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某人的 RGP硬性隐形眼镜使用报告


某人的 RGP硬性隐形眼镜使用报告某人的 RGP硬性隐形眼镜使用报告 RGP硬性隐形眼镜使用报告 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-20 14:52 为了拜托框架眼镜的束缚,三八那天去艾格配了付伟博的RGP硬性隐形眼镜,(花了2K大洋啊,心痛ING)今天去医院取了带上了。 感觉稍微有点异物感,眼镜在眼睛里动来动去,就像含着一滴眼泪似的,看东西也是一会清晰一会模糊,感觉太奇怪了。 走在大街上,感觉还不错,什么都很清晰,心想我的眼睛重生了~~不过我只带了3个小时,就有点难受,感觉进了灰尘似的难受,赶紧取下来了。 本周就在天涯上...

某人的 RGP硬性隐形眼镜使用报告
某人的 RGP硬性隐形眼镜使用报告 RGP硬性隐形眼镜使用报告 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-20 14:52 为了拜托框架眼镜的束缚,三八那天去艾格配了付伟博的RGP硬性隐形眼镜,(花了2K大洋啊,心痛ING)今天去医院取了带上了。 感觉稍微有点异物感,眼镜在眼睛里动来动去,就像含着一滴眼泪似的,看东西也是一会清晰一会模糊,感觉太奇怪了。 走在大街上,感觉还不错,什么都很清晰,心想我的眼睛重生了~~不过我只带了3个小时,就有点难受,感觉进了灰尘似的难受,赶紧取下来了。 本周就在天涯上更新偶的使用感受拉。有问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 也可以问哦,我可是带了6年的软性隐形的,“久病成良医”了唉。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-20 15:07 自己顶。吼吼 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-21 12:39 赫赫,我来了。 先来一一回复问题。 To ourakame:透氧率比软性的好,而且相对于软性,眼睛的并发症要少,而且睡觉都可以戴。缺点在于,适应期要久,感觉不是很舒服,据说一个月适应期是要的,看个人体质。 To fenfen_love:因为是刚开始戴,而且适应期比较长,所以我现在感觉还好,视线有点闪烁。最好是天天取,但是也可以过夜的。可以用大约2-3年。不过据说硬的比较容易碎哦。所以要小心。 To lemon841224:优点很多。我呢,主要是戴软性的戴得散光很重了,原来是没有散光的,戴了5年后散光成了225的重度散光。而且有一天突然一戴就 鼻涕眼泪直流的。所以没有办法,只有戴硬性的,可以矫正散光,对眼睛健康也好些,重要的是可以摆脱框架,赫赫。 To 不是蛋挞:取下来很简单,比软性的好取,就是用中指把眼角往上提,睁大眼睛眨一下,就自己掉下来,当然,前面应该在桌上垫上一块干净的毛巾接着,嘻嘻。 To lynn407:看回复和更新。 To 传说中的土豆:好,我一定坚持写。 To qdxiaopu:个人觉得戴框架是最好的方式了,如果很讨厌框架就只能选择做手术或者隐形。不过我是角膜很薄的那种人,连手术都可能做不了。 To 桔子2008:恩,看看回复吧 To lilimali001:你也很清楚哦,顶一个,赫赫 To somizu1217:因为我现在还没有适应,也不知道它到底好不好。价格嘛,是比较贵,检查花了200,眼镜1500,加上什么护理药水、除蛋白药水、眼镜盒、眼镜棒等等又300多,还不包括以后的花费。唉。我买的还是最便宜的。医院过年不会特价的吧,赫赫。 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, To 乖乖的yoyo:是哦,真是格,不知道啥时候能适应哦。不过因为我戴过软性,一点也不怕这个,所以试戴都没有流一滴眼泪,那护士说,果然是戴过隐形的。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-21 14:59 555,因为掉线,刚才写的都不见了。再来。 使用第二天: 今天一早起床就戴了,结果还是只坚持了3个小时就坚持不了了,眼镜在里面动来动去的觉得痒痒的,想揉,很难受,心里想真怕自己坚持不了。 昨天去买了一个盆子和一块毛巾,专门用来取戴眼镜的。 下面介绍取眼镜的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 : 1.洗干净双手,指甲剪光光。风干。 2.中指上提眼角,睁大眼睛眨一下。镜片就掉在事先铺好的毛巾上。 3.把镜片放在食指中指间,滴上2-3滴药水,配合拇指揉搓,一定要小心哦。这时候要把盆子放在下面接着,防止镜片掉下来找不到。 4.这样洗1-2次后,把镜片卡在镜片盒盖子上(这种镜片盒和软性的差别很大哦,盖子内侧有个卡槽专门放镜片),滴一点药水冲一冲。然后浸入药水里封好。 取眼镜是我这两天最开心的,因为取完,眼睛就好轻松拉。 希望我能早点适应。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-22 01:40 看见大家的回复,很感动哦,也受益良多,谢谢JM的帮助,让我有了更多继续戴下去的信心和勇气.感觉自己不是在孤军奋战呢.(说得是不是有点夸张啦,可是是真心的). 还有有两个戴过很久的MM都飘过了,真是有点遗憾哦.希望戴的久的MM可以说说自己的心得,帮助我们这些还没有怎么戴的.先谢过啦. 下面回复有疑问的哦. 柠檬波尔:你太坏啦.你阿姨肯定是不好意思说你啦.不过说真的,洗镜片的时候,真有把它捏碎的冲动.简直就像虐待. lilimali001:谢谢你的补充和帮助,你也很了解哦.在医院配镜的时候我很不放心,医生说,你放心,小孩子都是戴这种的. ayu1987:lilimali001说得很对,你应该去检查一下,是不是镜片不太合适你的眼球.戴隐形,是可以有异物感,但是决不能疼,疼就千万不要戴,不然很伤眼睛的,最好去医院看看. 停停走走看看:是要去正规医院的哦,因为RGP是会根据每个人的眼球大小,基弧等等不同而不同的,需要配镜的地方有一套专业的光学设备才行,一般的眼镜店是不具备这种实力的.所以还是要去医院"量体裁衣". wittypiggy:谢谢你哦,我有信心了.希望我能很快象你一样.那个小棒棒我也觉得没啥用,花了25元就那么小一个棒棒,真不划算. back2summer:你说的也许是OK镜或者是MCT镜,就是晚上戴着睡觉,白天取下来,好像是矫正视力的. greenmumunv:我去的那个艾格眼科医院只有两个牌子,一个伟博,一个美尼康.前者1500,香港产,后者3200,日本产.不知道咋就相差这么大,连选择的余地都没拉.谢谢你的介绍. lichengcheng147:MM真漂亮.戴隐形,不管是RGP和一般软性的,都有拉眼睛的air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 动作,所以这个眼纹还真是个问题,我拿到的 说明书 房屋状态说明书下载罗氏说明书下载焊机说明书下载罗氏说明书下载GGD说明书下载 上也有 这一条缺点.解决方法真没有,只有拉的时候轻点,多抹点营养眼霜拉.想想戴框架压鼻梁,有眼袋,眼球突出等诸多缺点,这还是可以忍受的,是吧? 