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任期届满述职报告任期届满述职报告 四川省泸县第二中学校长述职报告 述职人 刘中伦 (2011年11月22日) 尊敬的各位领导,教职工同志们: 2008年8月,经县委组织部考核,县教育局聘任,泸县二中组建了新一届校级领导班子,我受聘为学校党委书记和校长。本届校级领导班子和全校教职工一起在这三年中,面临着四大难题。一是外国语实验学校的体制完善和外迁问题。当时,选择业主的问题、经营协议问题、教师思想问题、二外发展问题等,每个问题都相当棘手。二是如何面对新课程改革问题。新课程改革的实施,对学校来说既是机遇又是挑战,抓住机遇就能促...

任期届满述职报告 四川省泸县第二中学校长述职报告 述职人 刘中伦 (2011年11月22日) 尊敬的各位领导,教职工同志们: 2008年8月,经县委组织部考核,县教育局聘任,泸县二中组建了新一届校级领导班子,我受聘为学校党委书记和校长。本届校级领导班子和全校教职工一起在这三年中,面临着四大难题。一是外国语实验学校的体制完善和外迁问题。当时,选择业主的问题、经营协议问题、教师思想问题、二外发展问题等,每个问题都相当棘手。二是如何面对新课程改革问题。新课程改革的实施,对学校来说既是机遇又是挑战,抓住机遇就能促进学校的发展,否则就会被超越。三是如何保冠提优的问题。补习生不列入学校升学统计以后,如何确保“冠”字不能丢,抓住学校的生命线不放,如何以培养优尖生为代表的质量航标,是全校教职工必须付出艰辛的劳动才能变为现实。四是如何确保教职工的福利待遇问题。 三年来,在上级党委、政府的正确领导下,在全校教职员工的积极努力和支持下,为了学校的稳定和发展,学校坚持以质量为重点,以全面实施素质教育,全面提高办学效益为目标,认真贯彻党的教育方针,执行国家各项政策法规和上级文件指示精神。本届领导班子同全校教职工一道励精图治、团结协作,锐意进取、埋头苦干,开拓创新。一个又一个困难被克服,一步一步向前发展。转眼之间,三年的任期届满。根hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and 据泸县组委干发[2011]129号文件精神和要求,我代表学校领导班子就三年来的学校工作,向大家述职,敬请批评指正: 一、三年 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 (一)加强队伍建设,提升学校核心发展力 一支思想觉悟高、敬业精神强、业务能力好、师德水平高的教师队伍,是学校不断发展和提高的关键,是学校实现腾飞的基石。 一是加强干部队伍建设。学校现有校级领导班子成员5人,人人都有繁重的工作任务。但是,班子一班人均没有懈怠,各负其责,圆满地完成各自任务。可以说,这个班子是一个团结、务实、高效、廉洁自律的班子,每个人都讲政治、讲正气、顾全大局,以学校的利益为重。 2009年,学校制定并实施了《泸县二中中层干部选拔、任用、考核实施 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 》,在县教育局党委的指导下,通过“教职工自我申报—校党委审核—竞聘演讲—教代会投票—组织考核”等程序,公开选拔、任用了一批中青年骨干教师进入学校中层管理岗位;注重干部队伍素质的提高:落实岗位 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 制,一年多来的工作实践证明,这支队伍的执行力、影响力正逐渐增强,学校干部队伍梯队建设正日益完善。 二是加强教师团队建设。教师,是学校发展的核心竞争力。随着新课程改革的推进,对教师素质的要求越来越高。泸县二中一直坚持“有为才有位”的校策,致力打造品德高尚、业务精良、教艺精湛的高素质教师队伍。通过教师代表座谈会、教育学会年会、德育研讨会、班主任工作会等一系列活动,加强了对教师的职业道德。通过“青蓝工程”,促进青年教师快速成长;通过“名师工程”,培育骨干教师和名师,与西华师范大学联办研究生培训班,为青年教师学历进修搭建了平台;与北师大、 increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry product out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate,call on j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chickenndows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulatiall Wied for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open d front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of neth. anifference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the Soured as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature dprepa other is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must beions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, anwire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the condit hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbedonditions, wind direction andenues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather cion v2 华东师大联办骨干教师培训班,拓展了视野。2010年有20名教师参加北师大进修,2011年有35名教师在华东师大学习。2009年,有20名教师被评为市、县“优秀教师”或“优秀班主任”;童建树老师更先后荣获国务院第五届“全国民族团结进步模范个人”、首届“四川省中小学榜样教师”称号;2010年,唐远琼、杨述刚、林兰3位教师获省一等奖,9名教师获市一等奖,20余名教师在省市县执教示范课;童建树老师再荣获“四川省榜样教师”、“泸州市十佳优秀共产党员”的光荣称号;2011年,江洋老师被评为“全国排舞推广先进个人”。现在,学校共有省市县级名师、骨干教师、学科带头人300多人次,名师队伍建设已初见成效。 (二)注重学校协调发展,形成“一体两翼”办学格局 一是完善泸县二中外国语实验学校办学体制。泸县二中外国语实验学校的体制问题,已经成为制约学校发展的瓶颈,创建“全国精神文明建设先进集体”因此被一票否决,甚至有失去“国示高中”的牌子的危险;经过一年的努力,2009年9月,外国语实验学校顺利外迁,并平稳过渡。这不但解决了办学体制问题,也为泸县二中高中部提供稳定的优质生源基地,更为高中部的后续发展拓展出了更大空间。今天泸县二中的稳步发展,没有外国语实验学校的外迁,就没有我们良好的生源基础,就没有我们高中规模扩大的空间,就没有我们今天仍然在泸州高中教育的领先地位。 