首页 2012济南中考语文模拟试题1



2012济南中考语文模拟试题12012济南中考语文模拟试题1 九年级语文测试 2012-2 一、积累与运用(15分) 按要求默写。(共8分(每空1分) 1. ?蒹葭苍苍, 。(《诗经?蒹葭》) ?请在下面的空格内为这则新闻拟写标题。(12个字以内)(2分) ?过尽千帆皆不是,______________ ,______________(温庭筠《望江 南》) 3,名著阅读。(6分) ?莫道不消魂, , (李清照《醉花李福领命~趱程赴五丈原~入见甲~传后主之命~问安毕。甲流阴》) 涕曰:“吾不幸中道丧亡~虚废国家大事~得罪于天下。我死后~...

2012济南中考语文模拟试题1 九年级语文测试 2012-2 一、积累与运用(15分) 按要求默写。(共8分(每空1分) 1. ?蒹葭苍苍, 。(《诗经?蒹葭》) ?请在下面的空格内为这则新闻拟写标题。(12个字以内)(2分) ?过尽千帆皆不是,______________ ,______________(温庭筠《望江 南》) 3,名著阅读。(6分) ?莫道不消魂, , (李清照《醉花李福领命~趱程赴五丈原~入见甲~传后主之命~问安毕。甲流阴》) 涕曰:“吾不幸中道丧亡~虚废国家大事~得罪于天下。我死后~公等?为什么我的眼里常含泪水, 。(艾青《我爱这宜竭忠辅主。国家旧制~不可改易,吾所用之人~亦不可轻废。吾兵土地》) 法皆授与姜维~他自能继吾之志~为国家出力。吾命已在旦夕~当即?在那上面,我用残损的手掌轻有遗 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 上奏天子也。”李福领了言语~匆匆辞去。甲强支病体~令左右抚, , 。 扶上小车~出寨遍观各营,自觉秋风吹面~彻骨生寒~乃长叹曰:“再 (戴望舒《我用残损的手掌轻不能临阵讨贼矣:悠悠苍天~曷此其极:”叹息良久。 抚》) A.上面的选段中甲是 。请再写出《三国演义》中与其2.阅读下面这段文字,按要求作答。(共4分,每小题2分) 有关的一个故事: 、 (5分) “免费午餐 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ”由《凤凰周刊》记者邓飞倡议并和全国10余家媒B.结合选段内容,简要 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 文中人物甲是怎样的人。(3分) 体联合发起~500位媒体记者参与~中国社会福利教育基金会支持的公益 项目。说起初衷~邓飞想得很简单~倡议爱心人士每天捐赠3元~为贫困 学童提供免费午餐~让没饭吃的山区孩子吃上饭。 二、古诗文阅读(17分) 2011年4月2日~“免费午餐计划”率先在贵州省黔西县沙坝小学正阅读下面的古诗文,分别回答问题。 式启动~随后~河南鲁山上寺学点、河南鲁山桐树庄小学、湖南新晃大坪,一,望月有感 坡村小先后启动了该项目。 时难年荒世业空~弟兄羁旅各西东。 ? 画线的句子有语病,请选用恰当的修改符号直接在原句上修改。(2田园寥落干戈后~骨肉流离道路中。 分) 吊影分为千里雁~辞根散作九秋蓬。 6. 解释下列句中加点的词:(4分) (( 共看明月应垂泪~一夜乡心五处同。 (1)子墨子之守圉有余 (2)在宋城上而待楚寇矣 ((4. 分析本诗的主旨。(2分) (3)幽厉之君何以亡 (4)各贤其臣 ((( 7. 将文中划线部分的句子翻译成现代汉语:(4分) (( 5.赏析颈联“吊影分为千里雁,辞根散作九秋蓬”。(3分) (1)虽杀臣,不能绝也。 (2)知不忠而任之,何邪, 8.有人为《公输》写了一个小剧本,请你根据[甲]段的文意为他填补空白(二)[甲] 于是见公输盘。子墨子解带为城~以牒为械。公输盘九设攻城部分。(友情提示:可描写神态、语气、动作、心理)(3分) 之机变~子墨子九距之。公输盘之攻械尽~子墨子之守圉有余。 (公输盘理屈词穷, ?地说:“我知道怎么对付你了,可是我不公输盘诎~而曰:“吾知所以距子矣~吾不言。” 说。” 子墨子亦曰:“吾知子之所以距我~吾不言。” 墨子 ?地说:“我也知道你要怎么对付我,可是我也不说。” 楚王问其故。 楚王 ?地说:“这是怎么回事,” 子墨子曰:“公输子之意不过欲杀臣。杀臣~宋莫能守~乃可攻也。然臣9.劝说进谏需要婉转,请你在子墨子、京房两人中任选一个简要谈谈他们((((之弟子禽滑厘等三百人~已持臣守圉之器~在宋城上而待楚寇矣。虽杀臣~(的说话艺术。(友情提示:任选一个角度切入即可:?说话技巧;?说话(((( 不能绝也。” 的目的和效果。)(3分) 楚王曰:“善哉。吾请无攻宋矣。” (节选自《墨 子?公输》) [乙] 京房?与汉元帝共论~因问帝:“幽厉?之君何以亡,所任何人,”(( 答曰:“其任人不忠。”房曰:“知不忠而任之~何邪,”曰:“亡国之三、现代文阅读:(42分) 君~各贤其臣~岂知不忠而任之,”房稽首?曰:“将恐今之视古~亦犹(阅读下面的两篇文章,分别回答文后的问题。 后之视今也。” (选自《世说新语》) (一)蝙蝠——森林的“播种机” 注释:?京房:字君明,汉朝顿丘人。 ?幽厉:周幽王和周厉王,都是亡森林~之所以能够代代繁茂~树种得以四处传播~除风吹、流水携带国之君。 外~几乎绝大部分是那些吃食树木果实的兽类、飞鸟、爬行动物的功劳。?稽首:叩头行礼。 倘若没有这些不辞辛劳的树种“播种机”~地球上的森林则将日益减少~drop or half drops and shake well until the indicator change color without change, can be considered the finish reached. Alkali distal burette by rubber tubes, containing a glass ball, even a small glass tube needle-nosed, instead of glass piston. Using the method in addition to several different other acid burette.AAs the rubber will be corroded by antioxidants, so when using the lotion, buret head placed in a beaker filled with lotions, needle-nosed on the pump. Open pumping pump, light pinch glass ball, stay wash liquid slowly rose to close rubber tube at release glass ball, stay wash liquid soaking a time Hou, from pumping pump, pulled to