丢丢泡:我只能说我戴软性的戴出了很多问题,你可以多咨询多看看,也不妨考虑一下. 瓷相簿2:我也是很晚才知道的,等了一年才配的.主要是被逼无奈呀.你的问题看上面的回复吧,似乎是OK镜或者MCT镜. 爱hi的妖:如果散光高的话,就不要戴软的哦,因为可能会加重散光的,你看我之前散光都恨不得225重度拉!!戴框架戴了一年,矫正回去了一些,现在是200以内.还有以后你可以这样回答你老爸:看见那些没有戴眼镜的没?其实都是戴的隐形呢. lunar_cw:真羡慕你可以做手术,我都有可能做不了.不过风沙确实是RGP的天敌,一进沙子就得取下来了,想想都觉得麻烦死了. 呼呼,终于回复完了,如果有漏掉的提醒我哦.谢谢大家. 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-22 17:11 我又来了. 使用第三天: 今天休息,吼吼,睡到10点多才起床,周末也不能让眼镜懈怠呀,所以11点就戴上了.现在还忍着没有取下来,有5个多小时咯.欣喜!! 不过刚才发生了一点小意外,我不小心拉了一下眼睛,结果不知道镜片在眼睛里怎么了,卡的疼死,完全不能眨眼睛,眼泪哗啦啦直流.我就用手把眼皮拉着,不 让眼睛合上,就稍微好了点.过了一会儿,可能是眼泪冲掉了什么,就好了.不疼了.不过那个疼真是疼啊!!疼的一刻也不能等,非要把它取下来,但是手都没有 洗,都不知道怎么办了.幸亏眼泪冲掉了. 看来这个适应期内我注定是要受很多苦的哦. 接下来讲讲我的眼睛近视的血泪史. 我小学二年级开始眼睛近视,因为小时候很不注意,老是坐在电视机跟前看电视.整个小学,最怕体检,因为测视力我总看不见,看不见就哭,哭过就忘记了.这样一直到初中. 初三的时候学习比较紧张,我坐教室第一排.但是老师常常把题目抄在后面黑板上,所以完全看不见.于是去配了我人生的第一副眼镜. 第一次配的度数就有400!!以后每次配每次就增加,不过那时候是没有散光的. 读高一,就开始每天戴框架了.戴了一年后发现眼睛状况非常恐怖:黑眼圈,眼袋,眼睛变形,摘掉眼镜后同学都说有些恐怖了. 不堪其扰!!高二时开始戴软性隐形,一戴就戴到了大学毕业一年后!有5-6年了吧.度数也还是在增加,散光也不断的增加. 我戴的最后一副软性是海昌一年抛,之前一直都是戴的强生啊,清朗啊,换的海昌戴了3个月的样子就出现了终结. 那一天我照常戴上眼镜上班,后来发现眼睛突然有些不舒服了,所以就取下来了.过了几天再戴上,在公车上鼻涕眼泪哗啦啦的流,一个小时没有停,那天真是灾 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 难啊!!在车上也不好操作,我就一直忍着.眼睛说不出的难受.我当时心想,我是不是要瞎掉了.后来取下来,我恨不得是把眼镜抠下来的,贴的好紧好干.眼睛 红的象兔子,睁也睁不开了.后来去了医院,医生说可能是干眼症.眼镜停戴. 这件事情对我打击很大,我不知道我的眼睛到底怎么了.我想对JMS 说的是,如果你还想继续戴软性的话,就千万记着,不要随便更换你戴的眼镜的牌子.因为牌子不同,眼镜各方面的基数都不一样.如果你的眼睛已经很适应一个牌 子了,就不要让它再去适应其他的牌子.因为它是很脆弱的.拿我来说,我的眼睛很大,之前清朗和强生的就很适合我.后来我换了海昌的,就稍微紧了些,于是我 的眼睛抗议了.真是痛恨那个配眼镜的家伙,说海昌适合东方人,让我用海昌的,唉.真不该听他的. 就这样,我休息了半年没有戴隐形.半年后,我贼心不死,又去医院看眼睛,问医生能不能戴隐形了.他说可以!!我高兴死了. 立马去医院的同仁配镜科去看眼镜.花了20元查视力.这是我第一次到医院查视力.说真的,以前从来都不到医院检查的,因为觉得哪里都一样.这次,让我有了更加彻底的悔悟. 这时候,我戴的框架度数是一个650,一个750,外加散光150.很恐怖了吧?测视力的时候,医生说我原来配的度数不对,太高了.测了好几次,而且还 去弄了散瞳,她说如果以后考虑做手术的话,最好是戴正常的度数矫正过来.我确实有点想做手术.所以听从的医生的话,继续戴3个月以上的框架矫正.这时候我 的度数是一个450,一个650,外加散光225.去配眼镜的时候都是订的,因为散光超出了范围,还多花了钱. 戴框架又过了半年,也就是这一次的三八,我去了医院,度数已经矫了过来,散光也回到了175.吼吼,决定了用RGP.因为散光不能再深了.而且实在不想继续框架了. 这里还想对MM们说的是,如果你戴了很久的软性,同时没有去过医院,而且有可能做手术的话,那么还是去医院看一次眼睛.不管是检查视力还是怎么样都可以.自己安心也好,为了眼睛健康也好,反正是不会错的. 呼呼,简单的说完了我的眼镜历史,配了框架无数,隐形无数,我只能说,健康的眼睛是最幸福的.这次去配RGP,RGP前检查的时候,医生说我的角膜比较薄,可能都不能做手术.我只能一声叹息了. RGP看来是我最后的机会了. 希望我早点适应!!! 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-22 17:13 To pink87:既然适应了硬的,就不要再换了,框架倒是可以戴,软性就不要随便戴了. 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-22 23:14 上来瞧瞧,呵呵。 TO 只爱冰淇淋:终于又遇到一位高人了。哈哈。你这样说我好高兴啊,看来,希望是越来越大呀。谢谢你的回复哦。另外,我想问一下,你的眼镜盒是什么样的,我总 觉得我的眼镜盒很大,每次我都要倒一大盒才能淹没镜片,好心疼,不知道哪里有小点的盒子。说一下,我的盒子是圆柱形的,两头是盖子。镜片卡在中间。 TO back2summer:lilimali001说的很对,OK镜是硬性镜,但他不是RGP。软性隐形缺点之一就是不能矫正散光。我的散光就是软性隐形弄出来的。 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, TO lilimali001:谢谢你~~ TO somizu1217:呵呵。我也觉得很贵呢。我买的是最便宜的了。只怪这个东东还没有普及,成本太高,而且只有医院才能配,价格自然就上去了。恨~~ TO 碧落无痕:医生只说可以戴着睡觉,但是应该也不会鼓励这种方式,因为毕竟还是眼镜,对眼睛会有一些束缚,所以呢,还是象软性隐形那样去正常取戴,会比较 好。过夜戴啊只是偶尔为之拉。一般可以戴1-2天吧,我自己估的哦。因为没有尝试过,如果有高人路过的话,也来说说吧。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-23 16:18 使用第四天 今天戴上眼镜的感觉和前几天比,没有什么进步,还是那样,异物感,眼睛痒痒的,还有点干。戴上一会儿就想把它取下来。唉受罪啊受罪,戴这个还真是难适应啊。中午带着难受忍着睡了一个午觉,起来之后,觉得似乎回到了戴软性的时候,干干的,不舒服。 什么时候才能适应啊,, 郁闷了。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-23 16:43 TO 游牧民族00:个人觉得,RGP的价格不能跟软性比,但软性的性能不能跟RGP比。呵呵。 TO JEALOUSY嫉妒:不做手术的原因很多,一是觉得这个手术不成熟,怕以后得后遗症,并发症什么的,二是这个手术做下来需要大把的时间和大笔的钱。最重要的原因是医生说我的角膜比较薄,可能作不了手术。 