首页 2011高考英语外研版总复习 学案:module4 music born in america选修7(可编辑)

2011高考英语外研版总复习 学案:module4 music born in america选修7(可编辑)


2011高考英语外研版总复习 学案:module4 music born in america选修7(可编辑)2011高考英语外研版总复习 学案:module4 music born in america选修7(可编辑) Module 4 Music Born in America基础自主回顾?.课标单词 1.__________n.方法;步骤 2.__________n.衰退;下降;减少 3.__________v.触动;感动;使动心 4.__________v.由„„引起产生 5.__________v.繁荣;兴起;迅速发展 6.__________n.融洽;一致 approach decline ...

2011高考英语外研版总复习 学案:module4 music born in america选修7(可编辑)
2011高考英语外研版总复习 学案:module4 music born in america选修7(可编辑) Module 4 Music Born in America基础自主回顾?.课标单词 1.__________n.方法;步骤 2.__________n.衰退;下降;减少 3.__________v.触动;感动;使动心 4.__________v.由„„引起产生 5.__________v.繁荣;兴起;迅速发展 6.__________n.融洽;一致 approach decline touch arise boom harmony7.__________v.制定预算,按预算来安排开支 8.__________n. 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ,进度表,日程表 9.__________v.离开,辞去 10.__________n.抗议 11.__________n.技巧;手法?__________adj.技术的 budget schedule quit protest technique technical12.__________v.出现?__________n.出现;显现? __________n.紧急情况;危急形势 13.__________v.为„„付出时间/努力/金钱等?__________n. 献身;挚爱?__________adj.忠实的;挚爱的 14.__________n.移民?__________v.迁移;迁徙?__________n. 移居;迁移;迁徙 15.__________adj.幽默的?__________n.幽默 emerge emergence emergency devote devotion devoted migrant migrate migration humorous humor?.常用短语 1.____________厌烦 2.____________由„„组成 3.____________利用 4.____________出版 5.____________对„„专一,专注 6.____________有幸 be bored with consist of take advantage of come out be devoted to be blessed with7.____________乞求,请求 8.____________并排;并肩 9.____________而不是 10.____________尝试 11.____________远非;完全不 12.____________有序地 13.________________________给某人留下印象 beg for side by side rather than try out far from in order make an impression on sb.?.重点句型 1.“________I heard it,”he said,“I knew it was a completely new kind of music.” “我一听,”他说,“就知道这是一种全新的音乐。” 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 :The moment 2.Songs that are spoken ________ sung are called rap. 采用近乎念白方式而不是唱的歌曲被叫做绕舌歌。 答案:rather than3.________attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home, Cantopop has spread offshore, and its stars are known in Beijing, London and New York. 粤语流行音乐不仅仅吸引了香港本地的大量听众,而且传到海外 的其他国家,香港的歌星在北京、伦敦和纽约都很有名。 答案:As well as4.“My message is that ________ if you're black, white, fat, thin, old and young?we're all the same, it's a great world and you can do something with your life.” “我想告诉大家的是不管你是黑人还是白人,肥胖还是瘦小,年 长还是年幼,这些都不重要??我们都是一样的,这是一个美妙的世界, 你可以在有生之年做些事情。” 答案:it doesn't matter1. Don't be afraid of asking for help ________ it is needed. A. unless B. since C. although D. when 答案:D2. ________ the day went on, the weather got worse. A. With B. Since C. While D. As 答案:D 3. She hurriedly left the room as if ________. A. she angry B. was angry C. it was angry D. angry 答案:D4. ________,I will help you with your work. A. If I am possible B. If it possible C. If possible D. Possible 答案:C 5. Who can you turn to in time of danger, if not ________? A. ourselves B. ours C. we D. us 答案:D考点探究解密 考 点 解 读1.decline v.&.n.衰退,下降,减少;谢绝,拒绝 精讲拓展: ?fall into a decline开始衰退 ?be in decline处于下降,衰退中 ?on the decline在衰退减少 ?decline by下降了„„ ?decline to do sth.