首页 培训机构分校主管及校长工作职责及考核指标



培训机构分校主管及校长工作职责及考核指标培训机构分校主管及校长工作职责及考核指标 分校主管或校长工作职责及考核指标 分校日常行政管理 ? 分校校长或主管综述 A:分校主管或校长工作职责 一、 行政: 1、 全面领导分校员工做好日常接待、管理工作; 2、 对总校下达的招生任务量,进行分解安排; 3、 围绕学校发展战略,有计划、有条理的组织分校进行正常运营; 4、 及时与宣传人员协调总校规定的相关事宜,做好分校宣传的监察工作。 5、 熟知每天、每周、每月的招生情况,新生、续班、内部班等情况; 6、 校园卫生、环境、桌椅摆放、固定资产维护(如每...

培训机构分校主管及校长工作职责及考核指标 分校主管或校长工作职责及考核指标 分校日常行政管理 ? 分校校长或主管综述 A:分校主管或校长工作职责 一、 行政: 1、 全面领导分校员工做好日常接待、管理工作; 2、 对总校下达的招生任务量,进行分解安排; 3、 围绕学校发展战略,有 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、有条理的组织分校进行正常运营; 4、 及时与宣传人员协调总校规定的相关事宜,做好分校宣传的监察工作。 5、 熟知每天、每周、每月的招生情况,新生、续班、内部班等情况; 6、 校园卫生、环境、桌椅摆放、固定资产维护(如每周一上午主管亲自带人隔个教室 要检查,周二上午之前修理完毕); 7、 做好在校学生安全的管理工作,杜绝各类安全隐患,以维持学校及学员利益。 8、 积极做好与校领导及相关部门的协调工作,并做好教师、学员、学校三方的沟通和 协调工作; 9、 和家长沟通良好,熟知20%学生的名字和家庭情况(50-80人左右). 10、 指导监督前台做好各类前台及教务表格,并及时进行整理、归档、装订、保管 工作。 11、 对分校员工做到分工明确、奖罚分明,指导及时、考核公正; 12、 做好本分校员工的考勤及岗位调动时的衔接安排,以保持工作人员的稳定性; 13、 组织好分校卫生的打扫及检查工作,以保持良好的教学及工作环境; 二、 教务: 1、 做好开课课程的时间设置、教师调配、教室安排,保证课程按时开课、结课; 1) 每周一主管会议时上报上周开班及结课班级; 2) 根据咨询情况在新班开课前一周,提出所需课程教师申请。 3) 每一次开课前和任课老师详细沟通; 2、 做好各个开课班级的考勤表,并要求教师如实填写考勤表。 1) 任课教师课前签到时从前台处领取本班级学员考勤表,课后签退时归还考勤 表; 2) 对于没有到校上课且没有请假的学员,前台应及时电话咨询其缺课原因。 3、 做好学员档案的建立、管理、证明开具工作。定期与不定期的做好学员回访,随时 留意学员对教师及学校的意见反馈。 4、 全面配合总校做好教师签到的监督工作,及相关信息的反馈工作。积极配合教师教 学工作,对学员进行管理,保证教学按进度进行,提高学员学习成绩。并做好开课 班级的班级档案; 5、 经常和老师谈心,了解他们每一个的动态 , 防患于未然 ( 发展方向 个人情况 特长 爱好 住址等) to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 6、 对于新代课的教师,分校主管当月听课次数应不少于三次。及时做好班级学员调查 工作,并要求快速的、真实的汇总及上报调查情况; 7、 做好监督,督促教师的上、下课等行政事务, 教学效果的抽查; 三、 财务: 指定负责财务的前台工作人员。监督其正确填写各类财务帐表,遵守学校的各项财务制 度,及时上报营业额、上交营业款。 1) 每日早班工作人员,应在9:00—9:15分之间电话上报前日营业额; 2) 当日收入超过100元,应于当日存入学校帐户; 3) 每周一下午为各分校交账时间,认真填写收入报表、及缴款凭证并于银行进帐 单一起,结算上交上周所有收入。 4) 于每月2日前上交上月分校工资报表。 四、宣传: 1、 带领分校员工做好总校布置的工作任务, 宣传到位, 亲自监察; 2、 同区域内竞争对手调查; 3、 根据总校布置任务, 结合本区域特点去实习操作 (谈社区, 联系小学等 ); 4、 根据一线咨询反映, 包括外围市场调查记录 , 反馈给总部 , 调整学校战略方针 . 五、 其它: 1、 搞好与外围关系 ( 房东 、 社区 、 行政执法等); 2、 做好对员工管理和教育. B:分校主管的作用 1、分校主管代表整个分校的形象 分校主管是分校的代表者,就对每个分校主管而言,分校主管是代表学校与学员、社会有关部门的公共关系;就员工而言,分校主管是员工利益的代表者,是分校员工需要代言人。 分校内不论多少员工,他们在不同的时间、不同的岗位为学员提供不同的服务。每位员工的表现可能有好坏之别,但整体分校的经营绩效及分校形象都必须有分校主管负起全责。所以分校主管对分校的营运必须了如指掌,才能在实际工作中做好安排与管理,发挥最大实效。 