二是泸县二中城北分校的扩建。在多方的努力和争取下,在县委县府的大力支持下,2008年10月,泸县二中城北分校征地31.5亩。政府现已经投资1600余万元,第一、二期工程已经顺利完成,第三期工程正在建设之中。学校由2008年的18个班1400余人发现在现在的34个班 n, weather conditions, wind direction andterraiultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and pokens and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chicto insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia duciveather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conseason of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weerent cing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to diffemperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop faair t ions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation ofken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic condite chicions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House madindows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic condithen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the W3 2400余人。到2013年可达到45个班近3000人。2011年泸州市教育教学质量评估居全市城区公、民办初中第四名。 三是高中应届规模不断壮大。2009—2010学年度89个教学班,学生5720人;2010—2011学年度101个教学班,学生6355人;2011—2012学年度有113个教学班,学生6995人。 (三)教学质量稳步提高 2008年8月,学校提出“1366”的工作思路,即:一个主题、三项任务、六大目标、六大工作。其中一个主题就是“质量和发展”。特别是加强了应届生的管理与研究。经过全校师生员工的努力,应届生高考成绩年年上升。 2009年,应届重点上线265人,本科上线970人,2人考入北京大学,夺取泸州高考20连冠;2010年,应届生重点上线341人,本科上线1133人,3人考入清华、北大,夺取泸州高考21连冠;2011年,应届重本上线404人,本科上线1173人,黄雪勤以626分勇夺泸州市文科状元,3人被清华、北大录取,夺取泸州高考22连冠。新加坡公费留学得到了保持,现已经有5名同学在新加坡国立大学学习。首届留美班陈雨等11人全部升入美国圣莫妮卡学院、美国绿河学院等知名学府。 (四)加强品牌建设,提升社会影响力 泸县二中长期以来高度重视创建工作,在创建中促进规范,在创建中促进发展,在创建中树立形象。 2008年下半年,学校建成了“国家级青少年体育俱乐部”、“四川省省级交通安全示范学校”、“四川省优质服务诚信示范单位”、“四川省教科文卫体系统工会工作先进集体”、 “全国社会治安综合治理先进集体”复 out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate,call on j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chickenndows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulatiall Wied for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open d front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of neth. anifference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the Soured as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature dprepa other is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must beions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, anwire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the condit hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbedonditions, wind direction andenues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather cion vincreased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry product 4 查获好评。 2009年,学校建成“国家级体育传统项目学校”、“全国青少年„阳光测向?活动基地”、“全国语文学习科学实验学校”、省级“青少年毒品预防教育示范学校”等,先后接受省教育督导评估检查、省级文明单位复查、共青团中央调研等,均得到各级领导的充分肯定。成功承办“全国无线电测向锦标赛”和“全国青少年无线电测向锦标赛”,吸引了中央电视台国际频道、中央电视台体育频道等数十家媒体、网络的长时间关注,有力扩大了泸县二中的社会影响力。 2010年建成了全国“第三届和谐校园先进学校”、“四川省首批依法治校示范学校”、“四川省爱国卫生先进单位”、省级“无吸烟单位”。 2011年10月2日成功举行了建校70周年庆典活动。本次庆典活动迎来了省市县有关领导的关注,共接待校友1609人,嘉宾896人。本次庆典活动组织有序,安全高效,既彰显了泸县二中人的热情,向来宾们展示了70年的光辉业绩,得到了来宾们的充分肯定。 近日,学校聘请国际矿产资源科学院院士、北京科技大学博士生导师何知礼教授,担任学校第一任名誉校长,既能就近得到大师的指点,也为加强与知名高校的联系、与知名专家和学者的沟通搭建了平台,更有助于进一步提升了学校的办学形象和校园文化品位。 (五)加强校园文化建设,打造良好的育人环境 校园文化建设包括两个方面的内容:一是物质文化建设,一是精神文化建设。 