rubber tube, let wash liquid shed, then with tap water flush, again with distilled water wash number times, loaded Shang rubber tube and wash net of glass ball and the needle-nosed glass tube, again with titration liquid wash 3 times. (2) liquid and bubbles (see Figure 8) to mount the titrant to above zero on the scale, the rubber tube bent, gently pinch the glass ball, so that the liquid slowly drove up connectors and off bubbles, full of rubber tube and needle-nosed a glass tube. (3) pinch glassware left thumb when she's in front, after the index finger, pinch the hose some place in the Middle glass balls which slightly, squeeze squeeze the hose to the right, forming a seam between the rubber tube with glass balls, solution to flow out. But note you cannot squeeze squeeze glass balls down the glass tube or air, easy to form bubbles. Fifth section analytical balances and weighingAA When m = sensitivity of 1mg-this is a simple formula. Formula showspipe threader, moving lights, and so on). 7, mixer, mortar machines: (1) it must be against objects made-and rain-proof sheds. (2) drainage must be smooth, with gutters and sedimentation ponds. (3) the mixer lever must have a safety device. (4) must have a good ground (zero) device. (5) the gravel yard walls must be sturdy and reliable. (6) complete horizontal mortar mixing Drum booth. 8, hoist: (1) open pit operation should be set up-and rain-proof body combat operations, and positive security rope fence. (2) must be equipped with the rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reverse switch operation sight must be good, if push button switch, the operator has a power switch, move the button switch must be in the 36-Volt ... (2) power cord into the drop of bend, entry must be entered after the fuse before going into the switch inside the oven to complete the grounding and zero connection terminal Board, metal casing should be zero protection. (3) tap inside the box where the air switch, GFCI above to set a separate switch. (4) the box to separate single-phase three-hole outlets, top loading protector, using single-phase equipment must be equipped with a monophase plug of the power supply. (5) where a mobile switch box, housing a reliable protection of zero (ground), equipped with a brake leak. (6) to be clearly separated from the "power", "illumination", "welding". 3, electricity lines: (1) electric line, required for overhead installation of resilient 乃至最终完全消失。特别要指出的是~在这些促使森林健康繁衍的“播种及其他生物赖以生存的飞禽走兽!让我们加倍珍惜和爱护森林的“播种机”机”中~蝙蝠的功劳最为显赫。 吧! 有关专家指出~生活在热带雨林的蝙蝠~一夜之间就能吃食相当其体重 10.给下列加点的字注音或根据拼音写汉字。(2分) 两倍的树木果实~并在穿梭般地飞越林间空旷地带的途中~随着粪便将果 衍( ) bin( )临 实的种子播撒到广阔的地区而生长发育成林。况且~蝙蝠的飞行能力极强~11.梳理文章的说明顺序,在下的括号内填写合适的语句。(3分) 即便是小蝙蝠~一夜之间也能飞行37公里以上,因此~蝙蝠播撒树木种子?在这些促使森林繁衍的“播种机”中,蝙蝠的功劳最为显赫? 的距离和范围要比其他任何热带雨林的动物大得多。对此~加拿大谢布鲁?( )? 克大学的邓纳尔德•托马斯教授~整整花了3年时间专门研究西非一种稻黄?经过蝙蝠排泄出来的种子发芽率相当高? 色食果蝙蝠传播树木种子的能力~结果发现这种蝙蝠在一夜时光中竟能把?( ) 上万公斤的树木种子播撒到四面八方。 12.