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旅游景点介绍旅游景点介绍 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Chinese Languages The Wider World – Travel, Holiday and Tourism Traditional Mandarin [HIGHER] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users ...

旅游景点介绍 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Chinese Languages The Wider World – Travel, Holiday and Tourism Traditional Mandarin [HIGHER] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Learning and Teaching Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledges this contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Chinese Languages. ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 Contents Introduction 4 Unit 1 旅游景點介紹—蘇州園林 Activity 1: Reading comprehension 5 Activity 2: Listening comprehension 9 Activity 3: Reading comprehension 10 Activity 4: Speaking task 12 Activity 5: Language points 12 Unit 2 自助游, 自駕游還是跟團游 Activity 1: Reading comprehension 14 Activity 2: Listening comprehension 17 Activity 3: Speaking task 18 Activity 4: Language points 18 Unit 3 國內游和國外游 Activity 1: Listening comprehension 21 Activity 2: Reading comprehension 22 Activity 3: Speaking task 24 Activity 4: Language points 24 Unit 4 黃金周,去還是留 Activity 1: Reading comprehension 26 Activity 2: Reading comprehension 28 Activity 3: Listening comprehension 30 Activity 4: Language points 31 Appendix Vocabulary list 33 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 3 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 INTRODUCTION Introduction This resource has been developed to support the delivery of Higher Chinese languages, covering the topics of holidays, travel and tourism, and focusing on the development of students’ reading and listening skills in Mandarin. This booklet contains four units. Each unit has four or five activities. Learning targets are shared with learners at the beginning of each unit to enable learners to learn more effectively. Students are encouraged to conduct self-assessment at the end of each unit. The appendix contains a vocabulary for all four units and is listed in alphabetic order. 4 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 1 Unit 1旅游景點介紹—蘇州園林 Learning targets for this unit: 1. to be able to give information about the Suzhou Classical Gardens 2. to be able to describe different forms of transport 3. to be able to read train times and ticket prices Activity 1: Reading comprehension You will be staying with your pen friend in Shanghai for a couple of weeks. You are planning to travel to some nearby cities. You saw this article about Suzhou on a website. 蘇州是一座歷史悠久、風景秀麗的城市,位於上 海和文化古城南京之間。俗話說,’上有天堂,下有 蘇杭’,其中的’蘇’指的就是蘇州。蘇州城內既有’ 甲天下’的園林,又有’勝天下’的山水,加上從古至 今很多有名的詩人和作家寫下無數贊美蘇州的詩歌 和文章,使得蘇州成為聞名天下的’人間天堂’。 蘇州大大小小的古典園林一共有六十九座,大多數的蘇州園林都是古代的私人花園。每座園林的風格都不一樣,各有特色,其中最有代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 性的是拙政園和留園。它們與北京的頤和園和承德的避暑山庄一起被稱為 ‘中國四大名園 ‘,是中國園林的經典之作。與拙政園和留園不同的是,頤和園和避暑山庄以前都是皇帝的花園。 拙政園是蘇州最大的一座古典園林。園中的山 石、流水、花草、樹木錯落有致,清秀自然。水池 中的水面,十分清澈。 整個園林中每一處都是風 景,非常美麗。留園雖然沒有拙政園那麼大,卻以 園內的假山和奇石最出名。 蘇州城內其它有名的園林還有網師園和獅子林 等。盡管網師園非常小,面積不到拙政園的六分之一,但許多愛好園林的人都特別喜愛它,因為它的布局非常精巧,是蘇州園林中最玲瓏最典雅的一座。獅 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 5 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 1 子林有六百多年的歷史,面積也不大,但很安靜,也很典雅。因為園中到處可 以看見形狀像獅子的石頭,所以人們把這座園林稱為’獅子林’。 蘇州園林的景色結合了自然美、建筑美和繪畫美。它們獨特的建筑風格和奇 異的布局吸引著來自世界各地的游人。 文化小常識 Cultural Tips 拙政園 zhuó zhèng yuán Humble Administrator's Garden 拙政園是蘇州園林中規模最大最著名的一座,大約五萬兩千平方米。它始建於 明代,有將近500年的歷史。1997年被列為世界文化遺產。 The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and most renowned of the Suzhou Classical Gardens, occupying an area of about 52,000 square metres (12.85 acres). It was originally built in 1509 during the Ming Dynasty (1368– 1644). In 1997, the garden was recorded on the list of World Cultural Heritage Sites by UNESCO. 留園 liú yuán Lingering Garden 留園是蘇州園林中比較大規模的一座,總面積兩萬多平方米。建於明代,到現 在有400多年的歷史。1997年被列為世界文化遺產。 The Lingering Garden is one of the largest of the Suzhou Classical Gardens, covering 23,300 square metres (about 5.8 acres). It was built in 1593 during the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644). It has been listed as one of the World Cultural Heritage Sites since 1997. 頤和園 yí hé yuán Summer Palace 頤和園位於北京,是一座聞名於世界的園林。它是一座巨大的皇家園林,始建 於金代,后來成為清代皇帝的行宮。1998年被列為世界文化遺產。 The Summer Palace is situated in Beijing, ranked amongst the most noted and classical gardens of the world. It was constructed in the Jin Dynasty (1115– 1234), during the succeeding reigns of feudal emperors, and extended continuously. By the time of the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911), it had become a luxurious royal garden providing royal families with rest and entertainment. In 1998, it was listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO. 