首页 5S定置管理办法



5S定置管理办法5S定置管理办法 一、总 则 第一条:目的 定置管理是 5S 管理的重要功能模块之一。通过规范化、制度化、日常化的要求,消除惰性和随意性,创造井然有序、整洁舒适的工作环境,建立素质优良、工作高效的员工队伍,达到内强素质,外树形象的目的。 第二条:定义 定置管理也称为定置科学或定置工程学,是研究生产现场人、物、场所的结合状态,动态地掌握人、物、场所的关系,并从其内在联系上寻找改善和加强现场管理的对策和措施,使物流运行处于受控的状态,使现场生产要素有效地结合,实现人、物、场所在时间上、空间上的优化组合,以最少...

5S定置管理办法 一、总 则 第一条:目的 定置管理是 5S 管理的重要功能模块之一。通过 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 化、制度化、日常化的要求,消除惰性和随意性,创造井然有序、整洁舒适的工作环境,建立素质优良、工作高效的员工队伍,达到内强素质,外树形象的目的。 第二条:定义 定置管理也称为定置科学或定置工程学,是研究生产现场人、物、场所的结合状态,动态地掌握人、物、场所的关系,并从其内在联系上寻找改善和加强现场管理的对策和措施,使物流运行处于受控的状态,使现场生产要素有效地结合,实现人、物、场所在时间上、空间上的优化组合,以最少的时间、最低的成本,生产出用户满意的产品。 定置管理中的“定置”不是一般意义上字面理解的“把物品固定地放置”,它的特定含义是:根据生产活动的目的,考虑生产活动的效率、质量等制约条件和物品自身的特殊的要求(如时间、质量、数量、流程等),划分出适当的放置场所,确定物品在场所中的放置状态,作为生产活动主体人与物品联系的信息媒介,从而有利于人、物的结合,有效地进行生产活动。对物品进行有目的、有 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、有方法的科学放置,称为现场物品的“定置”。 第三条:范围 本 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 适用于本公司生产事业部及分支相关生产机构; 第四条:组织机构 1、公司管理层 2、生产事业部5S管理小组(事业部办公室相关负责人+车间主管及现场相关人员)。 二、基础内容 第五条:开展程序 1、对现场进行调查,明确管理内容。 由公司管理层、事业部5S管理小组、现场相关人员共同组成调查小组,对现场进行调查,内容包括: ?人机关系 ?物流程序 ?工艺 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ?作业空间 ?材料、制品 ?工位器具 ?质量安全 ?搬运运输 ?设备运转 ?摆放状况 2、分析问题,提出方案。 主要分析以下问题: ?人--物结合 ?现场物流 reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master: shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outside week artery puncture reset tube operation 2 artery blood 10 breathing machine using 10 electricweek artery puncture reset tube operation 2 artery blood 10 breathing machine using 10 electric except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer .... 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: ?搬运状况 ?现场标识 ?空间利用 分析方法可借助生产作业分析、作业研究、动作分析及时间分析等方法。 3、定置管理系统设计。 场--物结合的定置设计: 场即场地,指厂区、车间等; 物即物品,指设备、箱柜、工具、原材料、半成品、成品、辅助设施等; 定置设计的输出即为相应位置图。 定置设计作为工厂布置的详细化、合理化工作,应遵循以下基本要求: ?简单明了的流向,可视的搬运路线; ?最优的空间利用,最短的运输距离; ?最少的装卸次数,切实的安全防护; ?最大的操作便利,最少的心情不畅; ?最小的改进费用,最广的统一规范; ?最佳的灵活弹性,最美的协调布局。 第六条:模式应用 1、区域定置 区域定置是实行定置管理的必要条件。根据实际的情况,事业部要按工艺生产流程把现场划分为几个区域,以车间的管辖范围和有利于安全文明生产二个原则进行划分,区域的界线在全厂的定置图上标示出来。 划分区域,要求各区域负责人策划本区域的物品定置,在区域里按物品与人的结合效能来设计本区域中物品的定置,使物品摆放看起来顺眼,拿起来顺手,干起来顺心,以这样的原则来决定本区域内物品的定置姿势和位置,沟通人与物品的联系渠道。通过对本区域内的物品定置、对生产活动主体人的定人、定岗、定职责,实行标准化作业,达到对本区域内实行定置管理,并促进其有机的结合,保证区域内人员精干、物流有序、信息反馈准确、环境整洁,从而使本区域内的生产活动能高效的运行。 2、区域定置图 规定物品的定置状态后,制作区域的定置图。公司有园区定置总图;事业部有部门的定置总图;各车间有各车间定置图;各个区域有区域定置图。定置图要悬挂在本区域的醒目处。 定置图的规格、颜色、符号要结合VI(企业视觉形象识别系统)要求作统一规定,可按主要生产区域、辅助生产区域、特别定置区域、固定物品、移动物品、现场办公、安全通道等进行分类标识。 