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公司财务分析报告公司财务分析报告 ××公司2008年12月财务分析报告 一、实现利润分析 1.利润总额 12月实现利润为80.62万元~与11月的89.48万元相比有所下降~下降9.90%。实现利润主要来自于内部经营业务~公司盈利基础比较可靠。 2.主营业务的盈利能力 12月主营业务收入净额为973.41万元~与11月的864.37万元相比有较大增长~增长12.61%。从主营业务收入和成本的变化情况来看~12月的主营业务收入净额为973.41万元~比11月的864.37万元有所增长~增长12.61%~主营业务成本为83...

公司财务分析 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ××公司2008年12月财务分析报告 一、实现利润分析 1.利润总额 12月实现利润为80.62万元~与11月的89.48万元相比有所下降~下降9.90%。实现利润主要来自于内部经营业务~公司盈利基础比较可靠。 2.主营业务的盈利能力 12月主营业务收入净额为973.41万元~与11月的864.37万元相比有较大增长~增长12.61%。从主营业务收入和成本的变化情况来看~12月的主营业务收入净额为973.41万元~比11月的864.37万元有所增长~增长12.61%~主营业务成本为838.41万元~比11月的740.15万元有所增加~增加13.27%~主营业务收入和主营业务成本同时增长~但主营业务成本增长幅度大于主营业务收入~表明公司主营业务盈利能力下降。 实现利润增减情况表 2008年12月 2008年11月 2008年10月 项目名称 数值(万增长率数值(万增长率数值(万增长率 元) (%) 元) (%) 元) (%) 销售收入 973.41 12.61 864.37 10.14 784.79 0.00 实现利润 80.62 -9.90 89.48 41.53 63.22 0.00 营业利润 80.62 -9.90 89.48 41.53 63.22 0.00 投资收益 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 营业外利0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 润 补贴收入 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.利润真实性判断 从 报表 企业所得税申报表下载财务会计报表下载斯维尔报表下载外贸周报表下载关联申报表下载 数据来看~公司销售收入主要是现金收入~收入质量是可靠的。公司的实现利润主要来自于营业利润。 在市场份额迅速扩大的情况下~营业利润却有所下降~公司应注意在市场销售业绩迅速上升背后所隐藏的经营压力和风险。 二、成本费用分析 1.成本构成情况 2008年12月公司成本费用总额为893.55万元~其中:主营业务成本为838.41万元~占成本总额的93.83%;销售费用为22.50万元~占成本总额的2.52%;管理费用为29.31万元~占成本总额的3.28%;财务费用为3.32万元~占成本总额的0.37%。 成本构成表(占成本费用总额的比例) 2008年12月 2008年11月 2008年10月 项目名称 数值(万百分比数值(万百分比数值(万百分比 元) (%) 元) (%) 元) (%) 成本费用总额 893.55 100.00 793.01 100.00 721.84 100.00 主营业务成本 838.41 93.83 740.15 93.33 666.24 92.30 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 销售费用 22.50 2.52 20.97 2.64 19.80 2.74 管理费用 29.31 3.28 23.88 3.01 21.22 2.94 财务费用 3.32 0.37 8.01 1.01 14.58 2.02 主营业务税金及0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 附加 2.销售费用的合理性评价 2008年12月销售费用为22.50万元~与11月的20.97万元相比有较大增长~增长7.31%。12月销售费用增长的同时主营业务收入也有较大幅度的增长~并且收入增长快于投入的增长~公司销售活动取得了良好效果。 3.管理费用变化及合理性评价 2008年12月管理费用为29.31万元~与11月的23.88万元相比有较大增长~增长22.74%。12月管理费用占销售收入的比例为3.01%~与11月的2.76%相比变化不大。管理费用与销售收入同步增长~但销售利润却大幅度下降~要注意提高管理费用支出的效率。 三、资产结构分析 1.资产构成 2008年12月资产总额为10582.94万元~其中流动资产为8688.89万元~主要分布在存货、其他应收款、货币资金等环节~分别占公司流动资产合计的48.77%、36.09%和8.25%。非流动资产为1894.05万元~主要分布在长期股权投资和长期债权投资~分别占公司非流动资产的0.00%、0.00%。 资产构成各项增量表 项目名称 2008年122008年112008年10 月 月 月 流动资产 112.96 0.00 95.58 长期投资 0.00 0.00 0.00 固定资产 -22.22 0.00 -16.19 无形及递延资产 -1.53 0.00 -0.77 其它 0.00 0.00 0.00 资产构成表 2008年12月 2008年11月 2008年10月 项目名称 数值(万百分比数值(万百分比数值(万百分比 元) (%) 元) (%) 元) (%) 总资产 10582.9100.00 10493.7100.00 10493.7100.00 4 3 3 流动资产 8688.89 82.10 8575.93 81.72 8575.93 81.72 长期投资净额 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 固定资产净额 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 无形及递延资178.63 1.69 180.17 1.72 180.17 1.72 产 其它 1715.42 16.21 1737.63 16.56 1737.63 16.56 公司生产加工环节占用的资金数额较大~约占公司流动资产的48.77%~说明市场销售情况的变化会对公司资产的质量和价值带来较大影响~要密切关注公司产品的销售前景和增值能力。公司流动资产中被别人占用的、应当收回的资产数额较大~约占公司流动资产的42.94%~应当加强应收款项管理~关注应收款 ow to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town,y identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. Hratelalleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accu poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for povertyten", ... ... All the rural -"pick hat" and "five2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all -2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-was the previous two years (2016lear, rty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite cnsurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on povetax i e, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprisety planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structuruniplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big commillage books, cardand v 2 项的质量。 