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英语话剧表演策划书英语话剧表演策划书 西南大学荣昌校区英语话剧比赛 西南大学共青团委员会 二〇一四年四月十日 implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improv...

英语话剧 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演策划书 西南大学荣昌校区英语话剧比赛 西南大学共青团委员会 二〇一四年四月十日 implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improve road safety facilities, promote the urban road planning and construction, set up necessary viaduct bridge, overpass, ensure the smooth road; in the "stop", to increase the stop lying behavior punishment, reasonable delineation of curb parking area and parking marking, scientific planning of parking, the establishment of specialized management company, to ensure the orderly parking. In "people", to vigorously carry out traffic order rectification, from a thorough investigation of the traffic illegal behavior, increase in television, network and other media publicity efforts, do a good job Drivers to develop education in accordance with the law, to ensure civilized driving. The work, to the timely removal of four is the remediation of villages in the city, street and alley, in the outskirts of a city. This is the urban environment the weakest link, but also environmental remediation focus areas. The villages, to focus on remediation village, remove accumulated garbage, removal of illegal buildings, cover open ditches, trimming the village roads, built use their own cleaning team. In this aspect, sanitation departments should take the initiative to converge. Some communities reflect, garbage collected, it will not go out for sanitation and sanitation said that the car is not enough, 一、活动目的 英语话剧大赛是一个结合我校外语特色与当代大学生外语交际能力的展示平台。顺应新时代对外开放的潮流以及英语教学地位的日益提高的趋势,为我校大学生提供一个交流学习的机会。通过英语文化与表演艺术之间的融合,展现当代大学生的精神风貌,提高学生综合素质。 二、活动主题 放飞梦想,耀我青春 三、 主办单位:西南大学荣昌校区共青团委员会 承办单位:西南大学荣昌校区各系部团总支学生会 四、活动对象 全体在校学生 五、比赛地点:2211 比赛时间:2014年6月中旬 六、比赛形式 本次英语话剧比赛通过抽签决定上场顺序,参赛选手以团队为单位、选手抽签后依次登台表演,评委根据选手的表演内容、形式以及台风、implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improve road safety facilities, promote the urban road planning and construction, set up necessary viaduct bridge, overpass, ensure the smooth road; in the "stop", to increase the stop lying behavior punishment, reasonable delineation of curb parking area and parking marking, scientific planning of parking, the establishment of specialized management company, to ensure the orderly parking. In "people", to vigorously carry out traffic order rectification, from a thorough investigation of the traffic illegal behavior, increase in television, network and other media publicity efforts, do a good job Drivers to develop education in accordance with the law, to ensure civilized driving. The work, to the timely removal of four is the remediation of villages in the city, street and alley, in the outskirts of a city. This is the urban environment the weakest link, but also environmental remediation focus areas. The villages, to focus on remediation village, remove accumulated garbage, removal of illegal buildings, cover open ditches, trimming the village roads, built use their own cleaning team. In this aspect, sanitation departments should take the initiative to converge. Some communities reflect, garbage collected, it will not go out for sanitation and sanitation said that the car is not enough, 形象等打分,坚持公平、公正、公正的原则,选手服装、道具自备。 七、比赛 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 ?主题:本次英文话剧大赛不限制主题,能够反映当代学生的精神面貌,有一定的寓意,内容健康向上,鼓励原创,力求新颖独特。 ?剧本:必须为作者原创或改编自中外经典著作,但不得与此前已发 表的剧作雷同。严禁抄袭,一经发现即取消参赛资格。 ?参赛剧本必须适合舞台演出。场景道具不宜过于复杂。 ?本次话剧比赛要求选手在表演时必须用英文表达。 ?每队参赛队伍的话剧表演时间应控制在10分钟之内。 八、活动内容 1、宣传 ?海报宣传:在宿舍区门口,食堂,校区大门,图书馆入口处,各个宿舍管理站等醒目的地方张贴海报,加大宣传。 ? 辅导员辅助宣传:联系各系部的团总支学生会,和他们阐述一下本次活动的目的的主旨,取得他们的支持,通过各系部的团总支学生会宣传本次活动。 ?网络宣传:通过微博,人人网,贴吧等网络工具加大宣传力度。 2、报名 ?现场报名:中午食堂门口摆摊,并接受现场咨询。 implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improve road safety facilities, promote the urban road planning and construction, set up necessary viaduct bridge, overpass, ensure the smooth road; in the "stop", to increase the stop lying behavior punishment, reasonable delineation of curb parking area and parking marking, scientific planning of parking, the establishment of specialized management company, to ensure the orderly parking. In "people", to vigorously carry out traffic order rectification, from a thorough investigation of the traffic illegal behavior, increase in television, network and other media publicity efforts, do a good job Drivers to develop education in accordance with the law, to ensure civilized driving. The work, to the timely removal of four is the remediation of villages in the city, street and alley, in the outskirts of a city. This is the urban environment the weakest link, but also environmental remediation focus areas. The villages, to focus on remediation village, remove accumulated garbage, removal of illegal buildings, cover open ditches, trimming the village roads, built use their own cleaning team. In this aspect, sanitation departments should take the initiative to converge. Some communities reflect, garbage collected, it will not go out for sanitation and sanitation said that the car is not enough, ?邮箱报名:将团队基本信息发到1014812404@qq.com 3、赛程安排: ?初赛 比赛队伍在五月中旬时参加初赛,通过评选,将有10队队伍进入决赛。 ?决赛 六月中旬进行决赛。 4、比赛评分标准(满分为100分) ?、剧本内容与创意((30分) ?、舞台表演能力(20分) 表演者对话剧的了解程度,表演是否到位,是否富有激情。是否能够感染到观众。 ?、英语表现能力、发音 、技巧(25分) 发音是否正确清晰、流利,能否准确表达剧情,能否较准确地运用英语语言特性呈现说话的技巧与创意,是否富有感情等。 ?、服装与道具、背景音乐等(5分) 服装是否与所表演话剧配合,道具对剧情的效果是否有影响,服装 道具是否符合作品中时代特征;背景音乐配合是否协调自然。 ?、每超过比赛规定时间1分钟,扣1分。时间从主持人宣布比赛开始到最后鞠躬结束。 ?、评委打分不得低于85分,不得高于95分。 ?、比赛评分表 implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improve road safety facilities, promote the urban road planning and construction, set up necessary viaduct bridge, overpass, ensure the smooth road; in the "stop", to increase the stop lying behavior punishment, reasonable delineation of curb parking area and parking marking, scientific planning of parking, the establishment of specialized management company, to ensure the orderly parking. In "people", to vigorously carry out traffic order rectification, from a thorough investigation of the traffic illegal behavior, increase in television, network and other media publicity efforts, do a good job Drivers to develop education in accordance with the law, to ensure civilized driving. The work, to the timely removal of four is the remediation of villages in the city, street and alley, in the outskirts of a city. This is the urban environment the weakest link, but also environmental remediation focus areas. The villages, to focus on remediation village, remove accumulated garbage, removal of illegal buildings, cover open ditches, trimming the village roads, built use their own cleaning team. In this aspect, sanitation departments should take the initiative to converge. Some communities reflect, garbage collected, it will not go out for sanitation and sanitation said that the car is not enough, 英语话剧比赛评分表 序号 团队名 表演节目 得分 5、评审人员 初赛:由学校英语教师和去年获奖同学担任评委。 决赛:由学校外教、老师和观众担任评委 6、奖项设置 一等奖:1名 二等奖:2名 三等奖:3名 优胜奖:4名 7、活动流程 初赛: ?、主持人开场白。(包括对有关规则及到场评委,嘉宾等的介绍) ?、主持人宣读评分标准。 ?、主持人宣布比赛开始。 ?、英语话剧比赛初赛开始,选手依次上台表演,每2组表演完后,主持人宣布选手得分。 ?、第二天用红榜的方式公布进入复赛的名单。 复赛: ?、放选手介绍、话剧介绍的 ppt 关于艾滋病ppt课件精益管理ppt下载地图下载ppt可编辑假如ppt教学课件下载triz基础知识ppt 。 ?、开场表演 implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improve road safety facilities, promote the urban road planning and construction, set up necessary viaduct bridge, overpass, ensure the smooth road; in the "stop", to increase the stop lying behavior punishment, reasonable delineation of curb parking area and parking marking, scientific planning of parking, the establishment of specialized management company, to ensure the orderly parking. In "people", to vigorously carry out traffic order rectification, from a thorough investigation of the traffic illegal behavior, increase in television, network and other media publicity efforts, do a good job Drivers to develop education in accordance with the law, to ensure civilized driving. The work, to the timely removal of four is the remediation of villages in the city, street and alley, in the outskirts of a city. This is the urban environment the weakest link, but also environmental remediation focus areas. The villages, to focus on remediation village, remove accumulated garbage, removal of illegal buildings, cover open ditches, trimming the village roads, built use their own cleaning team. In this aspect, sanitation departments should take the initiative to converge. Some communities reflect, garbage collected, it will not go out for sanitation and sanitation said that the car is not enough, ?、主持人开场白。(包括对有关规则及到场评委,嘉宾等的介绍) ?、主持人宣读评分标准 ?、主持人报幕,选手依次进行表演。每2组表演完后,主持人宣布选手得分。 ?、表演完毕,请到场评委对活动进行点评。 ?、主持人宣布获奖名单。 ?、颁发奖状和奖品,合影留念 ?