2010年9月,为了改造校园文化环境,把校园打造成“学习的乐土、 n, weather conditions, wind direction andterraiultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and pokens and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chicto insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia duciveather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conseason of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weerent cing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to diffemperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop faair t ions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation ofken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic condite chicions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House madindows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic condithen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the W5 精神的圣殿、生活的家园”, 聘请重庆市川海文化传播有限公司,结合学校发展历史、办学理念等,设计了《泸县二中校园文化设计方案》,现已经争取到了校园文化建设专项资金100万元,正处于建设之中。可以预见,整个方案完成后,泸县二中的校园文化氛围必将提升至少一个档次,环境育人的理念,初步具备实现的基础。 精神文化建设是校园文化建设的精髓。三年来,学校为丰富师生课余文化生活的文体活动投入资金数百万元,开展了文艺演出、体育竞赛、游泳比赛、登山活动等。《泸县二中通讯》、《子音》、《半亩方塘》、古诗词学会、青年教师协会已初步成为广大教师展现精神风貌的平台。今年开学之初,学校又提出了努力提高教职员工的幸福指数,正在努力为之奋斗。 (六)特色教育逐渐彰显 一是专业化心理教育。学校设专职心理教师,均考取“国家二级心理咨询师”资格证书;学校设立了专门的心理咨询室,心理健康教育课正式纳入学校正式课程计划;已为全校学生举办数十个专题心理讲座。在校外,为泸州市国家级重点职高树风职高、普通高中、乡镇中学举行数十场心理讲座,为泸州市骨干班主任、市中小学中层干部等作四场心理教育专题讲座。唐远琼老师先后五次受西南大学心理学院及重庆教育学院之邀作“学校心理咨询工作的基本技巧”等三个主题的专题讲座。 二是成人式的德育教育。学校以升降国旗为载体的爱国主义教育,已成为我校德育教育的亮点,在中学树立了典范。以建设青少年法制教育基地为重点的法纪教育,使学校在全国中学预防毒品教育中树立了一面旗帜。以以古诗词创作和对联创作为主导形式在学生中进行古典文化 on j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chickenndows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulatiall Wied for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open d front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of neth. anifference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the Soured as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature dprepa other is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must beions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, anwire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the condit hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbedonditions, wind direction andenues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather cion vincreased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry product out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate,call 6 教育,让学生在泸州市屈原魂古诗词大赛和楹联大赛上独步泸州学生诗坛,显示出我校学生厚重的文化修养。 三是艺体教育领风骚。2010年四川省中学生无线电测向锦标赛团体总分第一名,四川省中学生田径锦标赛中超B组第二名。截至2010年,全校无线电赛事获奖人数已达185人次;尤其值得赞赏的是,2009年,在保加利亚举行的欧亚无线电测向锦标赛中,共有美国、俄罗斯等29个国家参赛,熊升旗代表祖国参赛,勇夺男子80米世界冠军。2010年,陶小兰同学获第四届全国体育大会无线电测向比赛全能一等奖,达国家一级运动员 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,获省体育局一万元嘉奖;2010年8月,2011级罗雨同学参加全国无线电测向锦标赛获青年女子组全国冠军,为四川参赛队夺得唯一一枚金牌。2010年,校舞蹈队获四川省“中学舞蹈啦啦操第一名”; 2011年11月6日,由国家体育总局体操运动管理中心主办的“2011年全国排舞大赛总决赛”,泸县二中舞蹈队一举夺得四个一等奖,教练江洋老师创作的《红星闪闪》通过国际排舞标准审核认证,成为中国第一支推向世界的排舞国标曲目。 (七)校园平安祥和 泸县二中一直高度重视校园安全工作。很早就成立了安全工作领导小组,并建立并完善了一系列的安全教育 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ,每学期签订安全责任书,落实安全职责;加强与社区和派出所的联系,强化了对校园及周边环境的巡查和整治,完善安全设备设施配置。2010年成立安全保卫处,更加强对安保人员的培训。三年来,学校实现了安全“零”责任事故,保障了师生员工的生命和财产安全,维护了正常的教育教学秩序。这在向我校这样规模的学校中,是罕见的。 