首页 亚龙816型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置使用说明书



亚龙816型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置使用说明书亚龙816型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置使用说明书 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型 空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 使用说明书 亚龙科技集团有限公司 summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concre...

亚龙816型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置使用说明书 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型 空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 使用说明书 亚龙科技集团有限公司 summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes into 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 目 录 第一部分 产品使用说明书 ...........................................................................................................2 一、概述 ................................................................................................................................2 二、产品特点 .........................................................................................................................2 三、技术性能 .........................................................................................................................3 四、设备组成 .........................................................................................................................3 五、系统配置及主要部件说明 ................................................................................................4 (一)系统配置 ..............................................................................................................4 (二)系统主要部件说明 ................................................................................................5 1.空调系统详细说明 .................................................................................................5 2.冰箱系统详细说明、..............................................................................................7 六、空调与冰箱控制主板功能说明 .........................................................................................8 (一)空调控制主板功能说明: ......................................................................................8 (二)智能电冰箱控制主板功能说明 ............................................................................. 14 七、制冷专用工具使用说明 .................................................................................................. 17 八、操作注意事项 ................................................................................................................ 21 九、维修场地的要求 ............................................................................................................ 24 十、设备接线布图 ................................................................................................................ 27 (一)端子排与系统器件接线布图 ................................................................................ 27 (二)空调电气控制考核模块与端子排接线图 ............................................................... 28 (三)冰箱智能温控电气考核模块与端子排接线图 ........................................................ 29 (四)冰箱204E电子式温控电气考核模块与端子排接线图 ........................................... 30 亚龙科技集团 ials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intoaration 1) required winter construction materfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-rly days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinthe eahe mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce tmust fects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the ef ion ofmeasures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportcrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective of conases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect eeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increstruction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced blsummer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete con1 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 第一部分 产品使用说明书 一、概述 本装置是专门为职业院校制冷类相关专业而研制的实训装置,根据制冷类行业中冰箱维修技术的特点,针冰箱的电气控制以及制冷系统的安装与维修进行设计,强化了学生对冰箱系统管路的安装、电气接线、工况调试、故障诊断与维修等综合职业能力。装置融合了流体力学、热力学、传热学和电气控制等技术,适合制冷类相关专业的教学和培训。 该系统分为两部分,热泵式分体空调部分和直冷式电冰箱部分,展示了两种不同的制冷方式,热泵式分体空调部分能完成制冷、制热、除湿、送风、四种运行模式。直冷式电冰箱部分能完成标准、节能、速冻、三种工作模式。涵盖了制冷专业中所涉及的安装、接线、保压、抽真空、充注制冷剂及运行调试等内容。通过该装置的使用、训练和培训、能充分锻炼操作者的实际动手能力,实际维修中对问题的分析与处理能力。 二、产品特点 1、该装置基于空调、冰箱系统安装、制冷系统电气接线、压力检漏、抽真空、充注制冷剂及运行调试于一体,包括了制冷系统维修的全部步骤,能满足实训教学、实际工程训练及职业技能竞赛的需要。 2、该装置采用模块化设计、电气控制与制冷系统独立分开,并且电气部分设置测试端子以及各路的输出连接端子,可供学生进行独立接线、测试、运行等操作。 