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英语翻译题目[详细讲解]英语翻译题目[详细讲解] 1. 晚宴后我们正往家走,突然发生了事故。(head) We were heading home after the party when the accident happened. 6.他答应来参加晚会的,但是整个晚上他都没有出现。(show up) He had promised to come to the party, but he didn't show up the whole night. 7.我们现在最好不要打扰他们,让他们自己解决问题。 (leave..al...

英语翻译 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 目[详细讲解] 1. 晚宴后我们正往家走,突然发生了事故。(head) We were heading home after the party when the accident happened. 6.他答应来参加晚会的,但是整个晚上他都没有出现。(show up) He had promised to come to the party, but he didn't show up the whole night. 7.我们现在最好不要打扰他们,让他们自己解决问题。 (leave..alone) We'd better leave them alone and let them sole their own problems. 8.如果你言行不一,人们很快会发现你不是个可以信任的人。 (match) If you actions do not match your words, people will soon find you are a person that cannot be trusted. 9.我知道你不喜欢来参加晚宴,但还是努力遵守惯例 (custom),对主人彬彬有礼吧(effort) I know you didn't like to come to the dinner party, but please make an effort to follow the custom and be polite to the host. 10.如果我们能按时赶到机场,那将是个奇迹。(miracle) It'll be a miracle if we get to the airport in time. 11.他宁愿不让别人知道他的过去。(keep..to oneself) He would rather keep his past to himself. 12.机长(captain)宣布飞机就要着陆了。(announce) The captain announced that the plane was going to land. 13.这个 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 有优点(strength)也有缺点。(weakness) The plan has both strengths and weaknesses. 14.他们为了儿女尽力维持着婚姻。(for one's sake) They tried to keep their marriage together for the sake of their daughter. 15.昨天下午的大雨使网球赛中断了一个小时。(interrupt) Heavy rain interrupted the tennis game for an hour yesterday afternoon. 16.这一仗(battle)使这场战争终告结束。(bring... To an end) The battle finally brought the war to an end. 17.有些人重视理论和规则,但是有些人重视实践和技巧。 (value) Some people value theory and rules, while others value practice and skills. 18.她是我唯一指望能说出真相的人。(rely on) She is the only person I can rely on to tell the truth. 19.他们之间的关系是建立在新人和理解的基础上的。(trust) Their relationship is based on trust and understanding. 16汤姆明天一早动身前往伦敦。(leave...to) Tom will be leavwing for London early tomorrow morning. 17.孩子们没有在通常的实践放学回家,妈妈很为他们的安全 担心。(be concerned about) The children's mother was concerned about their safety when they didn't come back from school at the usual time. 18.他不在那列火车上,令我大失所望。(disappointment) To my great disappointment, he was not on the train. 19.听到那个笑话,我们不禁大笑起来。(can't help doing) We can't help laughing when hearing the joke. 20.只要你答应归还,你就可以把这 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 借走。(as long as) You may borrow this book as long as you promise to give it back. 21不要为一次失去的机会而哭泣。抓住下一个。(lost) Don't cry over a lost opportunity, Take the next one. 22.你愿意就我刚才所说的再做补充吗?(add..to ) Would you like to add anything to what i have said? 23.我明白这事对你有利,但对我有何好处呢(benefit) I can see this is goof for you,but how will I benefit? 24.在我们感到紧张的时候,体力锻炼可以让我们放松。 (relaxation) Physical exercises can result in relaxation when we feel nervous. 25.她通过了考试,作为奖励,父母给她买了一辆新自行车 (reward) She passed the exam. As a reward, her parents bought her a new bike. 26.充分利用这个机会,否则你会后悔的。(take advantage of ; otherwise) Take full advantage of the chance, otherwise you'll regret it. 27.他认为这部影片不应获得这样的大奖。(unworthy) He tought this film was unworthy of such a great award. 28.新工作责任重大,让她忧心忡忡。(weigh on) The responsibility of her new job weighs heavily on her. 29.他没有看出第一页中有个拼写错误。(overlook) He overlooked a spelling error on the first page. 30.我忘了他的名i,不过也许过一会我会想起来。(come to) I have forgotten his name,but maybe it'll come to me later. 31.萨丽年仅24岁时就创办了自己的公司。(start) Sally started her own business when she was only 24. 32.由于担心父亲的神奇,他们都尽量呆在他身边。(stay close to) They have tried their best to stay close to their father,because they are worried about his health. 33.要克服一个根深蒂固的习惯是很难的。(rooted) It is very difficult to get rid of a deep-rooted habit. 34.如光和新鲜空气对身体健康是同样必不可少的。(no less...than) Sunlight is no less necessary than fresh air to health. 35.该地区正致力于开发旅游资源。(develop) This district is making great efforts to develop its travel resources. 36.你想要我们做什么,(have.. In mind) What do you have in mind for us to do, 37.