首页 机房装修报价方案书



机房装修报价方案书机房装修报价方案书 技 术 设 计 方 案 介 绍 目 录 一 概 述 .......................................................................................................... 工程概况.........................................................................................................

机房装修报价 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 书 技 术 设 计 方 案 介 绍 目 录 一 概 述 .......................................................................................................... 工程概况....................................................................................................... 2 改造目标....................................................................................................... 3 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 思想....................................................................................................... 二 机房工程装修系统......................................................................................... 1 机房装修设计要求......................................................................................... 2 装修设计方案................................................................................................ 三 机房供配电系统 ............................................................................................ 1 机房内用电插座 ............................................................................................ specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without 一 概 述 1 工程概况 2 改造目标 建设一个计算机网络系统稳定可靠运行的环境,以满足计算机等微电子设备和工作人员对温度、湿度、洁净度、电磁场强度、屏蔽、防漏、电源质量、振动、接地和安全保卫等要求。 3 设计思想 计算机机房是各类信息的中枢,机房建设工程必须保证计算机系统设备能够达到长期、安全、可靠运行,同时还为机房工作人员提供一个美观、舒适的工作环境。为使机房工程的设计能够满足上述要求,对如下几点进行着重考虑: , 机房的装修效果:要达到舒适宜人,简洁明亮。 , 设计方案的完善性:机房工程一旦竣工,不宜再进行阶段性翻新、改造。 , 机房设备和供配电器件的可靠性:全部采用符合国际 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的进口产品或 国内优质标准的产品,技术性能和安装工艺均应符合国家标准,以确保 系统运行稳定。 , 工程的可扩展性:机房设计应具有较高的科技含量和超前意识,应考虑 到今后设备所需的空间布局、空调及电力容量,能够满足今后业务发展 的需要。 , 机房设计强调以安全可靠为准绳:有完善的不间断供电系统、可靠的配 电方案、功能齐全的设备环境、有效的防雷防过压及接地保护 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 。 , 人性化设计:强调以人为本,注重对工作人员的身心保护。在机房设计 中,特别注重人、机工作场地的绝对分离等,专门划分出大型、高尖端、 现代化设备的工作场地,以满足这些设备所需的特殊工作条件和工作环 境要求,并做出相应的安全保护措施。 nnovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society backgron the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop iengtheding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strand cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanmbers ledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party methe" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowblish mber of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly estahe party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing nuns, tleadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditio ority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership isauth organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business ifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor andspec2m risk, withouthe party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reforund, t 二 机房工程装修系统 1 机房装修设计要求 A. 主机房室内装饰应选用气密性好、不起尘、易清洁,在温、湿度变化作用 下不易变形的材料,并应符合下列要求: a) 墙壁和顶棚 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面应平整,减少积灰面,并应避免眩光。如为抹灰时应符 合高级抹灰的要求。 b) 应铺设瓷砖和四壁装饰,采用水泥砂浆抹灰。地面材料平整、耐磨。四 壁及地面均应选用不起尘、不易积灰、易于清洁的饰面材料。 c) 吊顶宜选用不起尘的吸声材料,如吊顶以上及作为敷设管线用时,其四 壁应抹灰,楼板底面应清理干净;其它管道的饰面,亦应选用不起尘的材料。 B. 工作间、第一类辅助房间的室内装饰应选用不起尘、易清洁的材料。墙壁 和顶棚表面应平整,减少积灰面。地面材料应平整、耐磨、易除尘。 C. 主机房和工作间的内门、观察窗、管线穿墙等的接缝处,均应采取密封措 施。 D. 电子计算机机房室内色调应淡雅柔和。 2 装修设计方案 2.1 地面 机房地面主要材料瓷砖,容易清理、保养简单,不易藏污、无空气污染物;使用寿命长,一般可以使用10-20年;防火、防水、防腐性能好;环保且造型丰富。 2.1.1 地板安装要求 对铺设场地的要求 , 地板的铺设应在室内土建及装修施工完毕后进行; , 地面应平整、清洁、干燥、无杂物、无灰尘; , 大型重设备基座固定应完工,设备安装在基座上,基座高度应同地板上 表面完成高度一致; , 施工现场备有220V/50HZ电源以及水源。 3rmly establish the "reform risk, withoutand fin today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, ss policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. Ibusinethe policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do es the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance erminparty's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level det vel of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is thehe lestronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of tstream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes ndlessaffairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an ed progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly th anto use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the grow icies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strivespecifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and pol 地板安装铺设工具 , 专业切割锯; , 激光水平测定仪、网络激光扫描仪; , 水泡水平仪、卷尺、墨线; , 吸板器、螺母调整扳手、十字螺丝刀; , 吸尘器、笤帚、墩布。 