首页 三年级学生的心理特点



三年级学生的心理特点三年级学生的心理特点 说明:三年级学生一般为8-9岁,属于人体发育的童年时期,身体发育处于相对平稳阶段。身高,体重,胸围,肩宽,盆骨等指标男生均自9-10岁开始突增,女生均自8-9岁开始突增。 骨骼成分中胶质较多,钙质较少,可塑性大,坚固性较差,不易骨折。要特别注意身体姿势的培养。 一般心理特点: 第一:个性差别大: 三年级的小学生是形成自信心的关键期。他们在接受别人的评价中能发现自身的价值,产生兴奋感、自豪感,对自己充满信心;有的还表现出强烈的自我确定、自我主张,对自己评价偏高,甚至有时“目空一切”,容...

三年级学生的心理特点 说明:三年级学生一般为8-9岁,属于人体发育的童年时期,身体发育处于相对平稳阶段。身高,体重,胸围,肩宽,盆骨等指标男生均自9-10岁开始突增,女生均自8-9岁开始突增。 骨骼成分中胶质较多,钙质较少,可塑性大,坚固性较差,不易骨折。要特别注意身体姿势的培养。 一般心理特点: 第一:个性差别大: 三年级的小学生是形成自信心的关键期。他们在接受别人的评价中能发现自身的价值,产生兴奋感、自豪感,对自己充满信心;有的还表现出强烈的自我确定、自我主张,对自己评价偏高,甚至有时“目空一切”,容易导致自负的心理。相反,有的孩子由于成绩不良或某个方面的缺失,受到班级同学的歧视,往往对自己评价过低,对自己失去信心。 第二:情绪不稳定: 三年级学生由于生活经验不足,他们在陌生、严肃、冲突、恐怖、约束、遭受指责等情况下,容易产生紧张的情绪,自我调节能力比较差,难以释放心理的压力,这样就容易使他们的心情变坏。他们喜欢与伙伴共同游戏、学习,但情绪很不稳定,容易激动、冲动,常为一点小事面红耳赤,而且情绪变化极大,并且表露在外,心情的好坏大多数从脸上一望便知。 第三:自控力不强: 从三年级开始,学生进入少年期,此时会出现一种强烈要求独立和摆脱成人控制的欲望,因此他们的性格特征中也会表现出明显的独立性。同时,随着年龄的增长,他们对外部控制的依赖性逐渐减少,但是内部的自控能力又尚未发展起来,还不能有效地调节和控制自己的日常行为。 三年级学生的思维正处于由形象思维过渡的时期,能进行一定的抽象思维,但仍以形象思维为主,模仿性强,是非观念淡薄;想象能力也由模仿性和再现性向创造性的想象过渡;集体主义感情有所发展,良好的道德质量正在形成,但极不稳固。感情容易激起和爆发,不善于控制,不考虑行为后果,虽已能从事需要一定意志支配的工作,但意志还很薄弱,自觉性、主动性、持久性都较差,遇到困难和挫折,往产生动摇。三年级学生自我意识逐渐发展,逐渐学会道德原则的评价标准,评价能力开始发展起来,往往是提出自己的见解,但不善于全面地评价一个人的行为表现。道德感、正义感开始萌芽,但道德认识水平仍较低,辨别是非的能力也不强,很容易受到外界的影响。 第四:注意力不稳定: 不易持久,有意注意虽有发展,但还不完善。 交往方面: 第一)与同伴的友谊进入了一个双向帮助阶段,但还不能共患难。他们往往把学习的好坏当成衡量人的能力的标志。 第二)三年级学生开始不愿意把发生的事讲述给家长,有时自己经历的事也不告诉家长,显出独立性。 第三)矛盾与代沟开始出现,因此家长应多花时间陪孩子,多做一些沟通与交流。 第四)男女生在一起活动不受性别的限制,集体意识开始形成。 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 教学篇 三年级英语有效教学方法 三年级的孩子通过两年的基础学习,在这个时候他们的要求也相应提高了很多,这些要求主要是在行为规范和知识的难度。在这种情况下,孩子们的自觉性没有提高,但是要求却提高了。这样很容易造成孩子不习惯,最后造成成绩差异较大。对于这种情况在课堂上我们就应该关注平时不太发言的孩子,通过课堂游戏互动让孩子积极参与进来学习。然后再通过游戏的方式来巩固孩子所学的知识。 这个年龄段的孩子具备了接受批评的态度。因此当有人提到他的错误时,他会意识到自己的行为时不对了,会自己主动地改正。这样上课是在孩子有了不正确的行为时,我们就可以严厉地指出来。特别是有孩子的行为已经扰乱课堂秩序时。 对于学科知识方面,孩子对于之前的两年应试教育已经处于逐渐适应的状态,因此,对于这个年级的学员,我们可以适当的讲一些学习英语的方法。例如:单词记忆法。教学大纲中表明,三年级学生部要求单词的写,但是四年级就开始要求写。