首页 新型节能环保建材系列产品项目



新型节能环保建材系列产品项目新型节能环保建材系列产品项目 可行性报告 一、项目名称:新型节能环保建材系列产品 二、项目建设单位:枝江文忠新型墙体材料有限公司 三、项目背景: 当地球给予人类的资源因无限制的开发利用而显露枯竭的时候,资源变成废物并严重影响人类生存质量的时候,有限资源的合理使用和废旧资源的再生利用就成为了当前人类迫切需解决的一大难题。 据有关资料统计,目前我国磷石膏累计堆存量已接近,亿吨,不仅占用大量土地,而且容易造成大气、水资源等环境污染。在国务院2009年节能减排工作计划中,磷石膏的综合利用和无害化处理成为磷肥行业...

新型节能环保建材系列产品项目 可行性报告 一、项目名称:新型节能环保建材系列产品 二、项目建设单位:枝江文忠新型墙体材料有限公司 三、项目背景: 当地球给予人类的资源因无限制的开发利用而显露枯竭的时候,资源变成废物并严重影响人类生存质量的时候,有限资源的合理使用和废旧资源的再生利用就成为了当前人类迫切需解决的一大难题。 据有关资料统计,目前我国磷石膏累计堆存量已接近,亿吨,不仅占用大量土地,而且容易造成大气、水资源等环境污染。在国务院2009年节能减排工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 中,磷石膏的综合利用和无害化处理成为磷肥行业的重要任务。 磷石膏资源综合利用已纳入国家“十一五”期间四大环保治理重点项目之一,综合循环经济产业政策,实现化害为利、变废为宝、物尽其用的绿色环保产业链。 四、产品简介: 磷石膏免烧砖是采用专利技术,利用尾矿渣作为主要材料,不经高温煅烧而制成的一种新型建筑材料。由于该产品强度高、耐久性好、外型完整、色泽均一,具有古朴自然的外观,不仅能制作为清水墙面,还可做为外装饰。更重要是它能消耗大量工业specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 废渣,化害为宝、减少污染、节能降耗、保护土地资源、造福子孙后代。因此,是一种取代传统粘土砖的极具发展前景的高科技产品。 此项目生产所需原材料主要依托本地区现有化工企业的工业废渣(磷渣及其他废渣),可极大程度上减轻工业废渣对该地区环境的污染。同时也符合国家严禁生产传统粘土砖,拉动内需的政策,其具有广阔的市场前景和巨大的经济效益。 五、项目优势: ,、原材料来源广泛,为工业废渣。目前主要是利用工业磷渣、磷石膏用量占产品重量70,左右。 ,、免烧砖的强度高,组成免烧砖的各种原料,在经过充分混合后,生产水化硅酸胶凝胶而硬化,增加强度。在机械压力的作用下,名部分组织相互渗入,使之强制结块,达到国家标准要求。 ,、具有不怕水、抗风化、耐腐蚀、抗冻融等特点。一般红砖在长期渗水后出现疏松现象。免烧砖产品的内部结构是在水化反应下形成的,水不仅不能将其软化,而且在水化反应下饱和不断结晶固化,具有越泡越硬的效果。免烧砖中各种原料发生复杂的化学反应,生成凝胶,在颗粒表面形成了各种水化物,结晶成凝胶,形成一种以石灰水泥粘料为复合的胶凝材料,不易被风化,并耐各种酸碱腐蚀。 ,、目前,国家严格限制粘土砖的生产,免烧砖不用粘土作specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 原料,采用机械化生产,工艺简单,易于推广,各地均能生产应用。 ,、该项目填补了宜昌地区市场空白,销售市场大,前景广阔,则每年的销售数量达到1.2亿万块,按目前市场每块0.25元计算,产值可达3000余万元。一块标砖按2.5公斤计算,可消耗工业废渣30万吨,一年更可为地方节约山林地60余亩。 六、项目投资: 项目建设周期拟为2年,分,期建设,一期拟投资1500万元左右。 其中一期固定资产投入1266万元,流动资金260万元。 一期固定资产投资概算: (一)主要生产设备452万元,其中: ,、制砖机:4台×80万元/台,280万元 ,、搅拌机:,台×10万元/台,40万元 ,、运输车:,台×13万元/台,52万元 ,、囤料塔:,台×20万元/台,80万元 (二)、厂房、车间及配套设施4000平方米,拟投资788万元。 ,、生产车间:3000平方米×400元/平方米,120万元 ,、办公楼及职工生活区:2200平方米×1900元/平方米,418万元。 ,、厂区硬化:15000平方米,拟投资150万元 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the ,、厂区绿化:2000平方米,拟投资100万元 (三)、征地 拟征地100亩,预算1000万元 (四)、建设周期 2014年3月前完成土地征用,办理相关手续,6月开工建设。 七、基本工艺流程: 配料?碾碎?搅拌?输送?压制?砖坯?养护?成品?出厂 ,、利用工业废渣为主要原料,变废为宝、化害为利。 ,、不用粘土作原料,保护良田,保护耕地。 ,、不需要焙烧不用建窑及蒸养釜,保护环境节约能源。 ,、机械化生产,操作简单。 八、环保情况: 该项目完全无污水、废气、废渣、粉尘等污染物排放。 ,、低碳:生产过程中“0”煤耗“0”排放。产品生产过程中主要是电能消耗,无热处理。 ,、节能环保:终端产品热传导系数低,节能效果显著。 ,、循环经济:主要原料为工业废渣,不消耗矿产资源和土地资源。 九、效益分析: ,、该项目是科技量较高的项目,采用自动化流水生产线,specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 项目建成后,将采用三班制组织生产,计划单班一线工人20人,管理人员10人,计30人。 该项目正常生产后,年免烧砖加工能力为3.6亿块,按均价每块0.25元计算,项目满负荷生产年销售收入可达9000万元。 该项目每年消耗工业废渣250万吨。每年可减少废渣堆场60亩,10年可节约土地60亩。若该项目建成投产后,可逐步取缔诠释21家红砖瓦厂,按每个砖瓦厂每年占用山地50亩计算,每年可节约山林地1000亩以上,社会效益极大。 十、结论: 工业废渣若不及时加以利用,它的危害性极大,不仅需要大量的堆场,而且荒废良田,造成环境污染。但若能加以开发循环利用,发展为再生资源产品,既可节能降耗,又能减少环境污染,为社会所利用,利国利名,造福人类。免烧砖通过先进的科技工艺压制成型,具有显著的经济效益,社会效益,保护环境及生态平衡。它势必将会取代传统粘土砖,为我国国民经济建设开辟一条新的途径。 二0一0年五月 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the
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