n, weather conditions, wind direction andterraiultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and pokens and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chicto insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia duciveather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conseason of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weerent cing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to diffemperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop faair t ions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation ofken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic condite chicions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House madindows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic condithen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the W7 (八)强化后勤管理工作,保证教师待遇稳中有升 在这三年里,学校的经费运行日渐艰难。外国语实验学校外迁,使我们每年减少了1000多万元的收入;规范收费行为,导致双休日补课费、外教费、信息技术费等收费相继取消,学生代征费减少;学校的贷款压力没有减少;随着学校规模的壮大,教师人员增加,每月的津贴补助就要增加20多万元。在这种情况下,学校仍然千方百计筹措资金,开源节流,保证教职员工的福利待遇。引资安装直饮水系统和打卡消费系统,学校在没花一分钱的情况下,改善教室、学生公寓和教师办公室的饮水条件,更节约了一大笔水电开支;争取资金完成对学生宿舍的改造,改善学生的住宿条件,相应提高的住宿收费标准,增加学校自有收入;争取资金更换运动场草坪、分批完成教室多媒体设备的安装,改善了办学条件;学校还压缩招待费等开支。这些措施确保了教职员工的福利待遇按时发放。2010年起,课时津贴增加1元,看起来少,但累计起来每月就需增加上10万的支出;从本期开学起,每位教职工每月得到150元的生活补助,全年增加60多万元。同时,保证了教师外出学习考察、进修、教研教改等正常支出,在当前我县各高完中的经费运作都很紧张的情况下,我们能保证按时发放各种津补贴,还能有所增长,真的很不容易。 三年来,成绩是可喜的,但也存在不少问题:一是校园文化建设还有待加强,书香校园还基本停留的形式上,精神层面的校园文化还有待深化;二是特色学校的打造亮点不亮,学校特色还需要提炼和深化;三是教学质量的全面提升还有较大空间,尤其是特优生培养模式和成活率的提高;四是管理的精细化程度不够,人浮于事的现象依然存在。 二、泸县二中未来的发展思路 on j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chickenndows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulatiall Wied for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open d front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of neth. anifference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the Soured as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature dprepa other is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must beions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, anwire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the condit hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbedonditions, wind direction andenues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather cion vincreased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry product out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate,call 8 泸县二中发展到今天,是来之不易的。泸县二中已经不仅仅是泸县二中人的泸县二中,已经成为了一张名片,是一个品牌。如何让这张名片更亮丽,让这个品牌更响亮,是我们必须面对的问题。这就必须找准定位。我们认为:力争用三到五年的时间,把学校发展成为川南第一、四川一流、全国知名的的现代化学校。为此,我们在以下几个方面做好工作 一是大力加强学校的品牌建设。学校品牌建设是学校面对竞争环境必须采取的生存战略。品牌已经成为学校赢得家长和求得生存与发展的关键。因此,谁先树立品牌意识,重视品牌建设,谁就会在竞争中抢得先机,占据主动,谁就能够占领教育市场竞争的制高点。学校品牌是指具有一定知名度、美誉度的学校综合内涵的概括。它是一种无形资产,具有巨大的社会效益和经济作用。学校的品牌建设是一项长期的系统的科学的战略性工程,需要经过科学的精心的专业的策划与实施。我们一定要紧紧抓住四川省重新评定示范高中的机遇,力争一次性创成“一级示范性高中”。坚持实施素质教育,加强与知名高校和专家、学者的联系,巩固学校已有的品牌成果,进一步拓展品牌空间,扩大社会影响力。 二是实现教育教学质量的全面提升。保冠是学校的生命线,努力保持一直冠下去,优尖生是衡量学校教学质量的重要标志之一,努力把我校学生助优助尖。根据我校现有生源优势,抓住新课改的机遇,努力实现高考本科上线率应达到或超过80%,重点上线率应达到30%,升入清华、北大应达到5人以上。 三是强化特色打造。