2、分校主管在前台指导分校咨询报名工作 分校的工作有宣传、前台以及办公区域,其中前台咨询工作最为重要,因为学员每天接触最为频繁的场所就是咨询室,故分校主管必须负起总指挥的责任,安排好各岗位、各班次员工的工作,指挥咨询人员,严格依照总部下达的分校营运计划,将适合的课程,运用合适的销售技巧,以最佳的面貌展现出来,以刺激学员的报名欲望,提升业绩,实现分校销售的to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 既定目标。 3、分校主管必须执行学校总部的经营目标 每个分校既要能满足学员需求,同时又必须创造一定的经营利润。对于学校总部的一系列政策、经营 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 、管理规范、经营目标,分校主管必须忠实地执行。因此,分校主管必须懂得善于运用所有资源,以达成兼顾学员需求及整体学校需要的经营目标。即使分校主管对学校总部的某些决策尚存异议或有建设性意见,也应当通过正常的渠道向总部相关部门领导提出,切不可在下属员工面前表现出对总部决策的不满情绪或无能为力的态度。所以,分校主管在分校中必须成为重要的中间管理者,才能强化分校的营运与管理,确保学校经营目标的实现。 4、分校主管需要协调分校中出现的各种问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 分校中的全体员工是一个有机协作的工作团队,而作为这个团队的带头人,分校主管的使命不仅在于全面落实贯彻学校的营运规则,创造优异的业绩,提供良好的学员服务,还在于如何领导、布置分校各部门的日常工作,在日常工作中深刻理解、把握和弘扬学校的企业文化,最大限度地激发员工的积极性和创造性,从而不但营造一个令全体同事心情愉快的工作环境,而且使自己成为一名学校企业文化最基层的执行者和捍卫者,最大可能地为学校的集体和长远利益服务。 分校主管应具有处理各种矛盾和问题的耐心与技巧,如与学员沟通、与员工沟通、与总部沟通等方面,是分校主管万万不能忽视的。如分校主管对上级的报告、对下属的指令传达都毫无瑕疵,但是对与学员沟通、与员工沟通、与总部沟通等方面却做得不够好,无形中就会恶化人际关系。因此,分校主管在上情下达、下情上达、内外沟通过程中,应尽量注意运用技巧和方法,以协调好各种关系。 5、分校主管应激励员工的士气并需对员工进行培训 关于工作欲望方面,有句话说:欲望是一股无形的巨大力量。因此,下属工作欲望的高低是一件不可忽视的事,它将直接影响到员工工作的质量。所以,分校主管应时时激励全校员工保持高昂的工作热情,形成良好的工作状态,让全校员工人人都具有强烈的使命感、责任心和进取心。 员工整体的业务水平高低与否,是关系到分校经营好坏的重要因素之一。所以分校主管不仅要时时充实自己的实务经验及相关技能,更要不断地对所属员工进行岗位训练,以促进分校整体经营水平的提高。同时,分校主管工作繁忙,并且常有会务活动,当其不在校内时,各部门的主管及全体员工就应及时独立处理分校内事务,以免延误工作。为此,分校主管还应适当授权,以此培养下属的独立工作能力,训练下属的工作技能,并在工作过程中及时、耐心地予以指导、指正与帮助。全体员工的各方面素质提高了,分校的营运与管理自然会越来越得心应手。由此可见,培育下属,就是提高工作效率,也是间接促成学校顺利发展的保证。 6、分校主管是工作成果的分析员 分校主管应具有统计、计算与理解分校营运各项数据的能力,以便及时掌握分校的业绩,to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 进行合理的目标管理;同时分校主管应始终保持着理性,善于观察和收集与分校营运管理有关的情报,并进行有效分析,以对可能发生的情况进行预估。 7、分校主管是分校营运与管理的控制者 为了保证分校的实际作业与学校总部的规范、标准、分校营运和外部环境相统一,分校主管必须对分校日常营运与管理业务进行有力的、实质性的控制。其控制的重点是:人员控制、书籍控制、现金控制、信息控制以及地域环境的控制等。 C:分校主管应具备的基本条件 一、基本条件 分校主管是具有特殊性质的管理者,它需要处理很多具体繁杂的事务,既是分校的全面负责者,但又不是一个具有个方面决定权的决策者,因此,分校主管这一特殊职务必须具备的资质如下: 1、身体素质 分校主管最好是年轻者,它必须能承受得住长期疲劳的考验,能够承受满负荷的紧张工作所带来的压力。 、 个人品格 2 一个有效的管理者一定是一个好的领导者。领导者的品格主要包括道德、品行、人格、 作风等,优秀的品行会给领导带来巨大的影响力。俗话说:“榜样的力量是无穷的”‘好的品格可成为模范,能使下属对领导者产生敬重感,从而吸引下属模仿。因此,诚实的品格是分校主管最基本的素质要求,是一切能力的基础,分校主管必须注意自身的品格与修养。 