首页 腺样体肥大的治疗方法



腺样体肥大的治疗方法腺样体肥大的治疗方法 具体治疗方法如下(摘自中医资料): 1、先去火 用大蒜头敷脚心的方法将火引下去,方法是这样的:将一头大蒜切碎后分成两份,分别敷在孩子的脚心处,用塑料薄膜缠绕固定,5岁以内的孩子敷半个小时,大一些的孩子或病情较重的孩子可以等孩子喊脚心有微微的辣了,就要将小脚洗干净,一般敏感一些的人,敷后会感到大蒜的辣味在往上走,最后都会在咽喉部感到大蒜的辣味,说明通气的效果非常好。轻一些的孩子敷一次虚火的症状就减轻了,如出虚汗的现象少了,舌质红的程度淡了,口不干了,燥热爱动的现象缓解了,咽喉部的肿胀不适会...

腺样体肥大的治疗方法 具体治疗方法如下(摘自中医资料): 1、先去火 用大蒜头敷脚心的方法将火引下去,方法是这样的:将一头大蒜切碎后分成两份,分别敷在孩子的脚心处,用塑料薄膜缠绕固定,5岁以内的孩子敷半个小时,大一些的孩子或病情较重的孩子可以等孩子喊脚心有微微的辣了,就要将小脚洗干净,一般敏感一些的人,敷后会感到大蒜的辣味在往上走,最后都会在咽喉部感到大蒜的辣味,说明通气的效果非常好。轻一些的孩子敷一次虚火的症状就减轻了,如出虚汗的现象少了,舌质红的程度淡了,口不干了,燥热爱动的现象缓解了,咽喉部的肿胀不适会有减轻,重一些的孩子三天后再敷一次就可以了。脚心敷大蒜治疗鼻炎、鼻出血的效果同样非常明显,常常流鼻血、流脓鼻涕的孩子一般敷上1,2次,以后就很少流鼻血了,也不流脓鼻涕了,鼻子的通气功能也会明显改善。(流清水鼻涕时不能用、容易腹泻的孩子不能用、胆小的孩子不能用,虚火大的孩子也不能多用,多用泄气,最多用2,3次就不能再使用了)这只是第一步,去了虚火,除了燥热,解决了“虚不受补”的矛盾,第二步很重要,就是食补,解决肾阳虚的问题。 2、食疗 (1)、首先是所有上火的、补气的食物都要少吃或不吃,如河鱼、河虾尽量不吃,海鱼也暂时不吃,病情稳定后可以一周吃一次,辣椒、生姜、大蒜、山药、红枣、桂圆、荔枝、都最好不吃,同时不要吃油炸食品、膨化食品、炒货, 等病情缓解后可适当的吃一些。 (2)、饮食中要停掉一切寒凉的食物,只吃性平、性温的食物,如猪肉、鸡肉、牛肉、鸽肉、鹌鹑、鳝鱼、泥鳅、青菜、白菜、包菜、黄豆芽、土豆、韭菜、胡萝卜(一周2次)等,夏天再增加四季豆、豇豆、黄瓜、西红柿、藕、芹菜、花菜、各种菌类(菌类也偏凉适合夏天吃),水果吃新鲜时令的水果,5月份以后,新鲜水果上市了。可以吃草莓、桃子、葡萄、樱桃,秋天可以吃苹果、梨子、桔子等。 (3)、每周吃2,3次红烧鳝鱼或喝鳝鱼汤,鳝鱼与其它鱼类不同,补血、补肾、抗过敏的作用明显,但不易上火,补而不燥。 (4)、每周吃2次海虾,一次10只左右,7岁左右的孩子可以一次半斤,海虾就是鸡尾虾或对虾,补肾阳的作用明显,可以用来治疗慢性扁桃体炎、慢性鼻炎、慢性咽炎,与河虾的功效完全不一样。 (5)、用红枣半斤、核桃仁半斤、黑芝麻半斤、阿胶2两、冰糖半斤、料酒一斤,做成的补品,补血、补肾、润燥,每晚给孩子吃小半勺,不能多吃,多吃上火。 (6)、如果遇到有上火症状时,切四分之一的苹果煮水喝,能去虚火又不伤身体,没有火时不要再吃了。 (7)、治疗期间多吃肉类,肉要烧烂,利于孩子消化吸收,同时蔬菜一定要保证,蔬菜和肉的比例是1:1,充足的蔬菜有利于大便的通畅,已能降虚火。 ( 8)、食疗跟上后,一定要鼓励孩子多喝白开水,不要喝饮料。 3、按摩 “痛则不通”只要是疼痛、肥大、增生的疾病,都有经络淤堵的现象,按摩在治疗慢性扁桃体、腺样体炎的过程中也是很重要的一步。 (1)、每天晚上给孩子洗脚后,再帮孩子搓搓脚心各30,50下,再按office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 摩五个脚址5,10分钟就可以了。 (2)、搓孩子的两只小膀子,主要是搓大拇指往上的内侧及外侧,是手太阴肺经及手阳明大肠经,这两条经络都直接通肺与咽喉。