首页 2018年总机英语



2018年总机英语总机英语 外线电话的处理 『对话精华』 Could you put me through to Room #2019, please? 请帮我接通2019号房好吗? I’d like to speak with Mr. Bramley. 我想请布兰雷先生听电话。 Dialogue1 C: Is this the President Hotel? Speaking. (Yes, it is.) May I help you? C: Yes. Could you put me through to ...

总机英语 外线电话的处理 『对话精华』 Could you put me through to Room #2019, please? 请帮我接通2019号房好吗? I’d like to speak with Mr. Bramley. 我想请布兰雷先生听电话。 Dialogue1 C: Is this the President Hotel? Speaking. (Yes, it is.) May I help you? C: Yes. Could you put me through to Room #2019, please? Certainly, sir. Just a moment, please. Dialogue2 C: I’d like to speak with Mr. Bramley. Is he a hotel guest, sir? C: Yes. How do you spell his name, please? C: B, R, A, M, L, E, Y. Just a moment, please. I’ll check for you… Thank you for waiting, sir. Mr. Bramley is staying in Room #2019. I’ll connect you. 客房没有人回应时 『对话精华』 I’m afraid there is no reply from Room #2019. 2019号房恐怕没人接电话。 Could you try again? 请再试一次好吗? Dialogue C: Hello. Can I speak to Mr. Franks in Room #2019, please? Certainly, sir. Just a moment, please… Thank you for waiting. I’m afraid there’s no reply from Room #2019. C: Could you try again? Certainly, sir. Just a moment, please… Thank you for waiting. I’m afraid there is still no reply. Would you like to leave a message? C: Yes, I’ll do that. I’ll connect you with the Message Desk. Just a moment, please. 广播呼叫客人 『对话精华』 Would you like to leave a message. 您要留话吗? Could you page him for me? 请帮我广播叫他好吗? Dialogue C: Is this the Holiday Hotel? Speaking. May I help you? C: Yes. Could you put me through to Mr. Mercer in Room #2019, please? Certainly, sir… Thank you for waiting, sir. I’m afraid there is no reply from Room #2019. Would you like to leave a message? C: Well, I’m sure he’s in the hotel. Could you page him for me ? Certainly, sir. Where do you think he will be? C: He’s probably having lunch. Could you page the restaurant, please? Do you know which restaurant he is likely to be in? C: I’ve no idea. I’m afraid we can only page the public places. C: Fine. Do that then, please! May I have his full name? C: Tom Mercer. Mr. Tom Mercer. Thank you, sir. Could you hold the line, please? Paging Mr. Tom Mercer, Paging Mr. Tom Mercer. Please pick up the nearest House phone for Operator No. 5. Thank you. 被呼叫客人没有回应时 『对话精华』 We have paged Mr. Mercer but he didn’t pick up the phone. 我们已呼叫过马撒先生了,但是他没有打电话过来。 Could you try there, please? 请试试哪儿好吗? Dialogue I’m very sorry to have paged Mr. Mercer but he did not pick up the phone. Shall we try again. C: Yes. I’ve just remembered. He might be in the Garden Lounge. Could you try there, please? Certainly, sir. I’ll connect you with the Garden Lounge. 抵达时外线电话已挂断 『对话精华』 I’m afraid your party was cut off. 对方恐怕已经挂断了。 Did he give his name? 他有没有留下名字? I’m very sorry we couldn’t help you. 非常抱歉我们无能为力。 Dialogue (Operator speaks to paged guest) Mr. Mercer? There was a call for you but I’m afraid your party was cut off. G: That’s a nuisance! Did he give his name? I’m afraid not, sir. I’m very sorry we couldn’t help you. G: It couldn’t be helped. Thanks anyway. You’re welcome, sir. 客房间的通话与外线电话 『对话精华』 I’d like to call my friend in his room? 我想打电话到朋友的房间。 Please dial 60 and then the room number. 请先拨60再拨房间号码。 Dialogue This is the Operator. May I help you? G: Yes. I’d like to call my friend in his room. What shall I do? Do you know the room number, sir? G: Yes, It’s #814. For 3 digit rooms in the Main Building, please dial 60 and then the room number. G: I see, well, what about outside calls? For calls inside Beijing, please dial 0 first and then the number. G: What about outside Beijing? I’d like to call Tianjin. For calls outside Beijing, please dial 0 and then the area code and number. G: Fine. Thanks a lot. You’re welcome, sir. 早晨叫醒电话 『对话精华』 I’d like to be woken up tomorrow morning. 明天早上想请你叫我起床。 At what time? 几点呢? Dialogue This is the Operator. May I help you? G: Yes, I’d like to be woken up tomorrow morning. Certainly, sir. At what time? G: At around 7:30a.m. We have a computer wake up service. Please dial 5 first and then the time. For 7:30 a.m. dial 5 and then 2019 for the time. There must be five digits in the final number. G: 2019. I see. That’s right, sir. Our computer will record the time and your room number. G: Thank you. You’re welcome, sir. Have a good night. 代理通话服务 『对话精华』 Could you place the call for me? 