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Word排版素材一Word排版素材一 德国馆 英国馆 日本馆 西班牙 澳大利亚馆 中国馆 字体格式 插入表格:自动套用格式,”网页型1” 超链 页眉页脚 插入图片,图文混排 首字下沉 图1- 1 分栏 边框和底纹 页眉图标 页脚图标 国展馆由自然景区和展馆主体组成,开放状的建筑外形轻盈而飘逸,外墙包裹德 透明的银色发光建筑膜,主体由四个头重脚轻、变形剧烈、连成整体却轻盈稳固的不规则几何体构成,阐释了“和谐城市”的主题。 穿越了一条充满典型德国都市画面的“动感隧道”后,参观者们便会踏入“和谐都市”内设...

Word排版素材一 德国馆 英国馆 日本馆 西班牙 澳大利亚馆 中国馆 字体格式 插入 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 格:自动套用格式,”网页型1” 超链 页眉页脚 插入图片,图文混排 首字下沉 图1- 1 分栏 边框和底纹 页眉图标 页脚图标 国展馆由自然景区和展馆主体组成,开放状的建筑外形轻盈而飘逸,外墙包裹德 透明的银色发光建筑膜,主体由四个头重脚轻、变形剧烈、连成整体却轻盈稳固的不规则几何体构成,阐释了“和谐城市”的主题。 穿越了一条充满典型德国都市画面的“动感隧道”后,参观者们便会踏入“和谐都市”内设计布置奇妙的体验空间。有用灯光、色彩和声响打造的“人文花园”、cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 展示德国设计产品的“发明档案馆”和“创新工厂”、展示各种德国发明的新型材料的“材料之园”。 “活力广场”是一处大厅,同时也是等候厅。这里呈坡型层层向上伸展着,透过一扇巨大的窗口及其半透明的墙外膜向外望,上海的蓝天和展馆前的小广场尽收眼底。 在等候时,我们还可以看看墙上贴挂的德国市民生活照——从德国居家的客厅到住房的外观以及街景一应俱全,让人不由产生错觉,以为置身德国的街巷。而后,在展厅尽头闪烁着一种神秘的红光,耳边还能听到一种奇特的声响,仿佛是在召唤大家。好奇心立即被调动起来,大家决心去“动力之源”寻找谜底。 “在能源中心生成一种能量,它与一座城市的生机息息相关。这里是和谐都市展馆的心脏,珍藏着德国馆的精彩亮点。”在这里,每个人都是中心人物。 踏入这个令人瞩目的锥形大厅,引人入胜的彩色投影图像充盈着空间。从回廊上可观望到大厅中正悬挂着一颗金属球。仔细观察,金属球直径达三米,外表安装了上千根发光二极管,球面上还显现出五彩斑斓的图像。 游戏开始了,大家被分为两大组。很快发现,我们能通过共同的运作以及高声呼喊,使金属球进入动态。金属球在大家的呼唤中开始来回摆动,并且幅度越来越大,呈圆周状转动,球面的色彩也越来越浓。紧接着,金属球散发出的能量放射到四周栏杆、墙壁、屋顶乃至整个大厅。 这颗球是给予这个城市真正动力以及生命的核心,而要启动这颗球则需要在场所有观众的共同努力。 伴随着它的运转,各种来自德国、以及“和谐都市”的不同影像,迅速在眼前闪现。其后,金属球又渐渐减速,直至停止摆动。接下来又会发生什么? 人们开始笼罩在绿色光环下,融洽与自然的气氛蔓延于整个大厅。上方呈现“蓝天”,金属球上显现“地球”。地球上出现了一粒象征希望的种子,种子开花了,新的生命诞生了??人们兴奋异常,仿佛全身充满了由大家共同营造的能量。 英国馆 cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 英国馆的设计是一个没有屋顶的开放式公园,展区核心“种子圣殿”外部生长有六万余根向各个方向伸展的触须。白天,触须会像光纤那样传导光线来提供内部照明,营造出现代感和震撼力兼具的空间;夜间,触须内置的光源可照亮整个建筑,使其光彩夺目。