避暑山庄 bì shǔ shān zhuāng Mountain Resort 避暑山庄位於河北省承德市。建於清代,距今有大約300年的歷史。是中國現 存的最大的皇家園林,總面積564萬平方米。1994年被列為世界文化遺產。 The Mountain Resort is situated in the city of Chengde, Hebei Province. It was built in the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911). It occupies an area of 564 square metres (218 square miles) and was originally built for the royal families to spend the hot summer months. It is a grand architectural complex that consists of numerous palaces, the largest royal garden in China and wonderful scenery, combined with a pleasant climate. It was listed in the World Cultural Heritage Sites in 1994. 6 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 1 網師園 wǎng shī yuán Garden of Master of the Nets 網師園在蘇州城內,是蘇州園林中最小的一座私人花園。始建於明代1593 年。1997年被列為世界文化遺產。 The Garden of Master of the Nets is situated in Suzhou. It is the smallest of the Suzhou residential gardens, yet it is the most impressive because of its use of space, which creates the illusion of an area that is much greater than its actual size. This exquisite garden was first created in 1593 in the Ming Dynasty. It was listed as one of the World Cultural Heritage Sites in 1997. 獅子林 Shī zi lín Lion Forest Garden 獅子林位於蘇州,和拙政園相鄰, 是蘇州有名的一座園林。建於600多年 前。2000年被列為世界文化遺產。 The Lion Forest Garden is situated in Suzhou, next to the Humble Administrator’s Garden. It is one of the famous classical gardens in Suzhou. The current garden was constructed over 600 years ago, during the Yuan Dynasty. It has been listed in the World Cultural Heritage Sites since 2000. Word list 蘇州 sū zhōu Suzhou, a city in China 園林 yuán lín garden, classical gardens 悠久 yōu jiǔ long established 秀麗 xiù lì beautiful, pretty 甲天下 jiǎ tiān xià unsurpassed 勝天下 shèng tiān xià excel, better than anything else in the world 從古至今 cóng gǔ zhì jīn in all ages, ever since ancient times 無數 wú shù numberless, countless, innumerable 贊美 zàn měi praise, admire 人間天堂 rén jiān tiān táng the paradise on earth 古典 gǔ diǎn classical 私人 sī rén private 特色 tè sè characteristic, distinguishing feature 代表 dài biǎo representative 經典之作 jīng diǎn zhī zuò classical creation 皇帝 huáng dì emperor 錯落有致 cuò luò yǒu zhì in a picturesque disorder 清秀 qīng xiù comeliness 自然 zì rán nature, natural, naturally 清澈 qīng chè de clear, limpid 假山 jiǎ shān manmade mountains, artificial hillock 奇石 qí shí wonder stone, strange stone 面積 miàn jī area, acreage 布局 bú jú layout, arrangement 精巧 jīng qiǎo elaborate THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 7 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 1 玲瓏 líng lóng exquisite, detailed 典雅 diǎn yǎ elegance, elegant 結合 jié hé to combine, to integrate 建筑 jiàn zhù architecture, building, construct 繪畫 huì huà drawing, painting 獨特的 dú tè de unique 奇異的 qí yì de bizarre, strange, fantastic 吸引 xī yǐn attract After you’ve read the article, answer the following questions. (a) Where is Suzhou situated? (b) Why is Suzhou called ‘the paradise on earth’? Mention any two reasons. (c) What are the four most famous gardens in China? (d) Why do many garden lovers like the Garden of Master of the Nets a lot? (e) Why was the Lion Forest Garden so named? (f) How does the author describe Suzhou gardens? (g) Translate ‘獅子林有六百多年的歷史,面積也不大,但很安靜,也很典 雅。因為園中到處可以看見形狀像獅子的石頭,所以人們把這座園林稱 為’獅子林’。’ into English. Pair work 1. Check and discuss the answers with a partner. Does he or she have different answers from yours? 2. Check the answers with your teacher. 8 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 1 Activity 2: Listening comprehension You really like Suzhou, so you follow a web link to a radio programme, where a tourist is asking someone how to get to Suzhou. Word list 普快火車 pǔ kuài huǒ chē ordinary fast train 動車 dòng chē multiple unit train, motor coach train 快速火車 kuài sù huǒ chē fast train 大概 dà gài roughly, probably, 長途 cháng tú long distance 大巴 dà bā big bus, coach 高速公路 gāo sù gōng lù motorway 出口 chū kǒu exit 全程 quán chéng an entire journey After you’ve listened to the radio programme twice, answer the following questions. (a) What is the fastest and most convenient way to go to Suzhou from Shanghai? (b) Why is it convenient? (c) How much is a single train ticket? (d) What are the disadvantages of taking a bus to Suzhou? Mention any two. (e) Why does driving to Suzhou by car take almost the same time as taking a bus? THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 9 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 1 Activity 3: Reading comprehension You want to visit Suzhou and prefer to go by train, so you check the train times from Shanghai to Suzhou on the internet and find the information below. 