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UML实验报告 1 系 统 模 型 与 模 拟 实 验 指 导 书 Guidelines on Labs of SM&S with OOAD 学 院 管理学院 课程名称(中文) 系统模型与模拟 (英文) System Models&Simulation(SM&S): 课程代码 030521 教师代号 03050513 课程学时 48 实验总学时 20 Oct, 18th , 2012: Lab1-3, WFD, DFD, and USE CASE in brief format. Do as much as you...

1 系 统 模 型 与 模 拟 实 验 指 导 书 Guidelines on Labs of SM&S with OOAD 学 院 管理学院 课程名称(中文) 系统模型与模拟 (英文) System Models&Simulation(SM&S): 课程代码 030521 教师代号 03050513 课程学时 48 实验总学时 20 Oct, 18th , 2012: Lab1-3, WFD, DFD, and USE CASE in brief format. Do as much as you could, all remaining work needs to be done at home. Lab1 (1 class hour) 一. Objectives : Learn to gather all information and information flows among entities in the system and to make an overall plan for it by drawing a good WFD. Definition of WFD: in a particular project, a workflow diagram is a particular sequence of activities within an organization. 二. Instructions : Step 1: Study the WFD given as an example ; Step 2: By using some software for drawing (e.g, Visio, SmartDraw,Word,etc), Draw a WFD for the system you have based on your understanding of the given example as well as the system ; Step 3:Submit the WFD after you polish it ; WFD of the BOOKPLACE,INC Sales System The the pink Lab2 (0.5 class hour): 一.Objectives: Analyze all data and data flows among processes in the system and design a DFD to better understand the processing system. Definition of DFD: describe processes of information storing, input and output that transform data into and from the system between sources and destinations. 二、Instructions: Step 1:Study the DFD given as an example; Step 2:By using some software for drawing (e.g, SmartDraw, Word,etc), Draw a DFD for the system you have based on your understanding of the given example as well as the processing system; Step 3:Submit the DFD after you polish it; Step 4:Go home and happy after turn off computers. The DFD of sales system in BOOKPLACE,INC Sales & acquisition Lab3(0.5 class hour): 一.Objectives: Apprehend(understand) the concept of Use Cases in your Textbook and identify Use Cases in the system to analyze requirements of the system. Reflect the differences between requirements of the system and dynamic features for the Java classes and create an initial Use Case for the system in brief format. 二. Instructions: Step 1: Analyze your system to find out some initial requirements. Step 2: Figure out appropriate name (verb phrases) for a possible Use Case; Step 3: Find out the Actor(primary role name) of the Use Case. Step 4: write the main scenarios (Success Scenarios) of the Use Case in brief format. Step 5: Submit your work when finish it. Oct, 25th, 2012: Lab4-5, ①One USE CASE in formal format (two columns in a table). ②Domain Model with attributes Do as much as you could, all remaining work needs to be done at home. Lab4(1 class hours): 二.Objectives: Apprehend(understand) the concept of Use Cases in your Textbook and identify Use Cases in the system to analyze requirements of the system. Reflect the differences between requirements of the system and dynamic features for the Java classes and create a formal Use Case for the system. 二. Instructions: Step 1: Analyze your system and previous artifacts to find out some requirements. Step 2: Figure out appropriate name (verb phrases) for a possible Use Case; Step 3: Find out the Actor(role name) of the Use Case. Step 4: write the main scenarios (Success Scenarios) of the Use Case in the format of columns(a table). Use case in Formal Format Lab5 (1 class hours): 一. Objectives: Create an initial Domain Model for your system and identify a number of conceptual classes in the domain. Know the differences between conceptual classes and design classes which are close to Java code by writing a piece of Java code. 二. Instructions: Step 1:Study the system as a domain in your case material; Step 2: Identify a number of conceptual classes which usually refer to real objects in the real world and are closely related to your domain. Step 3:Draw rectangles to depict the conceptual classes by using UML; Step 4: Try to identify appropriate attributes for each of conceptual classes in the DM. Step 5: Submit your work when finish it.
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