从资产构成来看~公司流动资产所占比例较高~流动资产的质量和周转效率对公司的经营状况起决定性作用。 流动资产构成表 2008年12月 2008年11月 2008年10月 项目名称 数值(万百分比数值(万百分比数值(万百分比 元) (%) 元) (%) 元) (%) 流动资产 8688.89 100.00 8575.93 100.00 8575.93 100.00 存货 4237.99 48.77 4208.40 49.07 4208.40 49.07 应收账款 595.84 6.86 635.19 7.41 635.19 7.41 其它应收3135.45 36.09 2701.67 31.50 2701.67 31.50 款 短期投资 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 应收票据 0.00 0.00 80.00 0.93 80.00 0.93 货币资金 716.65 8.25 912.87 10.64 912.87 10.64 流动资产构成各项增量表 项目名称 2008年122008年112008年10月 月 月 存货 29.60 0.00 -147.79 应收账款 -39.36 0.00 -64.99 其它应收款 433.79 0.00 -2.61 短期投资 0.00 0.00 0.00 应收票据 0.00 0.00 0.00 货币资金 -196.22 0.00 214.11 其它 -114.85 0.00 96.85 2.资产的增减变化 12月总资产为10582.94万元~与11月的10493.73万元相比变化不大~变化幅度为0.85%。具体来说~以下项目的变动使资产总额增加:其他应收款增加433.79万元,存货增加29.60万元,共计增加463.39万元~以下项目的变动使资产总额减少:待摊费用减少34.85万元,应收帐款减少39.36万元,应收票据减少80.00万元,货币资金减少196.22万元,共计减少350.42万元,增加项与减少项相抵~使资产总额增长112.96万元。 3.资产结构的合理性评价 从资产各项目与主营业务收入的比例关系来看~12月应收账款所占比例基本合理。其它应收款所占比例过高。存货所占比例过高。固定资产趋于老化。12月公司资产结构基本合理。 12月与11月相比~存货占销售收入的比例明显下降。应收账款占销售收入的比例下降。其它应收款增长过快。总体来看~流动资产增长慢于主营业务收入增长~资产的盈利能力没有提高。因此与11月相比~资产结构趋于恶化。 主要资产项目变动情况表 2008年12月 2008年11月 2008年10月 项目名称 数值(万增长率数值(万增长率数值(万增长率 元) (%) 元) (%) 元) (%) 流动资产 8688.89 1.32 8575.93 0.00 8575.93 0.00 old, persons, County, town, and village books, cardoverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, househof p der to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical timewin the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in or ,ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks-fivetion and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "2020), consolida-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-e file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in th onomicund project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed ecation town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with grounity planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimizplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big comm3 长期投资 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 固定资产 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 存货 4237.99 0.70 4208.40 0.00 4208.40 0.00 应收账款 595.84 -6.20 635.19 0.00 635.19 0.00 货币性资716.65 -27.82 992.87 0.00 992.87 0.00 产 四、偿债能力分析 1.短期偿债能力 从支付能力来看~12月的日常现金支付资金比较紧张~主要依靠短期借款。从发展角度来看~按照当前资产的周转速度和盈利水平~公司短期债务的偿还没有充足的资金保证~需要依靠借新债还旧债。从变化情况来看~12月流动比率为1.42~与11月的1.39相比变化不大。12月速动比率为0.73~与11月的0.70相比变化不大。 公司短期偿债能力提高~这是由公司流动资产周转速度加快、经营活动创造的现金净流量增加引起的~是可靠的。 2.还本付息能力 从短期来看~公司经营活动的资金主要依靠短期借款~短期来看全部偿还短期债务本息会有一定困难。从盈利情况来看~公司盈利对利息的保障倍数为25.29倍。从实现利润和利息的关系来看~公司盈利能力较强~利息支付有保证。 偿债能力指标表 项目名称 2008年122008年112008年10 月 月 月 流动比率 1.42 1.39 1.39 速动比率 0.73 0.70 0.70 利息保障倍数 25.29 12.18 5.34 资产负债率 0.58 0.59 0.59 3.增加负债的可行性 从资本结构和资金成本来看~12月的付息负债为3400.00万元~实际借款利率水平为0.10%,公司的财务风险系数为1.65。从公司当期资本结构、借款利率和盈利水平三者的关系来看~公司增加负债能够给企业带来利润的增加~负债经营可行。 五、盈利能力分析 1.主营业务的盈利能力 12月的营业利润率为8.28%~资产报酬率为9.56%~净资产收益率为13.46%~成本费用利润率为9.02%。公司实际投入到企业自身经营业务的资产为10579.99万元~经营资产的收益率为9.14%~ 2.内部经营资产和对外长期投资的盈利能力 12月内部经营资产的盈利能力为0.76%~与11月的0.86%相比变化不大。对外投资或投资收益为零。 3.净资产收益率 12月净资产收益率为13.46%~与11月的18.06%相比有所降低~降低4.60个百分点。 4.总资产报酬率 12月总资产报酬率为9.56%~与11月的11.15%相比有所降低~降低1.59 ten", ... ... All the rural -"pick hat" and "five2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all -2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-was the previous two years (2016lear, rty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite cnsurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on povetax i e, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprisety planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structuruniplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big commillage books, cardand v ow to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town,y identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. Hratelalleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accu poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty4 个百分点。