施工步骤 认真检查地面平整度及墙面垂直度,如发现有重大缺陷或需要局部改造,应向甲方有关部门提出; 拉水平线,并将地板安装高度用墨线弹到墙面上,保证铺设后的地板在同一水平面内,测量室内的长度、宽度及选择铺设基准位置,并在地面弹出安装支架的网络格线,以保证铺设整齐、美观,同时尽量减少地板的切割; 将要安装的支座调整到同一需要的高度并将支座摆放到地面网格的十字交点处; 用安装螺钉将横梁固定到支座上,并用水平尺、直角尺逐一校正,使之即在同一平面内,有相互垂直; 用吸板器在组装好的横梁上放置活动地板; 若靠近墙面处剩余尺寸小于活动地板的长度,可以用切割地板的方法进行拼补; 在铺设地板时,用水泡水平仪逐块找平,活动地板的高度靠可调支座调节,铺设过程中应轻拿轻放,防止划伤地板及损坏边条,同时 应边铺设边打扫,避免将杂物、灰尘遗留在地板下面; HPL装饰板需要切割或开口加工时,其开口凹角处应制Φ6Φ8止裂孔,以防止加工后的地板装饰贴面开裂。 n the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop iengtheding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strand cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanmbers ledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party methe" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowblish mber of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly estahe party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing nuns, tleadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditio ority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership isauth organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business ifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor andspec4m risk, withouthe party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reforund, tnnovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society backgro 地板铺设验收标准 2.2 1. 墙面瓷砖粘贴必须牢固,无歪斜、缺棱掉角和裂缝等缺 陷。空鼓率控制在3%以内。 2. 墙砖铺粘表面要平整、洁净,色泽协调,图案安排合理, 无变色、泛碱、污痕和显著光泽受损处。 3. 砖块接缝填嵌密实、平直、宽窄均匀、颜色一致,阴阳 角处搭接方向正确。非整砖使用部位适当,排列平直。预留 孔洞尺寸正确、边缘整齐。 4. 确定墙砖的排列,施工时须挂线粘贴,在同一墙面上的 横竖排列,不宜有一行以上的非整砖,非整砖应排在次要 部位或阴角处,阴角处不能同时有两块非整砖。水泥使用 拉法基水泥,水泥砂浆比例1:2.5—1:3,粘接厚度2-3cm。 5.检查平整度误差小于2毫米,立面垂直误差小于2毫米, 接缝高低偏差小于0.5毫米,平直度小于2毫米。 6. 墙砖粘贴阴阳角必须用角尺检查,粘贴阳角必须45度 碰角,碰角缝隙贯通,碰角45度墙 2.3 2.3.1 机房天棚主要用材表 功能区 地面装修主要用材名称 桥架100*100 机房 5rmly establish the "reform risk, withoutand fin today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, ss policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. Ibusinethe policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do es the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance erminparty's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level det vel of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is thehe lestronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of tstream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes ndlessaffairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an ed progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly th anto use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the grow icies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strivespecifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and pol 三 机房供配电系统 计算机机房的供配电系统是一个综合性供配电系统,在这个系统中不仅要解决计算机设备的用电问题,还要解决其它设备的用电问题。一般而言,在计算机等主要设备选定之后,计算机机房的供配电系统就可以确定了。 由于计算机设备的种类不同,型号不同,对供配电系统的要求也不同。大、中型计算机供配电虽然简单但也有供配电的要求。由于计算机设备不同于一般用电设备,一个完整的,良好的计算机供电系统是保证计算机主机设备,场地设备及辅助用电设备安全运行的先决条件。金融邮电计算机机房供电中断,会造成计算机资料、数据丢失,通信中断,金融信息无法传递,资金停止流通;券商机房供电中断,将迫使行情中断、交易停止,如在股市行情火爆时,将会给股民带来严重经济损失。由此可见,保证计算机机房安全可靠供电尤为重要。 国家标准《计算机场地技术条件》GB2887-89中对机房供配电要求如下: 频率:50Hz 电压:380/220V 相数:三相五线制/三相四线制/单相三线制 计算机机房供电允许变动范围 项目 级别 A级 B级 C级 电压变动(%) -5,+5 -10,+7 -15,+10 周波变化(Hz) -0.2,+0.2 -0.5,+0.5 -1,+1 机房内用电负荷按设备性质可分为:计算机负荷及非计算机负荷。其中计算机负荷包括机房内所有计算机设备,其用电负荷等级为一级负荷。根据规范要求,一级负荷必需由两路独立的电源点供电, 由两个不同的变电站各引一路电源供电;或由一路常规电源供电,另设一路引自发电机组电源组成双回路。 本次设计根据大楼供电的实际情况,为尽量减小非计算机负荷对计算机负荷的影响,保证计算机负荷供电电源的可靠性和电能质量,本次设计采取由甲方从大楼总配电室提供两路独立的常规电源,进入配电柜后,一路经UPS后,供机房内所有计算机设备用,一路直接给非计算机负荷供电。一旦市电停电后,UPS的后备电池立即放电,经UPS逆变后给计算机设备供电,这样既能保证计算机设备的供电质量,又能保证无间断、一定时间延时供电。 采用三相五线制380V/220V供电形式。零、地分开,充分保证供电的安全性和可靠性。 此次设计选用的配电柜,分别给计算机负荷和非计算机负荷供电,将两种不同性质的负荷分开,便于工作人员操作及检修维护,减少一些不必要的人为操作失误,保证供电的可靠性和灵活性。 