拒绝干某事误区警示:1表示“增加”的动词或动词短语常见的有:rise,increase,go up 表示“减少”的动词或动词短语常见的 有:fall,drop,decrease,go down,decline 2表示“增加”或“减少”的幅度常用介词by;表示“增加到”或“减少到”常用介词to。朗文在线: ?The activities of Welsh mines went into decline after about 1880. 约从1880年后,威尔士煤矿的开采活动开始减少。 ?In regions such as New England textile industries had declined and unemployment was high. 新英格兰等地区的纺织工业已经衰退,失业率很高。词语辨析:decline,refuse和reject ?decline作“拒绝”之意时,常指有礼貌地回绝,婉言谢绝,其主语只能是人。 ?refuse语气比decline重,主语可以是人也可以是物。 ?reject语气比refuse更重,意为“抛弃,拒收,不采纳”。 命 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 方向:decline一词有可能以词语辨析的形式出现在高考单项填空或完形填空中。另外该词与介词in,into,on等的搭配也应引起重视。活学巧练:完成句子 1The city __________ __________ __________ __________ after the mine closed. 这个城市在矿井关闭后开始衰退。 答案:1fell into a decline2The number of tourists to the island __________ __________ 10% last year. 去年到这个海岛旅游的人数减少了10%。 答案:declined by 3I offered to give them a lift,but they __________. 我主动邀请他们搭车,但他们婉言谢绝了。 答案:declined42009?黑龙江哈师大附中模拟She ________ to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn't feeling well. A. declined B. resigned C. tendedD. approved 答案与解析:A 考查动词辨析。句意:她以感觉不舒服为借口谢绝 和朋友共进午餐。decline谢绝,拒绝;resign辞职;tend易于,往往 会;approve赞成,同意。2.devote v.为„„付出时间/努力/金钱等 精讲拓展: ?devote one's life/time/energy/oneself to把生命/时间/ 精力/一生献给„„ ?devoted adj.热爱的;忠诚的 ?be devoted to对„„专一,专注于 ?devotion n.热爱,专心误区警示:devoteto和be devoted to 句型中,to是介词,后面须接名词、代词或动名词,不能接动词原形。 Marx devoted all his life to his revolutionary cause. 马克思一生致力于革命事业。 She has devoted herself to helping the poor. 她把自己的全部身心都倾注在帮助穷人上。朗文在线: ?He has devoted his life to helping blind people. 他为帮助盲人而献出一生。 ?He devoted his life to promoting world peace. 他一生致力于促进世界和平。 ?He was at one time so devoted to playing the piano. 他曾经那么沉迷于弹钢琴。?Most of our meetings were devoted to discussing the housing problem. 我们的大部分会议都用来讨论住房问题。 命题方向:devote构成的句型devote oneself/one's life/one' time/one's energy to sth./doing sth.的用法,与介词to的搭配, 特别是to后必须接代词、名词或动名词而不接动词原形的用法,是高 考命题的重点。活学巧练:介/副词填空 1He devoted all his time __________ being a teacher. 2We were deeply impressed by his devotion __________ his career. to to3Her son, to whom she was so ________,went abroad ten years ago. A. loved B. cared C. devoted D. affected 答案与解析:C be devoted to sb.=love sb.,devoted可用作表语和定语,表示“疼爱的,忠实的,喜欢的”,又如a devoted friend忠实的朋友,本句中介词to已移至引导词whom前。3.arise vi. 1出现,发生,产生;2由„„引起,因„„产生;3起床,起立,起身;4群起反对,奋起斗争 词语辨析:arise,rise与raise ?arise多用于抽象意思,因而其主语多为抽象名 词,problem,difficulty,loss等或无形物smoke,wind,mist等。短语arise out of/from因某事物产生,造成,引起。?rise vi.主要意思为:上升,起立;起床,升起;起义等,多用于具体意思,后不能跟宾语,也无被动语态。 ?raise vt.主要意思为:提升,提高;举起;增加;提出;养育,饲养等。 特别提示: arise的过去式,过去分词分别为arose,arisen。We keep them informed of any changes as they arise. 如有任何变化,我们随时通知他们。 injuries arising out of a road accident 道路交通事故造成的伤害 He arose at dawn. 他黎明就起床了。 The peasants arose against their masters. 农民奋起反对奴役他们的人。活学巧练: A completely new station will ________ when the examination system comes into existence. A. arise B. rise C. raise D. arouse 答案与解析:A 由句意知“一个新的火车站会出现„„”,因此选A项。arise“出现”;而B“上升,升起”;raise为及物动词后要加宾语;arouse vt.“唤醒,唤起”,意思不对。4.fancy n.想象力,幻想;爱好 vt.想象,幻想;想要,喜欢 adj.奇特的,异样的 精讲拓展: Children usually have a lively fancy. ?fancy sth.