TO pink87:你戴的是晚上戴的那种OK镜是吧,我现在一般是不会推荐别人戴软性,因为我戴出了很多问题,例如高度散光、例如角膜变薄,所以如果你没有戴 过软性,就还是不要戴了。不过虽然OK镜也是硬镜,但是我没有戴过,不知道它和RGP是不是戴起来一样的适应度,所以建议你配镜就去医院咨询看看,我知道 医院一般都会推荐RGP的。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-25 12:38 更新报告: 使用第五,六天: 这两天都只戴了3个多小时就取下来了,还是不适应,又干又痒,太难受了,眼睛还有点红红的。 昨天加了一个群,专门讨论RGP的。赫赫,得到了一些帮助。初戴的感觉大致相当,有的稍微会好些,我算是比较正常偏难适应的那种。大家如有有兴趣的也可以加,在QQ群里面搜索RGP就可以拉。一个软性一个硬性,自己找门进。 虽然还没有适应,但是我不会放弃的。加油~~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-25 12:47 TO lydia_w:八天是你的拐点,我也要寻找我的拐点,哈哈哈,谢谢你~ TO 米妮的太阳镜:我是武汉的,所以不大了解你们那边的情况,你可以找你们那边的正规医院咨询一下。 TO 心心点点心:出现这种情况,你应该及时去医院检查。如果排除这个因素,那就是你适应度的问题,因为其实我觉得我戴着,也差不多是眨一眨眼睛,镜片就动来动去的。比起软性来,这个真太难适应了。 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, TO 汐小米:如果想配,还是去医院检查看看,配RGP之前会有一系列检查。这些检查会决定你能不能戴。 TO lilimali001:握爪。谢谢~ 对了,前天我问了一个问题,就是我现在用的眼镜盒很浪费药水的问题,后来得到了解答,就是改用软性的双联盒,决定今天回去就去买个,赫赫~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-26 14:54 使用第七天: 今天戴的感觉,还是前几天一样,我的拐点还没有来。 今天还戴着出门了一趟,坐在的士上,正感叹这气候宜人呢,眼睛就刺痛,很突然,很痛,眼泪哗啦啦直流,沙子卡在眼睛里,那个叫疼啊~~顿时眼睛红得不 行。我慌忙找镜子找纸巾,准备把眼镜取下来算了,一挤眼镜,眼镜没有下来,倒是又很突然的,又好了,顿时一个舒服哦~~进了啥子好苦哦。 幸亏来这里的还有很多戴得很好的例子,真的感谢你们哦。愿意和我们分享。我还有希望~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-26 15:03 TO 兰心语:谢谢你和我们分享~ TO 万有引力:赫赫,你很可爱哦。软性的如果都这样了,你还是小心一点哦,最好定期去医院检查一下,看看眼睛是不是健康的,安安心也好。 TO 畅游蓝:习惯了真的没有啥感觉呀,真的吗, TO 倦鸟夕归处:出门必备墨镜,恩恩~谢谢~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-27 13:05 使用第八天: 现在还戴着呢,早晨戴的时候,感觉还不错,没有那么痒了。不过还是干。不过现在就不行了,眼睛红红的,干干的,痒痒的。说下来,其实也还是不适应拉。 我决定就这样坚持下来,能忍多久是多久。 补充一下晚上戴着的效果。 晚上戴这个其实最难受,在外面,灯火全部就象彗星,拉着扇子的尾巴,变来变去。所以视线感觉很不清晰。不知道大家是不是都是这样的,还是适应了之后会好点呢, 八天,我期盼的拐点快点到来吧~~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-27 13:15 TO 火髻:我在配这个眼镜的时候一直都不怎么放心,当时有个医生说,你放心,人家小孩子都戴这个。不过我不大清楚她所说的小孩是多大的,建议你找个医院的电话问问。这个适应期似乎都是2周到一个月。 TO lianyihan521:戴这个是医院给你定制,应该不能退的吧,所以你要考虑清楚。突出的问题的话,我的经验是,我原来戴了一年的框架,眼睛变形了, 后来戴隐形一阵就恢复了,不知道你戴框架戴了多久,如果戴了很久我也不大确定了,看看有没有更久的MM能回答你的。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-29 01:32 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 使用第九天: 临睡前跑上来说说今天的感受. 今天是很悲喜交加的一天,喜的是我好像觉得不是那么痒了,(不过还是干干的).悲的是我再次遭遇了眼镜进不明物事件. 事情是这样的:中午和同事下楼吃饭,从新世界的一楼下来,走到门口,眼睛又很突然的刺痛,显然是进东西了,那叫一个疼.我还是幻想着眼泪把它冲下来,但 是我哗啦啦流了半天的眼泪,它都没有出来,我和同事就站在新世界的门口,然后他们看着我哗啦啦流眼泪,帮我拿纸巾,说着别人还以为我们欺负你呢.我实在疼 的受不了,就把它挤了出来. 心里那个生气呀,我在室内呢,新世界里人那么少,外面又下着雨,哪来的砂子,哪里来的东西就跑到我眼睛里,这个RGP怎么就这么容易进沙子呢?真的很烦人哦. 后来,我很牛!我把眼镜用纸巾包起来,放在口袋,继续戴着另一只眼镜慢悠悠的去和同事炒菜吃饭,然后吃完上楼. 真的有些恨它了.而且很多同事都对这我说,你还是戴框架好看些.唉唉,我还是要坚持!! 下午6点多下班,我的眼睛整体看起来红了,我就把它取下来了,我依然还没有怎么适应它. 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-29 16:57 TO 清水微兰:我也跟着你矛盾起来了。 TO 精灵飞飞:戴隐形,一定要注意卫生哦,伤了眼睛后悔也来不及了。还有时间的问题。不宜过长。 TO 我的秘密不告诉你:我还没适应,所以不好说,你可以多找找戴这种硬性的人问问。 TO jingfz:握爪~谢谢你的提醒~我会跟医生说这个的。 TO akanixi:原来戴软性,是什么都不怕的,画眼线,睫毛膏不妨水的那种样样来,睫毛掉眼睛了也不怕。可是现在,我不敢那么猖狂了,因为有一点东西进去 就疼的不行,非得把它取下来重新戴。所以有待时日观察。现在只敢稍微画一下睫毛,主要是刚取下框架眼镜,眼睛无神。 TO 身旁鸽子:rgp很怕风沙的哦,因为沙子一进去就疼,刺疼。非要把它取下来重新戴才行,所以出门就成了难题。北京和四川哪里的比较好,不知道你问的什么哦。度数高低都一样。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-30 02:33 一到周末就不能规律生活了,呵呵,又是凌晨准备睡觉的时候跑来更新,不知道是勤快还是偷懒。 使用第十天: 我觉得我依然要重复第九天的话。还是干,就是有个干干的东西塞在眼睛里的感觉,老想把它揉下来才好。呜呜呜,我为啥就老是不能适应咧。唉唉。 对了,我跑到RGP群里去问别的也刚戴的MM,似乎他们晚上的感觉和我差不多,而且也问过医生说是还没有适应的原因。不过我去复查的时候一定记得问问医生,到底是正常还是不正常。 下面和MM们讨论一下问题: TO 养病在家闲得慌:反正是海昌的隐形让我不能戴了,它肯定是不适合我的。