初结的果子 2)忍耐盼望 F、圣灵的帮助(8:26,27) a.我们的软弱——不晓得祷告 b.圣灵的代祷 1)圣灵的叹息 2)神知圣灵的意思 3)圣灵照着神的旨意祈求 G、圣灵的保守(8:28,30) section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be-of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching crosshoice d have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the cto the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used shoulrding n concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be accomplate design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used oes. Te, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfacand smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attachedcoated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood check the template, especially the template Panel connection ss, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, tooothnetting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smust be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cution mires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connecd other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requmade for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel an 6 7 a.万事互相效力 b.基督为模样——* 预知?预先定下基督?效法榜样 c.神永远的预旨——* 预定?呼召?称义?荣耀 (4)得胜的赞歌(8:31,39) T1、神若帮助我们,谁能敌挡我们呢,(8:31,32) 答: 基督和万物 T2、谁能控告神所拣选的人呢,(8:33) 答:有神称我们为义。(或)是神吗, T3、谁能定他们的罪呢,(8:34) 答:有a.基督耶稣为我们已经死了。(或)是基督吗, b.而且从死里复活了 c.现今在神的右边,也替我们祈求 T4、谁能使我们与基督的爱隔绝呢,(8:35,39) 答:a.外来的环境(35,37) (a)患难吗?(b)困苦吗?(c)逼迫吗?(d)饥饿吗?(e)赤身露体吗?(f)危险吗?(g)刀剑吗?“靠着 爱我们的主,在这一切的事上已经得胜有余了” b.各种角度(38,39) (a)生存的问题——是生、是死 ;(b)权势的问题——是天使、是掌权的、是有能的;(c)时间 的问题——是现在的事、是将来的事;(d)知识的问题——是高处的、是低处的、是别的受造之物 c.原因:“都不能叫我们与神的爱隔绝,这爱是在我们的主基督耶稣里的” 四、神对以色列的计划(9:1,11:36) 1、神主权的拣选(9:1,29) (1)保罗的伤痛(9:1,5) A、说真话(9:1、) B、爱的流露(9:2,3); C、以色列的特权——儿子的名分、荣耀、诸约、律法、礼仪、应许、列祖、基督(9:4,5) (2)两个例子(9:6,13) A、应许的后裔——以撒(9:6,9) a.从以色列生的不都是以色列人(9:6、) b.亚伯拉罕的后裔不都是神的儿女(9:7、) c.唯独应许的儿女才算是后裔(9:7,9) B、拣选的旨意——雅各(9:10,13) (3)两个问题(9:14,24) T1、难道神有什么不公平吗, 答:没有。因他是主权的神——对摩西说、对法老说 T2、那么,他为什么还指责人呢,有谁抗拒他的旨意呢, 答:a.不该向神问这样的问题 b.神的主权——两种器皿 (a)预备遭毁灭的器皿 (b)预备得荣耀的器皿 (4)两个先知的预言(9:25,29) A、何西阿的预言(9:25,26) B、以赛亚的预言(9:27,29) 2、 以色列人的责任(9:30,10:21) (1)不信(9:31,33) A、外帮人因信得义 B、犹太人凭行求义 C、锡安的绊脚石 (2)无知(10:1,17) good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 8 A、不知神的义想立自己的义(10:1,4) a.犹太人有热心 b.没有真知识 c.律法的总结就是基督 B、摩西的见证(10:5) C、福音的见证(10:6,17) a.所传信主的道(6,8)——*“心里相信,口里承认。” b.凡信他的人必不致于羞耻(9,13) 差遣?传道?听道?信道?求告(14,17) c. (3)悖逆(10:18,21) A、保罗的引证(18、) B、摩西的证明(19、) C、以赛亚的证明(20,21) 3、以色列的将来(11:1,32) (1)拣选的余数(11:1,10) A、保罗的例子(1、) B、过去的见证(2,4) C、所留的余数(5,6) D、其余的顽梗(7,10) (2)救恩与以色列(11:11,24) A、救恩的次序(11,15)——* 以色列的过失?临到外帮?激动以色列 B、救恩与信心(16,24) 信心的比喻(16、) a. *“新面”、“树根”——亚伯拉罕因信称义的原则即神怜悯罪人的原则 b.信心的警告(17,24)—— * 以色列因不信失去救恩 * 外帮人因信得到救恩 * 外帮人如果不信也将失去救恩 * 以色列如果悔改继续得到救恩 (3)以色列全家得救(11:25,32) A、奥秘的预言(25,27) a.奥秘(25,26)——* 现在以色列有硬心?外帮数目添满?以色列全家得救 b.圣经的预言(26,27) B、以色列必得怜恤(28,32) a.就福音说(28、)——* 他们是福音的仇敌(杀耶稣) b.就拣选说(28、)——* 他们因列祖的缘故是蒙爱的 c.神的信实(29,32) 1)神的恩赐和选召没有后悔(29、) * 注意:不是指神对以色列的恩赐和选召没有后悔,因此以色列人全部都得救;而是指神 有一个不改变的救恩原则(籍着基督的血,借着人的信,显明神的义)。所以,以色列民不是神不 要他们,而是同样的原则,神也怜恤他们。 2)神怜恤人的旨意(30,32) * 以色列?外帮?以色列(因为神将众人都圈在不顺服之中,特意要怜恤众人。) 