渴望或希望得到某物 ?fancy that想,以为,想象 ?have a fancy for爱好,迷恋 ?catch/take sb.'s fancy合某人的心意,吸引某人?take a fancy to sb./sth.喜欢上,爱上某人/某物 ?fancy oneselfas sth.自命不凡,自负 注意:fancy用作动词,有时用于祈使句,表示惊奇、不相信、震惊等,后接名词、动名词作宾语。活学巧练: 1My grandfather has a __________爱好for chess. 2I've suddenly ______________喜欢上detective stories. 3I used to __________想象what I would look like wearing a long snow-white dress and high-heeled shoes. 4__________想不到meeting you here! fancy taken a fancy to fancy Fancy5.protest n.&v.声明,抗议,反对 Loud protests were heard when the decision was announced. 精讲拓展: ?protestant n.新教徒 ?protester n.抗议者,反对者 ?protest about/against/at sth.抗议,反对某事物 ?enter/make a protest about/against sth.对某事物提出抗 议?under protest经抗议后心有不甘地 ?protest too much过犹不及活学巧练: 1The minister resigned in_protest_against the decision. 替换_______________ 2They are holding a rally to __________抗议the government's defence policy. to protest against protest against3There was a large crowd in the square,__________ against the war. A.protecting B.protesting C.preventing D.defending 答案:B6.far from远非,一点也不;不但不„„反而„„ 精讲拓展: ?by far„„的多修饰比较级和最高级 ?as/so far as一直到„„程度 ?so far迄今为止,到目前为止 ?far frombeing doing sth.朗文在线: ?I'm far from pleased with your behaviour. 我对你的表现很不满意。 ?Sofar from taking my advice,he went and did just what I had warned him against. 他不但没听从我的劝告,反而干了我警告他不要干的事。词语辨 析:far away from,faraway与far from ?far away from只表示距离,away可省去。 The school is farawayfrom my house. 学校离我家很远。?faraway为形容词,用作定语,意为“遥远的; 恍惚的”。 They live at a faraway place. 他们住在一个遥远的地方。 She began to have a faraway look in her eyes. 她的眼中开始流露出恍惚之情。?far from除了表示距离的“远 离”之外,还有“远远不,完全不,绝非”之意,后接名词、动名词或形 容词。 Far from eye,far from heart. 眼不见,心不烦。 Far from reading his letter,she didn't open it. 别说看他的信了,她连信都没拆开。命题方向:far from接名词、 动名词或形容词,表示“远非,绝不是”。 His behaviour is far from satisfactory. 他的表现远远达不到令人满意的程度。 该用法很可能以词语辨析的形式出现在高考单项填空或完形填 空中。活学巧练:完成句子 1__________ __________ __________ I can see,you've done nothing wrong. 2Computers,__________ __________ __________ jobs,can creat employment. 答案:1As far as 2far from doing7.in order按顺序;整齐,井 然有序;机械等状况良好,没有故障 精讲拓展: ?keepin order使„„井然有序 ?putin order把„„整理好 ?out of order杂乱的;机械等出故障 ?order n.顺序,整齐;命令;订单,订购 ?place/make an orderfor sth.订购„„?take sb.'s order让„„点菜 ?order v.命令;订购 ?order sb. to do sth.命令某人做某事 ?order sb. sth.=order sth. for sb.为某人订购 ?in order that=so that为了„„ B11in order to do=so as to do为了做„„误区警示: ?in order短语中,order可用不同的形容词修饰,表示不同意 思。 in good order整整齐齐,运转良好;in bad order乱七八糟,失 修。 ?in order to do既用于句首,也用于句末,但so as to do不 能用于句首。朗文在线: ?She arrived early in order to get a good seat. 她早早到场,好找个好位置。 ?His objection was ruled out of order. 他的反对被裁定为违反 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf 。 ?All the procedures must be done in correct order. 一切手续必须按正确顺序办理。 命题方向:order作名词和动词的各种用法,以及构成的短语和句 型。活学巧练:句型转换 1The car broke down on the highway.?The car was __________ __________ __________ on the highway. 2He stood on a chair so that he could reach the top shelf.?He stood on a chair __________ __________ __________ reach the top shelf. 3He ordered that all menshouldfire the guns.?He ordered all men __________ fire the guns. 答案:1out of order 2in order to 3to8.take advantage of利用 精讲拓展: ?have the advantageofdoingsth.