首页 UG5.0三维图转换CAD二维图纸



UG5.0三维图转换CAD二维图纸UG5.0三维图转换CAD二维图纸 UG5.0中UG三维图转换成CAD二维图 1. 在UG5.0中打开需要转换的零件图 2. 选择新建文件——图纸文件——图幅等——确定 3. 这时转换到UG如下: and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, ...

UG5.0三维图转换CAD二维图纸 UG5.0中UG三维图转换成CAD二维图 1. 在UG5.0中打开需要转换的零件图 2. 选择新建文件——图纸文件——图幅等——确定 3. 这时转换到UG如下: and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unreasonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel should conduct a 4. 选择文件——导出——cgm 5. 如下图 and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unreasonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel should conduct a 6. 点击确定如下: 7. 选择保存文件的位置——点击确定 8. 在UG5.0中选择新建文件——模型 and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unreasonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel should conduct a 9. 选择文件——导入—— cgm 10.导入后如下所示 and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unreasonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel should conduct a 11.选择文件——另存为,保存类型中选择dwg文件,点击确定 12.打开刚保存的CAD文件,选择视图——三维视图——平面视图— —当前 UCS and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unreasonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel should conduct a 修改图层即可~ 注意视图方向为第三角视图 and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unreasonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel should conduct a and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unreasonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel should conduct a
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