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2008广东省成人学士学位英语试题2008广东省成人学士学位英语试题 1. Rita: You said we could discuss a problem you had when you first came to the U. S. Would you like to tell me your problem? Anna: __________ A. Yes, of course. B. Thanks. I'd love to. C. Well, as you said. D. T don't think so. 2. Ja...

2008广东省成人学士学位英语试题 1. Rita: You said we could discuss a problem you had when you first came to the U. S. Would you like to tell me your problem? Anna: __________ A. Yes, of course. B. Thanks. I'd love to. C. Well, as you said. D. T don't think so. 2. Jack: Hello, this is Jack London. May I speak to Dr. Lee? Receptionist: I'm sorry. She's with a patient,__________ A. What's up? B. May I help you? C. Could you wait? D. Why do you want to see her? 3. Peter: Hello, I'm Peter Smith. Aren' t you new here? Wendy: __________I transferred from UCLA. A. No, I once was here. B. I'm Wendy Chan. C. I don't know you. D. No, first time here. 4. Tim: Hey, Larry! Good to see you! __________ Larry: Terrible! I just found out I failed my math test, and I studied all night for it! A. How's it going? B. How do you do? C. How are you? D. How about you? 5. Wife: How about picking up some soft drinks on your way home? Husband :__________ Anything else? A. I'd love to. B. I don't mind. C. My pleasure. D. No problem. 6. Sian: Let's eat out tonight. I don't feel like cooking. Vincent: __________What do you tancy? Sian: I think Japanese food would make a nice change. A. Me too. B. Do you? C. Well, why not? D. So what? 7. Kato: Shall we have Chinese or American food? Mori: __________ Kato:There is a good steak house around the corner. A. You have nothing in mind. B. It doesn't matter. C. I have no choice! D. Whatever you say. 8. Terri: How are things going with you and your roommate? Jon: Not very well. We’re , __________but I end up feeding him three meals a day. A. supposed to divide the house work B. supposed to share the groceries C. on good terms D. kind of broke 9. Mike: Shall I pick you up at 5 or 6? Joe: __________ Mike:OK, I will pick you up at 5. A. It doesn't make any difference. B. It's fine with me. C. Like you said. D. Nothing bothers me. 10. Staeey: Sue, can you drive Jane and me to the doctor on Monday? Sue: Sure,__________ when you need help. A. You can always count on me B. I'll be glad to C. I'll make it on my calendar D. You can think of me 11. Mei: Is Mrs. Johnson joining us for dinner? Susie: __________ Mei:I was hoping she would come with us. A. I think so. B. Not that I know of. C. She said so. D. Not that she said. 12. Rosie: Sorry, I overslept. My clock didn't go off this morning. Francie: __________Perhaps you should buy a new one. A. You should put that right. B. Your clock never works. C. Did you set the alarm last night? D. Were you late for work? 13. Ryan: Hi, Mike. Haven't seen you for a while? How is Cathy? Mike: We're not seeing each other any more.__________ Ryan: What happened? A. Did you fire her? B. Did you break up? C. I believe it. D. She's fine. 14. Jack:I heard you're going out with Jane. Fred.. Where did you get that idea? Jack: __________Jane is a very nice girl, someone you meet only once in a lifetime. A. Oh, come on. B. You mean you aren't. C. Oh, forget it. D. No kidding. 15. Eddie:Did you ever think of working somewhere else? Janice: Yeah. In fact, I have an interview next Monday. Eddie:__________ A. Good luck! B. Good idea! C. No way ! D. Amazing! 阅读理解 1. 【连题】 请根据以下内容回答1~5题 Passage One 2. The new dean thought that the most important thing for him to do was to __________. A(gain a sense of vision B(set up a primary goal C(win the trust of the faculty D(raise money 3. The new dean was different from the past deans in that__________( A(he was less responsible B(he didn’t attend to daily things C(he had an administrative assistant D(he didn’t like to talk with others 4. We can learn from the passage that the faculty __________( A(was not well paid for their work B didn’t understand the new dean’s ideas at first C(had a conflict with the president of the university D(didn’t want to work with the administrative assistant 5. The faculty would ask the new dean to get out because they __________( A(were upset by his leadership style B(wanted to get rid of him C(were unhappy with his explanation D(wanted him to bring back more money 6. What was the mistake the new dean realized he had made? A(He was absent all the year around( B(He was insensitive to the faculty’S needs( C(He didn’t communicate well with the facultv( D(He didn’t work hard to accomplish his goal( 7. 