下面的句子运用了什么说明方法,有什么作用,(3分) 也许有人会问~经过蝙蝠及其他动物胃肠消化过程而排泄出来的树木种 直接取自成熟树木果实中的种子仅有10%左右发了芽,而取自蝙蝠子能够良好发芽生长吗?邓纳尔德•托马斯教授曾多次做过如下实验:他将粪便的种子却100%发了芽。 直接从成熟的树木果实中取出的种子同从蝙蝠及反刍类动物粪便中找到的 树木种子进行发芽研究~结果是直接取自成熟树木果实中的种子仅有10, 左右发了芽~而取自蝙蝠粪便的种子却l00,发了芽~反刍类动物粪便中 13.下面句中加点的字能够删去,为什么,(3分) 的树木种子的发芽率也相当高。 有关专家指出,生活在热带雨林的蝙蝠,一夜之间就能吃掉相当其(((((( 然而~在人类活动中由于大肆捕杀~使森林中的飞禽走兽、爬行动物急体重两倍的树木果实。 剧减少乃至灭绝或濒临灭绝~致使森林失去了大量的种子“煤婆”和“助 产士”~使新生林难以形成~老树林又日趋变老、死亡~而出现了生态严 重失衡的现实状况。于是~许多环境保护专家、生物学家曾经多次向世人14.本文的题目有什么作用,(3分) 发出绝非危言耸听的警告:“人类正从内部和外部毁灭地球生物赖以生存 的森林。一旦把以树木果实为生的动物剿灭~其结果是不用砍伐一棵树木~ 一两百年内全部森林也就消亡殆尽了。” ( 15.揣摩环保专家、生物学家的警告,谈谈你的理解。(3分) 由此可见~要保护森林~首要问题是必须保护森林赖以生存、也是人类 [来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K] (二) 被春天染红的小溪 莫景春 ?桂西北很多地方九分石头一分土~满是怪石嶙峋~只在石缝中窝着 ?不知有多久没回桂西北的故乡了。春天来了~故乡突然像刚冒出地一点泥土。辛勤的乡亲们便在这石缝间抠出一点点泥土~连成巴掌大的地~ 便一窝一窝地种下玉米。由于土浅坡瘦~保不住水~若是十天半月没淋过面的青草在心底疯长起来~思念溢满整个心窝。于是沐着习习的春风~回 老家住了几天。 一场雨~那玉米可能就枯黄了。近着小溪的可以挑上几桶水浇浇~远的只 能望天兴叹~眼睁睁看着庄稼活活枯死。平日~便靠着养点羊、砍柴烧点 ?村前有一条弯弯的小溪~像故乡的一条脐带~从村后的大山里潺潺 流出。溪水清澈见底~即使是狂风暴雨的夏天~也绝没有那种狂奔怒流的木炭来补贴家用。乡亲们的日子就这样缓慢而沉重地过着。 ?沿着小溪往上走~香气越来越浓。徜徉在迷人的芬芳中~我陶醉了~混黄~总是那样的文文静静~只是在寒冷的冬天有些消瘦~但蓬勃的春天 一来临~它便盈盈地丰满起来。 不知不觉间~眼前闪现出一片迷人的粉红世界。只见一棵棵粉红的桃树~ 枝连着枝~遮住了身下那高高低低的石头。尽管有的树花瓣已凋谢~青翠 ?早上起来~第一件事就是到小溪边捧一把清水~肆意地泼到脸上~(( 让那种清凉淌满整个脸~让自己和故乡作最亲密的接触~再跟大伯大婶们欲滴的嫩芽探头探脑的~但一眼望去~仍是迷人的粉红。哦~原先放牛的 山谷变成桃花源啦: 聊聊~听听他们亲切的话语~感受久违的乡情。 ?一个春意盎然的早上~我惊呆了。小溪变了~那清亮可人的脸不见 ?鸟儿在树林间鸣声不断~吱吱喳喳上下翻飞~真是一片热闹的海洋。了~换成了粉红的脸~满溪满沟的粉红~红得让我心跳加快~又让我心里我情不自禁地扑进了这片粉红。 ?“回来啦~小春。”丛林深处传来熟悉的喊声。哦~是给果树打药暖暖的。我伏到溪边的青石上~端详这一奇异的变化。那红红的溪水~缓 缓流着~不再清澈的水倒映不出我的脸了。将脸再凑近些~一股淡淡的香的大叔。他放下喷雾器~满脸笑容地迎上来。 ?原先乡亲们总是愁眉苦脸的~恨自己“生不逢地”。我也是在这种味弥漫着~丝丝入鼻。我情不自禁地想将手伸进那缓缓流动的粉红~捧上 一把细细品玩~又不忍心搅动溪水~也在担心那片红会不会是什么污染物。 恨意中苦苦读书考到山外的~想不到如今他们变得神采飞扬。大叔眉飞色 舞地说:“今年村里有收成的果园有好几个呢:我们这样的山地种别的都 ?再看看早起的大伯大婶~他们若无其事地在那里洗脸洗菜。一位大 伯似乎看出了我的迟疑和惊讶~跟我搭腔:“娃儿~没什么奇怪的~那漂不行~种点果还不错。明年把路修一修~开个农家乐~让城里人到山里来在水上的是桃花。” 亲自摘果观光。”多美好的想法呀: ?什么,桃花,我心里猛然出现一片迷人的桃花灿烂的画面。 ?说话间~一阵温暖的春风轻轻拂来。桃树们兴奋起来~传电般地颤 ?“那是你家邻居大叔前两年在后山种的桃树落下的桃花。”接着他抖着~桃花像雪花般飞舞~纷纷扬扬的。霎时间~ 。便告诉我邻居家大叔全家到村后的荒山上开垦桃林的事。 我的头上身上都飘满了桃花~被淋成了一个粉红的桃花人。大叔花白的头 ?听着大伯的叙说~手迫不及待地伸进了溪水~满满地捧了一把~扑发深蓝的衣服不见了~变成一个粉红的桃花人。香气更浓了~我们俩相视到脸上~那样的清凉芬芳~我按捺不住内心的激动~便急急地往山后赶去。而笑~尽情地享受这桃花雨的芬芳。 drop or half drops and shake well until the indicator change color without change, can be considered the finish reached. Alkali distal burette by rubber tubes, containing a glass ball, even a small glass tube needle-nosed, instead of glass piston. Using the method in addition to several different other acid burette.AAs the rubber will be corroded by antioxidants, so when using the lotion, buret head placed in a beaker filled with lotions, needle-nosed on the pump. Open pumping pump, light pinch glass ball, stay wash liquid slowly rose to close rubber tube at release glass ball, stay wash liquid soaking a time Hou, from pumping pump, pulled to rubber tube, let wash liquid shed, then with tap water flush, again with distilled water wash number times, loaded Shang rubber tube and wash net of glass ball and the needle-nosed glass tube, again with titration liquid wash 3 times. (2) liquid and