有„„优势 over sb.有超过某人的优势 ?to sb.'s advantage=to the advantage of sb.对某人有利的 或有帮助的 ?advantageous adj.有利的,有益的,有帮助的 ?disadvantage n.不利条件,不利 ?disadvantageous adj.不利的误区警示:advantage可作可数 名词用,表示“有利条件,有利因素”,反义词为disadvantage。 Just like anything else,the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. 正如其他任何事物一样,因特网既有利也有弊。朗文在线: ?You should take advantage of the fine weather to paint the fence. 你应该利用这好天气给篱笆上油漆。 ?The lawyer's letter said she would hear something to her advantage if she contacted him. 律师的信上说,如果她同他联络,她会听到对她有利的消息。 ?This method has the advantage of saving a lot of fuel. 这个方法有节省很多燃料的优点。词语辨析:advantage,benefit 与profit 三者均指“好处”。 ?advantage指“有利条件”,“优势”。 The present world situation is to our advantage. 目前世界局势对我们有利。使我们处于有利或占优势的地位,不 是特指物质方面的好处。?benefit可兼指物质利益或精神方面的好 处。 You will derive much benefit from reading good novels. 从读优秀小说中你将获得很大好处。 This performance was given for the benefit of disabled soldiers. 这场演出是为残疾军人举办的。?profit“利润”,“用处”, 指“利润”时常用复数。 Capitalists are tireless in hunting for super-profits. 资本家总是不倦地追求超额利润。 There is no profit in such studies. 这种研究毫无用处。 命题方向:advantage常以词语辨析的形式在单项填空和完形填 空中考查;与take/have构成的句型也经常考查。活学巧练: 1She's got the job because she has the advantages __________ others.She knows many languages. 2The agreement is __________ our advantage. over to9.rather than而不是 精讲拓展: ?other than除了 ?more than超过,不仅仅 ?would rather dothan do与其„„不如„„ ?no soonerthan一„„就„„ ?prefer to dorather than do宁愿做„„而不愿做„„词语 辨析:rather than与more than ?rather than表示“而不是”之意,其前后部分在语法上应该 是对等的成分。 It is Tom,rather than you,that is to blame. 该受责备的是汤姆,而不是你。?more than表示在数量或意义 上超出了某种程度,常译为“超过,多于;不仅仅,不止是”。 He is more than a father,he's also my good friend. 他不止是父亲,还是好朋友。 China Daily is more than a newspaper,It can also help us to improve our English. 《中国日报》不止是一份报纸,它还能帮助我们提高英语水平。 朗文在线: ?I think I'll have a cold drink rather than coffee. 我想要冷饮,不要咖啡。 ?Why didn't you ask for help,rather than trying to do it on your own? 你干吗非得自己干,而不请人帮忙? 命题方向:rather than结构的用法以及与相关句型意义上的区 别。活学巧练:汉译英 1应该受到责备的是父母而不是孩子。 _______________________________________________ 2我宁愿步行去而不愿坐车去。 _______________________________________________ 3她喜欢唱歌而不喜欢跳舞。 _______________________________________________ The parents should be blamed rather than the children. I prefer to go there on foot rather than take a bus. She enjoys singing rather than dancing.10.“My message is that it doesn't matter if you're black, white, fat, thin, old and young?we're all the same, it's a great world and you can do something with your life.” “我想告诉大家的是不管你是黑人还是白人,肥胖还是瘦小,年 长还是年幼,这些都不重要??我们都是一样的,这是一个美妙的世界, 你可以在有生之年做些事情。”精讲拓展: ?It doesn't matter to sb.+从句 „„对某人来说没关系,不要紧 It matters a lot/a great deal+从句 „„非常重要 It doesn't matter.口语没关系。?no matter who/why/what 无论谁/为什么/什么„„ as a matter of fact实际上,事实上 What's the matter?口语怎么了?有什么麻烦? 朗文在线: ?I don't care what it looks?what matters is that it works well. 我不在乎它好看不好看??要紧的是它要好用。?It matters a lot to her what other people think of her. 其他人怎么看她对她来说极为重要。 ??I've spilled some coffee on the carpet. 我洒了些咖啡在地毯上。 ?It doesn't matter. 没关系。活学巧练: ?Oh, sorry, Jane. I took your dictionary by mistake. ?