01時上海-成都 上海 蘇州 1 K290/K291 09:09 15 - 107 162 07:56 13分 00時上海-西安 上海 蘇州 2 D5478/D5479 08:53 26 31 - - 08:14 39分 00時上海-西寧 上海 蘇州 3 K376/K377 09:15 15 - 107 162 08:20 55分 00時上海-南京 上海 蘇州 4 D5410 09:34 26 31 - - 08:55 39分 00時上海-南京 上海 蘇州 5 D5412 09:48 26 31 - - 09:09 39分 上海到蘇州火車時刻表-上海到蘇州火車票價查詢 (‘D’ for ‘動車’, ‘k’ for ‘快速火車’ ) Word list 查詢 chá xún inquiry, to inquire 序號 xù hào serial number 車次 chē cì train/bus serial number, train/bus service 時長 shí cháng time span, duration 硬座 yìng zuò hard seat 軟座 ruǎn zuò soft seat 硬臥 yìng wò hard sleeper 軟臥 ruǎn wò soft sleeper 成都 chéng dū Chengdu, capital city of Sichuan Province 西寧 xī níng Xining, capital city of Qinghai province 10 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 1 After you’ve read the train times, answer the following questions. (a) How much does a soft seat cost from Shanghai to Suzhou? (b) What is the highest price for a hard seat from Shanghai to Suzhou? (c) How much does a soft sleeper cost from Shanghai to Suzhou? (d) If you want to get to Suzhou before 9am, which train can you take? (e) If you want to leave Shanghai after 9am and arrive at Suzhou before 10am, which train can you take? THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 11 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 1 Activity 4: Speaking task You are going to talk to your pen friend about your travel plans to Suzhou. You should cover the following points: , Why do you want to visit Suzhou? , What do you know about Suzhou? , What places do you want to visit in Suzhou? , What form of transport will you choose to get there? Why? Activity 5: Language points 1. 既…又… jì ….yòu as well as; both…and… This expression introduces two pieces of related information about a subject. eg 這個西瓜既大又甜。 This watermelon is big as well as sweet. 2. 因此 yīn cǐ therefore; that is why This is a phrase to express the effect and result, followed by the consequences. eg 我的方位感很差,因此我容易迷路。 I haven’t got a very good sense of direction, therefore I easily get lost. 3. 相比較而言 xiāng bǐ jiào ér yán comparatively speaking eg 相比較而言,四川菜比湖南菜更受歡迎。 Comparatively speaking, Sichuan dishes are more popular than Hunan dishes. 12 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 1 Over to you Make sentences using the following words: 既…又… 因此 相比較而言 Self-assessment My learning targets for this unit: Achieved? 1. to be able to give information about the Suzhou Classical Gardens 2. to be able to describe different forms of transport 3. to be able to read train times and ticket prices THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 13 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 2 Unit 2 自助游, 自駕游還是跟團游 Learning targets for this unit: 1. to be able to give information about independent travel 2. to be able to give information about self-drive travel 3. to be able to give information about guided tours 4. to be able to describe the current tourist market in China 5. to be able to describe my own travel plans Activity 1: Reading comprehension You read this article about tourism on a website: 大部分的市民放假時最喜歡外出旅游。目前,隨著人民生活水平的提高,國家休假制度的改革,市民的度假觀念的改變,旅游市場出現了很多變化。 變化一: 跟團游(跟旅游團旅游)降溫 幾年前,一提到旅游,很多人首先想到的是跟著旅行團一起出游。但是這幾年來, 越來越多的人認為跟團游花的錢比較多,靈活性卻不大,可以選擇的路線也不夠多。另外, 全國各地的旅行社所設計的旅游路線幾乎相同,因而在一些著名的景點,常常由於游客過多,很多服務都讓人不滿意。 最近幾年,游客投訴事件越來越多。常見的投訴有:景點太臟太亂,餐館太少、太擁擠,旅館衛生條件不好,等等。很多游客花了錢去旅游,卻對景點留下很多不好的印象。最近,一家網站對三千名會員做了調查,大概百分之五十的會員表示,不會選擇跟團旅游。 變化二:自駕游(自己駕車旅游)和自助游(自助式旅游)升溫 現在,自己買車的人越來越多。周末或者是小長假,開著私家車出去旅游的人也越來越多。很多人認為,這種旅游方式既經濟又方便,還很自由,想去哪兒就去哪兒。他們常常帶上家人,開車去一些風景美麗卻不怎麼有名的地方,輕輕鬆鬆地過一個悠閑的假期。還有的人選擇自助游的方式。他們通常叫上兩三個好朋友一起旅游,自己確定路線、自己購買車票或機票,以及自己安排食宿等。 14 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 2 變化三: 旅行社有新招 出去旅游的市民仍然很多,旅行社的生意卻越來越少,怎麼辦,旅行社有什麼辦法來應對旅游市場的變化呢,針對自駕游和自助游升溫的現象,很多旅行社想到,一方面,要為這些游客提供服務,比如組織自駕游旅行團,幫助自助游游客購買車票和機票、預訂旅館等; 另一方面,要大力開發更多的國內和國外的自助游新路線,讓游客有更多的選擇,可以滿足不同年齡不同職業游客的需求。另外,在現有的旅游項目上,旅行社更要努力提高他們的服務質量,關心幫助每一位游客。這樣一來,旅行社就會吸引到更多的游客。 