下降的主要原因是:12月息税前收益为83.94万元~与11月的97.48万元相比有较大幅度下降~下降13.89%。12月平均总资产为10538.33万元~与11月的10493.73万元相比变化不大,变化幅度为0.43%。 5.成本费用利润率 12月成本费用利润率为9.02%~与11月的11.28%相比有所降低~降低2.26个百分点。12月期间费用投入的经济效益为146.21%~与11月的169.27%相比有较大幅度的降低~降低23.05个百分点。 六、营运能力 12月存货周转天数为153.21天~11月为172.94天~12月比11月缩短19.73天。缩短的主要原因是:12月平均存货为4223.20万元~与11月的4208.40万元相比变化不大,变化幅度为0.35%。12月主营业务成本为838.41万元~与11月的740.15万元相比有较大增长~增长13.27%。平均存货增加速度慢于主营业务成本的增长速度~致使存货周转天数缩短。收入增长而存货没有多大变化~存货水平未出现不合理增长。 12月应收账款周转天数为19.23天~11月为22.35天~12月比2005年11月缩短3.12天。 12月应付账款周转天数为0.00天~11月为0.00天。 12月现金周转天数为172.45天~11月为195.30天~12月比2005年11月缩短22.85天。 12月营业周期为172.45天~11月为195.30天~12月比2005年11月缩短22.85天。从存货、应收账款、应付账款三者占用资金数量及其周转速度的关系来看~公司经营活动的资金占用有较大幅度的下降~营运能力明显提高。 营运能力指标表 项目名称 2008年122008年112008年10 月 月 月 存货周转天数 153.21 172.94 195.50 应收账款周转天数 19.23 22.35 25.88 应付账款周转天数 0.00 0.00 0.00 营业周期 172.45 195.30 221.38 12月流动资产周转天数比11月缩短的主要原因是:12月流动资产为8632.41万元~与11月的8575.93万元相比变化不大,变化幅度为0.66%。12月主营业务收入为973.41万元~与11月的864.37万元相比有较大增长~增长12.61%。流动资产增加速度慢于主营业务收入的增长速度~致使流动资产周转天数缩短。 12月总资产周转次数为1.11次~比11月周转速度加快~周转天数从369.27天缩短到329.30天。公司在资产规模增长的同时~使主营业务收入有较大幅度增长~表明公司经营业务有较大幅度的扩张~总资产周转速度有较大幅度的提高。 资产周转速度表 项目名称 2008年122008年112008年10 月 月 月 总资产周转天数 329.30 369.27 405.19 固定资产周转天数 0.00 0.00 0.00 流动资产周转天数 269.74 301.78 330.53 现金周转天数 172.45 195.30 221.38 der to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical timewin the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in or ,ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks-fivetion and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "2020), consolida-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-e file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in th onomicund project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed ecation town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with grounity planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimizplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big commold, persons, County, town, and village books, cardoverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, househof p 5 七、发展能力分析 1.自我发展能力 12月企业新创造的可动用资金总额为82.89万元。说明在没有外部资金来源的情况下~企业用于投资发展的资金如果不超过这一数额~则不会给企业生产经营活动带来不利影响~反之~如果企业的新增投资规模超过这一数额~则在没有其它外部资金来源的情况下~必然占用生产经营活动资金,引起营运资本的减少~将会引起经营活动的资金紧张。在加速企业流动资产周转速度方面~如果使公司流动资产周转速度提高0.05次~则使流动资产占用缩短9.61天~由此而节约资金307.61万元~可用于企业今后发展。 八、经营协调性分析 1.投融资活动的协调情况 从长期投资和融资情况来看~公司长期投融资活动能为企业提供2560.38万元的营运资本~投融资活动是协调的。 营运资本增减变化表 2008年12月 2008年11月 2008年10月 项目名称 数值(万增长率数值(万增长率数值(万增长率 元) (%) 元) (%) 元) (%) 营运资本 2560.38 5.74 2421.35 0.00 2421.35 0.00 所有者权益 4454.43 2.66 4339.15 0.00 4339.15 0.00 少数股东权0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 益 长期负债 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 固定资产 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 长期投资 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 其它长期资0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 产 2.营运资本变化情况 12月营运资本为2560.38万元~与11月的2421.35万元相比有所增长~增长5.74%。企业经营规模扩大~经营活动的资金占用也迅速增加~致使资金紧张状况加剧。 3.经营协调性及现金支付能力 从公司经营业务的资金协调情况来看~公司经营业务正常开展~需要企业提供5243.73万元的流动资金。但公司投融资活动没有为企业经营活动提供足够的资金保证~经营活动是不协调的。 4.营运资金需求的变化 12月营运资金需求为5243.73万元~与11月的4528.47万元相比有较大增长~增长15.79%。营运资金占用大幅度上升~销售收入也在增长~经营活动管理效率有待提高。 5.现金支付情况 从企业的现金支付能力来看~企业当期生产经营活动的开展~需要5243.73万元的流动资金~企业通过长期性投融资活动准备了2560.38万元的营运资金~但这部分资金不能满足企业经营活动的资金的需求~结果出现了支付困难~现金支付能力为负2683.35万元~即企业的支付能力主要依靠短期借款来维持。 6.