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汽车防盗器线路安装大全汽车防盗器线路安装大全 为爱飞翔 保存于 2009年07月07日 08:51 , 字体:大? o 小 o 中 o 大 , 转为日志 , 编辑 , 删除 一汽丰田凯美瑞这台车比较好装只是尾箱有点问题要家装一个继电器就可以了 中控:紫银点(关)灰银点(开) 转 向等:绿银点 黄银点 ACC:细白 ST:蓝(粗) 长火:黑(粗) 油路:灰(中粗) 尾箱:细黑(加继电器 福特全顺 嘉年华正触发 骏捷在与主门的连接线束里,有一根是细一点的白橙线,是中控的,双电位负触发,电阻是220欧, 瑞风防盗怎么装...

汽车防盗器线路安装大全 为爱飞翔 保存于 2009年07月07日 08:51 , 字体:大? o 小 o 中 o 大 , 转为日志 , 编辑 , 删除 一汽丰田凯美瑞这台车比较好装只是尾箱有点问题要家装一个继电器就可以了 中控:紫银点(关)灰银点(开) 转 向等:绿银点 黄银点 ACC:细白 ST:蓝(粗) 长火:黑(粗) 油路:灰(中粗) 尾箱:细黑(加继电器 福特全顺 嘉年华正触发 骏捷在与主门的连接线束里,有一根是细一点的白橙线,是中控的,双电位负触发,电阻是220欧, 瑞风防盗怎么装的 负触发,在保险盒后面有。你锁门开门就能听见 一汽,,的中控容易搞定拆下原车中控盒(右挡风玻璃下面),拔下插头,松开中控盒上面的一个螺丝,中控盒里面的电路板就可以拉出来了,然后再插上插头,用试电笔找出里面的两个触发点,也就是找出原车控制开锁关锁的继电器触点(用电烙铁焊两条线出来分别接到防盗器的白线,白带黑,防盗器接负触发就好了(,但特别注意:用试电笔试触发点时不要乱试,要看看电路板的背面是不是继电器,是的话就可以试(该中控电路板还不到香烟盒那么大,很容易找。各位焊线的时候小心点,见议对电路不熟的朋友还是用正电回路门锁线在门到车内的线束上找,没有插头颜色为红/蓝银点,红/黑银点中号线用正电回路。 力帆,,,防盗接线 触发模式,单线负触发,在通往主门那束线中黄色(转向在机盖拉手一束线中,绿黄绿蓝(火线在一三线插头中,两根粗红都是火线,蓝色启动,,,,在另一插头中白色(门边在,柱中接,颜色忘了 伊兰特 锁线只有一根,在通往主门线束。好像是橙带黑条,单线串联负触发 起亚塞拉图 负触发信号线黄橙,黄黑,转向线蓝黑,蓝粉,门边绿黑,,,蓝 ,,,,在另一插头中白色(门边在,柱中接,颜色忘了 福田奥铃皮卡的防盗 正负触 单线串联负触发 吉利自由舰这样安装防盗器 锁线,转向都在A柱下方找,门灯在门内 锁线:白红,黑红 转向:绿红,绿白 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 门灯,白黑 正电回路触发 不要随意查线,锁盒容易坏,最好不要加锁,容易将原车主锁弄卡死。负触发也不行 毕加索防盗接线 1.拆控制盒(离合器踏板上方) 2.触发线和顶灯线在蓝插上. 3.转向灯线在青插上 4.电源线.ACC线在锁胆处 5.刹车线在刹车开关处 6.油电橙色. 现代索纳塔所有线接法 负 标致307 电原 ACC ON:在保险盒上找 我想这个不说大家也知道怎么找 (小心)中控: 是负触发 第一次要拆门 里面中控有6根线 顺序是 (蓝)(绿) (红)(灰) (绿黄) (蓝) 接红线是 开。 关——的线就要拆仪表台之间的上锁键拆下 ,里面有4根线其中有一根(蓝)色就是关信号。这样不会影响电脑转向: 拆主门边踏板 有两组线 靠下的大组里找最小号的(棕)色和(红)色杀车线: 好找 在脚踏上的杀车开关上找门边: 都说是蓝色的啦 爱丽舍威驰宝来雪铁龙丰田RAV4夏利2000 丰田威驰;负触发。