Word list 自助游 zì zhù yóu independent travel, travel independently 自駕游 zì jià yóu self-drive travel 跟團游 gēn tuán yóu guided group tours 休假 xiū jià take a holiday 制度 zhì dù (political) system or institution 改革 gǎi gé reform 觀念 guān niàn idea, notion, thought 改變 gǎi biàn change, alter 降溫 jiàng wēn a fall in demand for something, drop in temperature 旅行團 lǚ xíng tuán tour group 靈活性 líng huó xìng flexibility 選擇 xuǎn zé choice, option 設計 shè jì design 路線 lù xiàn route 投訴 tóu sù complain, complaint 事件 shì jiàn incident 印象 yìn xiàng impression 調查 diào chá investigate, investigation 表示 biǎo shì indicate, express 升溫 shēng wēn an increase in demand for something, heat, rise of temperature 私家車 sī jiā chē private cars 經濟 jīng jì economic, economy 確定 què dìng fix, determine 悠閑 yōu xián leisure, ease; leisurely, easy 新招 xīn zhāo new move 應對 yìng duì respond, deal with 提供 tí gōng supply, provide 組織 zǔ zhī organise 大力 dà lì exert oneself, put forth effort, vigorously 開發 kāi fā develop, exploit THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 15 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 2 需求 xū qiú needs 項目 xiàng mù project 質量 zhì liàng quality After you’ve read the article, answer the following questions. (a) What is the most popular leisure activity most people do during a holiday? (b) What are the reasons for the changes to the current tourist market? Mention any two. (c) Why do more people choose self-drive tours instead of going on guided group tours? Mention any two reasons. (d) What do some travel agencies offer to independent travellers? (e) What are the changes that many travel agencies have made to meet the changing tourist market? Mention any two. (f) Translate ‘另外, 全國各地的旅行社所設計的旅游路線幾乎相同,因而在 一些著名的景點,常常由於游客過多,很多服務都讓人不滿意。’ into English. Pair work 1. Check and discuss the answers with a partner. Does he or she have different answers from yours? 2. Check the answers with your teacher. 16 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 2 Activity 2: Listening comprehension Liu Ming and Li Ying are talking about their summer holiday plans. Word list 交換生 jiāo huàn shēng exchange student 熟悉 shú xī know well, be familiar with 露天 lù tiān the open air, outdoor 中環 zhōng huán a place in Hong Kong 銅鑼灣 tóng luó wān a place in Hong Kong 尖沙咀 jiān shā zuǐ a place in Hong Kong 蘭桂坊 lán guì fāng a place in Hong Kong 旺角 wàng jiǎo a place in Hong Kong 迪士尼樂園 dí shì ní lè yuán Disneyland 桂林 guì lín a city in Guangxi Province, China 廣西 guǎng xī a province in the south of China After you’ve listened to their conversation, answer the following questions. (a) What are Liu Ming’s plans for the summer? (b) Why does Li Ying know Hong Kong well? (c) What benefit can you have from going to Lan Gui Fang? (d) What is Wang Jiao famous for, according to Li Ying? (e) What does Li Ying tell Liu Ming about her plans for the summer? (f) What does Li Ying say about going on a guided tour? THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 17 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 2 Activity 3: Speaking task You are asked to give opinions on different types of travelling. Prepare to talk for 2 or 3 minutes. You should cover the following points: , What type of travelling do you prefer: guided group travel, self-drive travel or independent travel? Why? , Describe one of your favourite travel experiences. , Describe your plans for your next holiday travel. Activity 4: Language points 1. 隨著 suí zhe along with; as It can be used at the beginning of a sentence. eg 隨著年齡的增長,他變得更加成熟了。 As he grows older, he becomes more mature. 2. 因而 yīn ér therefore This word is used to introduce an effect or a result caused by some situation. It is often used with ‘由于yóu yú’ (because), which expresses the cause or the reason. eg (由於)他很努力,因而考試考得很好。 He studied so hard that he did very well in the exams. 3. 一方面… yī fāng miàn… on the one hand… 另一方面… lìng yī fāng miàn… on the other hand... This can be used to present two parallel circumstances that exist at the same time. eg 他肯定能成功。一方面他很努力,另一方面他很聰明。 He will surely succeed. On the one hand, he is hard working, on the other hand, he is very smart. This can also be used to describe something that has both a positive and a negative side. eg 有些人一方面想生活得更好,另一方面又不願意努力賺錢。 On the one hand, some people want to have a better life, on the other hand, they don’t want to work hard to make money. 18 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 2 4. 另外 lìng wài additional; moreover; other This word can be used before the verb phrase to indicate an additional action. eg 我看了書,另外看了報紙。 I read books, and also the newspaper. It can also be used to introduce additional information related to the topic of the previous sentence(s). eg 我去過法國和意大利。另外,我還去過西班牙。 I’ve been to France and Italy. In addition, I’ve been to Spain. It can also be used as an adjective, followed by a noun. eg 他還申請了另外兩份工作,以防這份工作面試不成功。 