分校主管使整个分校、整个团队的领导。有什么样的分校主管就有什么样的员工。遇事 要不推委、划清责任、勇于承担。有良好情操和高尚的道德才能显示出人格的魅力,才能有上行下效的效果。 3、 性格 (1)拥有积极的性格 (2)拥有忍耐力 (3)拥有开朗的性格 (4)拥有包容力 (5)拥有平和的心态 二、基本知识 1、具有能观察出消费者变化的知识; 2、具有关与本学校的变化及今后演变知识 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 3、具有关与学校经营及管理技术的知识 4、具有关与学校的历史、制度组织、理念的知识 5、具有关与业界的变化及今后演变知识 6、具有关于教育的方法、技术之知识 7、据有关于分校的计划制定方法的知识 8、具有计算机理解分校内所统计的树枝之知识 9、具有一些相关法律基础知识 三、基本能力 1、 拥有优良的咨询报名推销技巧和正确的判断能力 2、 拥有实干的技能和资讯、数据的驾驭能力 3、 分校主管应能整理分析讯息资料的数据,并使数据运用到实践中去。 4、 分校主管应具备扬长避短、查漏补缺,加强管理,提升业绩的能力。 5、 拥有能量好地处理人际关系的能力 6、 具有自我成长的能力 7、 具有组织领导并指导下属的能力 8、 必须具备多分校管理的七种能力 (1)人事组织能力。 (2)沟通能力。 D:分校主管的作业流程 学校分校主管工作流程时间表 时期 工作内容 工作重点 1、晨会 布置主要事项 出勤、休假、病事假、人员分配、仪容仪表及 2、员工出勤状况确认 工作 挂牌检查 8:30—9:00 前一天上课的班级和直接面对学员的办公区3、共同打扫卫生 域 营业额(新生和老生)、来访数、来电数、 4、昨日营业状况 书籍销售情况 1、开门营业状况检查 各岗位人员、书籍、及其他物品就绪 9:00—9:30 2、各岗位工作计划重点宣传物品、书籍储备、各类表格及其他 确认 9:30—12:00 1、招生问题点追踪 招生营业额为达到销售预算的原因分析 2、宣传任务的布置及检宣传品的发放是否到位,人员是否积极 查 12:00—14:00 1、对上午上课的班级卫值班人员做好收尾和准备工作 生的打扫 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 2、对下午即将上课的班 级进行准备工作 竞争对手的调查 同地段竞争对手与本校营业情况比较(来访14:00—15:00 数、促销活动、重点推荐课程) 15:00—16:00 教育训练 新近人员的在职训练 各类报表的汇总、计划、需上交总部的各类表格和总校各部门的协调 16:00—17:00 汇总 整个分校的态势检核与招生计划的分析与市场开拓的改善指示 17:00—18:00 分析指导 营业问题点追踪 宣传人员对前台的职员,收款人员确保正常状18:00—18:30 况、书籍齐全、 只是值班人员注意事项 (如无晚班新课)交待完剑英也注意事项机关18:30-- 门窗事宜 我们的学校可以根据自己的实际情况,制定适合自己学校自身需要的分校主管流程内容。 E:分校主管应执行的两项基本任务 1、 达成既定的数值目标 所谓的数值目标,即以营业目标、毛利润目标、库存书籍周转目标等为基本,进而分校的营业经费预算、营业利润目标,甚至包括个人营业目标、个人毛利润目标等基本数值。同时目标的制定又因各学校思考方式与形态不同而相异。但今后目标涵盖的范围应更广而其数字应更精确。 2、 执行总校的行动计划 分校主管也身负着实行总校行动计划的任务,这是与数值目标同样重要的。做学校长时间处于学员来校报什么班学校就开什么课的被动状态。但现在不能再如此消极下去了,分校必须加强对消费者的开发。为此,要如何做呢?这就成为一个关键问题。 为实行总校的行动计划,虽然具体的内容会因各个分校不同而相异,但基本上可有下列事项: (1)招生活动的目标 (2)新课程促销活动的展开 (3)新学员的开发 (4)员工课程知识的提高 (5)员工的稳定性及指导教育 为配合此行动计划的设定,分校主管必须以分校现状为基础积极提出问题来寻求解决的方法。数值目标就是实行行动计划的数字目标。若没实行行动计划,就不能达成数值目标。 