【连题】 请根据以下内容回答1~5题 8. According to the author,young people today don’t __________( A(1ike to communicate using speech B(1ike to communicate with people C(know how to communicate with people D(know how to ask questions in communication 9. According tO Paragraph 3,compared with meetings,e-mails are __________( A(more efficient B(more interesting C(1ess efficient D(1ess interesting 10. In Paragraph 4,“wary of”can be replaced by“__________ ”( A(good at B(happy about C(used to D(cautious about 11. The author believes that if the phone had been invented after the computer, people would __________( A(be eager to learn how tO use the phone B(be glad to have both means of communication C(still prefer typing words on the computer D(show little interest in the phone 12. Which of the following can best describe the author’s attitude towards t the communication using typed words today? A(Concerned B(Curious C. Indifferent. D. Impatient. 13. 请根据以下内容回答1~5题 14. Tobacco and liquor ads try to make people believe that smoking and drinking will__________ A. make them look fashionable B. help them keep a nutritious diet C. make them conscious of their healtl D. show their healthy images to others 15. In the case of smoking and drinking, most people __________. A. ignore the campaigns against them B. are aware of the dangers they cause C. do not really believe their dangers D. participate in campaigns against them 16. It can be inferred from the passage that the campaign against smoking is __________ A. short-lived B. long-standing C. widespread D. well organized 17. Tobacco advertising is__________ . A. popularized B. restricted C. banned D. disliked 18. Warning against drinking are usually direeted at__________ . A. civilians B. car drivers C. young people D. some groups of people 19. 【连题】 请根据以下内容回答1~5题 20. The passage is mainly concerned with the change of __________. A. college administration B. college students C. college courses D. college life 21. In the past college students usually__________ . A. lived with their parents B. found good jobs easily C. had much time to spare D. had no burden of raising a family 22. College students of the new type__________ . A. enjoy freedom once again B. are worried about their parents C. aim at a new job or promotion D. study harder than other students 23. One thing that the younger and older college students share is__________ . A. their hope for a better life B. equal lob opportunities C. their future plans D. chances to get promotion 24. The author seems to approve of __________. A. college students raising a family B. college students living on their parents C. older people going back tc college D. the students' struggle for freedom 语法&词汇 1. I suffer from stage __________whenever I have to make a presentation in front of the class. A. surprise B. trial C. fright D. display 2. The whole new policy has proved a __________and should be abandoned. A. factor B. balance C. warning D. failure 3. We should consider all such projects from a scientific__________ . A. perspective B. perfection C. prospect D. presentation 4. They bought the company because they were__________ about its long-term prospects. A. hopeful B. considerate C. optimistic D. promising 5. The__________ cultural features of the tribe can be easily observed from this video tape. A. instinctive B. remote C. fictional D. distinct 6. In other words, there are one million __________customers for the new product. A. potential B. commercial C. essential D. official 7. Success does not __________mean material reward, but recognition of some sort- preferably measurable. A. modestly B. fantastically C. miserably D. necessarily 8. We stored up some food and water__________ things got worse. A. even though B. what if C. now that D. in case 9. We should learn from this lesson and consider the long-term influence of dams __________the short-term benefits. A. rather than B. owing to C. because of D. or else 10. The only thing to do now is to __________yourself in some efficient work. A. use B. employ C. engage D. apply 11. The committee members,__________ from middle-school teachers to college professors, wrote a 500-page report. A. spanning B. ranging C. extending D. stretching 12. The people who objected to the new airport were told that since the work had already