首页 固定期限劳动合同与无固定期限劳动合同的区别(英文对照)



固定期限劳动合同与无固定期限劳动合同的区别(英文对照)固定期限劳动合同与无固定期限劳动合同的区别(英文对照) 固定期限劳动合同与无固定期限劳动合同的区别 Differences between Fixed-term Labor Contract and Unfixed-term Labor Contract 《劳动合同法》为保证劳动合同的长 期化强调了无固定期限劳动合同的制定在广大的用人单位和劳动者范围内引起了很 大的震动。 To guarantee the implementation of the long-term-labor- contract syste...

固定期限劳动 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 与无固定期限 劳动合同 劳动合同书模板免费下载企业劳动合同范本下载劳动合同 doc 下载劳动合同法下载劳动合同模板可下载 的区别(英文对照) 固定期限劳动合同与无固定期限劳动合同的区别 Differences between Fixed-term Labor Contract and Unfixed-term Labor Contract 《劳动合同法》为保证劳动合同的长 期化强调了无固定期限劳动合同的制定在广大的用人单位和劳动者范围内引起了很 大的震动。 To guarantee the implementation of the long-term-labor- contract system the Labor Contract Law emphasizes on the conclusion of the unfixed-term labor contracts which causes a great perplexity among the employers and employees. 无固定期限劳动 合同真的是洪水猛兽真的那么可怕吗 Is the unfixed-term labor contract really like a great scourge Is it really so terrible 本文希望通过固定期限劳动合同、无固定期限劳动 合同的解除和终止条件和责任的比较说明无固定期限劳动合同与固定期限劳动合同 的差别揭示无固定期限劳动合同的本质。 This text intends to explain the differences between the fixed-term labor contract and the unfixed-term labor contract to reveal the nature of the unfixed-term labor contract through the comparison of the conditions and liabilities of premature termination and termination of the two kinds of the labor contracts. 1、用人单位解除劳动合同条件的差别 Differences of the Conditions for Prematurely Terminating the Labor Contract by the Employer 1.1用人单位解除固定期限劳动合同 的条件 Conditions under which the Employer could Prematurely Terminate the Fixed-term Labor Contract 根据劳动合同法的规定固定期限劳动合同下劳动合同可 因满足如下条件时被解除 The fixed-term labor contract may be prematurely terminated by the employer due to one of the following conditions in accordance with the Labor Contract Law: 1.1.1用人单位与劳动者协商一致的 The employer and worker make a mutual agreement upon premature termination 1.1.2、用人单位因劳动者过错解 除包括: The employer prematurely terminates the contract due to the default of the employee including: a劳动者在试用期间被证明不符合录用条件的 It has been proved that the employee does not satisfy the recruitment requirements during the probation period b劳动者严重违反用人单位的规章制度的 The employee is in serious violation of the bylaws of the employer c劳动者严重失职营私舞弊给用人单位造成重大损害的 The worker causes severe damage to the employer due to his grave negligence to his duties or seeking private benefits d劳动者同时与其他用人单位建立劳动关系对完成本 单位的工作任务造成严重影响或者经用人单位提出拒不改正的 The employee establishes labor relationship with other employer at the same time which may cause serious negative influence on the fulfillment of his works designated by the employer or the employee refuses to make a correction after the employer has required him to quit the other labor relation with other employer e劳动者以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危使 用人单位在违背真实意思情况下订立或者变更劳动合同致使劳动合同无效的 The labor contract is invalidated because it is concluded or amended under the fraud menace from the employee or under the employer’s precarious position of which the employee take the advantage which is contrary to the employer’s true will. f劳动者被依法追究刑 事责任的。 The employee is prosecuted for the criminal liabilities. 1.1.3、用人单位因 法定原因解除包括 The employer prematurely terminates the contract due to the legal causes including: a劳动者患病或者非因工负伤在规定的医疗期满后不能从事原工作 也不能从事由用人单位另行安排的工作的 The employee falls ill or is injured for a non-work-related reason and is not able to bear the original position after the expiration of the medical treatment period as prescribed nor can he assume any other position arranged by the employer b劳动者不能胜任工作经过培训或者调整工作岗位仍不能胜 任工作的 The employee is incapable of fulfilling his job and remains so after trained or position adjusted c劳动合同订立时所依据的客观情况发生重大变化致使劳动合同无 法履行经用人单位与劳动者协商未能就变更劳动合同内容达成 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 