________. A. That's right B. It doesn't matter C. You're welcome D. Never think about it 答案与解析:B 句意:??对不起,简。我误拿了你的字典。??没关 系。11.Do you think listening to music helps you to study? 你认为听音乐有助于你的学习吗? listening to music是动名词作主语。 Seeing is believing.眼见为实。 Missing the bus means waiting for one more hour. 错过这班车意味着还要等一小时。精讲拓展: 动名词作主语也可以用it作形式主语,常用于下列结构中 1It isno use/no good useless/senseless fun/enjoyable/tiring nice/expensive/ dangerous/a bore/a waste of time/a good pleasure+v.-ing It is no use talking like this.像这样谈话没有用。 It is no good wasting time. 浪费时间是没有好处的。 2There is no saying/telling=It is impossible to do There is no saying what may happen. 说不准将会发生什么事。误区警示: 动名词的复合结构一般由形容词性的物主代词或名词所有格+动 名词构成,在句中可作主语、宾语和表语。如果不在句首,这种结构在 口语中可用:代词宾格或名词普通格+动名词。活学巧练: 1What worried me most was ________ to go abroad alone. A. my not allowing B. having no allowed C. my being not allowed D. my not being allowed答案与解析:D 句意:最让我担心的是 我不会被允许单独出国。动名词作表语,根据句意,应用其复合结构 one's doing并用其被动式,而且是否定式的被动式即one's not being done。2It's no ________ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind. A. use B. help C. time D. way 答案与解析:A 此题考查固定句式,It's no use doing sth.干„„是没用的。12.时间状语从句 在句子中起时间状语作用的句子称为时间状语从句,可放在句 首、句中和句尾。 1表示“一„„就„„”引导词的用法 英语中表达“一„„就„„”的时间状语有多种形式,常见的有 如下几种: ?as soon as As soon as he heard the news,he jumped with joy. 他一听到这消息,就高兴得跳了起来。?immediately I'll give you an answer immediately I've finished reading your file. 我一看完你的档案就给你答复。 ?directly Directly you feel any pains,you must go to the doctor. 你一感觉不适就得看医生。?instantly Please give me a phone call instantly you arrive. 你一到就给我打电话。 ?no soonerthan No sooner had I begun to talk than he rang off.?I had no sooner begun to talk than he rang off. 我几乎未来得及讲话,他就挂断了电话。?hardlywhen Hardly had I told him my name when he stopped listening.?I had hardly told him my name when he stopped listening. 我几乎没来得及告诉他我的名字,他就不听了。2名词短语引导 状语从句 表示时间的名词短语有时也可以引导时间状语从句。常用的这类 名词短语有:the time,the moment,the minute,the day,the year,the first time,the second time,by the time,each time,every time,next time,any time。这些短语含有“每次、每天、 每时”之意,引导状语从句时,习惯上不在这些名词后加when。The day he returned home,his father was already dead. 他到家的那天,他父亲已经去世了。 Every time I see him,he is working hard. 我每次见到他,他都在拼命地工作。 He was much better the last time I saw him. 上次我见到他时,他好多了。 By the time he was taken to the hospital,he was nearly dead. 他被送往医院时,就几乎要死了。3when,while,as和whenever 的用法 when,while,as都可用来引导时间状语从句,意为“在„„时候”。 但在具体用法上又不尽相同。 ?when用得最广,常可代替while与as。when所引导的从句,动 词既可是延续性的,也可是终止性的。as在这一点上与when相 同,while所引导的从句中,动词只能是延续性的。When the fire broke out,all the students were sleeping soundly. 当火灾发生时,所有的学生正在熟睡。 The telephone rang while I was taking a bath. 我在洗澡时电话响了。?while引导时间状语从句时主句和从句 的动作同时发生且从句中谓语动词必须是延续性的。 While I played the harp,my sister did her homework. 我在弹竖琴,姐姐在做功课。 ?表述两个发展变化中的情况时常用as。 As he talked on,he got more and more excited. 他越谈就越激动。 As you grow older,you'll know better and better about yourself. 随着你年龄增长,你会越来越了解自己。?表示“一边„„一 边„„”时,常用as。 As he was reading,he was shaking his head,which surely slowed down his reading speed. 他边读书边摇着头,这当然降低了他的阅读速度。 They talked as they walked along the river. 他们沿着河边走边谈。?表示随着短暂动作的发生,另一行为伴 随发生时,常用as。 My cap was blown away as I sat down. 