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m1u2m1u2017018邗江中学2007~2008学年度高一英语第一学期课时练习 M1 Unit2 Period 7 Task 班级_________ 学号_________ 姓名_________(NO.017) 一、翻译短语 1.以…为自豪________________ 2.数学没有及格________________ 3.熬夜________________ 4.获得好成绩________________ 5.毕竟,终究________________ 6.把…与…搞混淆___...

邗江中学2007~2008学年度高一英语第一学期课时练习 M1 Unit2 Period 7 Task 班级_________ 学号_________ 姓名_________(NO.017) 一、翻译短语 1.以…为自豪________________ 2.数学没有及格________________ 3.熬夜________________ 4.获得好成绩________________ 5.毕竟,终究________________ 6.把…与…搞混淆________________ 7.高分之一________________ 8.对…不安________________ 9.加入运动队________________ 10.有点区别________________ 11.目的是。。。________________ 12.处理问题________________ 二、单项选择 1. I will never forget the day ____ I joined the army. A. that B. when C. which D. what 2. The day ____ you are looking forward to will certainly come. A. in which B. when C. which D. what 3. We will go to see the house ____ I was born. A. that B. which C. where D. when 4. All ____is needed is more time. A. which B. that C. what D. why 5. This is just the place ____ we visited last year. A. where B. that C. when D. why 6. This is the best school ____ has been built in our city. A. which B. where C. we D. that 7. Please pass me the book ____ cover is green. A. that B. which C. whose D. who 8. Have you seen my ruler ____ I put on my desk. A. what B. where C. in which D./ 三、阅读理解 A Your body, which has close relations with the food you eat, is the most important thing you own, so it needs proper treatment and proper nourishment(营养). The old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away. ”is not as silly as some people think. The body needs fruit and vegetables because they contain vitamin C. Many people take extra vitamins in pill form(丸剂), believing that these will make them healthy. But a good diet is made up of nourishing food and this gives all the vitamins you need. The body doesn’t need or use extra vitamins, so why waste money on them? In the modern western world, many people are too busy to bother about eating properly. They throw away the good habits and throw anything into their stomachs, eating hurriedly and carelessly. The list of illnesses caused or made worse by bad eating habits is frightening. 1. From the first sentence we know that ________ A. all kinds of food you eat can be made into nourishment B. your body is make up of the food you eat C. what you eat has great effect on your health D. the more you eat, the better you will feel 2. How do you understand the old saying underlined in the passage? A. Eating apples regularly brings lots of benefits to our health. B. Doctors are no longer necessary if we eat an apple every day. C. The apple is the best among all kinds of fruits. D. An apple is a good way to cure illnesses. 3. What can we conclude from the second paragraph? A. Our bodies need food, or we can’t live. B. Often eating apples is a good habit. C. Taking extra vitamin pills is completely useless. D. A good diet is of great importance for our health. 4. In modern western countries, ________. A. people don’t want to pay more attention to their eating B. lots of people’s illnesses are caused or made worse by bad eating habits C. people throw everything into their stomachs without digestion D. people are only too busy to cook meals fro themselves B Two policemen stopped Andrew Kershaw in his sports car one night, because he was speeding in the street of the town. The young man was very drunk. He knew he was in trouble, so he decided to make fun of them. He was a law-student at the university, so he knew the law very well, better than most people. When the policemen came to his car, Andrew asked one of the policemen to write down in his notebook everything they said. The policeman had to do this because it is the law, although people don’t usually know it. The policeman tested Andrew’s breath and the breathalyser showed that he had too much alcoho1(乙醇)in his blood. This all took a long time because the policeman had to write down everything that he or the policeman said. In the end, the policeman had to ask Andrew if he wanted to say anything. Andrew decided that he had two things to say and the policemen had to write down. The first thing was “Please don’t hit me again, officer!” And the second thing was :" Does the other officer want £5,too?" Of course, the poor policeman had to read this in court, in front of the judge, and he was very embarrassed (难堪). Andrew, who was in court, thought it funny, until the judge took away his licence for a year and fined him £100, £90 for drunk driving, and £10 for his rudeness! 