F:分校主管的十大工作内容 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 1、营业活动的统筹安排方面 (1)开门前的准备 (2)卫生的清扫 (3)POP广告的制作、张贴、宣传 (4)咨询室的布置、整理 )分校内外的巡视 (5 (6)学员的应对 (7)课程的安排、保管 (8)书籍盘点 (9)预定教师的确认 2、人事、业务方面 (1)选拔、使用计时工、临时工 (2)员工出勤管理 (3)合理调配、使用员工 3、人员教育方面 (1)学校目标、学校方针教育 (2)咨询报名方面的教育 (3)清洁卫生方面的教育 (4)营销技术方面的教育 )培训、教育新员工和计时工、临时工 (5 (6)工作中的教育训练 (7)操作规程、劳动纪律教育 (8)培养副手的能力 4、情报的收集和事项的传达方面 (1)有关商圈的动向 (2)竞争对手的情报 (3)学员的情报 5、服务方面 (1)笑脸相迎,热情问候 、 (2)使用规范用语 (3)做好与学员的沟通 (4)处理投诉事件 (5)管理收款台事务 (6)进行基本课程知识教育 6、学校的固定资产、设备的维护、保养方面 (1)对设备的保养 (2)校园环境的保护 (3)灾害的防止,安全、投诉、退费等特殊状况的处理与汇报 7、业绩的掌握和目标管理方面 (1)应将分校的目标及发展方向告知下面员工,并且促使其达成意愿和行动 (2)掌握每周、每月累积的实际招生情况,并记录招生上升或下降情况,作为下 次目标的依据和改进工作的方向。 8、竞争对手的调查及对策方面 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme (1)调查、了解竞争对手分校的情况 (2)制定竞争对策并付诸行动 9、报表及现金帐目处理方面 对分校每日的营业报告,人员,学员情况、班级管理等档案填写要准备、并能指导 文员制作。 10、学员与员工间的关系 随时进行与外部各单位关系的调整,以及员工与学员间的关系调整,让员工明了学校对 外语对学员的立场及服务范围,使其保持良好的服务态度与职业道德。 G:分校主管交接单 在分校主管调离或是离职时须办理交接工作。 分校主管交接单 交接分校: 交接日期: 交接人:交 接 分校人员: 1、 分校现行课表(即将开班和即将结班) 2、 分校教师情况(附个人情况):专职: 兼职: 3、 分校固定资产清单: 4、 分校有联系的社区(联系人和联系方式): 5、 分校有联系的学校(联系人和联系方式): 6、 分校的关系户(如房东等): 7、 分校内的特殊遗留问题: 8、 其他 分校主管交接单 交接分校: 交接日期: 交接人:交 接 分校人员: 1、 分校现行课表(即将开班和即将结班) 2、 分校教师情况(附个人情况):专职: 兼职: 3、 分校固定资产清单: 4、 分校有联系的社区(联系人和联系方式): to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 5、 分校有联系的学校(联系人和联系方式): 6、 分校的关系户(如房东等): 7、 分校内的特殊遗留问题: 8、 其他 H:分校管理 细则 测试细则下载防尘监理实施细则免费下载免费下载地暖施工监理细则公路隧道通风设计细则下载静压桩监理实施细则下载 各分校采取主管负责制,分校主管全权负责所在分校的内部管理及外部招生、宣 传工作: 1、 各分校标志性灯箱、条幅、标志牌、门牌等要求整、整齐、美观、无残缺。以保证我校 整体形象; 2、 各类资格牌照(办学许可证,培训资格证书)必须齐全,保管完好,整齐划一,并挂于 咨询室内醒目位置。 3、 分校应设立专用信息公告栏,以便及时、准确的显示及通知我校的各类活动或安排。 4、 录音机、空调、饮水机、电脑等各类电器要求定期检查、保养,以保证设备的正常使用 和及时维修。 5、 日常办公物品(笔,计算器,教材,订书机,尺子,时钟,纸张,日历牌等)要齐全摆 放在固定位置,以方便平时使用。对于办公以前的私人用品(茶杯、饭盒等),应摆放 在外人看不到的地方,以免影响咨询室内整体形象。 6、 教室等办公场所要有明显禁止抽烟、禁止大声喧哗、禁止烟火、小心滑倒等标志,我校 工作人员严禁在咨询室或办公室内抽烟。 7、 各分校咨询处应备意见簿,校长信箱等信息反馈渠道,我校全体员工应自觉接受家长及 学生的监督。 8、 各分校工作人员应着装整洁,统一佩带胸牌。按时签到、签退,并设立外出登记本,主 管负责监督(包括主管)。 9、 各分校前台设立交接班登记表,要求详细记录各自当班时所发生的重要事宜及倒班时需 要交接的事项。 10、 建立各类领用物品登记制度,包括各类固定资产、领用票据、教材及相关办公用品。 11、 当分校人员变动时,票据、钱物、印鉴等必须办理交接手续。 12、 对于各分校自行购买的物品,应填写购物详细登记表,凭登记表和发票进行报销。 13、 每周一应按时到总部财务室交接一周收入情况,并认真、正确的填写相应的表格及to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 数据资料。每周四为各分校报帐时间。 14、 各分校员工除应做好所在分校的工作外,还应本着平等互利的原则,协助好其它分 校的工作,不得恶意诋毁其他分校。 15、 组织员工学习规范化管理规定,提高员工自律意识,增强悟性,培养员工良好素质。 按照规范化管理标准,抓好落实,引导员工向内涵和深层次推进。 16、 实行规范化 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 责任制,确定主管领导和岗位规范化管理责任人。 