3、实训平台直观展示了空调、冰箱的系统结构、工作原理。可清楚的看到制冷系统结构及主要部件的实物,系统还配置有数显交流电压表、数量交流表、耐震压力表、信号指示灯等,使整个空调、冰箱系统的实时工作状态一目了然。 4、该装置以项目数学和任务引领作为实训教学,以工作过程为导向,提高学生对实训课程的兴趣。 5. 该装置是根据分体式空调器控制电路、电冰箱电子式控制电路作为实训考核对象,能使学生熟练掌握空调器控制电路、电冰箱电子式控制电路基本原理及维修技术,考核板上印有分体式空调器电气、电冰箱电子式控制电路图并加以检测点,学生通过考核板上的电路图了解其原理,并通过电脑设置故障,用仪表在检测点上进行检测查找故障位置,并排除故障,从而提高学生的排除故障能力,及学到分体式式空调器控制电路、电冰箱电子式控制电路的相关知识。电冰箱部分分有冷藏箱、冷冻箱。整体采用开放式和拆装式结构设计,集制冷空调系统安装、冰箱系统安装、制冷系统电接线、压力检漏、抽真空、充注制冷剂与运行调试于一体,包含了制冷系统维修的全部步骤,能满足实训教学、实际工程训练,学生可以对各部件、管路、器件进行拆装、调试、运行,完成各种工作模式、工况调试和系统管路的实训,使整个装置能够完全满足实训教学、技能考核或技能竞赛 mperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high teupervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constres intoaration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thintion t2 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 要求。 三、技术性能 1. 输入电源:单相AC 220V +10% 50Hz 2. 工作环境:温度-100C~400C相对湿度?%(250C)海拔<4000m 3. 装置容量:?1.5kVA 4. 空调系统压缩机:输入功率600W 5. 制冷剂类型:空调系统R22 6. 冰箱系统压缩机:输入功率75W 7. 制冷剂类型:冰箱系统R134a 8. 外形尺寸:1500×800×1250mm 9. 安全保护:具有漏电、过流保护功能、符合国家安全标准 四、设备组成 从结构上可以分为三大部分:实训平台、制冷系统部分和电气控制部分。整体效果图如下: 参考示意图 1(实训平台 亚龙科技集团 ials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intorly days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinaration 1) required winter construction materfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-the eahe mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce tmust fects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the ef ion ofmeasures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportcrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective of conases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect eeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increstruction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced blsummer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete con3 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 以铝型材为主框架,铝合金板作为辅材,搭建一个150cm×80cm,由10根20mm×80mm型材辅设而成。下设二个抽屉,用来放置实训模块,抽屉下面是一个存放柜,可以放置一些专用工具及制冷剂钢瓶等底脚采用4个带刹车的小型万向轮,方便设备移动。 2(制冷系统部分 热泵式分体空调系统;由空调压缩机、风冷蒸发器、风冷冷凝器、节流装置(空调毛细管)、空调过滤器、单向阀及辅助器件组成,采用可拆卸(组装)式结构,通过管道螺纹连接方式,将各部件串到一个回路中去,最终组成一套完整的制冷系统。 直冷式电冰箱系统;由压缩机、蒸发器、冷凝器、节流装置及辅助器件组成;采用可拆卸(组装)式结构,通过管道螺纹连接方式,将各部件串到一个回路中去,最终组成一套完整的制冷系统。 3(电气控制部分 采用模块式结构,根据功能不同分为电源及仪表模块挂箱、空调电气控制考核模块、冰箱电子温控电气控制考核模块挂箱、冰箱智能温控电气控制考核模块挂箱、同时在实训平台上设置有接线区,作为电气实训单元箱与被控元件的连接过渡区。接线区内采用加盖端子排,提高操作安全系统。该装置是根据分体式空调器控制电路、电冰箱电子式控制电路作为实训考核对象,能使学生熟练掌握空调器控制电路、电冰箱电子式控制电路基本原理及维修技术,考核板上印有分体式空调器电气、电冰箱电子式控制电路图并加以检测点,学生通过考核板上的电路图了解其原理,并通过电脑设置故障,用仪表在检测点上进行检测查找故障位置,并排除故障,从而提高学生的排除故障能力 五、系统配置及主要部件说明 (一)系统配置 该系统由实训平台(铝型材)、由热泵式分体空调系统、直冷式电冰箱系统,电源及仪表模块挂箱、冰箱电子温控电气考核模块挂箱、冰箱智能温控电气考核模块挂箱、真空泵、双表修理阀、偏心胀管器、扩管器、及各种制冷专用工具等组成。热泵空调部分据有以下制冷模式、制热模式、除湿模式、送风模式、四种工作模式。电冰箱部分分有冷藏箱、冷冻箱。工作模式有标准模式、节能模式、速冻模式三种工作模式。整体采用开放式和拆装式结构设计,学生可以对各部件、管路、器件进行拆装、调试、运行,完成各种工作模式调试和系统管路的实训要求。 基本配置 序号 名称 规 格 数量 单位 备注 film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thintion tmperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high teupervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constres intoaration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time com4 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 1 实训平台 1500mm×800mm×1250mm铝型材实训平台 1 张 单相电源总开关(带漏电和短路保护)1个、红色电源指示 电源及仪灯1只、数字式交流电压表2只(测量范围0~500V)、数字式KB-01 2 1 块 挂箱 表模块 交流电流表2只(测量范围0~10A、1只)、(测量范围0~5A、1 只)双联三芯插座1只。 分体空调ZX418CDT控制主板1块、分体空调ZX418CDT空调电气控制电路原理图1张、接线柱40个、5A保险丝座1只、对应KB-02 3 控制考核1 块 指示灯6个、强制按钮1个、转换钮子开关2只、电位器2只。挂箱 模块挂箱 IO通信板1块、8位继电器故障设置1块。板1块。 电冰箱电冰箱电子温控GR-204E主板1块、东芝GR-204E电冰箱控 子温控电制电路原理图1张、接线柱37个、保险丝座1只、对应指示灯KB-03 4 1 块 挂箱 气控制考3个、复位按钮2个、转换钮子开关3只、电位器3只。IO通 核模块 信板1块、8位继电器故障设置1块。板1块。 电冰箱智冰箱智能温控BCD-173EH主板1块、BCD-173EH电冰箱 能温控电控制电路原理图1张、接线柱15个、保险丝座1只、对应指示KB-04 5 1 块 挂箱 气考核模灯3个、复位按钮2个、电位器3只。IO通信板1块、8位继 块 电器故障设置板1块。 空调压缩机1台、压缩机启动电容1只、过热过载保护器1热泵式分个、风冷式冷凝器1套、风冷式蒸发器1套、高、低压截止阀16 体空调系1 套 套、视液镜1只、耐震带油压力表2只、空调毛细管1套、空统 调单向阀1个、空调过滤器1个。 冰箱压缩机1台、PTC启动器1个、碟形过电流过温升保 直冷护器1个、17档钢丝式冷凝器1个、节流装置1套、手阀1只、套 7 1 式电冰箱铝复合板吹胀式蒸发器1个、冷藏式蒸发器1个(温度传感器3 系统 只)、视液镜1只、耐震带油压力表2只、模拟电冰箱箱体1套 (有机玻璃)、电冰箱门灯1只。 (二)系统主要部件说明 1、空调系统详细说明 图1 空调系统的结构组成及热力系统流程图(虚线箭头部分为管路) 亚龙科技集团 ials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intobe implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce taration 1) required winter construction materfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-rly days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinthe eahe mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in must fects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the ef ion ofmeasures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportcrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective of conases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect eeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increstruction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced blsummer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete con5 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 1.压缩机 2.四通阀 3.室外换热器 4.视液镜 5.过滤器 6.单向阀 7.毛细管 8.毛细管 9.过滤器 10.空调阀 11.蒸发器 12.空调阀 13.气液分离器 14.室外风扇电机 15.室内风扇电机 16.高压压力表 17.低压压力表 18.高压出气管 19.室外换热器进气管 20.室外换热器出气管 21.室内换热器进气管 22.室内换热器出气管 23.低压回气管 空调系统采用热泵型 分体式空调系统,结构简单、层次清晰,其主要部件由压缩机、压力表、电磁四通阀、室外换热器、视液镜、过滤器、毛细管节流组件、空调阀、室内换热器、气液分离器等组成,空调系统的结构组成及热力系统流程图如图1所示。 空调在制冷工况时,低温低压的制冷剂气体由回气管23、气液分离器13进入压缩机1,经压缩机1压缩,变为高温高压的制冷剂气体,经高压排气管18、进入电磁四通阀1的?端,从电磁阀2的?端进入管路19、室外换热器3,经室外换热器3和风扇电机14对空气的强制对流,制冷剂变成高压中(常)温的制冷剂液体流经管路20,从视液镜4处可以看到制冷剂的状况。液体制冷剂经过过滤器5、单向阀6、毛细管8、过滤器9,再通过空调阀10的连接,流入室内换热器11中,前面经过毛细管的节流。高压中(常)温的制冷剂液体流入室内换热器11,立刻吸热膨胀变为低压低温的气体(详细查阅R22的物理特性),经室内换热器11和风扇电机15对空气的强制对流,将冷量吹进室内,低压低温的气体经管路22、电磁四通阀2的?、流出?端,进入回气管23,经气液分离器13回到压缩机1,如此反复循环。通过热力学原理将室内约能量与室外的能量进行交换,起到制冷的效果。压力真空表16、17分别连接在压缩机的高压排气口与低压回气口,用于监视系统的高低侧压力变化情况。 空调在制热工况时,低温低压的制冷剂气体由回气管23、气液分离器13进入压缩机1,经压缩机1压缩,变为高温高压的制冷剂气体,经高压排气管18,进入电磁四通阀2的?端,这时空调器主控板驱动电磁阀2线圈得电,通过机械的切换,电磁四通阀2的2的?端与?端通、?端与?端通,高温高压的制冷剂气体就流出电磁四通阀2的?端,经空调阀12流入室内换热器11,通过室内风扇对空气的强制对流,使得室内换热器中的热量被空气带入室内房间,使得房间的温度上升,高温高压的制冷剂气体变成高压中(常)温的制冷剂液体流经管路21中,然后通过管路21流到空调阀10处,在经过过滤器9、毛细管8、毛细管6、过滤器5、视液镜4流入室外换热器3中,(高压中(常)温的制冷剂液体被毛细管8、7的共同节流,这时单向阀6反向不导通),高压中(常)温的制冷剂液体流入室外换热器3中,立刻吸热膨胀,变为低压低温的气体,经冷凝器受到风扇电 es intoaration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thintion tmperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high teupervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constr6 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 机14对空气的强制对流,进行能量的交换,低压低温的气体流经管路19、电磁四通阀2的?、流出?、进入会气23;在经气液分离器13回到压缩机1.如此反复循环。通过热力学原理将室内的能量与室外的能量进行交换,起到制热的效果。 2、冰箱系统详细说明、 其主要部件由压缩机、耐震压力表、钢丝式冷凝器、视液镜、干燥过滤器、毛细管、手阀、冷藏式蒸发器、冷冻式蒸发器等组成。电冰箱制冷系统流程图如图2所示(详细可见表2)。 在冰箱制冷系统中用到的制冷剂为R134a。气态的R134a经过压缩机一压缩变成高温高压的气体经高压排气管11到冷凝器2中,在自然冷却的情况下,高温高压的气态R134a变成高压中(常)温的液体经管路12流经视液镜3、干燥过滤器4、到毛细管中5中,在毛细管5的降压节流之下,变成中温低压的的液体,先到冷冻室蒸发器6再过入冷藏室蒸发器7,R134a液体吸热膨胀,将冷冻室与冷藏室内物品的热量吸入,冷冻室蒸发器6、冷藏蒸发器7在保温效果好的情况下会结霜,然后低温低压的气体R134a经低压回气管13被压缩机1吸入腔内,再经过压缩变成高压高温的气体,如此反复的一个过程就能装放在冷冻室与冷藏室中的热量交换出来。压力真空表9、10分别连接在压缩机的高压排气口与低压回气口,用于监测系统的高低侧压力变化情况。冷冻室与冷藏室的主要区别在于:管路的长短不一样,能量的损耗就不一样了。 亚龙科技集团 ials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intoaration 1) required winter construction materfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-rly days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinthe eahe mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce tmust fects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the ef ion ofmeasures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportcrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective of conases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect eeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increstruction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced blsummer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete con7 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 图2电子温控、智能温控制电冰箱冷系统流程图 表2:电子温控电冰箱、智能温控电冰箱制冷系统流程图注释 编号 名称 编号 名称 1 压缩机 8 工艺加液口 2 钢丝式冷凝器 19 高压侧压力真空表 3 视液镜 10 低压侧压力真空表 4 干燥过滤器 11 高压排气管 5 12 毛细管 冷凝器出口 6 冷冻室蒸发器 13 低压回气管 7 冷藏室蒸发器 六、空调与冰箱控制主板功能说明 (一)空调控制主板功能说明: es intoaration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thintion tmperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high teupervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constr8 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 1—制冷模式指示灯 2—制热(通风)模式指示灯 3—除湿模式指示灯 4—定时指示灯。空调定时时灯亮 5—双8开机时显示室内温度,定时开机时显示剩余时间。空调机出现故障时显示故障序号 1—制冷模式 1.设定温度范围:18—30? 2.压缩机、外风机的工作情况; 当室内温度,设定温度时,压缩机、室外风机工作;当室内温度,设定温度时,压缩机、室外风机停止工作。(如下图) 3.制冷模式下内风机的工作方式 1)根据遥控器选择来设定风速 2)当遥控器选择AUTO方式时,内风机工作自动风状态 4.制冷模式下的连续工作(CONT)方式: 当设定温度小于18?或大于30?,遥控器显示“CONT”,此时空调器进入连续工作方式。 1)压缩机,外风机始终工作,强行制冷 2)室内风机按遥控器风量设置运行 2—制热模式 1.设定温度范围:18—30? 2.