将孩子膀子上的这两条经络搓上几十下,搓热了,对治疗咽喉肿痛效果明显。最后再搓搓手上的大鱼际及按压手上的合谷穴,也都是治疗咽喉痛的主要穴位。 (3)、只要是慢性病都是虚症,按摩的最后在头顶的百会穴像梳头一样梳理几十下就可以了,起到提气补气的作用。 这三样按摩每晚给孩子做一遍,孩子会非常舒服,特别是那些同时伴有鼻咽部腺样体肥大的孩子,总是要张嘴呼吸、打鼾,经过这样全套按摩后,睡觉会比较安静,打鼾的声音会慢慢减轻。 在治疗慢性扁桃体炎的过程中,要同时做到以上的三点,不能只挑几样来做,我发现很多的家长会自作主张,只挑其中的几样来自,结果往往适得其反。如果不去火,食补上去火会更重,如果食疗没有跟上,只用按摩,孩子只能是虚上加虚,所以当敷了一次大蒜后食疗就要及时跟上,同时再配合按摩,只有这样才能彻底根治慢性扁桃体炎、腺样体肥大。 如果扁桃体发炎了,采用手、足部健康法,坚持每天按摩有关反射区,就能起到防治此病的作用。 1(反射区位置: 手部,位于双手背拇指第一节上,肌腱的左右两边足部,位于双足足背拇趾第一节上,肌腱的左右两边。 2(按摩方法: (1)手法:以拇指指端或以食指第一指间关节顶点施力,一侧一侧地按摩。 (2)力度:以患者能承受为宜,病重者应用重力度。 (3)次数:用于预防保健每日1,2次,每次5下,用于治疗时可增加次数。手、足部可轮换按摩。 感冒按摩法 有很多人常被感冒所困扰,尤其是在秋末冬初。此处特别介绍一种用手指在患者的鼻梁下做摩擦的方法。要领为仅用食指摩擦鼻子下方而己,就像小孩子擦鼻涕那样。方法十分简单,可利用任何休息时刻来做。 方法一: 鼻子与唇之稍正中间部位,即所谓的人中穴。中国人认为人中穴是最重要的穴位之一,而且也是一个相当危险的部位。反而言之,这也是效果极好的穴位。恶性贫血或急剧头晕的人,可用针灸刺激人中穴,如此就可以很快地使意识恢复office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 过来,但若使用方法错误,用太大的力量去压的话,就可能置人于死地,故在此部位摩擦必须轻轻的接触即可。 此外人中穴的左右两侧各有一个“禾胶穴”,使这两个部位同时受到刺激,对于治疗鼻炎或鼻塞都非常有效。 方法二: 1(搓大鱼际: 大鱼际在大拇指下方,肌肉隆起之处,用两手上下交替搓摩大鱼际。 2(按操太阳穴: 太阳穴在眉梢与外眼角中间向后约1寸凹陷处。用两手中指分别按摩左右太阳穴。 3(推摩双颊: 用手掌向上推摩两侧面颊,推摩轨迹如一个“0”字型。 4(刮擦鼻旁: 用两大拇指在鼻梁两侧自上而下刮擦。 (按揉迎香: 5 迎香穴在鼻孔两侧,鼻唇沟内模平鼻中点。用两手食指分别按住迎香穴按揉。 6(按摩风池( 风池穴在头额后面大筋的两旁与耳垂相平处,用食指、中指一起按摩风池穴。 注意事项: 1(穴位要正确,按摩要轻松( 2(每天早晚各按摩1次,每次按摩30,50次。 3(剪短指甲,洗净双手,防止细菌感染。 方法三: 感冒初起,有流涕、咽痛、周身不适等感觉时,可通过按摩脚上的太冲穴减轻感冒带来的不适,甚至可以使感冒痊愈。具体方法是:先用温水浸泡双脚10,15分钟,而后用大拇指由涌泉穴向脚后根内踝下方推按,连续推按5分钟,然后,再用大拇指按摩太冲穴(大脚office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 趾与二脚趾缝上1(5分处),由下向上推按,双脚都按摩,每侧按摩5分钟。按摩后,即刻会感到咽痛减轻,其他症状也会随之减轻;甚至痊俞。 对于腺样体肥大的孩子,护理方法 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 如下,clhjh 1. 常艾灸,大椎,身柱,肺俞穴,肾俞,足三里,一周灸一次到2次。 2.吮痧,尤其是天突和廉泉,因为腺样体处于任脉,是任脉有淤滞,所以,没半个月或一个月,给孩子吮痧,对腺样体肯定有好处。