展区中的“绿色城市”、 “开放城市”、 “种子圣殿”、 “活力城市”和“开放公园”等几段参观旅程引导人们关注自然所扮演的角色,并思索如何利用自然来迎接城市面临的挑战。 6万粒种子的震撼 进入“种子圣殿”之后,参观者进会发现6万根亚克力杆的每一根里都含有不同种类、形态各异的种子。它们可能是一颗松果、一粒咖啡豆,也可能是你叫不上名字的种子„„这些种子来自英国皇家植物园和中国科学院昆明植物研究所合作的千年种子银行项目。昆明植物研究所精心挑选了890多种植物的种子,这些植物种类繁多,有观赏植物、药用植物、粮食作物、水果蔬菜、油料作物等,植物大部分来自中国,包括中国特有的珍稀植物,如珙桐、银杏等 日本馆 展馆爱称“紫蚕岛”,馆外覆盖超轻的发电膜,采用特殊环境技术,是一幢“像生命体那样会呼吸、对环境友好的建筑”。馆内通过实景再现和影像技术,展现2020年的未来城市生活,介绍日中两国的文化渊源、与自然共生的日本人生活、充满活力和时尚的日本当代城市、为解决水资源和地球环境问题而开发的先进技术,以及守护自然的市民活动。 日本馆占地面积约6000平方米,可同时容纳1800人进行参观,预计每天接待的人数约为1.7万人。走进世博园区,远远望去,日本馆犹如一个巨大的紫蚕宝宝趴在黄浦江边,极富个性的外观宛如拥有生命的生命体。展馆外观的基调色为红藤色,红藤色cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 由象征太阳的红色与象征水的蓝色交融而成,可以说是自然的颜色。展馆的外壁会随着日光的变化及夜晚的灯光变换各种“表情”,让参观者感受到一种动感。隔江相望,浦江对岸的上海民众也能一睹日本馆的风采。 亮点 节能环保 日本馆在设计上采用了环境控制技术,使得光、水、水、空气等自然资源被最大限度利用。展馆外部透光性高的双层外膜配以内部的太阳电池,可以充分利用太阳能资源,实现高效导光、发电;展馆内将使用循环式呼吸孔道等最新技术空气 机器人“乐手”拉响小提琴 参观者将能够体验未来的各项技术,如在全球范围内首次推出的搭载超高清及超望远功能的“万能相机”,它能够在拍摄视频的同时,识别笑容后自动进行摘拍;可满足老龄化社会的需求、提供“看护及医疗援助”、“家政援助”的伙伴机器人,以及拥有娴熟揉弦、拉弓技巧的会拉小提琴的机器人 概况 展馆是一座复古而创新的“藤条篮子”建筑,外墙由藤条装饰,通过钢结构支架来支撑,呈现波浪起伏的流线型。阳光可透过藤条缝隙,洒落在展馆内部。展馆内设“起源”、 “城市”、“孩子”三大展示空间。参观者宛若置身西班牙城市的街道上,感叹西班牙光辉灿烂的历史、人民的智慧和创新,品味众多知名的城市规划家、社会学家、电影工作者和艺术家共同打造的盛宴。 cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 展馆外观 西班牙国家馆为上海世博会面积最大的自建馆之一,参展规模之大也创下西班牙参加世博会的新纪录。整座建筑采用天然藤条编织成的一块块藤板作外立面,整体外形呈波浪式,看上去形似篮子。8524个藤条板不同质地颜色各异,面积将达到12000平方米,每块藤板颜色不一,它们会略带抽象地拼搭出“日”、“月”、“友”等汉字,表达设计师对中国文化的理解 亮点 藤条外墙 藤板用钢丝斜向固定,像鱼鳞一样排列,既牢固又美观。这些深浅各异的藤板都是在孔子的故乡山东制作完成的,不经过任何染色,藤条用开水煮5小时可变成棕色,煮9小时接近黑色,这就是这些藤板色彩不一的“秘诀”。 “激情西班牙”歌舞秀 上海世博会期间,西班牙馆每天都将在展馆的圆形剧场举办名为“激情西班牙”的歌舞秀。演出由西班牙著名导演、马德里著名的price马戏团总导演pere pinvol任总导演,将有五十余名来自西班牙的知名艺人参与表演。