首页 中铁一局集团有限公司劳务用工管理办法



中铁一局集团有限公司劳务用工管理办法中铁一局集团有限公司劳务用工管理办法 1 总则 1.1为了进一步规范企业劳务用工管理~规避企业用工风险~建立和谐有序的外部劳动力资源使用环境~确保企业施工生产的顺利完成~根据《中华人民共和国合同法》《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法实施条例》等相关法律法规以及股份公司对加强作业层建设的指导意见~结合集团公司项目精细化管理的要求~制订本办法。 1.2集团公司各单位和与之建立劳务用工关系的分包企业、劳务派遣企业及所属劳务人员、劳务派遣人员适用本办法。 1.3本办法所称劳务用工是指企业为完成...

中铁一局集团有限公司劳务用工管理办法 1 总则 1.1为了进一步规范企业劳务用工管理~规避企业用工风险~建立和谐有序的外部劳动力资源使用环境~确保企业施工生产的顺利完成~根据《中华人民共和国 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 法》《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法实施条例》等相关法律法规以及股份公司对加强作业层建设的指导意见~结合集团公司项目精细化管理的要求~制订本办法。 1.2集团公司各单位和与之建立劳务用工关系的分包企业、劳务派遣企业及所属劳务人员、劳务派遣人员适用本办法。 1.3本办法所称劳务用工是指企业为完成施工生产目标~通过与合法分包企业,含劳务分包企业、作业层实体~下同,签订分包合同~与劳务派遣公司,含劳务基地~下同,签订劳务派遣 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ~且分包企业、劳务派遣公司与其派往我方单位,项目部,施工的人员(以下简称劳务人员,签订了劳动合同的一种企业间接用工形式。 1.4 进场施工的劳务人员~必须有清晰、明确、合法的劳动关系~禁止使用无明确劳动关系的劳务人员。 1.5 各单位对分包企业、劳务派遣公司等外部劳务组织应坚protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 持以引导、培育、规范、共赢的原则加以开发~积极打造和谐、有序、高效的外部劳动力资源使用环境。对劳务人员管理应坚持“政治上平等~生活上关心~感情上投入~工作上要求~利益上双赢”的原则~充分调动劳务工的工作积极性~实现企业劳务用工和谐有序的管控。 1.6 集团公司实行劳务分包企业准入登记制度。集团公司成本管理部是劳务分包企业管理的主责部门~负责劳务分包企业的准入登记~进行劳务分包企业的资质审查、分包管理、考核管理等日常管理工作~发布合格分包方名录~并依据“项目管理 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ”、“劳务分包方考核评价管理办法”等相关 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 指导、监督各子,分,公司使用的劳务分包企业的日常管理~各子,分,公司应指定本单位相关部门~负责此项业务。 1.7 集团公司对劳务派遣企业实行准入登记制度。集团公司人力资源部是劳务派遣用工管理的主责部门~负责劳务派遣企业的准入登记~进行劳务派遣企业的资质审查、发布合格劳务派遣企业名录。指导、监督各子,分,公司使用的劳务派遣企业的日常管理~各子,分,公司应指定本单位相关部门~负责此项业务。 1.8 各单位使用的劳务人员必须年满18周岁以上~身体健康~具有 初中 初中体育教案免费下载初中各年级劳动技术教案初中阶段各学科核心素养一览表初中二次函数知识点汇总初中化学新课程标准 以上文化程度~技术技能满足现场施工生产需要。—protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 2— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 从事特种作业的劳务人员必须持有特种作业操作证。 2 劳务用工的形式及程序 2.1 分包用工 分包用工是指将工程中的专业施工部分或劳务作业施工部分分包给具有依法独立承担民事责任能力和具备相应分包资质的专业工程分包公司、作业层实体或劳务分包公司,以下统称分包企业,的一种用工形式。 2.1.1 项目部与分包企业签订分包协议后~分包企业应向项目部提供进场人员名册,并须定期更新,~项目部应对名册中劳务分包企业派往现场施工的劳务人员的劳动关系进行审查~相关资料应包括:劳务人员是否与劳务分包企业签订劳动合同~如未签订~禁止进场。签订的劳动合同是否合法有效~对劳动合同签订不规范、手续不齐全的~必须限期整改。劳动合同书复印件是否留存项目部备份。 分包企业是否建立健全劳务工进场、出场、自然信息等相关记录台帐~并提交项目部备份。 2.2 劳务派遣用工 劳务派遣用工是指劳务派遣公司根据用工单位的用工需求~ —protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 3— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 与用工单位签订劳务派遣协议~将与其建立劳动关系的劳动者派往用工单位~在用工单位的指挥和管理下提供劳务活动~且用工单位向劳务派遣公司支付派遣费用的一种用工形式。