首页 各类饺子馅的配方(Formula of various kinds of dumpling stuffing)

各类饺子馅的配方(Formula of various kinds of dumpling stuffing)


各类饺子馅的配方(Formula of various kinds of dumpling stuffing)各类饺子馅的配方(Formula of various kinds of dumpling stuffing) 各类饺子馅的配方(Formula of various kinds of dumpling stuffing) Formula of various kinds of dumpling stuffing The flavor characteristics of dumplings are mainly reflected in the stuffing heart, therefore, the...

各类饺子馅的配方(Formula of various kinds of dumpling stuffing)
各类饺子馅的配方(Formula of various kinds of dumpling stuffing) 各类饺子馅的配方(Formula of various kinds of dumpling stuffing) Formula of various kinds of dumpling stuffing The flavor characteristics of dumplings are mainly reflected in the stuffing heart, therefore, the quality of the stuffing will directly affect the quality and taste of dumplings. To make a variety of dumplings of different flavors, the key is to master the modulation method of various fillings. The fillings for general Boiled dumplings stuffing, except a few Suxian, is to use a variety of meat processing of raw materials into modulation. The northern dumpling is mainly meat stuffing, which is made of leek, Chinese cabbage and celery, such as pork, lamb and beef. In the south, especially in the southeast coastal area, the fish and seafood are used as stuffing. Sichuan is located in the southwest, its dumplings stuffing mostly with the net pork, rarely add vegetables. In the modulation of different dumplings stuffing, we should pay attention to grasp the nature and characteristics of various raw materials, and adopt different processing and modulation methods, so as to make the stuffing to achieve satisfactory results. The following introduces attention modulation method, sheep meat stuffing, pig meat stuffing ground beef, fish, seafood and meat stuffing stuffing and modulation in vegetable dish Dumplings perfect Pyramid food minced pork Raw materials: 500 grams of pork, 1000 grams of lotus white, 15 grams of ginger, 30 grams of green onion, 15 grams of salt, 5 grams of pepper, 25 grams of gourmet powder, 15 grams of monosodium glutamate, 25 grams of sesame oil, 25 grams of refined oil Making method: 1. pork peeled and washed, cut into fine grain; lotus white washed, cut into fine end, and then refined oil mix. 2., the pork grain with ginger, onion, salt, pepper, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil mix, and then add lotus white and even become. Be careful: 1. the percentage of lean meat in pork was 4: 6. 2. lotus white can not be directly added to the pork grain, must be mixed with oil first. 3. if the choice of Chinese cabbage ingredients, you must first pickled Chinese cabbage, extrusion part of the water after adding. minced mutton Raw materials: Net 500 grams of mutton chives 250 grams ginger 50 grams onion 50 grams 5 grams pepper 2 egg 5 grams of salt pepper 3 grams mirrin 15 grams of soy sauce 20 grams of sesame oil 25 grams, 25 grams of peanut oil Making method: 1. wash mutton chop fine-grained chopped chives; washed with boiling water into the bubble at the end of pepper; pepper water. 2. minced lamb with ginger, green onion, salt, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, pepper water, egg mixture, add sesame oil, peanut oil and mix well, then add leek yellow powder and wellserve. Be careful: 1. the smell of mutton is heavy, we must add pepper water to go full throttle, it should also increase the amount of ginger. At the end of 2. should add chives. If there is no chives, celery, coriander can also be used to replace. ground beef Ingredients: beef 500 grams of white radish 1000 grams onion 50 grams egg 1 50 grams of ginger 5 grams of meat tenderizer salt 10 grams pepper 5 grams mirrin 15 grams of soy sauce 25 grams of MSG 15 grams of sesame oil 25 grams of refined oil 30 grams 50 grams of dry starch Making method: 1. beef to the net fascia, wash, Jiaocheng meat tenderizer, with thin Rong, cooking wine, refined oil mix, standing about 40 minutes, then add ginger juice and 250 grams of water, stirring evenly; white radish peeled, cut into thick slices into the boiling water, cooked remove the pot, put the vegetables with a knife on the pier fine grain, then gauze wrap, out of the water; the onion chopped at the end. 2. add minced beef, radish, onion and evenly, and then add salt, pepper, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, dry starch, egg liquid, mix. Be careful: 1. beef can not have fascia, and beef to be fine, in order to eat more water, make it delicate. 