整体协调情况 ten", ... ... All the rural -"pick hat" and "five2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all -2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-was the previous two years (2016lear, rty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite cnsurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on povetax i e, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprisety planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structuruniplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big commillage books, cardand v ow to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town,y identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. Hratelalleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accu poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty6 从两期情况来看~企业的营运资本不能够满足生产经营活动的资金需要~企业资金持续紧张。 九、经营风险分析 12月盈亏平衡点的主营业务收入为397.56万元~表示当公司该期主营业务收入超过这一数值时公司会有盈利~低于这一数值时公司会亏损。营业安全水平为59.16%~表示公司当期主营业务收入下降只要不超过575.84万元~公司仍然会有盈利。从营业安全水平来看~公司承受销售下降打击的能力较强~经营业务的安全水平较高。 从资本结构和资金成本来看~12月的付息负债为3400.00万元~实际借款利率水平为0.10%,公司的财务风险系数为1.65。从公司当期资本结构、借款利率和盈利水平三者的关系来看~公司增加负债能够给企业带来利润的增加~负债经营可行。 经营风险指标表 2008年12月 2008年11月 2008年10月 项目名称 数值(万增长率数值(万增长率数值(万增长率 元) (%) 元) (%) 元) (%) 盈亏平衡点 397.56 8.08 367.83 -0.07 368.07 0.00 营业安全水0.59 2.98 0.57 8.19 0.53 0.00 平 经营风险系1.62 10.77 1.46 -4.40 1.53 0.00 数 财务风险系1.69 7.62 1.57 12.96 1.39 0.00 数 财务分析报告范文 ?1 报告目录 一、 利润分析 (一)集团利润额增减变动分析 1. 水平分析 2. 结构分析 ,二,各生产分部利润分析 1、 生产本部,含QY分厂,利润增减变动分析, old, persons, County, town, and village books, cardoverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, househof p der to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical timewin the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in or ,ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks-fivetion and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "2020), consolida-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-e file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in th onomicund project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed ecation town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with grounity planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimizplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big comm7 2、 一季度AY分公司利润增减变动分析, 二、收入分析 (一)销售收入结构分析: ,二,销售收入的销售数量与销售价格分析, ,三,销售收入的赊销情况分析 三、成本费用分析 ,一,产品销售成本分析 ,二,各项费用完成情况分析 四、现金流量表分析 ,一,现金流量表增减变动分析 ,二,现金流量分析 五、有关财务指标分析 ,一,获利能力分析 ,二,短期偿债能力分析 ,三,长期偿债能力分析 六、存在问题及分析 ,一,销售成本的增长率大于产品销售收入的增长率 ,二,借款增加,获利能力降低,偿债风险加大 七、意见和改进措施 poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for povertyten", ... ... All the rural -"pick hat" and "five2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all -2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-was the previous two years (2016lear, rty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite cnsurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on povetax i e, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprisety planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structuruniplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big commillage books, cardand v ow to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town,y identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. Hratelalleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accu 8 ?2重点关注 现代企业竟争是管理的竟争。面对日益萎缩的利润空间,我们需要知道:居高不下的成本究竟是客观原因还是主观原因造成的,材料利用率能否控制,现销收入能否更多些,赊销收入资金回笼能否更快些,在目前产销两旺的形势下,企业资金能否良性循环, ?3问题重点综述 由于人民币销售价格的同比下落,销售成本又居高不下,销售毛利率下降,利润总额同比减少50.5万元,赊销收入同比增加,不良及风险应收款项比例加大,经营现金净流量不足以抵付经营各项支出,负债及应付款项、利息增加,贷款还本付息压力加重,但销售、生产还较正常,资产负债率稍高,也算正常,目前短期还债能力较强。 2009年一季度财务分析 一、利润分析: ,一,集团利润额增减变动分析 1、利润额增减变动水平分析 ?净利润分析: 一季度公司实现净利润105.36万元~比上年同期减少了55.16万元~减幅34%。