首页 天翼终端店员激励系统使用手册



天翼终端店员激励系统使用手册天翼终端店员激励系统使用手册 天翼终端店员激励系统 使用人员使用手册 版本 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurolo...

天翼终端店员激励系统使用手册 天翼终端店员激励系统 使用人员使用手册 版本 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 目 录 目 录 1 文档介绍 ................................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 文档目的 ......................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 读者对象 ......................................................................................................................... 3 2 系统介绍 ................................................................................................................................ 4 3 系统使用 ................................................................................................................................ 4 3.1 系统登录/退出................................................................................................................. 4 3.1.1 登录: ...................................................................................................................... 4 3.1.2 退出: ...................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 终端销售店员自注册....................................................................................................... 5 3.2.1 自注册 ...................................................................................................................... 5 3.3 销售量与兑奖管理 .......................................................................................................... 7 3.3.1 销售上报 .................................................................................................................. 7 3.3.2 兑奖申领 .................................................................................................................. 9 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 文档编号 日 期 2011-05-13 文档名称 用户手册 版 本 1.0 1 文档介绍 1.1 文档目的 本文档详细描述了“天翼终端销售店员奖励系统”的使用。帮助用户正确使用系统。 1.2 读者对象 , 终端销售店员。 Page 3 of 10 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work亚信rojectet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in pehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main mefull rngs electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides , nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, builditegrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatientstory underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical in-medical building design for the ground, two story-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-klay a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, worwill ptre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects ale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation cenain scitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilrelated injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehab-联创科技(中国)有限公司 2 系统介绍 为鼓励目前天翼终端销售网点店员及促销人员销售终端的积极性,提高终端营销能力,增加终端销售数量,从而为整个电信天翼业务吸收并存留更多的使用客户,对未端销售人员进行一定的现金提成奖励是较为有效的一种方式,天翼终端销售店员管理系统主要就是为了保证奖励现金能及时有效地奖励到第一线销售人员,并能实现对这种奖励方式进行有效地执行、管理与监控。 3 系统使用 3.1 系统登录/注销/密码修改 3.1.1 登录: 打开浏览器,在地址栏里输入地址,如:85/crms进入登录界面,如图1.1: 图1.1(实际上线界面与登陆界面略有出入) 用户在相应的编辑框键入用户账号和密码,按图示输入验证码,再单击登入,如果用户账号、密码和验证码正确的话,就可以进入系统。 用户账号:即终端销售店员在本系统自注册时,自己录入的登录名称。 密码:系统要核对的密码,一旦忘记密码,请与系统管理员联系。 如果登录成功则进入系统工作主界面,如图1.2 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 文档编号 日 期 2011-05-13 文档名称 用户手册 版 本 1.0 图1.2 注意:根据角色的不同,界面上略有不同。 3.1.2 退出: 在登录的状态下,点击主页面右上角的退出图标: ,成功后,页面返回登录首页。 3.2 终端销售店员自注册 操作角色:终端销售店员 营业员:销量与兑奖管理列 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 。 3.2.1 自注册 在登录页面,点击“”按钮,在弹出的页面中,输入相关信息。如图 Page 5 of 10 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work亚信rojectet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in pehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main mefull rngs electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides , nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, builditegrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatientstory underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical in-medical building design for the ground, two story-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-klay a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, worwill ptre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects ale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation cenain scitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilrelated injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehab-联创科技(中国)有限公司 录入信息要求:*表示必填 “登录名称”:请用英文,系统核对是否已经存在,如已有存在,请更换新的登录名称。 “身份证号码”:系统核对,做唯一性处理。已经注册过的身份证号,不能再次注册。 “登录密码”,“真实姓名”,“使用手机”和“电子邮箱”:分别正确输入信息。 “所在省份”、“归属地市”和“所在店名”,请在下拉框中选择。 点击“保存”,页面顶端提示“自注册成功”。如下图所示。 点击,关闭弹出的店员自注册页面。 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 文档编号 日 期 2011-05-13 文档名称 用户手册 版 本 1.0 3.3 销售量与兑奖管理 操作角色:终端销售店员 营业员:销量与兑奖管理列表。 3.3.1 销售上报 点击列表栏中的链接,页面右侧显示销量上报页。如图: 点击“”按钮。弹出如下图所示,提报销量页面。 Page 7 of 10 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work亚信rojectet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in pehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main mefull rngs electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides , nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, builditegrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatientstory underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical in-medical building design for the ground, two story-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-klay a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, worwill ptre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects ale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation cenain scitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilrelated injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehab-联创科技(中国)有限公司 信息填写: 选择店员能够看到的活动 “手机品牌”和“手机机型”:在下拉框中选择要提报的品牌和机型信息。 “手机串码”: 已经确认售出的串码不允许再次录入上报。 “手机号码”: 销售手机号码一天内只能不超过三个串号与之绑定,否则提示错误。 点击“”,页面上端提示“上报销量成功执行~”销量上报完成。 ”,关闭“上报销量”页面。返回如下图所示查询页面。 点击“ 有一定权限的店员可以批量上报销量,点击按钮打开批量上报界面: 按照 模板 个人简介word模板免费下载关于员工迟到处罚通告模板康奈尔office模板下载康奈尔 笔记本 模板 下载软件方案模板免费下载 输入销量内容,并且选择活动,点击上传按钮,上传批量上报销量。 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 文档编号 日 期 2011-05-13 文档名称 用户手册 版 本 1.0 3.3.2 兑奖申领 点击列表栏中的链接,页面右侧显示兑奖申领页。如图: Page 9 of 10 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work亚信rojectet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in pehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main mefull rngs electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides , nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, builditegrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatientstory underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical in-medical building design for the ground, two story-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-klay a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, worwill ptre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects ale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation cenain scitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilrelated injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehab-联创科技(中国)有限公司 点击“”按钮。弹出如下图所示,短信确认页面。 信息填写: 点击兑奖申领按钮后,系统注册时录入的手机号(必须为电信号码),会收到一条系统发送 的确认码短信。请正确输入短信中的确认码,点击“”按钮,系统验证短信确认 码正确后展示兑换成功的支付券信息列表,界面如下图所示: expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project
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