扁桃体大的孩子可以在肿大处吮痧,效果也不错。 3.多揉太冲穴对孩子的咽喉有好处。 李浩大夫的药,基本上是鱼腥草,蒲公英,黄芪,山慈姑这类的帮助消肿排脓,吃上两个疗程应该管用,但是这些药都是寒凉的,对孩子脾胃有损害,其中的利弊自己权衡。 护理是一种慢性的调节,短期内不会有很大的效果,只是能帮助孩子提高免疫力,是个长期的事情。不会缩小腺样体,只是通过加强体制减少感冒,阻止腺样体的发炎和肿大。 如果孩子不是很严重就不要吃药。扁桃体大,可以在肿大处用吮痧的办法,很管用的 吮痧:就是用嘴吸孩子的皮肉,就像电视里面有人被蛇咬了,就用嘴吸出来一样,只是吮痧可以连续吸吮几次,不用吐毒水。我家孩子咽喉发炎,我就在它的咽喉部吮,每次都有很多红纱。很快就好了。 我家孩子的腺样体减小有两次经历: 1.去年刚发现的时候,吃了李浩大夫的缩腺的中药,鼻子堵得轻了,但是总总感冒,所以孩子鼻子好些了,我就停药了。因为药性寒凉。 2.今年春天一次发高烧,腺样体堵到基本不能呼吸的程度,吃消炎药一周都不见效,通过气功老师的调理,一个半月后,因着凉发烧,打了消炎针,腺样体就下去了。 所以,我总结腺样体不会通过按摩和调理而很快缩小,它属于淋巴组织,按摩和调理只能增强孩子的体制,只有孩子体制好了,感冒减少了,不会经常刺激腺样体肿大,自然会慢慢缩小。如果要在短时间内缩小只有通过消炎的办法,但是只有孩子的血液充足的情况下,消炎药才管用,能够到达患处,否则是不管用的,所以我们要以加强体制为主。而且,即使下去了,如果体制不好,再一次感冒可能还会肿大。 所以我主张补充孩子的能量,通过艾灸,吮痧,和按摩,等办法来提高孩子体制,但是是一件长期而艰巨的任务,需要有耐心和正确的态度。埋怨是最没有用的。 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 倪海厦中医健康专家 健康的小宝贝有哪些症状 : 第一 : 就是时常会流鼻血 , 按照中医理论 , 举凡十四岁以下的小孩 , 由于身体属于纯阳之体 , 是故体质应该很强才对 , 一旦得到感冒 , 在发高烧的前夕 , 自然就会以流鼻血来降体温 , 所以偶而会有流鼻血的小孩其身体是绝对正常的才会有这现象 , 因为肺开窍在鼻 , 可能大家不知道小儿未满十四岁都是用小腹呼吸的 , 如同道家练气一样是采用腹式呼吸的 , 过了十四岁才改为胸式呼吸 , 小肠相火 , 借由呼入氧气的助燃 , 会把大肠中的水气化出来 , 这蒸气在回升入肺中 , 从而使肺功能极强 , 肺又主皮毛 , 因此一旦感冒在表 , 表邪束住毛孔 , 使体温无法外散 , 就形成体内温度过高 , 这就是发烧之源 , 因此经方家使用发表药如麻黄汤桂枝汤大小青龙汤等 , 其目的就是想开表 , 以达到表解而热退的目的 , 现在小朋友如果有正常的身体 , 得到感冒时一流鼻血就会退烧就表示会自动痊愈的 , 不需要我们用发表之药自己就可以把自己治好了 , 因为肺气过热是可以由鼻子出血排出体外的 , 这就是伤寒论条辨中的{得血刃则解}的真正含意 , 所以我们可以说凡是小孩子时常流鼻血的就没有高烧问题 , 这类解读黄帝内经方式我在教人纪时会再加强补充说明的 , 简单说就是小肠在大肠之下 , 小肠相火 , 火在下自然会把大肠里的水烧热 , 而成为蒸气(真气) , 由于热气上升是天性 , 故自然就进入肺 , 肺属天幕 , 故法象天 , 一旦热气到此就会回游如天上之云 , 从而进入皮表 , 以滋润皮 , 就可见热气喷出 , 西医只知大肠会吸取食物残肤 , 所以我们冬天在吐气时 渣里的水分 , 却不知道大肠是如何做到的 , 诸位读者用Common sense想一下 , 大肠长得像有那么聪明吗? 它是如何知道光吸收水分就好 , 而不吸取大便 , 真如此聪明的话 , 那大家应该多吃猪大肠 , 就会如猪大肠一样聪明了 , 是不? 