首页 北方民族大学关于在校研究生



北方民族大学关于在校研究生北方民族大学关于在校研究生 兼任“三助”工作的补充规定(试行) 为提高研究生的综合素质和实际工作能力~充分发挥研究生在学校科研、教学、管理工作中的作用~进一步加强全日制研究生“三助”工作的规范管理~根据校办发[2008]19号文件《北方民族大学关于在校研究生兼任“三助”工作的规定,试行,》~特做此补充规定。 一、岗位设置及申报时间 ,一,岗位设置条件 以下情况可设立相应的“三助”岗位。 助教岗位:本教研室教师教学任务基本饱和、其授课班级为两个行政班,或选课学生超过80人,以上的教师, 助管岗位:本单位...

北方民族大学关于在校研究生 兼任“三助”工作的补充规定(试行) 为提高研究生的综合素质和实际工作能力~充分发挥研究生在学校科研、教学、管理工作中的作用~进一步加强全日制研究生“三助”工作的 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 管理~根据校办发[2008]19号文件《北方民族大学关于在校研究生兼任“三助”工作的规定,试行,》~特做此补充规定。 一、岗位设置及申报时间 ,一,岗位设置条件 以下情况可设立相应的“三助”岗位。 助教岗位:本教研室教师教学任务基本饱和、其授课班级为两个行政班,或选课学生超过80人,以上的教师, 助管岗位:本单位工作量大、人员缺编的全校各院、部及行政部门, 助研岗位:承担科研项目,包括纵向及横向项目,的导 师。 ,二,岗位设置程序 研究生处根据每年学校批准的“三助”经费总量安排“三助”岗位数~并根据各培养单位的实际在校全日制研究生人数~核定各学院,部,可参加“三助”工作的研究生人数。 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three 助教、助管岗位为一学期一设~流动管理,助研岗位由设岗教师自定自批。岗位设置必须明确岗位工作目标、岗位职责、聘用时限及考核办法。其设置程序如下: 1.由设岗部门填写《北方民族大学研究生“三助”工作岗位设岗申请表》,附件一,, 2.院、部、处、所初审~并签署意见, 3.研究生处审核各单位提交的岗位设置 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ~签署意见后将设岗表及批准的设岗方案反馈回设岗单位,并通过校园网公布“三助”岗位、应聘条件及要求、岗位报酬、工作量等信息。 ,三,岗位申报时间:每年5月和11月接受下学期的申请。 二、岗位职责 助教工作:在主讲教师的指导下~完成包括听课、辅导答疑、上实验, 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,课、批改作业,实验报告,、辅助指导课程设计和毕业设计、辅带教学实习,生产实习,、收集整理教学资料、了解教学信息等各个环节的任务。 助管工作:在处,室,领导下~从事处,室,管理、建设工作,包括文件、资料的收集、整理~文字处理等,。在院、部党支部的领导下~担任兼职辅导员或辅导员助理等学生管理方面的工作。 助研工作:在导师和教研室的指导下~从事科研项目研practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three 究。 三、聘用办法 ,一,应聘者条件 应聘者必须是思想品德良好~学习成绩优良~责任心强~有一定工作能力的全日制脱产研究生。 ,二,聘用办法 研究生处在每年6月和12月反馈设岗方案~公布岗位。应聘者可根据公布的“三助”岗位~填写《北方民族大学研究生“三助”申请表》,附件二,提出申请~经导师同意、院部初审后~方可供设岗部门选择。 各设岗部门在收到研究生处批准的设岗方案后~应按有关规定公开招聘上岗人选。人选确定后~由用人单位报研究生处备案。 每位研究生每学期只能应聘一个“三助”岗位~同等条件下优先考虑家庭经济困难者。工资由原单位发放的委托培养研究生和定向培养研究生原则上不能申请兼任“三助”岗位。 四、“三助”管理 研究生“三助”工作的规划、组织、实施由研究生处负责。用人单位必须对受聘者加强管理~严格考核~要安排具体教师予以指导~经常了解受聘研究生的工作情况。聘期结束后~各设岗单位要组织对研究生履行岗位职责情况的考practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three 评。考评程序包括指导教师评估、研究生自评、学生对研究生 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 等~各设岗单位将考评结果汇总~认真填写《北方民族大学“三助”考核表》,附件三,~上报研究生处备案。 对不能很好的履行岗位职责~不胜任工作~出现教学、管理事故者应及时解聘。被解聘者不能享受岗位津贴~不得再应聘其他“三助”岗位。 五、酬金发放办法 研究生“三助”岗位津贴按类计发: 1.助教岗位按担任课程的计划学时计酬~酬金 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 为15元/学时~每周不得超过6学时~从学校专项经费中支出。 2.助管岗位按月工作量计酬~酬金标准为300元/月~从学校专项经费中支出。 3.助研岗位酬金标准由研究生导师参照《北方民族大学关于在校研究生兼任“三助”工作的规定,试行,》,校办发[2008]19号文件,酌定~经研究生处和科研处审核后~从其科研项目经费中开支~按劳务费发放。 研究生“三助”岗位津贴按每学期5个月计发~每学期末考核结束后统一发放。 六、本规定自颁布之日起实施~解释权归研究生处。 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three 附件一 北方民族大学研究生“三助”工作岗位设岗申请表 填表日期: 年 月 日 部 门 名 称 岗 位 数 量 工作量辅导 序号 岗 位 名 称 岗位职责(工作内容) 岗位要求 (每周) 教师 1 2 3 , 可加宽或增行, 4 设岗单位意见: 研究生处意见: 签章: 签章: 年 月 日 年 月 日 备注:1.此表格为设岗部门申请“三助”岗位填写,所设岗位为固定岗位; 2.聘用对象为全日制在校研究生; 3.设岗部门必须在提出设岗申请并获得批准后方可聘用研究生; 4.设岗部门负责对从事“三助”工作研究生的考核; 5.此表格作为在设岗部门设立“三助”岗位的依据,一式两份,一份由设岗单位留存,一份报研究生处审核,申请时间为每年5月、11月。 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three 附件二 北方民族大学研究生“三助”申请表 姓名 性别 学号 学院 专业 研究 联系电话 方向 申请 起讫时间 岗位 申请 岗位 理由 申请人签名 年 月 日 每周星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 可工 上午 下午 上午 下午 上午 下午 上午 下午 上午 下午 作时 间 导师 意见 签字 年 月 日 所在 院部 意见 签字 (盖章) 年 月 日 研究 生处 意见 签字 (盖章) 年 月 日 设岗 单位 意见 签字 (盖章) 年 月 日 注:1、本表由申请人填写(一式三份,一份由研究生本人保存,一份设岗单位保存,一份交研究生处备案)。 2、设岗时优先考虑家庭经济困难的研究生,设岗单位意见为“聘用”或“不聘用”。 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three 附件三 北方民族大学研究生从事“三助”工作考核表 姓名 性别 学号 年级及专业 所在院(部) 研究方向 联系电话 从事“三助” 设岗部门 岗位名称 “三助”岗位 的工作内容 及完成情况 研究生签字 年 月 日 设岗部门对 研究生完成 工作情况的 考核意见 负责人签字 设岗部门(盖章) 年 月 日 研究生所在 院(部)意见 负责人签字 院部(盖章) 年 月 日 研究生处 意见 负责人签字 研究生处(盖章) 年 月 日 备注 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three
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