黑红,蓝黄, ON。 蓝色。 方向绿黄,绿黑。 门灯。红白 宝来;;; 负触发。 绿红,绿黄。ON 。 黑色 方向。 黑白,黑绿。 门灯。 棕白 雪铁龙2.0;;;门灯。 紫色《蓝插头》 方向。 黄色,浅棕色《绿插头》 丰田RAV4:::****。 蓝黄,蓝棕。ON。 黑色。方向 绿黑,绿黄。 门灯。 红白 夏利2000:::负触发。灰色,绿色。 方向。 绿黑,绿黄。 门灯。 红白 北斗星,,,,防盗器 +,,,,,,:白,绿条(粗) 蓝,黑条 (保险盒下方插头上) 转向灯:绿,黄条 绿,红条 (保险盒下方与火线插头并排的插头上) 顶灯线:黑,红条 (保险盒盘一组插头中) 中控线:棕,白条 单线串联负触发,,捷达装法,,(原车中控盒就在保险盒上方的大梁上) 北京现代雅绅特中控线的接法 单线串连负触发,用通用接法黄和黄黑接地,橙和橙黑接在一起,白和白黑接剪断的哪根控制线就可以了。 颐(琪)达防盗器线路图 黄色线------火线 蓝线色------ACC 棕色线-------门触发/黄色线旁 白色.紫色---转向 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 棕色线-------开锁线(标示处) 灰色线-------关锁线(标示处) 本田雅阁2。0车的中控 门磁:黑白(右保险4线插) 门锁:黑红/蓝红(右边保险上第一个插) 尾门:左边灰色插头白红(大)加两点红 ACC:白红 新款本田思域防盗 中控线在保险盒后边边门线两个插头中上边白色的绿线和灰线负触发.转向线在保险盒上边的插头中顾客着急忘了颜色啦!很好找边门线是绿色的 尼桑轩逸防到接法 油泵:绿白.锁线灰.开门是浅绿.后备箱开启是棕.门灯是棕的后备箱是粉的.转向灯是:浅绿.白.马达是紫.蓝 海南马自达系列: 马自达 福美来 门锁触发马达线: 红/黑 (开) 红 (关) 遥控触发负: 白/黑 (开) 灰/红 (关) 顶灯线: 黑/蓝 转向:绿黑绿白 门边:蓝 倒车:橙红 马自达M6 我装的是正电回路,性号线要拆脚踏板后的铁板.红蓝银点,红黑银点. 转向绿白绿红门边绿黑. 倒车橙红 338# 马自达门锁触发马达:红/黑 (开) 红 (关) 遥控触发马达:白黑 (开) 灰/红(关)方向灯:绿/黑 绿/白 门检:蓝 ACC ON: 刹车线 : 顶灯线: 黑/蓝 +12V电源: 江淮系列: 瑞风防盗 负触发 转向是:绿。绿/黄 门触发:棕/橙 锁线:关是蓝/黑,开是灰 请接线前校正下瑞风以前有装过,我用的是单线串联负触发,在A柱主门线束中找蓝色的线就是中控线 常火是红色,转向绿和绿白色。启动是白色。中控灰色开、兰色锁,门边是黄黑,ACC是兰色的。中控线在继电器后面找 雪弗莱系列: 雪弗兰spark 门灯线负触发,黑白带灰点位置在引擎盖拉手下面一个插座里面,第一根就是。 转向在与门灯线插座右面一兰色的插座里面,主色是兰黄和兰。两根线在一起, ON是兰黄粗的,电源是粗红,都在从点火开关下来的线束里面喇叭线从引擎盖拉线中穿到发动机室。 门锁要加马达,很方面的。门锁线要从橡胶套里面走,稍微有点儿麻烦。 景程防盗 负触发,两条浅兰色,后箱棕色. 转向深蓝跟浅蓝 方向灯线也是一根兰色的,一跟天兰 这车简单中控线和方向线在同一位置拆下装饰板就能看到了门灯线的白色 顶灯线: 红/白 雪佛莱,乐风 中空要加马达, 转向灯线在a柱左下角,有2个插头上面一个的中间浅兰和深兰,门灯线,下面一个插头中间的一条细白线 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 丰田系列 : 丰田RAV4 中空线:蓝黄、蓝橙 ACC ON:黑色 方向灯绿黑、绿蓝 门边:红白 刹车线:绿白 丰田RAV4 转向;绿带黄,绿带黑. 