、主持人宣布活动结束。 九、活动预算 所需物品 价格 矿泉水一箱 35元 证书、奖杯、奖品 50元 合计 85元 十、活动总结 活动结束后,反思活动中存在的不足,认真做好总结。 十一、附件 implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improve road safety facilities, promote the urban road planning and construction, set up necessary viaduct bridge, overpass, ensure the smooth road; in the "stop", to increase the stop lying behavior punishment, reasonable delineation of curb parking area and parking marking, scientific planning of parking, the establishment of specialized management company, to ensure the orderly parking. In "people", to vigorously carry out traffic order rectification, from a thorough investigation of the traffic illegal behavior, increase in television, network and other media publicity efforts, do a good job Drivers to develop education in accordance with the law, to ensure civilized driving. The work, to the timely removal of four is the remediation of villages in the city, street and alley, in the outskirts of a city. This is the urban environment the weakest link, but also environmental remediation focus areas. The villages, to focus on remediation village, remove accumulated garbage, removal of illegal buildings, cover open ditches, trimming the village roads, built use their own cleaning team. In this aspect, sanitation departments should take the initiative to converge. Some communities reflect, garbage collected, it will not go out for sanitation and sanitation said that the car is not enough, 英语话剧比赛报名表 团队名称:所在院系: 剧名: 联系人姓名: 联系人电话: 演员表(含角色和对应演员名及各自的院系) 剧本简述(包括是否原创或改编自哪里): 注:1、剧组请自行准备好配乐,并刻好光盘,安排好操作人员。 2、如有需要,可设置旁白人员。 implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improve road safety facilities, promote the urban road planning and construction, set up necessary viaduct bridge, overpass, ensure the smooth road; in the "stop", to increase the stop lying behavior punishment, reasonable delineation of curb parking area and parking marking, scientific planning of parking, the establishment of specialized management company, to ensure the orderly parking. In "people", to vigorously carry out traffic order rectification, from a thorough investigation of the traffic illegal behavior, increase in television, network and other media publicity efforts, do a good job Drivers to develop education in accordance with the law, to ensure civilized driving. The work, to the timely removal of four is the remediation of villages in the city, street and alley, in the outskirts of a city. This is the urban environment the weakest link, but also environmental remediation focus areas. The villages, to focus on remediation village, remove accumulated garbage, removal of illegal buildings, cover open ditches, trimming the village roads, built use their own cleaning team. In this aspect, sanitation departments should take the initiative to converge. Some communities reflect, garbage collected, it will not go out for sanitation and sanitation said that the car is not enough, implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improve road safety facilities, promote the urban road planning and construction, set up necessary viaduct bridge, overpass, ensure the smooth road; in the "stop", to increase the stop lying behavior punishment, reasonable delineation of curb parking area and parking marking, scientific planning of parking, the establishment of specialized management company, to ensure the orderly parking. In "people", to vigorously carry out traffic order rectification, from a thorough investigation of the traffic illegal behavior, increase in television, network and other media publicity efforts, do a good job Drivers to develop education in accordance with the law, to ensure civilized driving. The work, to the timely removal of four is the remediation of villages in the city, street and alley, in the outskirts of a city. This is the urban environment the weakest link, but also environmental remediation focus areas. The villages, to focus on remediation village, remove accumulated garbage, removal of illegal buildings, cover open ditches, trimming the village roads, built use their own cleaning team. In this aspect, sanitation departments should take the initiative to converge. Some communities reflect, garbage collected, it will not go out for sanitation and sanitation said that the car is not enough,
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