的 The objective circumstance on which the conclusion of the labor contract is based has altered significantly which results in that the labor contract is unable to be performed and no agreement concerning the modification of contents of the labor contract is reached after discussion by the employer and the employee d用人单位依照企业破产法规定进行重整 的 The employer is under revitalization in accordance with the bankruptcy law e用人单 位生产经营发生严重困难的 The employer faces serious difficulties in production and business operation f企业转产、重大技术革新或者经营方式调整经变更劳动合同后仍 需裁减人员的 The employer has changed products made significant technological renovation or adjusted the form of business operation which results in the requirement to cut down the number of workers even after altering the labor contracts g其他因劳动合同 订立时所依据的客观经济情况发生重大变化致使劳动合同无法履行的。 The objective economic circumstance on which the labor contract is based has altered significantly which causes the labor contract can not be performed any more. 1.2用人单 位解除无固定期限劳动合同的条件 Conditions under which the Employer could Prematurely Terminate the Unfixed-term Labor Contract 根据劳动合同法的规定在满 足上述1.1.1至1.1.3条件的情况下用人单位也可以解除劳动者的无固定期限劳动合 同。也就是说无固定期限劳动合同和固定期限劳动合同下用人单位解除的条件是一 致的。 According to the Labor Contract Law the employer may also prematurely terminate the unfixed-term labor contract under any circumstance as mentioned in Article 1.1.1 to 1.1.3. That is for an employer to prematurely terminate the labor contract either it is a fixed-term labor contract or it is a unfixed-term labor contract the conditions are totally the same. 2、用人单位解除劳动合同的限制条件 Limitations of Prematurely Terminating the Labor Contract by the Employer 根据劳动合同法的规定如果劳动者 有下列情形之一用人单位不得根据上述1.1.3的规定解除劳动者的劳动合同无论是固 定期限的还是无固定期限的 In accordance with the Labor Contract Law in case of any of the following circumstances of an employee the employer can not prematurely terminate the employee’s labor contract according to the fore-mentioned provisions of 1.1.3 whatever it is a fixed-term labor contract or an unfixed-term labor contract: a、从事 接触职业病危害作业的劳动者未进行离岗前职业健康检查或者疑似职业病病人在诊 断或者医学观察期间的 The employee who conducts the job exposing him to occupational disease hazards has not gone through an occupational health check before leaving his position or is suspected of having an occupational disease and is under diagnoses or medical observation b、在本单位患职业病或者因工负伤并被确认丧失或 者部分丧失劳动能力的 During his employment with the employer the employee has suffered occupational disease or injury relating to his job and has been confirmed as lost or partially lost his capacity to work c、患病或者非因工负伤在规定的医疗期内的 The employee is suffering from illness or is being injured irrelevant to his job and the period of medical treatment as prescribed therefore has not expired d、女职工在孕期、产期、 哺乳期的 The female employee is in her pregnancy confinement or nursing period e、在 本单位连续工作满十五年且距法定退休年龄不足五年的 The employee has been working for the employer for 15 years or more continuously and is less than five years away from his legal retirement age f、法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。 Other circumstances as prescribed by laws or administrative regulations occur. 也就是说固定 期限劳动合同和无固定期限劳动合同项下用人单位解除的限制条件是完全相同的。 That is to say the limitations of prematurely termination the fixed-term labor contract and the unfixed-term labor contract by the employer are consistent with each other. 3、劳动合 同终止条件 Conditions of the Terminating Labor Contract 3.1固定期限劳动合同的终 止条件 Conditions of terminating the fixed-term labor contract: a、劳动合同期满的 The term of the labor contract expires b、劳动者开始依法享受基本养老保险待遇的 The employee has begun to enjoy the basic old-age insurance treatments c、劳动者死亡 或者被人民法院宣告死亡或者宣告失踪的 The employee is deceased or is dead or missing as announced by the people’s court d、用人单位被依法宣告破产的 The employer is announced as bankruptcy according to law e、用人单位被吊销营业执照、 责令关闭、撤销或者用人单位决定提前解散的 The business license of the employer is revoked or the employer is ordered to close down or is discharged or the employer determines to carry out liquidation before the schedule f、法律、行政法规规定的其他情 形。 