首页 领袖驻地 会师中心——红军长征界石铺毛泽东旧居纪念馆主要内容介绍(王登文)

领袖驻地 会师中心——红军长征界石铺毛泽东旧居纪念馆主要内容介绍(王登文)


领袖驻地 会师中心——红军长征界石铺毛泽东旧居纪念馆主要内容介绍(王登文)领袖驻地 会师中心——红军长征界石铺毛泽东旧居纪念馆主要内容介绍(王登文) 陇原红色纪念馆扫描: “领袖驻地 会师中心” 界石铺红军长征毛泽东旧居纪念馆 一、中央红军长征及三大主力红军会师期间与界石铺有直接关系的重要电文 (一) 中央机关十五时已到界石堡(铺) (一九三五年十月三日) 林、聂、彭、李: (一)我们及中央机关十五时许到达界石堡(铺)宿营,三纵队在来路一带。 (二)你们现达何处,所得情况如何盼电告。 (三)此间有电话线三条,林聂应将下面的一条接起与我们通话。通敌方之所有电线一律剪断...

领袖驻地 会师中心——红军长征界石铺毛泽东旧居纪念馆主要内容介绍(王登文)
领袖驻地 会师中心——红军长征界石铺毛泽东旧居纪念馆主要内容介绍(王登文) 陇原红色纪念馆扫描: “领袖驻地 会师中心” 界石铺红军长征毛泽东旧居纪念馆 一、中央红军长征及三大主力红军会师期间与界石铺有直接关系的重要电文 (一) 中央机关十五时已到界石堡(铺) (一九三五年十月三日) 林、聂、彭、李: (一)我们及中央机关十五时许到达界石堡(铺)宿营,三纵队在来路一带。 (二)你们现达何处,所得情况如何盼电告。 (三)此间有电话线三条,林聂应将下面的一条接起与我们通话。通敌方之所有电线一律剪断,以作(防)窃听。 彭、毛 三日十六时 ,二, 朱、张、陈同志并任、贺、刘, mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar 战略建议电发出后,适接十三日二十时电,彼此意见大体一致,惟我们意见四方面军宜迅以主力占领以界石铺为中心之隆、静、会、定段公路及其附近地区,不让胡敌占领该线,此是最重要着…… 毛、周、彭 一九三六年九月十五日 ,三, 朱、张、徐、陈、王同志, 甲、蒋桂妥协。李宗仁为绥靖主任五路军总司令。白崇禧有调南京息。胡宗南编入第七路,第一师、第七十八师,十八日全部到咸阳。四十三、九十七两师随后跟来,尔后配置于静宁、会宁、定西、兰州线,配合川军及毛、王军向岷州压迫。 乙、一方面军已向海原、固原出动,一军团派第一师出静宁、隆德大道,策应四方面军。 丙、四方面军宜在五天至七天内以主力出至隆德、静宁、会宁、定西大道,控制以界石铺为中心之有利基点,迟则界石铺、通渭大道有隔断之虞。渭水以南留小部队,以上建议请考虑。 毛、周 一九三六年九月十五日 g in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of td. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wettinspecte) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inmethod with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (Estick. Application -n to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the nonrush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush agaidip b p by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly,nt mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage stean area the size of the buckets of paimortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray 2pped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortaror screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrahe flo ,四, 朱、张同志, 甲、胡宗南以进占界石铺为目的,现界石铺东之高家堡仅有骑兵一连,已派小部游击掩护胡宗南到界石铺。我第一师已到界石铺,现在静、会北端之单家集一带,四方面军主力务须在三日内进占界石铺及以西地段,否则胡军乘汽车将在三日内控制界石铺。 乙、我野战军昨日在固原北消灭骑六师主力,现令其向南进展策应你们。机不可失,千祈留意。 毛、周、彭 一九三六年九月十七日十二时 二、红军长征五次过境静宁 第一次:1935年8月,红二十五军强渡渭河后,在军长程子华、政委吴焕先、副军长徐海东的率领下,于13日来到静宁境内,14日凌晨从张家小河红山咀上山,沿西岩寺山到八里乡小山村的小河畔、八里铺进行了休整,宣传党的政策,补充了给养,下午五点左右,离开小山村的小河畔、八里铺,经红山根,沿北峡途径张麻子河、阎家庙,十五日到达静宁以北约五十华里的兴隆镇,翻越六盘山,途径平凉,向陕北方向进发。 第二次:1935年10月3日3点许,毛泽东、张闻天、周恩来等党和红军领导人率领的中央红军连同中央机关中 etting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in frontater wnd inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, we. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed ad a second timstick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requeste-again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non brush ckly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) thee step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quit stagkets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after firsd. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the bucmortar, dust must be cleare3, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortartube of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the 革军委机关近万人分三个纵队到达静宁界石铺及其附近村庄。4日,在通过界石铺的西兰大道上截获了国民党毛炳文从西安向兰州运送军需物资的辎重汽车十多辆,并在界石铺庙院召开群众大会,邓颖超、肖华等在庙院的戏楼上向广大群众宣传红军北上抗日的主张,并将一部分战利品毛巾、袜子等分发给了群众。由于不断有附近国民党驻军的袭扰,5日凌晨趁天未亮,中央红军组成两个纵队向界石铺东北方的单家集疾进,7日翻越六盘山…… 第三次:1936年9月14日至10月25日,红一方面军一军团一师为策应二、四方面军北上会师,再次来到界石铺,驻防42天,宣传抗日政策,开展革命活动,建立了中共静宁县委和苏维埃政府。 第四次:1936年10月8日,红四方面军四军十师,由师长余家寿、政委叶道志率领,到达界石铺、青江驿一带,与红一军团一师和十五军团七十三师率先会师,拉开了三大主力红军在静、会地带逐步汇合的伟大序幕。 第五次:1936年10月17日,陈伯钧、王震率领的红二方面军第六军从通渭县进入静宁界石铺境内,通过西兰大道到达会宁老君坡。 三、“领袖驻地 会师中心” 参加长征的各路红军都先后经过静宁,多次集结并经过静宁界石铺。静宁界石铺地处当年三军会师战场通,渭,、庄,浪,、静,宁,、会,宁,的中心位置,也处于当年红军所控制西兰大道隆,德,、静 4pped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortaror screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrahe flog in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of td. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wettinspecte) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inmethod with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (Estick. Application -n to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the nonrush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush agaidip b p by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly,nt mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage stean area the size of the buckets of paimortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray ,宁,、会,宁,、定,西,段的中心位置,是红军各路会师部队随时联络的重要枢纽和纵横穿插的便捷通道。 毛泽东深知界石铺在长征会师中的重要性,让红军抢占界石铺,牢牢扼住国民党部队在西兰大道上的咽喉,把她变为红军在通,渭,、庄,浪,、静,宁,、会,宁,会师战场的中心枢纽。在部署三大主力会师的电文中,他反复强调“以界石铺为中心”“以界石铺为有利中心基点”,让四方面军主力以进占界石铺为主要任务。 在1935年10月中央红军进驻界石铺和1936年10月三大主力红军在静、会地带陆陆续续逐步会师期间,绝大多数党和红军领导人包括十大元帅十大将军中的绝大多数都涉足静宁,大部分在静宁界石铺住宿、休整、战斗、生活过。 由于红军长征先后五次到达过静宁,各路红军都经过静宁,大多数涉足或住宿过界石铺,所以,红军领导人集中并且众多,从团职以上的都列举在内就有上百人,如果再加上营职一下的红军战士就有接近两万。这里主要列举先后到过界石铺的部分红军领导人: 1935年10月3日至5日,随一、三军团和中共中央机关、中央革命军事委员会宿营界石铺的党中央和红军主要领导人有: 中央政治局常务委员毛泽东(遵义会议上增选)、周恩来、张闻天(洛甫)、秦邦宪(博古);候补常务委员王稼祥、刘少奇、邓发、何克全; 中央秘书长邓小平(遵义会议上增选)。 同时,由毛泽东、周恩来、王稼祥三人组成中央最高军事领导小组,统一指挥红军战略转移。 of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the etting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in frontater wnd inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, we. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed ad a second timstick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requeste-again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non brush ckly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) thee step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quit stagkets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after firsd. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the bucmortar, dust must be cleare5, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortartube 此外,周恩来、王稼祥还担任中央革命军事委员会副主席。 彭德怀、林彪、叶剑英、杨尚昆、李富春、肖劲光、罗瑞卿、张云逸、耿飚、王平、杨勇、苏振华等是作为支队和二、三纵队指挥员率队宿营界石铺的。 另外,林伯渠、董必武、徐特立、谢觉哉、李维汉、贺子珍、邓颖超、康克清、蔡畅等人也是随中央和军委机关到界石铺的。 1936年9月14日至10月25日三军会师期间,驻防界石铺的主要是第一方面军第一师第一团,第一师师部设在界石铺,师长陈赓,政委杨勇,政治部主任罗元发。第一团团长陈正湘,政委袁胜平。 在纵横穿插运动作战一、二、四方面军逐步会师过程中,还有众多涉足静宁及界石铺的重要红军领导人,再不一一赘述。 因此,“领袖驻地 会师中心”,可谓界石铺红军长征毛泽东旧居纪念馆的灵魂定位,亦可谓界石铺红军长征毛泽东旧居纪念馆响亮的红色旅游品牌。 静宁界石铺由于有着深厚的红色历史内涵,必然就有了党史教育、爱国主义教育以及不断促进红色旅游业发展的深远外延。随着界石铺红军长征毛泽东旧居纪念馆知名度的逐步提高以及红色旅游的不断发展,前来参观纪念的学校、单位、社会团体、家庭、个人越来越多,每到双休日节假日,常常达到游客超饱和的程度,对纪念馆文物的保护形成比较大的压力。随着游客素质的不断提高,相信受到历史知识教育和爱国主义教育的游客会越来越多,界石铺红军长征毛泽东旧居纪念馆对国家社会主义精神文明建设会越来越产生难以估量 6pped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortaror screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrahe flog in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of td. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wettinspecte) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inmethod with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (Estick. Application -n to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the nonrush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush agaidip b p by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly,nt mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage stean area the size of the buckets of paimortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray 的巨大促进作用。 因此,“领袖驻地 会师中心”,可谓界石铺红军长征毛泽东旧居纪念馆的灵魂定位,亦可谓界石铺红军长征毛泽东旧居纪念馆响亮的红色旅游品牌。 静宁界石铺由于有着深厚的红色历史内涵,必然就有了党史教育、爱国主义教育以及不断促进红色旅游业发展的深远外延。随着界石铺红军长征毛泽东旧居纪念馆知名度的逐步提高以及红色旅游的不断发展,前来参观纪念的学校、单位、社会团体、家庭、个人越来越多,每到双休日节假日,常常达到游客超饱和的程度,对纪念馆文物的保护形成比较大的压力。随着游客素质的不断提高,相信受到历史知识教育和爱国主义教育的游客会越来越多,界石铺红军长征毛泽东旧居纪念馆对国家社会主义精神文明建设会越来越产生难以估量的巨大促进作用。 7, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortartube of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the etting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in frontater wnd inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, we. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed ad a second timstick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requeste-again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non brush ckly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) thee step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quit stagkets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after firsd. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the bucmortar, dust must be cleare 附一,纪念馆主要参观点(图片)及内容介绍 1.毛泽东界石铺长征旧居 1935年10月3日至5日,中央红军到达界石铺时,毛泽东住宿在一户姓张人家的大院里。这户人家的主人名叫张士杰,是当时在界石铺做粮食买卖发家的外来户,当地人不太清楚其姓名,都随口叫他“张收麦子”。最初是秦安的一个货郎,长年租住在界石铺集市上,生意做大后就在界石铺成家立业,又在西兰大道边上开了旅店和商铺。老百姓口头上比较随意的叫“上店”“大店”“脚骆店”“穿心店”,官方封称“义程宫”。 旧居院落占地面积2384平方米,建筑面积272平方米,有大小房屋8间,7间陈列文物及图文资料,1间做看护老 8pped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortaror screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrahe flog in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of td. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wettinspecte) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inmethod with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (Estick. Application -n to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the nonrush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush agaidip b p by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly,nt mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage stean area the size of the buckets of paimortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray 院及平时购储备用文物的门房。后院有马厩一间,石磨一盘,饮马石槽一个。院内布局很别致,中间一条直通后院后门的小石径,东西两边各一排厢房,毛主席就住在东边一排中间的屋子里,警卫员陈昌奉住在靠后院的最边上一间屋子里。 从上世纪七十年代毛主席警卫员陈昌奉重走长征路来到此院并作了详细回忆讲述以及肖华两次到达界石铺追忆当年长征住宿界石铺的好些历历在目的情景后,当地政府就把这个老院征做文化站保护下来了,一九九六年纪念长征胜利六十周年期间,静宁县政协组织县文化局文化馆博物馆一些专业人员在原院基础上做了一些布展陈设,正式命名为“中国工农红军长征界石铺纪念馆”,并由刘澜涛题写了馆名。 二零零六年纪念长征胜利七十周年期间,由平凉市政府、静宁县政府依托毛泽东界石铺长征旧居及界石铺在红军长征中的重要地位立项,平凉市旅游局、静宁县旅游局依托毛泽东界石铺长征旧居及界石铺在红军长征中的重要地位组织前期规划,于二零零八年五月正式破土动工,于二零零九年十一月竣工开放,在原界石铺毛泽东长征旧居及界石铺红军楼的基础上,扩建成当前馆园合一的“中国工农红军长征界石铺纪念园”,成为静宁人民向中华人民共和国成立60周年大庆敬献的一份厚礼,也是对曾经长征到过界石铺的众多先辈的一次隆重纪念。 9, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortartube of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the etting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in frontater wnd inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, we. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed ad a second timstick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requeste-again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non brush ckly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) thee step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quit stagkets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after firsd. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the bucmortar, dust must be cleare 2.界石铺红军楼 界石铺红军楼,是修建于清朝光绪年间的一座戏楼,距今有200多年的历史,由于年代久远且受大地震的影响已经进行了加固维修,但保持了戏楼原貌。 1935年10月中央红军到达这里时,时任红一纵队二师政委的肖华在这里进行了演讲,宣传红军北上抗日政策,邓颖超等人还向当地群众分发了毛巾、袜子等战利品。这座戏楼原名“庆胜楼”,为了纪念红军,当地老百姓就把这座戏楼改名叫做“红军楼”,并把当年界石铺村改为“继红村”。 3.纪念馆主题雕塑 10pped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortaror screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrahe flog in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of td. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wettinspecte) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inmethod with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (Estick. Application -n to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the nonrush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush agaidip b p by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly,nt mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage stean area the size of the buckets of paimortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray 主题雕塑命名为“中心基点 胜利指针”,它是以我国古代的计时器日晷作为雕塑造型的基本元素,日晷内圆面凸雕关于红军长征在界石铺的电文,外圆面凸雕红军长征会师的欢庆场面。