因此大肠会吸收大便中的水分就如同你要最干净的水 , 最简单的取得方式就是用烧的 , 然后取其蒸气 , 对不? 西方医学不知此最简单的道理 , 每天都看到的现象 , 就是解决大肠吸收水分的谜 , 还很大声的说他们是学科学的 , 他们只相信他们亲眼所看到的 , 现在他看到了自然界水的气化过程了 , 但是却没有真正学到 , 反而我们中国却早已于五千多年前就知道了 , 比他们早太多了 。 由此也可以知道练气功的原理了 , 也可以知道练气功是对身体好的 。 其中十四岁是关键 , 超过它之后仍有出鼻血就是生病了 , 需要去看专业于健康的医师 , 当然你如果很是穷极无聊 , 想生些病来玩玩 , 你就可以去找肝病专家看 , 然后就得肝病死掉 , 也可以找心脏病专家来治 , 然后就死于心脏病了 。第三 : 睡觉踢被子是正常的 , 许多胡涂妈妈互相抱怨说自己小孩真难带 , 几乎每天晩上都踢被子 , 害得都着凉了 , 真是气死人了 , 实际上这是胡涂妈妈的过错 , 因为正常小孩每天晩上睡觉时双脚都是很热的 , 无论冬天或夏天都一样 , 所以我们应该只需要去盖肚子肚脐就好了 , 手脚是不需要盖住的 , 因此妳如果把小孩全身包得好好的 , 他就过热 , 自然想去踢被子 , 所以经过一夜的展转翻腾 , 早上时终于成功的把被子踢开 , 结果胡涂妈妈只看到早上起床时的果 , 完全不知整夜发生的因 , 所以当胡涂妈妈的宝贝儿子是要付出代价的 , 正确的做法是每天晩睡前在亲完小宝宝时 , 顺便用你的一只手去摸额头 , 妳应该感觉是凉的 , 另一只手去摸他双脚 , 应该感觉是热的 , 这是正常 , 如果相反的 , 就是小孩生病了 , 不然就是妳有病了 , 这里要有一点点Common sense就是如果妳老公抱怨妳的双脚太冷 , 这就是说妳有问题了 , 妳先生与儿子是正常的 , 了解了吗? office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 第四 : 双眼炯炯有神的小孩没病 , 无论生何病 , 只要小孩眼中有神 , 就没有问题 , 随时会恢复健康的 , 做为父母一定要学会观察小孩的眼神 , 只要知道什么是正常的眼神就可以知道他生病与否 , 因为眼神为心之主 , 心藏神 , 有神就没事 , 无神为心神以失 , 是危险症侯 , 只要会观察就很简单的 。 第五 : 时常流鼻涕的小孩没病 , 我们小的时候时常一边完耍一边流鼻涕 , 然后双颧粉红色 , 这都是正常现象 , 千万不要小题大作的,吃西药 , 越吃体力越差 , 越吃就越容易得到感冒 , 一但感冒后找中医开中药吃 , 如此就越来越强壮了 。 第六 : 不要把小宝贝包的像粽子一样 , 过热的温度不但会使小宝贝抵抗力变差 , 而且脾脏及肺脏会受损 , 将来容易得到感冒气喘及皮肤病等 , 初生婴儿为纯阳之体 , 感天地之气而长 , 肺属寒 , 过热则伤 , 脾属土 , 感土气而成长 , 妳如果包得太过 , 反而会隔绝此天地生养之气 , 于是就像温室中的花朵 , 无法接受大自然的洗礼 , 自然小病不断 , 人也长不高了 。 第七 : 小宝贝眼睛斜一边 , 这不需要担心 , 自己会好的 , 其发生原因是父母在晚上熟睡后 , 半夜小宝贝会醒来 , 由于婴儿颈部还没有力量支撑 , 半夜醒来很无聊很好奇这个世界 , 所以就会到处乱看 , 由于一般父母在晚上都会点一盏小灯 , 以方便半夜起来照顾小宝贝 , 这时小宝贝就会找光亮处看 , 由于头无法转动只好斜眼去看 , 日久就成为斜视了 , 所以建议父母半夜睡觉时点两盏小灯使其平均 , 或是不要点灯 , 如此就没有小孩会斜视了 。( office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage
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