从而证明,三年级是英语学习非常重要的过渡期。因此,在这个年纪学习的时候我们要适当要求单词的拼写。而英语单词的记忆法,无疑是给了孩子一个很好学习方法。为了突出单词记忆法的好处,可以采用对比教学。给以个单词给孩子们,让他们在无方法的情况下记住这个单词,所花的时间不用说也知道是很长的,而且效果还不好。现在,以这个单词为例,讲解单词的记忆方法,让孩子们跟老师一起用这个方法来记。最后通过两者,所花时间的对比;最后效果的对比;难度的对比;这样孩子会更容易接受这样的学习方法。同时,这样也能使孩子有优越感。让他们觉得这么难背的单词都背下来了,自己一定能学好英语的。 素质课 家庭教育 身教胜于言传,很多家长在教育孩子方面都没有耐心,动不动就吼,导致孩子也会有如此的性格;很多孩子不会做复杂的算术,不会解应用题,或者是做一些比较“难”(工序较多)的事情,不是孩子不会做,而是孩子不知道从何着手来做,时间一长,也会让孩子失去耐心和自信心,所谓复杂的问题“简单化”;家长可以谦虚一些,给孩子一个“卖弄”的机会,会提高孩子的积极性,所谓轻松的问题“艰巨化”;在生活中寻找乐趣,结合孩子爱看的动画,把每一件琐碎的小事想象成有趣的动画情节,所谓死板问题“童趣化”;当孩子学了新的技能,了解新的知识,由于掌握程度不够而不敢展示时,家长可以让孩子纠正自己的漏洞,漏洞越多,孩子参与积极性越高,所谓普通问题“特殊化”。 三年级 数学 数学高考答题卡模板高考数学答题卡模板三年级数学混合运算测试卷数学作业设计案例新人教版八年级上数学教学计划 有效学习方法 单位换算“五指法” 有一天,孙悟空又不小心走到了五指山上,他很想走出五指山,于是他来到了老大千米的地盘(大拇 指)问道:“千米,我想要跳出五指山,我应该怎么走,”千米:“这个我也不是很清楚,你应该去问问我弟兄米(食指)。”悟空又问道:“那应该怎么走呢,有多远”千米:“他就在我旁边,但是距离有些远,要1000米~”于是悟空走了1000米来到了老二米的地盘,问道:“米,我很想走出五指山,你能给我指方向吗,”米答道:“哦,你必须要走到老幺毫米那里才能跳出五指山~但是你必须要战胜老三分米(中指),老四毫米(无名指),最后到达老幺毫米(小拇指),你从我这里到老三那里,老三到老四那里,老四再到老幺那里,你都必须通过“进率10”的距离才能到达,主你好运吧~”于是悟空过关斩将,最后到达了老幺毫米处,逃出了五指山。 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 三年级语文有效学习方法 第一步、看看 1、整体观察。让学生仔细观察画面,在总体上先有个了解,看图上画的是什么地方的景物,画了哪些地方的景物、人物,给你留下总的印象是什么 2、按照一定的顺序进行观察。引导学生先看远处的景再看近处的景或者从左向右,或者从上往下等等。观察这些景物、人物有什么特点。 这样训练学生按从上到下、由远及近的顺序观察事物,有利于培养学生的观察能力。 第二步、想想 看图写话虽然是从训练学生的观察能力入手,但它的目的之一还在于帮助学生发展思维能力。 “想想”,一是指老师提出的问题怎样回答;二是指想象,想象是重点。老师提出的问题,给学生提供了思维的支点,学生借助老师提出的问题进行观察想象,理解图画内容,启迪开拓学生的思维。如《好朋友》这幅图,在引导学生观察时,可以提出了这样的问题让学生想象。 1、根据图上内容你觉得是一件什么事情, (小鸡要过河,但不会游泳,小鸭帮助了她。) 2、想象:小鸡有急事要过河但自己不会游泳心情会是什么样的,小鸭看到小鸡会怎么想,他们会说些什么, 问题提出后,学生们在看图时会很仔细,想象丰富,思维活跃。最后,让学生把看到的、想象的用完整连贯的话说出来。 第三步、写写 1、写完整。低年级写话是为高年级写作打基础的。因此,在一年级的写话训练中就要教学生把握住时间、地点、事件、事情的起因、经过、结果,把话写完整。 2、写具体。学生到了二年级,已经具备了写完整话的能力,其观察、想象能力都有了发展提高。这时,就要在写具体上下功夫,指导学生重点写事物的主要情节,写与主要情节有关的人物动作、语言、神态、心理活动等,要抓住细节判断人物可能说什么,有什么心理活动,人与人之间有怎样的联系,使画面上的人物活起来。如《好朋友》中的三幅图,指导学生表演了这一故事情节,让画面活起来,这时再提出问题让学生想,学生就知道了应该怎样写具体。