上班时间禁止吸烟。(forbid) Smoking is forbidden during office hours. 38.他非常想念他的女朋友,正想办法见她。(seek) He misses his girlfriend very much and is seeking a way to see her. 39.我通宵在写那份 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 。(work on) I worked all night on that report. 40.他深知她无意采取进一步措施去惩罚那些学生。(go further) He knew very well that she had no intention to go any further to punish those students. 41.她希望能从这次经历中受益。(profit) She hopes to profit from the experience. 42.你离开时要确保教室的门窗都关好了。(see that) When you leave the classroom, see that the doors and windows are closed. 43.我们向友谊商店订购了200件衬衫。(place) We placed an order with Friendship Store for 200 shirts. 44.他的结论是建立在大量的实验之上的(base on) His conclusion is based on a great number of experiments. 45.这个计划是帮助员工完成他们的销售目标。(target) The plan is helping the staff to achieve their sales target. 46.最重要的艺术珍品(art treasures)没有遭到严重毁坏。 (escape; damage) The most important artistic treasures have escaped serious damage. 47.这些食物足够100个客人吃饱了。(sufficient) The food here is sufficient for one hundred guests. 48.年轻人有时抱怨无法与父母沟通思想。(communicate with) Young people sometimes complain of not being able to communicate with their parents. 49.这些销售人员都是20多岁的年轻人。(in one's 20s) These salesmen are young people in their 20s. 50.大厦后面有一个专为高级职员开设的停车场。(staff) There is a special car park for the senior staff behind the building. 1.It's about time we head/were heading home. 2.He's still as cheerful as ever in spite of all his disappointments. 3.It's a great honour for us to have Dr.Johnson here today. 4.He was showered with compliments on his excellent performance. 5.He had very little in common with his sister,except that both are too proud. 6.We all said they were a perfect match. However, their marriage did not last long. 7.The mother made a great effort to bring up her son after the death of her husband. 8.The traditional role of women is a housewife,taking care of the house and the children. 9.I kept looking at my watch, but she couldn't take the hint, and it was after midnight before she left. 10.We worried about the young students who indulged in computer games day and night. 11.Their anger is understandable, given what happened. 12.Mr.Laurence is a true professional in the field of insurance. 13.He hoped to win back his wife's love. 14.For the first time he felt unsure of his ability when he lost the game. 15.He pretend not to know that she was cheating him. 16.She feels great sympathy for those homeless children. 17.Kevin lacks a willingness to try new things. 18.Showing a little modesty is helpful to your social communication. 19.The present situation cannot be allowed to go on anymore. 20.The new director organize the team into four groups. 21.This boat sails back and forth between the two towns. 22.In my judgment, we should trust him because he has never deceived anyone. 23.The famous movie star rarely showed herself in public. 24.The workers decided to negotiate with their employer about their wage. 25.He didn't like music.But his father forced him to practice playing piano every morning. 26.When I went downstairs I met face to face with his mother. 27.We must coordinate our efforts to help the flood victims. 28.I read the report over and over till I almost knew it by heart. 29.Government troops crossed over the great valley in the cold winter. 30.The company is reducing its dependence on foreign markets. 31.This streets were decorated with flags. 32.I want the report printed right away, please. 33.The children's cheeks glow from the cold. 34.Our roof was torn off by the hurricane. 35.He stuffed the handkerchief into his pocket. 36.All the work should be finished prior to the deadline. 37.He has never been concerned about what other people think of him. 38.The old man cherish the girl as if she were his daughter. 39.You can go out, as long as you promise to come back before 11o'clock. 40.The shop assistant offered to wrap the shoes, but i wanted to wear them at once. 41.They would not think of us as friends if we did that. 42.This term is coming to the end and we are preparing for the final examinations. 