净利润下降原因:一是由于实现利润总额比上年同 ,ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks-fivetion and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "2020), consolida-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-e file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in th onomicund project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed ecation town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with grounity planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimizplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big commold, persons, County, town, and village books, cardoverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, househof p der to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical timewin the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in or 9 期减少50.5万元~二是由于所得税税率增长~缴纳所得税同比增加4.65万元~其中利润总额减少是净利润下降的主要原因。 ?利润总额分析:利润总额140.48万元~同比上年同期190.98 万元减少50.5万元~下降26%。影响利润总额的是营业利润同比 减少67.24万元~补贴收入增加17万元。 ?营业利润分析:营业利润123.18万元~较上年190.42万元大幅减少~减幅35%。主要是产品销售利润和其他业务利润同比都大幅减少所致~分别减少46.53万元和20.71万元。 ?产品销售利润分析:产品销售利润82.95万元同比129.48万元~下降36%。影响产品销售利润的有利因素是销售毛利同比增加162.12万元~增长率27%,不利因素是三项期间费用686.41万元~同比增加208.65万元~增长率43.67%。期间费用增长是导致产品销售利润下降的主要原因。 由于今年一季度淡季不淡~销售收入同比增长53%~销售运费、工资、广告及相应的贷款利息、汇兑损失也比上年大幅增长。销售费用、管理费用、财务费用~同比增加额分别是108.31万元、8.32万元和92.19万元~其中销售费用和财务费用同比增长最快~分别增长98%和67%。 ?产品销售毛利分析:一季度销售毛利769.36万元~销售毛利较上年增加162.12万元~增长率27%,销售毛利同比增加的原因是收入、成本两项相抵的结果。产品销售收入同比增加2600.20万元~增长53%,产品销售成本同比增加2438.07万元~增长57%。 illage books, cardand v ow to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town,y identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. Hratelalleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accu poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for povertyten", ... ... All the rural -"pick hat" and "five2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all -2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-was the previous two years (2016lear, rty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite cnsurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on povetax i e, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprisety planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structuruniplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big comm10 2、利润增减变动结构分析及评价 从2009年一季度各项财务成果的构成来看~产品销售利润占营业收入的比重为1.11%,比上年同期2.66%下降了1.55%,本期营业利润占收入结构比重1.65%~同比上年的3.91%下降了2.26%,利润总额构成1.88%~同比3.92%下降了2.04%,净利润构成为1.41%~比上年的3.30%下降1.89%。 从利润构成情况上看~盈利能力比上年同期都有下降~各项财务成果结构下降原因: ?产品销售利润结构下降~主要是产品销售成本和三项期间费用结构增长所致。目前降低产品销售成本~控制销售费用、管理费用和财务费用的增长是提高产品销售利润的根本所在。 ?营业利润结构下降的原因除受产品销售利润影响以外~其他业务利润同比占结构比重下降也是不利因素之一。 ?本期因补贴收入为利润总额结构增加0.25%~是利润总额增加的有利因素~而营业外收入结构比重下降~营业外支出比重增加及所得税率结构上升都给利润总额结构增长带来不利影响。 ,二,各生产分部利润分析 1、一季度生产本部,含QY分厂,利润增减变动分析: ?本部利润总额129.91万元~同比减少48.94万元~下降27.36%。利润总额下降的主要原因是产品销售利润和其他业务利润同比减少44.77万元、20.89万元~补贴收入增加17万元~及营业外收入同比减少0.26万元增减相抵所致。 old, persons, County, town, and village books, cardoverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, househof p der to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical timewin the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in or ,ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks-fivetion and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "2020), consolida-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-e file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in th onomicund project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed ecation town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with grounity planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimizplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big comm11 ?本部产品销售利润72.58万元~较上年同期117.35万元减少44.77万元~减幅38.15%。其减少的原因是一季度销售收入的同比增加幅度抵消不了销售成本和期间费用的增加幅度~造成产品销售毛利空间缩小。