刹车,绿带白. 油路,蓝带黑.均在主门门槛条下. 门灯,红.在门槛下通往驾驶座内的线束中. 中控,蓝带红.蓝带白.负触发,在司机位左脚位置边接头盒 丰田大霸王 负触发; 信号线;蓝白\蓝银点. 转向;绿黄\绿蓝 ON;黑红. 门边;红白. 刹车;绿白 皇冠3.0 黑色红条12V 启动黑色白条 点火黑色黄条 转向绿色黄条和绿色黑条。 中空黑色红条和黑色黄条 后备想黑色红条 门边红色白条 丰田花冠 丰田花冠: 负触发:绿黄 蓝红 蓝白 蓝黄 升级: 蓝 红 转向灯:绿黄 绿黑 +12V:白红 ACC:黑 边门负触发:红白 油泵:黑/红(在左门槛下) 佳美2.4 中空线蓝黄、蓝色 ACC ON黑红 方向灯:蓝黄、绿黑 门边线:红黑 刹车线:绿 丰田威驰 负触发 信号线;黑红,蓝黄[左下方盖下五线插座] 转向;绿黑,绿黄 门边;红蓝 刹车;绿白 丰田 凌志 中控 : 粉/黑 绿/红(点) ACC ON: 黑/橙 黑/黄 转向灯 : 绿/黄 绿/黑 门检 : 红/白 脚刹 : 绿/白 油泵 : 红/黑(粗) 丰田 柯斯达 中控 : 白/黄 黑/黄 ACC ON: 黑/绿 转向灯 : 黑/绿 黑/白 门检 : 棕/蓝 脚刹 : 红/黑 油泵 : 丰田吉普4500 中控 :蓝 绿 ACC ON:蓝 /黄 转向灯 :蓝/白 蓝黑 门检 :红/黄 脚刹 :蓝/黄 油泵 : 丰田 基先达 中控 :红/白 绿/红 ACC ON: 黑/红 红/白 转向灯 : 绿/黑 绿/黄 门检 : 红/银点 脚刹 : 绿/黑 油泵 : 丰田锐志 中控 :粉 蓝 ACC ON:白灰 (方向盘下) 转向灯 :绿 橙 门检 : Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 脚刹 :白 油泵 : 后备箱: 淡紫 后备箱开启: 黄 上海大众系列: 凯越 转向线方向盘下边可以找到:两根深蓝的线。 中控线在通向门里的线束可以找到:绿白色和黄色 门边紫白 火;红 ON棕 别克凯越 中控 :黄(开) 绿/白 (锁) 通门一束线里,负触发) ACC ON:棕 常火:红 转向灯 :深绿 浅绿 (在脚踏板最下一排) 门检 :紫/黑 (门边开关) 后备箱: 棕色 (在右门槛下) 君威 负,红黑\橙红黑. 转向黄绿 ON红 .B+白. 门边白. 后箱黑白 帕萨特 门锁触发马达线: 黑/白 (开) 黑/蓝 (关) 遥控触发: 红/蓝 (开) 红/绿 (关) 方向灯: 黑/白 黑/绿 顶灯线: 棕/白 338# 帕萨特 B5 门锁触发马达:黑/白 (开) 黑/蓝 (关) 遥控触发马达:红/蓝 (开) 红/绿 (关) 方向灯 :黑/白 黑/绿 ACC ON: 刹车线 : 顶灯线: 棕/白 +12V电源: 别克 赛欧 门锁触发马达线: 黑/红 (开) 黑/黄 (关) 遥控触发: 棕/白 (开) 棕/红 (关) 顶灯线: 灰色 转向:黑白,黑绿 桑塔钠 2000 中控 :红 (负触发) Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers ACC ON:黑 转向灯 :黑 黑/ 绿 绿/黑 绿/白条 门检 :棕/白 油泵 : 脚刹 :黑/红 大众 桑塔钠3000 中控 : ACC ON:黑粗 黑细(原车黑粗,黑细断开,并成两条接断电器) 转向灯 :黑绿 黑白 门检 :触发线 脚刹 :红/黑 油泵 : 后备箱:棕白 (接灯) 