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每天一句每天一句 2014-2-14 22:20 今天的句子不难,我们循序渐进!但是今天的句子是来自二月的经济学人是最有时效性的句子,最原汁原味的句子。 认真看吧~ IN HIS big annual speech to Congress, Barack Obama made several promises: he pledged to raise the minimum wage for those contracted to the federal government, to create a new tax...

每天一句 2014-2-14 22:20 今天的句子不难,我们循序渐进!但是今天的句子是来自二月的经济学人是最有时效性的句子,最原汁原味的句子。 认真看吧~ IN HIS big annual speech to Congress, Barack Obama made several promises: he pledged to raise the minimum wage for those contracted to the federal government, to create a new tax-free savings bond to encourage Americans to save, to work for the closure of the Guantánamo Bay prison, to push immigration reforms and to veto any sanctions that Congress might pass designed to derail his deal with Iran over its nuclear programme. 词汇突破:pledge 承诺 veto 否决 ( 注意和vote:投票) sanction 制裁,命令,决定 derail 破坏,出轨 主干识别:Barack Obama made several promises 其他成分:IN HIS big annual speech to Congress 状语 he pledged to raise the minimum wage for those contracted to the federal government, to create a new tax-free savings bond to encourage Americans to save, to work for the closure of the Guantánamo Bay prison, to push immigration reforms and to veto any sanctions that Congress might pass designed to derail his deal with Iran over its nuclear programme. 冒号引导的从句解释说明前面的promises. 从句中的主干: Sb pledged to do 其中四个不定式并列:to raise...,to creat...,to work for...,to push...,to veto... 难点解析:其中sanctions被that Congress might pass 和designed to derail his deal with Iran over its nuclear programme所修饰; 知识点 高中化学知识点免费下载体育概论知识点下载名人传知识点免费下载线性代数知识点汇总下载高中化学知识点免费下载 把握:名词A+定语一+定语二(其中定语二可以修饰定语一中的名词也可以修饰名词A,一般根据语境来 判断,从考研的文章来看,修饰名词A的可能性更大。 参考译文:在年度的国会演说中,巴拉克`奥巴马(Barack Obama)作出数个承诺,包括提高联邦政府员工的最低工 资,发行一种新的免税储蓄债券,鼓励美国人多储蓄,关闭关塔那摩湾(Guantánamo Bay)监狱,推进移民政 策改革,以及制止任何国会可能会通过的阻碍与伊朗核问题解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 的命令。 2014-2-15 22:19 今天的句子是来自2月15日的经济学人的文章,关于生物科技的。同学们先读这个段落,然后告诉我,这一段 认为生物科技会繁荣吗? 我过会附上解析,逐渐的学会从句子到篇章,这是有效整合单词和句子的最好办法。 Biotechnology Feb 15th 2014 | Fromthe print edition AS INVESTORS and executives crammed into a New York ballroom for a conference held this week by the Biotechnology Industry Organisation, the mood was jittery. The previous week eight biotech firms had launched initial public offerings in America, together raising more than $500m.In a discussion panel on whether the industry’s latest boom will last, a prominent investor, Oleg Nodelman, joked that he still had suitcases of cash for any firm that wanted it. 词汇突破:Biotechnology Industry 生物技术产业 crammed into 涌入 Ballroom 本意是舞厅,这里就指是开会的场地。 Jittery 紧张 initial public offerings (公司)首次发行股票,首期股票上市简称,,, discussion panel 讨论会 boom 繁荣,和其相对应的是bust这个单词,常见的表达是:boom and bust 繁荣和衰退。 Prominent 有名的,杰出的。 句子解析:这个段落一共三个句子。 第一个句子:主干: the mood was jittery. 状语: AS INVESTORS and executives crammed into a New York ballroom for a conference held this week by the Biotechnology Industry Organisation, 参考译文: 这周生物技术产业协会在纽约举行了会议,当投资人和执行官们进入会议大厅的时候,气氛是非常 紧张的。 