bubbles (see Figure 8) to mount the titrant to above zero on the scale, the rubber tube bent, gently pinch the glass ball, so that the liquid slowly drove up connectors and off bubbles, full of rubber tube and needle-nosed a glass tube. (3) pinch glassware left thumb when she's in front, after the index finger, pinch the hose some place in the Middle glass balls which slightly, squeeze squeeze the hose to the right, forming a seam between the rubber tube with glass balls, solution to flow out. But note you cannot squeeze squeeze glass balls down the glass tube or air, easy to form bubbles. Fifth section analytical balances and weighingAA When m = sensitivity of 1mg-this is a simple formula. Formula showspipe threader, moving lights, and so on). 7, mixer, mortar machines: (1) it must be against objects made-and rain-proof sheds. (2) drainage must be smooth, with gutters and sedimentation ponds. (3) the mixer lever must have a safety device. (4) must have a good ground (zero) device. (5) the gravel yard walls must be sturdy and reliable. (6) complete horizontal mortar mixing Drum booth. 8, hoist: (1) open pit operation should be set up-and rain-proof body combat operations, and positive security rope fence. (2) must be equipped with the rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reverse switch operation sight must be good, if push button switch, the operator has a power switch, move the button switch must be in the 36-Volt ... (2) power cord into the drop of bend, entry must be entered after the fuse before going into the switch inside the oven to complete the grounding and zero connection terminal Board, metal casing should be zero protection. (3) tap inside the box where the air switch, GFCI above to set a separate switch. (4) the box to separate single-phase three-hole outlets, top loading protector, using single-phase equipment must be equipped with a monophase plug of the power supply. (5) where a mobile switch box, housing a reliable protection of zero (ground), equipped with a brake leak. (6) to be clearly separated from the "power", "illumination", "welding". 3, electricity lines: (1) electric line, required for overhead installation of resilient ?小溪被染得更红了~“叮叮咚咚”地跑着~快快乐乐地要跑出山外了。 了。 改句:小溪被染得更红了~一直流到山外去。 (选自《文艺报》2011年8月3日, 有删改) 16(阅读全文,回答:故乡发生了什么变化,文章表达了作者什么感20. 从文章整体看,第?段运用了什么写作手法,有什么作用?(3分) 情,(4分) 四、作文(50分) 21(按要求作文。 请以“打开一扇窗”为题目,写一篇文章。 (((17.本文以“被春天染红的小溪”为题目,有什么好处,(4分) 要求:?你可以大胆选择你能驾驭的文体,写你熟悉的内容,表 达你的真情实感;?文中不要出现真实的校名、姓名,如需要可用“× ×”代替,否则扣分;?不得抄袭;?不少于600字(如写作诗歌不 要少于20行)。 18.请根据文章第 ?段创设的情境进行合理想象,围绕“春风轻轻拂 来”,眼前桃花的景色,在下面横线上,续写句子(至少运用一种修辞方法) (3分) 霎时 间~ 。 19(品味语言,回答下面的问题。(共5分,) A(请赏析文章第?段中(3)处加点词语“肆意”的表达作用。(2分) (( B(文章文章第?段,比较下面原句与改句在表达效果上的不同。