2. soda instead of meat tenderizer is also available, but the amount is not too much. 3. ingredients in the white radish can also be used leek, celery and other alternatives, such as no onion can be replaced by scallion. Minced fish meat Ingredients: grass carp or mullet 1 treaty 1000 grams of fat pork meat 100 grams 300 grams of leek egg 2 15 grams of salt pepper 5 grams mirrin 25 grams of MSG 15 grams of chicken 15 grams of sesame oil 25 grams of refined oil 30 grams Making method: 1. grass carp after slaughter clean, remove head and tail, spur and skin, take the net fish twisted velvet; pig fat fat meat chopped into mud; optional wash leek, Cut to fine, add sesame oil, refined oil. 2., fish will head into the pot, mixed with water, add pepper powder, cooking wine, chicken, fire boil tangserubai, filtered slag, into the soup. 3. add minced fish fat and minced meat evenly, add salt, MSG, egg stir, stir and add cold soup, stir up and finish the soup until next, chives and grain mix, namely. Be careful: 1. fish must go to the net spur, in order to ensure the safety of food. The best selection of larger fish or spur less fish. 2. minced fish and minced meat to fat ground, can eat more water, filling will be tender. 3. leek can only be added at last. The stuffing Raw material: fresh shrimp and sea cucumber 200 grams 100 grams 150 grams of bamboo shoots before swine meat 200 grams 10 grams of ginger spring onion 20 grams of ginger 20 grams onion 50 grams egg 1 grams of salt 10 pepper powder 3 grams mirrin 30 grams of MSG 10 grams of chicken 10 grams of sugar 10 grams of sesame oil 25 grams 350 grams of vegetable soup Making method: 1. wash shrimp chop into mud, add salt, stir the egg; sea cucumber into the pot, add ginger, onion Festival, cooking wine, chicken broth, feed flavor, picked up into fine-grained; bamboo shoots cut fine, into the boiling pot of water boil for a short remove. 2. pigs meat peeled, Jiaocheng mashed, add salt, pepper, cooking wine, sugar, monosodium glutamate and appropriate amount of water stir, then add shrimp, sea cucumber, bamboo shoots, mud particle grain, ginger, green onion, sesame oil and mix, namely. Be careful: 1. shrimp must use fresh sea cucumber; prior to feed, to prevent the astringent; pig sandwich meat fat ratio of 6: 4. 2. the stuffing can also use chicken and other seafood production; if there is no available letinous edodes instead of bamboo shoots; such as pork stuffing on, is to join the pork fat or lard, in order to increase the filling of moist taste. Vegetable dish stuffing Ingredients: 1000 grams of cabbage soaked letinous edodes 150 grams of tofu 100 grams of dried egg 4 onion 50 grams of salt 1 grams pepper 5 grams of sugar 15 grams of MSG 15 grams of sesame oil 50 grams of refined oil 150 grams Making method: 1. wash the cabbage, cut into fine powder, pickled with salt, squeezed water; water, letinous edodes, dried bean curd were cut fine; egg into the bowl, add salt and stir into the egg. 2. wok set the fire, into the refined oil pan, pour in the egg liquid stand well cooked, clean wok cool after adding chopped, cabbage, tofu, water, letinous edodes grain grain and uniform, then add green onion, salt, pepper, sugar, MSG, sesame oil and mix well, namely. Be careful: 1. Chinese cabbage must be preserved, and then squeeze the water, can be used as stuffing; if no available Chinese cabbage radish, leek, celery etc.; if no dried bean curd, Yuba water available. 2. egg can not fry, which will direct the egg mix filling. In addition, the fillings can be added to the fans. Dumplings stuffing is also very particular when mixing, not to go back and forth, should go in one direction And I don't really agree to make lean meat when it comes to pork stuffing We can verify it, or put the delicious meat Also, the oil in the stuffing must be put on the cooked soybean oil, medium can be better than the release of soybean oil or salad oil There is boiled dumplings and noodles, the best are the cold water and the surface, Steamed Jiaozi requires is Tangmian, namely just boiled water and surface Chinese New Year snack: dumpling series The Spring Festival is approaching and people are busy for a year, and they should be busy with their last supper. The traditional food has made people tired of fresh lobster, abalone, luxury and not commoner people can afford. So, why don't you taste the delicious traditional snacks? Are you a sinseong hoe at the same time, can experience a return to the mood, the Spring Festival is really the biggest harvest. Now let's introduce dumplings. Dumplings are essential food for the Spring Festival, regardless of the South and the north, they should eat dumplings during the spring festival, It's just a different approach. South dumpling to Steamed Jiaozi are about modeling. Such as the famous Guangdong dumplings, red and white skinned, spicy, fragrant entrance. The North sent dumplings were mainly Boiled dumplings, dumplings, spicy and oily. With the improvement of people's living standard, the increasing varieties of dumpling stuffing, a belly foot wooden fish dumplings, lace crescent dumplings, the flavor of fresh fish and delicious fresh Boiled dumplings; abnormal Boiled dumplings; spicy and delicious Chili oil and Pyramid dumplings, Boiled dumplings, dumplings, dumplings, a roasted duck dumplings, butterfly dumplings, dumplings, eight gold and silver Steamed Jiaozi; different forms, can be described as 100 100 100 dumplings dumplings all taste; dumplings, style beauty, taste