第二个句子: 主干:eight biotech firms had launched initial public offerings in America 状语:The previous week 状语:together raising more than $500m. 参考译文:上一周,八家生物科技公司进行了,,,,一共募集到了,亿美金。 第三个句子:主干:a prominent investor, (同位语Oleg Nodelman), joked that((( 状语:In a discussion panel on whether the industry’s latest boom will last, a prominent investor, 宾语:he still had suitcases of cash for any firm that wanted it. 参考译文: 在一次关于这个产业的繁荣是否能持续的讨论会中,一个著名的投资人Oleg Nodelman 甚至开玩笑说:我有好几箱的现金,这个产业中任何一家公司需要现金,我都可以给他们。 注释:投资人愿意投钱说明他们看好这个产业,所以这个段落表达的就是这个产业会繁荣。 这篇文章的标题是:Fever rising 持续火爆 导语是:There are reasons to hope that the latest biotech boom will not be followed by another bust( 有理由相信,最近的生物科技业的繁荣不会伴随着另一次的衰败。 2014-2-16 22:27 奥斯卡又快来了,2013年,史蒂芬?斯皮尔伯格执导的《林肯》成为第85届奥斯卡上汇集万千宠爱的提名王:12项提名领跑全场,“林肯”的扮演者戴?刘易斯DanielDay-Lewis当选影帝,并被时代周刊誉为是the world’s greatest actor; 就在这一期的时代杂志中,除了写这位演员,还有一篇对于林肯的描写,写的很有意思,也很符合考研选材的风格。 Of all the words a proud, ambitious man might use to describe himself, perhaps only Abraham Lincoln would choose strange. Yet there it is. In one of his earliest wisps of autobiography, Lincoln wrote that he was “a strange, friendless, uneducated, penniless boy” when he emerged from the backwoods in his early 20s to make his way in the world. 词汇突破: 1.wisp 一小捆(一般这个单词是a wisp of hair一缕头发 )(这里结合语境理解为:片段) 2.Ambitious 具有雄心壮志的 3.Penniless 一文不名,贫穷的 4.Backwoods 偏僻的地区 5.Makeone’s way (前进,出人头地,打拼,谋生) 例句:That youngman will make his way in the world.(那个年轻人是会有出息的) 6.there it is 情况就是这样 7.emerged from 本意是出现,崛起,when he emerged from the backwoods结合这个语境可以翻译为:从偏僻的地区走出来的时候 句子解析:第一句: perhaps only Abraham Lincoln would choose strange. 句子主干 Of all the words/ a proud, ambitious man might use to describe himself, (状语:of all the words , /a proud, ambitious man might use to describe himself 定语从句) 参考译文: 初译:在骄傲的和具有雄心的人会用来描述自己的单词中,可能只有林肯会选择“奇怪”这个词汇。 这样翻译的明显不通顺;可以把定语从句单独成句: 一个骄傲的且具有雄心的人会用各种词来描述自己,但可能只有亚布拉罕.林肯会从这些词汇中选择“奇怪strange”这个词。 第二句: Yet there it is. 近乎于固定用法;(但是,情况确实是这样的) 提示:这里的yet从语境来看应该表示递进; 第三句: Lincoln wrote that he was “astrange, friendless, uneducated, penniless boy” 主干 when he emerged from the backwoods in his early 20s to make his way in the world. 状语 In one of his earliest wisps of autobiography 状语 参考译文:在他早期自传的一些片段中,他这样写道:“我是一个“奇怪的,没有朋友的(无依无靠),没有受过教育的穷小子”。那个时候,他20出头刚从偏远地方出来打拼。 今天句子中的Jeff Bezos就是亚马逊的创始人,这哥们在网上比较著名的一个演讲是在2010年普林斯顿大学的毕业典礼上的演讲,题目叫:we are what we choose, 大家可以去听听,还不错。 2014-02-17 这是今天(2月17日)纽约客上的一篇文章;文章开头这样写到的: Amazon is a global superstore, like Walmart. It’s also a hardware manufacturer, like Apple, and a utility(公共服务公司), like Con Edison(美国著名的电力公司), and a video distributor, like Netflix(世界最大的在线影片租赁服务商,现在开始拍电视了,纸牌屋就是他们拍的。