各用工单位在其建立的劳务基地招收使用的劳务人员比照劳务派遣用工形式管理。 2.2.1 用工单位应依据用工需求计划~与劳务派遣公司签订劳务派遣协议~明确双方权利义务~派遣人员工种、技术专业、数量、工资水平及其他有关事宜~并对劳务派遣用工人员的劳动关系、社会保险建立等情况的审查。 2.2.2 用工单位应将劳务派遣用工人员安排到施工生产一线作业层实体或架子队中~统一管理~并做好进场、出场、自然信息等相关记录台帐。 2.3 聘用退休人员的用工 聘用退休人员的用工是指用工单位使用本企业或集团内其他单位的退休人员并签订聘用协议的一种用工形式。 2.3.1聘用退休人员时~年龄限定在65周岁以下~在审查其退休证明材料且无疑议后~方可办理聘用手续。 2.3.2 项目部需要聘用退休人员时~应先向主体企业上报拟聘用人员的退休证明材料~由主体企业审查和确认其在原单位的管理状态。经主体企业批准~可授权项目部与聘用人员签订聘用—protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 4— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 协议。项目部临时聘用集团公司外其他法人单位的退休人员时~比照上述规定办理。 2.3.3 当约定的终止或解除条件出现时~应及时与聘用的退休人员办理终止或解除聘用手续。 3 劳务人员、劳务派遣人员管理 3.1分包企业劳务人员的日常管理以自行管理为主,集团公司各单位可委派专职人员负责监管~对劳务人员违章作业或有损集团公司利益、声誉的行为应及时制止~责令改正~对不听劝阻的~应立即向分包企业现场负责人和项目经理报告~严肃处理。 3.2劳务派遣人员受劳务派遣公司和我方的双重管理。用工单位应加强管理~实行同工同酬。 3.3各项目部应建立健全以下劳务用工基础台帐并实施动态管理: 3.3.1劳务用工管理的相关法规政策、规章制度、办法的台帐~本台帐应分类整理~按照国家有关部委、地方、股份公司、集团公司、子,分,公司、项目部予以分类。 3.3.2 分包企业、劳务派遣公司目录清单台帐。台帐内容包括:企业法人营业执照、税务登记证、建筑企业,劳务分包,资质等级证书~安全生产许可证、组织机构代码证、劳务派遣经营许可证等证照资料。 —protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 5— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 3.3.3 用工单位或经授权的项目部与分包企业、劳务派遣公司签订的劳务分包协议、劳务派遣协议台账。 3.3.4劳务人员、劳务派遣人员入场、退场台帐。台帐内容包括入场、退场时间~本人携带的简单工器具~项目相关部门、作业班组签认同意退场的记录等。 3.3.5 劳务人员、劳务派遣人员名册台帐。名册内容包括人员姓名、性别、出生年月、工种、身份证号、劳动合同期限、住址、联系方式等信息。名册按每个分包企业或劳务派遣公司分别建立。 3.3.6 分包企业或劳务派遣公司与劳务人员、劳务派遣人员签订的劳动合同复印件台帐。 3.3.7 劳务人员、劳务派遣人员特种作业操作证复印件台帐。 3.3.8 劳务人员、劳务派遣人员身份证复印件台帐。在劳务人员进场前~身份证复印件必须进行人证相符的验证工作。 3.3.9 分包企业或劳务派遣公司为劳务人员、劳务派遣人员缴纳的工伤保险或人身意外伤害保险清单台帐。 3.3.10 劳务人员、劳务派遣人员培训台帐。 3.3.11经劳务人员、劳务派遣人员本人签字确认的工资支付清单台帐。 —protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 6— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 3.3.12 劳务人员、劳务派遣人员体检台帐。 4 劳务人员、劳务派遣人员培训 4.1 各单位、各项目部必须全面贯彻“中铁一局集团有限公司员工培训管理办法”~切实抓好劳务人员、劳务派遣人员培训工作。 4.2、 对劳务人员、劳务派遣人员的各项培训必须纳入到各单位、各项目部的年度培训计划之中。 4.3 对劳务人员、劳务派遣人员的培训应重点做好上岗前的安全培训、专业技能培训~三级安全教育培训~特种作业取证、复证培训~施工防护等培训。 4.4 所有培训必须满足国家及企业有关法规和制度的要求~满足培训学时的要求~满足培训内容的要求。 4.5 项目经理部依据“项目经理部员工培训指南”和“中铁一局集团有限公司员工培训管理办法”要求~做好劳务人员、劳务派遣人员培训记录、台帐。 5 劳务人员、劳务派遣人员工资支付 5.1 各项目在支付分包企业当期分包费用时~应预留一定的比例作为劳务工工资支付保证金~在下个结算期确认上个结算期劳务人员工资全额支付后~予以返还。 