学校特色是学校根据自身的传统和优势,运用 n, weather conditions, wind direction andterraiultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and pokens and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chicto insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia duciveather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conseason of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weerent cing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to diffemperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop faair t ions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation ofken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic condite chicions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House madindows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic condithen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the W9 先进的办学理念,在教育思想、培养目标、教育管理、课程内容、师资建设、教学方法以及学校文化等多方面综合的办学风格和特征;为此,我们首先要构建富有特色的课程体制,把课程设计作为特色建设的有力抓手。其次,把推进教师专业化发展作为特色建设的有效平台。再次,拓展学校特色建设的思路,让开放包容、多元丰富成为特色建设的价值追求。 四是加强队伍建设。在未来的工作中,队伍建设主要通过依靠社会资源,建设师资队伍;托高校资源,建设“研究型”师资队伍;通过“校本研究”提高教师的科研水平。 实施“走出去”战略,开阔教师的眼界;注重青年教师培养,使师资队伍建设充满活力。稳定骨干教师队伍,强化干部队伍建设。 五是加强后勤保障工作,在开源节流的同时,积极争取政策,努力提高教师待遇,提高教职员工的社会地位和经济收入,达到川南同级同类学校前列,使每一位教职员工能够有尊严的幸福的生活;争取资金,进一步改善办公条件,创造良好的教学条件,使教师们生活舒适、工作舒心。 三年来,我本人也伴随着学校的成长更加成熟。注重从书本上学理论,从文件中学政策,从工作实践中学先进的管理经验,从一线工作人员身上学艰苦创业的精神,并注重理论联系实际,将学习的成果转化为实际工作的能力。通过政治理论学习,努力提高自身的思想政治水平;通过高中校长培训,与大师们的沟通交流,进一步拓展了视野,坚定了以人为本的管理理念,使自身思想境界、理论素养、认知水平和学习能 onditions, wind direction andenues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather cion vincreased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry product out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate,call on j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chickenndows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulatiall Wied for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open d front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of neth. anifference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the Soured as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature dprepa other is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must beions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, anwire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the condit hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed10 力日渐丰厚、深刻、高远。工作中也存在着诸多不足:由于忙于事务性工作,因此深入课堂第一线的时间较少,与教职员工之间的沟通和交流不够,系统的学习政策、理论不足,这需要我在今后的工作中注意合理安排时间,进一步改善。 只有学校发展,才能为教师发展搭建良好的平台;教师的发展,就是学校发展的强劲的助推器。让我们与泸县二中共同成长。 以上述职,占据了各位领导和同志们的宝贵时间,有不当之处,敬请批评指正~ 谢谢~ laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and pokens and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chicto insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia duciveather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conseason of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weerent cing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to diffemperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop faair t ions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation ofken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic condite chicions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House madindows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic condithen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Wn, weather conditions, wind direction andterraiultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the 11
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