其销售收入同比增加2312..68万元~增长55.97%,而销售成本、费用增加2357.44万元~成本、费用率增长达58.72%。其中:产品销售成本增加1603.44万元~增长70.52%,期间费用增加214.46万元~47.61%。 2、一季度AY分公司利润增减变动分析: ?AY分公司利润总额10.56万元~同比减少1.56万元~下降12.91%。利润总额下降的主要原因是产品销售利润减少1.75万元、其他业务利润同比增加0.19万元两项增减相抵所致。 ?产品销售利润10.38万元~较上年同期12.13万元减少1.75万元~减幅14.48%。其减少的原因是:由于主要原材料价格较上年同期上涨~因此产品销售毛利并未因业务量增大而增加。销售收入同比增加287.52万元~增长38.95%,而销售成本增加295.09万元~增长42.23%,产品销售毛利较上年减少7.57万元~减幅19%,期间费用21.53万元~同比减少5.81万元~费用率下降21.25%。 二、收入分析 ,一,销售收入结构分析: 一季度集团完成销售收入7470.4万元。出口NSB、国内销售NSB及PEX材等收入与上年同期相比都有不同程度的增长~按销售区域划分: illage books, cardand v ow to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town,y identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. Hratelalleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accu poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for povertyten", ... ... All the rural -"pick hat" and "five2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all -2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-was the previous two years (2016lear, rty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite cnsurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on povetax i e, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprisety planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structuruniplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big comm12 1.出口贸易创汇收入602.8万美元~同比增加258.8万美元~增长42.9%~折合人民币销售收入4340万元~完成年度 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的31% 2.国内销售收入,包括QY分厂,2104.7万元~完成年度计划的19.9%~同比增加649.7万元~增长44.6%。 3.AY分公司PEX材收入1025.7万元~与上期的738.20相比~增加287.5万元~增长了38.95%。 ,二,销售收入的销售数量与销售价格分析 一季度集团销售收入中出口销售、国内销售、AY分公司在收入结构所占比重分别是 58.1%,28.2%,13.7%。其中以本部出口业务量最大~其对销售总额、成本总额的影响也最大。 1、本部一季度因销售业务量增加影响~销售收入,人民币,较上年同期增加2312.67万元,含QY分厂,~增长55.97%, 2、尽管3月始上调了部分出口产品售价~但汇率由7.8元/1美元降到7.2元/1美元~因汇率损失影响~一季度,人民币,销售价格比上年同期价格仍然减少~因价格降低影响同比销售收入减少302.38万元, 3、本部由于一季度出口销售业务扩大~因销售量的变动影响同比增加销售收入1831.83万元。 ,三,销售收入的赊销情况分析 2009年一季度应收帐款期末余额3768.7万元,与上期的3337万元相比~增加了431.7万元~应收账款增长了12.9%。其中:应收账款账龄在三年以上的有253.7万元~占7.66%~1-2年的应收账款 ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks-fivetion and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "2020), consolida-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-e file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in th onomicund project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed ecation town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with grounity planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimizplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big commold, persons, County, town, and village books, cardoverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, househof p der to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical timewin the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in or ,13 3058.3万元~占赊销总额的92.34%。说明销售收入中应收账款赊销比重在加大~其中值得注意的是: ?各代表处赊销收入286.12万元~占发货累计的70.55%,超出可用资金限额644.44万元, ?代理商及办事处等赊销收入2011.35万元~其不良及风险赊销款872.53万元~占其赊销收入的43%。,不良应收款占28%~风险应收款占16%, 三、成本费用分析 ,一,产品销售成本分析 1.全部销售成本完成情况分析 集团全部产品销售成本6701.09万元~较上年同期2438.07万元增长57%。其中: ?出口产品销售成本3877.22万元~占成本总额的57.9%~同比增加1603.44万元~增长71%~其成本增长率大大高于全部产品销售成本总体增长水平,14%,71%-57%,, ?本部国内产品销售成本1830.05万元~占成本总额的27.3%~同比上年增加539.54万元~增长42%,说明国内产品销售成本增长率低于全部产品销售成本增长率,15%,42%-57%,, ?AY分公司产品销售成本993.81万元~同比698.72万元~增加295.08万元~增长42.23%~占成本总额的14.8%,其销售成本占收入结构的96.89%~同比上年增长0.22% 2、各销售区域产品销售成本对总成本的影响: illage books, cardand v ow to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town,y identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. Hratelalleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accu poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for povertyten", ... ... All the rural -"pick hat" and "five2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all -2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-was the previous two years (2016lear, rty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite cnsurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on povetax i e, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprisety planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structuruniplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big comm14 ? 