5.2 劳务派遣公司的管理费及劳务派遣人员工资的计算与 —protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 7— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 支付方式按照劳务派遣协议的约定办理~劳务派遣人员的工资必须按月支付~劳务派遣公司的管理费~经双方协商~可以按月、季、年为结算周期~由用工单位或项目部支付给劳务派遣公司。 5.3 用工单位和项目部应制定劳务人员、劳务派遣人员工资发放管理办法~做好劳务人员、劳务派遣人员日常考勤监督管理工作~并依据考勤表核算、审查劳务人员、劳务派遣人员工资支付情况。劳务人员、劳务派遣人员工资发放可以由项目部现场监督分包企业或劳务派遣公司发放~也可以由项目部代发,但应取得分包企业、劳务派遣公司的代发工资书面委托,~不论何种方式~必须将经劳务人员本人签字确认并经分包企业法定代表人或委托人签字确认的工资单留存备查。 5.4 用工单位在清算分包企业、劳务派遣公司末次费用前~必须先确认其劳务人员、劳务派遣人员工资是否已全部足额发放~再进行末次费用支付。 5.5 各单位应监督检查分包企业、劳务派遣公司劳务人员、劳务派遣人员工资发放情况~确保按时、足额支付~严禁发生拖欠劳务人员、劳务派遣人员工资行为。 6 劳务派遣企业管理 6.1 各用工单位拟合作的劳务派遣企业~必须是经集团公司登记注册并在公布的合格名录中的劳务派遣企业~如发现未登记—protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 8— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 注册的劳务派遣公司在集团公司相关用工单位从事劳务派遣~集团公司将对该用工单位进行通报~情节严重的~追究领导责任。 6.2劳务派遣企业向集团公司申请准入登记时~应提供以下资料:企业法人营业执照,经营范围应包括劳务派遣等相关业务内容~其注册资本金不得少于200万元,、组织机构代码证、国家、地方税务登记证、劳务派遣经营许可证,应具备固定的办公场所及必要的办公设备,配备满足资质及公司业务需求的工作人员~包括对劳务派遣人员的工资、社保、财务、培训、劳动合同、档案、工伤事故处理等重点管理环节的管理人员,建立完整的岗位职责、清晰的内部管理流程、完善的规章制度、必备的管理台帐等。集团公司人力资源部每年度将对在合作的劳务派遣企业进行年检~及时清理管理不合格的劳务派遣企业。 6.3 以中铁一局集团企业劳动合同制员工为法定代表人或股东及各用工单位出资成立的劳务派遣公司~集团公司各用工单位不得与其建立合作关系。 7 劳务派遣用工总量及岗位要求 7.1 各单位使用的劳务派遣用工总量不得超过本单位用工总量的10%~本单位的用工总量为劳务派遣用工数量和全员劳动合同制员工之和。各单位一次使用劳务派遣人员达30人及以上的~必须报集团公司人力资源部审批~同意后方可使用。 —protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 9— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 7.2. 各单位使用劳务派遣人员必须在“临时性、辅助性、替代性”岗位使用~临时性工作岗位是指存续时间不超过六个月的岗位,辅助性工作岗位是指为主营业务岗位提供服务的非主营业务岗位,替代性工作岗位是指用工单位的员工因脱产学习、休假等原因无法工作的一定期间内~可以由其他劳动者替代工作的岗位。使用劳务派遣人员的单位~必须制定本单位的辅助岗位说明~经公司会议研究后并经职代会通过后~发布执行。 7.3劳务派遣人员劳动报酬纳入企业工资总额管理。 8 劳务派遣人员考核 8.1 用工单位和项目部应积极组织开展在用劳务派遣人员的考核工作~并指导本项目分包企业对使用的劳务人员开展考评工作。 8.2 考核原则。以实际完成工作的数量和质量为主要考核指标~定性指标与定量指标相结合~以提高劳务派遣人员的工作积极性~提高施工一线安全生产、作业效率为目标。 8.3 在施工现场~工作满六个月及以上的劳务派遣人员~列入考核范围。 8.4 对劳务派遣人员考核至少半年开展一次~有条件的项目部可实行以季度为周期的考核。 —protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 10— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 8.5 考核工作由项目部有关部门组织~作业层实体作业队负责人、班组负责人~以及分包企业作业队负责人、劳务派遣公司专职人员、班组负责人共同参与考核~具体考核权重由各用工单位或项目部自行确定。 8.6 考核要素应包括职业道德、工作态度、工作技能、完成工作数量、工作质量、遵守安全规程、工作创新、劳动纪律、持证上岗等方面~具体配分比例~由各单位自行确定~但应重点突出安全、质量、技能、创新四个方面。各用工单位、各项目部可根据自身实际情况对考核指标予以修改或增加。 8.7 考核结果分为优秀、良好、合格、不合格。考核成绩85分,含,至100分的为优秀~71分至84分的为良好~70分至60分为合格~59分及以下为不合格。各项目可根据实际情况自行制订优秀、良好、合格、不合格劳务派遣人员分段比例~一般应按正态分布掌握。 