有的学生这样写: 一天,小鸭正在游泳,忽然看见河边有一只小鸡正在那掉眼泪,他就游了过去,小鸭奇怪地问:“你怎么了,”小鸡哭着说:“我要去河对岸玩可是我过不去~”小鸭同情地说:“你别哭了,我背你过去吧~”小鸡一听开心地说:“那太好了~谢谢你小鸭~”小鸭小心地把小鸡背过了河,小鸡从小鸭身上下来说:“我们一起玩吧~”从此小鸡和小鸭成为了好朋友~“掉眼泪”、“哭”、“奇怪”、“同情”、“开心”、“小心”等词语就把小鸡和小鸭的神情具体、形象地描写出来了,同时也使学生受到了讲文明、讲礼貌的教育。 事实证明,采用“三步法”进行看图写话训练,能够降低训练难度,有利于培养学生的观察能力、想象能力、表达能力,有利于发展学生的思维。只要同学们观察细致,想象合理丰富、富有创新精神,就一定能写出条理清晰、内容具体、完整感人的文章来。 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 个体案例 , 胡适:(变化小) 班主任信息反馈:该生上课只能短时间集中精神,且会经常与同学打闹,由于有一个哥哥, 所以母亲对其的教育方式相对粗放。经常采用打骂的形式,孩子也逐渐在对母亲失 去信赖感。 素质课:能够在老师的监管下短时间保持纪律,并且能够面对自己的错误。并被任命为班长, 但以身作责的意识没有。 英语课:据反映,该生在英语课上 时而表现的好,时而表现很反常。充满了批评声,并受 到全班的指责。 语文课:在语文课上该生不能认真听讲,需要老师经常的提醒。 数学课:在数学课上老师会拿胡适没有办法,课堂表现最差,会大声喧哗,并且不听老师招 呼。 有效措施: 1、 表现对其充满信心,并予以信任。 2、 在课堂上不断给予鼓励,回答正确时需要一个群众的掌声。 3、 私下沟通时表示出相信对方能够有卓越的表现。 4、 多给予一些公共展示的机会。并能够站在他的立场去想问题。 , 周沛橙(变化明显) 班主任信息反馈:在上学期,周沛橙的表现不尽人意,每节课老师都为了让其表现好而头疼。 而这学期的表现,不仅仅父母观察到明显的变化,而且在课堂上的表现也能很好要 求自己,保持端正的坐姿,认真的听课及回答问题。 素质课:由上学期的表现进行对比,本学期的进步很惊人。上学期在课堂上不能很好的控制 自己,并且时常扰乱课堂纪律。但本学期在课堂上能够很好的要求自己,主动记笔 记,坐姿端正,虽然时而有所走神,但是进步是所有老师公认的。 数学课:基础知识掌握较牢靠,较难的题型也能较好的掌握。 英语课:基础有所提高,上课音标学习方面比较积极,偶上上课集中力不集中,能主动记笔 记,会写会说。英语的规律掌握比较好,如复数加“S”。 语文课:阅读领悟能力强,作文的书写改善了很多,很有自己的主见和想法。但是,语言的 逻辑组织能力不强,语言不连贯、不优美。 有效措施: 1、 在上课不能很好表现的时候,用严肃的眼神注视他,便能够表现的很好。 2、 与其建立良好的关系,这个学生会对信任的老师的话非常的听从。 , 谭云天(变化明显) 班主任信息反馈:家长反映该学生没有男性气概,而且很多时候不能积极表现自己,希望老 师能够培养孩子的积极性和锻炼一下他的男子气概。 素质课:谭云天的变化发生在本学期内,改学生更多的表现在课堂上不在走神,突破自己的 个性,不再沉默不语。现在能够积极的回答老师的问题,并且勇于表现自己,富有Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 自信。 数学课:基础掌握较好,但是相对复杂的题型不能很好的掌握。 语文课:阅读的分析和 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 归纳能力都很欠缺,作文中心不突出,语言组织能力不强,基础 知识基本过关。 英语课:发言积极。前比较沉默,现在很自信。能够说出比较生僻的单词,如“草莓”,基 本的单词反而不是很熟悉。而且能回答较难的问题,语感相比比较好。 有效措施: 1、 在不回答问题的时候给予主动提问,在回答过后给予鼓励,并说明老师不希望一个 男孩儿变现的不积极。 2、 将能够经常与其闲聊的其他同学进行排位,让他们相对疏远。 3、 每节课的最后给予一定表扬,说明并说清楚具体表现优良的地方。 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village
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