17、 针对本单位特点制定规范化管理制度,对员工进行规范化管理教育、培训。 18、 分校主管(副主管)对本单位规范化管理工作负主要责任。对所属员工定期进行行 为考核,建立考核档案。 19、 检查对本单位员工行为规范方面的投诉,提出受理意见,及时反馈员工的意见和建 议。 ? 分校成本控制 A:分校财务工作的重要性 分校的财务状况直接影响到总校的整体运营,分校的财务工作也是学校在一个辖区经营状况好坏的一个风向标,同时也是对分校主管的业绩考核、成本控制能力考察的一个重要的依据。因此做为分校主管,对分校的财务工作要做到心中有数、管理有方。分校主管要具有以下能力: 1(预算能力 分校主管要对所在分校下月的工作进行计划,特别是对必须支出的费用做一预计,要本着能错能修则不购买的原则。如果有一个客观的预算,对当月的经营成本也就心中有数了,在招生中围绕着保持成本进而达到赢利的目的。 2(运营成本控制能力 家大业大挡不住细水长流的浪费,一个分校的主管要时刻保持成本控制的意识,任何一个环节,都存在着可降低成本的可能。以最小的成本博取最大的利润是一个主管必须具备的能力。 3(决算分析能力 当一个月的经营周期结束时,主管要对照预算对当月的财务支出做一分析,判断哪些to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 是在预算内的支出,有没有做到节省,节省的原因是什么,有没有超支,超支的原因是什么,是否达到了收支平衡,是否达到了预期的赢利目标,也是上级及主管本人对其财务能力的一个评价。 B:学校损耗的管理 一、分校易损耗产生的几个方面 1. 宣传品的损耗; 2. 宣传工资的损耗; 3. 日常办公用品的损耗; 4. 书籍的损耗; 5. 手提袋的损耗 6. 水电的损耗;(含饮用水) 7. 电话费的损耗; 二、分校损耗的防止 (一)关于宣传方面损耗的防止 1、 宣传制品价格的控制: 每类宣传品包括传单、条幅、KT板、邮政编码牌、户外信息栏、报亭门头等 的制作成本价,必须透明化。单价公开。如果员工中有任何人对宣传品的价格 有疑问,且可以找到比目前价格更低的制作商,则可提出申请,要求学校更换 制作上,并且学校将根据节省的费用比率给此员工一定的奖励(50——1000元)。 类别 / 价格 传单 条幅 KT板 邮政编码牌 单价 单位 2、 宣传量的控制: 对低于300人的分校,300---500人的分校,500---1000人的分校,以及1000人以上的分校,宣传量应当加以区分。据季节的不同,各分校可作调整。 3、 宣传人员工资的控制: 单位时间内所完成的宣传量是一定的,根据每个分校规定的宣传量,计算本校宣传所需的宣传时间段总量,再根据每天所需的工作时间段计算宣传总量所需宣传天数,最后根据工作天数及宣传员个人的发放能力,结合当月宣传费用,安排每天所需宣传人员得数量。 例如:某个分校的月宣传传单量是20000份(32开),正常情况每分钟6张,那么每小 时360张,则发放20000张传单所需时间为20000?360=55.6小时,约为56小时,每天to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 工作按6小时算,那么分校只要一个人发传单的话,需要大约10天的时间进行宣传, 这样总的宣传费用为10×13=130元/月 4、 宣传制品总量的控制: 各类宣传品制作前,及时上报所需制作量,经总务部签字同意后,再进行制作。 (二)关于分校日常工作方面防止 1(分校日常低值易耗品是分校损耗最大的方面: 下面是分校日常配送表示例: 日常消耗品配送表(示例) 名称 数量 使用期限 名称 数量 使用期限 学员档案表 100份 一个月 剪刀 一把 长期 收费情况一览30份 一个月 尺子 一把 长期 表 当月咨询登记表 100份 一个月 文件夹 5个 长期 10日电话使用情况前必50份 一个月 订书机 一个 长期 表 须领 完毕 听课证 100份 一个月 计算器 一个 长期 除新开 试听卡 100份 一个月 印泥 一盒 长期 分校外, 其它分粉笔 长尾夹 十个 长期 校必须 按作用板擦 打孔器 一个 长期 期限要 求进行曲别针 一盒 三个月 作废章 一枚 长期 领用 双月 概不退费长期 装订夹 一盒 三个月 一枚 章 10 日前 各类资格订书针 一盒 三个月 一套 长期 领用 牌 学校缴费单 插杆夹 五个 半年 海绵胶 两卷 二个月 扫把 二个 半年 单月 10日 稿纸 一本 二个月 纸篓 二个 半年 前领 笔记本 一本 二个月 拖把 二个 半年 用完 毕 两卷双月领透明胶 二个月 记号笔 二支 三个月 (小) 用 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 10日前双面胶 两卷 二个月 粘贴单 一本 三个月 领用完 毕 小刀 一把 二个月 借款单 一本 三个月 垃圾袋 一把 二个月 回形针 一盒 三个月 胶水 一瓶 二个月 园珠笔 三支 二个月 宽胶带 一卷 二个月 2(水电做到人走关电关水。 