8.8 考核结果应与劳务派遣人员工资收入挂钩。考核结果为优秀或良好的应在考核工作完成后分别予以奖励~考核结果为不合格人员应予以处罚~具体奖罚比例和标准由用工单位或项目部自行确定。 8.9 年度内被考核为优秀次数超过总考核次数50%以上的劳务派遣人员~作为用工单位年终评选优秀劳务派遣人员的前提 —protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 11— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 条件~依据集团公司有关规定~可以上报集团公司通过转录机制录用为企业劳动合同制员工。 8.10 对考核不合格劳务派遣人员~项目部应根据具体情况予以清退。 8.11 各项目部要将考核为优秀和不合格劳务派遣人员名单及时上报用工单位备案。 9 劳务派遣人员、劳务人员转录 转录是指在征得劳务派遣公司和劳务派遣人员本人意愿前提下~在用工单位连续工作一定年限的优秀劳务派遣人员经用工单位考核推荐~上报相关资料~由集团公司审批~录用为中铁一局劳动合同制员工的企业用工管理制度。为便于区分转录指标和转录条件等~将劳务派遣人员分为劳务派遣生和劳务派遣工。 9.1劳务派遣生是指采用劳务派遣方式使用的全日制统招大专及以上学历应届毕业生,以下简称派遣生,~除此类人员以外的劳务派遣人员称为劳务派遣工,以下简称派遣工,。 9.2 派遣生所学专业必须与其现工作岗位专业相符合~如专业不对口~不得纳入派遣生管理。 派遣生档案由劳务派遣企业负责管理。档案管理应严格按照人事档案管理标准予以整理、装订、归档、保管~用工单位应及时将需归档资料转交劳务派遣公司。 —protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 12— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 9.3 派遣生转录条件。派遣生在施工生产一线~从事与所学专业相符、相近岗位,工种,~连续工作满2年以上~其本人身体健康~个人有转录意向~并提供由本人签字的转录申请~经考试合格、考核优秀~并满足下列条件之一的~可优先推荐上报集团公司申请转录: 9.3.1获得集团公司及以上先进生产,工作,者、劳动模范荣誉称号~或连续两年以上获得子,分,公司先进生产,工作,者荣誉称号。 9.3.2 中级及以上专业技术职称或技师及以上职业资格。 9.3.3 获得“中华技能大奖”、“全国技术能手”、“省技术状元”、“省技术能手”、“省青年岗位能手”、“中国中铁系统青年技术能手”称号的,以及集团公司级以上综合类技术技能大赛前五名~专业类技术技能大赛前三名,经集团公司备案由各子,分,公司举办的职业技能大赛的第一名。 9.3.4 担任项目部重要管理及技术岗位两年及以上的骨干~如工程部长、安质部长、测量主管、试验主任或同级别以上岗位。 9.3.5 考取由国家统一组织且集团公司认可的执业证书~并在集团公司范围内注册的。 9.4 派遣工转录条件。派遣工在施工生产一线~从事主要岗位,工种,~连续工作满3年以上~其本人身体健康~高中以 —protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 13— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 上文化程度~年龄38岁及以下~个人有转录意向~并提供由本人签字的转录申请~经考试合格、考核优秀~并满足下列条件之一的~可优先推荐上报集团公司申请转录: 9.4.1 获得集团公司及以上先进生产,工作,者、劳动模范荣誉称号~或连续两年以上获得子、分公司先进生产,工作,者称号。 9.4.2 技师及以上职业资格。 9.4.3 获得“中华技能大奖”、“全国技术能手”、“省技术状元”、“省技术能手”、“省青年岗位能手”、“中国中铁系统青年技术能手”称号的,以及集团公司级以上综合类技术技能大赛前五名~专业类技术技能大赛前三名,经集团公司备案由各子,分,公司举办的职业技能大赛的第一名。 9.5 劳务人员转录。分包企业优秀劳务人员在征得分包企业和劳务人员本人意愿前提下~也可转录。劳务人员转录的条件和程序参照劳务派遣工转录的条件和程序办理。 9.6 指标管理。优秀派遣生、派遣工、劳务人员转录指标~按照企业发展战略及员工总量控制原则~由集团公司统一下达~各单位应严格执行。 9.7 转录工作权限 集团公司人力部是劳务派遣生、派遣工和劳务人员转录工作—protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 14— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 的审批部门~任何单位不得擅自办理转录。对未按审批权限办理转录的单位~集团公司将予以通报批评~其录用人员的员工身份集团公司不予承认~由此产生的后果由录用单位自行负责。同时按照违反企业用工纪律追究有关单位主要领导和相关人员的责任。 9.8 转录工作程序、原则 9.8.1年度转录计划由人力部上报集团公司审核批准后下达各单位,对各单位上报转录的优秀派遣生、派遣工和劳务人员经集团公司总经理办公会研究批准后~由人力部办理相关录用手续。 