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必修四unit4必修四unit4 专业中小学课外辅导机构 个 性 化 教 学 设 教 案 授课时间:2014年5月16日( 10:00-12:00) 备课时间:2014年5月15日 年级:高一 学科:英语 课时:2 学生姓名: 何俊霖 课题授课教师: 王老师 Unit4 Body language 名称 教学1.掌握本单元重点单词的短语 目标 2.掌握语法填空解题技巧 教学1.重点单词和短语的用法 重点 2.语法填空的技巧 难点 语法填空 Unit1 (1) Jane Goodall, a famous w...

必修四unit4 专业中小学课外辅导机构 个 性 化 教 学 设 教 案 授课时间:2014年5月16日( 10:00-12:00) 备课时间:2014年5月15日 年级:高一 学科:英语 课时:2 学生姓名: 何俊霖 课 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 授课教师: 王老师 Unit4 Body language 名称 教学1.掌握本单元重点单词的短语 目标 2.掌握语法填空解题技巧 教学1.重点单词和短语的用法 重点 2.语法填空的技巧 难点 语法填空 Unit1 (1) Jane Goodall, a famous woman scientist, 1 has studied chimps for many years--helps people understand how 2 they behave like humans. Nobody before has fully understood chimp behavior. Jane spent many years 3 (observe) and recording their daily activities. She did not study at a university but she was determined to work 4__animals in their own environment. When she arrived 5 Gombe in 1960, it was unusual for a woman to live in the forest. Only 6 her mother came to help her for the first months was she allowed to begin her project. Her work changed the way people think about chimps, and she has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect 7_life of these animals. She has achieved everything she wanted to do: 教 working with animals in their 8 environment, gaining a doctor’s degree for study, showing 9___ woman can live in the forest as men can. She inspires 10 , who want to cheer the achievements 学 of women. 过 Unit 1 (2) th Lin Qiaozhi lived in the early 20 century 1 was a specialist 2 women’s diseases and 程 worked hard for many years in 3___ (cut) the death rate of the babies. It 4__ have been difficult for a woman to get a medical training so long ago 5___ women’s education was always 6 (place) second to men’s. Was she so much clever than anyone else? No, it was her hard work and determination as 7 as her good nature that had got her to enter a medical school. But it was not her success at university that had made her famous. It was her kindness and the 8___(consider) she showed to all her patients. There was story after story of 9 Lin Qiaozhi, tired after a day’s work, went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not 10 her. 第 1 页 共 4 页 专业中小学课外辅导机构 Unit 2 (1) Yuan Longping is the father of super hybrid rice. Dr. Yuan 1.______ (born) in Beijing in 1930. 2.______ he graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953, he has devoted his life to 3.______ (find) ways to grow more and more rice. He searched 4.___ a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of fields. Thanks 5.____ his research, the UN is trying to rid the world 6.____ hunger. Dr Yuan regards 7_____ (him) as a farmer, 8.____ cares little 9._____ spending the money on himself or 10._____( lead) a comfortable life. Unit 2 (2) Organic farming refers 1.__ crops growing with natural 2.___than chemical fertilizers. When farmers use natural fertilizers, they keep the air, soil and water as 3.__ as the food supply free 4.___ chemicals. Besides, organic farmers insist 5.___ (change) crops every two or three years, 6.___ will put the minerals back into the soil. Some organic farmers prefer planting grass 7._ crops to prevent wind or water 8.___(carry) away the soil. Unit3 (1) Charlie Chaplin was a famous actor. His charming character The Little Tramp is well known (1) the world. This character was a social (2) (fail), but many people like it for his determination in (3) (overcome) difficulties and being kind (4) when people were unkind to him. His another famous film was The Gold Rush, (5) was set in California in the middle of (6) nineteenth century when gold was discovered and thousands of people rushed there in search (7) it. Chaplin and his friend went there too. But they were not (8) (fortune) enough to find any. Instead they 9____________ (catch) on the edge of a mountain in a snowstorm in a wooden house, (10) they have nothing to eat. Unit 3(2) 1st April is a day to be careful, or you could easily