43.The students of the class vary in age from 20to36. 44.Everybody knows that the good will be rewarded and the bad be punished. 45.Your pictures are so good. You should take up painting as a career. 46.The illness is hard to deal with because it does not follow its usual pattern. 47.If you made a false statement to the police, you would be in trouble. 48.He plays the piano for a while everyday. It's one of his favoriterelaxation. 49.Scientists have done countless experiments to show that praise works better than criticism. 50.The picture given by the travel agency was misleading, not showing that the hotel was next to a noisy street. 51.Mary exercises by playing badminton twice a week. 52.The course allows students to progress at their own pace. 53.Most people are aware of the dangers of drinking and driving. 54.There is a seemingly endless choice of TV channels. 55.He had a feeling that life was passing him by. 56.They selected some random samples to test. 57.She was pretty embarrass when she sneezed in public. 58.As we rounded the corner, we could see that the house was n fire. 59.An inspection of the building revealed faults that might otherwise have been overlooked. 60.It would be foolish to discount the possibility of conflict between labor and management. 61.I was excited to see my old friend again. 62.In 2003 many people died from SARS. 63.The waste land has been transformed to a beautiful park. 64.The old man has a wish that in his lifetime he can go to Taiwan. 65.Man's first walk on the moon was a great achievement. 66.Generally, children have a natural curiosity about the world around them. 67.I was very angry. I really wanted to unlock all my anger and emotions. 68.Nothing could stop his inventiveness. He went on with his research in spite of all the difficulties. 69.You should pay attention to your handwriting, otherwise it will cause misunderstanding. 70.There are millions of books in our library. We should make good use of them. 71.Mary poured out her troubles to her friend when they met al the cafe. 72.Joe is not good at sport, but when it comes to mathematics, he's the best in the class. 73.Informal interaction among employees is seen as part of the ongoing training process. 74.Sometimes it is better of to wear your heart on your sleeve.We have to learn how to protect ourselves. 75.Their views on the subject were very divided. 76.He fell into despair after his business failed. 77.There was an unprecedented increase of 10% in the price of food in less than a year. 78.The village is different from what it was when I was a boy. 79.My cousin took an interest in seeing where I worked. 80.Her desire to dominate other people has caused trouble in her family. 81.Please finish the plans for the marketing and distribution of the new software. 82.If you go through official channel, your application will take months. 83.All the students are engaged in preparing for the coming examination. 84.Linda has been selected to represent us at the conference in Beijing. 85.The company is in the process of moving to new offices. 86.All I mean is : You can't make me! I won't do it! In short, no! 87.Whenever you need your teachers, they will always be on hand. 88.You've got to believe in yourself, or you'll never succeed. 89.Videos often make good teaching material. 90.She makes her class active by stimulating the students to take part in the class activities. 91.Most of the victims were shot in the back while trying to run away. 92.This disease calls for prompt treatment. 93.Anyone who smokes is ,the doctor says, risking his health. 94.She could not tell him the secret with her mother standing by. 95.He received a serious injury to a knee in the battle. 96.We have been going through violent changes the past couple of years. 97.Foreign policy was probably the field in which the new President was least experienced. 98.The amount of rain offects the growth of crops. 99.Smoking, drinking, and doing drugs can do harm to our health.
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