制冷模式的防冷风功能: 亚龙科技集团 ials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intoaration 1) required winter construction materfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-rly days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinthe eahe mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce tmust fects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the ef ion ofmeasures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportcrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective of conases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect eeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increstruction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced blsummer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete con9 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 防冷风功能分为压缩机工作和压缩机停止两种情况,具体情况如下: a:当压缩机工作时:压缩机开时如果风机运行大于3分钟且盘管?25?则关风机; 当盘管温度上升,大于或等于标值(见上图)时,风速提高一级;当盘管温度下降,小于标值时,风速降低一级。 b:当压缩机停机时 当压缩机停机时,盘管度会逐渐降低,室内风机低风30秒后停止工作。 3.压缩机和室外风机的工作情况 当室内温度,设定温度,压缩机、室外风机工作;当室内温度,设定温度时,压缩机、室外风机停止工作。(如下图) 压缩机与四通阀同时工作,压缩机停止工作后四通阀过两分钟断电。 4.室内风机的工作情况: 制热模式下,室内风机可设为AUTO、HI、 MED、 LO方式。 1)HI方式下,内风机以高风状态运行; 2)MED方式下,内风机以中风状态运行; 3)LO方式下,内风机以低风状态运行; 4)当遥控器选择AUTO方式时,内风机工作于自动风状态 5.制热模式下的连续工作(CONT)方式 当设定温度小于18?或大于30?。遥控器显示“CONT”此时空调器进入制热连续工作方式。 es intoaration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thintion tmperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high teupervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constr10 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 1)压缩机、外风机运转,四通阀接通,强行制热 2)风量设置为HI方式时,内风机高风运行,风量设置为MED方式时,内风机中风运行,风 量设置为LO方式时,内风机低风运行。 6(制热模式下的化霜功能: 1)除霜开始条件 A(压缩机累积运行45分钟以上 B(压缩机连续运行18分钟以上 C(ΔT?ΔTmax×0.65 ΔT=盘管温度—室内温度 D(盘管温度—室内温度?16? 以上条件同时满足时进入除霜。 2)除霜运行过程: a:除霜运转开始,压缩机停止,室外风机继续运转。 b:55秒后,室内风机停止,四通阀断电 c:1分钟后。压缩机启动,进行除霜。 3)除霜结束条件: 根据结霜情况,。除霜结束时间为8分钟 4)除霜结束过程: a:压缩机停止,室外风机运转,室内风机按防冷风运行。 b:55秒后,室外风机停止,四通阀上电。 c:1分钟后,进入正常制热。 7.制热模式下的高温保护功能:(如图) 1)当室内盘管温度?53?时,停室外风机;当室内盘管温度,49?时,开室外风机。 2)当室内盘管温度?61?并且持续10秒钟,压缩机、室外风机停机,2分钟后四通阀断电; 当室内盘管温度,49?时,且压缩机3分钟延时已过,恢复正常制热状态。 8.电加热开起与关闭条件:1)电加热开起条件 亚龙科技集团 ials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intoaration 1) required winter construction materfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-rly days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinthe eahe mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce tion ofmust fects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the ef measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportcrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective of conases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect eeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increstruction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced blsummer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete con11 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 A:内风机开 B;室温?23? C:盘温?48? D:设定温度-室温?3? E:制热模式 F:压缩机开 以上条件同时满足时电加热开启。 A:非制热模式 B;压缩机关 C:室温??26? D:盘温?53? E:内风机关 F:设定温度?室温 以上任意条件满足电加热停止工作. 3—除湿模式(DRY) 1.压缩机、外风机、内风机低风运行9分钟,停6分钟 2.当室内温度?15?,停止除湿,当室内温度,15?时恢复除湿功能 3.压缩机启动后至少运行3分钟 4—自动模式 首次上电,按应急开关或用遥控器进去自动模式,控制器根据室温决定空调器的工作模式,模 式确定后不再根据室温的变化而改变工作方式。 工作模式与室温的关系: 室温 室温?26? 21??室温,26? 室温,21? 状态 制冷 除湿 制热 设定温度 遥控信号 设定温度? 制冷 除湿 制热 ,6 18 18 18 ,5 19 19 19 ,4 20 20 20 ,3 21 21 21 ,2 22 22 22 ,1 23 23 23 ?0 24 24 24 ,1 25 25 25 es intoaration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thintion tmperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high teupervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constr12 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 ,2 26 26 26 ,3 27 27 27 ,4 28 28 28 ,5 29 29 29 ,6 30 30 30 5—定时开机( ON-TIMER)功能: 1.定时时间设置小于24小时; 6—睡眠定时关机: 1.睡眠定时关机:可设置1、2、3、4、5、7、或10小时。 2.在制冷运行中设置睡眠关机时,在开始时设定温度首先提高1?。然后隔1小时设定温度提高1?,以后保持不变 3.在制热运行中,在开始睡眠定时运转(当定时器已被设定好)时,1小时后比设定温度降低1?,第二小时再降低1?,以后保持不变。 4.设定温度为CONT时,设定温度不在根据以上规律变化。 5.进入睡眠定时后面板显示自动调节为最暗状态 7—湿冷防结霜功能 1.当室内机盘管温度连续3分钟?0?且压缩机已连续工作3分钟以上,则关闭压缩机和室外风机,内风机转至低风工作。 2.当室内机盘管温度,7?,且压缩机已停机至三分钟以上才允许再次启动压缩机及外风机,内风机按设定方式工作。 8—自诊断功能 1.若室温传感器、盘管温度传感器发生故障,室内外机组停机。 2.以上故障均能在面板上对照显示如下: 室内温度传感器断路、短路 E1 室内盘管温度传感器断路、短路 E2 9—压缩机的保护 1.初次上电时允许压缩机立即启动。 2.压缩机启动后。应至少工作三分钟,方可依实际情况停机。 3.压缩机停机后再次启动时,至少应有三分钟的间隔。 4.模式转换时,压缩机停机,且有三分钟哦停机保护。 