能不能帮我打这通电话呢? What number are you calling, please? 请问您要打几号? Dialogue G: Operator. I’ve tried calling a number in Beijing but I can’t understand what they’re saying. Could you place the call for me? Certainly, sir. I’d be glad to help you. What number are you calling, please? G: 2019-2019. Is this a company number or a private number? G: A company one. May I have the name of the company, please? G: Yes, it’s the Her-han Engineering Company. Who would you like to speak to, please? G: Mr. Wang of the Sales Department. Do you know his extension number or his name? G: Not the extension number but I thing\k his name is Ming-uei. May I have your name and room number, please? G: Yes, my name is Robbins and I’m in Room #724. Thank you. Could you hang up, please, and I’ll call you back? 越洋收听人付费电话 『对话精华』 Is this a paid call? 这是已付费电话吗? It’s collect. 这是接听人付费的电话。 Dialogue I This is Bombay calling. I have a call for Mr. Tom Smith. Bombay for Mr. Tom Smith. Do you know his room number, please? I Yes, it’s #2019. Thank you. Is this a paid call? I IT’S collect. May I know who is calling, please? I Yes. Pradip Patel. How do you spell that, please? I Pakistan P, America A, Tokyo T, England E, London L. Mr. Pradip Patel. Thank you. Just a moment, please. (calls Room #2019) May I speak to Mr. Tom Smith, please? G: Speaking. What can I do for you? This is the Hotel Operator. I have a collect call from Mr. Pradip Patel in Bombay. Will you accept the charges? G: Yes, of course. Thank you. Could you hold the line, please? (Speaks to the international Operator) Hello. Mr. Smith will accept the call. Could you give me your operator number, please? I Yes, it’s 23. Thank you. My number is 54. Could you give me the time and the charges after the call, please? I Yes, of course. Thank you. Go ahead, please. 越洋叫人电话 『对话精华』 I’d like to make an international call? 我想打一通国际电话。 A person-to person or a station call, sir? 先生,您打叫人或是叫号电话呢? Dialogue G: Hello. Operator? Speaking. May I help you? G: Yes. I’d like to make an international call. Certainly, sir. Which country are you calling? G: Switzerland. Is this a paid call? G: Yes. A person-to-person or a station call, sir? G: Person-to-person. Could you tell me the party’s full name and telephone, please? G: Yes, it’s Grace Pereira and the number is Lausanne 2019. Mrs. Grace Pereira at Lausanne, 2019. G: That’s right. May I have your name and room number, please? G: Yes, it’s Zachary and I’m in Room #834. Mr. Zachary in Room #834. G: That’s right. Could you hang up, please and we will call you back? May I speak to Mr. Zachary, please? G: Zachary, speaking. This is the Hotel Operator. The Overseas Operator is on the line. Go ahead, please. 直拨叫号电话 『对话精华』 You may call direct from your room, sir. 先生,您可以直接由客房打出去。 The country codes are listed in the Service Directory in your room. 国家代号列在您房间里的服务指南上。 Dialogue This is the Hotel Operator. May I help you? G: Yes. I’d like to make an overseas call? You may call direct from your room, sir. It is cheaper than booking it through the operator. G: Oh. I didn’t know that. The country codes are listed in the Service Directory in your room. Please dial 2019 before the country code and number. Please do not dial 0 before the entire number as you would for an outside call. G: I see. 2019 and then country code, area code and number. That’s right, sir. G: Thank you very much. You’re welcome, sir. 国际电话费用 『对话精华』 Could you tell me the rates for calls to the States? 能不能告诉我打电话到美国的费用呢? For the mainland U.S.A? 打美国本土吗? Dialogue G: Operator. Could you tell me the rates for calls to the States? Certainly, sir. For the mainland U.S.A? G: No. It’s Honolulu. Just a moment, please. I’ll check it for you… Thank you for waiting, sir. A three minutes person-to-person call is RMB 28 on weekdays and RMB 21 on Sundays. A station call is RMB 24 on weekdays and RMB18 on Sundays. For each additional minute, the charge is RMB4. G: Is there a special night rate? Not if you go through the Operator, sir. 抱怨线路有杂音 『对话精华』 Dialogue G: Operator. I’ve just made a call to Los Angeles but I couldn’t hear anything. I’m not going to pay for the call! I see, sir. How long was your call? G: Two minutes at the most. Our computer shows that you spoke for four minutes and thirty seconds, sir. Shall I connect you with the International Operator? G: No, that’s all right. 第1页 共1页
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