get tricked by someone. It’s April Fool’s Day, a day 1__ people traditionally like to try to make a fool of someone else and laugh 2___ them. There are lots of theories 3__ (surround) the origins of the day, but one explanation is connected with the change in the calendar in the 16th century, which meant that 1st April was no longer the 4__ (begin) of the year. Those 5___ still celebrated the New Year on 1st April were called fools. So what kind of tricks do people play on April Fool’s Day? Well, there are lots of simple tricks that you can play 6 __ your friends. And there’s also a tradition of large companies 7__ (attempt) to fool a lot of people. For example a burger restaurant once claimed that they were introducing a left-handed burger! In 8__, the media often try to make people believe something which is not true. Newspapers publish some ridiculous stories every year, 9_ some of them are actually true. It’s _10__ (entertain) to try to guess which stories are true and which are fake. 第 2 页 共 4 页 专业中小学课外辅导机构 Unit 4 (1) Last week, I__1____(send) to meet business people __2___(come) from several countries, __3__ are interested in the development of business in China. The four people entered the major hotel looking round _4__ a curious way. I introduced them __5__ each other and surprised _6__ what I saw. Mr Garcia approached Ms Smith, touched her shoulder and kissed her on __7__cheek. I saw her step back __8__(appear) surprised and take a few steps away from Mr Garcia. When the Japanese visitor bowed to Mr Cook, __9__Canadian, Mr Cook reached his hand ___10___ to him and as a result touched the nose of the Japanese __11__ accident. Different peoples have different cultures and then use different body languages to communicate. What we Chinese __12__ (usual) do when we meet is not always __13__ same as the greetings of foreigners from Europe , Africa or western countries. In order to avoid __14___ ( misunderstand) by others, __15_ (be) familiar with the body language of your foreign friends seems to be very important to us now. Unit 4 (2) Body language is sometimes more important than spoken language. You might frown and turn your back to someone to show anger. 1__ you close your hand and shake it 2____someone, you are threatening that person. A smile is intended 3___ put people at ease. It doesn’t 4__ mean that you are happy, however, a smile can hide other feelings, 5__anger, fear or worry. In some countries, 6__ (nod) your head up and down shows agreement, 7__ shaking the head means that you don’t agree., or 8____ you refuse to do something. There are differences in body language and much attention should 9___(pay). In Asian and South American countries, children 10___ (teach) that looking directly at an adult is not good behavior. 11__, some teachers in North America punish students 12__ don’t look them in 13_ eye because they think they are not telling the truth. We can often be wrong 14__ each other, so it is an 15__ (amaze) thing that we understand each other as well as we do! Unit 1 (1) 1.who 2.much 3.observing 4.with 5.at6.after 7.the 8. own 9.that10.those (2) 1.who2.in 3. cutting 4. must 5 when 6.placed 7.well 8.consideration 9.how 10.pay Unit 2 (1) 1.was born 2.since 3.finding 4.for 5. to 6.of 7.himself 8.who 9.about 10. leading (2) 1.to 2.rather 3.well 4.from 5.on changing 6.which 7. between 8. from carrying Unit 3(1) 1.throughout /around 2.failure 3.overcoming 4.even 5.which 6.the 7.of 8.fortunate 9.were caught 10.where (2)1.when 2 at 3. surrounding 4.beginning 5. who 6.on 7. attempting 8. particular 9. although 10. Entertaining Unit 4(1) 1. was sent 2. coming 3. who 4 .in 5. To 6. by/at 7. The 8. appearing 9. a 10. out 11. by 12. usually 13. the 14. being misunderstood 15. being (2) 1. If 2. at 3. to 4. Always 5. like 6. nodding 7. while 8. that 9. be paid 10. are taught 11. However 12. who 13.the 14. about 15. amazing 第 3 页 共 4 页 专业中小学课外辅导机构 课 1.背单词和短语 后 作 2.做语法填空题 业 学员掌握情况: 课 课后小评: 后 记 教师建议: 教学主任签字: 第 4 页 共 4 页
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