Other circumstances as prescribed by laws or administrative regulations occur. 3.2 无固定期限劳动合同的终止条件 Conditions of terminating the unfixed-term labor contract 除基于无固定期限劳动合同没有届满时间无法因期满而终止外无固定期限 劳动合同可因上述3.1a-f的原因终止。 The unfixed-term labor contract may be terminated due to the reasons as mentioned by article 3.1 b-f excluding the reason of expiration of the term of the fixed-term contract since the unfixed-term labor contract has no expiration term. 4、解除和终止劳动合同的法律责任 Legal Liabilities of Premature Termination and Termination of the Labor Contract 4.1 支付经济补偿金 Pay the economic compensation 劳动合同法规定无固定期限劳动合同和固定期限劳动合同 项下有下列情形之一的用人单位应当向劳动者支付经济补偿 In accordance with the Labor Contract Law in case of any of the following circumstances the employer shall make an economic compensation to the employee either under the unfixed-term labor contract or under the fixed-term labor contract: a、用人单位向劳动者提出解除劳动合 同并与劳动者协商一致解除劳动合同的 The employer prematurely terminates the labor contract through mutual consent with the employee b、用人单位因1.1.3所列的原 因解除劳动合同的 The employer prematurely terminates the labor contract due to the legal causes as described in article 1.1.3 c、因用人单位被依法宣告破产或被吊销营业 执照、责令关闭、撤销或者用人单位决定提前解散终止劳动合同的 The employer terminates the labor contract due to the employer is announced as bankruptcy according to law or its business license is revoked or it is ordered to close down or is discharged or it determines to go to liquidation before the schedule d、法律、行政法规规定的其他情 形。 Other circumstances as prescribed in laws or administrative regulations happen. 4.2固定期限劳动合同到期终止时支付经济补偿金 Pay the economic compensation on the expiration of the fixed-term labor contract 除用人单位维持或者提高劳动合同约定 条件续订劳动合同劳动者不同意续订的情形外用人单位因劳动合同期满终止固定期 限劳动合同的用人单位应当向劳动者支付经济补偿。 When the fixed-term labor contract expires the employer shall make an economic compensation to the employee expect that the employee disagrees to renew the labor contract even though the conditions offered by the employer are the same as or better than those stipulated in the current contract 4.3违法解除或终止的后果 Liability for illegal premature termination or termination 用人单位违反劳动合同法规定解除或者终止劳动合同的无论是固定期 限劳动合同还是无固定期限劳动合同均应当依照劳动合同法规定的经济补偿标准的 二倍向劳动者支付赔偿金。 Where the employer illegally prematurely terminates or terminates a labor contract either a fixed-term labor contract or a unfixed-term labor contract the employer shall pay the employee at the rate of twice of the economic compensations according to the Labor Contract Law. 通过上述解除条件、解除限制、 终止条件、解除和终止责任的比较我们可以发现除了固定期限劳动合同可以因劳动 合同期满而终止这项差别外就劳动合同的解除和终止而言固定期限劳动合同和无固 定期限劳动合同没有其他差别。劳动合同法强调无固定期限劳动合同的订立并非是 要为劳动者提供打不碎的铁饭碗只是为了推进劳动合同的长期化鼓励用人单位与劳 动者订立长期的劳动合同维持稳定的劳动关系。 Through the comparison of the premature termination conditions the limitation of premature termination the termination conditions and the liabilities of premature termination and termination of the labor contracts we can find that there are no other differences of premature termination and termination between the fixed-term labor contract and the unfixed-term labor contract except that the fixed-term labor contract may be terminated due to the expiration. The emphasis on the conclusion of the unfixed-term labor contract by the Labor Contract Law is just aimed to promote the long-term-labor-contract to encourage the employer to enter into a longer labor contract with the employee and to maintain the steady labor relationship not aimed to provide to the employee a lifelong secured job. 注此文章由方 本律师事务所提供
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