air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 药水嘛,我倒是之前也一直在用,而且还用了很久呢。所以,我也搞不清楚到底是甚么原因了。另外你提到揉眼睛的问题,戴隐形都是不能怎么揉眼睛的哦。 特别是硬性,因为是硬的,所以得小心,摸摸就行了,不能揉。说不定就揉碎了呢,呵呵。我也怕。 TO 小妖2007:谢谢你给我力量。你说的很对,RGP只有在正规的医院才能配得到,因为只有这些医院才有RGP配戴前的检查的光学设备。 因为并不是所有人都能戴的。不过我知道的是RGP都需要大约一周到11天的样子才取到。去配的时候会有试戴的眼镜。不知道是不是各地不一样呢, TO 落洛洛:呵呵,你难倒我了,隐形带上不就隐形了么,咋看得到捏,不过我可以给你描述哈兹。其实就是和软性是一样的,不同的是,硬性的比软性的小,而且是硬的,同时因为它小所以是不会盖住整个瞳孔的,戴上后, 它就随着眼睛一眨一眨地在瞳孔上动来动去,睁着眼睛地时候,它就在瞳孔地正中央。它运动的时候给眼睛补给了新鲜的泪液。而软性一般是不会这样动的。所以软性戴的时间不宜过长,就是这个原因。你的习惯很好,就是不能老是戴着,应该让眼睛多休息。 TO justsaygoodbye:我不是医生或者专家,就我的目前的感觉来说,是各有各的好,软的舒适,硬的更健康。健康是第一要义,所以我现在正在承受痛苦。呵呵。流泪之后我半年没有戴,后来因为散光太高所以选择了硬性。你这样的情况,我觉得还满奇怪的哦。 TO yjokokdd:呵呵,一般来说,可以做激光手术的医院都可以吧。武汉这边是艾尔眼科啊,艾格眼科什么的。你可以查一查你们当地的比较好的医院。哦对 了,艾格眼科是北京同仁视光什么中心的。你也可以在你们当地找找。关于RGP的一些知识呢,你可以在网上找找看看。 嘻嘻。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-03-30 21:16 使用第十一天: 星期天,下午才开始戴.下午还出了一趟门.眼睛感觉老是眯缝着,睁不大,朋友说感觉似乎精神不好,很憔悴的样子.我也这样觉得,戴着RGP感觉黑眼圈也重了很多,眼睛没有神彩,而且很干.不知道是因为戴框架太久还是因为还没有适应,反正就是不舒服. 朋友半开玩笑的说,算了,还是戴框架好了,我说,那不行,银子就白白浪费了哦.我还要坚持. 我还有一个感觉,就是觉得好像很容易进沙子似的,常常觉得眼睛里有东西进去,不太干净似的.所以总有把它取下来洗洗的冲动. 我有一个梦想,我梦想有一天,戴着RGP也能象没有戴眼镜似的那么舒畅,那么自在. 我有一个梦想,我梦想有一天,戴着RGP也不怕风沙,眼睛轻松自然,熠熠生辉. 我梦想...... 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-01 13:10 使用第11-12天: 昨天没有时间上来写,不过这两天的感觉也差不多。刚戴上去觉得几乎没有什么感觉,但是过半个小时就不行了,眼睛很有负担的感觉,也还是干,觉得它象air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 个海 绵似的把我眼睛里的眼泪都吸走了。而且真的很容易进东西。我昨天画了一下防水的睫毛膏,感觉下眼睑占一点点那个小灰尘,就会进去似的。然后就眼睛红红,一 会又好了,时时搞一下。真是烦。 所以到现在,我的眼睛仍可以感觉到负担,而且害怕沙子等任何细小的东西。睫毛膏也不敢抹了。 眼睛无神,象沙漠似的干。这是我这两天的感觉。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-01 14:05 回复各位好MM. TO 我的秘密不告诉你:谢谢你~~ TO 璐西法殿下:你现在戴框架了,可以说为什么没有戴RGP么,谢谢。 TO 小妖2007:结论是各地不一样。赫赫。我的两眼差不多都有1.2了,确实不能相差远了,不然会让差的那个更差的,我觉得。谢谢鼓励哦~~ TO 晒月亮的河马:赫赫,谢谢你哦,你的话让我又振奋了。这段时间都是看着大家的鼓励才有更多的信心坚持的,特别是周围的人都说,哎呀,还是框架好的时候,我 就更烦了。幸亏有这样的一个地方。我希望我能坚持下去,然后以后都戴这种,然后鼓励更多的人丢掉框架,把散光矫回来。谢谢你~~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-02 18:44 使用第13天: 先来大笑三声:瓦哈哈哈~ 昨天晚上回家的路上,我居然领悟到了“若无镜之境”的境界拉。突然间,我就觉得眼睛好像很自由,很清晰,很舒畅,就象没有任何东西在眼睛里面。我那个兴奋呀~~~ 从头开始说,其实昨天下班回家的时候,照了一下镜子,还看着眼睛是有点红红的,不太舒服的感觉。然后在电梯里,没有人,我就对着那个钢铁镜子照,试着把 平时有点眯缝的眼睛睁大了一点。(平时一般只敢平视和朝下看,不敢向上看,因为怕镜片掉下来了)。然后在路上,我就发现,我的眼睛没有平时那么拘束了,眼 咕噜子到处转。(插一句,看见新疆小偷,看的胆战心惊)然后,过了一会,就很突然的,我感觉我已经忘记了隐形眼镜了,我的眼睛突然间变得很畅快~ 激动啊~ 晚上摘下来的时候,我的眼睛一点都不红。 今天早上戴着上班感觉也很不错。 不过呢,也不能高兴的太早,因为我发现,戴久了和戴着看近处时,就不行了,还是不舒服。很干呀。 天啊,是在考验我的耐性吧。 不过,好歹也让我尝到了那种自由舒适的状态拉,我满足了。 最后说一个不好的事故。今天在办公室又迷眼睛了,我不知道是什么进去了,这个是最郁闷的。为什么我老是这样啊。几乎天天都有。唉唉。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-02 18:50 TO 璐西法殿下:谢谢你哦,明白拉。我想你再去配眼睛会好很多呢,似乎很多MM都说散光会好一些。而且你的度数不高。羡慕你哦,眼睛润润的又漂亮又好戴眼镜。唉,我都是软镜害的。 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, TO justsaygoodbye:谢谢~我觉得还好拉,似乎没有啥感觉呢。可能也是没有太适应的原因。因为晚上戴感觉不好。灯火都有翅膀飞。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-03 13:23 使用第14天: 今天算下来,是两周了,可是今天感觉一点也不好。居然增添了涩涩的感觉。很涩,不舒服。唉,我还是高兴得太早了。 该去医院检查了,明天是清明节,天气好的话就去扫墓,下大雨的话就去医院复查。到时候再来报告最新消息。 回复JMS: TO 小妖2007:谢谢你哦,我今天就是用到娥佩兰的那种。你说的很仔细呢,我以后就按你说的方法来~谢谢你~~ TO 我的秘密不告诉你:赫赫,我高兴太早了,今天还是不怎么舒服。 我现在决定去取下眼镜,休息哈兹眼睛。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-05 22:31 清明时节雨纷纷。 使用第15,16天: 昨天因为要出远门,所以让俺的眼睛休息了一天,今天继续戴上了。感觉很干,不舒服。 上午去医院检查。查了一下视力,没有说什么。对着那个机器眨了一下眼睛,也没有什么。医生说我戴的非常的合适。我不知道她说的合适是什么概念。