10—无线遥控 亚龙科技集团 ials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intoaration 1) required winter construction materfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-rly days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinthe eahe mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce tmust fects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the ef ion ofmeasures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportcrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective of conases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect eeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increstruction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced blsummer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete con13 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 1.室内机对手机发的短信立即响应响应。 2.室内机受到红外遥控信号后,立即发出“哗”一声响。 11—应急操作功能: 在面板上有一个强制制冷按键,当遥控器失灵时,可用此按键使空调器进去自动运转状态。 1.关机状态下按此键,空调器立即开机,进入自动模式运转,室内风机为自动风速,风门片为自然摆动。 2.开机状态下按此键,空调器立即关机。 (二)智能电冰箱控制主板功能说明 K 2 K 3 显 示 面 板 K 1 K 4 注:按键说明K1为标准,K2为温度调节,K3为节能,K4为速冻。 1、各控制参数定义 冷藏室设定温度: Trs; 冷冻室设定温度: Tfs; 冷藏室开机温度: Trk; 冷冻室开机温度: Tfk; 冷藏室蒸发器开机温度 Trvk; 冷藏室停机温度: Trt; 冷冻室停机温度: Tft; 冷藏室温度: Tr; 冷冻室温度: Tf; 冷藏室显示温度: Trx; 冷冻室显示温度: Tfx; 2、按键设置及操作功能 2.1按键的设置排列顺序应符合有关设计文件的要求。 2.2按键操作功能及LED相应的显示: 1)“调温/解锁”键:当操作键盘上锁后,按住此键3秒,则操作键盘解锁,蜂鸣器响一下,LED 的上锁标志不显示,可进行操作键盘的所有按键操作。 tion tmperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high teupervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constres intoaration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thin14 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 当解锁后,按“调温/解锁”键,原温度设定值闪烁,在闪烁期间,按“调温/解锁”键进行温度档位循环设定。变化规律是向上循环变化。按住“调温/解锁”键,则连续递增。如5秒钟内不按任何按键,则设定值被确定。 再次进入“调温”设定时,接着上一次的温度档位循环变化。 当操作键盘上锁后,按任何按键,操作无效。但“锁”标志闪烁4秒。 2)“标准”键:按“标准”键,冰箱进入标准状态,显示板上“标准”字符点亮。 在标准状态下,按“标准”键,则退出标准状态,进入“调温”状态。显示板上“标准”字符点灭。 3)“节能”键:按“节能”键,冰箱进入节能状态,显示板上“节能”字符点亮。 在节能状态下,按“节能”键,则退出节能状态,进入“调温”状态。显示板上“节能”字符点灭。 4)“速冻”键:按“速冻”键,冰箱进入速冻状态,显示板上“速冻”字符点亮。 在速冻状态下,按“速冻”键,则退出速冻状态,进入“调温”状态。显示板上“速冻”字符点灭。 5)同时按“调温/解锁”、“标准”键,进入时钟调节状态,按“节能”键,调节小时,在1,24循环设定,按“速冻”,调节分钟,在1,60循环设定。按住设定键,则连续递增。时钟调节状态下,按“调温/解锁”、“标准”无效。如5秒钟内不按任何按键,则设定值被确定。退出时钟调节状态。 6) 最后一次按键1分钟后无按键操作,则操作键盘自动上锁。 3、电脑板的功能要求 3.1断电记忆功能 冰箱断电后再通电,断电前的功能设置状态依然保持。 冰箱断电后再通电,时间显示为12:00,时钟闪烁,但不计时,强制进行时钟调节,按“节能”、“速冻”键进行时钟调节。 3.2压缩机保护功能 如果冰箱断电后再来电,如果断电时间不到3分钟,则延迟到3分钟后压缩机才能启动。 若压缩机在非速冻状态下连续开机240分钟,压缩机必须强制停机10分钟。 压缩机每次停机3分钟后方能再次开机,3分钟延时结束后才能进入对压缩机的正常控制。 3.3按键伴音功能 每按一下按键(有效操作),蜂鸣器响一下(响声持续0.5S,f=4.0KHz,以确认的样品为准)。 3.4 冷藏室、冷冻室温控档位及各档位控制开、关点。如表1。 表1 各档位控制开、关点及温度设定点 单位:? 亚龙科技集团 ials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intoaration 1) required winter construction materfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-rly days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinthe eahe mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce tion ofmust fects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the ef measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportcrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective of conases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect eeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increstruction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced blsummer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete con15 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 开 停 温度设定点 温控档位 Trk Trvk Tfk Trt Tft Trs Tfs 1 8 4 -13 6 -16 7 -16 2 7 4 -14 5 -17 6 -17 3 6 4 -15 4 -18 5 -18 4 5 4 -16 3 -19 4 -19 5 4 4 -17 2 -20 3 -20 6 3 4 -18 1 -21 2 -21 注:表中温度控制精度为?0.5?。 3.5压缩机的控制 1)压缩机开机控制 若满足如下任一条件,则压缩机开机: (1) 冷藏室温度上升达开机温度(Tr?Trk)且蒸发器温度上升达开机温度(Trv?Trvk); (2) 冷冻室温度上升达开机温度(Tf?Tfk); (3) 冷藏室蒸发器温度传感器出现故障时,冷藏室温度上升达到开机温度+1?(Tr?Trk+1?); (4) 速冻状态下,满足压缩机开机时。 2)压缩机停机控制 若满足如下任一条件,则压缩机停机: (1)冰箱断电后再来电,如果断电时间不到3分钟,则压缩机停机; (2)压缩机停机后3分钟期间,则压缩机停机; (3)压缩机在非速冻状态下连续开机240分钟后的10分钟,则压缩机停机; (4) 冷藏室温度下降达到停机温度(Tr?Trt)且冷冻室温度下降达到设定温度(Tf?Tfs); (5) 冷冻室温度下降达到停机温度(Tf?Tft)且冷藏室温度下降达到设定温度+0.5?(Tr?Trs+0.5?); 3.6标准工作状态 冰箱的标准工作状态是按如下参数设定:冷藏室温度设定为5?(Trs=5?);冷冻室温度设定为-18? (Tfs=-18?)。 3.7节能工作状态 冰箱的节能工作状态是按如下参数设定:冷藏室温度设定为7?(Trs=7?);冷冻室温度设定为-16?(Tfs=-16?)。 3.8速冻工作状态 速冻工作状态的功能为:压缩机连续工作8小时或冷冻室测量温度小于等于-28?(Tf?-28?)或冷藏室温度小于等于-1(Tr?-1?);若达到上述3个条件之一,则自动退出速冻状态,恢复原工作状态。 tion tmperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high teupervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constres intoaration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thin16 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 3.9温度补偿功能 1 )温度补偿开(ON)条件: 当符合以下任一条件,则温度补偿开(ON) a. 速冻状态下,Tr?3?; b. 非速冻状态下,在压缩机运行期间Tr?Trt-1?; c. 在应急运行状态下,压缩机关闭后; 2 )温度补偿开(OFF)条件: a. 速冻状态下,Tr?4?或压缩机关闭时; b. 非速冻状态下, Tr?Trt+1?; c. 在应急运行状态下,压缩机关闭延时10min后; 3.10冷藏室蒸发器温度显示(供维修测试用) 当短接主控板上二针插座CN5时, 在冷藏室温度显示区显示冷藏室蒸发器的温度;二针插座CN5开路后,恢复到原显示状态。 