整个造型呈一个充满张力的圆环,围合天地之气,凝聚长征精神。主题雕塑的底平面以“中”字为型,突出界石铺在三大主力红军会师中“中心基点”的作用。红军战士的铜像恰好站在基点的位置之上,中线寓意长征之路。这些红军的雕像仿佛从历史的时空隧道走过。红五星的日晷指针,分9节,通高15米,寓意1936年9月15日,中央关于界石铺的第一次电文,电文指出,“四方面军宜在五至七天内以主力出至隆德、静宁、会宁、定西大道,控制以界石铺为中心之有利基点,迟则界石铺通渭大道有隔断之虞。”红五星日晷指针犹如定海神针,把历史定格在这一刻,并随着阳光的变化,投影指向内圆面不同时刻的电文,把历史与现实巧妙的串联起来。整座雕塑构思奇特,立意深刻,独具匠心,是整个长征路上一座标志性的重要历史丰碑。 11, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortartube of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the etting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in frontater wnd inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, we. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed ad a second timstick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requeste-again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non brush ckly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) thee step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quit stagkets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after firsd. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the bucmortar, dust must be cleare 4,缅怀厅 缅怀厅是纪念馆的主厅,分为上下两厅,一厅正中是毛泽东长征途中刚登上一座山峰远眺前景的青铜塑像,背景是毛主席远眺所看到的壮丽静宁山河村庄的沙岩浮雕,进门右 12pped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortaror screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrahe flog in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of td. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wettinspecte) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inmethod with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (Estick. Application -n to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the nonrush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush agaidip b p by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly,nt mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage stean area the size of the buckets of paimortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray 边山墙镶嵌周恩来、张闻天等红军主要领导以及十大元帅和十大将军的沙岩浮雕胸像,二厅主要是长征红军烈士名录石碑。 缅怀厅正中是毛泽东青铜塑像,毛泽东同志是伟大的马克思主义者,无产阶级革命家,战略家和理论家,中国共产党、中国人民解放军和中华人民共和国的主要缔造者和领导人。这尊主席青铜像,是由清华大学美术学院教授李象群先生创作,此时的毛泽东正领导着和他一样拥有崇高信仰、拥有远大理想的中国工农红军创造着人类历史上绝无仅有的人间奇迹,他和无数革命先辈最伟大的作品就是——中华人民共和国。 缅怀厅一厅右边山墙沙岩胸像浮雕分别是,红军长征时重要领导人周恩来、张闻天、王稼祥、博古等,他们都曾住宿界石铺,十大元帅朱德、彭德怀、林彪、刘伯承、贺龙、陈毅、罗荣桓、徐向前、聂荣臻、叶剑英,除陈毅留守南方打游击外,其余九位都曾先后到过静宁,十大将军,粟裕、徐海东、黄克诚、陈赓、谭政、肖劲光、张云逸、罗瑞卿、王树声、许光达,除粟裕、许光达外,其余八位将军都曾先后到过静宁。 13, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortartube of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the etting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in frontater wnd inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, we. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed ad a second timstick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requeste-again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non brush ckly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) thee step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quit stagkets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after firsd. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the bucmortar, dust must be cleare 14pped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortaror screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrahe flog in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of td. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wettinspecte) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inmethod with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (Estick. Application -n to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the nonrush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush agaidip b p by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly,nt mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage stean area the size of the buckets of paimortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray 缅怀厅二厅主要是长征红军烈士名录纪念石碑,红军长征过境静宁大事记纪念石碑以及象征无数革命先烈的夜幕星空穹顶。经过被迫北上长征至长征结束,红军由当初的三十万人锐减至三万人,所有牺牲的红军中,流传下来的烈士名录极其有限,绝大多数只能在人们的心目中化作茫茫夜空闪烁着的无数明星…… 缅怀厅所包容的内涵和底蕴极其深厚,无穷的意蕴无尽的缅怀凝结成缅怀厅的一个主题词----“浩气长存”,它激励后人永远为革命前辈们开创的共产主义事业奋斗不息。 附二:纪念馆陈列的文物 与毛主席有直接关系的有:太师椅一把、清油灯一盏、火盆铜水壶茶具一套共五件、条几一条。 与周恩来有直接关系的有:织布机一架。 与陈昌奉有直接关系的有:古式梳妆台一件,老茶几一把。 与肖华有直接关系的有:方桌一件。 与流落红军有直接关系的有:木钱匣子一个,水烟壶一个,马灯两件。 与当地老红军有直接关系的有:电话机一座,行军绑腿两件,红军衣帽两套,平型关大战要图一份,红军行军皮包两件。 15, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortartube of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the etting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in frontater wnd inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, we. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed ad a second timstick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requeste-again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non brush ckly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) thee step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quit stagkets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after firsd. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the bucmortar, dust must be cleare 与原院主人有直接关系的有:老风箱、老案板、铜水壶(当地土名pia zi,pia是四声),大箩筐(当地土名pu lan,pu是二声),油笼,供桌,壁镜,老石磨,饮马石槽,马鞍,马笼头,马镫,马刀。 另有纪念馆扩建后中国革命军事博物馆赠送的与红军长征有直接关系的文物三十件。 附三:中央红军长征及三大主力红军会师期间与静宁界石铺有关的重要历史人物 : 由于红军长征先后五次到达过静宁,各路红军都经过静宁,大多数涉足或住宿过界石铺,所以,红军领导人集中并且众多,从团职以上的都列举在内就有上百人,如果再加上营职一下的红军战士就有接近两万。这里主要列举先后到过界石铺的部分红军领导人: 1935年10月3日至5日,随一、三军团和中共中央机关、中央革命军事委员会宿营界石铺的党中央和红军主要领导人有: 中央政治局常务委员毛泽东(遵义会议上增选)、周恩来、张闻天(洛甫)、秦邦宪(博古);候补常务委员王稼祥、刘少奇、邓发、何克全; 中央秘书长邓小平(遵义会议上增选)。 同时,由毛泽东、周恩来、王稼祥三人组成中央最高军事领 pped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortaror screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrahe flog in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of td. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wettinspecte) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inmethod with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (Estick. Application -n to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the nonrush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush agaidip b p by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly,nt mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage stean area the size of the buckets of paimortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray 16 导小组,统一指挥红军战略转移。 此外,周恩来、王稼祥还担任中央革命军事委员会副主席。 彭德怀、林彪、叶剑英、杨尚昆、李富春、肖劲光、罗瑞卿、张云逸、耿飚、王平、杨勇、苏振华等是作为支队和二、三纵队指挥员率队宿营界石铺的。 另外,林伯渠、董必武、徐特立、谢觉哉、李维汉、贺子珍、邓颖超、康克清、蔡畅等人也是随中央和军委机关到界石铺的。 1936年9月14日至10月25日三军会师期间,驻防界石铺的主要是第一方面军第一师第一团,第一师师部设在界石铺,师长陈赓,政委杨勇,政治部主任罗元发。第一团团长陈正湘,政委袁胜平。 在纵横穿插运动作战一、二、四方面军逐步会师过程中,还有众多涉足静宁及界石铺的重要红军领导人,再不一一赘述。 (王登文图/文2013.5.30.) ater wnd inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, we. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed ad a second timstick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requeste-again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non brush ckly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) thee step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quit stagkets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after firsd. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the bucmortar, dust must be cleare17, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortartube of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the etting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front
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