首页 如何做门店销售数据分析



如何做门店销售数据分析如何做门店销售数据分析 门店数据分析 www.themegallery.com 目 录 来客数+客单价=门店销售 从来客数与客单价来分析门店销售状况 ,客单价分析 异常数据的原因判断 异常数据的原因判断 异常数据的原因判断 异常数据的原因判断 异常数据的原因判断 店长日常工作中的常从报表 ,店长每日必看报表 门店日销量报告 ,例: 1 ,例: 2 店长日常工作中的常从报表 ,店长每周必看报表 门店周销售排名报告 店长日常工作中的常从报表 ,店长每月必看报表 门店月库存报告 ...

如何做门店销售数据分析 门店数据分析 www.themegallery.com 目 录 来客数+客单价=门店销售 从来客数与客单价来分析门店销售状况 ,客单价分析 异常数据的原因判断 异常数据的原因判断 异常数据的原因判断 异常数据的原因判断 异常数据的原因判断 店长日常工作中的常从报表 ,店长每日必看报表 门店日销量报告 ,例: 1 ,例: 2 店长日常工作中的常从报表 ,店长每周必看报表 门店周销售排名报告 店长日常工作中的常从报表 ,店长每月必看报表 门店月库存报告 店长的日常 工作流程 财务工作流程表财务工作流程怎么写财务工作流程图财务工作流程及制度公司财务工作流程 1、昨日营业情况确认 ,全店总营业额达成情况。 ,各组营业额达成情况及增减额情况。 ,营运报表数据分析确认(包括销售额、毛利 额、来客数、客单价、客品数等)。 ,营业问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 点的分析与改善。 店长的日常工作流程 green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring-shaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the Organization establishing on-site management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group self-inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering ? water should be set depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. ? to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers-by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray ? sprays in this context, refers to 2、卖场巡视 ,货架商品陈列、缺断货情况,端架堆头是否丰满。 ,设施设备使用情况。 ,卖场及环境的整体卫生情况。 ,库房的整理及库存情况。 ,各种标识规范状况。 ,前后场人员到岗、着装、仪容、仪表情况。 店长的日常工作流程 3、卖场商品销售态势跟踪 ,畅销品供应及库存状况。 ,缺、断品状况。 ,滞销品下架及库存状况。 ,残、次品退货状况。 店长的日常工作流程 4、销售尖峰态势掌控 ,卖场商品、设备安全状况掌控。 ,员工作业规范、服务规范状况掌控。 ,收银、服务、防损工作掌控。 ,适时、合理的调配人力(如抽调后勤人员支 援收银或配合促销活动)。 店长的日常工作流程 5、财务管理及督核 ,向供应商应付款结算的审核。 ,供应商应付款结算签批。 ,店铺备用金的统筹管理与分配。 ,店内各项费用预算的审批、报批、执行与控制。 green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring-shaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the Organization establishing on-site management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group self-inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering ? water should be set depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. ? to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers-by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray ? sprays in this context, refers to ,店内会计、出纳、收银等相关作业的检查与督核。 店长的日常工作流程 6、营运问题分析 ,各营业组业绩增减原因分析。 ,促销情况分析。 ,各营运环节中通路的通畅性分析。 ,店铺其他收入潜力点分析。 店长的日常工作流程 7、当日营业额确认 ,各部门、各组完成情况确认。 ,全店经营目标完成情况确认。 ,收银系统及收银员完成情况确认。 ,财务票据审核完成情况确认。 店长的日常工作流程 8、店周围环境的巡视 ,店外停车场的有序性确认。 ,店容、店貌、卫生情况的确认。 ,店外环境变化的确认。 ,店外顾客的走向及疏导。 店长的日常工作流程 9、防损及后勤行政部门督核 ,防损部工作的巡视。 ,电脑系统运转情况巡视。 ,工程部工作巡视。 ,收货部工作巡视。 green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring-shaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the Organization establishing on-site management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group self-inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering ? water should be set depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. ? to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers-by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray ? sprays in this context, refers to ,美工工作巡视。 ,保洁工作巡视。 店长的日常工作流程 10、明日作业准备 ,各部门完成情况及 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 进度要求。 ,人员、设备、商品、卫生等是否到位、正常。 ,明日工作重点及闭店工作安排确认。 店长的日常工作流程 ,奖惩制度执行情况。 ,全体员工早训(每周至少亲自组织一至两次) ,企业文化及思想理念教育。 ,传达集团及公司文件及精神。 ,上周 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 。内容包括:制度执行情况、销售计划完成情况并对各部门工作情况进行 评价,提出表扬或批评。 ,布置本周工作,强调工作重点。 ,市调。了解竞争对手,撰写市调报告。 店长的日常工作流程 ,店内业务会 ,与领班级以上干部商讨店铺各组业绩达成的措施及办法。 ,销售分析及现场作业中问题总评与指导。 ,工作要点强调及各部门作业问题协调。 ,人事工作决定。 ,现场解决各部门提报的问题。 ,其他问题的研讨与决定。 ,组织安排市场调查工作并亲自参观竞争店。 ,参加区业务会。 店长的日常工作流程 ,组织全店的盘点及商品折损审批。 ,召开店务会,全面总结上月工作。 green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring-shaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the Organization establishing on-site management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group self-inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering ? water should be set depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. ? to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers-by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray ? sprays in this context, refers to ,与主管级干部进行沟通,填写干部评估表交区人事部。 ,制定下月 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 。 ,和社区公众(居委会、政府部门)进行沟通。 ,参加月度业务总结会。 店长的日常工作流程 ,下半年资产计划。 ,上半年工作总结(述职报告),交公司人力资源部。 ,年终总结。 ,下年度工作计划、预算的制定。 Marketing Diagram green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring-shaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the Organization establishing on-site management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group self-inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering ? water should be set depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. ? to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers-by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray ? sprays in this context, refers to
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