3.11冷藏室照明灯的控制 1)冷藏室照明灯开 冷藏室灯开关ON时,照明灯输出控制ON(照明灯亮)。 如果冷藏室灯开关连续ON的时间超过10min,则强制关闭照明灯,直到检测到灯开关OFF信号后才恢复正常照明灯控制。 2)冷藏室照明灯关 冷藏室灯开关OFF时,照明灯输出控制OFF(照明灯灭)。 3.12异常状态报警 当冷藏室温度传感器故障时,在冷藏室温度显示区域显示E,以示报警;当冷冻室温度传感器故障时,在冷冻室温度显示区域显示E,以示报警。 3.13应急状态处理 1) 当冷藏室蒸发器传感器故障时,在正常温度显示状态下不显示故障,若短接主控板上二针插座CN5时, 在冷藏室温度显示区显示E1;冷藏室开机条件取消冷藏室蒸发器温度的控制。 2) 当冷藏室传感器、冷冻室传感器中只要有一个故障时: 压缩机进入“应急运行状态”:压缩机开20min;压缩机停30min; 七、制冷专用工具使用说明 制冷专用工具有割管器、倒角器、胀管扩器、弯管器、便携式焊炬、修理表阀及连接软管总成、真空泵等。 1( 割管器 亚龙科技集团 ials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intoaration 1) required winter construction materfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-rly days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinthe eahe mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce tmust concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives ion ofmeasures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportcrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective of conases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect eeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increstruction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced blsummer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete con17 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 割管器是安装维修过程中专门切割铜管和铝管的工具,常用割管器切范围为φ3~45mm。它一般由支架、导轮、刀片和手柄组成,如图1示。 图1 割管器 1—刀片 2—支架 3—手柄 4—导轮 2( 倒角器 铜管在切割加工过程中,易产生收口和毛刺现象。倒角器主要用于去除切割加工过程中所产生的毛刺,消除铜管收口现象。倒角器外形结构如图2所示。 图2 倒角器外形结构示意图 3( 胀管扩口器 胀管扩口器用于胀杯形口和扩喇叭口,胀管扩口器其结构如图3示。扩管器是将小管径铜管(19mm以下)端部扩张形成喇叭口专用工具,它由扩管夹具和扩管顶锥组成,夹具有公制和英制两种,扩管顶锥分偏心扩管顶锥和正扩管顶锥两种。 aration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thintion tmperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high teupervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constres into18 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 图3 胀管扩口器 1—标记 2—椎体 3—架 4—把手 5—夹板 6—制动钉 在实际操作维修过程中遇到相同管径的管道连接时,通常是使用胀管器将其中一根管道端部加工成杯形口,然后将领一根管道插入杯形口进行焊接。 胀管器分手动和机械两种,制冷空调安装维修常用的手动胀管器有胀头和手动杠杆两部分组成,胀管范围3/8,1in,胀头同样有公制和英制两种。 4( 弯管器 弯管器是专门弯曲铜管、铝管的工具,弯曲半径不应小于管径的5倍。弯好的管子其弯曲部位不应有凹瘪现象。 弯管器根据导轮即导槽的大小可对不同管径铜管进行加工。弯管器与铜管相对应也有公职和英 8 mm、10 mm、12 mm、16 mm、19 mm;英制1/4in、3/8in、制之分,其常见的规格有公制6mm、 1/2in、5/8in、3/4in.如图四所示。图4 弯管器结构示意图 图3 弯管器结构示意图 5( 便携式焊炬: 便携式气焊炬,以液化石油气、丁烷气体为燃气,氧气助燃,火焰最高温度2500?左右。其主要参数如表1示,其焊嘴技术参数如表2示。其包装及外形图如图5示。 表1便携式焊炬主要参数 序号 技术参数 氧气瓶技术参数 液化气罐参数 1 公称工作压力 14.7Mpa 0.5 Mpa 2 容积(1) 2,4L 0.6L 3 贮氧气量(2) 297L 3L 4 流量调节 1,20L/Mpa 5 压力调节范围 0,0.5 Mpa 0,0.15 Mpa 亚龙科技集团 ials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intoaration 1) required winter construction materfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-rly days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinthe eahe mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce tmust fects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the ef ion ofmeasures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportcrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective of conases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect eeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increstruction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced blsummer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete con19 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 6 连续工作时间(3) 3,5小时 3,5小时 备注: 1. 容积指空瓶时的容积。 2. 贮氧量指氧气瓶处于公称工作压力14.7 Mpa时的贮氧量。 3. 连续工作时间按1L/min计算。 表2焊嘴技术参数(单位:mm) 焊嘴编号 1 2 3 焊嘴孔径 1 1.2 1.5 焊芯长度 5 7 10 焊接厚度 0.2,0.5 0.5,0.8 0.8,1.2 薄板溶焊,φ3mm,φφ6,φ15mm铝、不锈φ15,φ30mm各类金6mm黄铜、紫铜管材的钢、紫铜、黄铜管材的焊接内容 属管材的硬钎焊,较大硬钎焊。 硬钎焊,φ5mm各类金件的软钎焊。 属管材的熔焊。 图5 便携式焊炬包装及外形 6( 修理表阀及连接软管总成 修理表阀有单表阀和双表阀两种。单表阀由压力表、表阀组成,双表阀由压力表、表阀(含视窗)二部分组成,如图6示。压力表有两只,一只低压表带负压指示,一只高压表(量程0Mpa,3.5Mpa),低压表一般用于抽真空和测量低压侧压力,高压表通常用于测量高压侧压力,双表修理阀连接软管主要用于修理表阀与制冷系统和真空泵等设备的连接,使用过程中根据具体情况,可选用耐压不同的连接软管,常用链接软管最高耐压为3.5Mpa,连接软管的接头有英制1/4in管螺纹或公制M12×1.25管螺纹。 film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thintion tmperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high teupervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constres intoaration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time com20 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 图6修理表阀及连接软管总成 7( 真空泵 制冷系统维修通常采用旋片式真空泵,旋片式真空泵分单级、双级两种。如图7示,真空泵主要应用于制冷系统抽真空。 图7 真空泵 1—电动机 2—油箱 3—排气口 4—吸气 5—油视镜 八、操作注意事项 1、在定位安装时,注意管路的摆放,以免铜管扭曲变形。 2、进行电气接线时,注意被控元件与接线区相对应的号码管,不要接错,否则极易烧坏器件。 3、抽真空与充灌制冷剂时间间隔不宜过长,以免阀门关闭不严而降低制冷系统的真空度。 