首页 潭州工业学院——UG8.0数控编程超级教程



潭州工业学院——UG8.0数控编程超级教程潭州工业学院——UG8.0数控编程超级教程 潭州工业学院——UG8.0数控编程超级教程 编程环境(指具体的cam_general)的正确选择和使用,以及 通读全部教程后,与“精心补充的内容”篇章结合,打造一个适合自己的编程“环境”——这里的环境不是指cam_general,而是自己的工具图标摆放位置、刀具库的定义调用等,总之符合自己的习惯即可-----这正是我教程序言中提及的圆圈/浑然一体的讲法,而这些问题基本上都可以使用“角色文件”来解决,至于如何使用或者自己如何制作,后面的教程都有详细的讲解,当然有的学员朋...

潭州工业学院——UG8.0数控编程超级教程 潭州工业学院——UG8.0数控编程超级教程 编程环境(指具体的cam_general)的正确选择和使用,以及 通读全部教程后,与“精心补充的内容”篇章结合,打造一个适合自己的编程“环境”——这里的环境不是指cam_general,而是自己的工具图标摆放位置、刀具库的定义调用等,总之符合自己的习惯即可-----这正是我教程序言中提及的圆圈/浑然一体的讲法,而这些问题基本上都可以使用“角色文件”来解决,至于如何使用或者自己如何制作,后面的教程都有详细的讲解,当然有的学员朋友希望使用我的“角色文件”,我是这样建议的:你先到网上下载一个与自己UG版本适宜的文件,因为角色文件在不同的版本之间基本上不能通用,我所使用的版本与你们每一个人的极有可能不同,这样要让我制作一个文件来适合每一个人,就太麻烦了,除非我们统一使用一个版本。其实真的没有必要这样做,因为这个问题不是问题,你只要下载一个(网上比比皆是)作为参考,然后自己制作一个即可~ 关于操作导航器,这里你要重点理解4个视图的原理——即是UG加工的基本原理(操作来收集信息),通过层层 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 ,重点应落在几何体的定义方面,而其它3个没必要花费太多精力。然后就是要在在Workpice中定义加工几何体(毛坯、零件几何体)??下一步就是定义坐标系(工作与加工坐标系的重合)??相关的安全平面,这样一路走下来。所以你要重点理清自己的思路。此时你就会发现讲的内容虽然较多,但实际上就那么几步简单的操作~——所以这一篇 章不是重点理解什么参数,而是重点是理清思路,此后的篇章 虽然较多的介绍参数,但是你也要以理清自己的思路为首位~而参数你要重点看其如何应用的。 关于测量:主要是测量工件的整体长、宽、高;局部曲面之间的间距(刀具是否能通过);局部的R角部位、平面判别等。总之你要通过测量基本上知道:如何摆放工件;整体的加工思路以及使用多大的 刀 具进行开粗、半精、淸角等基本问题。 关于技巧问题: 1、现在多数朋友们都比较关心UG8.0是否支持中文路径问题,我个 人觉得这个实在没必要,如果朋友们真的喜欢这样做(支持中文),大可以去网上下载相关的技巧吧~我本人并不关心此事。 2、还有一个技巧问题就是——推断式右键菜单的使用,我一般不建 议初学者使用,如果朋友们喜欢,我也可以说一下它的具体使用方法 3、坐标系在实际加工中,如何灵活使用, 坐标系问题: ?今天拓展讲一下坐标系:在教程中我们主要讲解了工作与加工坐标系的重合问题,这样做可以避免很多的不必要的麻烦,教程里面都有详述。譬如下面这个图示: 4-6m, transverse horizontal bar on typically 1.2 m-1.5 m, steel should be paint coated. (2) fasteners shall comply with the provisions of the steel tube scaffolding fastener, material using the malleable GB9440 provided not less than KTH330-08 grades of mechanical properties of malleable cast iron or GB11352 medium ZG230-450 cast steel production, fasteners and the joint surface of the pipe must be strictly cosmetic, should meet the requirements of tensile properties of the retainer. Fasteners must not have defects such as cracks, holes, loose, sand hole. (3) the scaffold, scaffold used bamboo and wooden scaffold used wooden scaffold made of pine 50mm, length of 3-6 meters, width not less than 150mm, the material should be consistent with existing national standards for the structural engineering construction and acceptance of second material requirements. --Construction and erection requirements along the four surrounding circles of buildings erection, when if conditions cannot be set, you should set the necessary lateral support, side strengthened walls. 1, cantilevered scaffold erection more than three starts, six-layer for a closed period. 2, the scaffold and the main structure of the lateral distance connection points using 3-4 double column vertical distance, but not more than 4 times times column latitude and vertical spacing 2-3 horizontal step, but it shouldn't be more than 3 times the longitudinal bar step. 3, vertical rods from 1.5 meters distance ? 1.8M, outer rows of horizontal bar spacing ? 0.9m, horizontal bar spacing ? 1.0M. 4 lateral, longitudinal bracing located in scaffolds along the height setting from the bottom, vertical support width suitable for 5-7 pole spacing, diagonal angle with the ground should be at 45 degrees to 60 degrees. Longitudinal bracing rotating buckles with pole and horizontal bars fastened joints from the scaffold node is not greater than 200mm, 图1是进入加工中工件初始的摆放情况,很明显地工件不正有一定的斜度,你要摆正工件如果采用旋转坐标系的方法就比较麻烦,因为你要先进行测量角度,而为了测量这个角度就有可能做辅助线之类的,如果测量不正确(偏差),那么后续的加工就自然会产生问题——例如你让操作工师傅按照图2摆正的,而你给定的坐标系有所偏差(哪怕是0.1度或更小),加工出来的工件就不合格。那怎么办呢?——那就要自己建立一个坐标系,UG提供了10几种的构建方法,譬如在此工件中,使用x轴,y轴,原点方法来建立一个坐标系(例如建在角点位置,xy轴分别对应工件边缘线),那么此时角度已经摆正了,然后如果需要可以把原点位置移到工件中心位置即可了。进一步再把工作与加工坐标系重合即可。 ?再看下面这个图示: 这个工件第一:不规则,第二:工件上 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面是曲面,这个工件怎样去 找中心呢,例如图1这样摆放肯定不行,因为已经超出Y向行程,而 采用图2方式则能够加工。所以应该采用图2的方式进行加工。在加 工中找中心点一般就是四面分中顶面对刀或者单边靠数之类的方法, 而这个工件不方不圆,怎么去找它的基准呢,对于这样的工件找基准 点当然有很多方法,譬如使用建模里面的“电极设计”?