started, there was no point in__________. A. completing B. competing C. protecting D. protesting 13. A single lecture is not long enough to __________fully the roles played by the scouts in the war. A. pursue B. assume C. provide D. illustrate 14. Researchers sometimes become __________when their efforts appear to produce less obvious results. A. encouraged B. relieved C. frustrated D. disgusted 15. I asked out one girl and she walked away as quickly as she could without even A. responding B. respecting C. returning D. relaxing 16. __________your defence he would have been given a sentence of 10 years. A. Except for B. Because of C. In spite of D. But for 17. The reason for this note is that at the moment I haven't got that much spare time on my hands to thank you__________. A. in person B. in place C. in return D. in sight 18. Most middle-aged female white collars face constant stress as they __________their family and make important decisions. A. care for B. take for C. head for D. run for 19. Even with the measures the Government has been forced to take today, unemployment will__________ rising. A. keep up B. keep on C. hold up D. hold on 20. It was a wonderful meal __________bits of food left over from the day before. A. made for B. made from C. made of D. made into 21. Her hair was golden when she was a child, but it went darker__________ she grew up. A. if B. as C. since D. even 22. Call the university operator,__________ you will find the phone number of Professor Smith. A. so B. and C. when D. before 23. The instructor won't give them any help__________ absolutely necessary. A. when B. if C. unless D. once 24. Many of the people __________refused to answer any questions. A. question B. questioned C. questioning D. were questioned 25. The boy denied __________anything to do with that bank raid. A. have B. to have C. having D. have had 26. The number of the employees in our company is__________ that in theirs. A. twice as large as B. twice as many than C. as twice many as D. as twice as 27. I wish I __________in the sun by a swimming pool instead of sitting in this classroom. A. have lain B. were lying C. lay D. lie 28. It is essential that all the reports to be published__________ twice. A. be checked B. would be checked C. were checked D. will be checked 29. __________life could be found on Mars was once believed by scientists. A. What B. As C. That D. While 30. __________food was rotting in the warehouses, the poor did not have enough to eat. A. While B. Where C. Why D. Which 31. The researchers of the project have to be very careful with every part if it__________ a success. A. is to be B. is C. will be D. would be 32. __________, Bob still went on with the experiment. A. As he was tired B. As was he tired C. Tired as he was D. As tired as he 33. The response to the concerts was not warm enough so I decided to postpone booking tickets __________later in the year. A. until B. by C. except D. beyond 34. He asked a second time, but I couldn't remember __________any of these works. A. read B. to read C. to have read D. having read 35. The teacher__________ , they went on with their discussion. A. leaving B. bring left C. was leaving D. having left 36. Manyco mpanies in smaller cities are offering such great professional opportunities that some graduates have a hard time __________them down. A. turning B. to turn C. turn D. turned 37. Not until the mid-1950s __________most automakers begin offering seat-belts as optional safety features. A. did B. had C. do D. would 38. Contact the police and tell them all__________ you know about the accident. A. this B. that C. what D. which 39. In the fall the cattle __________from the high country back down to the farm. A. is driven B. are driven C. drives D. drive 40. After a long walk, we finally found a shelter __________for the night. A. to stay B. staying C. to stay in D. staying in 完形填空 1. 【连题】 请根据以下内容回答1~10题: 2. A. Based C. which B. existing B. R elied D. why C. living C. Agreed 6. A. if D. emerging D. Taken B. how 10. A. contact 3. C. that B. contract A. for D. as C. concern B. to 7. A. if D. conduct C. in B. how 11. A. time D. with C. that B. detail 4. A. demand D. as C. addition B. speculate 8. A. come across D. contrast C. deny B. cut hack 12. A. unchanging D. require C. covered up B. unknown 5. A. where D. carried out C. unlikely B. whereas 9. A. departing D. unexpected
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