我跟她讲了我晚上的眩光和眼睛干的情况,她依然解释是我还没有适应的原因。然后让我一个月后再来。 这样,在等待了10分钟后,用了宝贵的与医生对话和检查的2分钟,我就走出了医院的大门,朋友说,他觉得医生其实就是忽悠。我点点头,就这样被忽悠出来了。 我还是得继续坚持适应了。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-05 22:59 TO 小妖2007:谢谢你,我一般是用护理液冲完眼镜后就戴上,上面有些残留液,可以稍微润一下,但是不多。我不知道用护理液滴在上面行不行,我用的美尼康的护理液。 TO 璐西法殿下:软镜比硬镜容易适应些,应该是很快就可以适应的,但是,如果你去医院,我觉得医生肯定不会建议你戴软镜的,因为软镜对眼睛健康来说,没有硬镜 好。价格是贵,但是对你的眼睛可能会好些,所以对比之下,你觉得呢,另外你说那个戴的时候滴的那个眼药水,是什么啊,不是护理液吗, TO bin20bin:我很容易进砂子纤维什么的,有时候一天要搞几回,而且是在办公室坐着都这样,我超级郁闷这个,今天和医生说这个,她说是我没有适应,所以有点东西进去就难受,以后会好,我也是将信将疑的,唉。 TO 清水微兰:软镜很快就适应了的,两三天就差不多了,以后很舒服的。注意每天戴的时间不要太久了。不能过夜戴。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-06 16:22 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 第17天: 今天戴的感觉没啥变化。为了不显得重复,我就不多说了,呵呵。今天出门了一趟,有点灰进去,眨巴两下就好了,结果回家倒是进了一个纤维。真是麻烦呀。 看见bin20bin和璐西法殿下的留言,吓了我一跳,真的呀,护士教我戴眼镜的时候,就是直接用护理液冲洗完了后,直接戴眼睛里的呀。我非常清楚,她 没有用清水冲。那天因为不是周末,医院的人很少,我们就慢慢腾腾的教的非常细致。她没有说这个护理液不能入眼啊。而且我想,蒸馏水或者纯净水冲洗后,不会 让眼睛感觉涩涩的难受么,真是奇怪呀,我决定去问问看。 为了安全起见,俺以后就用纯净水冲了。唉。真是奇怪,那个护士咋搞的呀,看起来还很老练呢。 对了,璐西法殿下,眼药水能沾到眼镜上么,好像眼镜不能沾的吧,因为我记得那个护士嘱咐我,戴着眼镜的时候不要点眼药水的。 谢谢你~bin20bin TO 璐西法殿下:我现在用的护理液是美尼康的,日本的,我在医院买的是145一瓶,我在网上看见有110的。这种护士教我的时候是冲完直接戴的,感觉还满好 呢。我不知道她是教错了,还是真的可以直接入眼。唉,真是矛盾哦。我知道有很多人都用的是博士顿的,价格相对来说,还算是可以了。说不定哪天我也考虑用 呢。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-08 14:04 第18-19天 我只能说,我还没有适应,依然有负担,虽然不痒,但是比较干。对眼睛里的那个玻璃片感觉不好,555555哪天才是头啊~~哭死了。 to 璐西法殿下:你们那边的医院好负责哦,我到目前,才去过一次,昏了。不过你说的那个方法,真不错呢。我今天用的纯净水冲的眼镜,可是戴上后眼睛很涩,很难受,我觉得我不适合这种方法。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-10 13:36 第20-21天: 这两天继续适应着,基本上还在适应期,但是还是坚持戴。坚持坚持~~不过很容易迷了眼睛啊,一天搞了好多次,最后室友说,因为武汉的空气不好啊~我这才恍然大悟。不过也许适应了就不会这么容易了,哈哈哈。我要坚持~~ 现在来说说我第一次除蛋白的经历: 是前天晚上回家除的,医生说的两周实际上已经超过了。我用的美尼康的除蛋白液。(175米,可以用7次)它是分AB液的,就是两个象眼药水的小瓶子,用 它送的容器,分别倒进去,然后摇一摇,把眼镜泡在里面,30分钟后赶紧把它取出来,取出来的时候,我闻到那个液体的味道很熏人,臭死了。我按医生吩咐的, 用纯净水冲洗。然后用护理液冲,完了后泡在护理液里面。刚从除蛋白液里取出来的时候,两片眼镜的颜色几乎都泡没有了,不过这是正常的拉。 昨天早晨戴的时候,是感觉舒服了一些,看来真的有用哦。呵,就是麻烦了点。基本上程序是比较简单的。老是洗手的麻烦。 在除蛋白的时候,我找到了我的护理液的 使用说明 爱威a9效果器使用图word使用说明在哪儿钻床数控系统用户手册玻璃钢风机使用说明书控制器用户说明书 ,上面说美尼康的护理液可以消毒啊,护理啊,还可以润滑,也就是戴之前冲一冲,带上舒服一些。这样的air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 话, 那么我直接洗了戴上不用纯净水冲是没有问题的。终于解决了我和大家的疑惑了。赫赫~大家都知道了吧,是美尼康的护理液。其他的牌子哦我就不知道了。大家看 说明看仔细点哦。 TO 我的秘密不告诉你:谢谢你~我已经弄清楚了。 TO 清水微兰:眼药水会不会对眼镜有伤害呢,还是小心点哦 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-12 23:44 偶来了~~比较忙,也有点小偷懒 哦,没有啥大的变化,俺就两天跑来一次了,吼吼吼~ 第22-23天: 虽然戴着还是没有完全适应,但是,我觉得一天下来也没有特别特别的难受。还是可以坚持下来12个小时的。所以越来越有信心了。今天问朋友,说:我的眼睛 有没有看起来好一点了,他说,已经恢复了80,了,呵呵。我也觉得我的眼睛不像以前那样不能聚焦似的怪怪的了。我想我的眼睛不久又可以和以前一样明眸善睐 拉。现在对同事的劝说,都回答说,不要劝了,我坚决不戴框架眼镜了,吼吼~ 回复大家: TO 停停走走看看:应该比较正规的眼科医院都可以的,就是你们那边可以做激光手术的那种,或者是其他的综合医院。不过我个人觉得还是眼科医院比较好吧,因为比 较专。一般的眼镜店是肯定没有这种的哦。因为涉及到佩戴前的各项眼部检查,比较复杂和专业,一般的眼镜店不具备这种实力的。 TO 小妖2007:谢谢你的提醒啊。这个问题呢,我看过美尼康的说明 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 是说可以入眼的,因为有一项就是佩戴前的冲洗和润滑作用的。而且心卓豪侠MM配的时候也问过医生这个问题,回答是,美尼康是可以的,其他的护理液不行。不过还是谢谢你哦~~ TO 花妖碎碎念:戴了10年的软性啊,厉害哦。你戴软性是不是每天戴的时间太久了才红红眼睛 啊,千万不要戴太久了,每天8小时内吧。硬性的呢,我上面也说了,是需要到专门的眼科医院去配的,你看看你们那有没有医院做激光手术的,这样的都是可以 的。一般的眼镜店肯定没有。牌子呢,有美尼康、富士伦还有伟博等等,美尼康的一副大约3000多,后面的大约1500多,各地可能有点点不一样,你可以在 网上找找。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-13 21:58 第24天: 戴上眼镜的感觉越来越好了,虽然还是有负担,但是基本上视线比较清楚了,一点一点的拖影也可以忍受了。今天想了一下,可能一个月就差不多算适应了吧,而且这两天没有进沙子真是很难得的。 