“创建箱体” 4-6m, transverse horizontal bar on typically 1.2 m-1.5 m, steel should be paint coated. (2) fasteners shall comply with the provisions of the steel tube scaffolding fastener, material using the malleable GB9440 provided not less than KTH330-08 grades of mechanical properties of malleable cast iron or GB11352 medium ZG230-450 cast steel production, fasteners and the joint surface of the pipe must be strictly cosmetic, should meet the requirements of tensile properties of the retainer. Fasteners must not have defects such as cracks, holes, loose, sand hole. (3) the scaffold, scaffold used bamboo and wooden scaffold used wooden scaffold made of pine 50mm, length of 3-6 meters, width not less than 150mm, the material should be consistent with existing national standards for the structural engineering construction and acceptance of second material requirements. --Construction and erection requirements along the four surrounding circles of buildings erection, when if conditions cannot be set, you should set the necessary lateral support, side strengthened walls. 1, cantilevered scaffold erection more than three starts, six-layer for a closed period. 2, the scaffold and the main structure of the lateral distance connection points using 3-4 double column vertical distance, but not more than 4 times times column latitude and vertical spacing 2-3 horizontal step, but it shouldn't be more than 3 times the longitudinal bar step. 3, vertical rods from 1.5 meters distance ? 1.8M, outer rows of horizontal bar spacing ? 0.9m, horizontal bar spacing ? 1.0M. 4 lateral, longitudinal bracing located in scaffolds along the height setting from the bottom, vertical support width suitable for 5-7 pole spacing, diagonal angle with the ground should be at 45 degrees to 60 degrees. Longitudinal bracing rotating buckles with pole and horizontal bars fastened joints from the scaffold node is not greater than 200mm, 命令,即是创建一个包容此件的四方体,然后找到四方体的中心点即 可了。见下图3所示: 还可以使用辅助线的方法如上图4所示,就是以X方向线拉直找正,使用x轴、y轴方法创建坐标系,也可以把此点移到圆心处。但是使用这种方法,Z值即最高点怎么找,使用创建箱体的方法,就不存在这个问题——四方体的上表面即是最高点。所以对于上表面是曲面的工件(没有平面),怎么找到最高点呢, A,创建箱体是一种方法;B,还有使用“面分析--距离”命令来计算曲面的最高点,分别记下x,y.z值后,然后把坐标系原点移到此坐标值处即可。C,也可以使用“切削层”的方法,因为系统自动计算工件最高点与最低点,从而产生层。这些方法都可以用,但是我基本上不是这样去做,我是这样做的:大致测量一下最高点的值,然后加上几个mm(最好为整数)为Z0即可,我觉得没有必要精确的知道最高点值,然后从底板(或底面或找一个平面)对刀抬高x mm为z0,一般习惯把Z0定于工件最高点的目的,无非就是安全性的考虑(与安全平面相关)。——这个方法只是我个人建议,在此欢迎高明者给予指教~ 以上无论采用何种方法,由于工件的不规则性,都要在工件找正完成后,都要给定多个测量点测试是否有加工量(以保证整个工件能够完全加工起来),即是你的坐标系确定后,分别给出零件上的多个关键点的数值,以供操作工师傅测量调整摆放工件~ 4-6m, transverse horizontal bar on typically 1.2 m-1.5 m, steel should be paint coated. (2) fasteners shall comply with the provisions of the steel tube scaffolding fastener, material using the malleable GB9440 provided not less than KTH330-08 grades of mechanical properties of malleable cast iron or GB11352 medium ZG230-450 cast steel production, fasteners and the joint surface of the pipe must be strictly cosmetic, should meet the requirements of tensile properties of the retainer. Fasteners must not have defects such as cracks, holes, loose, sand hole. (3) the scaffold, scaffold used bamboo and wooden scaffold used wooden scaffold made of pine 50mm, length of 3-6 meters, width not less than 150mm, the material should be consistent with existing national standards for the structural engineering construction and acceptance of second material requirements. --Construction and erection requirements along the four surrounding circles of buildings erection, when if conditions cannot be set, you should set the necessary lateral support, side strengthened walls. 1, cantilevered scaffold erection more than three starts, six-layer for a closed period. 2, the scaffold and the main structure of the lateral distance connection points using 3-4 double column vertical distance, but not more than 4 times times column latitude and vertical spacing 2-3 horizontal step, but it shouldn't be more than 3 times the longitudinal bar step. 3, vertical rods from 1.5 meters distance ? 1.8M, outer rows of horizontal bar spacing ? 0.9m, horizontal bar spacing ? 1.0M. 4 lateral, longitudinal bracing located in scaffolds along the height setting from the bottom, vertical support width suitable for 5-7 pole spacing, diagonal angle with the ground should be at 45 degrees to 60 degrees. Longitudinal bracing rotating buckles with pole and horizontal bars fastened joints from the scaffold node is not greater than 200mm,
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