本来想说类似中国的优酷,但是优酷的用户体验太差,广告太多,准备黑他们一下,大家尽量有其他的), and a book publisher, like Random House(兰登书屋,美国一家很大的出版公司,类似中国的外研社), and a production studio, like Paramount(美国的电影公司,帕拉蒙公司,大家应该很熟悉的一个电影片头,一座山,飞一圈星星出来,就是他了), and a literary magazine, like The Paris Review(著名的文学评论杂志,类似中国的文学评论杂志), and a grocery deliverer, like Fresh Direct(全美最大的冷鲜营养餐企业FreshDirect,类似中国的双汇), and someday it might be a package service, like U.P.S. (联合快递,类似中国的顺丰快递) Its founder and chief executive, Jeff Bezos, also owns a major newspaper, the Washington Post. 如果对这些企业想了解的其实可以百度一下,知道了可能对于解题没有什么帮助,但是这样至少可以做到不土。 以上的部分不用抄。看看就可以了。 下面这句话如果读不懂可能就对解题有伤害了: For Bezos to have seen a bookstore as a means to world domination at the beginning of the Internet age, when there was already a crisis of confidence in the publishing world, in a country not known for its book-crazy public, was a stroke of business genius. 词汇突破:1. strokeof genius an outstandingly brilliant and original idea 非凡的创见 a stroke of business genius. (在商业上的非凡创见) 2. domination 统治,占主导地位 句子解析:这个句子的难点在于主干的识别: 句子主语是:to have seen a bookstore as a means to world domination(这是一个带完成时态的动词不定式短 语) 主干就是:( )was a stroke of business genius. 其他成分:状语:For Bezos (这里强调动词不定式动作的发出者) 状语:at the beginning of the Internetage 状语:when there was already a crisis of confidence in the publishing world, 状语: in a country not known for its book-crazy public 参考译文: 在互联网刚兴起的时候,在出版业已经出现信心危机的情况下,在一个并不是由于民众爱书而著名 的国家里,Bezos能把书店看做是统治世界的一个手段,这真的是一个非凡的商业创见。 译文欣赏: 在互联网方兴未艾、出版业已现信心危机的时候,面对并不嗜书的美国受众,Bezos能够将书店看作 占领世界的踏脚石,的确可以称得上是非凡的商业创见。 2014-02-18 2014年2月经济学人上的文章。 In both America and Britain, the unemployment rate has fallen far faster over the past year than the tepid recoveries in both countries seem to justify. 词汇突破:1.unemploymen trate 失业率 2.Tepid 不冷不热的,温吞的 3.Recovery 复苏 4.Justify这个词的基本语义是:证明…是合理的,证明…是有理由的,但是在句子尽量的结合语境来 赋予含义,很多时候可以翻译为:证明,解释。 5.More…than…这是很常见的结构,但是同学必须知道这个结构除了是一个比较结构之外,他还是一 个肯定,否定结构。More后面加肯定,than后面加否定。 句子讲解:首先给大家讲一个容易理解的句子: He earns more money than he can spend. (他赚的钱多到他用不完)than后面的句子是需要翻译为中文的否定的。 也就是我们常讲的more…than +句子(这个句子需要翻译为否定) 所以这里的句子就可以理解为 1.In both America and Britain, the unemployment rate has fallen far faster over thepast year 2. the tepid recoveries in both countries seem (not) to justify +(前面的句子) . (than:可以理解为一个代词,指代前面的句子做justify的宾语) 参考译文:英美两国的失业率在过去一年间下降幅度之大,已远非两国缓慢的复苏所能解释的了。 这个句子需要背诵~ 2014-02-19 科技类的文章看起来恐怖,主要是单词会比较陌生,有恐惧感,句子比较长,但是仔细分析会觉得比文科的文章 好懂。 The Nature study, conducted by Sriram Sankararaman of Harvard Medical School and his colleagues, looked at the genomes of 1,004 living people of European and Asian descent and compared them with Neanderthal DNA from a 50,000-year-old toe bone found in a Siberian cave, and also with the genomes of 176 west Africans. This latter group, Dr Sankararaman assumed, could have little Neanderthal DNA in them because Neanderthals, as far as can be determined from the fossil record, lived only in Europe and western Asia. 词汇突破: 1.Neanderthal (亦作Neanderthal man) 尼安德特人(约120,000—35,000年前冰川时期广泛分布于欧洲的已灭 绝 人种,前额低斜,眉脊突出,与旧石器时代中期莫斯特燧石文化有 密切关系) 现被看作与智人不同的人种,可能是一不同进化线的尾链 2.Homo sapiens 第一个词汇可以不记,但是这个词汇必须认识:现代智 人,也 就是指我们。