大众 POLO 中控: 蓝 白 (从A柱上找,)同桑塔纳2000一样 门检: 红/蓝 ON:黑线 (电锁上找) 大众 帕萨特 凌驭 中控:红/蓝 (开) 红/绿(锁)拆门,在左门板内 门检: 棕 (负触发)接顶灯,在A柱棕/白线 转向灯: 黑/白 黑/绿 油泵: 绿/橙 常火:红(粗) ON: 黄/黑 在方向盘下 南汽系列: 南京非亚特 中空锁灰色绿条和灰色蓝条,门边线棕色绿条,转向分色白条和粉色 飞亚特车系门开头好像都是在锁块中的,在引擎盖拉手处,有一线束,里而门灯线,锁线负触发,转向线都有,电源线就在这线束右边的一黄线或者红线,ON在电元线右手线束里。 比亚迪 所有的线都在肢踏板旁的一个大插头上, 方向灯,绿黄,绿黑。 锁开线,蓝白,蓝黄, 顶灯,黄红。 原车带有升窗功能。其于的线就不用说了简单。 派立奥 转向粉红和分红白条。 中空锁控制线蓝色白条和绿色蓝条。 ACC兰色白条。 门边线棕色黑条。 要注意的是装完防盗器后,进入防盗几秒中后开始报警,其原因门边线在关上门后还有约3V的电压。加装一个继电器即可。 如果没有中空锁需要加装,加装时需要把锁芯拆下来,在锁芯上无法固定,用一根1公分宽的铁条一头固定在锁上,另一头打一个眼固定中空锁拉杆即可 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 派立奥 转向粉红和分红白条。 中空锁控制线蓝色白条和绿色蓝条。 ACC兰色白条。门边线棕色黑条。 要注意的是装完防盗器后,进入防盗几秒中后开始报警,其原因门边线在关上门 后还有约3V的电压。加装一个继电器即可。 悦达起亚系列: 赛拉图 是负触发((中控锁线是,黄黑,黄红 转向灯是,蓝白,蓝红((([门槛下] 门边是,黑红 把 蓝色的线切了就和2000一样装啊 [单线串联负触发] 尾箱负电控制加继电器 奇瑞,东方之子 东方之子:转向,蓝黄,黄蓝。 刹车,棕色。 尾门,黄色(第一插头左门角), ACC,黄色(保险后面最下面一个插头), 开/锁,蓝色/棕色(断电器盒左上角)。断油,黑黄(左下角走线)。 门灯,主门线白色。负触发 奇瑞--旗云(遥控版)加装遥控器 中控:绿,兰,负触发 L R:黑/白,黑/绿 门边.棕/白 电源,ACC,接地,就不必说了所有的线在保险盒后都能找到 东风 悦达 起亚 千里马 中控 :浅黄 灰/红 ACC ON:黑 白 转向灯 :粉/蓝 粉/黑 门检 :棕色 脚刹 :黄/黑 油泵 :粗黄 上汽 奇瑞 QQ +12V :红色 门检 :白 ACC ON:黑 转向灯:在第一个插座插头的第4 ,5 根线。 二汽系列: 富康 如果你没有装过,还有点费劲。他的线颜色统一,比较难找。拆下方向盘下的护 板,从保险左边往里看固定在里边的插头上找(大插头),转向线、门边线、刹 车灯线都可以找到。中空锁线在保险座上边可以找到:两根橙色细线。如果装带 启动:发电机正电检测需要利用机油感应器加断电器转换过来(正电)这是由于 发电机正电供给在ACC线上。 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 东风风行面包 ON黑色白条。 启动黑黄。 转向红色绿条和绿色浅绿。 门边红色绿条。 中空负触发红色绿条和白色绿条 赛纳 中空锁线可以用正负控制原车的司机门,门边线(粉)色,并且加装5线中空锁 锁门时断开门边线即可 东风标致307 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers
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