区域定置图要包括本区域内各类物品的定置,不同的定置图对定置的重点可有不同的侧重,定置后的物品位置不可随便移动。区域定置内可移动的物品位置需制作物品标示牌,表示可移动物品位置的区域。 标示牌规格、色彩、放置方式也作统一要求,色彩为对比色,如红底白字、蓝底白字等,放置的方式有壁挂式,钉在物品区域内的墙壁、立柱或者其它固定物上,或另一种是支架式,支架高低统一; 主要标识的内容有:物品名称、定置编号等。 reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master: shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outside week artery puncture reset tube operation 2 artery blood 10 breathing machine using 10 electricweek artery puncture reset tube operation 2 artery blood 10 breathing machine using 10 electric except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer .... 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: 深圳市尚荣医疗股份有限公司 WI-M-004 文件编号 文件名称 A0 版本状态 5S定置管理办法 3 OF 5 页码 3、特别定置 除了区域定置外,对生产过程中影响较大或生产、管理中的薄弱环节,要实行特殊管理的,在定置管理模式中叫做特别定置。如安全和工序控制点的特别定置。 (1)安全特别定置 a、安全通道 生产车间设置安全警戒线和安全通道。安全通道严禁堵塞,标记要明显,用红白相间油漆涂成宽为1500MM 的标志线,安全通道宽不少于2.5M。 车间出入口处有明显的“安全通道”的标志,并在醒目处标示安全提示:“你已经进入**区,请你遵守**区的安全规章制度”。 b、安全标示牌 根据生产现场作业危险类型或程度,分别设立提示、警告、禁止等安全标志牌,在曾经发生过事故和预测可能发生事故的区域内,设置安全警语,如“为了爱你的人和你爱的人,你要安全生产”,“高高兴兴上班,平平安安回家”等等,并购买标准的安全标示牌,固定在危险区域和危险较大的作业区域墙壁或支架上。 c、消防器材 针对各企业现场作业中可能产生不同的火源状况,设置不同的灭火器材。如干粉灭火器、泡沫灭火器、1211 灭火器等。放置有灭火器材的地方,同时设置消防标示牌,灭火器定置在作业区内不妨碍生产而又使用方便之处。 (2)工序质量控制点特别定置 根据不同的生产工艺,确定若干不同的质量控制点。定置后,根据各自不同的控制手段来收集质量信息,收集信息后填写在规定的表格中,交给品管部门,由品管部门相关人员绘制成质量曲线(如柏拉图),并进行分析参考。 相关表格及文件资料必须按照资料管理相关程序留存。 第七条:检查与考核 定置管理的检查与考核是定置管理模式的必要条件之一,纳入5S 检查管理体系之中,采取四级检查管理办法。 即:车间一级每日自纠自查一次;事业部5S管理小组每周检查考核一次;公司管理层每月检查一次;公司管理层组织各5S 管理员及相关职能部门组成检查团,每季度进行一次大检查。通过实行四级管理检查,做到责任明确,层层落实,每级检查发现的问题必须整改并加以考核,杜绝管理不到位,确保定置管理的制度化、规范化、程序化。 reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical r 编制:陈琳2012-10-23 审核:esearch activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master: shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ funct 审批:ion obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment d isorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outside week artery puncture reset tube operation 2 artery blood 10 breathing machine using 10 electricweek artery puncture reset tube operation 2 artery blood 10 breathing machine using 10 electric except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer .... 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: 三、定置 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 要求 为更进一步用科学的现代化管理手段和方法来加强我公司企业管理的基础工作,现场实施有效的控制,特制定如下管理办法要求: 1、现场管理要求 (1)整理要求: a) 不用的东西及废品必须从现场清除,防止混杂不清; b) 对不常用的工模夹具及其它工位器具,要分类存放; c) 偶尔使用的东西,集中存放; d) 经常使用的,要存放有序,放置在作业区内。 (2)整顿的要求: ) 需要的东西,定置摆放,做到物各有位,物在其位; a b) 对现场实行挂牌和目视管理,做到心中有数,物品随用随还、取用方便; c) 各类工模夹具,分型号规格、统一存放,一目了然。 (3)清扫的要求: a) 工作场地经常清扫,滴油、滴水随时擦洗;有油污的车间每周洗刷一次,时刻保持现场清洁; b) 在对设备清扫时,要同时检查设备是否有异常现象,时刻保持设备的润滑; (4)清洁的要求: a) 操作者要保持工作环境每时每刻都清洁、美化; b) 要对现场进行随时清扫,要做到无铁屑、无滴漏、无积灰、无油污。 (5)素养要求: 培养操作者自我管理和自我约束,提高员工自我管理水平的意识。 2、工艺要求 (1)要求生产车间必须现场挂工艺卡片和作业指导书。 (2)工艺的制定必须满足生产的需要和产品检验要求。如特殊原因不能满足产品和检验要求,一定要通过评审后,权责人员签字才能生效。 (3)操作者必须严格执行工艺操作规程。 (4)发现不合理的工艺要求要及时反馈,以便及时更改或更换,使之达到合理的工艺。 (5)加工零件不落地,工件转序用工位器具(转序车等),确保工件无磕碰划伤。 3、现场检验要求 (1)以车间主任为第一责任人,对工序工件实行三检:即操作者自检、操作者同专职检验人员专检、操作者或工序之间互检。 (2)检查过程中,要自检、自分、自打标识,不让废品、不良品转入下工序。 (3)每天生产开机生产必须首检,合格后方可继续生产,转序和成品入库必须报检,合格后方可签单转序、入库。 4、建立三板制 (1) 建立现场定置管理图板:车间需要的设备及工位器具均应反映在定置图上。凡定置图没有的,应视为车间不用的,应清除出车间。 (2)建立生产计划进度展示板,板中应反映出当月计划,计划完成情况等。 reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master: shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outside week artery puncture reset tube operation 2 artery blood 10 breathing machine using 10 electricweek artery puncture reset tube operation 2 artery blood 10 breathing machine using 10 electric except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer .... 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: 深圳市尚荣医疗股份有限公司 WI-M-004 文件编号 文件名称 A0 版本状态 5S定置管理办法 5 OF 5 页码 (3)建立综合管理板,板中应反映出产品质量、设备情况。 5、考核标准细则 (1)加工件不落地,配件、半成品、产成品整齐摆放在指定位置。 (2)不合格品与合格品严格区分,标识明显。 (3)不野蛮移动工件,工件无磕碰划伤。 (4)边角余料不乱堆、乱放,必须放在工位器具架上或铁箱内。一个批次生产任务完工后必须立即清理出现场。 (5)工具、量具必须按定置管理要求摆放,不得乱放。 (6)工位器具架、车,按定置管理要求摆放,不得乱停、乱放。 (7)工作完后必须清擦设备,保证设备干净无积灰、油污。 (8)不许在通道上作业,通道上无工件、车辆、杂物等。 (9)工作完后必须对周边的卫生进行清理和清扫,保持地面清洁。 (10)车间内无乱堆、乱放,无卫生死角。 (11)工具箱、窗台、设备上洁净无污物。 门窗无破损,玻璃清洁干净。 (12) (13)各区域水池洁净,无长流水,下水畅通。 (14)对加工过程中形成的铁屑需及时清理,下班前必须及时清理干净。 (15)保持工作服整齐洁净,保持良好的工作面貌。 (16)一切与现场无关的东西,必须清理出现场,不许在现场存放。 (17)5S 现场检查评审表。(见附件) ------文件结束------ reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical r 编制:陈琳2012-10-23 审核:esearch activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master: shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ funct 审批:ion obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment d isorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outside week artery puncture reset tube operation 2 artery blood 10 breathing machine using 10 electricweek artery puncture reset tube operation 2 artery blood 10 breathing machine using 10 electric except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer .... 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements:
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