6. The policemen stopped Andrew in his car because ______. A. it was very late B. he was drunk C. he was driving too fast D. he hardly broke the law 7. The policeman had to write down ______. A. everything the two policemen said B. everything Andrew said C. everything they all said D. everything either of them said 8. The word “breathalyzer” means ______. A. a tool used for repairing machines B. a machine used for examining patients C. a person who is in charge of giving breath-test D. an instrument used for testing and analyzing(分析)one’s breath 邗江中学2007-2008学年度高一英语第一学期课时练习 M1 Unit2 Period 8 Project (NO.018) 一、单词拼写 1. They are making ________________ for the meeting.(准备) 2. When the ______(幕布) came down at the end, the audience applauded for five minutes. 3. The films are suitable for ________________ (成年人)only. 4. The room is a ___________,(杂乱)with pizza boxes lying on the floor. 5. Friendship should be based on ________________.(信任) 6. It was his _____________(过错) that they failed. 7. Mother was _____________(忐忑不安) about father’s leaving for Iraq. 8. He ______________(抱怨) that his job gives him no satisfaction. 9. I want to get a satisfactory ________________.(解释) 二、选择填空 1. --My brother is not good at English. --I suggest ______ English for two hours every day. A. he practise speaking B. him to speak C. he speaking D. his practicing to speak 2. The music, which used to _____ before the important meeting, has now been changed. A. play B. playing C. be played D. being played 3. The children are _____ into 4 groups and each group will have a ____ room to live in. A. divided; separated B. separated; divided C. divided; separate D. separated; separate 4. Some of the passengers told the reporters about their _____ in the burning train. A. details B. trips C. events D. experiences 5. I remember that _____ took part in the party had a wonderful time. A. all B. all that C. all which D. all what 6. As the exams were around the corner, the students in our class _____studying till midnight . A. put up B. kept up C. stayed up D. remained up 7. —How does the plan sound to you? —_________. A. Very well B. Differently C. Wonderful D. Possibly 8. The band’s singer, _______ was Jeff Hyman, died of cancer in 2001. A. the name B. whose name C. her name D. what her name 9. How long does your mother usually spend _______ a big dinner. A. to prepare B. to prepare for C. preparing for D. preparing 10. I can’t forget the persons and the things ______ I met in my former company. A. which B. who C. that D. what 三、完型填空 At a time of high-speed Internet and DVD, a book can still work magic. It’s 1 author J.K. Rowling who is 2 a wonderful world with her boywizard, Harry Potter. The fifth book of Rowling’s popular series—“Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” —went on sale on Jun 21. It _3_ countries across the world, _4_ China. And it was the first time China 5 a global book activity. All 5,500 of the imported English copies quickly sold out in Beijing. 6 books will be imported to China and translated into Chinese in October. The series tells the adventures of Harry, a young wizard at a 7 school in England. In the latest book Harry turns 15. Rowling plans to write one book for each of his seven years at school. So why is Harry Potter so 8 ? “Rowling’s Harry Potter books have very good plots(情节). They are great 9 ,” said Gao Lulu, a 17-year-old Shanghai student. Zeng Lisha, a Senior 1 student in Jiangxi, agreed. “The magical world in the books is quite different from reality. Rowling has excellent storytelling 10 and imagination. What’ more, 11 writing is wonderful.” “One key 12_ the books’ success is the characters,” said John Schatzel, _13_ of a US company. “There is something in there for everybody, _14_ loyalty and friendship.” And others say the books _15_ people to escape reality and believe in the supernatural. 1. A. British B. Japanese C. American D. Chinese 2. A. inventing B. creating C. developing D. advancing 3. A. beat B. struck C. hit D. touched 4. A. including B. included C. containing D. contained 5. A. attended B. joined C. took part D. joined in 6. A. Much B. Many C. More D. Plenty of 7. A. magic B. middle C. local D. primary 8. A. smart B. brave C. handsome D. attractive 9. A. fun B. wonder C. trick D. drama 10. A. ways B. plans C. interests D. skills 11. A. his B. its C. her D. my 12. A. to B. on C. toward D. about 13. A. schoolmaster B. teacher C. doctor D. manager 14. A. usually B. mainly C. hardly D. certainly 15. A. encouraged B. ordered C. refused D. intended 四、完成句子 1.爸爸和妈妈外出度假,比孩子们预计的时间提前一天返回家中。 Mom and Dad _______ _______ _______ _______ a day earlier _______ _______. 2.你们不是应该明天才回来的嘛! You ______ ______ ______ come home until tomorrow ! 3.让你们用来买狗食的钱已经花完了,可是斑点看上去还是这么饿! The money _____ _____you were to buy dog food ______ ______ ,but Spot looks so hungry! 4.这个家可不是一个对不良行为听之任之的地方,而你…… This is not a family ______ ______ _______ _______ ________ and you … 5.埃里克坐在床上,瞧着双臂交叉、一脸怒气的丹尼尔。 Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel ,______ ____ ______ _____ _____ and ______ _______ . 6.你是不是觉得我们刚才对丹尼尔太苛刻了呢? Do you think we _______ ______ _______ ______ ______ Daniel ?
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