我往下坐时帽子被吹走了。 ?whenever表示“无论何时”,语气要比when强得多。 Whenever we see him we speak to him. 我们每次见到他都和他说话。4till和until ?主句谓语动词为延续性动词时,主句和从句都用肯定句式,意 为“一直到”,表示主句动作一直延续到until/till从句表示的时间 才终止;主句谓语动词为短暂性动词时,主句用否定式,从句用肯定式, 意思是“直到„„才„„”,表示主句动作到until/till从句表示的 时间才开始。He studied until/till it was 9?00. 他一直学到九点。 He didn't study until/till it was 9?00. 他到九点才学习。 Don't get off the bus until it has stopped. 公共汽车停稳后再下车。?until和till意义相同,通常可换用, 但在强调结构、倒装句或句首时,一般用until。 She didn't go to bed until/till her mother returned. =It was not until her mother returned that she went to bed. =Not until her mother returned did she go to bed. 她直到妈妈回来才上床睡觉。5since和before ?since从句中的动词性质不同,其起算时间也不同。since+瞬 间动词过去时,从该动作发生时算起;since+延续性动词过去时,从该 动作结束时算起。 He has worked very hard since he entered the factory. 从入厂以来,他工作一直非常努力。enter为瞬间性动词We haven't seen each other since I worked in the factory.=We haven't seen each other since I stopped working in the factory. 从我不在工厂以来,我们从没见过面。work为延续性动词 since常用于It's+some time+since sb. did sth.结构中。试 比较: It's two years since he joined the army. 他参军有两年了。 It's two years since he was a soldier. 他退役有两年了。?before除了在“before和after”部分所 讲的用法外,也可用于it结构,与since结构相似,注意它们所用时态 的区别: It will be+some time+before sb.do/does sth.表将来 It was+some time+before sb. did sth.表过去 He has gone shopping.It'll be half an hour before he comes back. 他去买东西了,要过半小时才能回来。 It was not long before he returned from abroad. 不久他就从国外回来了。13.省略句 省略是英语语言中的常见现象。为了避免重复,或出于修辞上的 需要而省略句中的一个或几个成分,这种句子叫做省略句。 1简单句中的省略 ?人称有时包括谓语的省略。 ?How is your mother today? ?She ismuch better.?感叹句根据上下文的省略。 How beautifulit is! Howhardthey are working! ?名词所有格后的名词,如果是表示住宅、店铺、教堂或上下文 已经暗示过的事物时,常省略。 At her mother'shouseshe passed many happy days. I'm going to the doctor'sclinic.?表示年龄的years old和 表示钟表的o'clock等常省略。 I am thirteenyears old. It is fiveo'clocknow. ?介词的省略。在waste/spend/have trouble/difficulty等跟 v.-ing时,介词in常省略,在prevent,stop等后的from常省略。 Don't waste timeinmourning. Ways must be found to stop themfrompolluting our environment.?不定式的省略。保留不定式符号to,省略动词。 ?Are you going to take a course in the summer vacation? ?Yes.I have totake a coursethough I don't want totake a course.2并列句中的省略 在不影响句意的情况下,并列句中后边分句与前边分句相同的词 语都可以省略。 I take some exercise at weekends and so do my colleaguestake some exercise. She was poor butshe washonest.3复合句中的省略 1主句中的省略。常见于句首或回答问题时,只用从句。 ?Why are you late? ?I'm lateBecause my watch doesn't work.(2)从句中的省略。 ?宾语从句 在宾语从句中常省略引导词that,但当及物动词之后跟两个或两 个以上的宾语从句时,只有第一个that可以省略。 She said that I should spend more time with children and that it was a must if I wanted to be a good parent.?定语从 句 可以省略作宾语的关系代词that,which或whom。 Please show me the coatthatyou bought yesterday. ?状语从句 a.在时间、地点、条件、方式或让步状语从句中,如果主句、从 句的主语一致,从句中谓语动词又包含be或主语是it,常可以把从句 中主语和谓语的一部分省略。Whenthey werefirst introduced to the market,these products enjoyed great success. I'll lend you one ifit isnecessary. b.在由than,as引导的比较状语从句中,在不造成误解的前提下, 有些成分可省略。 I love you better than heloves you. You hate him as much as Ihate him.?在 think,expect,hope,believe,guess,imagine,be afraid等后,常用 so或not代替从句,作简略的肯定或否定回答。 ?Is it going to rain? ?I guess so./I hope not.活学巧练: 1?The plane is due to take off a
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