He’s applied for two other jobs as an insurance against not passing the interview for this job. Over to you Make sentences using the following words: 隨著 因而 一方面… 另一方面 另外 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 19 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 2 Self-assessment Learning targets for this unit: Achieved? 1. to be able to give information about independent travel 2. to be able to give information about self-drive travel 3. to be able to give information about guided tours 4. to be able to describe the current tourist market in China 5. to be able to describe my own travel plans 20 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 3 Unit 3國內游和國外游 Learning targets for this unit: 1. to be able to discuss my favorite travel destinations 2. to be able to talk about Chinese people travelling abroad 3. to be able to describe a past holiday of my own Activity 1: Listening comprehension Li Yun and Lin Dong are talking about their favourite places to travel to. Word list 放松 fàng sōng relax 确实 què shí indeed, really 四川 sì chuān Sichuan province, China 九寨沟 jiǔ zhài gōu a place in Sichuan Province 云南 yún nán Yunnan province, China After you’ve listened to their conversation, answer the following questions. (a) What is Li Yun’s favourite travel destination? (b) Why does she like to travel there? Give any two reasons. (c) Who did she go to Jiuzhaigou with last summer? (d) How did she describe the scenery there? (e) Why does Lin Dong like travelling abroad? (f) Why does he go to Australia in the winter holidays? THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 21 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 3 (g) Why does he like to go to England for his summer holidays? (h) What are his plans for this summer? Activity 2: Reading comprehension You read an article in a newspaper talking about people travelling aboard. 近年來,旅游市場發展越來越成熟,選擇去國外旅游的中國人越來越多,因而出國旅游路線選擇越來越廣,旅游服務也越來越好。 出國旅游項目剛剛開始的時候,價格很高。對大多數中國人來說,相當於他們半年或者一年的工資。因此,很多人認為,花這麼一大筆錢,當然是能去的國家越多越好。那時候,他們喜歡選擇一些 ‘歐洲四國五日游’,’歐洲十國十二日游’之類的旅游項目。可是去旅游以后才發現,因為整個旅游時間短,要去的景點又太多,因此很多游客’上車睡覺,下車拍照’,玩得非常累,沒有享受到旅游的快樂。這樣的旅游, 質量太低了。 近幾年來,中國人民的生活水平提高了,口袋裡更有錢了。人們的想法也有了改變:休閑的觀念比以前強了,越來越多的人認識到旅游質量的重要性。他們不再喜歡幾天去幾個國家、甚至一天去幾個歐洲國家的旅游項目,他們更願意在一個國家花上更多的時間慢慢地游玩,享受假期。因此,各大旅行社開發了很多新的出國旅游項目,游客們可以花上半個月隻在一個國家游玩,去某個海島住上一、兩個星期或者歐洲自助游等等。這些項目都越來越受游客喜愛。 不要以為隻是收入不錯的中年人士才出國旅游。老年人和一些十幾歲二十幾歲的年輕人也喜愛出國旅游。不過,不同年齡的游客想去旅游的地點不太相同。有些收入很高的退休了的老年人喜歡春天去氣候好的日本和韓國。有了家庭的中年人喜歡帶孩子去法國、美國這樣的國家,去游迪士尼樂園,去海灘晒太陽,盡情享受和家人在一起的時光;而一些年輕人則看中了一些’修學游’項目,去自己想去留學的國家旅游,不僅游覽著名景點,品嘗各地美食,也可以參觀一些學院或大學,為自己選擇將來留學的地方,真是一舉多得。 Word list 發展 fā zhǎn develop, development 成熟 chéng shú mature 享受 xiǎng shòu to enjoy (rights, benefits, etc) 休閑 xiū xián leisure 強 qiáng strong, powerful 甚至 shèn zhì even 海島 hǎi dǎo island 22 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 3 盡情 jìn qíng as much as one likes 韓國 hán guó Korea 修學游 xiūxué yóu educational tour 退休 tuì xiū retire, retired 學院 xué yuàn college, school 一舉多得 yī jǔ duō dé achieve many things at one stroke After you’ve read the article, answer the following questions. (a) What has happened to the tourist market in recent years? Mention any three things. (b) Why couldn’t people have good quality tours abroad when outbound tourism started up a few years ago? (c) What tour options offered by travel agencies are getting more popular among tourists nowadays? Mention any two. (d) What age group of people would like to visit Japan or Korea in spring? (e) Where would a middle-aged man like to take his wife and kids on holiday? (f) What benefits can young people have from educational tours? Mention any three. (g) Translate ‘近幾年來,中國人民的生活水平提高了,口袋裡更有錢了。人 們的想法也有了改變:休閑的觀念比以前強了,越來越多的人認識到旅 游質量的重要性。’ into English. Pair work 1. Check and discuss the answers with a partner. Does he or she have different answers from yours? 2. Check the answers with your teacher. THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 23 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 3 Activity 3: Speaking task You’re just back from a nice relaxing holiday abroad. Your friends are very curious about where you’ve been and what you’ve done. Describe your holiday to them. Please cover the following points: , when you left for the holiday , what means of transport you used , whom you went with , what places you went to , what you did , how much it cost you in total , what you enjoyed most during the holiday. Activity 4: Language points 1. 要麼…要麼 yào me…yào me... either…or It can be placed at the beginning of the sentence or before the verb phrase. eg 你要麼去北京工作,要麼去上海工作。 You will go to work either in Beijing or in Shanghai. eg 要麼你去,要麼她去。 Either you or she will go. 2. 