3(电话费采用插卡201电话,效果 ? 分校教务管理 A:分校教务管理制度 分校教务管理制度 1、 教学管理 1) 听课制度 (1) 新老师在该分校代课之前,分校主管必须联系教师并在上课前听该教师试 讲20-30分钟; (2) 分校主管对新教师的课开课十个课时内必须听课,并在下周主管会时将听 课记录上交教务部;对老教师的课三个月之内必需听一次;并在每月5号 前将听课笔记上交教务部;逾期不交者按以下制度处罚: 超过1天的,进行口头警告,不予以罚款; 超过3天的,进行口头警告,给予50元罚款; 超过一周的,进行通告批评,给予200元罚款; 连续三次不交听课笔记的,给予记大过处分,在原罚款基础上, 扣发基本工资的20,; 每月评选优秀听课记录,对于优秀者给予以下奖励: 评选第一名(一名):奖励80元; 评选第二名(一名):奖励50元; 评选第三名(一名):奖励30元; to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 当月鼓励奖、进步奖(各一名):奖励20元; (3) 分校主管在每个新班开班时必须听课,并做新课听课记录,并将该班学员 回访记录《学员调查表》上交教务部,具体时间安排如下: 课时 听课期限 上交听课笔记期限 学员调查 上交《学员调查表》 期限 期限 ?六小时/周 七天内 开课一周后的主管会 十四天内 开课二周后的主管 会 ?四小时/周 十四天内 开课后二周后的主管十四天内 开课二周后的主管 会 会 ?二小时/周 十四天内 开课后二周后的主管十四天内 开课二周后的主管 会 会 逾期不交者按以下制度处罚: 超过1天的,进行口头警告,不予以罚款; 超过3天的,进行口头警告,给予50元罚款; 超过一周的,进行通告批评,给予200元罚款; 连续三次不交听课笔记的,给予记大过处分,在原罚款基础上, 扣发基本工资的20,; 2) 访谈制度 主管需及时安排学员访谈,用《学员调查表》定期调查学员对教师及学校的满意程度。学员访谈具体安排如下: 班学员访谈频率 级 少每期开班后八个学时内做一次学员访谈;结班前八个学时做一次学员访谈 儿 班 中每期开班后八个学时内做一次学员访谈;其后每三十个学时做一次学员访谈 学 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 生 班 成每期开班后八个学时内做一次学员访谈;其后每三十个学时做一次学员访谈 人 晚 班 成每期开班后八个学时内做一次学员访谈;其后每三十个学时做一次学员访谈 人 白 班 3) 教学配合制度 (1) 按时交听课笔记及《学员调查表》; 2) 分校不得私自排课;如产生分校私自给教师排课的情况,分校将对由此而( 产生的所有后果承担全部责任,并根据其情节的严重性对分校主管及副主 管进行每人50-300元的罚款; (3) 在该教师已经在该分校代课的情况下,教务部将优先安排该教师在该分校 代其他班级;原则上,如果该教师在不同分校代课,将优先安排距离教师 居住地较近的分校;如果该教师对在某分校上课有强烈要求,将优先考虑 该分校; (4) 如教师对分校管理及分校教师服务有任何建议及意见,教务部将负责及时 将意见反馈到分校主管处。对于暂时不可更改部分(如分校地理位置、分 校外部环境等)将不予追究分校责任;对于可更改部分,教务部将与相关 部门共同颁发《整改通知》责令分校在规定期限内进行更改;如在规定期 限内仍无任何改进或改进不明显者,将对主管、副主管及相关工作人员进 行50-500元的罚款;情节严重者将进行全校通告批评。 (5) 及时报课,新开课、课程的时间更改、已报新班未开课、换教师、停班、 合班、结班、升期、外教课需及时通知教务部;如产生以上任何教务现象 而教务部在一周内未得到口头或书面通知的,造成的直接经济损失由主管、 副主管及事件直接负责人共同承担;并对以上员工进行50-200元经济处罚 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 及相关行政处罚;造成恶劣影响或情节严重的,将进行全校通告批评。 (6) 在新教师代课的前一天,分校必须联系新教师,将分校地址、所带班级学 生人数/年龄阶段等各种情况告知新教师,并告知新教师如何到达该分校; (7) 在新教师代课前一个小时,分校必须联系新教师,并催告其上课时间,以 防新教师产生遗忘/车祸或迷路等各种突发状况;如因分校未及时通知并接 洽新教师及时到岗的,由此所产生的所有损失将有分校所有工作人员共同 承担;情节严重的,则对分校主管及副主管进行50-200元的经济处罚及相 关行政处罚;造成恶劣影响或情节严重的,将进行全校通告批评。 (8) 及时上交教务部所需统计的各种表格,并详细填写;如因分校填写错误而 导致教务安排失误的,则由分校主管及副主管承担由此产生的一切经济损 失,并对分校主管及副主管进行50-200元的经济处罚及相关行政处罚;造 成恶劣影响或情节严重的,将进行全校通告批评。 、 行政管理 2 1) 课前及课后的检查工作 (1) 课前的检查工作: 在有足够时间的情况下,要求办公人员提前至少15-20分钟对上课班级进 行检查,特殊情况下要求提前至少5分钟或每间隔2小时检查一次;检查 内容包括: a. 卫生检查:地面是否干净、学生用桌、用椅是否无尘、教师用桌是否无尘、 黑板是否干净、黑板槽中是否清洁; b. 设备检查:电力系统的正常运转(包括电灯、电源、空调等)、有无损坏 桌椅; c. 教具检查:准备3-4根粉笔、准备板擦、准备录音机; d. 教学服务:纯水是否充足等工作细节; (2) 课后的检查工作: a. 设备检查:电力系统的正常运转(包括电灯、电源、空调等)、有无损坏 桌椅; b. 其他检查:有无学员或教师遗忘的物品,如发现需立即上交; to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 2) 签到请假检查制度 (1) 分校主管、副主管需对教师签到负责; (2) 严格监察分校教师签到;如分校教师产生虚假签到情况(如多签课时、迟 到或早退但签到正常、请假却签到正常等),主管需及时察觉、立即纠正、 及时教育; (3) 如产生该教师有虚假签到但主管未及时察觉的情况,所产生的直接经济损 失由主管和副主管共同承担,根据情节的严重性对主管及副主管将进行 50-200元的经济处罚及相关行政处罚; (4) 请假制度: 3) 分校例会制度 (1) 分校需定期召开分校教师例会,例会周期以不低于每月一次为标准; (2) 分校需将例会日期上报教务部,每次例会需由教务部主管校长、教务主管 或副主管列席; 3) 分校需将会议记录或摘要应在会议结束三天内上报教务部并留附件一份作( 为分校档案在本分校存档; (4) 如有教师在不同分校代课,该教师可每月只参加一个分校的例会,但其周 期应当是固定的(即:参加某分校例会必须是有规律的,如单月参加A分 校例会,双月参加B分校例会),且本月该教师没有参加例会的分校应当 将会议记录或摘要交给该教师,并对其间的重点进行详解; (5) 分校例会必须言之有物,不可浮夸虚飘。例会应当包含以下几个内容: a. 全校本月发展状况; b. 本分校本月发展状况; c. 本分校本月的教学成绩和不足; d. 本月优秀教师的评选; e. 下月的教学目标; f. 教学研究; g. 其他 (6) 不必每月每个教师必须参加,具体例会规定可由分校根据不同情况自行设 定,其规章制度由教务部审核、教务副校长签字后即可实施。 4) 教务记录制度 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme (1) 前台工作人员必须每天记录《教务日志》; (2) 第二周的主管会上将检查第一周的《教务日志》; (3) 《教务日志》必须按照标准格式书写;其标准格式如下: 日期 记录时间 教师姓名 所代班级 记录事件 记录人 (4) 如当天无任何特殊情况发生,则按以下格式书写: 日期 记录时间 教师姓名 所代班级 记录事件 记录人 ×年×月×日 8:30-21:30 所有 所有 无特殊事件产生 ××× 5) 分校《教务日志》不得有缺页或空白日期的情况;如发现以上情况,则视( 情节的严重性给予分校主管、副主管50-150元的经济处罚; 5) 行政配合制度 (1) 如有任何教师发生严重失职(如学员反映非常不好、经常严重迟到早退、 诋毁学校名誉、旷课、私自在外校代课等),则分校应立刻通知教务部工作 人员; (2) 在每个班结班时,需在一周内向教务部上交原始学员档案; (3) 在每次结课时计算该班的升期率、学员保持率等各项比率,并在结班后的 一周内同原始学员档案上交教务部,由教务部审核统计; (4) 每个月月底28号开始造教师工资表,需将兼职教师、专职教师、外籍教师 分开造表;并在下月2号前将本分校《教师工资表》、《教室签到表》、《教 师升期奖申请表》等各项表格上交教务部,如造表混乱,且通过教务部工 作人员告知后仍二次造表错误的,或未按时交表的,将对分校主管及副主 管进行30元/人的罚款; (5) 教师请假需填写《分校代课请假单》,在经过教务部同意并备案后,分校有 权对迟到教、早退、旷课教师按情节严重进行20-50元的罚款;教师如因 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 个人原因无法提前填写《分校代课请假单》的,则在假后不超过3天内补 填假条,并由分校主管签字并在备注栏内写明缓签假条的原因;在每月2 号前将该表及教师奖罚单交至教务部; 3、 生活管理 教师服务 (1) 准确统计教师的各种信息,分校每一位教师的近期动态及长期打算,并及 时与教务部沟通以便储备人才; (2) 在新教师去分校上课的前三个月内,分校主管至少与其沟通两次以上,其 