Human 其实除了指我们还有我们的好多 3. genomes 基因组 4. descent 血统 European and Asian descent 欧亚血统 5. fossil record化石记录 6. looked at 检查,审视 7. conduct 实施 8. latter group 后一组 9. Nature 大写了N就是自然杂志 10. little 表示否定 句子分析: 第一句: The Nature study, conducted by Sriram Sankararaman of Harvard Medical School and his colleagues, looked at the genomes of 1,004 living people of European and Asian descent and compared them with Neanderthal DNA from a 50,000-year-old toe bone found in a Siberian cave, and also with the genomes of 176 west Africans. 主干:The Nature study looked at the genomes …and compared them with …and with… 理清楚并列关系。 在翻译的时候The Nature study, conducted by Sriram Sankararaman of Harvard Medical School and his colleagues,可以单独成句翻译为:哈佛医学院的Sankararaman博士和他的同事共同完成这项发表在《自然》杂 志上的研究。 再翻译后面的,有一个伟大的代词:这 这项研究仔细检查了1004名有欧洲和亚洲血统的人的基因,并与发现于西伯利亚一个洞穴的5万年前尼安 德特人的脚趾骨上的DNA进行了对比,同时也176位西非人的基因进行了比对。 第二句: This latter group, Dr Sankararaman assumed, could have little Neanderthal DNA in them because Neanderthals, as far as can be determined from the fossil record, lived only in Europe and western Asia. 句子解析:重点就在于latter group 的指代,前面出现了两组,一是尼安德特人,二是西非人,;所以指 的是西非人。 句子主干: This latter group could have little Neanderthal DNA in them 插入语:,Dr Sankararaman assumed, 原因状语从句:because Neanderthals lived only in Europe and western Asia.(主干) , as far as can be determined from the fossil record, (状语) 翻译的时候把各部分翻译好,再按照中文的习惯来组合就好了。 比较一下即可: 据Sankararaman博士推测,176位西非人基因里面不可能有尼安德特人的基因,因为迄今为止,从所发现的化 石记录里可推断尼安德特人只生活在欧洲和西亚。 2014-02-20 有同学说看每天一句要花一个小时,这是正常的~刚接触这样的句子,同学们肯定会觉得很困难,慢慢的习惯就 好,不要说我退回去看看其他的。就从这些句子看起~这就是最好的学习材料~只是希望你们把课上讲的知识和 这些句子结合起来。 比如:这个句子中 In both America and Britain, the unemployment rate has fallen far faster over the pastyear than the tepid recoveries in both countries seem tojustify.(第五句) 我讲到了:more…than..结构,有同学说句 子中没有more啊~句子中是没有more~但句子中有faster 啊~亲,more= faster, 没事!哪怕这样的知识点都 不明白的同学只要你好好听我的课,和我一起坚持也能考到理想的成绩,不放弃,不抛弃~ Combating the public’s skepticism and mistrust is made all the more difficult by the existence of apowerful counter-current in some people’s attitude to brands: aloyalty that can sometimes verge on idolatry. 词汇突破:1.skepticism and mistrust(名词) 怀疑和不信任 2.all the more =much more 很,更加 (相当于副词) 3.counter-currentn.字面含义:逆流,这里的语境含义可以理解为:逆反情绪,极端情绪 4. loyalty n.忠诚 5. idolatry n.偶像崇拜 6. verge on (动词词组) 近乎于 The Appleproducts, to its fans, verge on perfection. (对苹果的拥护者而言,苹果的产品近乎完美。) 句子分析:句子结构可以提取为: A is madedifficult by B:C A= Combating thepublic’s skepticism and mistrust B= the existence of a powerful counter-current in some people’s attitude tobrands C= a loyalty that can sometimes verge on idolatry C在解释B. 由于A,B和C都很长,所以都可以单独翻译成句子,然后再根据汉语的表达习惯来调整语序。 可以先翻译B再翻译C最后翻译A: 参考译文:公众对于品牌的态度中有强大的极端情绪:一种有时近乎于偶像崇拜的忠诚,这就使得消除(combating)人们的怀疑和不信任变得更加困难了。 注释:这是一篇关于广告商日子不好过的文章。在分析现在的广告越来越不好做了。最后一点就分析到为什么不好做,因为消费者有自己的喜好,就好像我只喝一种碳酸饮料,对其他品牌我就是反感的,任你怎么做广告,我都不会买的。 要求:这个句子要熟读。即:看着中文能说出英文。
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