越來越… yuè lái yuè… more and more... It can be used with an adjective, an adverb or a verb phrase. eg 長得越來越漂亮 become more and more beautiful 跳得越來越高 jump higher and higher 越來越喜歡音樂 like music more and more eg 天氣越來越熱了。 The weather is getting hotter and hotter. 24 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 3 3. 而 ér however eg 我很喜歡旅游,而我的姐姐卻一點也不喜歡旅游。 I like travelling a lot. However, my big sister doesn’t like travelling at all. Over to you Make sentences using the following words: 要麼…要 麼 越來越… 而 Self-assessment Learning targets for this unit: Achieved? 1. to be able to discuss my favorite travel destinations 2. to be able to talk about Chinese people travelling abroad 3. to be able to describe a past holiday of my own THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 25 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 4 Unit 4 黃金周,去還是留 Learning targets for this unit: 1. to be able to give information about the public holiday system in China 2. to be able to define the ‘golden week’ 3. to be able to give my opinions on ‘golden weeks’ Activity 1: Reading comprehension When you are surfing on the internet, you come across this article about ‘golden weeks’. ‘黃金周’,又稱為長假,其實是連續七天的休假。 ‘黃金周’開始於1999年。當時,東南亞正在經歷金融危機,中國經濟也受到很大影響。政府開始實行這個長假制度,目的是讓中國老百姓在長假期間出去旅游,增加消費,這樣才能發展經濟。政府規定,春節、勞動節和國慶節都有法定的三天假期,加上移動節日前后的兩個周末共四天,和這三天假期放在一起,人們可以有連續放假七天,於是就有了國慶節’十一黃金周’、勞動節’五一黃金周’和’春節黃金周’。由於周末和節假日本來就是中國老百姓消費的黃金時段,七天的長假更是將旅游、交通和商業有效地結合在一起,成為商家賺錢的大好時機,因此被媒體稱為’黃金周’。 這個休假制度剛開始實行的時候,受到了大部分老百姓的歡迎。但隨著經濟的好轉,人民生活水平的提高,老百姓的消費觀念發生了轉變。’黃金周’帶來的許多不好的影響越來越明顯,如放假期間交通堵塞導致老百姓出行困難,旅游區人滿為患而引起的環境問題和物價上漲問題等等。人們對’黃金周’的休假制度有了越來越多的不滿。2008年,中國政府調整了休假制度:國慶節和春節長假沒有變化,但五一勞動節假期由三天減少為一天,同時增加了清明、端午和中秋三個傳統節日為法定假期,各休假一天。這樣一來,老百姓仍然可以過’十一黃金周’和’春節黃金周’,但’五一黃金周’就不再存在了。政府也頒布新的法律,開始實行職工帶薪休假制度,保障老百姓休息的權利。 26 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 4 Word list 連續 lián xù in a row, continuous 經歷 jīng lì experience, go through 金融 jīn róng finance, financial 危機 wēi jī crisis 影響 yǐng xiǎng influence, to effect 老百姓 lǎo bǎi xìng ordinary people 政府 zhèng fǔ government 規定 guī dìng stipulate, set rules, regulations 移動 yí dòng move, shift 十一 shí yī 1 October, National Day of the People’s Republic of China 五一 wǔyī 1 May, Labour Day in China 增加 zēng jiā to raise, to increase 消費 xiāo fèi to consume, consumption 法定 fǎ dìng legal 有效 yǒu xiào valid, effective 本來 běn lái originally 時段 shí duàn a period of time 媒體 méi tǐ media 明顯 míng xiǎn obvious, clear 導致 dǎo zhì to cause, to lead to 人滿為患 rén mǎn wéi huàn overstaffed, overcrowded 物價 wù jià (commodity) prices 上漲 shàng zhǎng rise, go upward 調整 tiáo zhěng adjust, revise 頒布 bān bù issue, publish 法律 fǎ lǜ law 帶薪休假 dài xīn take paid holidays 保障 bǎo zhàng to ensure, to guarantee 權利 quán lì right, entitlement After you’ve read the article, answer the following questions. (a) In 1999, the Chinese government introduced a new holiday system. Why? (b) How could Chinese people take 7 days off during a ‘golden week’ even if the official holidays were only 3 days long? (c) What are the side effects of the ‘golden week’? (d) Which one of the ‘golden weeks’ has been cancelled? THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 27 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 4 (e) In order to ensure Chinese people have the right to access holidays what measures have been taken? (f) Translate ‘由於周末和節假日本來就是中國老百姓消費的黃金時段,七天 的長假更是將旅游、交通和商業有效地結合在一起,成為商家賺錢的大 好時機,因此被媒體稱為’黃金周’。’ into English. Pair work 1. Check and discuss the answers with a partner. Does he or she have different answers from yours? 2. Check the answers with your teacher. Activity 2: Reading comprehension You also read another article about people’s different opinions on ‘golden weeks’. 黃金周’,去還是留, 老百姓怎麼想呢, 小張: 在公司工作壓力很大,周末經常要加班,我根本沒時間去旅游。每年過年隻放三天假,一放假就得回老家跟家人團聚。十一放假時很多地方天氣不好,天天下雨,不適合旅游。我是個很愛旅游的人,真正能讓我放鬆盡情享受假期的就是五一勞動節的’黃金周’了。現在’五一黃金周’被取消了,我該什麼時候去度假呢,我不同意取消’五一黃金周’,我需要這個假期去享受陽光明媚的春天。 老馬: 我在私人公司打工。 以前,五一及十一節假日因為金融等其他部門休假了,老板沒辦法才跟著放假,我們這些員工才得到休息。現在的帶薪休假制度肯定很難得到落實,沒有多少公司能夠真正實行帶薪休假。而政府官員和公務員就不一樣了,他們可以盡情享受帶薪休假。不是所有的老百姓都能享受到帶薪休假的,如果取消’黃金周’,我這樣的勞動者連休息的機會也沒了~反對取消’黃金周’~ 阿牛: 記得在第一個五一’黃金周’的時候,約了三個好朋友去雲南麗江玩,平時沒什麼人的麗江小鎮熱鬧得就像北京的菜市場,人山人海,上廁所都要排長隊。每個導游都在拿著喇叭喊話,結果講的什麼完全沒有聽清楚。印象最深的是人多28 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 4 的不得了,如果拍照,照片上全是人。從那以后的五一節我再也不外出了,不 想花錢買罪受。以后有帶薪休假就好多了,至少不用跟全國十幾億人一起扎堆 過五一了。我認為取消黃金周好處多過壞處,是好事。 