4、R134A和R12、HC-600A主要特性 和使用区别: 家用电冰箱发展到现在,主要采用的制冷剂有R12(CFC12) ,R134A(HFC-134A),HC-600A等,三种制冷剂的主要特性参数在背景知识中,以列表形式进行了详细介绍。 1) 由于HFC-134A不溶于矿物油,因此HFC-134A不能用于CFC-12制冷系统中;由于亚龙科技集团 ials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intothe eaaration 1) required winter construction materfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-rly days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinhe mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce tmust fects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the ef ion ofmeasures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportcrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective of conases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect eeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increstruction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced blsummer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete con21 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 HC-600A特性参数与CFC-12、HFC-134A差异较大,因而HC-600A不能用于CFC-12、 HFC-134A制冷系统中;但由于CFC-12和HFC-134A性能参数很接近,而且CFC-12也溶 于酯类油,故在维修现场无HFC-134A的不得已下,CFC-12可用于HFC-134A的制冷系统 (不换压缩机)中,但需更换干燥过滤器,吹净管路,维修后基本不影响使用,但性能匹配 不是最佳。在更换CFC-12压缩机和干燥过滤器的情况下,CFC-12制冷剂可用于HC-600A 制冷系统中,维修后基本不影响用户使用,但性能也不是最佳 。 2) 由于HFC134A不溶于传统的矿物油和烷基苯油,需采用新的酯类润滑油,酯类油比矿物 油吸水性更强,而水会降低酯类油的化学稳定性,酯类油水解生成醇和酸,引起制冷系统 腐蚀,因此压缩机露空时间不应超过15分钟;同时要考虑各种材料与制冷剂、润滑油的相 容性。与CFC-12压缩机相比,HFC-134A压缩机需增加10~15%的气缸容积,以保证相同 的制冷量。在电机设计上,要用效率更高的电机以适应更恶劣的系统工作环境,其他零部 件可通用CFC-12的,但水分、杂质等含量有严格限制,清洁度要求更高。使用中,HFC-134A 压缩机噪声要比CFC-12压缩机稍大。 、HC-600A(异丁烷)与矿物油、烷基苯油(HAB)有很好的相容性,故该工质压缩机制造工3) 2 艺无需更改。HC-600A压缩机气缸容积需在CFC-12基础上增大70%左右。由于HC-600A 易燃易爆,对压缩机的防泄漏要求更高;同时必须对电气元器件进行改动,将其设计成防 爆型,如启动器可采用PTC元件且密封,铭牌上要有黄色易燃标志。HC,600A压缩机比 CFC,12压缩机的噪声低。 4) 由于CFC,12、HFC,134A、HC,600A及其他各种制冷剂的特性存在较大差异,对应各 制冷系统的设计也有所差别。如果在维修时不注意区分,轻者有可能导致系统性能下降, 重者会引起压缩机回油不畅,毛细管脏堵等故障,将严重影响冰箱的使用寿命,因此在维 修时严格区分制冷剂类别。 5) 查看冰箱凝背部的电路图铭牌,在铭牌中“制冷剂及充入量”一栏写明了该冰箱使用的制冷 剂和充入量,这是维修冰箱的主要依据。 6) 查看压缩机外壳上所贴铭牌上注明使用的制冷剂类别。如HC,600A压缩机铭牌上有黄色 易燃标志,而HFC,134A压缩机铭牌一般是绿色。 7) 查看冰箱使用说明书或冰箱生产厂家有关环保方面的特殊标志或型号标识,如华凌冰箱在 型号后加注“H”、“L”代表采用HFC,134A制冷剂;加注“HC”代表采用HC,600A制冷剂, 无上述三字母的则为采用CFC,12制冷剂。科龙、容声冰箱在型号后加注“?HC”代表采 用HC,600A制冷剂,如“?HC”则为采用CFC,12制冷剂。 es intoaration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thintion tmperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high teupervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constr22 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 制冷剂 CFC,12 HFC,134A HC,600A 分子式 CFCL CHFCF CH 2223410 ?临界温度 112.0 101.0 135.0 气相密度(,25?) 7.57 5.50 1.66 液相密度(,25?) 1427.0 1371.0 608.3 臭氧层破坏系数(ODP) 1.0 0 0 温室效应系数(GWP) 3.1 0.27 0.01 光化学臭氧产生潜能?0.1 ?0.1 42.6 (POCP) 寿命(年) 几周 120 3.1 冷凝压力(,40?) 9.6066 10.614 5.319 蒸发压力(,40?) 1.0041 0.8436 0.468 工作压比 9.567 12.048 11.365 蒸发潜能 165.3 219.3 381.2 制冷量 1237.0 1185.0 626.0 对杂质的敏感性 敏感 高度敏感 敏感 压缩机效率?寿命 一般 一般 高?长 理论排气温度 120,125 125,130 100,105 可燃性 不燃 不燃 可燃 润滑油 矿物油 酯类油 矿物油 溶水性 极微 极易溶 极微 真空度要求 一般 高 一般 沸点(?) ,9.8 ,6.16 ,1.73 对于家用电冰箱来说,由于一般采用毛细管节流,其制冷剂的充注量很少。如采用CFC,12或HFC,134a作制冷剂,其充注量一般不超过200g,如采用HC,600a 异丁烷 作制冷剂,则充注量更少,仅为80g以下。因此对制冷剂充注量的精度要求比较高,一般前者误差不得大于5g,后者不得大于2g。 制冷剂充注量偏多,则电冰箱蒸发温度升高,冷凝压力增大,压缩机轴功率增大,运转率提高,甚至可能出现冷凝器积液过多。在压缩机停机后,当高压低于与环境温度对应的饱和压力时,液态制冷剂在干燥过滤器和冷凝器末端蒸发吸热,造成势能损失。若制冷剂充注量偏少,则蒸发器末端过热度升高,结霜不满,从而使蒸发器的产冷量减少,压缩机运转率提高,耗电量增大。当制冷剂充注量少于额定值的80,时,电冰箱便不能正常工作。其系统操作应严格遵守R134a制冷剂的维修工艺,具体内容见附表3。 5、其系统操作应严格遵守R134a制冷剂的维修工艺,具体内容见附表3。 6、实训中相关工具、检测仪表等设备的使用应严格遵守其安全操作规程。 亚龙科技集团 ials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intoaration 1) required winter construction materfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-rly days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinthe eahe mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce tion ofmust fects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the ef measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportcrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective of conases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect eeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increstruction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced blsummer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete con23 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 7、通电前要检查所有接线端子和回路是否正确可靠。 九、维修场地的要求 维修场地必须是平坦宽敞通风的,不准设在地下室及其它较封闭不通风的地方,以保持场地空气流通,场地10米内不许有易燃物。 维修场地内应使用一套排风系统进行全面排风,以保证换气量和排气均匀,防止气体积聚。 维修场地的通风设备及电器河北使用防爆型,总电源开关应设置在场地之外,并有防护装置,场地内有数量足够的灭火器,有防火标志。 