配电柜的柜面设有:运行状态指示灯和,同时另设有数字电流表、数字电压 mbers ledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party methe" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowblish mber of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly estahe party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing nuns, tleadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditio ority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership isauth organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business ifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor andspec6m risk, withouthe party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reforund, tnnovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society backgron the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop iengtheding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strand cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understan 表,以便于工作人员观察设备运行情况和操作,确保工作人员的人身安全。配电柜内设有速断、过流等保护,保护设备运行安全和人身安全。 配电柜内均预留相应的备用开关;主进线电缆、开关、接触器等均留有一定的富余容量,以备以后增容和增加用电设备时使用。配电柜内均设有独立的市电零、地母排。配电柜内还设有独立的计算机专用零、地母排,均有明显的标记,便于施工中接线和检查。配电柜还可设有紧急联锁接线端口,与消防紧急断电按钮相连,一旦发生火灾,能迅速切断电源,阻止火灾蔓延,减少事故损失。 机房内配电系统采用放射式(如重要设备)和树干式(如次要设备)相结合,满足机房对供电 的要求又可节省投资。计算机设备采用均匀分布在活动地板上的弹起式插座供电,随用随插,方便灵活;重要的计算机设备如小型机等,采用在配电柜内直接压线的方式,更安全可靠。计算机设备经过机柜的万用插座与弹起式插座就近联接,尽量减少地板面上走线,保持了机房内的整洁又保证了计算机设备的供电可靠性。 机房内所有计算机设备的电源线均采用优质专用屏蔽铜芯电缆,防止外界的电磁干扰,保证计算机设备供电电源的电能质量。空调、新风机等动力设备采用优质铜芯电缆直接供电;其他如照明、墙面插座、地面弹起式插座等均采用BVR导线穿镀锌电线管的方式。 1 机房内用电插座 计算机机房内用电插座一般分为两大类,即计算机设备专用插座和机房辅助设备用电插座。机房各工作间备用插座属于机房辅助用电插座。 1) 计算机设备专用插座在机房内专供计算机设备用电的插座为计算机设备 用电插座,这些插座上电能来自UPS电源的输出配电柜。这部分插座,在 正常使用时,不允许接一般电气设备。 2) 机房辅助设备用电插座一般分为两种,即机房辅助设备专用插座和一般备 用插座。机房辅助设备专用插座,应专供规定设备使用,一般也不接其它 设备使用;一般备用插座,采用组合型插座盒,既有2孔插座,也有3 孔插座,总容量为10A。2孔插座接相(火)线和零线,3孔插座接相(火) 线、零线和地线。接线方式为左零右火(相)。 2 机房接地系统及地网系统 电子计算机机房接地装置的设置应满足人身的安全及电子计算机正常运 行和系统设备的安全要求。根据GB50174—93《电子计算机房设计规范》, 交流工作地、直流工作地、保护地、防雷地宜共用一组接地装置,其接地电 Ω。本方阻按其中最小值要求确定,共用地一般要求地网的接地电阻值小于1 案设计采用联合接地系统,即交流工作地、直流工作地、保护地、防雷地接 至大楼原有的接地网。 7rmly establish the "reform risk, withoutand fin today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, ss policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. Ibusinethe policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do es the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance erminparty's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level det vel of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is thehe lestronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of tstream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes ndlessaffairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an ed progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly th anto use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the grow icies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strivespecifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and pol 计算机房应设置以下几种接地: (1)计算机系统的直流工作地 计算机以及一切微电子设备,大部分采用中、大规模集成电路,工作于较低的直流电压下,为使工作通路具有同一“电位”参考点,将所有设备的“零”电位点接于一接地装置,以稳定电路的电位,防止外来干扰,这称为直流工作接地。直流接地的做法可与静电散流网共用一网格系统,将需直流 2接地的设备用BVR6 mm导线接入直流网格。 (2)安全保护地 安全保护地的作用是为确保人身安全和保障设备的安全。根据机房的供电制式,采用TN-S三相五线制线供电制式,机房配电柜用五芯电缆从大楼总配电室引至,其中一根PE线即为安全保护地线。 (3)交流工作地 交流工作接地主要指的是变压器中性点或中性线(N线)接地,以满足设备正常运行。根据机房的供电制式,采用TN-S三相五线制线供电制式,机房配电柜用五芯电缆从大楼总配电室引至,其中一根N线即为交流工作地线。 4)防雷接地 ( 为把雷电流迅速导入大地,以防止雷害为目的的接地叫作防雷接地。通常在机房的静电地板沿墙四周用40*4的铜排敷设一周,作为各种防雷器的2泄流汇接母排,然后采用不小于35mm的多股接地线接入的共用地网系统。 n the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop iengtheding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strand cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanmbers ledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party methe" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowblish mber of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly estahe party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing nuns, tleadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditio ority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership isauth organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business ifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor andspec8m risk, withouthe party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reforund, tnnovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society backgro
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