如果可以选择,我还是会选择配这副眼镜,起码能让我的眼睛更漂亮,起码让我摆脱了框架的束缚。我想同事们以后还是会对我说,其实还是不戴框架好呢。嘻嘻嘻。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-16 14:40 第25-27天: 来咯~~ air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 这几天,几乎都没有进沙子的时候了,哈哈哈。可能真的是越习惯越不会进吧,觉得不进沙子什么的,就太舒服了。 可能是天天对电脑的原因,我的眼睛有些干。所以要多眨眨眼睛才好。 不过,不要误会哦,我可以每天戴12个小时,但是不代表我不能感受到镜片的存在,我可以感受它的存在,不过也并不会觉得不舒服。也就是有负担,但不难受。 TO 勒雷垒泪:希望你早日康复。 TO 罂粟朵朵:戴硬性一定做好充分的思想准备哦,开始适应的时候还是挺不舒服的,进灰之类的就更苦了。不过适应了也许会好点哦。 TO 素颜无伤:你说的那个牌子是软性的么,是就不要每天戴太久了哦。爱惜眼睛哦~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-18 13:20 第28-29天: 来啦来啦~~ 这两天又几乎没有进沙子了啊啥的,只是偶尔感觉有点东西,闭上眼睛或者拉一拉眼角就好些了,没有以前那种眼泪哗啦啦的感觉了,我越来越适应了。走在外面,感觉眼睛聚焦也正常了很多,我想,现在应该很少有人能看出我是近视吧。赫赫 不过,依然有负担,可以感觉到镜片的存在。我想我适应的也差不多了,也许很长一段时间就是这样的吧。不难受,但也不会那么舒服。 要是有更好的感觉,我就跑来告诉大家吧。 回复: TO 微凉风:要是非常不喜欢框架,还是可以尝试下RGP的。就是麻烦了点,难适应了点。 TO writtenonwater:到医院检查眼睛和镜片,看具体是什么情况,另外注意戴的时间不要过长了。不要硬撑。眼睛的事不可大意。 TO 坏坏作作兔:一切由你作主了。赫赫。注意软性每天戴的时间不要太长就是了。 TO 冻冻紫靥:眼睛肿是怎么回事呢,不是戴眼镜戴的吧。你要是没有好好休息的话,最好戴眼镜的时间也不要太久了。每天戴戴,觉得不舒服就取下来。慢慢适应会好 的。视线问题,我现在觉得白天基本上可以了,视线比较稳定,就是看电脑的时候有点闪烁。其他的还好,但是也还能接受的说。我现在晚上也还是有那种灯火翅膀 的感觉,有时好一点,有时差一点,具体也不知道是怎么回事。也不知道是不是以后一直都是这样。也只有坚持才能知道了。另外要是一直不舒服的话,建议可以找 医生帮你开点眼药水之类的。加油吧~ TO 晴天RGP:镜片下移,我似乎记得之前我有这种感觉,但是其实镜片没有怎么下移的。那时候我都不怎么敢看上面,觉得眼睛往上看眼镜都要掉下来似的。后来有 一天,我在电梯里朝着镜子往上看了一下,后来感觉奇好~~(你看看我第13天的)所以我觉得是正常的哦。加油吧,才刚开始,会好的~~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-20 22:19 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 第30-31天: 来咯来咯~ 现在戴着还没取呢,除了有点干,其他都还好。呵呵。上次说了,除非有特别明显的进步,一般呢,我就上来和MM们讨论初戴时的一些体验。 开始咯~ TO writtenonwater:不知道你的充血是怎样的,实话说我一直都有点,也有可能是以前戴软性留下来的血丝。不过刚开始戴的时候,确实,一戴得不舒服就充血的厉害,也很恐怖。所以呢,那样时间就不要过长,希望你尽快适应~ TO 晴天RGP:大家都要羡慕你咯~也非常谢谢你的分享哦,所有关于RGP的经验都是宝贵的~~握爪~欢迎常来帮助大家哦。相信你也会越来越适应RGP的。 TO 那株上天遗忘的草:我眼底也有轻微的结石,但是还是可以戴。同意晴天RGP、冻冻紫靥的哦。 TO 冻冻紫靥: 嘿嘿,我后来忘记说了,我还是用的那种圆柱形的眼镜盒,因为我把这个装着护理液倒在普通眼镜盒的时候,发现其实是差不多容量的,而且这种圆柱 形的更安全些,所以俺还是用的圆柱形的。呵呵。关于洗眼镜的水,是不能用自来水的哦,一定要用蒸馏水或者纯净水(不是矿泉水哦)。我自己用的美尼康的护理 液,是不需要用水冲的,我就是冲冲眼镜盒什么的。关于戴之前滴润眼液的问题,我也试过用护理液(特指美尼康)滴,确实是好戴一些,但是我还是怕护理液伤害 眼睛,所以就不滴,也还行,只要不让手指头占太多和镜片粘得太紧就还挺好戴的呢。另外PS,俺买的美尼康在医院价格是145M250ML,用到现在还有一 些,网上还有110M的。和你的价格比起来,我觉得美尼康还不错,你可以考虑哦。 TO diudy1020:沙眼,俺也不太清楚呢。最好问问医生吧。电话问问看。 TO seven-chou:说得很对哦,角膜一定要足够厚才有十足胜利的把握去做手术,俺的就是薄型的,这辈子也不用去面对那样的抉择了。不过还是羡慕一下先,戴了10年的软性,角膜还能这么厚,是灰常灰常幸福的拉~恭喜MM哦~~~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-24 13:34 偶来咯。俺们的队伍越来越壮大了呀~哇哈哈哈~~JMS大家一起加油吧。 回复一下哦~ TO 黄蓉nj:俺也不知道,你可以电话咨询哈。 TO destinye:呵呵,谢谢哦~戴硬镜也没啥,我觉得只要是熬得住的,基本上都可以戴的。一定要做好充分的心理准备,把可能会遇到的问题都想全了,戴起 来也不会觉得那么难受了。一个是身理上的适应,一个是心理上。身理上就是你要适应硬镜带给你的异物感等等诸多不适。而另一方面,作为戴了快二十年框架的 你,眼睛变形可能比较严重的了吧,可能会有很多人说,你还是戴框架比较好看。这时候你会怎样,还坚持认为自己不戴眼镜好看,能够继续忍受大家的劝说。你的 心理是否足够承受, 过了这两大关,基本上就没有问题了。供你参考。 TO writtenonwater:我一直都有血丝,有时候深有时候浅,平常眼角没有什么感觉,但是也有眼角痒痒的感觉,我不知道你说的难受是怎么样的。哎,你似乎air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 还有适应哦。慢慢来,每天少戴一会。加油吧~ TO 晴天RGP:谢谢你~记得多来给大家分享你的体验哦。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-25 13:28 TO writtenonwater:真遗憾哦,也许有些MM的体质真的不太适合RGP吧。 TO SUNNI930:5555,看见你这样,我都要5555了。我记得我第一次试戴,是有感觉有东西在眼睛里,但是也不至于到像有沙子,我不会流眼泪。就是 又干又氧的,很想马上取下来。戴了几天我才适应。但我也在网上看见有的mm试戴时狂流眼泪的,特别是戴软性太久的MM,更难适应。你这种情况,还是考虑好 吧。万一你坚持不了,大米就白白浪费了哦,按理说你这种比我的透氧率要高很多呢。 建议你多咨询医生,问清楚些。因为他们有大量类似的案例。然 后一定要相信医生和你自己的判断。我的意思是,如果你综合了所有信息后,你觉得你不适合,你就坚决放弃吧~如果你觉得你可以克服一切,最终选择戴的话,你 就一定要坚持,再大的挫折也要坚持。