good, as for other varieties of pasta. Here are two dumplings, let everybody to taste. A, Guangdong dumplings The record in 20s by Wu Cun Wu Feng Xiang Henan District of Guangzhou City, a small family style restaurant, after the continuous development of Guangdong's famous snacks become, large and small restaurants, restaurants have supply. This product with cooked lake surface (also called Elizabeth) to make skin, shrimp meat, minced pork, bamboo shoots meat stuffing wrapped dumplings, steamed into shape. The shape of curved comb, it is also called the scallop dumplings. Cool shrimp dumplings skin soft, white, translucent, soft and tough and crisp, dumpling fillings visible; stuffing delicious, delicious mellow, delicate and exquisite form, is called the three provincial counterparts. This product was first created by a teahouse in the village beside the village of Guangzhou in 1930s. At first, both the material and the shape were rough. But because it used just caught from the river shrimp for filling, delicious and unusual, for tea diners favorite city. Later, it was introduced into the tea houses and restaurants in downtown Guangzhou, and became dim refreshments by the famous teachers. The surface is decomposed from flour and used as a snack. It is only limited to Guangdong. The powder of soft, extensibility, plasticity, pastry masters using its characteristic, made dumplings, dumplings, dragon's dumplings and other flowers of exquisite dessert, diverse styles and novel. Material: wheat flour 450 grams, 50 grams of starch, 125 grams of dried shrimp, silk 125 grams, 90 grams of lard, salt, MSG, sugar, sesame oil, the amount of pepper. Practice: The wheat flour, starch salt mix, stir with boiling water, simmer 5 minutes, remove the rub evenly through, add lard knead dough, stand-by; The shrimp meat washed dry water, use the knife chop into thin Rong, into the basin; cooked shrimp chop; pig fat with a little hot water soaked in boiling water, cut into small particles; dried hair, rinse with water, add lard and pepper; in dried shrimp with salt, stir, put into cooked shrimp meat grain, fat grain, onion, monosodium glutamate, sugar, sesame oil and mix well, put it into the refrigerator freezer; the Weicheng group picked embryo, leather, bag into the shrimp trap, knead Boiled dumplings shaped, or steamed on the cage Wang pan grilling. Second, with the fire Fire dumpling is a traditional Nantong snacks, its production is relatively simple. Because when making requirements are burning boiling water, fried with hot oil with Wang, the finished dumplings dumplings is similar, so the fire. Method of making dumplings with fire Boiled dumplings are basically the same, but the faces with different temperature, the formation of two kinds of dough. Dumplings are cold water dough. The fire is hot dumpling dough. Mature method is not the same, the former is boiled, the latter is fried, resulting in different flavor. The characteristics of fire dumpling is: outside dish beautiful, golden color, crisp outside, soft waxy, stuffing fresh, rich sauce, delicious taste. Raw materials: 500 grams of flour, minced meat 500 grams, ginger, onions, rice wine, MSG, soy sauce, sugar, salt amount, 1000 grams of vegetable oil, (actual consumption of 100 grams). Making method: 1, the flour into the barrel, into the burning of boiling water, with a wooden bar quickly stir evenly into pieces. Then, down the board, sprinkle with cold water, divided into small pieces. Make out the dough in the heat, and then knead, with wet face cloth. 2, the fresh antler into the bowl, add soy sauce, Add water, ginger, Shaoxing wine, sugar, salt, stir up, add MSG, green onion, mixing uniformly into. Sometimes add jelly. 3, dough, 123 son, roll into a round leather, bag into the stuffing, folded in a semicircle, Niechu pattern by hand, green fire into dumplings. 4, hot pot, pour vegetable oil. When the oil temperature rises to 80% heat, it is then blasted again to make it golden in color, and the crust is sparkling. Fire dumpling stuffing, are generally fresh meat stuffing, but according to the seasons are different, such as leek listed, can put a small amount of leek, eat in the mouth crisp and fragrant, also distinctive, and can also use five kernel bean paste and other fillings packs, but not by all fire salty dumplings welcome. Be careful: 1, Tangmian must use boiling water was burning, correctly grasp the good water, stirring to quickly, especially in the winter, to fry. Otherwise, waxy, eat sticky teeth, not up to the requirements of products. 2, a good hot surface to heat over cooled to knead the dough evenly, but not knead, prevent rise. Otherwise, the finished product crust, rough surface, cracking, seriously affect the quality of finished products. 3, fried dumplings to control the fire, the oil temperature is not too high, to raise the temperature of the oil well, otherwise there is not familiar with foreign Gionnet phenomenon
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