(3分) 原句:小溪被染得更红了~“叮叮咚咚”地跑着~快快乐乐地要跑出山外 600字 drop or half drops and shake well until the indicator change color without change, can be considered the finish reached. Alkali distal burette by rubber tubes, containing a glass ball, even a small glass tube needle-nosed, instead of glass piston. Using the method in addition to several different other acid burette.AAs the rubber will be corroded by antioxidants, so when using the lotion, buret head placed in a beaker filled with lotions, needle-nosed on the pump. Open pumping pump, light pinch glass ball, stay wash liquid slowly rose to close rubber tube at release glass ball, stay wash liquid soaking a time Hou, from pumping pump, pulled to rubber tube, let wash liquid shed, then with tap water flush, again with distilled water wash number times, loaded Shang rubber tube and wash net of glass ball and the needle-nosed glass tube, again with titration liquid wash 3 times. (2) liquid and bubbles (see Figure 8) to mount the titrant to above zero on the scale, the rubber tube bent, gently pinch the glass ball, so that the liquid slowly drove up connectors and off bubbles, full of rubber tube and needle-nosed a glass tube. (3) pinch glassware left thumb when she's in front, after the index finger, pinch the hose some place in the Middle glass balls which slightly, squeeze squeeze the hose to the right, forming a seam between the rubber tube with glass balls, solution to flow out. But note you cannot squeeze squeeze glass balls down the glass tube or air, easy to form bubbles. Fifth section analytical balances and weighingAA When m = sensitivity of 1mg-this is a simple formula. Formula showspipe threader, moving lights, and so on). 7, mixer, mortar machines: (1) it must be against objects made-and rain-proof sheds. (2) drainage must be smooth, with gutters and sedimentation ponds. (3) the mixer lever must have a safety device. (4) must have a good ground (zero) device. (5) the gravel yard walls must be sturdy and reliable. (6) complete horizontal mortar mixing Drum booth. 8, hoist: (1) open pit operation should be set up-and rain-proof body combat operations, and positive security rope fence. (2) must be equipped with the rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reverse switch operation sight must be good, if push button switch, the operator has a power switch, move the button switch must be in the 36-Volt ... (2) power cord into the drop of bend, entry must be entered after the fuse before going into the switch inside the oven to complete the grounding and zero connection terminal Board, metal casing should be zero protection. (3) tap inside the box where the air switch, GFCI above to set a separate switch. (4) the box to separate single-phase three-hole outlets, top loading protector, using single-phase equipment must be equipped with a monophase plug of the power supply. (5) where a mobile switch box, housing a reliable protection of zero (ground), equipped with a brake leak. (6) to be clearly separated from the "power", "illumination", "welding". 3, electricity lines: (1) electric line, required for overhead installation of resilient
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