维修人员每日进入维修场地前,应先检查有无火源,保证无火源后进入维修场地,打开通风系统后才能进行制冷系统维修工作。 1、 维修工具的准备。 1) 工具:电子秤、排空钳、足够长的排气管、三通阀表、真空泵、割管器、常用工具。 2) 消耗件:过滤器、工艺管。 、 维修工艺 2 1) 用排空钳刺穿过滤器上部工艺管,用排空钳上的排气管将R134a引至室外排放。 2) 插上压缩机电源(压缩机能工作),使系统中的R134a制冷剂经压缩机排到过滤器, 再经排气管排到室外。 3) 约5分钟后关闭冰箱电源,用手摇晃压缩机,使溶解在压缩机润滑油中的R134a尽 可能的排放干净。 4) 再插上压缩机电源继续排放,3分钟后,关闭压缩机电源,在工艺管口套上三通阀表, 注入小于0.4Mpa压力的氮气进行清洗。2分钟后关闭氮气阀,并撤离三通阀表,进 行焊接和更换压缩机。 5) 更换焊接完毕后,在压缩机工艺关上和双头过滤器端的工艺管分别接上三通阀表, 在压缩机工艺管端缓慢注0.8Mpa的氮气对焊接点进行检漏。确认不露后排掉氮气进 入下一步操作。 6) 用抽空软管连接过滤器端的三通表阀和真空泵,用加注软管连接压缩机工艺管端的 三通表阀和电子称上R134a加注瓶,打开真空泵和两块三通表阀的阀门对系统进行 抽空,同时也把加注软管中的残留空气抽调。此时R134a加注瓶的阀门应是关闭的。 (如下图所示) 7) 达到真空要求时,关闭过滤器端的三通表阀们撤离抽空软管,缓慢打开R134a加注 upervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constres intoaration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thintion tmperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high te24 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 瓶阀,按额定加注量进行加注,加注完毕后先关闭三通表阀再关闭加注瓶上的阀门, 之后再打开三通表阀让其将加注软管内的R134a吸入制冷系统中,最后关闭三通表 阀并撤离加注软管。 进行试机,经过1,2次开停机正常后,用封口钳加注工艺管上部,用洛克钳和洛克环堵头封口。在开机状态时封压缩机工艺口,在停机状态时封过滤器工艺口,封口完毕用肥皂水或洗洁精进行检漏。 3、 维修注意事项 1)在不更换压缩机的情况下,加氮气进行清洗时,氮气压力应控制在0.4Mpa以下,以防冲坏压缩机阀片,造成压缩机噪声增大。 2)R134a的灌注量应严格控制在额定量的?2g以内。 3)在维修过程中如发生制冷剂泄漏,应立即人工通风。 4、R134a制冷系统与其他制冷系统的零部件和维修工具的比较 1)零部件 a、压缩机 R134a系统的压缩机润滑油为需采用新的酯类润滑油,酯类油比矿物油吸水性更强,而水会降低酯类油的化学稳定性,酯类油水解生成醇和酸,引起制冷系统腐蚀,因此压缩机露空时间不应超过15分钟。R12系统的压缩机润滑油为矿物油,由于HFC-134A不溶于矿物油,因此HFC-134A不能用于CFC-12制冷系统中,因此压缩机之间决不能相互通用。 b、温控器 同于以往的温控器,。 c、灯开关 同于以往的灯开关。 2)工具 a、电子秤 由于R134a有较高的灌注精度要求(维修注精度为?2g),所以应具备精度为1g的电子秤进行灌注衡量,并且电子秤应定期校准。 b、三通阀表 由于R134a压缩机润滑油采用的是酯类润滑油,所以用于维修R134a系统冰箱后的三通压力表不允许再用于R12制冷系统的冰箱。因为贴附在表阀内的矿物油可能被带至R12制冷系统中而引起堵塞。 3)R134a制冷剂的运输、仓贮和倒灌 亚龙科技集团 ials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes intoaration 1) required winter construction materfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-rly days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thinthe eahe mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce tcrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective must fects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the ef ion ofmeasures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportof conases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect eeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increstruction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced blsummer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete con25 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 a、运输 装卸过程中应确保无跌落、磕碰现象,为此需采用专用的装卸工具。运输过程中应执行有关的危险品运输条例。 b、仓贮 R134a维修贮罐可防止-10?,50?的环境中,必须放于危险品库内。贮罐不用时应立放或平放,使用时可倾斜(大于5度)或倒立。 R134a贮罐放置仓库,须有独立通风系统,库内不应设置其他电器设备,并且通风开关设置门外,以防止产生电火花。 c、倒灌 倒灌人员必须是事先受过专门培训的制定热暖,倒灌前应清理现场,准备好工具检查管阀灯的密封性。倒灌时其他人员不得靠近附近区域,倒灌时应谨慎操作,动作要轻、慢。倒灌外壁厚检查管阀等的密封性,倒灌区保持良好的通风。 upervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constres intoaration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thintion tmperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high te26 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 十、设备接线布图 (一)端子排与系统器件接线布图 亚龙科技集团 27 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 (二)空调电气控制考核模块与端子排接线图 film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thintion tmperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high teupervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constres intoaration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time com28 亚龙YL-REB-KB-TE型空调冰箱组装与调试实训考核装置 (三)冰箱智能温控电气考核模块与端子排接线图 亚龙科技集团 29 亚龙努力为更多人带去知识与技能 (四)冰箱204E电子式温控电气考核模块与端子排接线图 mperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservasing engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high teupervibut make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the sre 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, peratutaken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temes, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures degrecracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying ), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature differenceastictemperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (pl uction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer highsummer of masonry constres intoaration 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comfilm wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction prep-o prevent surface drying and covering thintion t30
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