在可容纳一百人的西班牙馆圆形剧场,每天将上演两场“激情西班牙”歌舞秀,一场下午6点开始,另一场则在晚上8点开演,将演出包括ylana的哑剧、Sol Picó的现代舞、Miriam Méndes的融合了莫扎特、巴赫名曲的弗拉明戈舞,以及魔术表演、牵线木偶表演等在内的极具西班牙特色的剧目 第三展厅“孩子” 将以“西班牙国家馆的孩子”——吉祥物“米格林”的视角遥想未来生活,小米宝宝将和游客们一起畅想明日城市。 西班牙馆由“从自然到城市”、“从我们父母的城市到现在”、“从我们现在的城市到我们下一代的城市”三大空间组成。展示从远古时期的野蛮和文明到现在的变化,再到畅想未来。 cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 首先要说的是,如果你想参观的馆都是需要预约的,那么,一张票大概只能参观5个场馆/ 天,如果不是,那么可能会多些…… 如果你不想太急,那么给你推荐几个必去的场馆,当然,只是个人意见,还得看你的兴趣爱 好在哪儿~~ ?:德国馆——和谐城市 主题:“和谐城市 ” 造型亮点:悬浮于空中的建筑 展馆位置:世博园区C片区 ?:英国馆——种子圣殿 主题:“让自然走进城市” 造型亮点:“会发光的盒子” 展馆位置:世博园区C片区 门票类型 会售期(5月1日-10月31日) 指定日普通票 ,200 ?:波兰馆——剪纸艺术 指定日优惠票 ,120 平日普通票 ,160 主题:“人类创造城市” 平日优惠票 ,100 夜票 ,90 造型亮点:以民间剪纸艺术为 主题外观 展馆位置:世博园区C片区 ?:澳大利亚馆——畅想之洲 主题:“畅想之洲” 造型亮点:雕刻的弧形墙、丰富的红赭石外立面 展馆位置:世博园区B片区 ?:日本馆——紫蚕岛 cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 主题:“心之和、技之和” 造型亮点:半圆形的大穹顶,宛如一座“太空堡垒” 展馆位置:世博园区C片区 ?:西班牙馆——藤条篮子 主题:“我们世代相传的城市” 造型亮点:复古而创新的“藤条篮子” 展馆位置:世博园区C片区 ?:中国馆——东方之冠 主题:“城市发展中的中华智慧” 造型亮点:外观以“东方之冠”的构思主题,表达中国文化的精神与气质 展馆位置:世博园区A片区 看过世博中心之后可以去主题馆,那里有4个场馆,分别是城市人馆、生命馆、地球馆、公众参与馆。这几个场馆虽然都在一个建筑中,但是要分开排队,一般选择排队较少的先参观,没有必要浪费宝贵的时间。在这里要告诉大家的是,原则上园区里每个场馆都有两条参观路线,快速通道是给走马观花的游客专用,建议大家在主要场馆及各国自建馆中走慢速通道。 城市人馆中的生命?阳光馆值得一看,是世博会历史上第一座残疾人馆,志愿者和讲解员都是残疾人。地球馆里有个天桥,下面是个地球,往前继续参观你会发现地球里是个大型的球幕电影院。然后去演艺中心,东方歌舞团每天在演艺中心有两场不收费演出,大家去之前查下时间就行。 最后重点是中国馆,各个省市的参展馆都在中国馆里有展区,转完这些地方之后,可乘电梯来到49米那层。那里有几个亮点,一是周围一圈像东方明珠一样的钢化玻璃地板,脚下就是等候广场,让你 体会 针灸治疗溃疡性结肠炎昆山之路icu常用仪器的管理名人广告失败案例两会精神体会 到什么叫“高处不胜寒”。二是《清明上河图》,100多米宽,里面的人还会走动。三是由陆川执导的电影——上海世博中国馆主展影片《美的历程》。 但愿能够帮到你,但都是个人建议,关键还是要看你自己的决定~~ cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and
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