9.8.2 转录工作必须坚持先考核、后公示、再转录的原则。对拟定的转录人员~必须经过一定程序的考核评价,具体考核办法由各单位自行制定,~经考试合格、考核优秀的转录人员~由所在单位按下达的转录指标初选出推荐人选~连同基本情况、具备的相关条件在本单位厂务公开栏公示,不少于一周,无异议后推荐上报。 9.8.3 各单位上报转录材料时~必须提供的相关资料包括个人转录申请、所在单位推荐材料、考核评价资料、本人学历证书及其他相关证书,原件及复印件,、工会和纪委监察部门联名出具的公示无异议证明、用工单位填有审核意见的《转录人员推荐 —protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 15— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 审批表》,样表附后,。 9.9 转录人员的有关待遇 9.9.1 转录人员自录用之日起按企业劳动合同制员工管理。 9.9.2 转录人员自录用之日起~由所在单位为其建立健全社会保险~享受企业福利待遇。 10 附则 10.1 本办法由集团公司人力资源部负责解释。 10.2 本办法自公布之日起执行~原劳务用工管理办法,中铁一人[2009]281号,和劳务派遣管理暂行办法 (中铁一人[2011]389号)同时废止。 —protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 16— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the 转录人员推荐审批表 姓名 性别 出生日期 身份证号 转录前身份 参加工作时间 到本单位的工作时间 毕业院校 学历 照 片 岗位(工种) 在本单位从事年限 技术职称(技能等级) 健康状况 家庭住址 联系方式 本人主要简历 本人签字: 年 月 日 基层单位(项目部)考核意见: 项目负责人签字: 基层单位(项目)盖章: 年 月 日 推荐单位意见: 主管领导签字: 人力资源部负责人签字: 单位公章: 年 月 日 集团公司审批意见: 审批部门负责人: 部门公章: 年 月 日 —protection when necessary. 4) cable cannot be introduced at the Observatory, to temporary stations, built-in cable storage box 17— can be used as a temporary station. 5) cable structure across a construction joint or joints, pipe joint protection measures should be adopted to prevent seam open and pull off the cable. 6) cables and ducting after the embedding should be clearly identified and follow-up drilling in construction (such as anchors, grouting, etc) to take the appropriate protection measures. 10.6 the contract monitoring (1) the monitoring data must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract monitoring project, measuring time, and time, and achieve "4 free" (a perfect test, leakage test, all in line with precision, notarized). If necessary, should also be based on the actual situation and the supervisor's instructions, adjust monitoring in order to ensure continuity and accuracy of monitoring data. (2) the contract period, I will work under the contract within the scope of building inspection, monitoring contract before the work begins to develop inspection bodies, lines, projects and methods, report to the supervisor for approval, shall in accordance with the progress of the construction works within the
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