Word list 壓力 yā lì pressure 加班 jiā bān work overtime, work extra shifts 就得 jiù děi must 團聚 tuán jù to reunite 明媚 míng mèi bright and beautiful 取消 qǔ xiāo cancel 落實 luò shí to implement, to carry out 官員 guān yuán government official 公務員 gōng wù yuán civil servant 熱鬧 rè nao lively, bustling with noise and excitement 喇叭 lǎ ba loudspeaker, trumpet 花錢買罪受 huā qián mǎi zuì spend money on something annoying shòu 扎堆 zhā duī flock together After you’ve read the article, answer the following questions. (a) What does Xiao Zhang tell you about his work life? (b) What does he normally do during the New Year holidays? (c) Xiao Zhang does not travel during National Day holidays. Why? (d) Where does Lao Ma work? (e) Why did employers agree to give employees days off over the ‘golden week’, even though they were reluctant? (f) What is Lao Ma’s opinion on cancelling ‘golden week’? Why? (g) What did A Niu do during the first Labour Day Golden Week? (h) How did he describe how crowded it was? Give three details. (i) What decision has he made about next Labour Day holidays? THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 29 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 4 Group work 1. Work in groups of three or four. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having ‘golden week’ holidays. 2. Exchange your ideas with other groups. Activity 3: Listening comprehension Dongdong, a young boy, is talking to you about his experience over the Labour Day holidays last year. Word list 盡管 jǐn guǎn although, in spite of 嚇壞 xiàhuài scared, frightened 躲 duǒ to hide, to avoid 報怨 Bào yuàn complain 態度 tài dù manner, attitude 可惜 kě xī it is a pity, what a pity After you’ve listened to Dongdong’s talk, answer the following questions. (a) Where did Dongdong go during the Labour Day holidays last year? (b) It took them a long time to get to the destination. Why? (c) What did Dongdong tell you about the admission tickets? (d) What did his mother complain about during lunch time? (e) How did he feel about this trip? (f) When would he like to go back to have a second visit? (g) How did he feel about the ‘golden week’? 30 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 4 Activity 4: Language points 1. 被 bèi by It is a passive marker indicating the subject is the receiver of the action. eg 去學校的路被一塊大石頭堵住了。 The road to school was blocked by a huge rock. 2. 將 jiāng to get; ready; prepared It is used in the future tense, equivalent to ‘will’, ‘shall’ and ‘going to’. eg 那孩子將滿八歲了。 The child will be 8 years old. 3. 就 jiù then; at once (emphasise) It indicates a tone of certainty. eg 這些人裡就他會開車。 Among these people, only he can drive. (emphasising)) eg 你這樣做就對了。 It is right for you to do it this way. 4. 才 cái only; not… until It emphasises that the action did not happen as soon, or as quickly, or as smoothly, or as expected. eg 我昨天才見到她。 I did not see her until yesterday. 5. 花錢買罪受 huā qián mǎi zuì shòu spend money on something annoying It is an idiomatic expression which means spending money on something that one does not like or enjoy. eg 如果他們不喜歡炎熱的天氣,干嘛花錢買罪受夏天去重慶旅游呢, Since they don’t like the hot weather, why do they spend money to make life miserable visiting Chongqing during the summer season? THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 31 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 4 Over to you Make sentences using the following words: 被 將 就 才 花錢買罪 受 Self-assessment Learning targets for this unit: Achieved? 1. to be able to give information about the public holiday system in China 2. to be able to define the ‘golden week’ 3. to be able to give my opinions on ‘golden weeks’ 32 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 APPENDIX Appendix Vocabulary list 頒布 bān bù issue, publish 報怨 Bào yuàn complain 保障 bǎo zhàng to ensure, to guarantee 本來 běn lái originally 表示 biǎo shì indicate, express 布局 bù jú layout, arrangement 查詢 chá xún inquiry, to inquire 長途 cháng tú long distance 車次 chē cì train/bus serial number, train/bus service 成都 chéng dū Chengdu, capital city of Sichuan Province 成熟 chéng shú mature 出口 chū kǒu exit 從古至今 cóng gǔ zhì jīn in all ages, ever since ancient times 錯落有致 cuò luò yǒu zhì in a picturesque disorder 大巴 dà bā big bus, coach 大概 dà gài roughly, probably, 大力 dà lì exert oneself, put forth effort, vigorously 代表 dài biǎo representative 帶薪休假 dài xīn xiū jià take paid holidays 導致 dǎo zhì to cause, to lead to 迪士尼樂園 dí shì ní lè yuán Disneyland 典雅 diǎn yǎ elegance, elegant 調查 diào chá investigate, investigation 動車 dòng chē multiple unit train, motor coach train 獨特的 dú tè de unique 躲 duǒ to hide, to avoid 法定 fǎ dìng legal 法律 fǎ lǜ law 發展 fā zhǎn develop, development 放鬆 fàng sōng relax 改變 gǎi biàn change, alter 改革 gǎi gé reform 高速公路 gāo sù gōng lù motorway 跟團游 gēn tuán yóu guided group tours 公務員 gōng wù yuán civil servant THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 33 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 