中一次必须在其上课的第一个月内;在老教师区分校上课的前两周内,分 校主管必须与老教师沟通一次,在其上课期间,最好保持每月不少于一次, 每次不少于20分钟的沟通时间; (3) 各分校要为在自己分校代课的教师准备私用口杯; 4) 各分校在本分校教师生日时需至少送给该教师由本分校所有员工签名的贺( 卡一张;分校主管需亲自对该教师表示祝贺;如因特殊原因无法见到该教 师,则需电话致贺;在该教师生日时,在分校公告栏上应当有显著的“祝 **教师生日快乐~新概念**分校全体员工上”的字样; (5) 在分校教师生病时,分校主管或副主管需亲自对该教师表示慰问,如因特 殊原因无法见到该教师,则必须电话问候;请病假超过5天的,则应登门 问候; (6) 在五一、十一、教师节、圣诞节、元旦、春节、端午节、中秋节等大型或 传统节日时,分校所有员工见到我校任何分校教师都应当说“**老师**节 快乐~”等类似的祝贺语句;在五一、十一及教师节、及春节等长假期间, 则分校主管或副主管应当在假期内至少与教师联系一次,以示关心; 附:分校代课课教师请假表 分校代课请假表 请假人姓名: 请假起止时间: 请假原因: 课程处理办法: 分校主管签字: 日期: 备注 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme B:分校行政人员日常教务工作 分校行政人员日常教务工作 1、 连续两周内,同一课程电话或来访咨询量在20个以上,或同一课程报名人数在3人以 上,可考虑开始试听课。 2、 前台工作人员应在试听课开始的前一天告知试听者试听时间,并在电话中告知新开班的 任课老师教学水平优良,如果我们收费有优惠应告知试听者。同时做好电话记录,如有 未告知者,应在开课前再打一次电话, 3、 新开课程前两次为试听课,每次为一小时,这两次课应安排在相邻的两天内,且不计入 课时。每次试听课结束后,教师及前台工作人员应对未报名的学员及时做回访,弄清楚 原因。 4、 新开课程第三次为正式上课时间,前8个课时内,教师课程进度应稍慢,以利于插班。 5、 新开课程进行16课时后,原则上不允许插班,但学员同意除外。 6、 新开课程进行16课时后,督促教师应对学员及家长做回访。 7、 在每学期课程中、期末时,督促教师应及时组织学生复习、考试。 C:教师日常教务工作 1、每次开课前任课学校将本班学员考勤表领取,核实班级人数,并熟悉班级学员基本情况, 并将开课时班级人数报教务部备案。 2、上课前,任课教师应提前10分钟到教室,签到并询问班级学员有无请假、补课等特殊事 项,做到心中有数。 3、教师每次上课前须按照学员考勤记录学员出勤情况。同时认真登记新学员学号、联系方 式;对于无故缺席的学员,代课老师必需在此课时结束后进行电话回访,询问学员缺席 原因;若学员缺课超过一周,代课教师必需通知学员办理停课手续。 4、教师在一期中只少打三次点电话进行回访或利用每次放学家长接孩子时与家长沟通交流, 并详细记录回访情况。 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 5、任课合召开家会,做好续班工作.结课时到教务部领取续班人员统计表,将续班逐一登记,并于新班开课前一周交于教务部。教师在结课应提前四次课通知教务部(在签到表上注明),与教务部及分校主管配合召开家会,做好续班工作。结课时到教务部领取续班人员统计表,将续班学生逐一登记,并于新班开课前一周交于教务部。 6、代课教师必需参加学校举行的公益活动和教师教研例会,每次例会必须案交到教研部, 进行审核。不参加者每次扣罚10---30元。 7、用教学上的一些设备,必须提前两天通知教务部为其准备,否则不予受理,造成的一切叫教学事故由代课教师自己负责。 8、教师用书必须交纳押金,并妥善保存,代课结束应及时将教材交还教务部,如有损坏照价赔偿。 D:分校对教师的教学监督 分校对教师的教学监督 1、教师必须按照学校规定,布置家庭书面作业,并认真批改,将作业意见反馈给学生。 2、教师须对所带学员进行入学测试,以便掌握一个班级中学员的程度,因材施教。在 期中,期末进行考试,并将每次考试成绩记录在学员成绩表中。 3、教师须按照学校的规定按时完成教学任务,所代课程只能延长4个课时,且4个课 时只能按课时费半价支付。若超过4个课时,概不计发超时的课时工资;教师不能 提前结课,应按学校规定的课时授课,少一课时,扣一次课时费,并处以相应的罚 金。 4、对于学员保持率和生期率比较差的教师,根据有关规定学校有权对其进行行政或经 济处罚. 5、学校安排给个别较差学员或较差学员进行补课事宜时,任课教师不得以任何理由推脱. to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme
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