出口产品销售成本对总成本的影响66%。 ?国内销售产品成本对总成本的影响22%。 ? AY分公司销售产品成本对总成本的影响12%。 一季度由于成本增长影响~出口产品销售毛利率同比下降2%~这是销售毛利率下降的主因。国内产品销售收入同比增长1%~成本并没有同比例增加。 3、单位产品材料利用率同比下降对成本的影响 ?0.5FC利用率只有78.62%成本~同比成本增加了16.4万元。其原因是PEX不合格70米~阿拉伯兰色KQ不良产生145.5870标准张降级。 ?0.40FC板利用率有83.78%~同比成本增加了12万元。主要是XX不良、拉闸停电损失。 ?0.30FC利用率有92.28%比上年的94.21%低约2个百分点~成本增加6.2万元。主要是XXXXXXXXXX试验调整。 ?0.50FC比计划成本高4.5万元~因为2月有PEX材不合格220米~3月有X材不合格致使47.1468张BZB降级。 ,二,各项费用完成情况分析 三项期间费用共计686.4万元~总费用水平9.19%~比上年同期的9.81%下降了0.62%, 其中销售费用、财务费用增加是费用总额增加的主要原因 ?销售费用分析 销售费用218.5万元~占费用总额的32%,与上年同比增加108.3万元。销售费用变动的原因:一是运费、工资和其他项有较大增长~分别比上年同期增长69.1万元、21.5万元、20.3万元~增长幅度分 ,ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks-fivetion and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "2020), consolida-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-e file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in th onomicund project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed ecation town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with grounity planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimizplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big commold, persons, County, town, and village books, cardoverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, househof p der to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical timewin the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in or15 别为270.56%、110.75%、66.56%。由于公司销售业务量加大~其收入提成、运输费和包装材料等费用相应的增加~同时广告会务费、交际应酬费、差旅费等方面的开支也有一定的增加~但办公费比上年有所下降。 ?管理费用分析 管理费用239.3万元~占费用总额的35%,与上年同比增加8.3万元~增长4%。管理费用变动的原因是工资同比增加19.1万元~增长34.09%。水电费增加7.9万元~增长62.98%~其他项增加8.7万元~同比增长48.98%。办公费等同比减少的项目有:无形资产摊销费用比上年同期下降41%,差旅费、修理费两项均下降72%,办公费下降36%,税金下降27%,交际应酬费下降16%。其中无形资产摊销减少12.6万元是与上年摊销期限不一致形成的。 ?财务费用分析 一季度财务费用支出228.6万元~同比增加92万元~增长67.35%。其中:手续费支出同比增加3.1万元~增长40.79%,利息支出152.7万元~同比上年增加55.1万元~增长55%,汇兑损失65.2万元~同比31.4万元增加33.82万元~增长108%,其中利息支出和汇兑损失支出增加是财务费用总额同比增加的主要原因。 四、现金流量表分析 ,一,现金流量表增减变动分析: 1、经营活动产生的现金流量净额11.41万元~同比增加597.08万元~增长102%, illage books, cardand v ow to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town,y identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. Hratelalleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accu poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for povertyten", ... ... All the rural -"pick hat" and "five2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all -2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-was the previous two years (2016lear, rty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite cnsurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on povetax i e, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprisety planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structuruniplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big comm16 2、投资活动产生的现金流量净额-304.1万元,同比上年-175.92万元~净支出增加128.1万元, 3、筹资活动产生的现金流量净额-157.38万元~同比上年621.6万元现金净支出增加 778.98, 4、现金及现金等价物净增加额-450.08万元~同比上年-853.24万元 净支出减少403.16万元~现金及现金等价物净增加额上升47%。 经营活动产生的现金流量净额只有11.41万元~说明尚不足支付经营活动的存货支出~而投资活动未有回报~筹资活动现金流量是负数说明目前正处在偿付贷款时期。整个现金流量是负数说明公司的现金流量很不乐观。 ,二,现金流量数据分析 1、经营活动现金净流量表明经营的现金收入不能抵补有关支出。 2、现金购销比率92%~接近于商品销售成本率90%。这一比率表明生产销售运转正常~无积压库存。 3、销售收入回笼率91%~表明销售产品的资金赊销比例太高~此比率一般不能低于95%~低于90%则预示应收账款赊销现金收回风 险偏大。 