当然,这里的原则是不能让你的眼睛受到伤害。 其实我初戴那几天也是很痛苦的,你可以看看我的记录。另外,我对框架深恶痛绝,也至于我有克服万难的决心。所以,如果你要戴,你一定要找到你的强大动力和决心~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-28 13:55 一眨眼就好多天没有来了。谢谢JMS给我的鼓励。也希望大家的眼睛都健康哦。 TO destinye:眼睛变形,直接来说,就是长期戴框架的人,摘下眼镜,就会看到,眼睛的聚焦和正常人的眼睛是不一样的,表现出来就是眼球突出,另外还有 眼袋啊黑眼圈之类的异常。所以刚摘下眼镜的时候,眼睛都是挺难看的呢。我戴了一年的框架,都是丑的很。现在稍微好点了。 TO SUNNI930:恩,那就试试吧。试了总有希望,不试就永远没有希望改变了。 TO vane32:呵呵,我刚开始戴的时候,天天同事问我说,哎呀,是不是昨天没有睡好啊,没有精神啊,眼睛真的睁不大。你说的眩光,我只能说,每个人都是这 样的,而且我晚上戴更严重。时间久了会好一点哦,目前就我来说,依然有这种情况,但是比之前感觉好一些了。我也可以忍受。你多找找那些初戴的体验说明看 看,其实都差不多呢。慢慢来,会改善的。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-04-28 14:00 vane32我再建议你看看我前面写的每天的体验,我觉得也算是很痛苦的啦,哇哈哈。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-05-09 23:16 很晚了,上来冒个泡泡。刚才开这个网页,突然是连接不上的状态,吓死我了,我还以为这个帖子已经消失了呢。寒一个。 这个星期好忙哦,不过我还是非常坚持的戴着偶的RGP。看见晴天MM的状态,真是感到高兴呢。我觉得我们的状态基本相当。握握抓。 大家一起加油吧~ 希望能够有更多爱美的MM能够加入偶们的行列~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-06-08 20:14 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 放假休息,越休息越累呀~~~ 最近很少戴我的RGP了,因为换发型失败,戴框架稍微能够转移一下大家对我的头发的注意力,加上休息,所以一直戴的框架。不过我还是会见缝插针戴戴 RGP的。也许很久不戴的原因,我觉得我还是不怎么适应,同事老说我戴着感觉眼睛眯缝着,不知道大家有没有这样呢,还有怎么能够避免呢, 回答问题: to 落мо:也许你现在已经适应了,我觉得你开始的一些小麻烦都是因为不太熟练的原因造成的吧。你提到你戴都有问题,我觉得熟练之后自然很简单的,主要是不要 紧张,因为你镇定的时候,眼睛都不会乱眨巴眨巴影响你戴了,加上你之前没有戴软镜的经历,所以这个对你来说,难度还是有的,耐心哦,慢慢来。一定不要紧 张~ 还有你戴了一周后应该会去医院复查的,记得把你的问题都问问医生哦。我戴RGP很少自己会掉的,除非我故意拉眼角把它拉出来。还有我也没有遇到镜片跑到眼角去的情况。不过我知道有MM这样的经历。所以不要紧张,你去医院的话,最好问问医生哦。 另外你提到角膜地形图的问题,我去配的时候是有的,好像就是对着一个机器睁大眼睛,然后就给眼睛拍了一张彩色照片似的,当然是那种精密的,我只记得我的 是不均匀的颜色,医生告诉我,就是说明我有散光,当然这只是辅助的用途,主要它是检查角膜是否正常的一个工具,向屈光度啊,角膜厚度之类的,不过这只是我 不专业的说法,建议你问问医生,然后结合BAIDU的搜索看看就大概了解了。看看是不是一定需要做。 to 旧金山的冬天:你说的我也也好振奋哦,哇哈哈哈~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-06-25 20:06 今天去医院复查眼睛了。距离我戴RGP已经有三个月外加5天了,最近越来越发现我戴着很卡了,都三个月了都没有适应~~抓狂啊~所以终于下定决心请假 去医院了。去之前,我觉得最近戴着越来越卡,越来越干,越来越不舒服了,我很生气,我觉得很有可能眼镜配的不合适。我是抱着吵架的心理去医院的。可是到了 之后,我再次被屈服了。测量视力的时候,视力居然依然很好。检查的时候,医生说灵活度也非常的好~~可是我为什么戴着不舒服呢,因为我的眼睛有干眼症~~ 医生说因为之前戴软镜戴久了,所以眼干。我现在依然半信半疑,为了我的眼睛好,我也只好选择相信了。医生开了一些药给我,又花了100多。哭~ 药品列上:泪然(右旋糖酐—滴眼液)两瓶,一瓶33,一共66.还有一个博士伦的卡波姆滴眼液36.8元~为啥都这么贵列~~~ 大家有我类似的情况也都注意哈哦。 好了,今天就到这里,眼睛已经很干了。 欲知后事如何,且听下回分解。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-06-25 20:08 还有,今天去的时候,看见有富士伦的了,我一直说当初就是想配这个来的,结果医生说,富士伦的DK值还少些,才50~价格却贵,要1800.我心想这个医院咋这黑呀~~~供大家参考~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-07-13 00:07 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 继续报告。眼睛用药接近20天了,不过每天还是正常戴RGP.只是晚上取下来和早晨戴之前滴眼药水。感觉,药还是起作用了,起码白天不再那么咯人了, 特别是坐在电脑前看的时候,有时甚至可以感受不到它的存在了。不过晚上的情形依旧不太好,也就是戴到晚上7点左右的时候,会觉得有些难受,所以每天一下班 就赶紧回家取眼镜。另外看见有几个MM在说OK镜,我想是有些误解了,OK镜和RGP不是同一个东西,可以去百度一下,本帖的开始也曾经讨论过这个问题, 也可以去看看。总之,我希望本帖可以帮助更多不能做手术或不敢做手术、讨厌框架又被软性折磨着的人。嘿嘿,以后再来~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-07-24 18:53 来了,今天早上上班,在电梯发生一场虚惊。 我对着电梯斜着眼睛照镜子臭美,眼睛一眨,突然镜片就要掉下来啦~幸亏我眼疾手快,用手接住啦~~我真是惊魂一刻啊。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-09-01 00:00 天涯抽风,我写的东东都没有了。比我还不负责任,好生气啊,抓狂去了~~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-09-26 19:58 好久没有上来了,看到多了一位非常有恒心的母亲,真的感动不已,感谢大家无私的奉献,因为这些信息,让很多人都能够更多的了解RGP,让大家的选择更加有方向。 最近我不在武汉了,这里的空气没有武汉好,整天雾蒙蒙的,这是RGP的大忌,所以起风的时候,坚决不戴。总体来说,我已经很适应了,除了对它还有一点感觉之外,没有什么不舒服的地方。 总之,希望大家都OK啦~改天再来。