4、保罗的赞叹(11:33,36) (1)神的智慧和知识 (2)人的有限 (3)神主动的爱 (4)万有之源 五、神对义人的教训(12:1,15:13) d other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requmade for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel an section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be-of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching crosshoice d have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the cto the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used shoulrding n concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be accomplate design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used oes. Te, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfacand smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attachedcoated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood check the template, especially the template Panel connection ss, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, tooothnetting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smust be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cution mires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connec8 9 1、对主的委身(12:1,8) (1)委身的原因——神的慈悲 (2)委身的本分——献身当活祭(是圣洁的、是神所喜悦的) (3)委身的旨意——遵真理而行 A、不要效法这个世界 B、要心意更新而变化 C、察验何为神的良善、纯全可喜悦的旨意 (4)委身的智慧(12:3,8) 3) A、合乎中道(12: B、恩赐搭配(12:4,8) 1)身子的比喻 2)恩赐的不同 3)专心的事奉 2、爱人的原则(12:9,21) (1)对爱人(2)爱弟兄(3)恭敬人(4)服事主(5)在指望中(6)在患难中(7)对祷告(8) 圣徒缺乏(9)对客人(10)对逼迫你们的(11)与喜乐的人(12)与哀哭的人(13)对同心(14) 对志气(15)对卑微的人(16)对聪明(17)对恶事(18)对美事(19)对和睦(20)对伸冤(21) 对仇敌(22)对罪恶 3、国民的本分(13:1,14) (1)顺服权柄(13:1,7) A、权柄的源头 B、权柄的目的 C、按真理行事 (2)爱人如己(13:8,10) (3)披戴基督(13:11,14) A、基督要再来 B、行事要光明 C、披戴主基督 4、教会的生活(14:1,15:13) (1)信徒的自由(14:1,12) A、对食物的不同态度(14:1,2) B、不可彼此论断(14:3,4) C、守日的例证(14:5,6) D、每人都是为主而活(14:7,8) E、每人都要向主交帐(14:9,12) (2)信徒的相爱(14:13,23) A、不彼此绊脚(14:13) B、凡物都洁净(14:14) C、爱心的原则(14:15,16) D、神国的本质(14:17,19) E、不使弟兄跌倒(14:20,21) F、凭信心吃喝(14:22,23) (3)基督的榜样(15:1,13) A、担当弟兄的软弱(15:1,3) B、接纳弟兄的软弱(15:4,7) C、同一的主基督(15:8,12) D、祝愿(15:13) 六、结语(15:14,16:27) 1、保罗写信的原因(15:14,21) (1)使徒的职责(15:14,16) good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 10 (2)使徒的见证(15:17,19) (3)使徒的志向(15:20,21) 2、保罗布道的计划(15:22,33) (1)使徒的心愿(15:22,24) * 哥林多?罗马?西班牙 (2)现在的行程(15:25,29) * 捐款送到耶路撒冷 3、保罗的问安(16:1,27) )举荐非比(16:1,2) (1 (2)问候朋友(16:3,16) (3)最后劝勉(16:17,20) (4)同伴的问候(16:21,24) (5)颂词(16:25,27) 2008年10月17日星期五 整理 made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel an section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be-of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching crosshoice d have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the cto the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used shoulrding n concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be accomplate design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used oes. Te, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfacand smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attachedcoated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood check the template, especially the template Panel connection ss, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, tooothnetting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smust be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cution mires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connecd other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requ10
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