APPENDIX 古典 gǔ diǎn classical 觀念 guān niàn idea, notion, thought 官員 guān yuán government official 廣西 guǎng xī a province in the south of China 規定 guī dìng stipulate, set rules, regulations 桂林 guì lín a city in Guangxi Province, China 海島 hǎi dǎo island 韓國 hán guó Korea 花錢買罪受 huā qián mǎi zuì shòu spend money on something annoying 皇帝 huáng dì emperor 繪畫 huì huà drawing, painting 加班 jiā bān work overtime, work extra shifts 假山 jiǎ shān man-made mountains, artificial hillock 甲天下 jiǎ tiān xià unsurpassed 尖沙咀 jiān shā zuǐ a place in Hong Kong 建筑 jiàn zhù architecture, building, construct 降溫 jiàng wēn a fall in demand for something, drop in temperature 交換生 jiāo huàn shēng exchange student 結合 jié hé to combine, to integrate 盡管 jǐn guǎn although, in spite of 盡情 jìn qíng as much as one likes 金融 jīn róng finance, financial 經典之作 jīng diǎn zhī zuò classical creation 經濟 jīng jì economic, economy 經歷 jīng lì experience, go through 精巧 jīng qiǎo elaborate 就得 jiù děi must 九寨溝 jiǔ zhài gōu a place in Sichuan Province 開發 kāi fā develop, exploit 可惜 kě xī it is a pity, what a pity 快速火車 kuài sù huǒ chē fast train 喇叭 lǎ ba loudspeaker, trumpet 蘭桂坊 lán guì fāng a place in Hong Kong 老百姓 lǎo bǎi xìng ordinary people 連續 lián xù in a row, continuous 靈活性 líng huó xìng flexibility 玲瓏 líng lóng exquisite, detailed 露天 lù tiān the open air, outdoor 路線 lù xiàn route 旅行團 lǚ xíng tuán tour group 落實 luò shí to implement, to carry out 媒體 méi tǐ media 面積 miàn jī area, acreage 34 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 APPENDIX 明媚 míng mèi bright and beautiful 明顯 míng xiǎn obvious, clear 普快火車 pǔ kuài huǒ chē ordinary fast train 奇石 qí shí wonder stone, strange stone 奇異的 qí yì de bizarre, strange, fantastic 強 qiáng strong, powerful 清澈 qīng chè de clear, limpid 清秀 qīng xiù comeliness 取消 qǔ xiāo cancel 全程 quán chéng an entire journey 權利 quán lì right, entitlement 確定 què dìng fix, determine 確實 què shí indeed, really 熱鬧 rè nao lively, bustling with noise and excitement 人間天堂 rén jiān tiān táng the paradise on earth 人滿為患 rén mǎn wéi huàn overstaffed, overcrowded 軟臥 ruǎn wò soft sleeper 軟座 ruǎn zuò soft seat 上漲 shàng zhǎng rise, go upward 設計 shè jì design 甚至 shèn zhì even 勝天下 shèng tiān xià excel, better than anything else in the world 升溫 shēng wēn an increase in demand for something, heat, rise of temperature 時長 shí cháng time span, duration 時段 shí duàn a period of time 事件 shì jiàn incident 十一 shí yī 1 October, National Day of the People’s Republic of China 熟悉 shú xī know well, be familiar with 四川 sì chuān Sichuan province, China 私家車 sī jiā chē private cars 私人 sī rén private 蘇州 sū zhōu Suzhou, a city in China 態度 tài du manner, attitude 特色 tè sè characteristic, distinguishing feature 提供 tí gōng supply, provide 調整 tiáo zhěng adjust, revise 銅鑼灣 tóng luó wān a place in Hong Kong 投訴 tóu sù complain, complaint 團聚 tuán jù to reunite 退休 tuì xiū retire, retired 旺角 wàng jiǎo a place in Hong Kong 危機 wēi jī crisis THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 35 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 APPENDIX 物價 wù jià (commodity) prices 無數 wú shù numberless, countless, innumerable 五一 wǔyī 1 May, Labour Day in China 西寧 xī níng Xining, capital city of Qinghai province 吸引 xī yǐn attract 嚇壞 xiàhuài scared, frightened 項目 xiàng mù project 享受 xiǎng shòu to enjoy (rights, benefits, etc) 消費 xiāo fèi to consume, consumption 新招 xīn zhāo new move 休假 xiū jià take a holiday 秀麗 xiù lì beautiful, pretty 休閑 xiū xián leisure 修學游 xiūxué yóu educational tour 序號 xù hào serial number 需求 xū qiú needs 選擇 xuǎn zé choice, option 學院 xué yuàn college, school 壓力 yā lì pressure 移動 yí dòng move, shift 一舉多得 yī jǔ duō dé achieve many things at one stroke 印象 yìn xiàng impression 應對 yìng duì respond, deal with 硬臥 yìng wò hard sleeper 影響 yǐng xiǎng influence, to effect 硬座 yìng zuò hard seat 悠久 yōu jiǔ long established 悠閑 yōu xián leisure, ease; leisurely, easy 有效 yǒu xiào valid, effective 園林 yuán lín garden, classical gardens 雲南 yún nán Yunnan province, China 贊美 zàn měi praise, admire 增加 zēng jiā to raise, to increase 扎堆 zhā duī flock together 政府 zhèng fǔ government 制度 zhì dù (political) system or institution 質量 zhì liàng quality 中環 zhōng huán a place in Hong Kong 自駕游 zì jià yóu self-drive travel 自然 zì rán nature, natural, naturally 自助游 zì zhù yóu independent travel, travel independently 組織 zǔ zhī organise 36 THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 APPENDIX THE WIDER WORLD: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 37 ? Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010
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