五、有关财务指标分析 ,一, 获利能力分析 长期资产报酬率2.1%~与上年同期比下降20.3%,总资产报酬率0.6%~降55.5%,毛利率10.3%,降17.4%,销售净利润率1.4%,降57.2%,成本费用利润率1.1%~降72%,说明销售收入成倍增长~但 old, persons, County, town, and village books, cardoverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, househof p der to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical timewin the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in or ,ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks-fivetion and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "2020), consolida-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-e file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in th onomicund project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed ecation town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with grounity planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimizplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big comm17 获利能力呈下降趋势。 ,二, 短期偿债能力分析 流动比率143.9%~与上年同期比增长29.3%,速动比率 105.2%~增长79.1%,表明本期因贷款额的增加~用于流动的资金 同比增长很快~企业短期偿债能力很强,现金比率42.1%~超出安 全比率的20%。表明偿还短期债务的安全性较好~但同时说明资金 结构不太合理~流动资金未能充分用于生产经营。 ,三,长期偿债能力分析:与上年同期比总资产负债率53%~增长7.4%~尚在安全范围内,产权比率31.1%~一般应在50%为好~该比率过低~说明财务结构不尽合理~未能有效地利用贷款资金,利息保障倍数192%~下降35.1%,表明因利润减少利息支出增加~长期偿债能力较上年同期在下降。 六、存在问题及分析 ,一,产品销售成本的增长率与上年同比大于产品销售收入的增长 率。具体表现在:成本增长率大于收入增长率,毛利及毛利率下 降,集团公司一季度出口产品销售收入同比上年增长34.15%~ 而其成本增长37.61%,AY分公司收入增长5.9%~而成本增长 12.1%,只有国内产品销售呈良好发展态势收入增长大于成本增 长。 ,二,负债增加~获利能力降低~偿债风险加大。 1、对外负债总额一年内增长26.6%~其中以其他应收款、应付 账款形式占用的外部资金有明显上升。其应收账款严重高于应 ow to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town,y identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. Hratelalleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accu poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for povertyten", ... ... All the rural -"pick hat" and "five2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all -2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-was the previous two years (2016lear, rty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite cnsurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on povetax i e, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprisety planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structuruniplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big commillage books, cardand v 18 付账款1.9倍~全部应收款也高于全部应付款的1.4倍~表明 其对外融资,短期借款、应付票据、应付账款、其他应付款, 获得的资金完全被外部资金,应收账款、其他应收款,占用。 2、赊销收入占全部收入的比重大~造成营运资金紧张~严重影 响了现金净流量。3月末应收账款余额2297.4万元~其中: 各代表处、发展部不良或风险应收账款为872.53万元~占其 赊销收入总额的43%,代理商及办事处赊销收入占发货总数 的70%。销售收回的现金流量少~不足以支付经营现金支出~ 加重了财务利息支出的负担。 3、由于外汇比率等宏观经济环境的变化、市场供求关系的不确 定性使得公司产品盈利空间在缩小~同时由于负债增大~偿债 风险也在增加~目前偿债能力日趋下降~极易产生财务危机。 七、意见和改进措施 ,一,成本费用利润率低是目前制约公司盈利能力的瓶颈。建议在 扩大销售业务的同时狠抓产品成本节能降耗~分析产品原材 料利用率增减变化原因~向管理、生产要利润。 ,二,应收账款赊销比重过大~为有效控制财务风险~建议在加紧 应收款项的催收力度的同时~适度从紧控制赊销比例。对于 出现不良或风险欠款的销售区域~应对赊销收入特别关注。 ,三, 谨防因汇率的波动、银行放贷政策等外部不利影响而产生的 财务风险。应合理利用资金~时刻重视现金流量~降低财务 风险。 ,ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks-fivetion and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "2020), consolida-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-e file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in th onomicund project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed ecation town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with grounity planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimizplanning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big commold, persons, County, town, and village books, cardoverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, househof p der to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical timewin the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in or19
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