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-10-10 18:35 国庆节去了一趟杭州,在西湖边走走看看,真的好喜欢这个城市,干净、美丽、气候宜人,最重要的是,空气真的很好,RGP们在这里生活真是幸福哦~真的越来越发现,空气状况对于RGP来说,很重要,如果在“风沙”中生活,就不要考虑RGP了。 TO 只想过得真实:你问我的问题,其实我后来有过更新的。因为没有特别大的变化,所以不是写的特别勤快,嘻嘻。我想想,那是去医院之前,每天都觉得很难受,就 是干,很干,特别干,后来点那个泪然还有卡波姆之后,渐渐的那种很卡很干的感觉就少了。不过眼睛倒是不红呢,红的时候就是初戴的那阵子,只是单纯的干。后 来到现在就一直是这种状态,卡波姆点一个月就要丢掉,泪然当时买了两瓶,因为比较懒,点的不勤快,所以现在还有一瓶在用,但是因为只能取下来才能点,所以 用的很慢。(有MM说会依赖,还真有点怕怕列。谢谢提醒~) 另外我之前也说过了,可能我也只是相对之前的难受有所好转,并不是说没有任何的感觉,说实话,比我之前戴软镜来讲,我还是觉得软镜会舒服很多。(在空气好的城市,和软镜差不多)只是说,不难受了哦。 你问的眼红红的话,我没有哦。如果你戴了很久还这样的话,建议你去医院看看哦。 另外看到wyf1988的女儿在停戴,心里怪难受的。看到十一那天的经历,看得我心惊胆战的,那时候着急得手足无措了吧,想说的是,其实之前看你每天更 新里面写的,我就想,你女儿太小了,如果自己不能完成那些每天必备的功课的话,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 得多麻烦多操心啊~而且,她年纪小,进了沙子卡了睫毛什么的,都得自己当即 操作,是等不了你来帮忙的。所以我觉得很有必要,非常有必要,要全部教给她自己来做。自己取,自己带,卡了睫毛自己取下来冲洗戴上,总之,你不要代劳了。 如果她做不了这些,那你就暂时放弃吧。不过,看你家小姑娘的照片,这些应该是可以胜任的拉,只是看你怎么教她了。 希望你家小姑娘眼睛早日康复~ 另外有个问题请教大家,知道有没有什么眼药水能够戴着RGP的时候点的呢,因为有时候打了个盹,睁开眼的那一会儿,觉得好感受,如果有药水润润的话,会很舒畅拉,所以有经验的MM,希望给予解答,谢谢~ 希望大家一切都好~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-10-30 14:53 to lemon2517:我也是用的美尼康护理液来的,这个牌子的护理液佩戴之前不需要用清水冲洗,因为里面不含那种需要冲洗的物质,可直接入眼的,具体是啥不记得了,可以咨询医生。 补充哈,因为之前我也有过这样的疑问,所以,我问过医生,也仔细看过说明书,加上我的实践,证明不需要那么麻烦的,用新鲜的护理液稍微冲一下就可以戴上了,而且刚戴的时候会觉得很润。 不过其他的护理液是需要用纯净水冲洗的,据说不能直接入眼。具体请仔细看产品说明书或者咨询医生。 顺便来汇报一下我的近况。最近没什么变化,就是到了晚上七八点的样子就开始觉得很干。偶尔盯久了电脑会眼红红,不过休息一下就好了。上午是最舒服的,可以把眼镜睁得大大的。哈哈。 我还发现,我每每走到有湖水的地方就觉得眼睛无比舒畅,天然的舒润哦。难道和湿度有关, 另外谢谢wendy_ly关于眼睛干用的眼药水的解答~ 最后给两位辛勤的母亲说声谢谢~这个帖子因为有你们让我感觉无比骄傲~祝你们一切都顺利。 改天再来,吼吼。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-11-28 18:25 又好久木有来了。 还是希望wyf1988一切都好啦~ 另外看到大家提的几个问题,一个是眼镜的颜色,因为之前没有遇到过,不过以医生的叮嘱为准啦。我觉得应该是牌子不一样,颜色也不一样的。我配的是伟博 的,蓝色和绿色,右眼是绿,口诀是“绿油油”,也就是右边的就是绿的,我刚戴的那阵子,天天念叨绿油油,后来就条件反射了。还有我知道南鹏的是紫色的,右 眼边缘有个黑点来区分左右。其他的我就不是很清楚了。 还有拉眼角取眼镜的方法:首先在桌上铺一块干净的毛巾或者是纸巾,然后低头对着纸巾,瞪大眼睛,用手拉眼角上斜向上提,眼镜就蹦出来啦。 需要注意的是要小心眼镜蹦出来的位置,可以控制一下眼睛离桌面的高度,免得太高容易蹦不见了。还有就是眼睛不要游移,不然镜片会不小心卡到眼皮里面去air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 了。 先说这么多,还有的再补充。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2008-12-13 19:18 wyf1988 希望你一切都好,一定也要好好照顾自己的身体哦~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2009-01-07 16:50 一眨眼,就到2009年哇~~真还有些回不过神来的感觉。新的一年,祝愿大家健康快乐~ 谢谢花佩佩童鞋的分享,还有祝愿wyf1988一切顺利~还有冰艳蔷薇,去取眼镜的时候,医生会很耐心的教你取戴方法的,所以不用担心哦,个人感觉取的时候比软性方便,因为我的手指不用像以前那样接触到眼球上了。 祝愿所有童鞋都好好的过2009~ 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2009-04-07 15:06 今天是4月7号,算起来距离戴RGP有一年又17天了。前几天看刚戴时候拍的照片,发现都是眯缝眼,现在要好很多呢。报告一下最近的状况,还是没有很 大的变化,我自己感觉舒适度不是特别好,还是常常有干涩的感觉,我也不明白是怎么回事。现在只能归结为天气干燥和我自己眼睛有干眼症了。这种情况我想是再 过多久都没有办法克服的,只能让我自己适应这种忍耐了。前些时候被RGP群请出来了,呵呵,可能是我老不吱声的原因吧。所以也不知道其他的人是什么情况。 是不是比我好很多呢。如果有RGP经验的再来,一定要说说哦。戴RGP是不是可以像软性那种完全的适应吗,还是说只能像我这样,总有干涩的感觉呢, 最后得意一下,没有想到这个帖子可以存在这么久。再过一年,不知道它还在不在。那时候我该是又一轮的戴镜历程了。 作者:hhssyy33 提交日期:2009-04-08 11:38 TO yy_t :红血丝的问题,我初戴的那几个月很严重,后来慢慢的好了一些,不过到了晚上,还是会有一些。所以还是慢慢适应哦。RGP的适应期,我觉得对于 我们这种软性戴太久的人来说,还是漫长了一点。干眼症或者结膜炎的问题,建议你定期去医院看看,可以开一些眼药水。不过因为眼药水不能随便用,所以一定要 去医院让医生开哦。另外那个群,你可以在QQ查找里面的群查找里搜索关键字“RGP”,应该可以找到的,因为被请出来所以不知道号码了,当初我是这么进去 的,呵呵。最后谢谢你的信息分享。 TO cathylittle:你说的症状和我当初差不多哦,也是一戴上软镜就狂流眼泪狂难受。不过我是莫名其妙无来由的。有兴趣的话,就去医院咨询看看。做好 心理准备,准备充足的大米(至少2K),差不多就可以配了。至于动手术,就另当别论了,性质不一样需要考虑的野更多,呵呵。 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,
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